Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A little rough around the edges…

I have not yet entered into a static free zone. Buzz, buzz, buzz…my head is ready to fucking split. I asked him if it still mattered at all.

I am waiting for his reply.

I have been half way around my brain with this shit, and it just keeps coming up the same. And I am repeating myself, here in the dark, not quite alone.

In time.

p.s. patience please, my lovelies...I am listening.


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anima said...

Thanks Pixie! I'm trying.

Hi and bye FASC. Sorry I gotta run.

Pixie said...

hi faraway how are you :)

ok anima, bis später!

that was nearly correct I understood you, you just have to change the order:

ich werde bald zurück sein

but not a big deal for me :)

Anonymous said...

I woaß a net op i gen sol! I mak di Gehsbräschä mid dia un den andärn auch sär! Aba disäs Gäqwadschä üba du-woaßd-shoon machd mi bäklobbd! Unt äs is do sei Hoas! Färstäßt mi?

MissTottenham said...

Hi Siobhan, thank you. How are you?

Thanks for the spoon suggestion. It did make me smile.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, will hier keine Geheimniskrämerei starten! Das Gelaber um den Gastgeber und die andere Person und dann noch um die Kapelle nervt mich momentan ungemein. Ich will nicht immer über die alle quatschen, und deswegen denk ich, dass ich hier nicht her gehöre, weil es ja hier meistens um diese Themen geht! Was denkst du soll ich machen?

Pixie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pixie said...

great siobhan and why did I answer like that? I delete it

farawaysoclose said...

i was beyond crap at german at school!! i am so bad at foreign languages! some people have more of a gift than others!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy if it made you smile, Miss T.!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Pixie!!!! Ich weiß nur manchmal nicht, was ich hier schreiben kann, ohne das es jemand mitkriegt und dann vielleicht in den falschen Hals kriegt!

Pixie said...

ok hier also in hochdeutsch:
ich würde es schade finden, wenn du uns verlassen würdest, ich unterhalte mich gerne mit dir. ich finde soviel wird gar nicht über die genannten gesprochen, oder bekomme ich das einfach nur shcon gar nicht mehr mit? möglich ist alles. nun ja, wenn hier viel los ist, also hochkonjunktur dann bin ich eh am schlafen und bekomme nicht alles mit...

Pixie said...

hihi hier sind einige sprachgenies unter uns wie es mir scheint *lach*

Anonymous said...

Ach, vielleicht übertreib ich auch. Ich weiß nicht! Anfall von PMS! *lach*
Gestern war mir das nur einfach zuviel. Dieses ewige Gelaber, wie süß der kurze von der Kapelle doch ist, und dass der so ehrlich ist, bla bla bla und der andere der ein aufgeplatztes sofakissen als Haare hat ist ja auch so süß,bla bla bla... Und der Verwandte von dem Irren aus der Kapelle auch bla bla bla... und der Tierhaut-Schläger erst recht bla bla bla...
Und ich hoffe, dass es dem Gastgeber gut geht bla bla bla...
Und der anderen Person auch, die ist ja so freundlich und so lieb und so toll bla bla bla...
Das war gestern echt zu viel für mich! Ich konnte nicht mehr! Ich kam mir teilweise vor, wie bei... (muss ich den Buchstaben nennen?), ich hoffe du weißt welche Community ich meine!

Loli Lovette said...

Guys, I just made a silly little chat page for us!!

(If you want to....no pressure, no pressure :) ) Go to my profile, and open Mayonaise Mafia Chat Line (any better names? I wanna change it) and we can all get chatty. :) :)

ergoproxy said...

HI MissT Anima, siobhan,pixie, fasc,mj elena I'm not sure who else!!

obviously the blog has transported to another language lol

misst don't worry about yesterday, everyone has bad days and I'm glad I could help you through it a bit.

Pixie said...

oh ich kann dich verstehen siobhan, manchmal geht es einem so. sorry wenn ich das sage, aber dein comment hat mich zum lachen gebracht. aufgeplatzes sofakissen? verwandter vom irren? tierhautschläger?
das ist einfach nur awesome *lol*

hi lolita how are you?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you guys! Please, don't feel left out I'm sometimes afraid to post certain things here and only want to clear things up! Not only am I little miss distrust but also little miss exaggeration:-) If you know what i mean!

Anonymous said...

He was Peter Pan......and he nailed it.

Anonymous said...

Ist okay Pixie! *lach*
Ich hoffe nur, dass du weißt, wen ich damit meinte!

Pixie said...

hi ergo and a nice friday morning to you , how are you? :)

farawaysoclose said...

mikey is such a sweetheart anon!

ergoproxy said...

hi anon.

yes he was!

hey pixie - no worries

Anonymous said...

Hi Ergo, Lolita and Fasc!

Lolita we did already talk to each other, right? hehe

Pixie said...

jep alles verstanden siobhan, ich sollte mir die bezeichnungen merken *lol*

we can also use english if you guys feel left out sorry for that, think we got carried away *lol*

farawaysoclose said...

lolita i went there but i have to go now guys. have a fab evening!

