Thursday, March 27, 2008


or, my life…spent.

That last revolution left me dazed. The same scenery flashed and repeated in an orbital rhythm. My environment moved too quickly for me to identify solid form and everything around me slurred into a meander. Each day turned from brief respite into swift departure. I felt my gut at my feet and my head in a fog.

Towards the end, I heeled my words into the ground in a desperate attempt to persuade the fucking thing to stop. I hung on. My knees were raw from fighting the spin and the tops of my shoes were caked with the filth that surrounded my craft. Finally, I let go.

I was spun out, stopped; a playground massacre.

What a sight, covered in dust and dirt, sweat and blood. But, I was not alone. I managed to attract quite a malignant clutch. And while I lay there, words were unwound and lifted from their purpose by nasty little hands and then, repeatedly passed along, shoved into pockets, and spent on cheap ice cream concessions.

Now, after a few months in circulation, it is impossible to determine that they are counterfeit. They all spend the same, right?

I wrote that a while ago. It feels different to me now. Different, but still...relevant. Well, I am off.

p.s. I am at a distance; you are in proximity…but here, we maintain satellite and If you sspirit through here, “Thank you.”


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Anonymous said...

even GV knows she has SS to thank for making her more credible as Mayo.

elena said...

Hello Mayo

I'm glad to see you.

You were missed.

ergoproxy said...

o how are you?hello may

Amyranth said...

There's my boy!

I'm sorry to hear you've had better days.

I'm not so much Death Warmed Over today as I'm Muscles Over Worked Ow.


Anonymous said...

Even though they posted at the same time, anon?

She talking to herself.

ergoproxy said...

stupid blogger

hello mayo you about!

elena ss made my day!

toujours said...

mayo! hello!

i'm so glad i decided to ruin my eyesight trying to read anything on this screen tonight. :)

Anonymous said...

omg but you are here at the same time as me! does that mean you are me? oh noes!!!!

Anonymous said...

you're full of crap carrie

Anonymous said...

Mayo and SS is so the same it.

Anonymous said...

Mayonaise, despite the tone of the post, I'm glad you posted. I was really worried.

Amyranth said...

Can't you little buggers keep your beaks shut for five frigging minutes?

Jesus H Christ.


ergoproxy said...

TJ did you get my message back over the old page?

elena said...

Mayo I AM confused!

Anon616 said...

Good evening, Mayo! How are you on this lovely and slightly chilly night?

Thank you for the new post. I suppose I should read it now!

Okay, off to do just that!

Anonymous said...

that is the worst theory ever! so if one of them posted tonight and the other tomorrow, that would be ok? oh my god do you realize how pathetic that sounds?

ergoproxy said...

mayo what you lose on the slippery dip you gain on the merry go round

Anonymous said...

You're face, anon!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Even though they posted at the same time, anon?

um..all we know is that SS posted after 11pm.

Carrie said...

How am I full of crap for saying thank you?

Anonymous said...

Amy, for real. Mayo and SS are the same person. OMGZZZZ


Anonymous said...

the great pretender

toujours said...

i did, ergo!

i do have a forwarding address i can give you...i'll email it tonight before i go.

Anonymous said...

SS was actually around BEFORE Mayo. ooh maybe he is love man as well.

ergoproxy said...

OOH anon Foo Fighters awesome song, or

"oh yes I'm the great pretender
Oooh ooh ooooh
pretending that...something something..."

ergoproxy said...

thank you TJ!

hows everything going?
you have awesome timing tonight!

Anonymous said...


Entropy said...

Anon 2:20,(not crap anon, you're ass is!)yeah, the more they/it do this I think so, too.

Anonymous said...


ergoproxy said...

anon like I said we are all one giant black pan dimensional multi limbed blogblob creature with multiple personalities and we control all, you are new blood, your absorption will be occurring shortly

Anonymous said...


Amyranth said...

Oh well. I keep stifling my yawns, so that's my signal to go Ladies and Gentlemen.

Mayo, glad to see you again. I hope your everything gets better from here. Your family misses you.

SS, my Latin sucks. But I think I get it. Thank you for saying that.

Goodnight Lovelies!

Hi and Bye Angel and Tristan!


Anonymous said...

