Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Burning the Manual

I have righted myself before you.
Pulled the knife out of my wound,
And shoved it back in yours.
Like you knew I would.
Like you knew I could.
Before I ever had a name
You knew it was there,
Everything for you
And you know it, and I
Know it still, the same.

p.s. who is driving who or...what?


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Anonymous said...

Fuck off, BEKKI.

You are not wanted here.

toujours said...

hey amyranth, it's been good to see you tonight, but i gotta head to bed -- i massively overslept this morning, only had ten minutes to get up and dressed and going (i hate it when that happens), so i'm thinking a couple of extra z's are in order.

talk to you later, hope you have a good rest of the night. :)

Amyranth said...

Have a good night Teej! Enjoy your day at work tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I am not Bekki nor do I know who Bekki is. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Actually - her boss put himself at legal risk. If the girl had gone to the police and they found out the boss let this go on then he would have got in big trouble probably.

Provided any part of her story was true. Nobody can verify that it was. Proof anons. Where was her proof. All she had was heresay. If that.

Only one person had anything negative happen because of that story. It wasn't the boss or the clowns. Think for yourselves anons.

Anonymous said...

Kap has obviously fooled you too then.

The people here know her better than you do. You are just anothe rpoor fool in her group of followers that she has tricked.

I feel sorry for you.

If you believe her version of things you should really open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

You care alot about clowns and her boss, LOL.

Or, you just hate her and you want Mayo and SS to hate her too.

Huuuuuuh I wonder who that could be.

Amyranth said...

Christ Almighty.

Nobody cares.

This shit has been over for a long time now, and various other anons are right. If had been left dead and buried, maybe things wouldn't be as they are now.

Speaking of agendas.

But hey, I know no matter what I say you're going to read "Cunts! Bitches and Whores! Cunty cunt cunt, whore. Bitch, bitch, beeyotch. Whore, tits bitch. Shit, Piss."

Either way, those who matter don't mind, and those who mind, don't matter.

Fuck y'all. :D

Anonymous said...

Wait, so.... THIS is the blackmail?

Becaus this story happened a long time ago and you are still re-telling it and now adding things onto it that seemingly didn't even happen.

Wait, I'm sorry but how is that supposed to convince me to stop calling out Amyranth when she says turd things like that?

Anonymous said...

Amyranth you might want to look at the fact that an anon brought this up in defense of you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wrong and I say this as someone who read the actual story from her journal. The other girl did tell her boss about the whole thing.

That's not what she said here.

Wow! You really do hate her to make up these things I guess.

The only one making things up is you. Everybody know it. I guess you hate anybody who doesn't see things your way. Share your opinion. Anybody who sees through all the lies and stories.


Anonymous said...

So that was the blackmail to get people to either agree with Amyranth or leave?

Anonymous said...

I'm still not understanding why having to sit through someone else's version of what happened years ago with someone I hardly know (but admire sometimes) was supposed to get me to agree with Amyranth or stfu.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Amyranth you might want to look at the fact that an anon brought this up in defense of you.

Wrong. Or another lie. An anon brought this all up again as another attack on the ladies still here.

They should have let that dead horse rest. What's left of it.

Amyranth said...

Oh, I know. And I do appreciate this.

What you need to know is that no matter what anyone says on here, it'll always come back to people who CHOSE to not be here.

You know how they say life is for the living? Well, maybe, just maybe, this blog is for people who want to be here. We might not be the people who are wanted here, but we're the people you're stuck with.

You need to decide for yourselves if you want to be here with people you so clearly hate. If you don't, then why ARE you still here?

Mayo's a coward? I'm a bitch? Wendy and Mya are evil, twisted people? J and L and Ergo and anyone else you don't like are also losers? Quit hanging out with the people you deem so horribly beneath you, because believe me, you're not doing us any favours.

And I'm talking to the anons who love us all so much they need to come here and dissect us completely.

Anonymous said...

So that was the blackmail to get people to either agree with Amyranth or leave?

You're still very confused.

Anonymous said...

Wait how is "should I tell you all about the person who got fired" an attack on the people HERE? All that stuff that was said was negative towards Kapu from someone who obviously wants people to hate her.

Anonymous said...

Amyranth, you're not making any sense. What does that have to do with anything?

What your'e saying is that we have to like you, agree with you, or leave?

Anonymous said...

Quit hanging out with the people you deem so horribly beneath you, .

Best advice of the day.

Amyranth said...

What your'e saying is that we have to like you, agree with you, or leave?

July 30, 2009 12:18 AM

If I'm not good enough to grace your computer screen, then why am I on it?

Anonymous said...

Wait. First you imply that people you like should be treated better than people you don't like.

Then when someone disagrees an "anon" comes in and says they have some information that will get those people to leave you alone.

Then we have to sit through a re telling of an old boring story told from someone who hates the person it happened to.

And now you're saying that we have to like you .... or leave the blog.

Anonymous said...

Amyranth, here's a news flash for you. You are not the only person on the blog to read.

And it's still not your blog. It is Mayo's.

Anonymous said...

"If I'm not good enough to grace your computer screen, then why am I on it?"

Why didn't YOU leave when you hated what was being posted?

Maybe because there were other things you wanted to read.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm why didn't Amyranth leave when "beyond pathetic" people were on her computer screen?

Anonymous said...

This is the Amyranth Show, it's her blog after all. Didnt' you know that. She's the only one "on the screen".

Anonymous said...

lmao that's what i just said!

Anonymous said...

I get some good links here and there are some nice anons left. I got into KOL from the KOL anons. That's who else "graces the screen".

I forgot this was Amyranth's blog though.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I see that now, gmta I guess. ;D

Anonymous said...

This is where the recollections of that night started.

Anonymous said...
OH!!! I get it now. You are talking about Kapunua asking for help here and someone sending emails to her boss or something.

CUNT unemployment as Wendy said.

I remember reading that but I guess I saw it differently. I thought she was very naive and stupid to trust anyone at all here but I felt bad for her. I only hope she learned to be less trusting although I still hope her friend who got hurt is OK.

July 29, 2009 11:12 PM

I guess I saw it differently.

Anonymous said...

"If I'm not good enough to grace your computer screen, then why am I on it?

July 30, 2009 12:21 AM"

Are you fucking serious?

OK I will actually answer that question.

You are "on it" because you happen to post on a web site where I read, GUESS WHAT, people other than you.

Amyranth said...

*sighs and rubs her temples*

What I said, for the last time, was that it's clearly okay for anons to run roughshod over everyone here. Including people like KOL Anon who have not even been around to see half the shit that has been flung in this place.

But clearly, that went over your head.

Secondly, I don't care if you like me. In fact, don't like me. If I had a friend like you I wouldn't need an enemy, as the saying goes.

