Thursday, March 27, 2008


or, my life…spent.

That last revolution left me dazed. The same scenery flashed and repeated in an orbital rhythm. My environment moved too quickly for me to identify solid form and everything around me slurred into a meander. Each day turned from brief respite into swift departure. I felt my gut at my feet and my head in a fog.

Towards the end, I heeled my words into the ground in a desperate attempt to persuade the fucking thing to stop. I hung on. My knees were raw from fighting the spin and the tops of my shoes were caked with the filth that surrounded my craft. Finally, I let go.

I was spun out, stopped; a playground massacre.

What a sight, covered in dust and dirt, sweat and blood. But, I was not alone. I managed to attract quite a malignant clutch. And while I lay there, words were unwound and lifted from their purpose by nasty little hands and then, repeatedly passed along, shoved into pockets, and spent on cheap ice cream concessions.

Now, after a few months in circulation, it is impossible to determine that they are counterfeit. They all spend the same, right?

I wrote that a while ago. It feels different to me now. Different, but still...relevant. Well, I am off.

p.s. I am at a distance; you are in proximity…but here, we maintain satellite and If you sspirit through here, “Thank you.”


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Anonymous said...


sdock10 said...

FUCK YES! WOOOHOOO! Solly wins! Does a burnout on Mayo's lawn!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Solly, I was rooting for ya. ^_^

sdock10 said...

That's like the coolest thing that's happened to me today.

I suck at life.

Smoke said...



sdock10 said...

Awwh, you guys let me win, that is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Hello SD10 and SV20...

I'm listening to Morningwood (NY Girls) in the background. I'm totally digging them....

A Rose for Emily...

ergoproxy said...

everythihng is great theanks emily

well a quick summary, I got attacked by a feral cat, had a snake in the kitchen - they'd be the most exciting bits, and flew to my dad's to surprise him for his 70th. Other than that we've had a LOT of rain (even some areas flood) and life is prettty good!

So you haven't moved, I've been wondering, still with your boss?IS it any better?
Did you have a good Easter?
(and happy Belated Easter!)

Anonymous said...


"Rooting" for ya! ;)

Hey Jules!

Hey Emily!

Smoke said...

Technically, I did not. I was in another world somewhere. O_o

Anonymous said...

Hiya homies!

My brain is full. I need to write tonight and be all like WOOOOOO, you know how it is.

I got a bit of good news at work today, my very good friend whom I worked with very well for six years, and who moved away last fall, is coming back! This means that in a few months the schedules might change and Asscrack might get bumped to a different day.

MAYBE! ^____^

ergoproxy said...

Congratulations sdock!!!

sdock10 said...

How dare you go to another world without inviting me!!

That sucks.

Bellatrix said...

Hello Kapu and Rose!

That’s true ergo, she’s a great musician.

"Did you see her perform in the Freddy Mercury Tribute concert?"

I can’t remember, but I think I didn’t. :(

Anyway, that’s the video I was talking about.
It was really a beautiful performance.

Right guys, I have to go.
Take care. See you tomorrow.
Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Hiya also Splash, Emily, Ergo and whoever else I missed.



Anonymous said...

Oh Bella, I remember that. Annie Lennox has a beautiful voice. But to this day my favorite female singer is Ann Wilson. She's a goddess.

Smoke said...

Did you hear about the man finding the baby rattlesnake in his suitcase? It bit him, too! O_o

Then, there was a man in Texas maybe that got arrested for selling liquor and it was bottled with baby rattlesnakes in it. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

sdock10 said...

Yay, Jules, good news...and I feel the same way. My head is full of all kinds of weirdness and weirder than usual.

Ergo, thanks!

Mustard, how is your head tonight?

Anonymous said...

Well, it's hurting for one thing.

But the fucker is empty. It's been that way all week. Inspiration sorely lacking, and there isn't anything coming out.

Bellatrix said...


Sorry Emily...*blushes*

I'm really off now!

Smoke said...

Mustard's head hurts cuz she's in mine.

To hell with grammar and punctuation tonight. I don't give a rat's ass. If it makes sense in my head you people just go with me okay?



sdock10 said...

Did you hear about the man finding the baby rattlesnake in his suitcase? It bit him, too! O_o

Then, there was a man in Texas maybe that got arrested for selling liquor and it was bottled with baby rattlesnakes in it. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

Real life...gotta dig can't make this shit up!!

Liquor with baby snakes...reckon what it was called?

Anonymous said...

Goodbye, Bella!

Have a nice evening. :)

Smoke said...