Entropy said...
Anon 2:20,(not crap anon, you're ass is!)yeah, the more they/it do this I think so, too.

prob cos you are the anon at 2:20

Anonymous said...

Hey, leave SS alone. Hey entropy.

elena said...

Anonymous said...

Oh holy crap, anon shut the fuck up and go away. Really that's it. I don't know what your problem is nor do I care. Just go the fuck away.

ergoproxy said...

actually anon I think we may just absorb you and be done with it, I doubt you'll be a worthwhile addition to our blog domination plans, just use you for nutritional purposes, though we may get indigestion

ergoproxy said...

goodnight amyranth
sweet dreams

Mayo you still about? just wondering how your life has been going.

SS you too?

Anonymous said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams Amy.

Entropy said...

Night, Amy. Hey, BC.

Anon, hee, no. Don't you have class in the morning like you said?

elena said...

Night Amy

See you later!

toujours said...

oh, anon, no way. ss, turn away, don't listen to that. you know how we feel about you here.

ergo, i know -- my timing is magical tonight! it's so good to be ehre when mayo posted -- even though i can barely read it...

and even though there are some things in his entry that make me uncomfortable...

but otherwise, i'm good! a bit high on the rush of having igured out my trip finally!

not only am i going down to california for bamboozle left, and the two shows in portland, but now also elena and the kansas city show, and then a long visit with my folks in kentucky, and up north to see a couple of my sisters, and then...

well, who knows? :)

i'm going to be travelling all month long!

Anonymous said...

rough translation

Family - strength through love forgiveness and unity

ergoproxy said...

Hi Entropy!

not to worry my blogblob tentacles are working their way towards the anon right now

anon just don't look behind's not pretty

Anon616 said...

I think the last "revolution" left quite a few people dazed....
and confused!

"They all spend the same, right?"

NO! Eventually, those "counterfeits" are always discovered; found to be worthless for purchasing anything of quality.
I suppose you can hope that cheap ice cream doesn't melt before the fake is discovered.....

*big hug for Mayo*

I hope you have a good night's sleep filled with dreams where you don't get thrown off that merry go round!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ergo, lol. These anons can also cause heartburn and extreme diarrhea ^_^

ergoproxy said...

thanks rough translation anon

Carrie said...

I kinda still want to know why I'm full of crap for thanking Mayo for posting, anon? Or is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

poor guy leave him alone.

what has he ever done to you?

Anonymous said...


Amyranth said...

Anonymous said...


March 27, 2008 2:37 AM



Anon616 said...

Hello Entropy and TJ (in case you didn't see my hello at the last blog)!

I think Mayo's new post has left me spinning a little!

Entropy said...

Hey, Ergo! Nice tentacles.

Teej, I'm going to the same Bamboozle. That's pretty cool.

Anonymous said...


Anon616 said...

Anonymous said...


Who want's him to do that????

ergoproxy said...

anon, can you feel me touching your leg?


goooood, just sit calmly and don't look down....and I hear it's best not to struggle too much.

Thanks BC I have medication for just such situations.

Anonymous said...

If SS and Mayo were the same person then surely SS would be endorsing Mayo all the time and trying to convince us Mayo is GW. SS has actually hinted quite heavily to us more than once that Mayo is NOT Gee Way.

ergoproxy said...

why thank you entropy! they shall be plumping up a little soon, I don't think it hurts anon...

you two must meet up at Bamboozle!

again I saw "curse the Pacific and your wideness!"

Anon616 said...

ergoproxy said...
Hi Entropy!

not to worry my blogblob tentacles are working their way towards the anon right now
When did tentacles creep into the conversation????

Dang it!

ergoproxy said...

again I say

Anonymous said...

SS has given more evidence to his identity than Mayo. We have ONE thing on Mayo that could be passed off as coincidence. SS is a whole diff story as some of us know.

toujours said...

i keep losing sight of my cursor. :/

*waves at wendy* :D

entropy -- are you really? should we try to meet?

ergoproxy said...

anon 616 said ...
When did tentacles creep into the conversation????

Dang it!

2:30 am

it's my secret ...shhhhh...don't want to scare the anon....I almost have it...

Anon616 said...

