Friday, December 12, 2008

What can I give her that she doesn't already have?

I recently received a text message from a very good friend:

“You watch grinch? What the fuck are they singing?”

I replied:

“Been a while: Ah-boo-doe-ray, Ah-boo-doe-ray. Or something like that. But what I really wanna know is why santa is such a dick to rudolph.”

This was my friends reply:

“Donner a dick too.”

And because I can’t let anything go without an overdone, unnecessary, crack-pot analysis, I replied again:

“Yeah, what up with that. Nice message to send kids…youre different and I dont like you, so fuck you until I need you to pull my sleigh. Then I like you. Santa almost push rudolph over the edge.”

My friend was probably thinking "Why did I even ask?"

But, yeah Santa is pretty much a dick to Rudolph. I believe he says something to the effect of "Pity, and he had potential, too.” And my friend was right, Donner was a dick. Desperate to prove himself a worthy sperm donor, he makes Rudolph cover up his depreciatory genetic mutation. Explaining to his son that there are more important things in life than comfort, like self-respect.

The message: If you don't fit in, you aren't worth shit. So suck it up until you either fit in or someone needs you for something.

And then everyone tries to take it back and pin the "reindeer of the year" award on Rudolph. Kids have to see through that.

(Clarice knew what was up, though. Right from the beginning she knew Rudolph was the shit.)

So, I say to Santa and the rest of the fuckers in this world...just because someone doesn’t fit your image of what “a something” should be you think that they are incapable? Not worthy? Without feelings?

"Just wait, and watch your back."

And, of course I had to look that shit up, so here it is:

Welcome Christmas

Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas,
Come this way!

Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas,
Christmas Day.

Welcome, Welcome
Fah who rah-moose
Welcome, Welcome
Dah who dah-moose
Christmas day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp

Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome, welcome Christmas
Welcome, welcome Christmas

Copyright © 1957, Dr. Seuss.

p.s. a lifetime supply of it.



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Anonymous said...

Just in time for christmas. Hey mayo.

Smoke said...


sdock10 said...

Hi Mayo,

How are you?

I have a fucking headache!!

Smoke said...


My husband laughed and totally agreed with you. :)

ergoproxy said...

hi mayo

Smoke said...

I think he really likes your posts where you say 'f**k' alot.


sdock10 said...

It's so true.

I had to watch Rudolph like an umpteen dozen times because it was part of a Christmas quiz (for real, I shit you not, there were prizes) so I can almost recite it word for word.

sdock10 said...

I like the all the fuckage too.

ergoproxy said...

and I agree with what you said, so many times you can be overlooked until someone needs something, then suddenly they are all nice as pie, of course that is until the need has passed and they can go back to overlooking you again.
I try to appreciate people all the time, though, of course, no one is perfect, but I've been the overlooked and it's not nice, and I bet Rudolf never forgot either

sdock10 said...

I dunno if it's overlooked so much as shunned and outcast.

Anonymous said...

GAHH that's awesome.

I'll tell you what else I always thought. When Santa and the other reindeer finally saw Rudolph's worth to them, Rudolph should have said, "To hell with you. Pull your own damn sled you fat son of a bitch."

That's what I think.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly the point, Solly. Or at least, that's how I see it, too.

Smoke said...

I almost said the exact same thing, Jules!

Except I called Santa a fat f*ck.


ergoproxy said...

Robbie the Reindeer is better

Smoke said...


Hope you're doing okay. You know I be missing you, Boo!

Seriously. ^_^

sdock10 said...

I was thinking the other day out loud to myself while I was walking into work that Santa is pretty much a creepy fucking bastard.

ergoproxy said...

well you certainly don't have to be actively shunned, that usually makes it more obvious to others , the real assholes are the ones who act nice but you know damn well they aren't

Anonymous said...

^Well Ergo, I agree with that, too.

Princess, you know how it is, GMTA and all that. :)

Smoke said...

Oh, yeah. I know those kind, Ergo.

Smoke said...

Jules -> ♥


Anonymous said...