Bye Bella!

I can't remember, Solly. They had a picture of the bottle.

I wouldn't even be able to hold it. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!

Anonymous said...

Well my boss is still a Bioootch in a half, but I don't plan on staying at this job for long. A little after my last post, I got a severe case of food poisoning so, they had to rush me to the hospital. I'm fine now, but that is the last time I eat dark chocolate.

My easter was nice but I've been home for the last few days sick with the flu. Its been dandy... But hey, I caught a lucky break, I got tickets to see MCR at MSG. So, it looks like things are looking up....

A Rose for Emily...

Anonymous said...

Oooo! Emily! You'll have to tell us all about TBS, okay?! I hope you have fun!

Smoke said...

OMG. Rikki Rockett was arrested on rape charges. O_O

Anonymous said...

Thank you mustardisbetter...

I let everyone in on the gossip when I get back from the concert...

A Rose for Emily...

sdock10 said...

Rikki Rockett? Rape? Whaaaaaa?

ergoproxy said...

Oh you poor thing Emily! wow it must've been bad.

Hope you get over the flu soon, you've had a bad trot!

But seeing MCR has gotta be good
(and I'll add you to my list of "people I'm really jealous of" TJ is top as she's going to is it 5 concerts?

sdock10 said...

What time does MCR play today/tonight whatever?

Anonymous said...

That's no good.

What's wrong with people?

Smoke said...

Yeah! I just saw that.

What the hell? Who would go to Rikki Rockett's hotel room? O_O

Anonymous said...

O_O Dark chocolate. STOP IT. Not true.

I'm glad you're all right. :)

Hey, one of the vets I work with was recently bitten by a brown recluse. That's our only toxic spider out this way, and it is really toxic. It makes the surrounding tissue go necrotic. There's not much else you can do, so he's just waiting it out. Sometimes even with the best care you still need reconstructive surgery, but we'll see. His hand looks terrible, and he's a surgeon too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's right! They're in Arizona tonight.

Probably 7-ish AZ time, so 10 EST? Or 11 EST? Not sure which.

ergoproxy said...

You know they make snake steeped alcohol in China - huge ceramic bottles of whiskey with snakes in it, it's supposed to make you strong and virile, ewwwww
and if they are some venoms it is still toxic!

sdock10 said...


How do you like the spider talk? Are you totally wigging out and twitching yet?

Anonymous said...

It's the last show of the entire tour. So, it should be good, I hope...

A Rose for Emily...

ergoproxy said...

So MCR's tour is starting today?!
I hope they've had a great rest up and the concerts go really well.

It seemed it was ages before they start a while ago!

Smoke said...

*Princess is not listening to the spider talk.


ergoproxy said...

what date is your concert Emily?
I have people on my calender, (it's a sexy firefighter one, though some aren't really that sexy)

Anonymous said...

smoke&venom20 said...

OMG. Rikki Rockett was arrested on rape charges. O_O

Oh my god, not even. I would never guess that, seriously. Not only does the dude look like he could not rape his way out of a paper bag (which is ridiculous; anyone is capable,) but he seemed like a really nice dude lately. He did charity stuff, right?

If this is true, holy hell, I don't even know what to say.

Anonymous said...

Anything you want me to shout out from the crowd Ergo?

A Rose for Emily...

Smoke said...


Yeah, they arrested him when he got off a plane coming back from New Zealand. He had a warrant out for his arrest from Mississippi, I think it was.

I just saw it on Yahoo News.

sdock10 said...

Rikki not not mental pictures.

Smoke said...

I did not know he was 46.

Damn, I am getting old. O_o

Anonymous said...

May 9th is the performance... Oh, by the way, you should totally scan that calendar ASAP.... It would be nice to see some eye candy...

A Rose for Emily...

sdock10 said...

My Chem goes on at 10:30 tonight.

...just sayin

Right after Dillard's Rock N Roll Fashion Show!!


Anonymous said...

I know, holy crap! O_O Surprised and disgusted.

Anonymous said...

10:30 EST, or 10:30 AZ time 'cause that's late. O_o

My head is about to explode.

ergoproxy said...

Oh goodness Emily I could write a book!


oh just be really fangirly for me!

"Toro tingles!" that would be good!

and "Come back to australia and tour the coast because Bron loves you and she can't afford to fly everywhere!!!"


sdock10 said...

I am going to assume AZ's on the Tempe website.

Anonymous said...

Damn, that's really late!

But, it is a festival, so I s'pose there are others ahead of them. Makes sense I guess.

sdock10 said...