Anonymous said...
rough translation

Family - strength through love forgiveness and unity

Thank you for the rough translation, Anonymous!

That is beautiful! :D

toujours said...

ergo...i think one day we really should tempt fate and try to see a show together. who cares if the world might explode if we're in the same place at the same time?

Anon616 said...

*zips lips*

Sorry, Ergo!


Anonymous said...

you're welcome it might not be 100% right cos I only used google so feel free to correct me!

elena said...

When did tentacles creep into the conversation????

Wendy get your mind out of the gutter.

Anonymous said...

Lol your welcome Ergo. Can you tell that I'm laughing about this?

*stifles laughter*

Yeah, leave SS alone or else we'll come after yo bitch ass.


ergoproxy said...

exactly TJ!!

our cosmic twinness would be a sight to behold!

Anon616 said...

Elena said...
When did tentacles creep into the conversation????

Wendy get your mind out of the gutter.

Who? Me?

*points to halo and wings*
*notices they're missing*

OOPS, they were there a month ago!

elena said...

Helpful Latin anon - thank you.

It's good to know there are nice anon's.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hi squeak squeak *waves*

Anonymous said...

*assures nice anon they are not heading for them*

*wraps around mean anons leg*

*very gently*

Anon616 said...

Anonymous said...
you're welcome it might not be 100% right cos I only used google so feel free to correct me!
Your translation sounds good to me anon!

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Anonymous said...

Hi tentacles.

elena said...

Wendy how long have those wings and the halo been missing?

Come on be honest.

Anon616 said...

tentacles said...
*assures nice anon they are not heading for them*

*wraps around mean anons leg*

*very gently*

No, no, no!

*yells cut*

You MUST make your entrance through the MIST!!!!

*take two*

Anon616 said...

Elena said...
Wendy how long have those wings and the halo been missing?

Come on be honest.

Oh, well, ummm...........

LOOK ELENA! The tentacles are tying themselves into KNOTS!!!!

Anonymous said...

*appear through mist*

*sliding sinuously nad malevonantly*

*wave to BC*

*checks entrance was ok with wendy*


*assures nice anon they are not heading for them*

*wraps around mean anons leg*

*very gently*

Anon616 said...

Perfect, Tentacles!

That's a WRAP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

*except for spelling error*

*shows of knots whilst subduing anon*

Carrie said...

Oh yeah! Didn't they make a movie out of The Mist? Is that out yet on dvd

elena said...

LOOK ELENA! The tentacles are tying themselves into KNOTS!!!!

Oh cool bet I can name them. I'm a knotolgist

ergoproxy said...

boy it's hard comtrolling my tentacles over the internet!

Anonymous said...

Wendy, ha ha, are you the director?

toujours said...

hey bc! :D

ergo, email sent.

i really need to leave...

i really need to go to bed...

plus, my eyes are starting to feel funny from all this squinting.


Anonymous said...

tentacles are slimey

elena said...


Talk to you soon so we can make plans!

Take care

Anonymous said...


toujours said...

definitely, elena! this is going to be great!

and entropy, if you want to try to meet up at bamboozle, just send me an email, ok? no pressure...worlds collide and all that. ;)

Anon616 said...

Bleeding Chaos said...
Wendy, ha ha, are you the director?

I have taken on a new duty tonight, BC. I'm enjoying it too!

Goodnight TJ!!!!

Elena: Are you skilled in de-knotting? I think those tentacles could use a little help.
Perhaps some filling from those donuts would come in handy!

Anonymous said...

Aw tj, well then, goodnight and sweet dreams.

Anon616 said...

ergoproxy said...
boy it's hard comtrolling my tentacles over the internet!
Try, Ergo! Please TRY!!!

They've caused enough trouble tonight (and made quite a mess)! ;)

Anonymous said...

*wipes off slime*


*and now....*

*reef knot*

*sheep shank*

*blood knot*

*truckies hitch*


toujours said...

good night everyone. :)

i'm going to make a night-time comment to mayo now. *happy*

i'm going to see if i can make some time this weekend to get online -- maybe once i get all my furniture and stuff put into storage i'll have a squoosh of time to hop online at the library.

next week, i hit the road, but i'll try to find internet access whenever i can! talk to you all soon!

ergoproxy said...

goodnight TJ !!!

