Thursday, March 27, 2008


or, my life…spent.

That last revolution left me dazed. The same scenery flashed and repeated in an orbital rhythm. My environment moved too quickly for me to identify solid form and everything around me slurred into a meander. Each day turned from brief respite into swift departure. I felt my gut at my feet and my head in a fog.

Towards the end, I heeled my words into the ground in a desperate attempt to persuade the fucking thing to stop. I hung on. My knees were raw from fighting the spin and the tops of my shoes were caked with the filth that surrounded my craft. Finally, I let go.

I was spun out, stopped; a playground massacre.

What a sight, covered in dust and dirt, sweat and blood. But, I was not alone. I managed to attract quite a malignant clutch. And while I lay there, words were unwound and lifted from their purpose by nasty little hands and then, repeatedly passed along, shoved into pockets, and spent on cheap ice cream concessions.

Now, after a few months in circulation, it is impossible to determine that they are counterfeit. They all spend the same, right?

I wrote that a while ago. It feels different to me now. Different, but still...relevant. Well, I am off.

p.s. I am at a distance; you are in proximity…but here, we maintain satellite and If you sspirit through here, “Thank you.”


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Anonymous said...

OH YOU THIEF! You naughty!

Oh well RW. It doesn't matter, I won't be able to see you for over a month so I will act out like a bitch on stage. ;D

Smoke said...


Anonymous said...


resurrected wreck said...

Are we swapping roles, K? I thought I was the bitch in this relationship ;)

Anonymous said...

No dude, that's ME.

Anonymous said...

That was not my poem, anon. It was the one that inspired my one though, and I thought it was so beautiful and so meaningful that I wanted to post it. I also gave credit to the poet.

elena said...

Cows! I hate cows worse than coppers!

Poor George. He wasn't unconventionally pretty.

Anonymous said...

Hi RW *squeeze*

resurrected wreck said...

I was sure it was me.

Are we going to have to arm wrestle over it? Or have a Sharpie war? I just bought me five new ones today! Extra-fine point, for those long messages of love.

Original Punk J said...

Hey, RW good to see you.

Sorry, Elena, it's too late for you. You are one with the Punk mind now...

I try to get all the spiders, crickets and such out the door unscathed, but that brown recluse got no love!

The apartment management went into damage control when we called them, and had all of the bottom floor apartments sprayed for them, inside and out.


resurrected wreck said...

I sees you and I SQUEEZE you, BC! :D

Anonymous said...

L, yeah a little bit, but also tired. I'll feel better tomorrow.

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo there, L! :D How's things?

Anonymous said...

You're gonna have to start showing a lot more skin RW, if you want to tell me all about how much you miss me!

resurrected wreck said...

I should have gotten the extra-thick point pen, then I could have written you messages on my thigh!

resurrected wreck said...

Or my ass.

resurrected wreck said...

Or your ass...

resurrected wreck said...

Either way, somebody's ass is in line for some Sharpie marks of love!

Original Punk J said...

Good RW. Can we go to the store now and shout about being fellow monkeys?!

By the way, did you get your hair clip from e-bay yet?

Elena, I can't imagine a bite on the face! It hurt bad enough on my side. I still have a scar from it.


elena said...

Hey RW and K

I didn't see you pop up until the page changed.

How are you both tonight?

resurrected wreck said...

Can we shout "motherfucker!" randomly, L? ;)

Yes, I did get my hair clip. But... it's WAY to big to stay in my hair! Looks nifty clipped to my hat, though.

Fimble Star said...

good evening everybody.

how are you all, i can stay long just wanted to say

J - i hope your mum is ok, and that her ap went well.

carrie, my thoughts were with you and yours. and sorry bout annie. not nice being sicky.

*runs and jumps on rw*

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo, Elena! :D

I'm well, though a bit burnt out this evening. The weekend couldn't get here soon enough!

How are you this evening?

resurrected wreck said...


*flails at FS on her*

Fimble Star said...

how are you, i am so sorry i missed you last night. did you get your dress done?

Anonymous said...

Hi fimmy

resurrected wreck said...

The dress at work, FS? Oh, hells no! It's going to take at least another two days work to complete it. But I got a good start on it.

What did you get up to today, missus?

Anonymous said...

RW, I'll be wearing your panties to show that OUR LUV iS TRU!!!1111oneone

resurrected wreck said...

