Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A little rough around the edges…

I have not yet entered into a static free zone. Buzz, buzz, buzz…my head is ready to fucking split. I asked him if it still mattered at all.

I am waiting for his reply.

I have been half way around my brain with this shit, and it just keeps coming up the same. And I am repeating myself, here in the dark, not quite alone.

In time.

p.s. patience please, my lovelies...I am listening.


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Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello star how are you?

Original Punk J said...


L saw "Equus" in London this year, from the second row.

HIS innocence was already gone. AND his wand was out for about 10 minutes!


Anonymous said...

oh my god !!

I haven't seen that HP stuff before!
that is fantastic!!!

also - does anyone like green jellybeans? They are the only ones left. (ew)

gnothi seauton said...

Kapunua - fnarr, fnarr

Anonymous said...

"What d'you mean, I'm not brave in bed?" said Harry, completely nonplussed.

"Mrs Weasley returned from Diagon Alley around six o' clock, laden with books and carrying a long package wrapped in brown paper that Ron took from her with a moan of longing."

"A couple of weeks after his dream of Rookwood, Harry was to be found, yet again, kneeling on the floor of Snape's office..."

Anonymous said...


L saw "Equus" in London this year, from the second row.

HIS innocence was already gone. AND his wand was out for about 10 minutes!


Oh my god, I would die. Not in a good way. That's just too, um, how do I say it? Nonononononono. That should about cover it.

Great play, though.

MissTottenham said...

See people, ENDLESS quotes from nerds is why I hate those films.

Sdock, I am going to DM to talk to myself. Please give me a knock when all this stops.

gnothi seauton said...

Ep - no thankyou. What looks like bogies usually tastes like bogies.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello J how are you? Kapu keep the soft pore corn Hp coming and anon dirty bring on the dirty Star Wars

sdock10 said...


I dunno. I just like what I like. I don't just like one certain kind of film. Ya know?

Anonymous said...

Haven't played the HP innuendo game, but...have played the Star Wars innuendo game...

Curse my metal body, I wasn't fast enough!

Look at the size of that thing!

Luke, at that speed do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?

I must've hit it pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, kid?

There's an awful lot of moisture in here.

Anonymous said...

Hey GS!

Kapunua, at least they found nothing immediately wrong.
I understand your frustration. When I had Rocky, my gigantic mutant schnoodle, I got him from the animal shelter, and he had a brain condition. The vet thought it was a tumor so they did a scan and it came back negative. It took 2 weeks to figure out it was epilepsy. We got him some primadone, and he was fine for another 8 years!

Okay, enough dog chat from me!

gnothi seauton said...

The bogie game is good though!

JocelynHolly said...

Okay, just popping in!

Ray, congratulations sweetie on your engagement!! ^_^
(Doubt you will read this, but best of luck!)

Siobhan; I saw your comment on "The Edge" website! =D

Anything new today?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Miss t you brought this on yourself.
This is your punishment for not liking the movies.

Anonymous said...

There is a Prisoner Of Azkaban innuendo list, too. It's not as much fun though.

Original Punk J said...

More SW corn:

It's not my pants!

May the Pants be with you.

Luke...I am your pants.


Anonymous said...

Oooh yeah, Star Wars Innuendo!

You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!

Luke, at that speed do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?

El. Oh. El.

Off topic, but one of the best pages ever: re-done romance novel covers.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hi Ph how are you?

Anonymous said...

Oh man, Star, a friend of mine went through / is going through the same thing with her dog. God, don't you wish they could just talk?

JocelynHolly said...

Hey MJ!

I am good! Just bored. But I will be back in about half an hour, I must eat supper!!



Amyranth said...

I seriously dislike Buffy. Really do. Not ashamed to say it either.

Buffy Sucks.


Anonymous said...

Amyranth: OUT.

Nah I'm just kidding. But oh my god, Buffy, what's not to love? She kicked so much ass!

Original Punk J said...

We decided one day to give "Chamber of Secrets" the Mystery Science Theatre treatment.

"Hey, Hagrid, what were you doing in Nocturn Alley?"

"Well, I was gonna buy you until I saw who you were..."


Anonymous said...

Get in there you big furry oaf, I don't care what you smell

I thought that hairy beast would be the end of me

Size matters not. Judge me by my size, do you?

Control, control! You must learn control

Possible he came in through the south entrance

Anonymous said...

Kapunua, seriously, it would be so much easier.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello Amy how are you.? I'm not paying attention to that Buffy thing you said.

katherine dreier said...

Evening everyone,


How's your baby Trisky? Sending good vibes to her and her mom.

Miss T,

My deepest sympathy to you today. I left a comment on your blog, but I offer you another hug.

Ergo, good to see you back. Did you have fun?

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed nerding out with you guys but Im afraid I will have to love you and leave you.

Be good to each other and stay safe.

Anonymous said...