Stay well!!!!

Thank you and hope your week is great!

elena said...

Oh Wendy let me tell you that filling is so soft and creamy it would definitely work as a great lubrication. Uh, to untie knots of course.

Anon616 said...

Elena said...
Oh Wendy let me tell you that filling is so soft and creamy it would definitely work as a great lubrication. Uh, to untie knots of course.
Of course, Elena!

I mean, what else would we possible need it for????

Rasputins Revenge said...

good morning ladies hmmmm what are we lubing up here.

Anon616 said...

*edit* possibly
need it for

Anonymous said...

ergo are you tentacles?

Anon616 said...

It's about time you came!


Rasputins Revenge said...

I love when women tell me that!

Anonymous said...

*snickers again*

Rasputins Revenge said...

How is everyone tonight, no party?

ergoproxy said...

anon I may well be!

are you naughty or nice, my tentacles can't tell teh difference but I'll control them for you!

triston ! hello! how are you sweetest vampyre of the blogs?

Rasputins Revenge said...

I am tired, but happy...been a long day for me.

Anonymous said...

Good evening Triston. How is your night? We're having a discussion about lubrication ^_^

Carrie said...

Hey Triston!

ergoproxy said...

you naughty boy! as long as you remember a gentleman always waits for a lady

Rasputins Revenge said...

Now I am home and can rest a bit...hello BC, Wendy, Ergoproxy! and everyone else I havent had time to look.

Anon616 said...

Triston Anatole said...
I love when women tell me that!

Umm, hmmm.....

I suppose it's NOT something MOST men hear, often!

How are you tonight? Enjoying the chilly night air?

Rasputins Revenge said...

Hey Carrie.

Best to wait 2 or 3 times for the lady.

Anonymous said...

*wave to triston*

*have lovely manners*

Rasputins Revenge said...

I really dont find it that chilly...I believe the ac is on in the lair at the moment.....makes for good snuggling weather ;)

Rasputins Revenge said...

Wow Tentacles..hmmm,,, That should give some serious competition.

ergoproxy said...

tentacles said...
*wave to triston*

*have lovely manners*

down girls!

nice manners but
I'm sure triston doesn't want tentacles all over him!

Anonymous said...

No party until Saturday my dear Triston. Sorry.

Anon616 said...

ergoproxy said...
you naughty boy! as long as you remember a gentleman always waits for a lady
Precisely, Ergo!

I have a feeling your husband is well trained! ;)

ergoproxy said...

or does he? ;)

ergoproxy said...

Wendy you are a very perceptive lady!

Carrie said...

Dude you are always up in the middle of the night. My kid is on spring break, what's your excuse, oh sorry, right, forgot you are a vampyre. :)

Anon616 said...

Don't worry, Triston!

I told tentacles they had to enter through the MIST!


Rasputins Revenge said...

I'm sure a hot shower would do me good right now...anyone wish to join me?

Rasputins Revenge said...

Whoa there lil Philly...misting is my job Maam!!

Rasputins Revenge said...

Yes Carrie.. I am writing all of this poetry for a thesus I am doing in my 6th grade english class..hope I pass. ;)

soulconnector said...

Hello everyone

Geez mean anons, could we save alittle of the mystery and fun, here?


Yeah, the greedy little bastards, didn't even help you up, before running off with the goods.

Now, you seem to be at a different place and they can't even get close to you.(smiles)

And some people can notice the difference between real and fake.

SS- you are a "hunk" of pure gold.

take care

Anon616 said...

Snuggling in the Lair????

Sounds tempting!

Anonymous said...

I certaintly would ;)

soulconnector said...

tourjours- what an adventure!

ergoproxy- could you pass the "meds" I may need to knock off a few.

yes, tentacles can be very ticklish and tantalizing. (lame)


Rasputins Revenge said...

I am a snuggling Vamp...who knew.

Anonymous said...

Hello sc, how are you?

Anon616 said...

Triston Anatole said...
I'm sure a hot shower would do me good right now...anyone wish to join me?
On the advice of council, I refuse to answer that question!

SC!!!!! Have you met Triston?

Anonymous said...

snuggling, before he eats you alive

Anonymous said...