Finally, you come on here and complain, whine and argue with other anons over my friends and other people who come here and how we should be treated according to you and other Anons. The general consensus is that we're lower than shit in a litter box. If this is the case, why would you come here to read anything that anyone posts?

Why are you here if it's just to argue and start fights?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Well I see you guys are still at it.

Once again you come in with your selective memory of how things happened than you twist things.

Give it up most of the people here remember what was said and they know. Even if you chose to forget or ignore

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can however post where you live or your real name.

They can get fired for doing that. Specially when they're guilty of libel . I hear that happened to an old blogger.

July 29, 2009 10:59 PM

Actually, THAT is where it started.

Look at the time stamps. 10:59 comes before 11:12 shithead.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm why didn't Amyranth leave when "beyond pathetic" people were on her computer screen?

Why don't you leave when one of the frothing horde are on your computer screen?

Anonymous said...

Why are you here if it's just to argue and start fights?"

Once again.

I am here to read OTHER people. You happen to post here.

When you say something like "oh so we're all supposed to be treated the same" yes I am going to say something.

But trust me you are not my purpose to come here. Even if you like to think so.

Anonymous said...

Finally, you come on here and complain, whine and argue with other anons over my friends and other people who come here and how we should be treated according to you and other Anons."

Isn't that pretty much what you've done for years? Dictate who shoul dsay what? And when and how often? And did 't you also say it was OK to attack anons if they "started trouble" and obviously to you "starting trouble" is disagreeing with you.

Anonymous said...

Actually nothing was mentioned at 10:59 but the word libel in a snarky comeback comment.

11:12 should have kept their mouth shut. You should have too.

Shithead? How classy.

Anonymous said...

So then the 10:59 and the story re-telling was NOT the blackmail?

Then, what was the blackmail? I still don't know the huge secret?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

12.29 if you are here to read other people why are you bothering with Amy. For Most of her time her today she hasn't said anything to you but you made it a point to go after her.

Anonymous said...

"Getting fired" was obviously abotu Kapu, who else woudl it be about, so yeh you were the one who brought that up. Pretending that you weren't is pretty stupid.

Anonymous said...

Guess 10:59 isn't allowed to do snark.

Anonymous said...

But trust me you are not my purpose to come here. Even if you like to think so.

You two seem to be personally acquainted.

Anonymous said...

I disagreed with something she said, MJ in case you didn't notice.

Besides. Didnt you "make it a point to go after" someone else when they posted about their dead grandmother? Instead of just leaving it alone?

Anonymous said...

"For Most of her time her today she hasn't said anything to you but you made it a point to go after her."

Did MJ seriously just say that? After what she said to Kapu?

Anonymous said...

GMTA again!!

Anonymous said...

What does snark have to do with it? You are the one who brought up her getting fired. Someone asked what you were talking about. Someone else said what you were talking about and then you posted your re-telling with your own add ons.

So then YOU are the one "attacking" Amyranth?

How does you re-telling the story in a way to attack Kapu, "attack" Amyranth?

Anonymous said...

They can however post where you live or your real name.

That's obviously what she did. Pretending that she didn't is pretty stupid.

If anons keep bringing up the past I'll keep answering them. Whether you like my snarky answers or not.

Original Punk J said...

Y'all just excuse me, I wanted to say something to the anons from earlier re: my "sad" comment. Pardon me for interrupting.

One of the reasons I felt sad about that picture is that for so long now, Frank hasn't truly smiled. Not a full smile, that is. He had a small one in the birthday picture, yes. But it just made me think of times before, when that big, beautiful, genuine smile was not the exception but the rule.

For those of you who've been here a long time, you know I've supported Frank through almost everything. I've put my concerns out there for his behavior, though, too. And, if you remember, I've said all along that to me he looks BETTER with the 'extra pounds' than not. He looks healthier, and yes, sexier. I'll admit the beard doesn't do it for me, but if he likes it, well, who am I to say? Or anyone?

Ultimately, though, I'm not concerned with what the outside looks like. There is a wonderful, caring, kind, funny, intelligent, talented man inside there. And I worry about him, dammit, and I always will. I worry about all of them. They're good guys.

Shallow? No. I'm not. But you anons don't know me, so if you want to perceive me as such, I don't care.

Goodnight to the Lovelies, I hope to see you tomorrow. Goodnight to Mayo, and thanks.

Goodnight SS, there seems to be more notes like this than there should be. Love you, baby.

xo jen

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I didn't bring it to this blog I took it to another blog. And I didn't keep bring it up time and time again.

So if you really feel the Ned to tell Amy off why not take it to her blog or make up a fake email address. Or hey find an anon program so no one can get your info.

But no you don't do those thing s because you whole pan is to try and make this place unbearable for the people here.

Give up your game. It won't work .

still confused said...

Blackmail Anon, come back. I still want to know what you were trying to blackmail me with to get me to either agree with Amyranth or leave the blog.

Amyranth said...

Night J, have a good sleep.

I'm off myself.

Goodnight MJ.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight Amy and J.

Anonymous said...

Because MJ I didn't think it would escalate into this whole blackmailing thing with re-telling old stupid stories. And it is not worth it. Amyranth obviously really believes that people she approves of shoudl get treated well while people she hates, it's OK to rip them apart. I happen to disagree and when she says something like "so are you saying everyone should be treated equally" that just sounds insane.

I should have realized that questioning Amyranth was going to start a fire storm but I didn't realize it was going to bring about this weird strange idea of blackmailing and being told repeatedly to leave.

Sorry but I did forget that this is Amyranth's blog.

Anonymous said...

OPJ, Frank is probably unhappy that he married Jamia.

Anonymous said...

I can't really take anything that MJ says seriously. Sorry but it's true.

Anonymous said...

"Feel the Ned" lmao. Who is Ned? She even capitalized it.

Anonymous said...

Ned Kelly obvs.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Please 12.41 you knew this would happen. It was your plan. You know that if you keep bring this stuff up enough times it will start a shit storm. You've done it enough times already.

So just stop with the games.

toujours said...


did you see that comment earlier, the one about stories showing us the seeds of ourselves? i read that when i came online, and i've been thinking about it since then. i love that idea.