MST3K = love and cleverness and endless one-liners for the rest of my life.

Hi KD! We still don't know anything and we won't for a few days. It's so frustrating. Thank you for asking, and for thinking of us. ^_^

Anonymous said...

and my alltime favourite

Grab me, Chewie. I'm slipping
Hold on. Grab it, almost... you almost got it. Gently now, all right, easy, easy, hold me Chewie.

Anonymous said...

This was fun, anon, good to read you again. Hope you had a good larff--I know I did.

Take care of yourself, darl'. ^_^

elena said...

J - MST3K rules. I have them on DVD and laugh my head off everytime I watch them.

Amy I will pretend you didn't say that about Buffy.

Anonymous said...

And I've got to take my dogs out and try to get Trisky to eat, also. See you guys in a bit!

MissTottenham said...

Thank you so much Katherine. They were beautiful words and I am all teary again.

You are all lovely people.

Sorry but I just can't join in with the silliness.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

So anon you are our friend. I was thinking it might be you. Goodbye

Hello Kd how are you

Original Punk J said...

Come back and be nerdy any time you like, Anon. It's nice to have friendly voices in the House.

Next time we'll have snacks.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Later Kapu and Ph

Anonymous said...

hello katherine

had a great time, Elton is a very accomplished performer, best bits were at the end, I'm still standing, Nikita, Crocodile rock etc.

It was more like a performance than a concert though.
and being with my friend was great

hoping you are well.

Amyranth said...

Kapu - Eh. Just never saw what everyone else did. I know how few of you are into Heroes, so I suppose Buffy is your Heroes.

MJ - Hiya!

Elena - Well, alright. How's it going?


Amyranth said...

What, precisely is the difference between Nerdy and Geeky anyway?


katherine dreier said...

Miss T,

Thank you, I understand. (hugging you at the moment)

Hi MJ!

Anonymous said...

bye anon,

hope you call by again.

anyone ever done Rocky Horror and said the "your neck" stuff at the narrator?
and said "slut" for Janet and "asshole" for brad ?

good times, good times

misst just enjoy reding along

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy!
I despise Buffy too.
Dark Shadows is my show!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Amy so do you think the two Heroes that fell will stay fallen because I don't I think at least one will get back up.

Anonymous said...

hiya amyranthioli!

I always thought geeky went more with computers than nerdy,
nerdy was into sci fi etc and reading and was a bit more intelliigent than the ones calling them nerds

Anonymous said...

Amyranth said...
What, precisely is the difference between Nerdy and Geeky anyway?

A geek will fix your computer. A nerd will tell you which episodes of Star Trek invovled somebody fixing a computer.

Amyranth said...

MJ - I'm fairly certain both of them are goners. I Doubt they'll pull a Noah with both of them.

Also, I'm thinking it was Bob that pulled that trigger. It's too bad they had to end the season so early, I wanted to see a real showdown between Hiro and Adam.

And Sylar should die.


Amyranth said...

Anonymous said...

Amyranth said...
What, precisely is the difference between Nerdy and Geeky anyway?

A geek will fix your computer. A nerd will tell you which episodes of Star Trek invovled somebody fixing a computer.

*spits out her pop*



Original Punk J said...

Elena, K:

L's favorite MST line is this:

(from the movie): "There's nothing in here but a bunch of old skeletons, they won't hurt you."

Crow: If they hit you at 90 miles an hour they'll hurtcha!

Also, the movie with the giant iguana was prime. And don't forget "Mitchell...Mitchell..."

The best line from Tom Servo, though, has got to be:

I bet he's driving around right now in his car, really fast! Couldn't you just SCREAM?!


gnothi seauton said...

A geek will fix your computer. A nerd will tell you which episodes of Star Trek invovled somebody fixing a computer.

Oh Anonymous, that was priceless.

Original Punk J said...

We've decided that a great T-shit (and yes, I spelled it that way on purpose) would be "It's a nerd thing, you're too cool to understand."


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think we will get a show down between Hiro and Adam next year. But I think the one that got shot will come back I don't think that family member that can cure will just leave it that way. I also think the Doctor might try to revive the other.

Amyranth said...

Anon - I've been referred to as both, and I've always been curious. Especially since they seem to be used interchangeably


katherine dreier said...

Geeks invented leetspeak.

You know, words like LOL, Noob etc.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Well the anon in her tonight are on a roll.

Anonymous said...

*nearly choked on biscuit*
anon - very very true !!

gnothi seauton said...

Is Hiro the Oriental one?
If so, I stood near him at a sci-fi convention recently.
Didn't know who he was though!!

Anonymous said...

Well Trisky just ate about half her dinner, and also my Mom brought me some cookies. I'm feeling a bit better about things. ^_^

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yeah he is Gs.

MissTottenham said...

Amyranth, thank you for your comment on my blog.

I heard people comisserating you yesterday but I managed to miss what it was about.

