Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pie in the face of infamy.

I am feeling like a bit of a prick this hour. I will not apologize for my rant or the decision I have made. Please, consider yourselves warned. I have a bit of the devil in me.

My foremost priority is to put an end to a certain debate that has been going on inside my head for some time. I am weary from thought, and can barely function from the stress. My torment is unending, and my head is pounding. I have not been able to eat or sleep. I am gaunt, my eyes are hollow, and I look like shit. I have to, at this moment, come to terms with the horror. Ultimately, I must confront my fears and face the question that has been plaguing me at the start of each day. Boxers or briefs? I must admit I have been weighing my options quite heavily. Both have positive and negative qualities, but in the end (yes, I just said that) it is…

p.s. fucker’s out of his mind if you ask me.


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Anonymous said...

RW, I just seen the picture. It's pretty nasty. I assume the hairdresser got stitches, right?

resurrected wreck said...

She did indeed, BC. More than anything, she was worried that if she lost her toe she would no longer be able to wear open-toed shoes. Luckily, it didn't come down to that.

gnothi seauton said...

* knock on door *

* muffled voice *

Hi, can someone open the door for me please, my hands are full.

Anonymous said...

good morning everyone!
RW Amyranth Kapunua MJ Fiona (don't know if I know you!)
Bc and bye fimble
Hi anyone else!
it's raining again!!!

RW wow she really did a job on her toe! Very lucky they've reattached it.

Hair looks great, mine is straight and fine and for the first time in many years I am going to grow it long!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that RW. I see we had another anon attack earlier as well.

Anonymous said...

Helllo GS, and Ergo. How are you?

*opens door for GS*

Anonymous said...

Hi GS!!

NOOOOOOOOO you can't remake Dark Crystal!! That movie is fantastic!

I saw a tour of the puppets and costumes and such after it had opened, Those black beetle things were amazing , and still threatening when you know they're fake.

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo to you, EP! :D

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo there, GS! :)

resurrected wreck said...

Hair looks great, mine is straight and fine and for the first time in many years I am going to grow it long!

Go for it, EP!

gnothi seauton said...

Thanks BC :)

* drags in cases of beer, spirits and wine left over from daughters 18th party *

Could someone get the drinks fountain for me? It's just outside the door.

* stands up *

Hello everyone, have we started yet? No? Why not?

Oh, hang on a minute.


Good evening Mayo.

'Kay, where is everyone?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello ep and GS well they need to do something with the dark crystal. It's starting to look dated. Well it is looking dated.

Anonymous said...

your welcome GS :)

Ergo, I take it Dark Crystal is a fantastic movie then? I never seen it before *bows head in shame*

gnothi seauton said...

Hello Amy ( if she's still around ) BC, Ergo, Martha and RW.

Are you having a good birthday weekend so far RW? Apart from the toe debacle. How weird is that?!

resurrected wreck said...

I admit I haven't seen it either, BC.

But I loved Labyrinth.

resurrected wreck said...

Luckily it wasn't my toe, GS! Well, luckily for me, that is. Not for my hairdresser.

I'm having a very low-key weekend. My birthday socializing was mainly done earlier in the week.

How are you this weekend?

Anonymous said...

RW, same here. Labyrinth is one of my now-favorite movies.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The dark crystal is great. The special effects are just showing their age.

gnothi seauton said...

I'm okay thanks RW, very tired for some reason, keep nodding off. Must be my age :)

Can I get you an Amaretto Sour?

Anyone else for drinkies?

Anonymous said...

MJ it is a bit dated I suppose
*grudgingly agrees*

but I love it, it is one of my fave movies.
The skeksis were brilliant!and fizzgig was my favourite

BC it's a movie made my Jim Henson & Frank Oz(the muppets) and they are puppets and lifesized characters, about a land split into bad and good when the crystal broke

the dark crystal

Anonymous said...

Hello again,

"We outsiders just come here periodically to read the lol-worthy antics of the pathetic bunch who have nothing better to do with their lives than scramble about for the attention of a faker called Mayo/SS, who is playing you all for the fools that you are."

Glad to be of service! It's nice to know that in this modern philistine culture of instant gratification there's still some entertainment to be found in the humble written word.

Mayo doesn't usually let it get up to over 2000 comments - but, I guess he'd know that if MCR played Thursday, then flew home Friday, Gerard would currently be relieving himself of a fortnight's worth of backed-up semen. Mayo will leave it a little longer to post again and it's that attention to detail that has me coming back for more of his sweet, sweet candy!!

Sorry guys, it's Saturday night and I'm bored. Portuguese TV would be shit even if I could understand it. I've got a Poirot movie on TV and some decaff and you guys are getting addictive!

Anonymous said...

if you liked Labyrinth you should see Dark Crystal

*does little "I can clicky link" dance*

resurrected wreck said...