Is that where my panties went to...

Fimble Star said...

hey bc, big day tomorrow.

rw, well today i was watching charlotte. i went to pick her up and took her out for breakfast. then come home and had a sleep. went to the beach with her little friends then came home and took her in the pool she went home and i went out shopping. just got back now. so, boring day really lol

resurrected wreck said...

... I thought I left them...

No, never mind.

Original Punk J said...

resurrected wreck said...
Can we shout "motherfucker!" randomly, L? ;)

I don't see why not, RW! Just running through produce shouting it, all the way to frozen foods!

The butterfly clip was so pretty, have you tried it on your Black Parade hat?!

Fimble, yes, J.'s Mum's appt. went well. She has some medicine now that hopefully will take care of it.

BTW, J. wanted me to say "HI!" to everyone.


resurrected wreck said...

Sounds kind of fun, actually, FS :)

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, J!!!! :D

On my Black Parade hat, eh? In place of the silver starburst? That's an idea!

Original Punk J said...


What books did you get?


Fimble Star said...


rw, you knwo that if you get divorced then married again you can make another honeymoon tape. it can be uncensored as well. full with glowsticks and shrpies

Loli Lovette said...

RW, I'll be wearing your panties to show that OUR LUV iS TRU!!!1111oneone


Anonymous said...

Fimmy, yeah. I'm gonna sign off more earlier tonight and watch some movies and nap a bit. Feeling tired.

elena said...

Hey Fimble

Good to see you.

So L still thinking about St Louis?

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo, Loli! :D

Anonymous said...

This monkeys gone to heaven.

resurrected wreck said...

Are you unwell, BC?

Original Punk J said...



Hello, Loli! Good to see you!


Anonymous said...

Hi loli

Fimble Star said...

elena, it is very good to see you too. i hope you are well.

hey there banana whore
*waves banana*
Wanna eat it?

bc, what film you gonna watch?

Anonymous said...

RW, nah, just really tired and feeling a bit down.

resurrected wreck said...

Remarried you say, FS? Better talk to the other half about that. She wears the pants* in this

*ones with gaping holes in the crotch.

Anonymous said...

Fimmy, not sure yet, but I'm gonna watch some of my dvd's.

resurrected wreck said...

That sucks, BC :( Winter blahs, maybe? Or just a long week?

elena said...


I bought out an estate that contained mostly railroad books. You know I've never been on a train. I think I might want to try riding on one.

resurrected wreck said...


Nature! only dead...

Original Punk J said...


Yes, we are hoping we can go! We have the Beale Street Festival and Columbus, but it would be so cool to see you guys in St. Louis.


resurrected wreck said...

Trains are without a doubt the very best form of transportation ever, Elena.

Besides horses, I mean.

Anonymous said...

Another confrontation
You've got something to prove
Your girl can't tell how tough you are
When you beat me up in the boy's room
I made a big mistake
But I can't help who I like
This may not cost my life
But I am branded forever lame
This was not my decision
You were born with good looks
And a solid right hook
Whining makes no difference
You bruised my eye
It doesn't hurt at all
One day I'll rise above
And you will take a fall (Motherfucker)
I may be beat today
But I will survive
I'll get up off the ground
Stand tall and fight
My eyes don't hurt at all
I would rather die
Than be your whipping boy

Original Punk J said...


It's nature's way...


elena said...

I've got my fingers crossed you guys can make it L

Think of the fun that would be.

resurrected wreck said...

And you will take a fall (Motherfucker)


resurrected wreck said...

Indeed, L. What's more natural than death, after all?

Anonymous said...

RW, not sure, I was just feeling the blues hours ago. Maybe it's because of the birthday thing, but I'm mostly feeling tired, which is why I'm gonna try to relax later on.

Fimble Star said...

rw, wouldnt suprise me if they were originally yours! get me drift. ;)

bc, i watched saw 3 the other night and then went to bed after. i thought about head being screwwd off all night hahahaha

Original Punk J said...

One of my favorites on that album, Mustard!


resurrected wreck said...

You know, until I started listening to MCR the word "motherfucker" didn't make so much as one appearance in my vocabulary.

That's a legacy to be proud of, boys! *sniffles & blows nose with emotion*

resurrected wreck said...