Look for stories in movies and books that resonate in your heart, and you will find glimpses of your possible futures.

i was thinking about all the stories that have been special to me, and i realized that they really do have a theme in common. most of them have characters that make a place for themselves in the world by staying true to themselves, by plodding on through all troubles even when they want to give up.

doesn't that sound awful? it's so simplistic, and oh my, way too pollyanna, but that's the sort of character that reinvigorates my own determination. i've been reading stories like that since i was a kid -- anne mccaffrey's menolly in the pern books, most of mercedes lackey's main characters, sparrowhawk in the wizard of earthsea, all those good princesses and the youngest sons from fairy tales, alanna in the song of the lioness quartet, tohru from fruits basket...

these characters, they manage to achieve their dreams and win friends without losing their honor, without giving up what is essential to them. when i'm following my own path, i don't want to forget them. i don't want to lose my dreams in the process of chasing them.

i know the world doesn't always work that way, i know you can work as hard as you possibly can and still not accomplish your goals, i know you can be your best self possible and still be alone, i know the good guys don't always win.

i know you fight some demons for the rest of your life.

but i still like my optimistic characters and their stories that have happy endings. and i like the idea of using what is attractive to you as a guide, looking for clues to your path in the things that inspire you. it was a neat comment, even though it got me to thinking about where i come from instead of where i'm going (though for sure i'll be doing that now, too).

what about you, mayo? are there bits of your favorite books that have been guides, even if you didn't know it?

it's interesting to think about.

but now i need to stop thinking and go to sleep!

good night, mayo. sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
They can however post where you live or your real name. :)

Not likely, since I never told anyone... sorry not that stupid to use my real name around the people on this blog and never once said anything about where i live.

I also am not naive enough to go to anyone's links (except KOL anons) because of the way most people here abuse the stat trackers.

July 29, 2009 10:53 PM

10:53 comes before 10:59 shitheads.

No, that wasn't a shot the ladies here. No hypocrisy there.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am so sad an anon who comes on the blog to just start shit doesn't take me seriously. How will I ever be able to go on. My life is over.

Anonymous said...

So just stop with the games.

They can't stop themselves. It's all they know. Juvenile games and proclaiming they're the innocent victims who've done nothing wrong.
Push poke provoke pointfingers bring up the past. They like that game.

Anonymous said...

throws mj a life perserver guaranteed to keep her head above the bullshit

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Criminal minds is almost over so I am off to bed.

Anon(s) just give up this game you are playing. The people here see through what you are trying to do.

Don't you know by now it won't work. you won't get the people here to leave the blog and the blog will not be shut down.

Give it up move on.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

thank you anon.


Anonymous said...

Did you read that anons? The blog will never be shut down. There's too much fun going on. So skedaddle.

Anonymous said...

They did skedaddle. Their mommies told them it was past their bedtime. They didn't want get spanked for being on the webz too late.

Anonymous said...

Jen & lisa I thought you might this

we belong in a world that must be strong
oh, that's what dreams are made of

and in the end on dreams we will depend
'cause that's what dreams are made of

1:59 said...


Awaiting entry




elena said...


Sending all good thoughts your way.

Nite Mayo


1:51 said...


Starting countdown to blast off
Entry approved

Fire at will.



Anonymous said...

1:51, excuse me for asking, but are you a male or a female?

Anonymous said...

What do you think they are 2:16?

Anonymous said...

1:51 did say they weren't mayo or ss. said they weren't lhfsd or redrum eeither. they're a mystery.

Anonymous said...

1:51 sounds like a man
1:59 sounds like a woman

to me

Anonymous said...

you have a 50/50 chance of being right. same chance of being wrong.

Anonymous said...

you're right, but it doesn't help my curiosity! good night

Anonymous said...

How stupid the whole thing is. If these two anons were adults they would organize their fling off the blog, and get their booty call over and done with.

Anonymous said...

Your both wrong. Real Men and Women don't need a blog for that.

Anonymous said...

Instead they have to continue with these stupid, idiotic, sexual innuendos to each other. Lame & dumb.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong 2:43. No adult calling on your booty?
If you were an adult you wouldn't use the term booty call when talking about the kissy anons. Envious?

Anonymous said...

I'm not taking your bait 2:51.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Instead they have to continue with these stupid, idiotic, sexual innuendos to each other. Lame & dumb.

I think jealousy and envy is lame & dumb. Bet you wouldn't feel it was lame & dumb if thought one of them was talking to you. Posting poetry or pictures for you.

Anonymous said...

This is only a blog anons. Why do the kissies bother you so much?

Anonymous said...

Bet you wouldn't feel it was lame & dumb if thought one of them was talking to you. Posting poetry or pictures for you.

Speak for yourself. I would and I consider it ridiculous. But I'm jealous and envious which seems to always be the throw back excuse for any sense.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You baited and hooked yourself 2:43-54. When you came in whining about the kissy anons.

Anonymous said...

You don't know what you're talking about 3:05. I'm with 2:43. It's childish, but I want these two to get together. Think of me as your blog-matchmaker. They get off the blog, and can kiss/fuck whatever they want to do to each other to their hearts content.

Anonymous said...

They get off the blog, and can kiss/fuck whatever they want to do to each other to their hearts content.

They'll likely be happy to know that they have your permission to do all that. Off blog.

Anonymous said...

2:43 & 3:10

You aren't trying to dictate what can and can't be said and done around here are ya?

Anonymous said...

Goodnite kissy anons and kissy anon haterz.

Anonymous said...

They'll likely be happy to know that they have your permission to do all that. Off blog.

And that's where it belongs. Instead of behaving like immature exhibitionists.

Anonymous said...

Your both wrong. Real Men and Women don't need a blog for that.

July 30, 2009 2:46 AM


Anonymous said...

Hi y'all,

Gonna be in Cleveland day after tomorrow.

If any of you are going to Mayhem, stop by my booth and say hi. Not gonna be backstage for that show.

Anon616 said...

Good morning (or goodnight) Mayo, SS, Amy, Martha, J (and L), Elena, Ergo, Sweetcheeks, MissT, TJ, various anonymooses and lurkers!

How are you all this early morning (or late night)? Good, I hope!

6:52/Favorite story anon: What a lovely comment and question! I sense the heart of a poet in you!

I have many favorite stories. I particularly love the classics. “Rebecca”, “Jayne Eyre“, “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”, “Beauty And The Beast”, “Wuthering Heights”, “Dracula“, “The Lion King“ (it‘s a classic and James Earl Jones‘ voice bellowing out the line “Remember WHO YOU ARE“ brings tears to my eyes everytime!)... I seem to have a love and redemption theme going here, don’t I?

Okay, so there wasn’t much ‘redemption’ in Wuthering Heights; there was that whole ‘soul mate/love eternal’ thing!

I also love “1984” and any and all things Poe (I believe I have mentioned that a few times before).

Oh, and did anyone ever read/see “The Enchanted Cottage”. I love that story too! And, any factual book /stories about wolves ~ such as “Wolves At Our Door”.

I do not like any stories with a “big bad wolf”. Anyone who knows the least little bit about me knows that! For those of you who don’t know the least little bit about me, I have been involved with wolf preservation since my late teens and I absolutely love/respect/adore/am in awe of those majestic, loyal and wise creatures.

KOL Anon: I’m so glad you got some laughs out of that dildo “news story”! I thought it was hilarious too!!!! So, Atlanta huh? I would have to head “up” and take a right to get to Atlanta. In other words, head north east. Approximately traveling equal distances north and east! Perhaps a bit more east.