Um... dilemma: how do I politely discourage someone from visiting me when they've just invited themselves to stay for 5 days at my house?

resurrected wreck said...

I would love an Amaretto sour, GS! Ta :)

Anonymous said...

RW major infectious disease?

pants - classic!!

resurrected wreck said...

Did you say Poirot, Pants? I love Poirot!

gnothi seauton said...

Um... dilemma: how do I politely discourage someone from visiting me when they've just invited themselves to stay for 5 days at my house?

How do you get yourself into these pickles? They do know that you don't have the room don't they?

Umm, tell them you have a death watch beetle infestation and you are currently in need of shelter yourself.


Love the comment :) Welcome to the party! What are you drinking?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hahaha Pants of peace.

But I didn't need to know that about GW.

well I must go run to the store be back soon.

Anonymous said...

Pants, LOL! We definitely need more anons like you here in this fucked up house of May-O-Naise

Ergo, thanks for the link! :D

Anonymous said...

Take care MJ. Or RW, you can tell your guest that your house is infested with termites :D

resurrected wreck said...

How do you get yourself into these pickles? They do know that you don't have the room don't they?

Yes, but she's not getting it. And she totally just invited herself, I did not extend an invitation of any kind. I am in the process of discouraging her as we speak. But she seems determined. I may have to get more forceful.

Anonymous said...

GS scotch and dry please?

Anonymous said...

RW how about start smiling and being really keen then telling them about the new kitchen knives you've bought and all the fantastic places you have around you to hide dismembered bodies?

gnothi seauton said...

Bye Martha.

* passes drink to RW *

Good luck with that. Are you friendly enough to turn round and say " Er, 'scuse me, I haven't actually invited you to stay, you cheeky mare "

resurrected wreck said...

So... should I paint my nails "Franklin Avenue Russet" or "Garden City Cabernet" tonight?

A girl needs to know these things!

gnothi seauton said...

Coming up Ergo.

PoP - drink?

* starts hanging up streamers and ballons *

Can we get some music on?

Anonymous said...

Hi RW, MJ, GS and Ergoproxy!

It's an episode called "OS ABUTRES" according to the TV Guide - your guess of a translation is as good as mine. I haven't seen it before but someone gets murdered! I miss my english Saturday night tv, but Im coming home at Easter so not long now.

I love The Dark Crystal even though it's older than me! My big sister is 10 years older so she shows me all the good films from the 80s.

gnothi seauton said...

Garden City Cabernet, for sure!

I was born in the Garden City and cabernet, 'cos it's cabernet!

resurrected wreck said...

* passes drink to RW *

Ta! *sips*

Good luck with that. Are you friendly enough to turn round and say " Er, 'scuse me, I haven't actually invited you to stay, you cheeky mare "

Actually, we're not really even friends. We're more acquantences. I've known her a long time, 25 years. But except for a short period in our teens, I never considered her much of a friend. She's bossy, self-centered, and tends to lie a lot & talk behind people's backs. But she's also very needy, which is why I think she still tries to cling on to dead friendships. I tried to end contact with her once and for all last year, but then her mother passed away so I didn't feel that I should go through with it then.

And yes, if it came to it I would remind her that she hadn't actually been invited. I don't really like her, but I don't want to hurt her either, so i hope she gets the hint & it doesn't come to that.

resurrected wreck said...

An impeccable choice, GS! It's my fave too :)

Anonymous said...

Totally random, but they're playing my favorite Spongebob episode where Spongebob and Patrick are saying "bad words." :D

elena said...

I guess he'd know that if MCR played Thursday, then flew home Friday, Gerard would currently be relieving himself of a fortnight's worth of backed-up semen.

Pantsofpeace I so didn't need that visual but I've had a shitty day and it did make me laugh. Thanks

gnothi seauton said...

There ya go Ergo!

* passes drink *

What are you doing in Portugal, Pop? I think you mentioned it ages ago when you first appeared on the blog but I've forgotten. Or am I mixing you up with someone else?

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say hello to Pants. Hi pants! How are you dear?

Anonymous said...

Hi Elena. How are you holding up?

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo there, Elena! :D

GS is mixing the drinks. What's your pleasure?

gnothi seauton said...

Hello Elena - how did today go? You okay?

RW - you might have to bite the bullet and be harsh with her :\

I'm going to put on some cheesy music. 'Specially for Ergo :)

Why do you build me up
Build me up
Buttercup baby just to let me down
Let me down
Then mess me around....

resurrected wreck said...

RW - you might have to bite the bullet and be harsh with her :\

I think I was a little, inadvertently. Seems like she's finally gotten the message though.

Anonymous said...


thanks GS !

hello elena - was the service nice?
(I hope I read right while I was scanning back before)

resurrected wreck said...