MissTottenham said...

Thank you so much Ergo.

Sionbhan, don't worry about it. We all question and debate stuff. We don't all believe the same things about this site or the identities on it.

ergoproxy said...

pixie I'm good.

still trying to catch up sleep, and a little melancholy as right this minute my best friend and her family are on their way to live on the other side of the country.

Saw them last night, few tears between us, but we will keep in touch and they'll come back over sometimes (they are going to a remote mining town)

Pixie said...

bye faraway take care :)

MissTottenham said...

Goodnight faraway, always so short and sweet.

capture this void said...

Hello to everyone. I trust we're all having a wonderful day, yes?

PP, much thanks for the review.

ergoproxy said...


there was a dead moth in my coffee and I hve only just found it at the bottom !!!!

I hate it when that sort of thing happens :(
(but at least it wasn't a frog or a roach I suppose)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Miss T.
I just read today that BC left for good and I was asking myself if should follow her?
Yesterday's discussion here made me think about it!
You know, I have to tell you that I'm not interested in deciphering Mayo's blogs or the pics he/she posts.
I don't care if Mayo's well or not! I don't know that person, so why should I bother?

I care about the people I'm talking to here, though!

I also don't care about SS! I think those people are attention seekers and the whole cryptic, mysterious blog/comments nonsense annoys the crap out of me!
I'm also not that interested in MCR anymore! I don't feel attracted to Frank, Gerard, Mikey, Bob or Ray.

So, do I have the right to stay here then?

capture this void said...

Siobhan, you always have the right to come here and join in. Everyone does. It's great to see that you enjoy talking with us. The choice is always yours.

elena said...

Hello MissT I'm so glad you are feeling better. Just try to remember that there are so many people here who care.

Well I gotta run again soon. My middle daughter just put her car in the ditch. It's so damn icy. She was lucky the car across the highway is in the ditch and flipped.

Once more - DAMN I HATE snow and ice.

ergoproxy said...

oh I didn't know PP reveiwed!

sounds like she had a great time.

**and PP a camera shop can usually recover photos as long as you don't reformat the card**

they did awesome concert for me and I hope they really enjoy KL and singapore

Pixie said...

hi ctv how are you? :)

of course you have the right to stay here siobhan! like miss t said, we don´t share the same opinions here, we´re a mixed bunch of nice people form all over the world... :)

Loli Lovette said...

Sorry! Hi! I'm great, thanks, pixie!
Okay guys, I finally found one that works, and it's up and runnin'!

Pixie said...

sounds as if you have no luck with snow and ice elena... take care *hugs*

MissTottenham said...

Hello CTV my beautiful wife, how are you?

Siobhan, I know what you mean. I also don't do big gushing speeches to mayo or ss cos I don't know them. They could be anybody and I feel strange spiiling my heart to people who don't respond.

I also come here to talk to the people, my friends.

I also don't bother to decipher the cryptic stuff or peoms, I can't be arsed.

Don't think that your feelings aren't shared. I hope you do stay here cos I enjoy talking to you.

ergoproxy said...

oh my goodness Elena !

I'm so glad she's ok, she's very lucky but I'm sure will be terribly shocked.
it's so easy to lose control in bad conditions.

capture this void said...

I'm well, love. Glad to see you're doing better. You had us all worried so much. Don't ever frighten me like that again, okay?


capture this void said...

Hey Pixie. What's new?

MissTottenham said...

Thank you Elena, see you later and good luck with the daughter/car thing.

elena said...

Siobhan said...
I don't care if Mayo's well or not! I don't know that person, so why should I bother?

Because you don't know someone means you shouldn't care?
Just think how the world would really be if we all had that attitude.

I'm not trying to be mean. I just wanted to point that out. That is just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys!
I didn't want to leave, but since this is Mayo's place it is normal that you guys are talking about that person.
It just feels weird to come here for the people who coincidentally met here and not for the blog owner and to be only interested in the people I met here and not in the blog owner!

ergoproxy said...

siobhan it's all been said but yes there's no reasnon you can't hang out here. The conversation is why I come.
I like the puzzles but it's easier to let others do the hard work lol

the best times are when people are just chatting and you're always nice to talk to

Pixie said...

nothing new in finland ctv ;)

we don´t talk that much about mayo... better not always. you weren´t around when w ehad the great slumberparty with ghost and spooky stories etc or?

elena said...

Siobhan please don't think that means I don't think you should be here.

I'm just trying to make a point about what you said. Here is a perfect example.
My daughter went into the ditch. She called me on her cell phone and before I could get there several passing cars had stopped to see if she was okay. They didn't know her. But the stopped anyway. Because people need to look out for each other. It shouldn't matter if you know a person or not. You still should care.

MissTottenham said...

Siobhan, I do care about the feelings of our blog owner but I still don't do the gushing thing.

All people are different. If you don't care that is OK too, no one can make you feel what you don't feel.

Stay and chat to friends.