Hey, King Of Leon are playing on my birthday too!!! You want to go Reading? Headliners, baby!!! I have a passport that’s itching to be used again. It’s been sitting in my secret nightstand drawer, doing nothing, since January!

J: Lovely comment last night. Although, you did not have to explain yourself to any of your friends here. We all know how you feel! Is L home yet? Tell her I miss her!

MissT: I’m anxiously awaiting your return (with all the gory details)! I hope you’re feeling much, much better!!!!

Martha: It’s so good to see you, here, and to know you were having fun and enjoying yourself again!!!! I am wearing my “bitch” badge proudly. It ‘s much nicer than those two scarlet letters that were thrust upon my bosom! I ripped those suckers right off. I remembered that I do not subscribe to the beliefs of ‘hawthorn~esque’ puritan societies. I’m so glad I don’t! It must be difficult to have any fun at all when you’re constantly looking down your nose at other people. I much prefer to greet people at eye level! Bitches, whores, saints, sinners, bartenders/maids, Priests, Ministers, Rabbis, Nuns, mailmen/ladies, garbage men/ladies, postal workers, Wally world employees, lawn maintenace men, construction workers, high school graduates, those who dropped out, those who earned their GED, college graduates... well, everyone!

Amy: Good grief! I forgot what I wanted to say to you. Ooops! Maybe I’ll remember later. I think it had something to do with fangs, fudge or whores. Hmm... Perhaps all three... and King Lear!

2:46 and 4:06 ~ "Real" men and "real" women don't NEED silk scarves, costumes, whipped cream and stawberries either; but, those 'accessories' sure are fun to use now and then! Not to mention ice and heating massage oil. Better, ice ~ barely touching the skin ~ tracing those areas rubbed with that aforementioned heating oil.

Did I reach character limit yet? Dang it! One of these days I shall. I am determined!

Goodnight, everyone! Sweet dreams to one and all (and enjoy your day too).

Hugs and Love,

Hi PJ and good luck with the baking Ergo!!

Anon616 said...

Enjoy Mayhem KI! I hope you packed lots of 'Febreeze To Go' and sunscreen!

*blows kisses to blog believe*

ergoproxy said...

hello anyone, have had a very busy day

work was good, but different to straight teaching, but not difficult, just hope you make a difference

my bread is in the pan having it's last rising before baking

have to cut all the other things up ready to take in

6:52 anon, asking about the stories:

Ones I really loved as a child were Tom's Midnight Garden & The Secret Garden, I still love the idea of finding something hidden, seeking the magic that resides within, hidden, waiting to be discovered.
Interestingly a book I really love as an adult is, Moonheart, by Charles De Lint, which has doorways to other worlds. As well as the Anne McCaffrey dragon books (like TJ) and especially the Crystal Singer series, Raymond E Feist, and Janny Wurtz, the fun and quirkiness of Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett, Janet Evanovich and the books of Dean Koontz, Graham Masterton and many other horror/crime writers.
Also one of my favourite books, that I found in a book sale is called Sigmet Active, about a meteorological experiment that results in people being imprinted in a way that lightning must seek them out and kill them to restore balance, probably hardly anyone else has ever read it, but I just adore it, probably helped by my fascination with lightning
so I wonder what that would say about me!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning

Anonymous said...

Gerard Way reveals new MCR LP details

Wednesday, July 29 2009, 11:52am

By Lara Martin, Entertainment Reporter

Gerard Way has claimed that My Chemical Romance's upcoming album will feature the "greatest song" that the band has ever written.

The singer and lyricist discussed the progress of the follow-up to 2006's The Black Parade during an appearance at Comic-Con to promote his latest comic books.

Speaking to Rolling Stone, he said: "The songs are all wildly different, but the one I'm really excited about is called 'Death Before Disco'.

"It's a completely different sound for the band - it's like an anti-party song that you can party to. I can't wait for people to hear it.

"It brings back, lyrically, some of that wonderful fiction from the first album. I think we wrote our 'Born to Run', and I'm so amped about that. To me, it's the greatest song we've ever written - it's my favourite MCR song."

Way added that the group are "right in the middle" of producing the as-yet-untitled record, which is expected to be released later this year or early 2010.

ergoproxy said...

thanks anon, be interesting to see if it's as good as he feels


only 6 weeks until The Resistance is released by MUSE!!!!!!

I am done, it's all made and ready to be cut, plated and taken in, in the morning. Then the nerves until I find out if it's ok. Well so far I know at least one person likes it all. Hope you are having a good week.
Much love EP xx

Do you like sweets and candy? I have lots, and I got to that stage of just not wanting to even taste it. Then I baked the bread, now I want to eat it, but I can't get it back until sunday, and I don't know if it'll be ok by then anyway. Probably can toast it I suppose, it just smells so nice!
Hope you have a lovely thursday
lotsa love EP xx

goodnight blogbelieve, see you in my morning

Original Punk L said...

Have a good day, everyone!

Bloc Party-"Like Eating Glass", L's Musical Recomendation For The Day


KOL anon said...

Good morning, everyone.

Hi, L. I love Bloc Party. ^_^

I wanted to let anyone who might be interested know that Kings of Leon are going to be playing on The Today Show tomorrow morning, July 31. Here's hoping they play something other than Use Somebody (not that I don't like it, it's just that it's been kind of played to death), but no matter what they play, I'm sure they'll be great and definitely worth your time.

Here's a short article about the expected "stampede" of KOL fans onto Rockefeller Plaza. Lol. As much as I love KOL, I don't think I would want to be in that crowd.

Oh, how I wish I could go to Reading, Wendy. Wouldn't that be lovely? I found a new link of the boys playing there in 07 (Black Thumbnail) and I'm going to post it here when I get time. They really seem to love playing that festival. I'm so happy for them that they're one of the headliners this year.

Gotta run. Have a great day, all.

Anonymous said...

hello again

many thanks for the well wishes - sending them right back to you.

hello BC - how are you ?


Anon616 said...

*comes back in after cleaning turtle pond and getting attacked by fire ant*

*is very itchy ~ but not itchy enough to not sing a song before jumping in the shower*

~~~BruUUUUUUUUCE!!!One, two... Tear drops on the city bad scooter searching for his grove...~~~

I just love that performance of Tenth Avenue Freeze Out!

~~~I want to find that river of life
I want to find that river of love
I want to find that river of faith
and that river of hope.
Tonight, I want to go to that river of transformation...
I want to go to that river of resurrection where everybody gets a second chance... but, you gotta work for it!
Tonight, I want to go that river of sexual healing
and companionship...
I'm not bullshittin' back here

^I love the sermon part too!!!^

Amy: I remembered! It was pumpkin bread. I still want some. I will post the recipe today!