Hey, did anyone remember to invite Bert to tonight's party?

By the way, FS keeps chasing me around the blogs. She says I'm chasing her, but I swear she's telling stories!

gnothi seauton said...


Someone put a carbonated drink in the drinks fountain!

Bubbles! Bubbles!

resurrected wreck said...

BUBBLES!! I love bubbles!!

gnothi seauton said...

You don't need to tell Bert there's a party, he can sense them.

* cue spooky music *

And RW, tell Fim to come to the party. Then we can all chase her!

resurrected wreck said...

GS, I just told FS that you said to get her ass over the the party right now.

elena said...

Hey everyone

Yeah, the service was very nice. His death was a blessing. He had been very sick for a long time. Thanks for all of your concern.

So there is a party?

resurrected wreck said...

Can we meander over to the porch for a spell? There are thems there wot cannot get into Mayo's now that the comment count is up so high. Don't want them missing out.

gnothi seauton said...

Can we meander over to the porch for a spell? There are thems there wot cannot get into Mayo's now that the comment count is up so high. Don't want them missing out.

See you all there.

Anonymous said...

Hello Pantera and Elena,

I'm not really very good at being anonymous - I'm a "My Chemical Idiot" on Buzznet and I have my profile under the same name. I posted once a while ago and then yesterday but I really just lurk!

My name is Kira and I'm half-Portuguese but my language skills are really embarassing so I'm waiting at my grandparents restaurant in Lisbon for my Gap year before I go to Uni.

I chose my name because my friends bought me these as a going away present!

Anonymous said...

when is the party going to start?

resurrected wreck said...

It already has, BC :) It's migrated over to DM now.

elena said...

Nice to meet you Kira. My daughter is leaning to speak Portuguese!

Anonymous said...

They were beautiful weren't they? MCR when they started and they were so pure and beautiful. I'm crying a little when I think about it.

Fimble Star said...

hey kira (pants)
how are you hun. just went to find your profile and tried to leave you a note but i couldnt find you. i must be blind.

oh and ronaldo has excellent ball control ;)

hey guys, do not believe rw. she is stalking me and chasing me to nip my bum. she is so naughty and is a dirty bird

resurrected wreck said...

Hey guys, FS is being cheeky to me on my birthday. I think she should be the first to get spanked!

Anonymous said...

Pantsofpeace, you are no idiot and I think your language skills are excellent! Welcome to our messed up but loveable family. I hope you like it here :)

P.S. You're really funny too! :)

gnothi seauton said...

* passes anonymous a hankie and a drink *

There you go Anon, shh, it's not so bad, there's always hope.


* nips bum *

I believe the birthday girl, 'cos birthday girls NEVER lie!

PoP - that sounds fun. The only way to learn a language properly is to got to the country and speak it.

Anonymous said...

RW, what?! So I was left out here all by my lonesome self?! Tis' horrible! ;p

Anon, I know what you mean. It's pretty heartbreaking to reminisce the old days.

resurrected wreck said...

RW, what?! So I was left out here all by my lonesome self?! Tis' horrible! ;p

We wouldn't do that to ya, BC! Come on over to DM!

Anonymous said...

Ronaldo didn't score today Fimble Star! But he can always score with me!

Nice to meet you all (again), but I have to be up early to be dragged to Church tommorrow, um...this morning, so "Boa Noite!"

Anonymous said...

So here I am trying to write a bit more to the story (in fits and starts, that's why it's taking so long; I'm doing a million things in between which I HATE to do,) and I find myself in need of a picture of a cucumber.

Let me tell you something.


I'm off to kill myself now. Later.

Anonymous said...

Aww I know you wouldn't RW. I shall be at DM's in a bit. I have some stuff to take care of first.

Goodnight and sweet dreams Pants. It was nice meeting you. K, that cucumber thing must be really bad then O_o

gnothi seauton said...

Never google/ image the word beaver, either.

Bad images, bad images.

Hello/ goodbye Kapunua.

resurrected wreck said...

Let me tell you something.


This reminds me of an incident while I was looking for a pic of the hair cut I wanted. I originally wanted a '30s cut, and remembered one I liked in a Jeeves and Wooster rerun. The character with said haircut is called Stephanie Bing. But when a Google image search failed to provide me with any pics of her, I tried Googling her nickname - Stiffy.

Enough said, I think.

ergoproxy said...

hi kira nice to meet you, though you've gone.

kapunua google can be a very scary place!

gnothi seauton said...

Night PoP.

resurrected wreck said...

Have a good one, PoP :)

gnothi seauton said...

This reminds me of an incident while I was looking for a pic of the hair cut I wanted. I originally wanted a '30s cut, and remembered one I liked in a Jeeves and Wooster rerun. The character with said haircut is called Stephanie Bing. But when a Google image search failed to provide me with any pics of her, I tried Googling her nickname - Stiffy.