A snuggling vamp? There is something you don't hear

Rasputins Revenge said...

Hello SC its a pleasure to meet you...oh and yes I WILL eat you alive!! ;)

soulconnector said...


why do I want to add the r?

Rasputins Revenge said...

Well BC I cant just mist and run all the time...That wouldnt be right.

ergoproxy said...

oooh hot showers and snuggles! lovely

hello SC I would love to help with whatever ails you! How have you been ? busy? everything going ok?

triston I assure you my tentacles used pseudo mist nad would never do it as elegantly as you!

Anon616 said...

Anonymous said...
snuggling, before he eats you alive
One can HOPE, anon.

One can HOPE!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know anon. I wouldn't mind him nibbling me a bit ^_^

Anon616 said...

SC: It was so good to read you yesterday morning!

Where have you been? We missed you!

Rasputins Revenge said...

OH my goodness...Wendy has council...I have to go thru council...How I miss the good old days....hum

ergoproxy said...

nad !!

I hate spelling errors - are nads testicles in the US? There is a hair removal stuff here called Nads and it cracks me up

soulconnector said...

no, we have not formally met, but his reputation precedes him.

Anonymous said...

nibbles?... bleeds you dry

Anon616 said...

Triston: Did you say you were just getting home?

Was there much misting tonight?
And, more importantly, where altoids involved???

elena said...


So another drive-by posting. Hell that one was a wham bam thank you ma’am post. But hey, it’s all-good. It was just nice to see you are alive and kicking. I’m still reading over it and I’ve got some thoughts but not for tonight. I AM gonna give it some more time to roll around in my brain cause to tell the truth I Am lost and slightly off. Slightly? Okay I’m totally off in my own world. World, not universe but yeah, alternate. Wow, cryptic I am tonight. I’m sure your sspirit is aware of the thanks.

Anyway my dreaded B-Day has passed. It really wasn’t so bad. It really wasn’t so good either. Let’s just say it was and that’s enough. I’ll just look towards the future. I’m thinking Hula lessons. Oh by the way Jules did a very kind thing for me tonight. Actually tonight was full of your lovelies getting along, being nice to each other and having a good time. It was very nice. Of course there was the occasional stray evil anon’s running around. Note to self – buy a can of Anon-Be-Gone. Gonna spray those little buggers. Oh don’t worry it doesn’t hurt nice anons only evil ones.

Well Mayo time for me to attempt sleep. Did you know that on my bedroom ceiling there is a shadow (if the hall light is left on) that looks like Godzilla? Pretty sure I hadn’t mentioned that before. Pretty sure I shouldn’t mention that to too many people. I can just hear muttering about sleep deprivation. No one thinks I sleep enough. Well how can I? Godzilla’s on my fucking ceiling.

Night Mayo (glad to see you)

Elena (looking for Godzookie)

Anon616 said...

soulconnector said...
no, we have not formally met, but his reputation precedes him.

Ohhhhh........He's IS something, ain't he, SC?

Anonymous said...

Anon, and is that a bad thing? I wouldn't mind being his companion ;)

Ergo, lol. nads are another word for testicles indeed ^_^

Rasputins Revenge said...

Awwww Wendy...I only have eyes for you...and BC and Ergo!

toujours said...


thank you for explaining that this wasn't a current mood you're experiencing. i was all ready, set, and go! on the worry mark.

there's always so much to understand in your posts, your words are packed tight with layered meanings. i read and re-read them, trying to feel what you are saying. i am always rewarded in my efforts -- the flow and rhythm of your words is always a pleasure.

but i have to admit, i don't like the idea that you feel your words can be taken from you, and misused. that bothers me deeply, both the idea itself and that you could feel that way.

well, it's late, and i'm tired, so maybe i'm just reading too much into it. it has been known to happen, after all. *grin*

and my head is still a bit in the clouds after having everything fall into place tonight. taking off, leaving everything stashed and stored, no keys in my pocket, no job waiting for my return, and not really knowing when or how that return will occur --

it's like something my former self would only have daydreamed about.

and yet, i'm going.

i wanted this, and the fates smiled on me, and so i'm going to feed my spirit with these concerts, and forge new connections with friends, and maybe polish up the tarnished connections i have with my family.