Whose birthday, BC?

Just take it easy tonight & pamper yourself :)

Original Punk J said...

True, RW. Hadn't thought of it like that, but true!

I know, Elena, it would be a blast! But if we are all in the same cell, who do we call to bail us out?


Anonymous said...




I need a pillow or something to punch.


elena said...

BC I hope you get to feeling better. Hey, I made it through my B-word you can make it through yours. Hell you're young!

Original Punk J said...

I love it, RW!

Yes, they are so inspiring, and educational, in so many ways!


resurrected wreck said...

Bad day, Mustard?

Anonymous said...

RW, my bday silly. It's tomorrow ;p

I sure will. I'll watch some movies and then go to bed early. I'm gonna try to go to the store early tomorrow and buy some cake and ice cream.

Aww poor fimmy ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

Are you stressing over your b-day, BC? But you're so young!

elena said...


Don't worry about who would bail us out. I've got connections.

Anonymous said...

Not a bad day, no! But thank's though!

Just felt like spewwing profanities for the hell of it! :)

resurrected wreck said...

Tomorrow?? Have a great one, BC! And eat lots of cake and ice cream :) That's mandatory.

Original Punk J said...

BC, maybe you will feel better tomorrow. We will be there for your party too.


Anonymous said...

Hi mustard. What's wrong?

Elena, thanks. I'm sure it will pass. Tiredness does that to me sometimes.

resurrected wreck said...

I hear you, Mustard, and profane along with you:


My parents would be so proud.

Anonymous said...

'Cause a long night means a fist fight against your pillow and my pearly whites....

resurrected wreck said...

"Maad Lazarza"?

Anonymous said...

You like me better on my knees, don't you?

All you had to do was say so! ;)

Off to find mad shit.

Anonymous said...

RW, nah, just some family drama. It spoiled my mood earlier, that's why I'm feeling down. And of course, lots of cake and ice cream tomorrow. It should be made to law ^_^

L, I think I will. Thank you *hugs*

resurrected wreck said...

You like me better on my knees, don't you?

All you had to do was say so! ;)

Off to find mad shit.

Fly like the wind, little bird!

Anonymous said...

So let us pray!

So let us pray!

Smoke said...

You bruised my eye
It doesn't hurt at all
One day I'll rise above
And you will take a fall (Motherfucker)

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.

Love it, Love it, Love it.


Fimble Star said...

guys, i am out of here. tired and i have to get things ready. nice to talk to you. sweet dreams.

mayo - i know its late and i just felt like sayiing it.

mayos said 'spent' hahahahaha

ok now i have made complete pillock outta myself i will bid you farewell. goodnight.

SS - is your arm aching by now? i didnt run into anytoday so you are doing a grand job. thank you again and thank you for the song.
nighty night have have fun wherever you are.

nighty night guys

sweet dreams

resurrected wreck said...

Families = drama, I'm afraid, BC :/ But don't let it spoil your day :)

Original Punk J said...

That's good to know, Elena!

No telling what kind of trouble we could all get into. But we would be sitting beside each other saying:

"Do you remember when you...'
"Yeah, and then you..."
"Have you still got the underpants from..."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We don't believe in second chances.

resurrected wreck said...


resurrected wreck said...

Night Night, Fimmy :)

Original Punk J said...

Good night, Fimble.

Mustard, are you ok?


Anonymous said...

Good night, Fim! ANd you're too right. MAYO SAID "SPENT!" GOod catch, you ho. ^_~

Anonymous said...

Mayo, you totally have an iPhone don't you?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
elena said...


I will be saying "remember the Alamo"

Anonymous said...

There's no stopping me. I'm gutting you out.

I love this song.

4 ever + ever.

Anonymous said...