I hope you are OK. Take this hug.

Anonymous said...

katherine that stuff has a name!!
lol lol lol

what does leetspeak stand for?
assuming a geek made up the name it must mean something.

geek was used for nerds who were too nerdy for the term "nerd"

Anonymous said...

Great, Kapunua! Half her dinner is excellent!

*squeezes Trisky and her Mommy*

Amyranth said...

MJ - Possibly.
They need to start working on some other really good stories though. They've saved the cheerleader, saved the world, now they need to talk about something else.

I wanna see Peter flatten Sylar.


Anonymous said...

I was always referred to as nerdy book girl, but I am like 60% geeky too, according to anon's definition, because I am obsessed with computers.

Amyranth said...

MissT - I believe we're both mourning a loss. I'll take your hug if you accept mine.


katherine dreier said...


All the on line gamers are familiar with Leet, you see there's a nerd hierarchy.

Anonymous said...

OPs, I love your idea. You know? You really should market that. Thta's awesome.

One of my favorite MST episodes was Girl Town. "That's where his velvet fog emanates!"

And any of the Hercules ones, oh my god. I'd always hoped to pull this one line out one day while SS was speaking Latin: "Quick! Someone dial IX-I-I!"

ANd of course: PANTS!

It's all about the pants tonight, isn't it?

MissTottenham said...

Thank you Amyranth.

Anonymous said...

Katherine, I was just going to mention the hierarchy!

The kids I teach who are on the Chess team have no use for the online gamers. They consider themselves much smarter.
I teach in a predominantly nerdy/geeky school! It's the best!

Amyranth said...




Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think I want to see a cheerleader flatten Sylat . Or some weak normal person. That is what he deserves. e has the power with all that would be such an insult for him

Anonymous said...

Star, you're' so lovely. ^_^ You too, KD.

Anonymous said...

oh my a nerd heirarchy !

that is so strange, I'll stick to being a dag I think,it may be safer.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

This keyboard so sucks at random times it will Jump back a sentence and mess up what I was saying. Which was
He has all this power so it would be insulting to have some one with no power take him out.

anyway Later Amy

sdock10 said...

Yay Trisky!

katherine dreier said...


That sounds like a great place to teach!

Ergo, they invented a full alphabet, just like Klingon!

Therefore Leet can be written alternatively as 31337, or 1337.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you J and everybody for your lovely comments.

i really appreciate them.

resurrected wreck said...

Go Trisky! :D

How is everyone tonight?

Original Punk J said...


GIRL TOWN! Too funny.

"I wonder what I should be looking at right now..."

Yes, its all about the pants. Well said, my sister. Well said.


Anonymous said...

Katherine, it is like paradise! I'm very lucky.
The kids say the meanest, clique-iest people in my school are the teachers.
And it's true!

Anonymous said...

Aww Sdock and RW... You guys! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Hello RW!
I may be bending your ear. I am doing costumes for the spring musical and it's Hello, Dolly!

Original Punk J said...

Miss T,

Honey, you're so welcome. That's what family does, we rally around whoever needs it.

We love you, you know. *hugs and kisses Miss T*

And BTW, in reference to the rest of your posting: Don't you even think about it. We need you here. Don't make me have to sic SS and Mayo on you!

love you bunches


katherine dreier said...


That's hysterical! Really, smart people are SO much more fun to be with.

I think the true movers and shakers of this world are geeks and nerds. When a jock is listening to his ipod, who initially conceived the idea in their head, and brought it to fruition?

It's the geeks and nerds of this world with their creativity and lateral thinking that change things.

elena said...

Just got home from work so I'm behind.

J - Mitchell one of my fave MST3K's

I was so upset when the show went off the air. I wanted to buy some of the memorabilia on E-Bay but everything went for so much money.

MissTottenham said...

Thanks J but I can't help how I feel.

Anonymous said...

How is it that I always miss all the effin' fun???? Damn. I must have like the worst timing like EVER. And i just had a big scary ass spider come creeping out and had to have my seven year old son squash him for me. Shit! This is like the worst day ever.

Hi everyone. Yes, I'm whining.

And right now I'm making it all about my pants. WAAAHHHHAAAHHHAA!!


resurrected wreck said...

Aww Sdock and RW... You guys! *hugs*


So... Land of Orcs, eh? Hope SS is enjoying NZ!

Anonymous said...

Very true. Whenever there's 130 kids in the band and 28 kids on the football team, you know it's a nice place to teach!

resurrected wreck said...

Hello RW!
I may be bending your ear. I am doing costumes for the spring musical and it's Hello, Dolly!

I'm happy to give whatever asistance I can, Star :)

Anonymous said...

katherine so true, especially now the jocks use all the computer training stuff

(aside - it's funny using the term jocks, here it means mens underpants)

RW hello !
I saw at DM you posted badgerbadgerbadger.com - I LOVE that thing, my brother showed me after one of his students showed him

Anonymous said...