Santa's a fat asshole.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there's any reindeer or Santa or Grinch fanfiction around out there on the intrawebz. There's just got to be, right?

sdock10 said...

Oh, Jules, you know it.

ergoproxy said...

K I'm related by marriage to one, and
but the good bit is, eventually most other people see their "other side"

Fimble Star said...




hi everyone, just callin in before i go bed.

Mayo, you are crazy, are you a santa man or a jack frost man?

hey ho, we all know the answer :)

ergoproxy said...

and but?

just remove whichever of those you wish so it makes sense

sdock10 said...

Fimble Fucking Star!

Smoke said...


Fimble Star said...

solly fucking handy.

elena said...

Hey Mayo

well damn there you were and I was dealing with a customer.

It's good to see you.

Anonymous said...

Ergo, I have a family member or two like that as well. One of my aunts is like that; she'll be sweet as pie to your face and then talk endlessly about you once you're gone. It's maddening.

Heya Fimble! :D You're a sight for sore eyes.

Duh, WTF am I saying, of course there is Santa fanfiction out there. I remember it back when I used to read Godawful all the time. It was called "Santa and his Elves" or something like that and it was a story about them all having an orgy.

Fimble Star said...

smokey :)

guess what, i went and bought all my office clothes today, they are smexy whoop whoop. Tomorrow i will be going into town for a coffee and a killing spree for shopping hehehe.

do you wanna know something that was funny but not at the same time?

ergoproxy said...

hi and goodnight fim, sweet dreams

Smoke said...

EWWWWWWWW!!! Santa and his elves?

Smoke said...

Ohhh, yeah! Tell it Fimmy!!!

Fimble Star said...

hey alf, good stuff in the bay at the moment, wont be able to watch it next week, shame i look forward to seeing you :)

Anonymous said...

I like this post of yours, Mayo. It might be one of my favorite ones.

Anonymous said...

Frosty the Snowman is the shit.

Smoke said...

Frosty is the shit!

Anonymous said...

Tell it, Fimmy!

sdock10 said...

Oohhh, that makes me think of my old record player. I had a Frosty The Snowman 45 and Winter Wonderland.

elena said...


I'm worried. You sound like your heart is two sizes too small.

It's not, you know.

Well, if you don't know, I do.

ergoproxy said...

oh I thought you were off fim

H&A is on summer hiatus here, so no new stuff until next year, but wait for the cliff hanger ending!!

Fimble Star said...

There is a shop called woolworths, it is closing down after 99 years of business. it is a great shop, it is a childhood memory.

cos they are closing down, they have a massive sale to sell everything.

i was in there stood in an aisle looking at a fairy costume for the tornado to send over to her, well i look up and see this heard of old women heading towards me. i swear they were all about 70 years old. i stood to the side next to the costume so they could get past whilst still looking at the costume.

as they went past me, one old womam pushed me into the rail and i fell flat on the floor clutching onto the costumes trying to pull myself up. the old woman looked at me and said

'hey, i want that costume'

i looked up at these 8 old women crowded me with one in the back shouting


well, this old woman looks at me, grabs the fairy costume and tells me i need to be quicker and that its her's so i best back off.

i wouldnt of minded but there was 3 costumes left, she and i could of had one each.

bloody old 70 year old biddies beating me up. it was not funny, i needed to be saved :)

Anonymous said...

National lampoons Christmas Vacation is my favorite Christmas movie ever.

Anonymous said...

O_O Fim, that's frigging insane!

sdock10 said...



Are you absolutely sure you weren't at Wal-Mart? In New York?

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Anonymous said...

*pokes* mayo back :)

ergoproxy said...

elena I feel that too, Mayo isn't in the most "joy to the world" mood

Smoke said...

OMG, Fimmy! That's crazy!

Smoke said...