Next thing, it will be Stephen Pearcy arrested for false imprisonment or some shit.

Don't do it Stephen! Run away from the crazy ladies!

Smoke said...

Somebody shot a pellet at Bret Michaels in his tour bus.
He was not hit by the pellet but did get hit by flying broken glass. They said it was not a random drive-by because the pellet was fired directly into the living quarters of the bus. O_o

What the hell? Who would fire a pellet?

sdock10 said...

Friday March 28

Main Stage

4:30 pm Doors Open
5:00 pm DORSEY
10:00 pm Dillard’s Rock & Roll Fashion Show
Schedule / acts subject to change.

sdock10 said...

Who would want to blind Bret Michaels? Dude already has diabetes...isn't that enough?

Smoke said...

Awwww, poor ol'Stephen Pearcy.

Ratt N'Roll!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting, Sdock. :)

Is this recent news?

Smoke said...

I know! Poor Bret!

And don't forget the hair thing.

Anonymous said...

I'll try to remember all that Ergo...

Hopefully, they'll look up during the show and hear me.

A Rose for Emily...

Smoke said...

Uhhh, hang on. Let me check. I know the Rikki thing is.

sdock10 said...

Yeah the great Hair Conspiracy of the last decade.

Does he or doesn't he?

Smoke said...

Awww, shit. Nevermind.

That was like several years ago.

Smoke said...

He so does not.

ergoproxy said...

thanks emily!

you know that is the one thing that always sucks about bands touring here, we are a big country and they only ever play the capitals, it would be nice if they could bring a tour around the bigger regional centers, even without all the extra light shows etc, just to hear them play, like MCR did in that NY club,I think a lot would be surprised how many fans are out there.
Plus any band who has raves about aussie crowds - we are anenethusiastic and friendly bunch!

and poor Bret Michaels! I don't think people realise how dangerous stuff like that can be!

Anon616 said...

Hello everybody!!!!

A rose for emily!!! It's so nice to see/read you again!

BTW: We all know "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" ;)

Oh no; Not Rikki Rocket?
Let me take a guess here. It's stagutory rape, right?

When will these guys learn to check IDs before diving in? SHEESH!

Hugs and Love,

Anonymous said...

The Roof, The Roof, The Roof is on Fire!


Hello, now that is what I call EYE CANDY!!!!!
Don't you ladies agree?

Ergo best visual yet!!!

A Rose for Emily...

ergoproxy said...


who is Rikki Rokkett?

Smoke said...

He's the drummer for Poison.

He's like, ewwww.

Anonymous said...

Hello anon16. Nice to see you too...

A Rose for Emily...

ergoproxy said...

Hello Wendy!

I was thinking perhaps Trison sent a rather visually challenged friend to Oz for me! lol

Anonymous said...

I was never into Poison to be honest, but due to the current circumstances, I do feel bad for the guy...

A Rose for Emily...

Anon616 said...

Ergo: Rikki Rocket is the drummer for POISON!

I guess Rikki Rocket was doing more than "Talking Dirty" to someone he should not have been!

Talk Dirty To Me

"Hit it CC"!!!!

ergoproxy said...

I remember Poison.

I didn't mind that sort of glam rock stuff

but it's a really bad situation, especially when girls can aim to deceive and throw themselves at rockers,who are often drunk etc

but it's his responsibility

Anon616 said...

Hi Emily! So, it was a stagutory thing? I haven't read the story yet....
Dang fool!

Ergo: Perhaps Triston decided to take a looong flight last night!
He did promise you a dance!

*psst: You were supposed to leave a crack in the window*

Anonymous said...

Since I've been home (with the flu) all I've been doing is hearing 80's music. Duran Duran, The Outfield, Def Leppard, Joan Jett, all the oldies but the goodies...

There is just something about that music that makes me tingle all over...

A Rose for Emily...

Anonymous said...

What is "stagutory?" Never heard of this.

Hello again everyone!

Anon616 said...

ergoproxy said...
I remember Poison.

I didn't mind that sort of glam rock stuff

but it's a really bad situation, especially when girls can aim to deceive and throw themselves at rockers,who are often drunk etc

but it's his responsibility

Yep! Yet another reason they should REALLY remember not to drink themselves into a stupor!
It can often lead them to do very stupid, irresponsible things.....

The courts really don't buy "She told me she was 18" these days.

gnothi seauton said...

Good evening Mayo.
Good evening All.

So I've done it. I've just finished watching HAARP, the new Muse DVD.