RW, thanks!
I think we're going to rent everything. I'm artsy, but not that artsy to do costumes on that scale.

Last year we did a psychedelic version of Alice In Wonderland with Beatles music. That was a snap because we tie dyed every thing and rented the main character's costumes.

resurrected wreck said...

RW hello !
I saw at DM you posted badgerbadgerbadger.com - I LOVE that thing, my brother showed me after one of his students showed him

Heya EP :D

A friend of mine showed me the Badger Badger thing a couple of years ago, along with this:


Anonymous said...

Hello Ladies,

How are you all? Excuse my absence. Its been very hectic at work.

Anonymous said...

Hey, rose for emily!

Ergoproxy and I wondered where you were because we missed book chat!
How is it going?

Anonymous said...

hello rose for emily, it's so nice to see you again.
How are you, apart from hectic work?

katherine dreier said...

Good evening Emily,

How has life been treating you?

resurrected wreck said...

Last year we did a psychedelic version of Alice In Wonderland with Beatles music.

I would have loved to have seen that!

Smoke said...


Hope ya'll have a nice night.

Anonymous said...

I'm Fine. I'm just tired a lot. I have had to bring my work home and so I haven't been able to post since Thanksgiving.

How are you ergoproxy? I've seen I've missed quite a lot.

MissTottenham said...

J, it would be so much easier.

Anonymous said...

It was fun. Very wacky and colorful. They needed someone to do it and I can sew, so I figured, why not volunteer. I figure I watch enough Full Frontal Fashion and read enough Vogue to be able to pull it off.

Anonymous said...

Hello Katherine.

How are you?

resurrected wreck said...

'Night, S&V :)

Anonymous said...

When did SS change his location to Land of Orcs; Middle Earth?

Anonymous said...

in that interview gerard did with the edge he said some of the guys
smoke weed after their gigs.

but not him, of course

Anonymous said...

I'm well thanks Emily (I can't decide whether to use Rose or Emily do you have a preference?)

I have had a busy 2 days travelling 5 hrs to and from the Elton John concert up the coast. he was very good but we had very little sleep.
But it was so nice of him to travel up the coast,I think performers forget Australia is so big, plus the north of Queensland is the best part of it (not biased at all)

Did you have a nice thanksgiving?

katherine dreier said...

I personally am well, thank you for asking Emily.


I am getting so tried of so called speculation about their personal lives. Can you just leave them alone.

Sheesh!... the're only human, how many of us are perfect?

Anonymous said...



they are big boys, I assume they can look after themselves.

Anonymous said...

Princess Royal Pants said...

How is it that I always miss all the effin' fun???? Damn. I must have like the worst timing like EVER. And i just had a big scary ass spider come creeping out and had to have my seven year old son squash him for me. Shit! This is like the worst day ever.

HUNNY! DOn't kill spiders! They are beneficial! And really cute and sweet!

Anonymous said...

It was alright. I spent it getting over a cold, but at least I got my Amy Winehouse (Frank) CD from Amazon during the break.

That at least put a smile on my face. I love her voice, she is such a great talent. I just wish she would get off the drugs.

Anyways, how was your Thanksgiving?

P.S. If you want to call my Rose or Emily its fine, I love both names equally...

resurrected wreck said...

HUNNY! DOn't kill spiders! They are beneficial! And really cute and sweet!

^ ^

Anonymous said...

I know its belated, but how was your Thanksgiving Katherine. Good I hope...

elena said...

Yea my Black Parade on vinyl came today.

resurrected wreck said...

It was fun. Very wacky and colorful. They needed someone to do it and I can sew, so I figured, why not volunteer. I figure I watch enough Full Frontal Fashion and read enough Vogue to be able to pull it off.

Sounds like it worked out well for you :)

MissTottenham said...

Thank you ergo for your lovely words.

It does mean so much to me.

Anonymous said...

emily she is a very tragic figure, I really hope she manages to find her way out of it.
her family seems to care but she's a real mess at the moment.

I don't have thanksgiving here, but I did sort of vicariously celebrate through others here and that I know from other virtual worlds!

I have my christmas tree up though!

katherine dreier said...

Unfortunately Emily I cannot really say it was.

Too much drama...someone getting tanked and saying things to me they shouldn't...horrible. I think I will disappear to a different country next year.

How was yours'?

sdock10 said...


I just visited your house again.

Original Punk J said...

Miss T,

No, honey, it wouldn't. It would just be over, and you're way too young to be over.

Here's an idea, why don't you go have a bath, drink some herbal tea to make you sleepy, and try to rest? The morning will bring a new perspective, I'll wager. Ok? Try not to think too much right now. You're grieving, and it's not the time to make decisions.

Will you do that for me, sweetheart?


sdock10 said...


Did you get the autographs that WB promised?