and when i come home to the pacific northwest, am i going to settle down to the grind, as my mother suggested tonight when we talked, am i going to look upon my april as a memorable spree?


this trip is my way to finally release the hidebound, stick-in-the-mud, afraid-of-everything, wishing-on-someday housewife that i was. she's dead. dead and gone and i'm ready to be rid of her once and for all!

everything is possible, and i'm going to be keeping my eyes open for all those bright shiny possibilities, from now on.

what this april is, is this little butterfly shredding her cocoon, and leaping with wet wings into the unknown.

i'm giddy with the anticipation of it. finally, a story i don't know the end to!

i hope your april will give you a full measure of excitement and joy, as well, mayo. maybe i can send some of mine humming your way? i'm pretty sure i'll be overflowing with it. *grin*

take care, mayo. be well, and be vibrant!

soulconnector said...

Hi triston, it is delightful to be nibbled.

BC and ergoproxy, wendy
I am well, just alot of issues going down here, no worries.

Anon616 said...

Triston Anatole said...
OH my goodness...Wendy has council...I have to go thru council...How I miss the good old days....hum

On second thought, I would like to exercise my right to represent myself!

Rasputins Revenge said...

My lovely ladies I would love to stay but I must change the dirt in my coffin and feed paiwackett, so I must be off,, ( and prolly answer about 20 e mails)I hate that.

Rasputins Revenge said...

Wendy you are already very well represented. I am sure you are a keeper!

Anon616 said...

Triston Anatole said...
Awwww Wendy...I only have eyes for you...and BC and Ergo!
Pfft.......typical musician/vampire.

A girl in every city/county/house!

soulconnector said...


Nads; go-nads comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Aww Triston *pecks cheek*

I'm glad you're okay SC. I left a comment on your blog the other day.

Rasputins Revenge said...

Well in that case...lucky for you I only play

Anon616 said...

Triston Anatole said...
Awwww Wendy...I only have eyes for you...and BC and Ergo!

*wonders who Triston's been talking to*

Goodnight Triston! The sweetest of dreams to you!!!

Rasputins Revenge said...

and lucky for me also...I mean 149 yrs old...I'm older than Ozzy!

Rasputins Revenge said...

Goodnite my sweet!

elena said...


Well my little friend it was so nice of you to drop by, leave some beautiful words and a lovely gift. You make me smile. Yes, you truly do. Hope to see you again soon. Oh and don’t worry your head about those nasty anon’s. I’m getting the Anon-Be-Gone tomorrow. Man, I hate when they make me so mad I say fuck. But damn it that anon comment about you deserved a fuck. Oh crap, I hate to cuss in front of you. Isn’t that strange? I mean I really do hate to cuss in front of you. I’m not sure why. I sure as (almost said the F word again) heck don’t mind cussing in front of Mayo. I’m gonna have to figure this out.

Night SS

Elena (pondering)

Anonymous said...

Take care and goodnight Triston. Pleasant dreams you sweet vampire :)

Anon616 said...

Triston Anatole said...
Well in that case...lucky for you I only play

Lucky me, indeed!!!!!!
Just don't forget about me when you mist, elsewhere!

Rasputins Revenge said...

I wouldnt do can check my breath ;)....nitey nite!!...haha

elena said...

Oh hell I just read TJ's goodnight to Mayo and I suddenly saw TJ and me in a car going over a cliff. Yep, Thelma and Louise.

Yep, she and I are gonna have fun!

Anon616 said...

Goodnight Elena!!!!!

SC: Anything you want to talk about? I have missed you so much!

soulconnector said...

ergo- didn't mean "meds" for myself, just to knock off a few other people. (laughing)

or maybe you send that snake you were talking about. That might shake things up a bit.

I can hear the screams!

Anon616 said...

Goodnite again, Triston!

Not that it concerns you, at all; but, my window shall be left open - ever soooo slightly, again!

soulconnector said...

thank you wendy

just thought I would join your fun before turning in.

Anon616 said...

Ergo: Why the heck are you being so quiet? Did your tentacles tie the knot in the wrong place?

Anon616 said...

soulconnector said...
thank you wendy

just thought I would join your fun before turning in.