Everything was fine, singing along and bouncing around and then they did it. They played Invincible. I've never had any problem with that song until lately. Not that I'm blaming you SS,... I'm just blaming you. Er, you know what I mean.

Did I cry? No, I sobbed. And me after a sobbing session is not a pretty sight.

And I didn't even have a tissue, my sleeve is a right mess. I'm sticking you with the cleaning bill. That okay SS?

Smoke said...


I loved Poison back in the day. I really did. There was nothing funnier than Bret and C.C.

Except maybe Tommy, Vince and Nikki.

ergoproxy said...

wendy the windows were open! Perhaps it had been a loooooooong flight!

or maybe it was tentacles! O_O

Anonymous said...'s not only underage girls who are deceiving.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Roof, The Roof, The Roof is on Fire!


Anonymous said...

No fair, GS. We still have to wait. :(

I can't wait. Some of it's on YouTube already, so I snuck a peak. I just want it in my hands.

Smoke said...


I bought Muse yesterday!

Black Holes and Revelations!


Anon616 said...

Sorry Mustard! PLEASE forgive the recent attack of the typo fairy.

I did mean 'statutory'

Perhaps I've had too much of Ergo's

Or....I'm just typing to fast. It is Friday Night!!!!

Anonymous said...


Don't say a word.


Smoke said...

Heh-heh. Peak.

Anonymous said...

Talking about Nikki Sixx, did you hear that he's dating Kat Von D. now...

Isn't that something? What is he, 20yrs. her senior?

A Rose for Emily...

Anon616 said...

ergoproxy said...
wendy the windows were open! Perhaps it had been a loooooooong flight!

or maybe it was tentacles!

Are those tentacles tying themselves into knots again, Ergo?

Where's Elena with the creme donuts?

ergoproxy said...

OH GS do they show the dancing robots during supermassive black hole? I loved those!

and invincible always made me get a bit teary , but I love the little trill at the end of the guitar solo!

Emily I love the 80's yesterday I was dancing about the lounge with my daughter to an '88 compilation, specifically "Doctorin the Tardis' then "Perfect" and "Ain't nothing but a good time" "venus" goodness it all takes me back!

Smoke said...

Yeah, and that is a beautiful man.

Dramatic? Yes.

Over the top? Yes.

But beeeeaaauuuttiifffullll!

Anon616 said...

Anonymous said...
Talking about Nikki Sixx, did you hear that he's dating Kat Von D. now...

Isn't that something? What is he, 20yrs. her senior?

Yes! But they do make a very sexy couple, don't you think?

At least Kat's legal!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Kapu....


A Rose for Emily...

ergoproxy said...

Smoke that is a great album!
Really some of their best, the bass and drums just have a certain something, can't describe it but damn it's sorta sexy!

I'm trying to win HAARP contest closes on the 8th if I don't it'll be Mother's Day - if I can wait!

Anon616 said...

Ergo: I like that glam rock too.

Or, "Cock Rock" as Kass would call it! ;)

I wonder if Kass saw HANOI ROCKS yet?

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone

Anon616 said...

Hi GS! I didn't see you up there.

Not only am I trying to type fast; I'm also speed reading again....


Anonymous said...

If man is five and the devil is six, then that must make me SEVEN!

Anonymous said...

True anon16!!!

Ergo, Venus was one of my favorite songs growing up. Every time the video would come on MTV, I'd act out the scenes with my older sister. We were two idiots back then, but its something that you miss doing as a grown up.

A Rose for Emily...

ergoproxy said...

haha now you've got me thinking of Tom Jones doing Burning Down the House!

gnothi seauton said...

Mustard - Youtube doesn't do it justice. It is an emotional experience in the living room, Lord knows what it was like there in the flesh.
And Tuesday isn't that far away

Smoke - fantabulous!!!

Ergo - fingers crossed for you. X
They had the dancing robots on screen and they had the aerial gymnasts during Blackout.

Anon616 said...

Hi BC!!!!!

What time is the party tomorrow?

I can be here in the afternoon or very late in the morning. I forgot I had a previously scheduled engagement tomorrow night.

ergoproxy said...

emily my friends would do that!

I liked Shakespeares Sister too

Wendy - loved it right back to the Glitter Band!

hello BC!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a direct link for information about the release date of HAARP in the U.S.?

I know I saw somewhere that it would be out early April, but everything I see now is saying it was out March 15?

Smoke said...

Hey BC!

Anon616 said...

smoke&venom20 said...
Yeah, and that is a beautiful man.