Enough said, I think.

Bloody priceless!

Fimble Star said...

*runs after jules with a giant cucumber*

hahahahaha do you like that sea strumpet. do ya do ya

Anonymous said...

Fimble, have you been a naughty girl? ;)

Fimble Star said...

bc, how dare you suggest such a thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*laughs because bc is far naughtier than fim*

Anonymous said...

Fimble, you know it's true! ;)

And how am I more naughtier than you? ;D

Fimble Star said...

just look at your initials.


what else could that stand for? you dirty bird ;)

toujours said...

hello everyone. :)

i'm at the party, but i thought i'd try to wander back and forth a bit.

i'll probably not be very good at it though...

and i just realized i don't have a drink!

*heads back to the party*

toujours said...

plus, this is how long it took the comment box to re-load, so i'll also be spectacularly bad at conversation, i'm thinking.

s-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w, that is.

Anonymous said...

Guys, come on AIM!

Heheee. I said "come."

Anonymous said...

Fimble, apparently, my initials actually REALLY stand for Butter Cup ^__^

Hi squeak squeak

capture this void said...



First off, happy birthday, Mya! I wish you all the best!

So here's the thing. My computer went crazy today and decided not to turn on. I guess it's serious because we need to get it repaired or something. I have no idea when it'll get fixed. I'm on my sister laptop right now, and let me just say it's a COMPLETE bitch to scroll on this thing.

So I won't be on the computer as much, probably. I'll try my best, but this really sucks.

So is there a party going on or what?!

resurrected wreck said...

CTV!!!!! :D

We're partying it up over at DM.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mayo, I got a question for you. It's a trick question so think carefully.

Mayo, do you drink tea? Or do you eat it?



Anonymous said...

Hey CTV. Yep, you heard right. There's a party going on at DM.

ergoproxy said...

hello CTV!!

capture this void said...

Hello to allllllll.

I'm heading over there now :)

elena said...

The Mayo Gothic continues

The Direful Secret of Castle Mayo
Elena and Toujours

chapter 11

- there was a narrow opening there, more a wide crack in the foundation than a true doorway. arabella squeezed through the rough angles of the crevice and found herself in a tunnel that smelled of wet earth. she did not hesitate, but picked up her skirts and ran toward the faint glimmer in the distance that was the tunnel's outside entrance, and her escape route to safety. -

The light beckoned to her. Arabella was almost to the opening when she heard her sisters. The nearer she moved towards the opening the louder their voices became until she heard them with clarity. With a final burst of speed she exited the tunnel finding herself outside the castle. A moment later her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she saw the shapes of several women not far from where she stood.

“Arabella” CTV cried out. “Thank God. We feared for your safety.” She ran to Arabella and hugged her tightly.

“I am fine.” Arabella assured her. “I was in the cellar. Redrum showed me the way to safety. Where are the others?”

“We are scattered about the castle grounds.” Martha said joining them. “The attack became so vicious we were forced to flee the castle.”

“What is happening?” Arabella’s voice shook, not only in fear but also in anger.

More of the women gathered around.

“The Nameless Ones became so loud the very walls of the castle shook.” Gnothi Seauton answered. “Their hateful words became too much.”

“We were wrong to flee.” Mustard said holding her head high. “They should not be allowed to force us from our home.”

“It is not our home.” Kass reminded her. “It is Lord Mayo’s.”

“But he has welcomed us. Lord Mayo has told us that is more our home than his. His words assured us his desire for us to stay is strong.” Sdock said moving to the front of the group.

“It is true. Lord Mayo has spoken those words.” Ergo nodded.

“But I do not understand.” Arabella said still trying to catch her breath, “What were the Nameless Ones saying? Do they meant to drive us from this place forever?”

“They were shouting.” Possum said sadly. “They taunt that Lord Mayo is not the true Lord of the Castle. Their shouts claim he is an imposter.”

“Fools” Jenn’s angry voice caught their attention. “Lord Mayo is the true Lord of the castle. To think otherwise is blasphemy.”

“Agreed” Kaupuna nodded. “This castle belongs to no other.”

“It belongs to all of us.” Paperheart’s sweet voice reminded them. “Lord Mayo has said it is so.”

“Then why do we stand out in the castle grounds?” asked Kass.

“Yes. Why?” RW linked arms with her. “We are strong. We must band together and go back inside our home.”

“I for one believe that if we stand together they cannot harm us.” S&V said loudly. “But we must take care. We cannot allow them to divide us.”

“But what of the Nameless Ones?” Fimble’s voice was soft. “Their words are cruel. My heart aches when my sisters are attacked.”

They all understood. The taunts of the Nameless Ones often caused pain.

“Stand together. You are strong. Stronger than they can ever understand.”