Thanks for the hug CTV. I'm all better now.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Elena, but I care more about persons I can talk to and don't refuse to talk to me only to remain mysterious. People, who are writing mostly cryptic things (or better said, things that sound cryptic for people who don't know that person!) that sound so neutral and lifeless to me!
It's not that I don't feel sympathy, joy, happiness, pain, anger, sadness, pity for or with strangers, but honestly I don't know if Mayo is real or just a person, who fucks with our minds and therefore I'd rather not care and be too much involved, because the disappointment after finding out that this was all a big joke for someone would be too big!

ergoproxy said...

I know what you mean elena

but I think we probably feel closer to each other on a normal day as Mayo doesn't interact much.
I care for his general well being, or if a blog sounds bad but day to day the people here are more immediate

gnothi seauton said...

Don't you go anywhere young lady because you are seriously going to mess my plans up if you do!!!

Hello by the way :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks CTV and Miss T. It's nice talking to you guys, too!!! No, Pixie I wasn't here when you had your slumber party. Damn!!

Anonymous said...

Hi GS! Thank you so much!!!

gnothi seauton said...

Good evening Mayo.
Good evening all.

Hi Miss T - you sound a bit better.

Hello Ergo, Elena,CTV, Pixie and Lolita.

ergoproxy said...

Hi GS !

ok guys I have to go and do some banking and grocery shopping.

have a good evening/night I will probably be back in a few hours.

take care

capture this void said...

Helo GS. What's crackin, love?

elena said...

Siobhan one more thing then I'll quit about this. You said you don't know if Mayo is real or just someone who fucks with us.

A person writes this. Maybe he's sincere maybe not. But if he isn't then I actually feel very sorry for him. Karma gets those who do mean things to others. If he's just messing with us then he's a very sad person who needs a lot of help.

Bottom line is no matter what I still care about Mayo and worry about him. Maybe he deserves my concern, maybe not. I just feel like I'm a better person for giving it.

Ok I'll totally quit now.

Pixie said...

hi gs how are you?

see siobhan it´s not always about mayo ....

but I have to say that I understand siobhan, I mean we all care about mayo, some more some less, but what if mayo is a big lie? like: someone just making fun of us with his/her posts? here we´re caring about someone and maybe this person has a good time laughing his/her ass off....

but I also agree with elena, that we all have to take care of each other also of people we don´t know and just see on the streets etc...
that´s a rare thing nowadays, most people just care about themselves....

MissTottenham said...

See you later Ergo.

Thank you GS, I do feel better today. How are you?

gnothi seauton said...

I am well thankyou.

I have spent nearly the entire day doing Christmas stuff at school so I am in the crimbo mood now :)

How are you all?

capture this void said...

Yeah? Awe, that sounds fun. Wish we did that kinda stuff. Right now it's all pointless busywork for us.

Can't wait for my two-week holiday.

gnothi seauton said...

So glad I work in a school, such fun this time of the year!

I seriously would crack up if I had to work in an office or somesuch.

Pixie said...

so my lovely friends I have to leave you. I´ll go to bed now, I´m not sure if I´ll be able to go online tomorrow evening because I promised to babysitt...

so have fun, take care and see you on saturday *hugs*

MissTottenham said...

Goodnight my pixie chum, sweet dreams.

Enjoy the babysitting.

Anonymous said...

Of course, you are right, Elena! And believe me I do care about people I don't know, but just like Pixie said, what if that person sits in front of his/her PC pissing his/her pants laughing and that's just what I think about Mayo! No matter how often that person calls the people here 'Lovelies' and makes amends for the mean things he/she to the people here.
I just can't help it!
I don't understand the whole mystery thing! What for?
He/She could just join in the conversation and if somebody asks an inappropriate question Mayo would still be free to say: 'No! Sorry, that's too private! I don't want to answer that!'
Everyone would understand and respect that!
If Mayo really listens as he/she claims, he/she should know that!
Believe me I would start to care immediately.
But for now, I just can't!

gnothi seauton said...

Good night Pixie.

I'm going to nip next door and say hello, see you all in a bit.

Anonymous said...

Tschüß Pixie! Schlaf schön! Danke für dein offenes Ohr;-)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hi everybody how are you?


It doesn't matter why you came here as long as you respect the other people here. We don't care if you could give two shits about Mayo and SS. We also don't care if you disagree with our opinion just be nice and respect your fellow blogger.

Thank You

MissTottenham said...

Siobhan, you have a good point. It sure would be nice to have a little input from mayo.

I understand how you feel.

MissTottenham said...

Well said Martha.

Anonymous said...

Well said, MJ!

gnothi seauton said...

Hello Martha and brava!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hi Siobhan, miss t and Gs thank you. It just seemed like the right thing to. It also goes out to the nice lurkers out there. come join us but be respectful alright.

capture this void said...

Hello Martha Jones. Glad to see you here.

I've got to go, but I'll be back in a bit. Take care.

MissTottenham said...

See you later CTV.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello CTV sorry I didn't see you. Well I will talk to you when you come back.

gnothi seauton said...

See you later CTV.

MissTottenham said...

Wow, it is quiet here today.

Anonymous said...