Passed out in our school clothes so we'd wake up in our Sunday's best
I never asked for your opinion, I just got it and I get it
You move slow like daytime drama
And I'm boring like his songs
So while I'm taking you for granted
We'll be humming along

Well cross my heart and hope to...
I'm lying just to keep you here
So reckless (so reckless), so,
So thoughtless (so thoughtless)
So careless, I could care less

Well cross my heart and hope to...
I'm lying just to keep you here
(So reckless)
Well she's so heartless,
And I could care less

So paint your face up something elegant
And this town maybe a darker shade of red
Cause a long night means a fist fight
Against your pillow and my pearly whites
I want to hear you scream you like me better on my knees
So let us pray
(we don't believe in second chances)
So let us pray

Don't you ask me
Don't you move (anywhere)

Cross my heart and hope to
I'm lying just to keep you here
So reckless (so reckless), so,
So thoughtless (so thoughtless)
So careless, I could care less

Well Cross my heart and hope to
I'm lying just to keep you here
(So reckless)
Well she's so heartless
And I could care less

Well cross my heart and hope to
I'm lying just to keep you here
I'll keep you here, I'll keep you here

One of us never did it but we're taking it all. (Well cross my heart and hope to)
And tell me why you never promised that you wanted it all. (I'm lying just to keep you here)
And her eyes never batted when she said it
It's a long night, open, know it...

This glass house is burning down (open all night, know it...)
You light the match, I'll stick around (open all night, know it...)
I'll give you everything you want (open all night, know it...)
And wish the worst of what I was (open all night, know it...)

This glass house is burning down (open all night, know it...)
You light the match, I'll stick around (open all night, know it...)
I'll give you everything you want (open all night, know it...)
And wish the worst of what I was (open all night, know it...)

Tonight won't make a difference
Tonight won't make a difference
Tonight won't make a difference
Well tonight won't make a difference
Well tonight won't make a difference
Tonight won't make a difference
Tonight won't make a difference
Well tonight won't make a difference

Original Punk J said...

I have a feeling you would win that battle, Elena!


resurrected wreck said...

Well, time for my shower. Have fun, everyone :)

Anonymous said...

*cannot bear to be separated*

*watches RW*

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your shower RW, and thanks. Goodnight and sweet dreams Fimmy.

I'll be back later. Bye guys.

resurrected wreck said...

*watches RW*

^ ^

Anonymous said...

I watched the rain make a puddle to get you soaked
The swollen words they crack coming out of your throat
Making time for the shadow believer
Not gonna take this
Not gonna take this

Just listened to this one today. I think it fueled the fire. >.<

Okay, I'm done being angry!

Have fun!

Original Punk J said...

See you in a bit, BC.


Anonymous said...

OMG, you are showering with a kitty! I CAN SEE YOU.

Anonymous said...




resurrected wreck said...

I just realized I forgot to say hullo to S&V:

Hullo , S&V! :D I'm about to get naked & hosed down.

resurrected wreck said...

Never mind the meowing. That's just my bathtime rubber... kitty. Yes, rubber kitty!

*pulls shower curtains CLOSED*

Smoke said...

Hello to all that might be here! ^_^

Original Punk J said...

Hey, Smoke. Enjoying the Pencey Prep lyrics, I'm sure!


Smoke said...

Always. ^_^

Original Punk J said...

Really looking forward to the Leathermouth CD. I wonder if they are going to do a tour later this year?


elena said...

I have a feeling you would win that battle, Elena!

Oh hell ya L

With lovely battle scars.

Original Punk J said...

So what would the other side look like after you were done with them, Elena? Hmmmm?

And what kind of weapons are you taking to battle?


elena said...

Just armed with hugs and kisses

and ropes and donuts

Original Punk J said...

Good plan, Elena. Good plan.

You'll have to teach the rest of us the knot tying bit. I got the donut thing down.


Original Punk J said...


Are you still about?


Anonymous said...

Mayo, I heard a rumor I was not to talk to you any longer. Also, that Solly and I were always bugging you.

That's okay dude. After all, I can still...


You light up my ass
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with SOOOOONG!

It can't be WROOOONG
When it feels so riiiiight
'Cause You
You light up my ass!


Anonymous said...

*clears throat*

We are the champions, my friends
We'll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world.

sdock10 said...

*gives Jules a standing ovation*

Encore! Encore!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, just throw money.

Anonymous said...

To go along with my anger.

I had this as a blog post before I deleted all of my shit. I had not heard this song in years, and for some reason, I started singing it out of the blue one day. I love it.

I wanna see your face, painted black
Black as night, black as coal
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black

Anonymous said...

Ice ice baby!

All right stop! collaborate and listen!

Ice is back with my brand new invention
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly
Will it ever stop Mayo? I don't know!
Turn off the lights and I'll glow
To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal
Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle
Dance go rush to the speaker that booms
I'm killing your brain like a poisonous mushroom
Deadly when I play a dope melody
Anything less than the best is a felony!