Oh, that's a good one, Anon! I still love A Christmas Story. That's got to be my favorite. National Lampoon's is right there with it though. I watch it every year.

ergoproxy said...

anon I love that movie too

undoing the tree is a classic movie moment (among many) but I love that bit

Fimble Star said...

it was crazy, and i was being nice to them.

its always the same though, i am nice to old ladies and they end up either stabbin ya in the back or pushin you to the floor.

what ya gonna do i do not know


Anonymous said...

This was my friends reply:

“Donner a dick too.”

That makes me laugh harder than it should. I dont' know why.

ergoproxy said...

Fim old biddies are the worst, closely followed by women with prams

Fimble Star said...


you sound like someone i have read before.

hmmmmm, you must of been hit with the funny bug :)

hope you are well and still full, you will be after zmas, you wouldnt want a little old gut that looks like a wee baby. did you hear about the guy that was pregnant, well he was indeed a woman.

madness isnt it :)

Anonymous said...


Nora better watch her back now, santa doesn't take to kindly to bitches like that(young or old)! LOL!

Fimble Star said...

i agree alf, ohhhh i totally agree.

Anonymous said...

Fim, you also crack me up way more than is reasonable. :D

Ergo, too right. When they hit your ankles with the front of it and practically cut your tendon in half? Yeah!

ergoproxy said...

K that is one of the most obscure texts someone could receive really

and Mayo your friend is way less verbose in texts than you

elena said...


Okay I'll admit I've been totally bah humbug lately but damn you have taken that to new heights.

Step back and look at it again. Maybe he just didn't want people to make fun of his son. Maybe he understood that the world can be pretty shitty to people who are dfferent and didn't want his son to have to deal with that pain. Okay I'm looking at it from a parents view I know.

hey, maybe you're right. bah humbug!

sdock10 said...

I almost texted Fimmy today.

Fimble Star said...

i agree, santa will sick his elves on her.

actually the funniest part was that nora, the old biddy who knocked me over, had purple hair in a hair net. who would of thought it.

Fimble Star said...

jules, why do i crack you up? hope it is the right sort of crack ;)

solly, what did you almost say?

Anonymous said...

Like Mrs. Slocombe!

ergoproxy said...

they use strollers like weapons, you'd think some believe they are driving a fucking tank, I shopped with a sling, no way was I going to be one of them even by association (plus prams are just damn awkward and annoying)

sdock10 said...

I was going to tell you that I saw you waving and that you made me smile. I always smile when I think back on that wild night in Florida.

Smoke said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe she was a fairy godmother and she really needed the fairy costume.

sdock10 said...

I had no idea what a "pram" was. I thought it sounded like a type of fish.


That's my headache face.

Fimble Star said...

the kids in the prams are the worst, they scream blue murder urghhh

solly, did you see me waving? i was actually doing somet else but i am glad you didnt see that would of been an eclipse hehehehe

that night was fun, especially when smok nealry killed us after our drive by at walgreens :)

sdock10 said...

Too true, anon.


You should have said I want my 3 wishes bitch!

Fimble Star said...

was the other old biddies her mice that get turned into the carriage men?

oh, i couldnt believe they did it. then all day i was dodging all women, i didnt want to eat floor again. hehehe

Fimble Star said...

i know what she would of gave me if i said that and i wouldnt of wished for it.

sdock10 said...


Your "overdone, unnecessary, crack-pot analysis" sounds like me!

Smoke said...

Bwahahaha! That was so damn funny.
I don't have to drive on the highway. I drive where the eff I want to beeeyoootchhh! Even if it's on the median. :)

I'm surprised I still had tires on my car!

Anonymous said...

Don't let the elderly fool you. They are dangerous i tell ya.

sdock10 said...

Fuck, I should shut up. That made no sense at all.

The crack pot analysis doesn't sound like me. I meant that it sounds like something I do, the analyzing part.

Anonymous said...

Fim, always wear a black coat when you go out shopping, preferably one with a big hood. Then if someone harasses you (this especially works with nasty old people,) you just point to them.

Anonymous said...