Shocked the women turned to see the Ghost standing a fair distance from them by the castle wall.

“The Ghosts speaks to us.” Anima whispered.

Most were too shocked to from words. Arabella nodded. “We understand. Thank you.”

“Do not forget why you are here.” The Ghost said. It’s voice becoming but a whisper on the wind. With that it was gone.

“Where did it go?” Bella asked straining her eyes in the darkness.

“It vanished” Gentle Vengeance answered. “It was only here to offer us words of comfort.”

Slowly the small groups of women all gathered at the castles entrance. The words of the Ghost were shared until each had heard its message. Then in unspoken agreement they began to pass through the large wooden door. As they filed in slowly they were shocked to see the castle looking as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

I do not understand.” OPJ said while her eyes scanned the large hall. “When we fled the place was in shambles.”

Ergo nodded, “Indeed. Tables had overturned, dishes had shattered upon the floor and now.” She looked around “It is all as it was before.”

Suddenly a voice from above the hall called out to them.

“My Lovelies I provide this place so that you may each have a safe haven. You are free to come and go as you will. I walk among you undisturbed. Your eyes do not note my presence, yet your ears acknowledge my words. You know me and I know you. Please however beware. Always there are those who strive to steal from us what we have made. Bitterness fills their heart and their words are vile. Try as I might I know that I can not always protect you from the sting of their words. Each of you knows what you must do. I pray you stay for each other.” Lord Mayo’s voice trailed off and many believe him to be gone. However one more sentence was uttered, “Stay for me.”

gnothi seauton said...


That was so cool.

elena said...

Thanks GS

Fimble Star said...

well done elena. nice story

bc, what your initials stand for wasnt wat i was thinking !!!!!!

can you gues what i was thinking? ;)

ergoproxy said...

oh I love the end!

what emotion!

oh wouldn't it be wonderful if we could make a movie!!! lol

elena said...

Thanks Fimble

Ergo so who would we get to play Lord Mayo?

Original Punk J said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Elena, sweetie, that was wonderful!
I am loving this story. You and TJ are so talented and this was just what we needed to remind us to stay strong and be there for each other.

Hope everyone is doing well tonight!


Fimble Star said...

hello L

how are you, feeling any better?

are you coming to the party in dm?

resurrected wreck said...

Hiya, OP L :)

Party at DM, by the way.

Original Punk J said...

Hey, Fimble, RW!

I am doing pretty good, Fimble, thank you! I'm not so sore now and the incision sites are healing great.

RW, I was just over at the party. Going back and forth. You know, taking on two at once...

(Take THAT Anon...)


Anonymous said...

Fimble, I am curious to hear what your guess might be. Try your best shot ;)

Hellloo OP L. How are you?

Elena, TJ, another wonderful chapter. I loved it! Keep up the great work guys :)

toujours said...

i was at the party and elena said that the chapter was up and i ran over here so fast i tripped and knocked out my internet connection. :/

hey! hi l.! :D

Original Punk J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
elena said...

Pantera and L

Thanks for the story comments. Can't wait to see what TJ comes up with next.

Original Punk J said...

Hey BC! How's it going?

Hey TJ, Ergo!

How are you doing, Elena? I sent you an e-mail today. And TJ, I still own you one. I wanted to finish working on my drawing and send it to you to critique.


Anonymous said...

Your welcome Elena :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello all

gnothi seauton said...


It would be very much appreciated if you would post something new. Even I am having trouble pulling up your page. Thank you in advance :)

Anonymous said...

OP L, I'm doing pretty good. How about you?

Anonymous said...

Helllooo MJ. Almost everyone is at DM

capture this void said...

Elena, well done! I feel honoured to be in the story. Thank you.

Hello OP's, MJ. I hope you're doing well.

Amyranth said...

Elena that was awesome.

We're all pretty little ladies in Lord Mayo's Castle.


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello BC aND ctv i'M GOOD. Watching Torchwood

Anonymous said...

MJ, cool beans. I forgot to say, the other day I seen a commercial for Torch wood in that they were releasing the first season on DVD. I believe it's available now.

Original Punk J said...

Hey, CTV, Amy. The story is great, isn't it? It would be cool to really be the Lovelies in the gothic gowns, and live in the Castle. What images!

J. and I were talking the other day, and (Now, PAY ATTENTION, MAYO) we were saying that one day, who knows how long from now, would it not be the greatest thing for all the Lovelies to get an invitation to a REAL castle somewhere, for the weekend. We would all have numbers and our blog names on our assigned room doors.