I'm glad you did, SC!!

You really should come out and play with us more often :D

soulconnector said...


You,TJ and anima,together.
What a trio of "hot ladies."
I can't wait to hear the details.

soulconnector said...


Thank you for the comment.
I will visit you, again.

By the way,I was catching up and noticed you posted a very touching goodnight post to mayonaise, I believe a few days ago.

I thought it was heartfelt and sweet.

ergoproxy said...

goodnight elena sweet dreams

despite the godzilla!

Anon616 said...

BC: are you still here, sweetcheeks? I guess everyone is working on their goodnight to Mayo.

*feels so alone*

Anon616 said...

Well heck! I want to drive off a bridge with somebody!

Any volunteers?

*bats eyelashes*

ergoproxy said...

sorry outside enjoying a scothch and the evening cool

goodnight Triston!

SC snake is on it's way in box with air holes!

Anon616 said...

Ummm, Ergo; exactly how many "scothchs" have you had?


Pass a scothch to me, please!

Anonymous said...


Thank you very much for looking out for us and giving us strength. Let us hope that our bond with each other will strengthen and hold in place, instead of weakening. Thank you for all of the kind words. You are an amazing and and kind hearted person. Stay safe and happy, my friend.


Thank you for posting a new blog. I am relieved that the tone does not reflect your current mood, but I sincerely hope that you had a good day. I'm glad to see you alright and alive. I was worried about you; wondering if you fell off the face of the earth.

I'm glad you're okay. I missed you. If one is misusing your words, speak plenty of them that come directly from your heart; the center of emotion. Passionate words from the original cannot be duplicated by impostors, due to conviction and emotion. Beat them at their own game.

Be well and stay safe, and continue to find that brilliant spectrum of light. &heart; to you, because nothing will ever take that away.

Goodnight and pleasant dreams my little Mayonaise.

And thanks to TJ, Elena, and Ergp, for helping me to be more comfortable writing notes to mayo late at night and for inspiring me. ♥ to you guys.

Goodnight bloggers, Ergo, wendy, SC, lurkers, anons. Sweet dreams guys.

Carrie said...

Night guys! Or almost morning as the case may be here. My youngest is on spring break. Not the wild Bacchanalia of the college kids, but at least I can stay up on the blog and sleep in the next day! That's as about exciting as it gets around here!

Anonymous said...

Sorry wendy, I was posting a goodnight to mayo. SC, aww thank you. I hope to see you visit you, and you're welcome :)

Goodnight guys. Xoxo

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the glitch. I meant to say hope to see you visit soon

ergoproxy said...

haha I just looked at that comment! scotch ! I haven't had that much!

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams carrie

ergoproxy said...

*pashthes scothchs to wdney*

goodnight carrie and BC
sweet dreams!

or sewet dresmns.....

Anon616 said...

OH WOW! I have spent way too much time at CASA DE MAYO tonight, haven't I?

Time flies when you're having fun/being pleasured!

Goodnight Mayo, SS, Ergo, BC, SC, Elena, TJ, Angel (if you fly by)!

Mayo and SS: Thank you both so much for dropping in tonight. Many of us were very worried about the both of you!

SS: As always, your message of "Faith, Hope, Love" is heard and appreciated. It REALLY IS all about the LOVE, isn't it? ! Love and respect. Thank you, SS!

Mayo: *huge hug* Wash off all that dust, dirt, sweat and blood; shoulders back, hold your head up high; get back on that merry go round. This time, YOU are in control! It stops, when YOU say it stops! Enjoy the ride, Mayo!

Sweet dreams and awakenings to all of blogbelieve.

Hugs and Love,

soulconnector said...

BC tonight...a lovely post,also.

Hope you are enjoying your "scothch" and thanks for the snake.

close your window! young ladies do not keep windows open for roaming vampires.

you wild woman staying up late. sorry to read that your young ones are not feeling well.

goodnight everyone

Anon616 said...

ergoproxy said...
*pashthes scothchs to wdney*

Ergo: I think I've had too much of something, tonight.....

What? I don't know. Air, perhaps!
Or maybe, MIST!!!!

*gbars the scothchs from erog*
*tankhs yuo*

Anonymous said...

can I

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

page two?

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