Fimble Star said...

me too smok, i am surpised i still had my twizzler in my mouth.

i think the funniest part was when we were in the pooter room, and those little kids were trying to look what we were doing and it was like james bond, we were so good at that.

oh oh oh, remember when james snuck up behind us and made us jump, omg that was funny as hell. i nearly twatted him in the face when i turned around. argggh solly would of killed me.

Anonymous said...

Nora....i have come for you.

Anonymous said...

'Tis the season.

Today MummyK and I went out shopping (my shopping is finally DONE!) and there was this group of really obnoxious women. I was calling them The Louds in my head. They had to shout about everything they were doing.

Then one of them went I'LL BE OVER HERE OKAY, COME GET ME WHEN YOU'RE DONE!!!!!1111

And then she let out the mightiest, most massive belch I've ever heard in public.

I mean, what do you say when things like that happen?

Anonymous said...

6:45, it's remarkably effective! :)

Fimble Star said...

jules, there is another word for that over here. it is called a.....

i do not wanna flash my body at old women, i think i would send them into a heart attack.

Anonymous said...

You should have offered her a breath mint.

ergoproxy said...

smoke, women who shop carrying fish are also annoying and dangerous

Anonymous said...

O_O Well Fim, you wear something under your coat, you dirty thing you.

Anonymous said...

She needed more than a breath mint, that's for damn sure.

Then later she made a mess of the shoe aisle.

Anonymous said...

i do not wanna flash my body at old women, i think i would send them into a heart attack.

You might get more than you cheeks pinched O_O LOL!

Fimble Star said...

i would, i would wear my ruldoph costume seeing as i couldnt get the fairy costume lol

Anonymous said...

"Yes, it's racist. I'm serious. Look, the other reindeer, they laugh at him, they scorn him - and then out of the blue they need him. He's as good as a... foglight or whatever.

"You know what... so you tell me, how's that any different than 'Don't, don't talk to Reggie. He's black. Oh, wait...he can play basketball... sign him up!' Huh? Rudolph... Reggie?"

sdock10 said...

Jules, that's because people can do whatever the fuck they want, wherever they want, whenever they want.

sdock10 said...

Oh the moon! The moon is huge! Go outside and look, you guys! It's at the closest point!!

Anonymous said...

Anon: NIIIIICE! ^_^

Solly, wish I could but it's totally overcast here. :( I already checked.

Fimble Star said...

6.50, it wont be happening, ohhh i couldnt even imagine it lol. oh well i will threaten them with it if it happens again but i am sure it wont, i will take weapons with me. i think the first thing i will use is a small cute child so they can cou over it. :)

Fimble Star said...

look solly, look at the moon now and we will be looking at the moon at the same time.

how cheesy is that lol

sdock10 said...

It's so not, Fimmy! But I love thinking about things like that. I swear if I were any more fucking emo, I'd be one huge teardrop!

Fimble Star said...

running down the lines of our own little rainblow.

taste the rainblow, mayo.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go take a shower guys, BRB!

Mayo, should I get a beta fish?

ergoproxy said...

oh cool sdock, I was watching it last night here, it was so pretty

Fimble Star said...

have a good shower jules, i am off to beddy byes.

night everyone, have a good evening.

*waves to semaj*


Anonymous said...

That could be a song, a black thorn covered tear drop running down the lines of our own little rainblow!

sdock10 said...


It is. Smoke was talking about it last night and we were going to go take some pics, but decided not to. Tonight, it's awesome! My Mama just said that Smoke and I should go back to the graveyard and take pics.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Fimmy said rainblow O_O

sdock10 said...

*blows on Fimmy so that as she is leaving her hair blows in the breeze like a supermodel*

Love ya!!!


I love the song idea! Will it make me cry? Fuck yeah, it will!

Anonymous said...