*is now going shower before I scratch all the skin off my feet*

~~~It's alright, it's alright now
It's alright, yeah it's alright now
It's alright to have a good time
Yeah, it's alright to have a good time
Ohhh.... Take me to the river, wash me in the water...

Anon616 said...

Oh, people! Hello L, KOL Anon, m., Ergo!

KOL: I'm sorry. LEEDS is where we must go for my birthday!


m.: Hello again! How are you?

L (and KOL Anon): I shall click links later! I must go "wash me in the water", NOW! I'm on fire!

*blows kisses*

Anonymous said...

Good Morning...heres some aging Rockers for ya.

Anonymous said...

Do you work for KOL, KOL anon? You definately need to be on their payroll.

Anonymous said...

Totally Gnarly!!!

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon to anyone here. K, I hope you have a great time at the Mayhem fest. I went last year, but this year I decided not to go. Not many bands there that I care to listen to. Enjoy your time there.

m: Good to see you. How have you been? You've been missed. I'm doing okay, thanks for asking.

Sugarplum: I got your email. Look out for yet another reply, hehe. I hope you're well.

Lewis: I think I've finally decided what tattoo design I want. It's definitely not small at all. I hope to talk to you soon.

That's all for now, I reckon. Have a great day, anyone who's lurking.

Original Punk L said...

Hey, everyone. Just in for a moment. I was checking some of the shows here in town and guess what...

A show with Cracker is coming up!

Plus Framing Hanley, and we may be going this friday to see Down From Up.

I love summer concert season!

Hey, KOL anon, how are you doing? I would not want to be in that stampede either, from the looks of it! Did you see U2 at the Georgia Dome on the Zoo TV Outside Broadcast Tour? Holy Crap!(Copyright to Elena.) It was something else, but I wouldn't have traded it for the world!

You know, you need a name, a kick ass Lovely name. If you want to. This way you could pick whatever you want. We'd still know it was you. :) But that's just if you want to. KOL anon is cool too!

Wendy Woo, attacked by a fire ant! Those buggers hurt, too. Are you washed and cortizoned? Thanks for the link. I love me some BRUUUUUUCCEEEEE!

Hey, B.C.! What tattoo did you decide on? Is it the angel one or the band logo? Hope you're having a good day!

Hi, m.! How are you? Nice to see you back around. What have you been up to?

Anon at 12:37, Tom Petty and Garth Brooks were great! Thanks for that link.

Same to you, 2:25.(Well, not about Tom Petty and Garth Brooks.) Thanks for the link.


Have you ever just wanted to pick up and take off driving, not caring where you end up, throw your cell phone out the window, till you find someplace you can drag out your journal, your sketch pad, your books and CDs, and just breath?

That's me today.

Hope you have a great day!


See above.

Take care and have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Do you work for KOL, KOL anon?

I don't think they put groupies on the payroll.

Anonymous said...

Now that wasn't a very nice thing to say.

Anonymous said...

I think somebody is jealous that people here actually like KOL anon.

Anonymous said...

There's more anons here than blues these days.

Anonymous said...

People here only pretend to like each other here. They really only care about Mayo and SS.

ergoproxy said...

good morning

hi KOL we don;t get the today show but I hope their performance goes well (and is a different song this time) I'd love toget to one of those big festivals, we have Big Day Out but it sells out almost instantly, they do televise it though so at least I can see the erformances
take care

hello again m

hello J

hello wendy - fire ant bite? ouch. We have task forces to combat those suckers, only arrived in the country a couple of years ago,so they are trying not to let them spread and get rid of them

just having coffee before I get my entries ready, I get to see how my photos went this morning too, they always have them up early in the pavilion (show/fair isn't until tomorrow)

ergoproxy said...

oops forgot BC, you must describe the tattoo you want, or post a pic!

Anonymous said...

No!! Not The Mega bitch!!

Amyranth said...

Sorry, she's here already.

Hey everyone.

ergoproxy said...

hello Amy!

Original Punk L said...

Hey Amy, Ergo! I finally checked out the ballgown site and I have chosen my dress. I originally wanted a burgandy one, but I think I will go with

This one

I also picked out a couple of outfits for Mayo and S.S. What do you think?

For Mayo,The Lord of The Manor


For Sir S.S., our Robin Hoodish Knight

Mayo, S.S., do you like these, or do you have an outfit already picked out?


Original Punk L said...

Good Night, everyone, sweet dreams!


toujours said...

oh, shoot! i missed you, j.! well, have a good night. :)

i was stuck over on ~facebook~. i finally signed up for it, mostly because drive by isn't using their twitter and i don't want to miss any updates. tcha.

i was hoping facebook would be nicer on the laptop than myspace (myspace + dial-up = glaciation); so far, it doesn't seem to be loading any better.

*shrugs* i'll deal with it at the shop, we have a fast connection there.

ergoproxy said...

hello TJ!

hi L

nice choices

I have been cleaning up my disaster of a kitchen, shredded coconut, icing sugar, chocolate. containers, sppons...finally looks like it should again

how are you?
saw you are a FB'er now

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hi everybody

toujours said...

hi ergo! i saw your greeting over there, but couldn't reply. stoopid loading times. :/

tbh, your messy kitchen sounds pretty yummy.

your new job is different, ergo -- i don't think we have anything quite like that over here. after detention, the next level is sending the kid to the school counsellor.

toujours said...

hi martha.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello TJ how are you

Anonymous said...

Hey, B.C.! What tattoo did you decide on? Is it the angel one or the band logo? Hope you're having a good day!

L, I decided the band logo will be the second tat. First tat will be the angel on my shoulder. I don't really like color portraits, so I think this one is going to be inked in gray and black, and the angel is gonna hold a heart that's engulfed in flames in one hand, and maybe a double-edged sword on the other. Either that or a fairy/angel crossover. I posted a link on my twitter if you want to see the inspiration for it.

Goodnight and sweet dreams to you and J.

Hey everyone, hope you're well. Good to see you mj.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello and good night BC

toujours said...

hi bc, and good night.

i'm doing okay, martha.

ergoproxy said...

hello MJ

TJ it is a method used in some schools, not all though
if a student is misbehaving in class they can be sent to the room with a note about why, we then get them to fill out a form about what they did, what they should have done and they then work out a plan to return to class, what they will and wont do and take it back to the teacher, they sign it, then if they break that they can go to the next level,
we also take kids who have to finish assignments say and are made to stay until they produce something, also kids who are removed from class for particular teachers on a short term basis, or who are on an internal suspension,they work in the room with classwork, a step below full suspension. They see the counsellor in that time too, trying to work something out.
If they misbehave in the room, which has very strict rules, they can be immediately suspended or they can be taken over by the admin and placed in more serious trouble.