Dramatic? Yes.

Over the top? Yes.

But beeeeaaauuuttiifffullll!

I concur!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy, Ergo, Smokie. Wendy, eh I don't know. I'm not really excited about it, to be honest. They're probably won't be one.

gnothi seauton said...

Sorry, forgot my manners.

Hello BC, Emily, Ergo, Kapunua, Mustard, Six and Smoke.

Apologies if I missed anyone.

BC - did you manage to win the bid?

PJ's in blue said...

Hi everyone!

You know me, i can not stay.

I just wanted to say hello, and i miss all of you.

It's good to see everyone getting along and having fun.

I can hardly wait for the pictures to start pouring in tonight, i have been so MCR deprived, I'm going bonkers.

Grabs everyone!
Hugs so tightly, you can't breath!

bye everyone, catch you later tonight!


Anonymous said...

Hi BC...

I guess everyone had their favorite guilty pleasure music growing up. My just happened to be venus of all things... LOL

A Rose for Emily...

Anonymous said...

Aloha GS, aloha PJs!

Carrie said...

Ergo, Annie thanks you profusely for mentioning the Doctorin' the Tardis song. I hadn't heard of it, but of course had to google it. She is a fuhreak for all things Doctor Who, so she's really happy and dancing about now.

Smoke said...


Is it possibly April 1st?

I'm not sure I'm looking at the right thing though.

Anon616 said...

Bleeding Chaos said...
Hi Wendy, Ergo, Smokie. Wendy, eh I don't know. I'm not really excited about it, to be honest. They're probably won't be one.

Oh no, sweetcheeks! Why not?
*big hug and sloppy kisses*

How about we 'celebrate' a little later tonight?

And, because I forgot:

*pounce tackle hugs and smooches for all*

Ergo: Do you remember a band called ANGEL? I loved the hair on those guys!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi GS, PJ, Carrie, Emily. Gs, I'm afraid not, but I'm still trying.

ergoproxy said...

It's funny GS the venue Muse played here was quite small, compared to Wembley! But they sold it out, in a selfish way it's nice they aren't massive here, you can have a bit of a closer experience. I was about 50m back but it was on a grassy slope so it felt closer.

They had all the screens and lights (drum riser and all) but no gymnasts!

They are sort of a full body experience band somehow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah!

That's legit, so for sure it'll be out April 1st.


gnothi seauton said...

Mustard - all I can see is March for us and 1st of April for you.

Anonymous said...


Anon616 said...

Hi PJ and Carrie!

Carrie: You mentioned a few nights ago that you husband loved APOCALYPTICA? I love them too!!!

Does he know that they are FINALLY touring the States? Their first US tour!

I'll check if there's a MI date for you. They are a must see, in my humble opinion ;)

Smoke said...

Sdock and I were like pretty damn close to them. We were side stage about ten rows up, maybe.

We had never heard them before that, though.

ergoproxy said...

Mustard that was the release here too, maybe you missed it?
I hope you can get one!

hello PJ!!

Hi Carrie! We love that song (it's on vinyl too!) the Timelords were 2guys from the JAMMs who are also KLF.
It samples Gary Glitter and the Sweet

Anonymous said...

And that is probably why Gerard married her!!!

Anonymous said...

Wendy, family drama killed the birthday mood.

But here's something cool: Johnny Depp was in my neck of the woods the other day filming a movie based on John Dillinger. A friend of my niece managed to take a picture with him and said he was really nice and shaking hands with everyone.

Anonymous said...


ergoproxy said...

Mustard, so it is in a couple of days for you! That is strange it's different dates, I got the matches 3 days earlier than the US too

Anonymous said...

Ergo, I know!

Cannot wait!

gnothi seauton said...

Hi and bye PJ, nice to see you again.

BC - never mind :)

Ergo - that sounds marvellous. I saw them at the Wembley Arena, smaller but still too far to get up close. And yes, they are a surround sound band :D
They are playing a one off special at The Royal Albert Hall on the 12th in aid of teenage cancer. The acoustics in there are phenomenal so they may need to turn it down a bit!

Carrie said...

Thanks Wendy! I passed the info on to him. He might try to drag me to a concert, knowing him. I don't know though, if I won't go to see MCR...

Getting ready to watch a mindnumbing movie, yet another in the Bring It On series, for family movie night. Hope it's funny--Bob's funeral was today and it was kinda of the suck. I was ok until they did the gun salute and played Taps, then I was a horking crybaby. Oh well, I'm happy he's at peace now, and hopefully reunited with his wife he missed so much. Have a nice night, guys!

ergoproxy said...