It will make you cry black little heart shaped emo tears ♥

ergoproxy said...


there was a large Viking called Rudolph sitting in his home one day when his wife came in and asked what he thought the weather would do, as it was his usual pillaging night and she wanted to know if he needed his clothes lain out.
He stretched back in his chair and stroked his bushy red beard and said, "Not tonight love, there is rain coming"
His wife looked out at the clear sky in disbelief, but went back to her cooking, not 10 mins later there was a crack of thunder and the rain came tumbling down.
His wife went over and asked "How on earth did you know it was going to rain, the sky was clear?"
"Ah" he said "because Rudolph the Red knows rain, Dear"

ergoproxy said...

I tried pics but they never look as good as the real thing, so I decided to just enjoy it instead.

elena said...

"What can I give her that she doesn't already have?"

Unconditional Love

ergoproxy said...

very true elena, the best gifts always come from the heart, it's very easy to give material things, but a real gift of love lasts all year, not just at christmas

elena said...

And unconditional love isn't an easy gift to give but if truly given is worth more than anything.

Smoke said...

Big Moon

Awww, it's sooo pretty!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, Elena, that joke! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. ;D

And I just realized that I said "beta fish" and not "betta fish," heehee. The beta fish is the one you get to test out if you really want a fish or not, I guess. O_O

ergoproxy said...

it has to withstand a lot of testing, and it might falter but it never goes away, and grows stronger by enduring.

Anonymous said...

Princess, what a gorgeous pic! You're so lucky, I wish I could see it.

STUPID clouds. (And here you have to imagine me doing my angry "air-kick.")

ergoproxy said...

I think beta fish had better colour quality but were never as popular as the vhs fish

Smoke said...

Thank you, Jules! It was wayyyy prettier about an hour ago. It was really big and orange.

And talking about unconditional love, sometimes, I don't know that adults are capable of that, ya know?

Smoke said...

Mayofeetz and Phantom are in my house! O_O


Anonymous said...

VHS fish! Now that's what I need to get. I can watch it swim over and over again.

Princess, I think you could be right about that.

sdock10 said...


Your picture rocks!

Here's something kind of weird that happened this morning. You guys know how I love to look at the sunrise, right? Well, this morning it was spectacular as always and in my head I was thinking that when I get a digital camera, I have got to get a pic of this. And when I do, I am so going to cleverly (bwah, so I thought) title the pic, "Orange Juice". Well, at the exact moment I was flipping through the radio stations and I stopped on REM singing, "Orange Crush". And I was like, son of a bitch, that's a much better title!

Thank you, Michael Stipe.

elena said...

And talking about unconditional love, sometimes, I don't know that adults are capable of that, ya know?

Children are capable of it. They give it so easily. As we become adults we lose that innocence. We begin to care about what others think, it changes the way we think. I believe it is possible, not easy, but possible.

Smoke said...

I took a pic of my Christmas tree and I've just realized how completely lopsided it is! I iz pure out embarrassed!

ergoproxy said...

it's a shame people become jaded and cynical, it takes a lot more effort to have that faith as an adult, people do constantly reinforce the negative, but sometimes, if you look you see a lot of examples of the opposite, they are often just not as obvious.

Smoke said...

Of course children love unconditionally. They don't know any other way to love.

Smoke said...

Orange Crush! Yhus! That will be awesome, Solly!

elena said...

Exactly Ergo

ergoproxy said...


the vhs fish is the most popular, but fish aficionados (lol) still maintain that though more expensive and harder to get, the beta fish is of much higher quality, especially in reproduction.
However other people just think they're twats

sdock10 said...


ergoproxy said...

however unconditional love certainly doesn't mean you have to sit back an be hurt either, and it is definitely not blind, it has to know when to withdraw to a safe distance, but by the same token it never really gives up.

sdock10 said...

I guess with what I have gone through in the past few months, my views on unconditional love are a little twisted. I'm beginning to have my doubts about it all.

Smoke said...

ergoproxy said...
however unconditional love certainly doesn't mean you have to sit back an be hurt either, and it is definitely not blind, it has to know when to withdraw to a safe distance, but by the same token it never really gives up.

And how many people are really capable of that? I don't know anyone. Sad, I know. Sad but true.
I mean, it's a nice thought but yeah.

Smoke said...