It's like a halfway house, to nip things before they get worse, it also goes on their record, where a class teachers detention etc doesn't.
Some kids repeatedly return, they have parents called in, which may or may not help.
The room works, but some kids are determined not to behave regardless of course, and you know some kids family situations and can see why, but they can't make it hell for a teacher, or everyone else in a class.
You end up with no real choice sometimes.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello EP how are you?

ergoproxy said...

hi and goodnight BC, that is a really lovely picture, something like that would look great

ergoproxy said...

I'm really tired actually MJ, busy night and early morning, now cleaning up everything, but really good otherwise :]

how are you?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am tired as well. But ok other wise

toujours said...

i like that you have an intermediary step, though. even though there are the kids who can't be helped, it sounds like your system can catch some that might slip through the gaps in ours.

it also sounds like it makes for an interesting day!

Anonymous said...

:) Hi

ergoproxy said...

interesting is a good word for it TJ!!

ergoproxy said...

hi anon

1:59 said...


No picture tonight, only a question.

The first time we met face to face, you said you liked something I had with me. What was that?

(P.S. I'm not Mayo, SS, Redrum, Lewis, or DW either. Just for the record.)

toujours said...

hi there, anon.

ergo, interesting is good, usually. lol

is this a long-term position?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Anon

ergoproxy said...

not at the moment, it's only the next 2 weeks, as the teacher who was with him is on sick leave until at least then, but the guy who runs it had indicated he wants me to be a person they can call to fill in, and maybe next year take part of it over

toujours said...

that's cool that he asked for you. :)

time for me to shuffle off, good to chat with you a little. good night everyone.

sweet dreams. :)

ergoproxy said...

goodnight TJ sweet dreams, have a good friday

toujours said...


today, for some reason, i kept thinking about cars. i think i was looking at every used car lot on the commute in and from work, wondering which car is going to be my first one.

not that i'll have much choice, of course. if it runs and is cheap enough, then that's my new ride. *grin*

but i never thought about this sort of thing before, never daydreamed about having a car of my own. at the most, i thought that maybe someday (how i hate that word) i'd take a cross-country trip, just me and my cat and a tape-recorder for my stories.

and now the idea of having a car of my own is something i'm starting to get used to, starting to look forward to.

to be able to go where i want, when i want.

it's ridiculous, i'm such a slowpoke, but it's also astounding. i'm looking forward to it very much.

(even if my first car is a ratchety old beater.) *grin*

good night, mayo. i hope you're enjoying whatever firsts you might be experiencing, even if it's just that restaurant around the corner you've always gone past and had never stopped at before. adventures are good for one's spirit, don't you think?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight tj

elena said...


Tonight I simply want to share something with you. Stormy showed me this quote by Marilyn Monroe today. Sometimes when I feel so very empty I turn to the words of others for inspiration.

"I believe everything happens for a reason! People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so that you will eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes, good things fall apart, so better things can fall together."

I hope today was filled with good moments that will turn into beautiful memories for you. Take care

Night Mayo


ergoproxy said...

goodnight elena, sweet dreams

it's only just before 4pm and I wanna go to sleep
very lazy afternoon ahead, glad a bought a roast chicken and pasta salad for dinner

1:51 said...


Here is our universe



1:59 said...


A lovely picture, as always.

Did you see the question I left for you?


1:51 said...






1:59 said...


What's the answer?

1:51 said...



Your answer is written.


1:59 said...



1:51 said...



Goodnight to you.

1:59 said...


Anonymous said...

You see, Dontcha hate games!! It fucking breaks the heart. :/

Anonymous said...

Looks more like an assumption was made. There have been many around here. Cases of mistaken identity. It does break the heart.

Anonymous said...

Common sense dictates that you never assume anything.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Common Sense doesn't apply here. It's checked at the gates to BB.

Anonymous said...

What doesn't get checked at the gates flies out the window once you get in. The last of mine just flew out. I'm going try to catch it.

Anonymous said...

I have a theory about this. (THEORY so it could be completely wrong) I've been reading 1:51 and 1:59 and they don't bother me at all but like some other people I was trying to figure out who it could be. I think 1:59 is a reg here and I think they thought 1:51 was either Mayo or SS. Especially since they asked the question about when we first met face to face as not many people here have, and the ones that have met have all been female (so unless there are any budding lesbian romances out there) I think it's either someone pretending to be Mayo messing with Teej or someone messing with OPJ pretending to be SS. I have to say I kind of liked it when I thought it was Redrum and Lewis flirting. Anyway something about 1:51 must have made 1:59 suspect that they weren't who 1:51 thought they were or they wouldn't have asked the question. This is the trouble with blog flirting, we've seen it all before with the other kissy anons and it always ends up with them realizing they are not flirting with the person they thought they were! If it's a genuine mistake fair enough but if someone has been messing with Teej or OPJ on purpose that's just mean.

Anonymous said...

The whole thing is goddamn silly if you ask me, but I'm just an anon, what would I know.

Anonymous said...

I thought they said they weren't Mayo or SS.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why anyone would ASSume they were Mayo or SS. Both 1:51 and 1:59 clearly said they weren't Mayo or SS.

Mayo and SS wouldn't say it wasn't them if it was. Both of them have been pissed off in the past when people have pretended to be them. I think 1:51 and 1:59 were actually trying to avoid mistake identity cos they both made it quite clear they weren't Mayo or SS.

1:51 said...

I'm not lhfsd, redrum, or mayo, ss either. I'm 1:51. Goodnight.

July 23, 2009 4:11 AM

1:59 said...


No picture tonight, only a question.

The first time we met face to face, you said you liked something I had with me. What was that?

(P.S. I'm not Mayo, SS, Redrum, Lewis, or DW either. Just for the record.)

July 30, 2009 11:55 PM

Anonymous said...

Mayo and SS wouldn't say it wasn't them if it was. Both of them have been pissed off in the past when people have pretended to be them.

iawtc. if it was mayo or ss they would not have gone out of their way to deny it. they would have just stayed silent.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning

Anonymous said...

The saga began here with a plain goodnight

Anonymous said...
July 20, 2009 4:12 AM

for july 20, 4:12 A.M. said...
make a wish, and goodnight
July 21, 2009 1:18 AM

Anonymous said...
:) Goodnight 1:18.
Your turn
Goodnight Ep.
July 21, 2009 1:51 AM

Anonymous said...
1:51 A.M.