I pictured being in a great hall with tables like in Harry Potter, all of us there, and have Mayo and SS come out to truly introduce themselves. Doesn't matter who they are, just so they would be there in person with us.


toujours said...

this is how very bad i am at hopping between windows. *sigh*

but! l. i'm looking forward to seeing what you've done!

and i think i'm going to wait until tomorrow to work on my chapter. my brain is not in gear tonight.

gonna make you all wait! :P

ergoproxy said...

sorry on the delay I'm doing bookwork

Elena I'm not sure but someone a bit booding

how about Gerard


and OP's I;m great thanks! I love the idea of us all actually together somewhere!

Original Punk J said...

Please post soon, TJ. This story is addictive.

I hope to have my sketch down by tomorrow, so I will send it to you then. I have most of it done, I just am not completely jappy with it, so I want to work on it more.


capture this void said...

That'd be nifty, L.

ANDDDDD I love how you compared it to Harry Potter ^_^. For the win.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes it is BC. And you have to see the first episode of the second season. The guy that played spike on Buffy was on there. Making out with another dude. It was great.

gnothi seauton said...

We were talking about the lottery recently and I said if I won a large amount I would hire a stately home for the weekend and fly everyone over! Great minds think alike!!

Original Punk J said...

Wouldn't that be just amazing, Ergo?

It would be so nice for all of us to meet in person. It would be the perfect way to wrap up the blog.

So, I would vote for a long time from now, because I like it here, and wouldn't want it to end soon. Besides, Harold would have to spend a WHOLE lot of money renting a castle, and plane fare for most of us. This way (AGAIN MAYO, PAY ATTENTION) he could start saving now.

Ergo, do you still have the, uh, you know, edit-cray ard-cay?


Anonymous said...

It's getting a little crowded.*


elena said...


Wherefore art thou Mayo?

Original Punk J said...

Cool, GS. Good luck in the lottery! I would probably give most of my winnings away, but you can bet bullets to bootstraps I'd keep enough to make myself mighty jappy!

But I would also rent the castle and have us all there!


Anonymous said...

MJ, James Marsters(Spike)was on the show? Neat!

Original Punk J said...

I'll be back in a bit, guys, need to shower and load the laundry afterwards.

J. won't be on tonight, she's not feeling well, so she is on the couch. Nothing bad, she's ok, just needed a lie-down.

See you in a bit!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your shower OP L

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And BC he will be a recurring character.

He looked like a cross between Adam ant and the black parade.

gnothi seauton said...

I'm done in for the night.

Good night ladies.

Good night Mayo. I bet you'll post now!


Fimble Star said...

L - 8.47 comment made me laugh. but seriously you can only be my friend if

you cant spell
you are a dog
and you have to go and die.

do you think you fit the criteria to be MY friend.

BC - i dont think you would like to know my guess. it is to rude. but funny hehehe you are naughty and a dirty bird. take a WILD guess hahahaha

ok, well sorry i was missing for a bit. i was being chased by bert and hiding behind a big hairy bush!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight GS.

toujours said...

I hope to have my sketch down by tomorrow, so I will send it to you then. I have most of it done, I just am not completely jappy with it, so I want to work on it more.

whenever you're happy with it, and ready to show it, l., i'll be ready to see it! take your time. :)

JocelynHolly said...


Original Punk J said...

I did, BC. Nothing like a hot shower!

Fimble, I will work on my spelling, and be a dog, but do I have to die? I wouldn't be around to be your friend!

Good Night, GS! Sweet dreams.

Bubbles- Double RAWR!


Original Punk J said...

And thanks, TJ. I appreciate you looking over my work.

It's like being back in Art class! She was pretty tough, though. She told us once that she used the grading scale exactly as what it said. If it was an average or acceptable project, you got a C. If it was good, better than average, you got a B. ONLY if she considered it to be EXCELLENT did she give an A.

In three years of Art class, I got a handful of A grades, mostly B grades.

Only once did I get an A+, and that was because she couldn't figure out what medium I used. She had already gave me an A, but she finally had to ask me what I used.

The entire drawing was done with make-up.

It's on our Photobucket, the Arcadia album sleeve. I used black eyeliner for all the outlines and actual drawing, eye shadows for the colors, liquid makeup for the skin, patted over with powder, blush for the cheeks, and lipstick. I sprayed it with shellac spray so it wouldn't smudge.


Fimble Star said...


i wouldnt wish anyone to die so maybe that one can be scrapped.

i am tired, feeling all dirtied out and waiting for mayo.

what you up to, anything exciting

Original Punk J said...

Whew! Thanks, Fimble.

Not much tonight, I've had a lazy day. Tried to do some writing, but my it just didn't soar, dang it. So I scrapped that and worked on a CD for my niece, who may be coming to stay the night after while.

I think I am going to go too, though. I didn't realize how sleepy I was until after my shower, not I just want to go to bed!


Fimble Star said...

good night L, it was nice talking to you. take care of your self and have fun with your cd. i need to do one so cheers for reminding me

nighty night

Original Punk J said...