You guys, I'm off for tonight!
Thank you so much for letting me vent here today!!!
Have a happy day and/or night!


resurrected wreck said...

Hello Miss T :D How are you doing today?

Hi everyone!

Any news on Trisky?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hi RW how are you. No news I don't think Kapu has even been on today.

MissTottenham said...

Goodnight Siobhan, sweet dreams.

Hi RW, thank you I do feel a lot better today. How are you?

Anonymous said...

Oh. I'm alone?

Well, I think it's time I tell you how I'm felling, since you tell us your feelings all the time, Mayonaise. However, I'll be doing it straight foward. Y'know, without all the cryptic stuff which I make no sense of.

So, how was today? Absolutely shite. I had 2 hours of PE which I generally look foward too. But todays lesson ended up slightly different than usual. I fell right off the trampoline and ended up fracturing my wrist. (I apologise for any spelling mistakes or whatever. I'ts not so east typing with one hand!) My arms is all strapped up and it kills everytime I move it. My class, who see it happen, found that me falling off the trampoline was highly hilarious, and I also was a little amused by it all. But then I realised I really hurt myself, and I was rushed to the nurse.

Today was such a crappy day. It rained, I slipped in the mud, my ipod died on me, the fit PE teacher I was looking foward to seeing wasn't even in, and someone stole my favourite pencil.

I'm 'bad luck' according to my friends. It always happens to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, excuse me. I'm not alone anymore. God, it just shows how long it takes me to write!

gnothi seauton said...

Hello RW!!

I've nipped over to talk to you, we never get to speak anymore!

How are you?

Jade - that is one crappy day! Sorry to hear about your arm :\

MissTottenham said...

Oh Jade, I'm so sorry to hear about your day.

How lonf till your arm heals? I hope it doesn't hurt too much. I'm really feeling for you sweetie.

gnothi seauton said...

Sdock sends her love by the way!

resurrected wreck said...

Hello GS :D

I'm well, but tired - same old same old!

How are you? Ready for Christmas??

elena said...

Jade sorry you had a bad day. Hope your wrist feels better soon.

resurrected wreck said...

Hello Miss T and MJ :)

I'm quite well. Got some card shopping done today (didn't do so well in the present department, but I shall try again tomorrow).

Martha Smith-Jones said...

HI jade that really was a shitty day. Well you are among friends now.

gnothi seauton said...


I am so not ready for Christmas, and at the same time I am doing stuff for my daughters 18th birthday so my head is going in many directions!!

How are your home made pressies coming along?

Anonymous said...

Thanks GS and Miss.T

I know, it really does suck.

Oh, it wont be until after christmas. And to top it off I'm getting my guitar for Christmas, so I wont even be able to play it! Just my luck.


gnothi seauton said...

Hello Elena :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Martha and Elena.

Sorry I'm so late with the replies, this really is taking me ages! Lol.

MissTottenham said...

RW, I haven't even started on the pressie.

Oh Jade, you sound like a walking catastrophe today. *tentative hug cos I don't want to hurt your arm*

gnothi seauton said...

Jade - that sucks big time!

Someone at work broke their wrist falling off their bike, the consultant said it was literally crushed. She's going to be in plaster for months :(

Anonymous said...

First of I am NOT Mayo or SS but some of you might recognize me because I have lurked and posted before. I lurk at discussmayo too.

I want to address you all again.

I have watched your little family grow from almost the beginning and commented on you once in a while. Mayo calls you the lovlies, I think you are the earth angels.

I have stood by and watched you all become friends, get to know each other, bicker, and argue and then laugh about it later. Some of you question your lives and your choices. Your jobs. I have watched you all question your relationships or get into new ones..... and then question those too. I have watched you tell jokes, stories, secrets and things like that.

Last night I watched as one of you threatened to end her life. I watched as a bunch of you crowded around her and talked her down.I read about how some of you stayed up to talk to her on your ill fated AIM chat or over at the discussmayo blog. (Kapu you are special and that is why people were asking YOu to come on line. The girl with the words. you are a good soul, FUCK all those people who say you're a bitch. You're just direct and to the point. Fuck them. And no I am not your Calaf, I am a female, and married at that. But you are special and you're also beautiful, deal with it)....

you people are all to be commended for helping out a near stranger in her time of need. MissTottenham you are to be commended for asking for help when you need it. That is a braver choice than the easy way out. And admitting you made a mistake is even braver.

Mustardisbetter you are made of kindness. So is the Princess and the OPs. Sdock10 you are a brave, sweet soul. Fimble Star you have a good heart. Whoever else stayed awake to talk to MissTottenham. Whoever else was concerned about her when they found out about what was going on. I can't name you all. but all of you here. The ones who keep open another blog so that your blogging sisters can still keep up with you when this one gets crowded. Katherine Dreier, Pixie, Amyranth, Carrie, Elena, Paper hearts who always has a hug, Cupcake, Jennicula and Resurrected Wreck, Martha Jones and Sister Midnite with her boots. Smoke and Venom with her humor and love. I know i am leaving a lot of you out but you are still in my heart. Please don't take it personally. I just can't remember alot of names at once.