I got mine too!

MissTottenham said...

Thanks sdock and Ergo, I have responded.

J, I wouldn't do that to my mum and sis so you don't have to worry. But I won't pretend that I don't think about it and even want to.

Ultimately I would never hurt family and it would destroy them I know that.

Thanks people for letting me get it off my chest though.

Anonymous said...

MissT, I am also in your house. And on your side. ^_^

elena said...

sdock no, no autographs with mine. Hey, I've been robbed. Were is it autographed?

Jennicula said...

MissT, I dropped by. (hugs) for you.

Kapunua, I try, really try, to not squash spiders. Sometimes I can't help it while I'm running around and screaming. They get a drive-by squashing.

Anonymous said...

misst ..anytime

I'm always there for you ...
or a long long long way over here for you anyway :)

Original Punk J said...

Kids, I'm breaking for dinner for a while. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone, ok? Cool. Back later!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean Ergoproxy, but honestly if anyone here gets the chance to hear that CD (Frank) it is so good. I own Back to Black but her first CD is Frank and it just doesn't compare. Its a real chill CD with funky and soulful beats. If anyone here is interested in my two cents you should really get this CD. It is so worth the time and money.

However, (on the issue of Amy) I just feel like if God has blessed her with such a wonderful talent why in God's name is she squandering it away. Its a real shame.

Well Katherine, like I was telling Ergoproxy, I was getting over a cold so not a lot of people came over to spend the holiday with me but Amy's music cheered me up. I might purchase The Umbrella Academy next, but I don't know if its worth the investment. What do you think? Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

jen- drive by squashing lol !!

I hate big furry ones (huntsmen) my hubby sent me a pic of one in the house while I was away -fucking HUGE - and I told him it had better be dead or outside or I wasn't coming home!!

MissTottenham said...

Thank you people.

I feel so grateful to ba able to be here tonight and talk to you all.

I so sorry that I am making tonight miserable.

Writing about my feelings and listening to you amazing people, well, it was what I needed to do.

Anonymous said...

emily - often really talented souls can have the worst problems, I do hope she gets through it, she does appear so very gifted (though not quite my style I can appreciate talent when i see it.)

as for TUA I have the free one and the first, I was liking it, I assume it gets more complex (I don't know if that's the right word) as it goes along. I have seen scans on myspace.
And I do like the sort of offbeat aspect of the stories.
But unfortunately with the fact I have to buy it OS and get it posted over its very expensive. Maybe it'll be released over here as a set or something.
here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me something about it without giving away too much away?

Anonymous said...

misst a person in need is never a burden.
all of us have experienced problems of some kind or another and getting it off your chest is the best.
Also being somewhat anonymous means you can say things maybe people you know wouldn't know how to deal with.I know the friends I have on the internet are a great source of comfort to me when I feel unable to talk to "real" people.
and you are always welcome to email me anytime (though I do tend to get stuck here instead of checking them at times)

katherine dreier said...


I do agree Amy has incredible voice, seductive as chocolate, however that would not have been a good selection on the day for me, due to the amorous remarks that were being thrown my way. (men really do think with their dicks sometimes). Good to hear you had a reasonable time.

I have not read the comic myself Emily, but I think the concept and artwork is outstanding.

MissTottenham said...


Anonymous said...

1. Late to our Anonymous dude's nerdin' out, I see. *whispers* I have a secret passion for LoTR.

2. Ray being engaged warms my heart. Dude seriously deserves it after all this hard work. *Yay me! For being super supportive of those finger skills ;)*

3. What else did I miss? OH! MissT, I'm so sorry to hear about your bad day and for the reasons behind it. Such a young person, too. Never should be that way. If you need anything at all, if you just wanna talk, you know where to find us and me. Don't be a stranger.

4. Anything else, guys?

Anonymous said...

Evenin' Mustard!
How's tricks?

sdock10 said...


No I didn't get one either.

Warner Bros promised an autographed photo.

MissTottenham said...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThanks mustardxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

gosh emily, it's actually hard to describe.
the basic gist is these babies were found by a guy and brought up, all having strange powers, and then he dies and they come back together.
They are sort of flawed superheroes who don't always get on and need to band together to save the world from things.
(oh dear if Gerard Way read that he would probably think it was the worst review ever!)
but you did say not to give stuff away.
I liked too the bit in the 1st issue that was sort of an encyclopedia entry which was very clever, and obscure.

this probably didn't help much but I liked it as it's like a serious parody of superheroes. If that makes any sense

katherine dreier said...

Miss T,

You are too sweet!

Hey MIB, Sdock!

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone.

I'm hanging out in DM if anyone wants to join me. It's taking too long for this to load.

I'm like 6 comments behind all the time.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you again Ergo.

Thanks katherine, you are too.

resurrected wreck said...