If I miss you tonight, I hope you are doing well, and staying strong. The Castle walls are still intact, despite the best efforts of those to tear it down. Thank you for creating a place where we could all come and be ourselves, and even with the anon attacks, we stand together, and lean on each other.

I truly believe there was a reason all of us were brought together here. All of us, including you and SS.

Please take care of yourself, sweetie, and no matter what:

Stay On The Ride.

Love. Hope. Faith.


Original Punk J said...

You too, Fimble!

Sweet dreams!


toujours said...

The entire drawing was done with make-up.

It's on our Photobucket, the Arcadia album sleeve.

oh that's so very cool! i'll have to go back and take another look at it -- a closer look!

have a good night l. see you back in the castle tomorrow!


Original Punk J said...


Hope you are doing well, too. I know the vulture attacks lately have been pretty heavy, but I hope you are just taking a few days out and not staying away thinking it may bring them back if you post.

Sweetie, they will always come back. But that doesn't matter. We will stay in formation and take care of each other. That includes you and Mayo. We will defend all of the Family.

We do miss you, and hope you can drop by when you can.

This is from J:
"Please take care of yourself and know you are loved. Because you are a loving, giving, compasionate person, and you are strong. I do miss you. Its all about the love, precious."

Ditto, SS.

A quote for you and BlogBelieve:

"You are only given a small spark of madness, you must not lose it."
-Robin Williams

Pactum Serva.

Love. Hope. Faith.


Original Punk J said...

Good Night, TJ!

See you tomorrow, in the Great Hall!

Sweet dreams.

Love ya,

PJ's in blue said...


We all can see the outside, but no one can see the inside, eyes can hide so much, they can even lie when need be, but let them cry and every one looks, yet you could scream from your soul, and no one would notice,
i know you know what i mean!

Just something to ponder.

So im drunk, im on this damn computer, got to be better things to do, but who? have you ever ask that, sure you have.

Maybe i can make sence tomorrow, tonigt i am being the other me, i do let her out once in a while..she has way more

Who am i kidding, you'll never see this, im too far dwon in the blog for

nigt blog pals, im taking my drunk ass to bed, and man... wink!or woman, wink wink, just me and my pillow, you know some times a pillow can feel, it hugs to you, solf or silky in my case, but its like it loves you back, ok now you know im drunk, im going.

hugs to all

Fimble Star said...

good night pj, you hug that pillow and think of us cos i am sure we would hug you at once.

nighty night pj

Anonymous said...

Good night, Fim! I missed saying it to you in chat so I'm saying it here. Sweet dreams, FimbleMinx.

Hey Mayo. Whatchoo doin', homeslice?

resurrected wreck said...

Did I miss the rest of the party?


Fimble Star said...

well i am off for the night to guys, i am very tired and need to sleep.

mayo - if you post just know that i said hi. i hope you are doing well and that you enjoy your result of the very important decision. nighty night

ss - where ever you have been i hope you are ok, please know that it is not always a run with mean anons. this is actually a nice place to hang and chat. please dont let the evil shadow the love,faith and hope of the people here.
nighty night ss

family, sweet dreams. you are allwonderful each in their own. thank you for making me smile, each and everyone of you.


resurrected wreck said...

Night night, FS :)

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool MJ. I actually miss seeing Spike.

Goodnight OP L. Sweet dreams. Goodnight GS.

BC - i dont think you would like to know my guess. it is to rude. but funny hehehe you are naughty and a dirty bird. take a WILD guess hahahaha

Fimble, I think I know what your guess is ;)

Hi teddy bear. How are you? *hugs*

resurrected wreck said...

It's during quiet moments like these that Miss T would go blog-streaking.

How I miss that :(

Anonymous said...

She Wolf, I still think you are a good person. And anyone who would google you and post things like that, and who would make fun of your looks is not a good person. You do the math. I'm sorry for what I saw happen to you. It made me ill. Take care, she-wolf.

Anonymous said...


How are ya tonight, my friend? Did Saturday rock and roll for you? I fucking hope so. Me? Oh, I am slowly but surely getting over my sickness and I am almost back to feeling normal again. Almost. Yeah, and whatever that means.

Just wanted to drop you a quick note. I am fucking around with my computer and doing it mighty unsuccesfully. Fucking hate shit like this. It doesn't work and there's no good reason why. Just fucking because. Oh well, oh well...oh well. That's what I have been doing for the last 3 hours. How about you?

Have you failed at anything today?

I fucking hope not.

Mayo, I wish you technical success and may you never suffer technical failure or technical difficulties.

Love to YOU ALways,

P.S. Technically speaking

Anonymous said...

RW, ah, I remember the first time I went blog-streaking. Miss T was very excited about that :D I forgot to say hi. Hi RW!

Why can't I have anon who will say nice things about me? It's like, not fair lol ;p

Anonymous said...