Anonymous said...

I wanna see your ass painted black!

Anonymous said...

Ass ass baby!

Anonymous said...

Anon for the win!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Automatic supersonic hypnotic funky fresh,
Work my body so melodic,
This beat flows right through my ass,
Everybody ma and pappy came to party,
Grab somebody, work your body, work your body,

Mayo, let me see you 1,2 step!

Anonymous said...

What about?

Rice Rice Baby?


Niiiice Niiiice Baby? We need to get that sent to AdLa pronto.

Anonymous said...

This beat flows right through my ass,

Please say those aren't the real lyrics. It fits so well.

sdock10 said...

I'm just an average man with an average life
I work from nine to five, hey, hell, I pay the price
All I want is to be left alone in my blogbelieve home
But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone

I always feel like somebody's watching me
Who's playing tricks on me
I always feel like somebody's watching me

When I come home at night
I bolt the door real tight
People call me on the (i)phone, I'm trying to avoid
But can the anons really see me or am I just paranoid

When I'm in the corner or hanging out upstairs
I'm scared to open my eyes and find someone standing there
People say I'm crazy, just a little touched (in the head)
But the Lovelies don't really care....

I always feel like somebody's watching me
Who's playing tricks on me
I always feel like somebody's watching me
Tell me it can't be

I don't know anymore
Are the others watching me
Well is the man watching me
And I don't feel safe anymore, oh what a mess
I wonder who's watching me now--- (BOOO!) -S(S)S?

I always feel like somebody's watching me
Who's playing tricks on me
I always feel like somebody's watching me
I can't enjoy my Starbucks coffee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Watch out!

My outfit's ridiculous, in the blog lookin' so conspicuous!

And RAWWRR! These women all on the prowl, if you hold the head steady I'm a milk the cow.

Forget about the game, I'm a spit the truth, I won't stop till I get 'em in they birthday suits.

So gimmie the rhythm and it'll be off with their clothes,
then bend over to the front and touch your toes!

I left the Jag and I took the Rolls, if they ain't cutting then I put em on foot patrol.

sdock10 said...

Did that take you back to the skating rink?

Awwwh, the memories!

Anonymous said...

You have to show them that you're really not scared (Uh)
You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare (Uh)
They'll kick you, then they beat you,
Then they'll tell you it's fair
So beat it, but you wanna be bad

Just beat it (beat it), beat it (beat it)
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky strong it's your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right


Anonymous said...

How do you like me now?

Something something something, three hundred thousand!

Anonymous said...

Mayo, I hope you're shakin dat laffy taffy.

Anonymous said...

i have a turd on tap.

Anonymous said...

I can do it from memory Splash, hang on.

"How you like me now, when my pinky's baggin over three hundred thousand!

Let's drink you the one to please! Ludacris fill cups like double Ds,

Me and Usher once more when we leave 'em dead, we want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed!"

Smoke said...

Y'all gon' make MAYO lose his mind
up in HERE, up in here
Y'all gon' make MAYO go all out
up in here, up in here
Y'all gon' make MAYO act a FOOL
up in HERE, up in here
Y'all gon' make MAYO lose his cool
up in here, up in here


One.. two.. meet him outside
meet him outside, meet him outside
All my LOVELIES gon' meet him outside
meet me outside, meet me outside
All my street street peoples meet me outside meet me outside, outside motherf**ker

Anonymous said...

Sing, yeah yeah yeah! Yeah yeah! Yeah!

Smoke said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love this. You guys ROCK!!

Anonymous said...

No anon baby, we CRUNK! ;D

sdock10 said...

Get Low!

sdock10 said...

Smack dat! Get on da flo'!

Anonymous said...

No, we're Cruck.

Damn you, get it right.

Anonymous said...

So me give it to

so me give to

so me give it to...

to all girls

Five million and forty naughty shorty!

Baby girl, all Mayo's girls!

Anonymous said...

All my Lovelies to the floor! Handle it, Lovelies back it up! Gettin crunk up in the blog, we gets low!

Anonymous said...

Five million and forty naughty shorty!

Is that supposed to mean anyway? That doesn't make a bit of sense.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Kapunua said...