Gosh, it got quiet in here. O_O

sdock10 said...

I just wanted him to at least try and give me his whole heart, but he couldn't do that. He wouldn't even try. Oh well...

I would love to have just felt secure. I never felt that.

Smoke said...

Don't burn the water! O_O

ergoproxy said...

I don't think anyone is capable of it perfectly, but it can't make you think it cannot exist.
If you didn't believe it existed at all then what would be the point. People love their children unconditionally, and people can strive to try and show that to others as well, even if only in the simplest ways. If more people tried, rather than be competitive, or try and outdo, or constantly put themselves first to the detriment of others, or one up, or hurt, it'd be a nicer world.
I certainly don't see the world through rosy glasses but you can't go to the opposite extreme either.

sdock10 said...

I know parents who don't love their children unconditionally.

ergoproxy said...

sdock he didn't deserve it, but that doesn't mean there isn't somebody else who would,and who would reciprocate.

Smoke said...

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, Ergo. And the love you have for your children is totally different than the love you have for your significant other or anyone else for that matter.

ergoproxy said...

sdock like I said, nothing in the world is perfect, but if you always look for negatives you never see the positives

sdock10 said...

And back to Rudolph for a second, even though he was treated like shit, shunned, made fun of, and outcast, in the end, he performed, got the job done and was pretty pleased with all the attention and the pats on his antlers.

I do wonder though if he ever really did feel comfortable with that shiny nose.

ergoproxy said...

smoke it's not the same but they are all facets of the same thing

Smoke said...

But really it's not the same.

Unconditional love is a nice thought, Ergo. Really, it is. I'm just not as hopeful as you, I guess.

sdock10 said...

But there are also people out there who claim to love unconditionally until their child turns out totally different than what they expected, like gay or pregnant or crack addicted.

Anonymous said...

I do wonder though if he ever really did feel comfortable with that shiny nose.

Probably not. I'll bet you once he was done leading them, they went back to thinking that he was all weird and different again.

Because in the backs of their minds, they're always thinking that. Even if they're nice to you, they're still kind of staring when you're not looking, going, "Look at that shiny nose. Wow. Too bad."

sdock10 said...


Too true about that, but you gotta admit, Rudolph probably enjoyed his 15 mins of fame. Do you think he knew what kind of reindeer they really were or do you think he thought those guys were now his friends?

Anonymous said...

I mean, even if the reindeer actually, genuinely liked Rudolph after that, like even if he made some true friends and all, those same friends would be thinking, "It's too bad about that shiny nose of his. He's such a nice guy, though!"

You know, they don't mean to think it, but they think it anyway.

Then they think themselves charitable for being friends with him.

mya said...

Good Evening!

A new post! Lovely!

But, I'm confused... Why would your friend ask if you watched the Grinch and then start talking about Rudolph? Was he calling you a grinch?

Is anyone finished with their shopping yet? If you are, I envy you! I still have a good bit before I'm finished.

I'm so glad you received the package and that you loved it! You'll have to let me know which is your favorite!

Thank you so much for my Christmas present(s)! My face lit up like a Christmas tree!

I know what you can give her that she doesn't already have!
Goats Milk Soap and Lotion! ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope he knew, Solly, I woul dhope that Rudolph would say, "I did my job, now eff you all. Don't even try to be my friend!"

Because they were all so superficial. I mean they were picking on his appearance, not even his performance. They were picking on something he couldn't even help.

So I hope he ditched them and went to find different reindeer.

sdock10 said...


You don't think even one of them was going, "Fuck me, I wish I had a shiny nose like that. Rudolph got the hottest doe in the North Pole."?

ergoproxy said...

hello Mya

nope not finished, but the worst is over

mya said...

Hey, did anybody go my blog and watch the ElfYourself video I made starring MCR? It's hilarious!
You can go to the website and make your own. I had so much fun making them with our family!

Smoke said...

You don't think even one of them was going, "Fuck me, I wish I had a shiny nose like that. Rudolph got the hottest doe in the North Pole."?