I can't name you all but you are ALL angels. Not lovlies but angels.

Mayo I am addressing this to you. It is important.

You keep saying you are listening to them but your behaviour says otherwise. "I'm listening I'm listening" etc etc. But you never even BOTHER to talk to them. Did you even see what happened last night? It had nothing to do with you. It was all about ONE person who is a near stranger to these ladies.

Mayo you say you are a depressive. Have you ever felt as low as Miss Tottenham did last night? If you ever did then you know the WORTH of these ladies and what they did. WHAT THEY DO FOR YOU EVERY DAY. They care about you.

It doesn't matter who you are or who people even think you are. I don't know if you should be proud of the fact that you gathered a bunch of angels around you or if you should be ashamed that you just except their hearts and don't even bother to talk to them alot of the times.

When you should really be thanking God in Heaven that they found you.

Angels I am nobody. Just some one who lurks alot and reads alot. You are all special and beautiful and caring. I understand now why you all stay, your not wasting your time. Your just spending it in a way you deem worthy and it really helped another human being last night. And you probably help alot more than you know, every one else too.

Even when you fight amongst yourselfes well...... the angels in heaven fought too. Just remember that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Elena

resurrected wreck said...

I am so not ready for Christmas, and at the same time I am doing stuff for my daughters 18th birthday so my head is going in many directions!!

Are you going to do the party with the bartender?

How are your home made pressies coming along?

They aren't, at all! :/ I may get some baking done, but I think that'll be the extent of it. Though I do want to try to get some Black Parade Christmas tree ornaments made. we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Ah Miss.T, I'm a walking catastrophe everyday. You get used to it.

But thanks for the hug :)

resurrected wreck said...

RW, I haven't even started on the pressie.

Me neither (except for my nephew, who is a priority). Just got cards, and today I bought stamps and boxes/padded envelopes for mailing. I had hoped to hit the big mall downtown tonight, but was too tired after work. i hope to do better tomorrow.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you anon I think I will call you Heavenly Mother. That was beautiful. Here is a hug for you and thank you so much for your words.

gnothi seauton said...


Ah, that is, oh wow, er, I don't have the words.

Thankyou so much.

We have all become family, and you are welcome to join.

Grab a name and grab a chair.

Your words mean a lot :)

Anonymous said...

GS that sounds terrible! Send her my wishes.


That's so great of you to show your concern for Miss.T and for those who helped her lastnight. I, however didn't know of any of this until now, so I will take this time to let Miss.T know that she is a special person, with a warm and loving heart. Taking away your life would be like taking away the sun. You made the right choice sweetie.

Anon, It's nice to have people like you around. You appreciate us, you get it. You get why we all come here. Thankyou for being such a kind hearted person who took the time to write all of that out, just to thank the people that helped lastnight. Thats such an honourable thing.

Please anon, post more often. It would be nice to chat.

elena said...

Anon thank you for your kind words. I'm no angel just someone who cares. You are the same way and I hope you stay with us. Just by being here lurking you show your concern. You show you care and I thank you.

MissTottenham said...


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

I did need people around me last night. It was a difficult night and I didn't know where else to be but here. I suppose I could have burdened my mum and sis but believe me, they already help me enough every day and yesterday was a day of suffering for them too.

I decided to come here to be with the people I love and you all helped me more than words can say.

I have tried to put my feelings into words. I cried so much last time and at my lowest point of the evening, I did feel like doing something stupid. When I feel that way, it is always the kind words of others that bring me back round.

You all did a fantastic job even though it wasn't your job.I really can't thank you enough. I just hope that I can pull my weight in this relationship and help others when they need it.

I too have called you people angels today and I truly meant it.

Anon, your beautiful words are far better than anything I could come up with. You have made me cry again but they are tears of happiness as you have made me realise once again how lucky I am to have friends such as yourself and everyone here.

I am just so sorry that I worried some of you, can you forgive me, I feel so selfish for taking all your time and energy.

Fimble Star said...

hello anon who posted a very long comment (a nice one at that).

i woud just like to say in my opinion that these people in here have become my frineds and i would stay up for them anyday to make sure they are ok. i would even go as far as to call the place they are in to try and help them out. but i would do this for anyone. i hate to see people in emotional pain.

miss t knows she has a family here and she knows we all love her.

wat you said just made me cry becuase i felt like someone noticed what an amazing place this is. thank you

to the anons that are nasty. - i hope you see what has happened and think to your self that when you come on here and be nasty to one person you are doing it to the whole bunch of use and we will *protoct* our own but we will also welcome new people. show respect liek you would like to be respected that is all i ask.

miss t. i love you my sheefy wag.

Jennicula said...

Anonymous, that was lovely. I saved a copy for when I have a rainy day.

Thank you.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hi FS how are you? Miss t stop apologizing. We are your friends and we are here for you.

Smoke said...

Thank you Anonymous. What you said about us was so sweet. And just as GS has already said, you are welcome to join in anytime.


Anonymous said...

Miss.T, dont blame yourself. As fimble said, we are family and we will do anything just to see if your okay.