Oh Carrie how sad, but what a lovley memorial and I'm sure he's happily reunited (that was what my nana was looking forward to)

Anonymous said...

Now Johnny Depp, is a true classic cutie.

I have always thought that man was extremely sexy. Even when he did his thing on 21 Jump street, I always thought oohh wee, that man is FINE...

Ergo, any thoughts?

A Rose for Emily...

Anonymous said...

Bye Carrie.

gnothi seauton said...

Belated hello and a fond good night Carrie. I'm sorry that you had to go through today.

Anon616 said...

Carrie: Your husband is in luck!!!

Apr 21 2008 8:00P
In the Venue Salt Lake City, Utah
Apr 22 2008 8:00P
Gothic Theatre Denver, Colorado
Apr 23 2008 8:00P
Beaumont Club Kansas City, Missouri
Apr 24 2008 8:00P
Pop’s St. Louis, Illinois
Apr 26 2008 8:00P
Fine Line Minneapolis, Minnesota
Apr 27 2008 8:00P
House of Blues Chicago, Illinois
Apr 28 2008 8:00P
House of Blues Cleveland, Ohio
Apr 29 2008 8:00P
Crofoot Detroit, Michigan
Apr 30 2008 8:00P
Phoenix Theatre Toronto
May 1 2008 8:00P
Metropolis Montreal, Quebec
May 2 2008 8:00P
Paradise Club Boston, Massachusetts
May 4 2008 8:00P
Trocadero Theatre Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 5 2008 8:00P
Irving Plaza New York, New York
May 7 2008 8:00P
9:30 Club Washington DC, Washington DC
May 8 2008 8:00P
Amos Charlotte, North Carolina
May 9 2008 8:00P
The Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia
May 9 2008 9:00P
The Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia
May 10 2008 8:00P
Parish at House of Blues New Orleans, Louisiana
May 11 2008 8:00P
Warehouse Live Houston, Texas
May 12 2008 8:00P
House of Blues Dallas, Texas
May 14 2008 8:00P
Sunshine Theatre Alberquerque, New Mexico
May 15 2008 8:00P
Marquee Phoenix, Arizona

BC: Sorry about the family drama.
*big hug again*
Perhaps a party is just what the doctor ordered ;)

Has anyone heard from OP J about her mom's appointment?

ergoproxy said...

my venue only 9000 people

ergoproxy said...

Emily a very handsome man , and seemingly so quietly spoken and unassuming, and I love his choices in acting, he could easily have just played his looks, plus he loves his family and he is


Anonymous said...

Thanks Wendy. Maybe later on we can throw a small party or something. I'll leave my blog open tomorrow to post any birthday wishes.

Right now I'm just tired.

Anonymous said...

gerard is going to act like a little bitch on this tour because he's not going to see his "wifey" for almost a month.

MSI start their tour on APRIL 9TH.

gnothi seauton said...

That's nice Ergo, much more intimate.

Anon616 said...

*big hugs for Carrie*

I'm sorry you had one of those days, Carrie.

Memorial services are always heartbreaking. I try to remember that those services are meant to be a celebration of the person's life.......
and (depending on your faith and what you believe), a celebration of the journey that is yet to be.

PS: I hope your husband can talk you into going see APO

Anonymous said...

My same thoughts, exactly....

Ergo, did you get to see Sweeney Todd? I would have seen it in the theaters, but I was working overtime a lot. I hear its on DVD already maybe I could rent it?

A Rose for Emily...

Anon616 said...

Anonymous said...
gerard is going to act like a little bitch on this tour because he's not going to see his "wifey" for almost a month.

MSI start their tour on APRIL 9TH.

MSI is playing at the HOB NOLA on May 12th!

I think I'll have to miss that one.
It's the week after both Candlebox and Apocalyptica. I think I'll be tired!

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...

My same thoughts, exactly....

Ergo, did you get to see Sweeney Todd? I would have seen it in the theaters, but I was working overtime a lot. I hear its on DVD already maybe I could rent it?

O_O What, already? It can't be! I only saw it a few months ago. And by the way, it ruled! And I was a HUGE fan of the Broadway version, I never thought the movie would do it justice.

ergoproxy said...

I haven't emily I was waiting for the dvd too, the cinema is a bit far from us and timewise hard to get to, I heard it was really good, i think Kapunua saw it and raved about it.