Oh, no you did not just go there.


Anonymous said...

You don't think even one of them was going, "Fuck me, I wish I had a shiny nose like that. Rudolph got the hottest doe in the North Pole."?

Hells no, no one likes an anomaly. That's just nature. If you look different, you're a weak link. Other reindeer might be nice to you, but unless there's another reindeer with a similar anomaly, no one's going to want to socialize with it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mya, I'm finished shopping, whoop whoop!

Smoke said...

I have to get to wrapping presents this weekend. Yay! ^_^

sdock10 said...

Yeah, I know you're right. I guess it's just wishful thinking on my part that maybe Rudolph accepted his nose and decided to rock it really hard.

Anonymous said...

Yo I just got the freakiest news.

Back when I worked at The Bad Place I was really good friends with this one gal. She had a weird looking infection on her arm and I kept on telling her it was MRSA, half joking and half serious. I kept telling her to go get it checked out and she wouldn't.

Well she has since moved away (after also getting royally screwed over by The Bad Place,) and she just wrote to me just now to say that she went to the doctor and found out she does in fact have MRSA. She goes, "LOL go be a doctor already bitch!"

But seriously, MRSA. That is some serious junk.

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP. I remember how she got it. A dog at the hospital had it and the owner didn't tell us!


Smoke said...

Oohhhh! That's not good! O_O

Anonymous said...

Gosh, it really isn't! It's actually quite bad.

Doctors created the monster that is MRSA with their mad use of antibiotics for like, mosquito bites and splinters.


mya said...

I got side-tracked...

Went to check in at Wendys blog and saw that she posted some pics and videos of the snow they got yesterday! Whoo Hoo!

Kapunua, what is MRSA?

mya said...

I've just finished eating a whole 4 1/2 oz. can of Crunchy Cheetos and wish I had more!

Anonymous said...

You might know it as "mersa" or "merca." It's that skin-eating staph infection, you know the one? It goes around hospitals and other health care places sometimes and it can be deadly, even if it's treated.

She seems in very high spirits, but oh man, I'm still kind of freaking out.

And her doctors prescribed her antibiotics up the wazoo for like two years because she was always feeling ill and that was their answer to everything. I kept telling her I thought she had some kind of hormone imbalance and her doctors wouldn't check her. They just kept prescribing the ABs which ruined her immune system.

Eventually I talked her into going to an endocrinologist who found out she has poly-cystic ovarian syndrome and she was basically a hormone machine.

Meanwhile her immunse system had been destroyed and, well, now she has MRSA, probably from the dog we were treating.

Smoke said...

That's awful, Jules. And scary.

mya said...

Ooh! That is some nasty stuff! I hope she gets better!

ergoproxy said...

poor woman K
I really hate that people still want antibiotics too, even after science has realised how many problems the overuse has caused before they knew about resistance

I am making a marinade for pork spare ribs, yummmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much guys, dang, I hope so too. She's had such a rough life to begin with.

Anonymous said...

ANd just now, I got an email from the new principal to my old high school.

I wrote him this long, involved email last night, asking if he could pass on a message to my 10th grade biology teacher. I explained to him how I had been an average student at best and had always done poorly in science, until this one particular teacher. And not only that, how the things that he taught me stayed with me all my life and I had always wished that I had pursued biology so much more.

So I told him about everything that happened and that finally, after all of these years, I was going to study medicine and get my Master of Science and would it be all right if he told my 10th grade teacher that, if he still worked there?

To my delight, he does still work there and the principal promised to tell him everything I said.


mya said...

That will make his day, Kapunua! Teachers always need to know that what their doing does make a difference!

mya said...

what they're doing

mya said...

I'm going to go make some more ElfYourself videos!

See ya later!

Anonymous said...

That's to true.

You'd have to have met this guy or know something about him. He is really that fantastic of a teacher. He was even supposed to be "teacher in space" on The Challenger but he lost to Krista McCauliff.


Anonymous said...

*Too true.


ergoproxy said...