March 28, 2008 11:02 PM
Blogger mustardisbetter said...



Smoke said...

Shake it like a salt shaker!

Shake it like a salt shaker!

Anonymous said...

Sean da Paul, you just nah question! From da day he born Jah ignite da flame, can't tan pon it long! Naw eat no yam, no steam fish, nor no green banana!

Anonymous said...

Shake it like a Polaroid picture!

Shake it, shake it, shake it!


You didn't. >.<


Smoke said...

To da D to da E to da L-I-C-I-O-U-S

sdock10 said...

I gotta give a shout out tonight to da best Unicorn in all of BlogBelieve!

Solly ♥ PPU!


Anonymous said...

"I totally did."

M to da A to da YO rollin up on some dubs to da hizzy. Don't be tight with the chips thug!

Anonymous said...

Oh god, no.

Fergalicious definition
Make them boys go crazy
They always standing next to me
Comin' to me, call me Stacy

I'm the F to the E-R-G-the I-the E

And can't no other ladies put it down like me.

I'm Fergalicious.


Anonymous said...

I want all these unicorns who know they look hot tonight! Get you ass on the floor.... LIKE THIS!

Smoke said...

I ain't no hollaback girl!

This shit is bananas!

Anonymous said...

MAYOlicious, you mean.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Man you rollin up to da crib too homeslice? Got some bling to go with dat crunk?

Anonymous said...

I'm so damn slow, what the hell is a 40 anyway? I always hear people talk about it.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, I always think of pie.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it like dyno-mite size?

Like, the biggest of the big?

Like, a barrel full of alcoholic beverage?

Smoke said...

40 oz malt liquor


Anonymous said...

So I think I know the secret,
Learned from many a troubled way:
You must seek him in the morning
If you want him through the day.

Smoke said...

Like Colt 45

Jesus. I actually know all this shit. O_o

Anonymous said...

a 40 is a 40oz bottle of malt liquor.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's alcohol? I am such a lamer.

sdock10 said...

40oz of malt liquor

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you should be tipping that then? It could spill!

Anonymous said...

Is it just malt liquor, or can it be anything stuck in a forty ounce bottle?

Like, can I have a 40 of water and still sound cool? ;)

Anonymous said...

Or 40 ounces of pomegranate juice or perhaps chocolate soy?

Anonymous said...

Yo listen up here's a story
About a little guy that lives in a blog world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just lovelies like him inside and outside
Blog his house with a black little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is mayo for him and his self
And the lovelies around
Cos he ain't got nobody talk to

I'm mayo ma ma mee ma ma mie...

I have a blog house with a black window.
Black is the colour of all that I wear.
Blue are the lovelies and all the words are too.
I have a wife and she is so mayo.
Lovelies are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside.
Mayo are the words I say and what I think.
Mayo are the feelings that live inside me.

I'm mayo ma ma mee ma ma mie...

I have a blog house with a black window.
Black is the colour of all that I wear.
Blue are the lovelies and all the words are too.
I have a wife and she is so mayo.
Lovelies are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside.
Mayo are the words I say and what I think.
Mayo are the feelings that live inside me.

I'm mayo ma ma mee ma ma mie...

Inside and outside blog his house
With the black little window and a blue corvette
And everything is mayo for him and his self
And the lovelies around cause he aint got
Nobody to talk to

I'm mayo ma ma mee ma ma mie...

I'm mayo (if I was miracle whip, I would die)

Anonymous said...

From our hidden places
By a secret path,
We come in the moonlight
To the side of the green rath.

Anonymous said...

A 40 oz. is also a huge stetson hat.

Anonymous said...

Or a 40oz of sparkling apple juice?

Wait, what?

Totally joking.

Or, perhaps a 40oz grapefruit juice? OR a 40oz strawberry-banana smoooooooothie?!

Anonymous said...

LMAO at that last song, seriously. Well played! Brava!

Anonymous said...

That's one hell of a huge hat. I think. Right? I'm not very spatial. ;D

Anonymous said...

Or mathy. ;)

Anonymous said...

See, dear soul, how my sides bleed:

Quia amore langueo

For you Kapunua

Anonymous said...

In a valley of this restles mind I sought in mountain and in mead...

How perfectly anonymous. ^_^

(And yes I had to google it.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, or mathy! Neither. ^_^

Anonymous said...