GS it was , I really enjoyed it!

anon I haven't seen my husband since 11pm last night, he left really early and I didn't open my eyes so if you want bitchy bring it on!!!

anyway guys I must go take my cousin to the airport, I'll be back in a few hours so have a nice talk and anyone who goes sweet dreams and anyone still here I'll see you then!

Great to catch up emily I miss you when you aren't about! Hope you can call in a bit more often I always enjoy talking to you!

Anonymous said...

8:17, I'd be willing to put money on it. The way he was at the awards show and he later even said that he was acting out because he wanted to be at home with his wife?

Janeane Garofulo on Eddie Vedder circa 1994:

"Here's a novel idea: DON'T GO TO THE MUSIC AWARDS. This way you don't have to pretend what a good time you're not having."

Still applies today.

Honestly, if what you want to do is be at home with your wife, then stay home with your wife. Don't be out doing concerts with your stankass attitude acting like a little pisspot.

But we'll see. And honestly? Even if he pulls of a tour of stellar shows, it won't be worth a damn to me because he still will not have addressed the stankass attitude he's had towards his audience and other members of his own band since like August anyway.

Anonymous said...

On that note, does anyone wanna go on AIM? I'm gonna get a glass of chocolate soy and sign on. Anyone around?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think a saw a commercial for it a few days ago. I didn't see the release date, if it was current or in a few weeks but yeah...

A Rose for Emily...

Anon616 said...

gnothi seauton said...
That's nice Ergo, much more intimate.
The House of Blues, NOLA hold only 1000. T'is very intimate (which is one of the many reasons I love it)!

YIKES, 7:30......
I must be off; but, I'll be back later to see if BC is in the mood for a little Birthday celebration.

Goodnight (for now) BC, GS, Ergo, Emily, Carrie, Smoke, Mustard, ......any lurkers and nice anons!

Hugs and Love,

Anonymous said...

Oh, but if you're the same anon who said that Lyn Z was ugly, I disagree. I think she's beautiful. I have zero respect for her or her crap band, but she is very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Bye Ergo..

I've missed talking to you too.

I promise to write more often...

A Rose for Emily...

Anonymous said...


HOLY CRAP! That was fast. I'm psyched!

sdock10 said...

I'm about, Jules.

Anonymous said...

Bye Ergo, Wendy

Smoke said...

YAY! I can't wait to see Sweeney Todd!

gnothi seauton said...

Bye Ergo :)

Bye Six. Only 1000, that's squeezy!!

Anonymous said...

I'm on Solly, but you're showing up as "away." ^_^ Gonna IM you so be there, 'kay? :D

Princess, you're going to love it, it's so violent and awful. Think of me when you see Mrs. Lovett. I relate to her so hard that it's unhealthy. ;D

Anonymous said...

See, I knew I saw the commerical for it. April 1st, I have to right that down, maybe I can rent it at blockbuster. I would have to go early before everyone rents a copy. The blockbuster by me sucks beyond belief. Everyone rents new releases on the same day.

A Rose for Emily...

Smoke said...

I think Lyn-Z is pretty, too. She's a little on the harsh side with her performances but as far as just her looks, she is very pretty.

Especially when she doesn't look too made up.

gnothi seauton said...

I'm heading off as well. I promised myself an early night tonight and it is already half past twelve.

Good night All.
Good night Mayo.


Smoke said...

Night to everyone that is leaving!

Sweet dreams!

Or morning! O_o

Carrie said...

And the day keeps getting movie night cancelled on account of Annie just yarking all over the living room. Oh yayness! I hope we can ALL catch the cool stomach virus, that will be a hoot!

Anonymous said...

Goodnight GS, sweet dreams.

elena said...

Wow I get here and everyone is leaving.

Can't be something I said at least.

Anonymous said...

Well ladies, my take-out is here.

I'll be back on a little later. If I don't see you later....

Peace and Love,

A Rose for Emiy...

Anonymous said...

'Night, GS! Emily, nic eto read you. Thanks for the heads up about Sweeney Todd!

Anonymous said...

Anytime Kapu...

See ya'll later.

A Rose for Emily...

Anonymous said...

Hi Elena. Bye Emily. Good to see you again.

Anonymous said...

Bye BC and everyone who I may have forgotten....

Ok, I'm really going now....

A Rose for Emily

Original Punk J said...

Hey, guys, how are you this evening?


elena said...

Hey BC and L

I'm surrounded by books, nothing new there?

How are you guys?

Original Punk J said...

Doing good, Elena! Just finished feeding the bunnies and fish, and J. just fed the cats.