from me to you
will you :* me under them?
July 22, 2009 1:59 AM

1:59 - meant 1:51 said...
i don't know 1:59. who are you? call me, let me know and we'll discuss :*ing under those stars.

July 22, 2009 3:19 AM

1:51 said...

1:51 said
to 1:59
July 22, 2009 3:24 AM

looks like 1:59-July 21 1:18 AM thought 1:51-July 20 4:12 AM was somebody they werent.

ergoproxy said...

oh wow what a week! I am glad I can finally have a bit of a relax. I really need a good nights sleep. Especially seeing as I'm off to our show tomorrow staying late to watch the fireworks and rodeo. So I think I'll feed the cats then lie down in bed and watch "A Haunting" tonight it's a house in Wisconsin. Then off to sleepy bo-bo's. Hope you have a lovely friday.
much love EP xx

have you been having a good week? Hope so. I am getting ready to watch a ghost story. Always spookier when it is real. So I'm off to snuggle up and try not to get myself too spooked, lol
lotsa love EP xx

goodnight blogbelieve, see you in my morning

Anonymous said...

I always thought the kissy anons may have been Miranth and the ol' fella Tristan.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


it's got what it takes

so tell me






Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
1:51 A.M.
from me to you
will you :* me under them?
July 22, 2009 1:59 AM

1:59 - meant 1:51 said...
i don't know 1:59. who are you? call me, let me know and we'll discuss :*ing under those stars.

July 22, 2009 3:19 AM

Yeah I think 1:59 was OPJ thinking that 1:51 was SS. I can imagine her sending a pic of stars and asking him to kiss her under them.

Then when 1:59 replied you can see they weren't sure who 1:51 was, but they thought 1:51 might have their phone number so clearly 1:51 is not SS or Mayo.

Anonymous said...

I meant when 1:51 replied they weren't sure who 1:59 was. *facepalm*

Anonymous said...

Yeah I think 1:59 was OPJ thinking that 1:51 was SS. I can imagine her sending a pic of stars and asking him to kiss her under them.

Then when 1:51 replied you can see they weren't sure who 1:59 was, but they thought 1:59 might have their phone number so clearly 1:51 is not SS or Mayo because why would 1:59 have SS or Mayo's phone number?

Anonymous said...

Just when you thought this blog couldn't get any more confusing.

Anonymous said...

Idiocy seems to increase by the nano second here.

Anonymous said...

If any of you think that Mayo or SS would flirt with you, you are crazy. They are both very sweet guys but it's rediculous to think they would do that. They both have SO's.

Original Punk L said...

Well, good morning!

The Cult's "Wild Hearted Son, L.'s Musical Recommendation For The Day

Elena, called you last night. We'll try today. Love ya!

Hope everyone is well, and I will talk to you later.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Very redickuluss.

Original Punk L said...

Oh, here is a list of questions for everyone today. Mayo, S.S., anons, lurkers, join in too!

1. What was your best subject in school? Your worst?

2. Favorite color.

3. Dog or cat?

4. How many scars do you have, and how did you get them?

5. What is your favorite holiday and why?

6. If you could meet anyone living or dead, who would it be?

7. Describe yourself in three words.

8. What do you notice first in someone you are attracted to?

9. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? (Family doesn't count!)

10. What is your favorite book, and why?

11. What is your hidden talent?

12. Have you ever seen a ghost?

13. What did you want to grow up to be?

14. What is Love to you?

15. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

16. Describe your first kiss.

17. Creamy or smooth peanut butter?

18. What is your favorite movie and why?

19. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

20. What three words would your Mum use to describe you?

Have fun!


Anon616 said...

Hello Mayo, SS, L (and J), Sweetcheeks, Amy, Martha, KOL anon, Ergo, MissT, Elena, m., TJ, various anonymice and lurkers!

How are you all today? Good, I hope!

I just had a lovely visit with my OB~Gyn. Guess what, sweetheart???

LOL! I'm kidding! Sorry. I have a bit o'the devil in me today. Okay, so I have a "bit o'the devil" in me everyday (don't we all?) ~ I just happen to have a bit and a half today!

It was those fire ants, I bet! They're insects from hell. Oh, my bites are better today. Thanks Ergo, J, L and Sweetcheeks (another e~mail reply will be on the way, shortly).

8:04 ~ OUCH! That's all I'm saying.

8:44 ~ Thank you for the Van Halen lyrics! Not just Van Halen; but, Val Halen with Sammy Hagar! I know I'm in the minority; but, I preferred Van Halen with him! I think he's a much better vocalist. David Lee Roth always had more ego than talent (in my opinion). He sure could dance though!

L: YAY, a test! I didn't study so give me a few to prepare. The answers to your questions are on the way.

Hugs and Love,

Hi PJ, Mya, It's me, DW, Loli and Safe!

Anon616 said...

1. What was your best subject in school? Your worst?
~Best: English/Literature/Accounting

Worst: Chemistry (YUK)

2. Favorite color.
Black or black and red/blue/purple for clothes
I like hot pink too!

3. Dog or cat?
~Both and wolves

4. How many scars do you have, and how did you get them?
~Quite a few and I got them many different ways!

5. What is your favorite holiday and why?
~Christmas/New Years and Mardi Gras

6. If you could meet anyone living or dead, who would it be?
~My dad's father and my mom's father (although, I did have a wonderful "step" paw~paw who married my maternal grandmother long before I was born)

7. Describe yourself in three words.
~Wendy Wendy Wendy!

8. What do you notice first in someone you are attracted to?
~How close are they? If they are close, their eyes and their smile.

9. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? (Family doesn't count!)
~Of course! Right, smack dab on the lips too!

10. What is your favorite book, and why?
~Too many to list. See answers to favorite story questions on the previous page.

11. What is your hidden talent?
~Wouldn't you like to know?!

12. Have you ever seen a ghost?

13. What did you want to grow up to be?
~A teacher

14. What is Love to you?
~Love is everything!

15. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

16. Describe your first kiss.
~My first kiss (sweet) or my first REAL kiss (wet and awkward)

17. Creamy or smooth peanut butter?
~I do believe that's a TRICK question! Creamy is smooth and vice versa! If 'crunchy' was meant to be in that question, I am not fond of crunchy.

18. What is your favorite movie and why?
~Again, too many to list and see story answers.

19. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
~Right now? To dreamland! Next month ~ to the UK. Soon ~ back to Finland/Scandinavia. One day ~ back to Haiti, St. Thomas and Alaska!

20. What three words would your Mum use to describe you?
~Wendy, Wendy, Wendy! That sort of says it all.

Thank L!!! That was fun.

Ergo: Let us know how many 1st place prizes you and your sweet treats won! Good luck and I hope you're having fun!

MissTottenham said...

Hiya guys.

missT I think your ladybits are pretty famous now, perhaps a reality show in the works? lol

LMFAO Ergo, that is too funny.

OK so here are some gory details for Wendy. Look away now if you don't wanna know.

I had to have a cyst removed down there *ouch* then I had to have labiaplasty to make things look neat and matching again (though it looks anything but neat at the mo).

There was much bleeding the first time I stood up in the hospital but the nurse said there would be. That got better after lying down. The total bleeding stopped after three days. Then it was just the soreness and swelling to deal with.

