Thursday, November 6, 2008


I Hate Swimming

I am barefoot
and the pavement burns
my pale soles.
I begin to shuffle
first to the left
then, right.
Holding each
until I can no longer stand
without wobble.
I would seek shelter
but, that would find
me leaving you
alone, again.
And, I can’t.
Your willful eyes
and your exuberance
stand with me.
I am here
to brave the burn.

p.s. all that stuff about going blind is a lie.


1 – 200 of 3282   Newer›   Newest»
resurrected wreck said...

That song gives me chills, K. It actually made the hair on my arms stand on end!

resurrected wreck said...

Oh, new post!


Smoke said...

Dude! You left my ass back there!


*squeezes Mayo*

sdock10 said...

Whoah, we're over here now.

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, Mayo :)

Did you remember to vote?

Smoke said...

Yeah, and I was way back there.


Anonymous said...

LMAO, going blind. Heh. Thanks for that earlier then, I suppose? yes, thank you.

Also, because you were there for that, please let me apologize again for that stuff. This is a blog, a BLOG! A diary! Of some poet! I don't know why people have to get like that and spam it up. I know if it was my blog I would lose patience. I'm sorry.

I love swimming, love it. I hate the hot sand (or hot pavement) too, but you just gotta love swimming!

sdock10 said...

Dude, you will not, can not walk barefoot around pool down here. You will lose 3 layers of skin on the bottoms of your feet.

Ask Smoke. I left imprints on my flip flops where my feet melted into my shoes.

Smoke said...

I love hot sand. I love floating in a pool.

I cannot swim. Enough to get by but yeah. And the ocean is beautiful and I love it but it scares the shit out of me.

My confession for the night.

Anonymous said...

That's why you have to have a white deck, Solly! Or grass. Or wear shoes till you go into the water.

sdock10 said...

Yep, Mayo. Exactly what Jules said. Sorry for the bullshit.

Smoke said...

Me three.

Sorry doesn't seem like enough sometimes. :(

sdock10 said...

But Jules, it was on my back deck and it was one of those things where your body doesn't realize how fucking hot it is until your feet are already melting. Slow to react.

sdock10 said...


Swim at night.

Anonymous said...

It scares the everloving christ out of me, Princess; I confess as well. The ocean could eat you like a little finger-snack if it wanted to. It could pull you out of suck you under and feed you to the leviathans. An ocean death would be such a lonely and scary death.

But I keep going back into that bitch.

Anonymous said...

You don't need to apologize. I know and understand.

Smoke said...

Even more scary! DNW! DNW! No large bodies of water in the dark!


Anonymous said...

sdock10 said...


Swim at night.

O_O Don't you watch horror films?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You don't need to apologize. I know and understand.

November 6, 2008 8:56 PM

Then, mahalo and mahalo and mahalo. For keeping your place open, for being nice, and for understanding.

Smoke said...

Exactly, Jules! O_O

*squeezes Mayo again*

Anonymous said...

Err, and by "the blog of some poet" I didn't mean to sound flip. O_o

sdock10 said...

Where the fuck do you guys go swimming? The swamp? Jesus Christ. I love to swim at night, but I don't go out in neck deep water.

I have been in the river at night.
It was nice.

Anonymous said...

i don't believe you

sdock10 said...


I'm glad you understand because most of the time I don't. And thanks again for everything.

Anonymous said...

Also, because I feel like I have to say this even though I know it's so ridiculous: Riverhead can be a really nice place, and Long Island is so beautiful. It's not the way people say it is. I mean, yes some places are ghetto, but what place doesn't have parts like that? It's not a bad thing. It just gives you perspective.

That's petty but I have to put that out there. >_<

Smoke said...

The rivers around here = a mothereffin' swamp.

For the love of God, Solly.


Anonymous said...


Ah, the things we will endure for the ones we love.

Anonymous said...

Solly, evil, nocturnal beings live under the water, and they have little shark teeth or suckers, and they're sentient and they will carry you to their underwater hell where you will be devoured slowly.

sdock10 said...


Exactly. I probably wouldn't have gotten in that river by myself.

But, oh the fun I would have missed.

Anonymous said...

*Sharp teeth, not "shark" teeth. Although they have those too.

resurrected wreck said...

Well, time to shower & head to bed.

Goodnight, all :)

Anonymous said...

Good night, RW! Enjoy your shower.

sdock10 said...


It's just kind of icky on the bottom with all the dead leaves and what not, and the eels, and the catfish, oh yeah, and the gators.

Smoke said...

Hope you feel even better tomorrow, RW! Sweet dreams!

sdock10 said...


Sweet dreams and feel better! Lay off the gin and juice.

Anonymous said...

have a glass of port RW, it works better. and don't take it with medication!

Anonymous said...


SEA-BEAUTY! stretch'd and basking!
One side thy inland ocean laving, broad, with copious
commerce, steamers, sails,
And one the Atlantic's wind caressing, fierce or gentle
&emdash; mighty hulls dark-gliding in the distance.
Isle of sweet brooks of drinking-water &emdash; healthy
air and soil!
Isle of the salty shore and breeze and brine!