1. Late to our Anonymous dude's nerdin' out, I see. *whispers* I have a secret passion for LoTR.

I have a not-so-secret passion for LOTR, Mustard :) Everyone at my university knew only too well how much I loved those films.

And... Aragorn! *dies*

capture this void said...

Holy mother of god.

SS, can I just say that you freaking rock for making a LOTR reference in your blog? Totaaaaally made my day along with the Ray news.

Tell me, is it true there are millions of sheep over there? What's the deal with that? I don't mind sheep tbh. They just look funny.

capture this void said...

Hey guys. What's new?

And where's my magic pie?

resurrected wreck said...

Hi CTV :) Haven't seen Magic Pie around tonight.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you for your comments martha.


Anonymous said...

Ergoproxy thanks, that was informative. My only question is do you think it is necessary to read the first issue before getting any other copies to fully understand the story or no?

Vivienne said...

Hi there,

I’m seeking a like-minded woman to share a disastrous 3-9 month relationship with, ending in acrimony, emotional chaos, and possibly legal proceedings.

My name is Lloyd, I live in Chicago , I’m 27 years old, fairly well educated, I hold down a good job and am pretty stable. I’m told I’m fairly good looking, but I’ll let you be the judge of that - I’m generally caring and very honest.

I am looking for an attractive female who will at first give me obsessive love, praise and devotion - but whose paranoia, self-loathing and fear of rejection and abandonment will eventually lead her to alternately push me away and pull me closer in a love/hate cycle that will lead to infidelity, consensual sexual violence, and the eventual emotional breakdown of one or other party - or if we’re lucky - both!

You should:

* be 20 to 35 years old;
* have a history of short, intense, drama-driven relationships;
* enjoy degrading and dehumanizing sex;
* have undergone negative psychiatric evaluations in the past; and
* be willing to threaten self-harm and/or annihilation as a weapon to control your partner and make them stay with you and care for you.

Although not completely necessary, I would prefer women:

* with nice smiles;
* that have larger than average breasts;
* who are married or already in unstable relationships;
* that drink to forget; and
* who have had a previous established diagnosis of Borderline or Dependent Personality Disorder or Bi-Polar Affective Disorder - or who are currently taking Lithium Carbonate, SSRIs, or Tri-cyclic antidepressants

If you think you meet these requirements (and wow, I’m getting excited just writing them!), please don’t hesitate to get back to me as soon as possible. In the meantime, thank you for reading my advert, and do take care.

All the best,



Haha my god, my soulmate!

Hullo there Mayo dear, hello my dolls, hope you're all well!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Katherine for the info.

I don't know if I said that already...

Anonymous said...

CTV sheep are nice enough but really dumb, and they have pointy hooves and seem to love stepping on your feet.
many like being scratched between the horns,and if you pat them you gat lanolin on your hands, (shearing sheds have the best wooden floors!)

capture this void said...

Hey RW. How's my Canadian doing today?

Ah, I see. Oh well. I miss my Pie.

resurrected wreck said...

SS, your Middle Earth references officially owns. The Lord of the Rings films are what kept me from going mental during any difficult days at university.

And Aragorn's HOT.

capture this void said...

RW, I was always into Boromir, not so much Aragorn. Weird? You don't see a lot of people talking about him, but Sean Bean was absolutely fabulous. FABULOUS, I SAY. Totally cried like a child when he died.

After the movies I forced myself to read the books.

resurrected wreck said...

Hey RW. How's my Canadian doing today?

Quite well, CVT! Though tired. I shall be heading off to bed soon.

And yourself?

Anonymous said...

So guys.

What songs make you cry, and why do they?

resurrected wreck said...

RW, I was always into Boromir, not so much Aragorn. Weird? You don't see a lot of people talking about him, but Sean Bean was absolutely fabulous. FABULOUS, I SAY. Totally cried like a child when he died.

That was a great scene. I also loved the scene where Gandalf fell into darkness in the cave. Broke my heart, but loved it.

I also read the books after seeing the movies.

ergoproxy said...

emily - probably not essential.
the free issue one is good but not really part of the story, the 1st issue tells you about their beginning but I don't think it would hurt if you hadn't read it.

I would love to hear how their story continues, there's a myspace fan site that put in scans sometimes but it's not like actually reading the comic.

katherine dreier said...

What info do you mean Emily? (confused)

You must enjoy reading comics. Purchased any new ones recently? Any new books you can recommend?

Anonymous said...

I have a Legolas air freshener in my car. I secretly consider him my good luck charm.

I am a geek.

Vivienne said...

Kapunua said...

Anyone ever do that Star Wars "pants" thing? Where you replace key words in SW with pants? "Your pack of PANTS disturbs me."


I find your lack of pants disturbing.

You are unwise to lower your pants.

Your pants, you will not need them.

The Force is strong in my pants.

You came in those pants? You're braver than I thought.

I cannot teach him. The boy has no pants.


Made my day!