The nurses never told me that some of the pills they'd given me were anti infalamtories so I never took them. After a few days with no easing up of swelling, I looked at the pills (which I'd been told were pain killers duh!). Since taking them I've seen an improvement each day. I have to keep an eye out for the stitches dissolving. Though I can't really see much through the swelling. I swear I now seem to have bits where I never had bits before. It's looking very alien down there now. In fact, it's looking like an alien.

Today has been the first day where I've been able to walk without looking like a cross between a crab and Liam Gallagher.

Well, I only popped in to wish you all a great weekend. If that was TMI, blame Wendy hahahaha!

Catch you later xxxx

Anon616 said...

*Addendum to answer for number 19:

I would also like to go to Australia!


Anon616 said...

MissT: *huge ~ but gentle ~ hug*

I accept full responsibility if anyone is "grossed out". That was, indeed, a horror story! Complete with torture, much blood, pain and ALIENS!!! OUCH!

Thank you for the details and I'm so happy to hear you're feeling somewhat better.

MissT said...
I swear I now seem to have bits where I never had bits before. It's looking very alien down there now. In fact, it's looking like an alien.

Even when you're swollen and suffering you still manage to make me LOL!

I suppose it would be too much to ask for a picture, huh? (Perhaps a drawing.) We wouldn't want Mayo to have to put up that "adult content" warning!


MissTottenham said...

LOL Wendy. I think a picture is a little too much but if you can picture some sausages covered in Jam, that's about it LOL.

This swollen chick is off to munch friday pizza. Now that's bound to make things better.

Have a great wekeend Wendy xxxxx

Anon616 said...

Thank you, MissT! You have a great (and as painless as possible) weekend too!!! Enjoy that pizza!

Pssst... maybe you could e~mail that drawing to me.


*more hugs (and snogs too)*

KOL anon: Did you see the Today Show? I missed it due to having to be at my OB~Gyn's office at early ridiculous o'clock; but, I did find it on You Tube!!!!

Thank God for You Tube!

I shall post only one video and give you (or KOL 2) the pleasure of posting the other two.

~KOL ~ Interview and Notion ~ LIVE on The Today Show!!!~

WOW! The most fan 'ticket' requests in the history of The Today Show!!!! The next U2!!!! And, those oh so humble responses...awwwww! I just wuv them!

Oh, and did you see how cute (and nervous) Caleb was when he slipped while singing "Sex On Fire"? Yes, he sang the actual lyrics "the head while I'm driving" on network TV! I loved that too!

Okay, I am off to do something productive now. (Like take a nap!)

Have a great day/night, everyone!

Hugs and Love,

PS: Old time "rockstar" video posting anon ~ Thank you!!! That was great! Here's one for you:

~Featuring 'rockstars' o'plenty!~

*blow kisses to blogbelieve*

Original Punk L said...

MissTottenham said...
LOL Wendy. I think a picture is a little too much but if you can picture some sausages covered in Jam, that's about it LOL.

Oh, man, Miss T.! That is some picture. LOL. Bless, you must be having a just lovely time! I hope you feel better soon and your lady bits are back to normal, and not so alien looking. You know, Mayo must be looking at these lady bit conversations and going "la, la, la, I don't want to know, la, la, la" LOL.

Hey Wendy! I like your answers, and yes, I did mean to write "Crunchy or smooth" for the peanut butter question. Thanks for catching that! Hope you are feeling better today after being a snack for the ants!

Here are my answers:

1. What was your best subject in school? Your worst?

Best-English/Lit Worst-Algebra (which was pretty ironic since I later became an accountant)

2. Favorite color.

Royal purple

3. Dog or cat?

Gotta go with cat, but I do like dogs.

4. How many scars do you have, and how did you get them?

4 (or 5 depending on if you count the antibiotic burn as a scar) one on my knee from falling on a hatchet when I was four, one on my left arm from a cat bite, one on my right hand from a dog bite, and gallbladder surgery scar.

5. What is your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween. Love the costumes and the decorations. The candy is good too!

6. If you could meet anyone living or dead, who would it be?

Hunter S. Thompson

7. Describe yourself in three words.

Loyal, funny, Gemini

8. What do you notice first in someone you are attracted to?

The eyes

9. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? (Family doesn't count!)

Yep! Several times.

10. What is your favorite book, and why?

Songs of The Doomed by Hunter. It is a collection of his writing with intros by Hunter. I love the way he saw the world.

11. What is your hidden talent?

I can play drums.

12. Have you ever seen a ghost?

Haven't "seen" one, but I definitly have been around one!

13. What did you want to grow up to be?

Believe it or not, an architect. I thought of it as an extenstion of art. Still do.

14. What is Love to you?


15. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?


16. Describe your first kiss.

Third grade. I was ambushed when I came back from piano class by a boy in my class who liked me. He was hiding behind the door and jumped out when I came in and kissed me half on the mouth and half on the cheek. I clobbered him with my sheet music book. LOL

17. Creamy or smooth peanut butter?


18. What is your favorite movie and why?

Two. Where The Buffalo Roam and Breakfast At Tiffanys. I like the first one for the portrayal of Hunter and the second is just appeals to the girly side of me!

19. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

London. I went once before, but I would love to go back.

20. What three words would your Mum use to describe you?

Her baby, unusual, sweet


Original Punk L said...

Cool link, Wendy. I like the way they did that video with all the guest "singers".

Anon who left J. and me the Van Halen lyrics, thank you so much, that was really sweet. We had a miscommunication at Punk Central, J. thought I had said thank you, and I thought she had. So now, a double thank you from both of us!


Original Punk L said...

Oh, Miss T., I read J. your last comment and she said to tell you

"I will never look at breakfast foods in the same way again!"


Original Punk L said...


Original Punk L said...

Miss T.'s Lady Bits For The Win!!

Original Punk L said...

Your bits are more famous now, Miss T. They got top spot. Hollywood should be calling any day now!

Talk to you guys later!


Anonymous said...

a couple days ago, Dame Judi Dench was "crossing Shaftesbury Ave in London on her way to rehearsal for a new project on Tuesday and was almost run down by a speeding taxi. The taxi driver shouted to her out of the window, 'You stupid cunt!'. Dame Judi responded with, ”That's Dame Cunt to you!”

That's class & style!;)

Anonymous said...


Great comeback Dame Judi.

*waves* to Mayo.

and SS.

and everyone else.

ergoproxy said...

lol good one Dame Judy!

oh missT your ladybits are the talk of the town! Though visual you gave is probably more disturbing, alien seems about right Glad you're able to walk about without resembling an Oasis crustacean!

hi J, I'll do those questions in a bit

hi wendy, thanks for the link

and for any MUSE fans if you ahdn't heard it, the song United States of Eurasia + Collateral Damage, unlocked buy fans in the treasure hunt


the first released single The Uprising, to be played on Monday
BBC1 19:30 pm


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