Anonymous said...

WTF, the dashes got screwed up.

At any rate, that is about my island. Paumanok is the Native word for Long Island.

Smoke said...

Nice! :)

Anonymous said...

From Montauk Point

I STAND as on some mighty eagle's beak,
Eastward the sea absorbing, viewing, (nothing but sea and
The tossing waves, the foam, the ships in the distance.
The wild unrest, the snowy, curling caps
inbound urge and urge of waves,
Seeking the shores forever.

Anonymous said...

Mayo, do you hold your nose when you jump into the water? Ha Ha,i do!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Princess. :D

toujours said...


just got back from having dinner out for my stepdad -- today's his birthday. :)

as we were heading out i told my mom that just my luck, mayo would post while we were at dinner.

thanks, mayo.

but anyway, it's a lovely post. it's very touching, and the line my pale soles kinda makes me grin.

Anonymous said...

Hi TJ, happy b'day to step dad. Sounds nice. :)

sdock10 said...

Hi TJ!

Smoke said...

Thank you for the new post, Mayo. I hope you know how much we really do appreciate your words. :)

Thanks for hanging out for a bit, too.

*squeezes Mayo for a third time*

Have a great night, okay?

See you guys in the morning!


Anonymous said...

Well, I gotta go.

It has been great chatting with you all.

Tell everyone I said hello and that I wish them well.

I hope to be back soon.

And, I'm glad you like it.

Smoke said...

Goodnight Mayo! :)

Anonymous said...

Mayo, I hope you are wearing like SPF 50 at least. And don't forget to reapply. :)

Anonymous said...

Good night, Mayo! Thanks for coming in to chat, and for all that you said. Thanks for the new post and for godsakes get some flip flops. Also, there is no shame in men wearing socks in the summer. It's considered to be quite hip actually.

Not really.

Have a jappy night! :)

sdock10 said...

G'night, Mayo!

Thanks for hanging with us and chatting us up! Good to read you again!

Thanks for the post!

toujours said...

hello kapunua and sdock. :)

good night smoke.

good night *squints*


go figure.

par for the course.

Anonymous said...

Remember Mayo, you spoil in the sun.

Anonymous said...

Not if it's kept at the right temperature.

Anonymous said...

If it's not
it will spoil


Carrie said...

Thanks for new post, very imagey, felt like I could smell it and everything.

Anonymous said...

I try to keep mine at the perfect temperature. I don't refrigerate my ketchup or mustard. I don't like cold ketchup.

Anonymous said...

Heck yeah, TJ. Mayo was chillaxing at the end of the last post too.

OMG Mayo! 6:39! I wonder what number comment it was! All the good numbers! ^_^

Carrie said...

Ew, I gotta refrigerate my condiments.

Anonymous said...



Hey Carrie!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, 60 at 9:51! Whoop!

Anonymous said...

Your mustard probably lasts much longer than mine. I use the ketchup too fast for it to spoil.

Anonymous said...

Kapunua. what is the significance of 3, 6 & 9?

Carrie said...

Hey K! My kid is a ketchup fiend, we once got her a gallon jug of the shit for Christmas, and told her we wouldn't say one word about how she used it.

toujours said...

i always miss him, kapunua. that's what i meant by "par for the course". it's just my luck. :/

anyway, i ducked out, and now i'm peeking back in but just to say i'll be back later. i need to polish up my article and send it to my editor.

you may not be able to tell, cuz it's the internet, but everytime i write "my editor", there are little sparkly sdfx and bluebirds pull the clouds aside just enough to let a glimmering beam of sunlight illuminate the words. it's really quite remarkable and each time i have to pause and have a brief moment of *chinhands*.

but there's just no tone on the internet.

ciao, back later.

Anonymous said...

I miss Mustard. Hard. >_<

Carrie, you guys shoudl try organic ketchup. It's so much nicer than the stuff with all that sugar and high fructose corn syrup. O_O

9:55, I don't know; I'm just obsessed with those numbers. Then recently I see them everywhere. Without trying to, I so often post at a time hat adds up to those numbers, or the comment number adds up, or both. My license plate adds up. My phone number. My student number at my new college. My mileage when I go to places that seem important. The more I see it, the more I see it and the more I see it, the more I see it. O_O

And the other night when the announced that Obama had won the presidency, the electoral votes were 333 and I was quietly freaking out over that.

toujours said...

okay, wait, i have to tell a ketchup story. :)

my mom told me that when she was a girl her uncle bob, who was from new jersey, astounded her by putting ketchup on everything. his eggs. his burgers. his steak. his spaghetti.

yes, his spaghetti.

it made such an impression on her that to this day she says whenever she hears that someone is from new jersey, she immediately assumes they use ketchup in the same fashion.

needless to say, this story made me giggle for a looooong time when she told it. :)

Anonymous said...