You are wonderful, and the last thing we would want is you to be suffering. If I'd had known, I would have been there myself lastnight. But I know 100% that thse guys would stay up another 5 nights if it meant saving your life.

gnothi seauton said...

Miss T,

Hush now my sweet, no more apologies :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon one of our friends at DM cannot comment over here so she asked that someone say thank you.

Thank you from MIB

MissTottenham said...

Jade, thank you so much. You have made me teary eye'd again too.

Thank you FS, you know how much I love you.

elena said...

MissTottenham said...
I am just so sorry that I worried some of you, can you forgive me, I feel so selfish for taking all your time and energy.

Never ever say you are sorry about that again. What is there to forgive? You turned to us because we are your friends. That's what friends are for. Friends are someone you can count on. Someone you can turn to. Thank you for counting us as your friends.

Jennicula said...

Sorry boys,

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing

Everyone can see we're together
As we walk on by
And we fly just like birds of a feather
I'm not telling no lie

All of the people around us to say
Can we be that close
Just let me state for the record
We're giving love in a family dose, yeah

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing

Living life is fun and we've just begun
To get our share of the world's delights
High hopes we have for the future
And our goal's in sight
No we don't get depressed
Here's what we call our golden rule
Have faith in you and the things you do
You won't go wrong, oh no
This is our family Jewel, yeah

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up everybody and sing

gnothi seauton said...

Are you going to do the party with the bartender?

No, we are doing it at home. Having a small marquee in the garden with heaters, the downstairs will be stripped out for dancing and the kitchen is going to be a cocktail area!

Anonymous said...

Awh, Miss T.

I'm glad I helped. We all here for you anytime you need us hun.


Anonymous said...

My name in the last post says msi? Wooops!

gnothi seauton said...

Jen - that was perfect, singing along as I type!

Anonymous said...

miss t

i am sorry that i was not here yesterday - this is for you

Death is nothing at all,
I have only slipped away into the next room,
I am I and you are you;
Whatever we were to each other, That we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name,
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used,
Put no difference in your tone,
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we shared together.
Let my name ever be the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant,
It is the same as it ever was, there is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.
All is well.


P.S Kapunua - i hope you doggy is well

Anonymous said...

excuse me kapunua

that should have read 'your' doggy


resurrected wreck said...

No, we are doing it at home. Having a small marquee in the garden with heaters, the downstairs will be stripped out for dancing and the kitchen is going to be a cocktail area!

It sounds splendid!

Gods, I can't even remember my 18th birthday - too far back! :S

MissTottenham said...

Thank you again everyone.

Anon, sdock and mustard both want to say thank you.


I'm sorry I keep saying sorry

anima said...

Just wanted to swing by and say thank you Anon. Thank you so much.

MissT, do you forgive me for not being here last night? I never asked you, but I just feel terrible that I was gone. When went to tell you hello this morning is when I saw your post and well, you saw what I wrote. I am just really thankful for everyone here.

We are all really lucky to have each other. I know I am very grateful.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello m how are you?

Anonymous said...

Well, I think I'm going to go to bed now. I need some rest after today.

Anon - Thanks for your post once again. You really did remind me why I love this place so much.

Miss T - Stay strong. We love you too much.

Everybody - I will try get on as much as I can, but I cant gaurentee anything. With my wrist and everything, I'll doubt I'll have the energy to do anything. I'll hopefully speak to you all very soon.


Lots Of Love.


anima said...

Jade, good luck with your wrist. That is a real bummer. Take care of yourself.

gnothi seauton said...

Jade - good night and make sure you rest your arm as much as you can :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight Jade you have a good rest.

MissTottenham said...

Hello m, thank you those words are beautiful.

Jade goodnight and thank you again for your beautiful words. I really hope that your arm heals fast, sorry to hear about your shitty day.

Anima, don't be silly, you have nothing to be forgiven for. How was you to know that I would have a bad night.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone.



Smoke said...

Hi m.!

Hi Jenn!

Hi Jade!

Hi RW!

Hi Elena!

Hi MJ!

Hi MissT!

Hi GS!

Hi SS!

Hi lurky~lurky people!

Hi peeps over at DM that can't comment over here!

Hi errbody and anybody I missed!

Oh, and Mayo! Hi MAYO! Where the hell are you?

Jennicula said...

GS, I'm glad you liked it. After the nice Anon was so nice. That song popped into my head. Thought I would share it

gnothi seauton said...

It sounds splendid!

Gods, I can't even remember my 18th birthday - too far back! :S

Yeah, I hope it goes okay. My 18th is the only time that I can remember that it has rained on my birthday!!

elena said...

Hellooooooo S&V
How are you?

gnothi seauton said...

Hello S&V!!
How the devil are you?

Jennicula said...

m. that was lovely too.

I"m feeling a love-fest coming on.

Hi S&V, I've been off when you've been on. I've missed you.

resurrected wreck said...

Yeah, I hope it goes okay. My 18th is the only time that I can remember that it has rained on my birthday!!