K your teacher will appreciate it, one of my past students told me at their 10th reunion that she left school with an average pass and worked one job but always remembered my classes and that I had inspired her to go back and study biology again, and she is now qualified and working and loves it

ergoproxy said...

lucky for him he lost

Amyranth said...

*tromps in, a human snow-woman*

Merry Christmas Everyone! Merry Christmas Mayo and SS!!

We're getting another 20 cm of snow by tomorrow night, and once I get my frigging camera cord out of wherever it wandered off to, I can show you guys some of the pictures!

I'm sure my boyfriend's car would have vanished by tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Ergo that is wonderful! :)

And yes, it is super lucky for him that he lost. And it was lucky for me, too, as harsh as it is to say that.

ergoproxy said...

hi Amy!

wow that's a lotta snow

Amyranth said...

Hiya Ergo!

That's not all. A high of -32 tomorrow.


I mean, it IS winter, but Holy McMoly dude!

sdock10 said...


Thank you for the new post. I really like this one a lot and not just for all the fuckage. You know me, I'm a huge fan of "overdone, unnecessary, crack-pot, analysis".

And, also, I'm kind of a Rudolph, I guess. Okay, I don't have an awesome shiny nose and I've never done anything extraordinary like save Christmas or anything like that, but maybe I've saved someone's ass a time or two. Someone who probably didn't deserve saving, but oh well, oh well, oh well....

I'm gonna leave it at that. My thoughts aren't flowing like I want them to. Fucking headache.

Love to YOU Always,

ergoproxy said...

a high of -32!

you are totally 64 degrees different to me, you are as cold as we are hot!!

Amyranth said...

Ergo, trade ya.

ergoproxy said...

amy, not likely!

Amyranth said...




Anonymous said...

hey guys

ergoproxy said...

hi BC

Anonymous said...

omg i wanna see the dates!

ergoproxy said...

goodnight sdock sweet dreams

Anonymous said...

Hi ergo. Hallo Amy, that's awesome!! I can't wait til the festival concerts show up.

elena said...

Hey everyone

ergoproxy said...

hi elena!

you know I really hate when a show on food network appears to promise cooking but ends up being a show and tell, yes I mean the "12 Days of Cookies" here I was thiking I might find some new recipes *humph*

but anyhoo, I can always google :]

plus, if any of you ever bake for me, please don't ice anything in bright green. Bright green is not a colour for cookies and I don't care even if it's a tree, they have shown some lurid green iced cookies and they don't look appetising to me at all

Amyranth said...

Oh, Anon, the dates are over at!

Sorry, gotta run and eat my supper. Spaghetti!! OM NOM NOM.

And the boys want to build an AT-AT.

Lord, save my soul.

mya said...

I made another ElfYourself video! This one is toooooo funny! Go see!

ergoproxy said...


Amy, I do believe that may be my fault?

you didn't!!!!

yes you did!!!!!

ergoproxy said...

TJ update:

On the warm dry bus, TBP in my ears, workday's done. It's slushy & wet & my stop is a 15 min walk from my job. My shoes def have holes. 1 minute ago from txt

Anonymous said...

hey elena and mya

ergoproxy said...

I just saw on the Daily 10, there was some actor who I don't know, but his brother was killed monday, and a lawyer for his partner who was arrested or something said
"it was an accident, a case of a game of russian roulette gone wrong"

now correct me if I'm wrong, but the game of russion roulette, with a loaded firearm has one of two results. One good and one really really bad, Now if you are unlucky enough to get the latter of those 2 possible results, the game has hardly "gone wrong". If you are going to take the risk, then you have got to accept the possible consequence, and if the "gone wrong" was a case of "I didn't realise it was loaded" then you are stupid and should have checked, nothing about the game.
It's a tragic thing to happen but you have to take a bit of responsibility and not blame the game.

Amyranth said...

Ergo, excellent point.

Yes, it's sad, but how sad is it when the guy points the gun at his own head?

-A is NOMMING Spaghetti

Amyranth said...

Guess I..

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