Aragorn IS hot.....
LOTR owns, who cried?

resurrected wreck said...

So guys.

What songs make you cry, and why do they?

"Hold On" by Sarah McLachlan makes me bawl so hard I get a headache. It's about someone who loses their love to AIDS. I would normally find any song written about that subject a bit insipid, but Sarah just has such a way with words.

capture this void said...

That was a great scene. I also loved the scene where Gandalf fell into darkness in the cave. Broke my heart, but loved it.

I know, right? And how right after the rest of them left the cave they started bawling their eyes out. I was all LDG;KJS;HKFDJ *sad*

Ergo, there's something like 10 sheep for every person in New Zealand. Crazy.

resurrected wreck said...

I have a Legolas air freshener in my car. I secretly consider him my good luck charm.


I didn't know they made those!! How did I miss that??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I have a Legolas air freshener in my car. I secretly consider him my good luck charm.

I am a geek.

No, you're clearly a nerd. And what the hell does Legolas smell like? you'd think after all that trekking through the woods... not so nice. Anyway, who you?

Cupcake said:
LOTR owns, who cried?

I cried when the goddamn movie wouldn't end after like five frigging endings already. And I had to pee!

capture this void said...

Legolas>>>>Will Turner

But that's just me. I liked it better when 12 year olds didn't drool over Orlando Bloom, kthnx.

Anonymous said...

resurrected wreck said...

So guys.

What songs make you cry, and why do they?

"Hold On" by Sarah McLachlan makes me bawl so hard I get a headache. It's about someone who loses their love to AIDS. I would normally find any song written about that subject a bit insipid, but Sarah just has such a way with words.

Yeah? I never heard it. And I agree: usually songs that are supposed to make people cry juts make me laugh instead. Same goes for movies. But I'll believe you on this one. ^_^

Original Punk J said...

I have a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' airfreshner in my car right now!

My Mum saw it a couple of weeks ago and asked me what "those lips" were.


Vivienne said...

Kapanua, you crack me up!

So is anyone gonna say hello or am I going to have to unleash my wicked kung fu skills?

katherine dreier said...


Demolition lovers just hits me in that spot.

Anonymous said...

Alas, Legolas no longer has any scent, but I believe he was sort of piney.

Original Punk J said...

A song that never fails to make me cry is "Jackie Brown" by John Mellencamp.


capture this void said...

Anything by Fergie makes me cry, 'cause y'know. I hate it when my ears bleed.

But srsly, a lot of stuff from The Used.

ergoproxy said...

I don't know if i'd want a air freshener that smelt like a person !

sdock10 said...


What's new in your world? Only good things I hope. Me? Well, I had a pretty routine day at work which consisted of dealing with typical assholes and their typical problems....lazy co-workers. My patience was non-existant, but I made it through once more and shall return to do it all over tomorrow. If I am lucky enough..

So...I figured that I owed you a nice, long, rambling bunch of thoughts. Which I will no doubt package and present to you beautifully wrapped up in a comment. Can you guess where I am right now as I write this? Nope, I am not sitting in that damn chair in front of that screen. I am sitting at my kitchen table....listening to my clothes dryer rumbling, the television is too loud, but I am somehow able to focus. I am putting pen to paper...kicking it old school and getting writer's cramp. The observation made by others that I hold my pen incorrectly probably just adds to my pain. Can I let you in on a secret? I used to never write down anything...a grocery list doesn't really count. And now, thanks to you and my family here, I want to write all the time. I actually carry a notebook and a pen with me. I don't have something great or memorable to say all the time, but you know what? I don't care anymore. I say it anyway and I am no longer scared of hearing myself.

Thank you.

Now let's shift focus back on you for a bit. I get the feeling that you are oh so close to being exactly where you want to be. There's still a lot that you are unsure about, but we all are unsure, my friend. Nothing is guaranteed. The best laid plans sometimes get shot all to hell, you think it's the end of the world, only to end up thanking the good Lord above that you didn't get what you thought you wanted. You need to trust yourself enough to know that you won't fuck it up all the time. And the times you do, be thankful for the family and friends that will gladly forgive you and help you fix it. Mayo, it is time to let yourself be happy. Can you do that? Don't look at me...I've never tried it either, but I am willing to give it a shot. Want to?

Here's to us both being happy and being so much more than we ever realized we could.

Love to YOU Always,

p.s. You've done it a million times. Now do it better.

Anonymous said...

katherine dreier said...


Demolition lovers just hits me in that spot.

Really? that one just makes me smile. I love stories, I love music. Music + stories = me smiling. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Alas, Legolas no longer has any scent, but I believe he was sort of piney.

A very elvin scent, I'm sure. Now if they made an Aragorn air "freshener..." He was hot, but the dude could've used a good washing. In fact the part where he fell into the water and all, that was hot, but in the back of my mind all I could think of was, "finally, a good rinsing."