HIS mind, of man a secret makes,
I meet him with a start,
He carries a circumference
In which I have no part,
Or even if I deem I do—
He otherwise may know.
Impregnable to inquest,
However neighborly.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I love this. You guys ROCK!!

March 28, 2008 11:05 PM

Anonymous said...

Cool. :D

Hey, Calaf, is this you? Because there is a gift for you in the gift blog from about a month and a half ago and I hope you got it.

Anonymous said...

Two girls discover
the secret of life
in a sudden line of

I who don't know the
secret wrote
the line. They
told me

(through a third person)
they had found it
but not what it was
not even

what line it was. No doubt
by now, more than a week
later, they have forgotten
the secret,

the line, the name of
the poem. I love them
for finding what
I can't find,

and for loving me
for the line I wrote,
and for forgetting it
so that

a thousand times, till death
finds them, they may
discover it again, in other

in other
happenings. And for
wanting to know it,

assuming there is
such a secret, yes,
for that
most of all.

Anonymous said...

O Blog, thou art sick!
The invisible worm,
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of wordy joy;
And his dark secret love
Does thy pages destroy.

Anonymous said...

*puts on a thinking cap*

Anonymous said...

Some things bear reposting, especially since they were treated rudely by invisible worms some time back. And to that end...

Anonymous said...

Bastard* Musalsal Ghazal on Missing Words

Murky, clouded, this creative lens tonight
and glass (still cracked) could bear a clever cleanse tonight.

A absent thing, this word, if you can hear it?
it speaks unspoken; meaning here transcends tonight.

It’s missing, you can feel it in the spaces:
implicit rhyme, still obvious, pretends tonight.

Speak my words aloud and you will hear it here:
the word omitted purposely suspends tonight.

Hushed enough that hostile hearts won’t hear,
but loud, for any missed word who attends tonight.

The answer on your tongue, my poet-fire,
burning on the tip where fire spends tonight.

From emptiness of meaning I should hide
though meaning is the meaning that defends tonight.

A sudden surge of hope that frees these words
and on your voice my open palm depends tonight.

My hand is reaching, waiting, empty now,
and only for the quiet it extends tonight.

To never drag my sleeves along the hallway
a knowing smile: this will, it never bends tonight.

This is not your duty; it’s your home,
and this is not at all to say it ends tonight.

The question is, where are they? Then you’ll know
exactly what this bastard form portends tonight.

The dark will fall, will finally fade into the light--
Above the din the Weaver here ascends tonight.

*The use of enjambment is not allowed in classical Ghazal

PJ's in blue said...

Hi everyone!

Just stopping to say good night!

Wishing you all sweet dreams!

You too, Mayo


Anonymous said...

Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he's dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.

tsk, tsk, poor baby!

Anonymous said...

And this is the poem that taught me the form and inspired that:

Where are you now? Who lies beneath your spell tonight?
Whom else from rapture’s road will you expel tonight?

Those “Fabrics of Cashmere--“ ”to make Me beautiful--“
“Trinket”-- to gem– “Me to adorn– How– tell”-- tonight?

I beg for haven: Prisons, let open your gates–
A refugee from Belief seeks a cell tonight.

God’s vintage loneliness has turned to vinegar–
All the archangels– their wings frozen– fell tonight.

Lord, cried out the idols, Don’t let us be broken
Only we can convert the infidel tonight.

Mughal ceilings, let your mirrored convexities
multiply me at once under your spell tonight.

He’s freed some fire from ice in pity for Heaven.
He’s left open– for God– the doors of Hell tonight.

In the heart’s veined temple, all statues have been smashed
No priest in saffron’s left to toll its knell tonight

God, limit these punishments, there’s still Judgment Day–
I’m a mere sinner, I’m no infidel tonight.

Executioners near the woman at the window.
Damn you, Elijah, I’ll bless Jezebel tonight.

The hunt is over, and I hear the Call to Prayer
fade into that of the wounded gazelle tonight.

My rivals for your love– you’ve invited them all?
This is mere insult, this is no farewell tonight.

And I, Shahid, only am escaped to tell thee–
God sobs in my arms. Call me Ishmael tonight.

Agha Shahid Ali

Anonymous said...

Aloha PJ's! Aloha Not Waving But Drowning anon.

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams everyone!


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