Well, if it was only the once you're not doing so bad! :)

It usually snows on my birthday. I had alot of birthdays as a child where my friends couldn't come because they were snowed in.

resurrected wreck said...

Helloooooo S&V!!


anima said...

I'm a silly girl MissT, you know that! But I do feel bad. I'm always here if you need me. :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hi S&V(M)20 how are you again.

anima said...

It usually snows on my birthday. I had alot of birthdays as a child where my friends couldn't come because they were snowed in.

ME TOO!!!!

MissTottenham said...

Thank you so much anima, you are a sweetie.

Hello S&V, how are you?

gnothi seauton said...

She is so nice :)

Smoke said...

I'm fine, how about ya'll?

I'm in a better mood now. I know MissT feels better and everybody loves everybody here and it's all good. ^_^

I can't even be mean now and ya'll know how much I love being a smartass. Oh, what the hell.


Plus, I bought me a new hoodie from s//c and I can't wait to get it!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

resurrected wreck said...

Are you a winter baby too, Anima??

anima said...

MissT, you are a sweetie too and you always save me in AIM land!

gnothi seauton said...

I'm very lucky ( July birthday ).

Some snow would be cool though, you know, just enough to go toboganning.

Bummer if you're snowed in though.

Anonymous said...

hello to all -

miss t,

you are welcome - i hope your mood has lifted today - you are crucial to the morale in here.

please forgive me as i do not always have time to read all the comments but please, may i ask, where BC has gone - why does she no longer post ?


resurrected wreck said...

Some snow would be cool though, you know, just enough to go toboganning.

Bummer if you're snowed in though.

I'd usually celebrate my birthday at first thaw. So that, you know, at least people could be there!

resurrected wreck said...

please forgive me as i do not always have time to read all the comments but please, may i ask, where BC has gone - why does she no longer post ?

Not sure, m. I think she needs some time away from here for her emotional well-being. Can't say I blame her. She was also being bombarded by nasty anons. I don't think she felt very wanted.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

m I think she got sick of the anons messing with her. She says she won't be back.

gnothi seauton said...

m - Re BC,

I think RW and Martha have pretty much explained it.

sdock10 said...


I can post over here?

Hello all!

Hello Sister Princess Smoke!

Hello m.

I was missing you guys!

MissTottenham said...


I have spoken to BC. I hope she will not mind me saying this.

She is well, she has had stuff to do. She was busy yesterday and will be so tomorrow too.

She has deleted her blog and is taking a little time away from the blogs. She feels better already.

She has left her email address posted further up the page for anyone who wants to keep in touch.

I have emailed and her and we have spoken. I will continue to keep in touch with her. I'm sure she will still read this blog but she doesn't want to comment right now.

It is not the mean anons who have driven her away (so if any of you are lurking, do not feel that you have scored a victory).

She has other stuff to do in her life right now.

Anonymous said...

thank you,

i am sorry she feels she cannot visit here at the moment and whilst i understand her need for space - i also think she needs this place as do a lot of others,

friends like you do not come along every day.

please - if anyone is in contact with her, send her my best wishes, tell her to stay safe.


gnothi seauton said...

Hello and goodbye Sdock.

I am going to have an early night tonight. It is only 1.15am :)

Good night all.

Good night Mayo.


resurrected wreck said...

Hi, Sdock!! :D

Yep, Mayo isn't getting the traffic he used to.

resurrected wreck said...

'Night, GS :D It was lovely to finally chat with you again!

MissTottenham said...


Thank you for your lovely comments about me.

I shall email her right now and pass on your well wishes.

Anonymous said...


hello to you

how are you today ?


MissTottenham said...

Goodnight GS.


I have emailed your comments to BC.

How are you today? In all this confusion I haven't asked.

sdock10 said...

Hi m.,

I'm pretty okay today.

How are you doing?

I just got through eating chilli cheese fries and it was lovely.

..small pleasures.

Amyranth said...

Hello Darlings!

My head is about ready to split, thanks to work. Somebody please tell me they had a good day.


Anonymous said...

Hiya guys, hiya m. Thank you for that kind thought.

Thank you for all the well-wishes for Trisky. I think I have to get her to emergency again though because she can't even put her leg down at this point. She had to go off the pain meds because they were wrecking her stomach, but now her leg is really bad. And we can't find out exactly what's wrong with it unless we do an x ray, which we can't do unless she's sedated so they can look at the whole thing, which they can't do until the results of her echo come back. Which could still be a few days.

This is so ridiculous, it just makes me angry.

Thanks for your support, guys.

Siobhan said:
I'm also not that interested in MCR anymore! I don't feel attracted to Frank, Gerard, Mikey, Bob or Ray.

So, do I have the right to stay here then?

Even more of a right, I'd say. ;)

Hey missT, I'm glad we were able to give you a hand. You're worth it and I hope your world view is a little brighter today.

Two items, first: that video of Bert, did you guys see it? It cheered me immensely. The dude is frigged in the head, dirty, and rude. But oh my god he's honest, and he's made of love. ANd I'll take a dirty, honest boy over a gelled up liar anyday, me. Which brings me to item two, that interview with Gerard.