Anon, you been around before?

cupcake said...

Kapanua, you crack me up!

So is anyone gonna say hello or am I going to have to unleash my wicked kung fu skills?

Hi! But we can still spar if you want to! ^_^

Original Punks said...

A song that never fails to make me cry is "Jackie Brown" by John Mellencamp.

Never heard that one, L. Or maybe I did and I just don't know the name of it.

Anonymous said...

Good to know Ergoproxy...

You've been quite helpful, thank you. You know what else looks good to me PS3's video game, HEAVENLY SWORD. That game and GUITAR HERO (the lastest version). They both look like interesting items. Anyone here purchased it yet?

P.S. A song that makes me cry,
Colin Hay, I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You...

It always chokes me up when I hear it. Truly endearing, I love it so...

capture this void said...


That's not what I'd imagine an elf would smell like. But then again, who the hell wants an air freshener that smells like human sweat?

Vivienne said...

Ok, it's kung fu time! Hiiiiiiiiiiii-Yahhhhhhh!

katherine dreier said...

There's a U2 song called Love is Blindness that I find quite melancholic.

My immortal by Evanescence I love.

capture this void said...

Oh wait, he's not human. So that doesn't make sense.


Vivienne said...

Smashing Pumpkins make me cry...
But 'and then you kissed me, pt 1' by The cardigans makes me lose it every time.

Original Punk J said...


It's off the Big Daddy CD. One of my favorite of JM.


MissTottenham said...

K, there is a Take That song that makes me cry. It is called Nobody else.

Gary Barlow has written it for his mum and dad from their point of view.

In it he sings about them looking through prom photo's and how they are the only couple still together.

Tha line that always makes me cry is "never once have I ever felt the need for another".

It reminds me of my mum and dad's marriage and always makes me cry, as I am now, but have been all night really.

Anonymous said...

Turn Around - by anyone. Anyone who does this song, it doesn't matter. I think of my two young cousins who I helped raise, and who I watched (and am still watching) grow up so goddamn fast, and hell, I don't even have to hear the song, just think of the words to it and I'm already in tears.

Happy - Bobby Darin. I know, the irony. It's such a sweet song. But I think--and i only suspect this is why--it's because my Mom loved Bobby Darin and this was his last song. So I think I associate it with m y Mom being sad over Bobby Darin's death and maybe that's why it makes me cry to this day. It's a beautiful song but I actually loathe it.

You Were Mine - The Fireflies. My Da knew this band and sang with them a few times. I don't know why this song makes me cry; I think it's because I always felt the other person in the narration has died. The lyrics are so naive and even stilted, but it gets me right there.

El Paso - My Da used to sing this one at concerts, and I could never listen to it.

Those are just a few.

sdock10 said...


Johnny Cash

Because you can hear it and feel it.

Jennicula said...

Kapunua, for you;

"Luna" by Smashing Pumpkins
Not sure why, it just makes me weepy in a good way

"Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd
lost a lot of friends in my life. Mostly young. Most popular song played at funerals

"If I had the world to give." by the Grateful Dead
my wedding song. Weepy in a good way

resurrected wreck said...

Kapunua ----> AIM.


Anonymous said...

Oh but MissT, that sounds like a very sweet song.

MissT, not go go all therapy on you, but crying does some good sometimes, huh?

katherine dreier said...

I love Ava Adore! (not for crying though!)

I love Today...oh, all of Siamese Dream by SP.

resurrected wreck said...

Miss T, there are a bunch of us over in AIM if you'd like to chat.

Anonymous said...

I can't stay on too long RW but I'll be right on. shewolfkapu

sdock10 said...

Goodnite Mayo
Goodnite SS
Goodnite BlogBelieve Family
Goodnite Trisky
Goodnite Anon
Goodnite Lurkers
Goodnite Other Anons
Goodnite Pretty Purple Unicorn
Goodnite Stalker Anons
Goodnite Regular Anons
Goodnite Newbies

Love you ALL!

*sdock10's sleep meds are kicking in hard*

ergoproxy said...

you are very welcome emily, can't help you with the game stuff but. I have an old supernintendo lol

songs that make me cry. hmmmmm...
they don't really if I'm already upset "don't cry out loud" by melissa manchester, oh once it was
"Sunsets over Munroeville" but I was already pretty sad.

classically Albinoni always makes me emotional.

resurrected wreck said...

'Night, Sdock! Have a good one :)

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Sdock! Love to you! And see you tomorrow over at DM, from Crackberryland. ^_^

Vivienne said...

sdock10 said...


Johnny Cash

Because you can hear it and feel it.

- I know! first time I heard it.... damn.
Early sunsets over Monroeville make s me pretty depressed.

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, I love Early Sunsets Over Monroeville.

Peter Gabriel's - In Your Eyes, is another favorite of mine... I was so in love with John Cusack after that movie. LOL

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