I am sorry Bleeding Chaos, Kapunua is simply someone I like and admire.

Sdock10 it pleases me so much to see you back here. You are the heart of this blog with your kind ways. Don't let anyone talk down to you.

Anonymous said...

No need to apologize She Wolf Anon. You are a good person saying those nice things about K.

It is reprehensible that some anons are have to resort with calling people ugly and stupid >:(

Anonymous said...

My little jar of Mayonaise, I'm guessing you are not going to make a post tonight are you? Well, that's okay. I never had a problem of waiting long for one.

Anonymous said...

Thank you again She Wolf anon. You've always been very nice to me. It means a lot. ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

Hi BC!


Anonymous said...

I'm putting flowers in your mansion, Mayo, while we wait on you. Take your time.

Don't you know, silly man?
Half the fun is to plan the plan!
All good things
Come to those who can wait.

Gilly flowers, maybe,
Instead of daisies...
I dunno though,
what do you think?

Anonymous said...

Have you guessed who you are in my mind tonight, Mayo? ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hi RW *waves* Hi K

Anonymous said...

Weeds~~~~~flying out window

Anonymous said...

*lurking, reading*

Say, Mayo. What kind of pie?

Eminently practical and yet appropriate as always.

Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Anon, is that suppose to be a diss?

Carrie said...

My parents smoke the weed, it makes them mellow and accepting of all, let us all smoke it....

ergoproxy said...

ah Mayo I need something to perk me up!

Post hey?

haha you're not even likely about but I'm sooooooo bored

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie, Ergo *waves*

Entropy said...


Carrie said...

Hey you, BC

ergoproxy said...

Hi carrie hi entropy

Anonymous said...

For what's the sound of the world out there?
Those crunching noises pervading the air?
It's man devouring man, my dear...

Then who are we to deny it in here?

Carrie said...

Hey ergo!

Entropy said...

Hi, Ergo, Carrie, Pantera, Jules.

Anonymous said...

Aloha kakou!

Anonymous said...

Hi entropy. K, I like your poem.

Carrie said...

Hey assorted peeps. And Sis M, I totally want your wife.

Carrie said...

ya wanna thumb wrestle for your beyotch Sis M?

Entropy said...

You know, Sis M hasn't actually let me know if she wants that divorce or not. But, you're next on the list 'cause I dig you.

Anonymous said...

So Carrie, you wanna marry Sister M? ;)

Entropy said...

Damn, am I coming on as the biggest ho bag on here?
Fim, you cool with that?

Anonymous said...

His needs are few, his room is bare.
He hardly uses his fancy chair.
The more he bleeds, the more he lives.
He never forgets and he never forgives.

Good night, BlogBelieve! Pleasant dreams.


Anonymous said...

Goodnight K.

Entropy said...

Night, Jules. Sleep well.

ergoproxy said...

goodnight Kapunua sweet dreams!

Carrie said...

No dude, I'm trying to steal Entropy!

Anonymous said...



elena said...


I had a rough day. Funerals tend to do that to you. Anyway my brain is mush but for some reason this poem keeps coming to mind. So I though I would share it with you. It's one of my favorites....

Rain by Shel Silverstein

I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.

Night Mayo

Entropy said...

I'm thinking she'd be cool with it.

elena said...

See my brain is so mushy I can't even spell thought!!

Crap, what a day.

Hey SS

Miss you dude. I really wish I could put into words what I'd like to say but believe me if I tried you would shake your head and roll your eyes. Hope all is well with you. Take care.


Anonymous said...

you cannot sleep, and I cannot stop dreaming

Anon616 said...

BOO !!!!

Did I scare ya'll?
I'm in a wicked mood tonight

Hi BC, Ergo, Entropy, Elena, Carrie, Mayo, SS!!!! How are you all tonight?

Dang it! I missed the party, didn't I?

*big birthday smooch*

FOR RW - Happy Birthday

*starts singing to herself because she's in that wicked mood*

"You had demons to kill within you screaming
With a gun loaded with guilt you opened their eyes

Love preys the living and praises the dead
In the heart of our hearts by death we were wed

Bleed well the soul you’re about to sell for passion deranged
Kiss and tell, baby we’re bleeding well
Bleed well the heart you’re about to fail for reasons insane
Kill and tell, baby we’re bleeding well…
…In hell"
^thanks to Ville Valo and HIM^

Love and Hugs to all!

Carrie said...

say what, anon? I have a psych degree, c'mon, let's go.

Anonymous said...

Me neither anonymous. How about that?
Sleep doesn't kick in for me for at least another two or three hours or so.

Anonymous said...

Hellloooooo Wendy!! How are you on this fine evening?

I'm doing pretty good, thank you for asking

Entropy said...

Ooooh, I'm telling, anon.

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