Actually I don't even want to go there because he just upsets me more than I need to be upset tonight.

Anon that they're calling Heavenly Mother, thank you. Your words are so kind and they mean a lot to all of us. One thing though:

Kapu you are special and that is why people were asking YOu to come on line. The girl with the words. you are a good soul, FUCK all those people who say you're a bitch.

That would take me a long time as there are quite a few who tell me that. ^_^

Nah I'm just playing; thank you for real.

In our halau--that's our Hula troupe--I'm ka wahine leo nui, "the girl with the big voice." Basically it's because I'm the one who does most of the chanting, the speaking in Hawaiian and the kahea (the kahea is the call-back, when you answer the chanter in song,) but it, uhh, does have other connotations. ^_

Anyway I'm rambling. But thank you.

Hey, also did you guys all see that nice new pic of Frank? That put a smile on my face. ^_^

anima said...

Goodnight GS.

Hi M.

MissT, thank you for telling us about BC.

Sdock, I just ate pasta salad. It was kind of creamy and my stomach is not pleased.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you K, I'm feeling a lot better.

I'm not worrying about me today, I'm worrying about Trisky instead.

Anonymous said...

miss t, S.

i am well thank you


i know what you are going through - i have had and still have dogs of my own, i hope she gets well soon.

sadly it's time to leave

take care,


P.S A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

anima said...

What's funny about my dinner is that I had to go buy mayo tonight for the pasta salad I wanted to make.

What's ironic is that now my stomach hurts.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello amy how are you and Sd10 as well.

Anonymous said...

Bert is love.

Watch it all the way through; it's worth it. Man, THIS dude cares.

Entropy said...

I posted the Bert video on DM but Anima suggested posting here. I agree since everyone should see this awesomeness.

I'm going to try at least.

Anonymous said...

Thank you MissT, and thank you m. ^_^

sdock10 said...


I am feeling the pain right along with you. My stomach is pissed at me as well...

sdock10 said...

Bye m.!

Take care...Love you!

Bert McCookies is love...and honesty.

I could listen to Buried Myself Alive over and over and over! Or Earthquake, or Smother Me, Or Taste of Ink, or...you get the idea.

Anonymous said...

Buried Myself Alive is my favorite song by The Used. ^_^

MissTottenham said...

Goodbye m and thank you once again for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

Somebody send me some goddamn porn.

Amyranth said...

Hey MJ! Still slightly deaf form the show last night, but otherwise fine. I got another hoodie to add to my collection.


Entropy said...

K, you know how you asked what songs make you cry and why?
One is "On My own" By The Used.
When I saw them live and he sang it, he did it so beautifuly I got all emotional. So now whenever I hear the song, I think of that moment and I can't lie, it makes me a bit teary.

Along with "My Blue Heaven" for the same reasons. Saw it performed live and got teary eyed. And still do when I hear it now.

Amyranth said...

Kapunua said...

Somebody send me some goddamn porn

Did you mean to write that?


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Amy that's good to hear not the deaf part everything else. Goodbye m

Anonymous said...

Totally, Amyranth. ^_^

Entropy, My Blue Heaven for you, too? So, what, that makes three of us. What, was that song written by god or something? ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

Hey, also did you guys all see that nice new pic of Frank?


What what??

Amyranth said...

Kapu - I have corn, but no porn.

Would you like Corn porn? I hear it's hot and really poppy at the right temperature.


Entropy said...

I know, I was thinking how interesting it would be if all three of us ended up in the same room together with that song on.

Adam is god at writing so, maybe.

Anonymous said...

Amyranth, is it soft pore corn? I'll take some of that. ^_^

Pic of Frank, lessee...


Martha Smith-Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martha Smith-Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
resurrected wreck said...

OOOOOO!!! Pretty!!!!

Anonymous said...

MJ, you have to either post an actual link or break your link up to copy and paste, or it won't work.

Hey, Anima said a cool thing about that Bert video over on DM and it made me think. She said that what he did there with that little kid, "sure beats having your young audience fake an orgasm."

So that made me wonder, you know, do you think that any of Gerard's madness has gotten back to Bert?

Fimble Star said...

hello everyone in mayos.

how are you all tonight i hope you have had a nice day

elena said...

Hello Fimble. I wouldn't exactly call my day nice. My daughter slid off the road because of the snow and ice. Her car is still in the ditch because her father drank too much and I can't wake him up and I still have two other daughters out in this weather. Shit, I sound bitter, don't I?

Entropy said...

do you think that any of Gerard's madness has gotten back to Bert?

Man,I hope so. I don't know what the man can do or say,but I think he should know for some reason. Maybe teach him a couple classes on respecting kids or something.

MissTottenham said...

Hello FS, how are you sweetie?

resurrected wreck said...

do you think that any of Gerard's madness has gotten back to Bert?

How could he possibly miss it!

Fimble Star said...

hey miss t and elena

elena i am so sorry to hear that. how is she. is she harmed i hope not. do you know where your other two are.
omg i hate snow and ice. i cant drive in it at all.

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