There was talk of Brown Recluse spiders a bit back. One word of advice about getting bitten by them from personal experience:

DON'T! :)


Original Punk J said...

Carrie, if you are still around, I'm sorry you are having it rough today. It does sound like it was a lovely memorial to Bob, though.

And he's not hurting now, and at peace.


elena said...

Oh so true L

I've seen what those bites look like and I've heard how sick it can make you.

Anonymous said...

Well this didn't look like a one-horse town but try finding a decent hair gelly.

Anonymous said...

Hi OP L. How are you? I'm alright Elena, just making plans for tomorrow.

Original Punk J said...

Elena, yeah, it really bites! HA! Ok, bad pun...

I got bit about a year ago, in our apartment. I was on the couch and felt something crawling on my side, so I just brushed at it, and then felt the bite. I got up and checked for what it was and couldn't find it, but I knew my side was really throbbing. I went into the bathroom and in about 5 minutes time I had a purplish-blue spot about the size of a quarter with a blister in the middle.

I told J. "I don't know what bit me, but I do now it was NOT good. We need to go to the ER now!"

Luckily I got meds (sulfer based stuff) for it quickly, but I still ran a fever, was dizzy, ached, had nausea and was weak for several days.


Original Punk J said...

Doing fine, BC. How are you? Any luck on the game system hunt?


Anonymous said...

Excuse, me. I forgot this was BlogBelieve.

Well this didn't look like a one-unicorn town but try finding a decent hair gelly.

elena said...

Ulysses are you bonafide?

What time is your party BC?

L those bites are nasty. My mother-in-law got bit on the face by one.

Original Punk J said...

UEM, you have to be "bona-fide" to find the right hair gelly!


Original Punk J said...

Looks like we are of the same mind, Elena!

Should I be scared?

How did your Mum-in-law do with the bite?

And, yes, BC when does the birthday festivities start?


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I'm okay L, just tired. No luck on the game system hunt yet. Party festitivites, well Wendy wants one later on so it can try to cheer me up. My blog will be open tomorrow, but I may not be here earlier in the day.

I'm not really excited about my birthday to be honest, but maybe I'm just tired.

Original Punk J said...

"We thought you was a TOAD!"

Loved that movie.


Anonymous said...

No one wants to look at your treasure Pete.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Punk J said...

Some birthdays are like that, BC. And sometimes it's nothing you can really put your finger on, don't care one way or the other.

I always figure it beats the alternative!

Are you feeling down today?


elena said...


That was spooky. Get out of my head!!!

My mother-in-law died a few years ago. Not the spider bite.
She was really messed up by the bite when it happened. Spent a lot of time in the hospital. She had just gotten out of the shower and grabbed a towel to wipe her face when it happened. I still cringe thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Where are you now? Who lies beneath your spell tonight?

Whom else from rapture’s road will you expel tonight?

Those “Fabrics of Cashmere--“ ”to make Me beautiful--“

“Trinket”-- to gem– “Me to adorn– How– tell”-- tonight?

I beg for haven: Prisons, let open your gates–

A refugee from Belief seeks a cell tonight.

God’s vintage loneliness has turned to vinegar–

All the archangels– their wings frozen– fell tonight.

Lord, cried out the idols, Don’t let us be broken

Only we can convert the infidel tonight.

Mughal ceilings, let your mirrored convexities

multiply me at once under your spell tonight.

He’s freed some fire from ice in pity for Heaven.

He’s left open– for God– the doors of Hell tonight.

In the heart’s veined temple, all statues have been smashed

No priest in saffron’s left to toll its knell tonight

God, limit these punishments, there’s still Judgment Day–

I’m a mere sinner, I’m no infidel tonight.

Executioners near the woman at the window.

Damn you, Elijah, I’ll bless Jezebel tonight.

The hunt is over, and I hear the Call to Prayer

fade into that of the wounded gazelle tonight.

My rivals for your love– you’ve invited them all?

This is mere insult, this is no farewell tonight.

And I, Shahid, only am escaped to tell thee–

God sobs in my arms. Call me Ishmael tonight.

resurrected wreck said...

I claim...

resurrected wreck said...

This page...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mayonaise,

I detect like me you are endowed with the gift of gab.

resurrected wreck said...


resurrected wreck said...



Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's a big fear of mine, the brown recluse. I've seen a few. I put them in a cup and bring them outside.

I try to have a nice relationship with spiders and I hope that I am karmically rewarded by never being bitten by one. ;)

Smoke said...


resurrected wreck said...


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