But, that's just my OCD though, probably. If you look for something, it is there. Like with seeing "EGG" in every license plate for the last few months.

I have OCD really hard. I tap wood constantly to ward off bad thoughts that might come true, and I sometimes think in rhymes and meter.

Anonymous said...


Carrie said...

I use low carb ketchup, but that is still full of chemicals with the Splenda and such. And yeah, ketchup is like tomato candy, for reals, it's why Al likes it. But hey, I bought a pomegranate! That's something. Baby steps!

Anonymous said...

Oh, have so much fun with your pomegranate! I have one for tonight, too. I'm going to eat it while watching X Files again. So nice.

Oh, a nice sugar substitute is stevia. It's superfly sweet, has no calories and is actually good for you.

Anonymous said...

I love to eat pomegranates, not only because they are tasty but because they give my fingers something to do. I feel like a little monkey picking the seeds out and eating them.

Anonymous said...

72 at 10:05 and on that note, I am going to just quit this nonsense and go watch my DVD and eat like a primate. Well, a different primate. ;D

Good night, all!

And Mayo, again: Thank you for 6:39, and thank you for all the other things you said too.


Carrie said...

So I just cut it in half and start picking the seeds out like a monkey, monkayey? Shock the Monkay!

Anonymous said...

I eat eggs with ketchup. They're good with ketchup.

Anonymous said...

Oops, here I go refreshing. Cut it into quarters on a glass place, and eat it out of a bowl. They are suuuper juicy!

Carrie said...

I like eggs with ketchup too.

toujours said...

no one liked my ketchup story, huh? well, whatever. talking to myself isn't anything new.

back to work now.

see ya all later.

Carrie said...

OOh, thanks for pom pointers!

Carrie said...

Oooh kay.

Anonymous said...

I thought your ketchup story was cute Toujours. It gave me a craving for scrambled eggs and ketchup.

toujours said...

oops! i type too slow. thanks 10:14and carrie. i, too, like eggs with ketchup.

but then, i am directly descended from new jersey folk, on my dad's side. so there you go.


bye. :)

Anonymous said...

I'll share my eggs and ketchup with Carrie.
Since she likes them too.

toujours said...

you should go for it 10:17. or, have them with pork & beans. that's how i ate them in england, and it was good, too!

really not refreshing again.


Anonymous said...

TJ must you take EVERY THING so personally?

Anonymous said...

I read that as a porn pointers Carrie. I had to scroll back up to see what I missed.

Carrie said...

Ha! Porn pomes!

Carrie said...

OOh, I like the eggs overcooked too. My husband is totally annoying about eggs. They have to be hot or he gets all wimpy about it.

Anonymous said...

So K is nice to TJ after TJ offers to be friends with the stalker anons but if no one answers TJ's story about ketchup TJ gets in a snit. That's ........ weird.....

Carrie said...

I don't know anymore, I'm trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I'm To talk to anyone who is here.

Anonymous said...

not again...

Anonymous said...

carrie, too much vitriol on this blog. the blog needs a good massage, you know, to soften things up a bit.

Carrie said...

I will so work the kinks out of its shoulders, just gimme a chance!

Anonymous said...

first we need a glass of wine to relax. remember, fingers must not be tense!

Carrie said...

Or a nice steamy cup of tea would be good also.

Anonymous said...

good idea.

toujours said...

i wasn't in a snit, i was pouty, there's a difference. :)

anyway, swinging through on my way to the archive. gotta get the rest of those comments saved before i leave here!

so i'll be back in a bit. save me some wine, or tea, or whatever is being imbibed.

oh, wait, i'll probably be drinking coffee.

nevermind! tipple to your heart's content!


*heads downstairs*

Amyranth said...

Did someone say scrambled eggs and ketchup? I love scrambled eggs, ketchup and shredded cheddar.

Mayo, your post came on a night where standing still for too long gave you cold toes immediately. I wish I could burn my naked feet on uncomfortable pavement.

That's all I'd be doing anyway. God knows I can't swim.

Hallo everyone!


Anonymous said...

I don't really think it's right for Mayo to defend the people he defends but not the others. Twice he has come in and offered his support of a small group of people. But where is his concern for the others? Calling K a 'good person' is a stretch.

Carrie said...

Oh ha, with the swimming. Lookit, I'm gonna share. In case you guys didn't know, I'm fat. Like ashamed of your body fat. Also, I love being in a pool, being in water is bliss for me. This blog? Made me do that again. Got up one morning, put on a bathing suit, decided I didn't give a shit what people thought, went with my family and got in the water. Almost emo cried cause it felt so good, and mad at myself because I denied myself such a simple pleasure for so long because I was worried about what others would think. What the fuck? Why should I care? I have three (and more) awesome people who love me who really don't care about the size of my ass. I sooo need to get over it. But, back to that, MAYO, you have been a catalyst in that, just like you have been in so many other lives. It's crazay weird, but it's true. Just like, write a book or something. And oh, tell us who you are in that, just to keep me from actually dying of curiosity. :)

Anonymous said...

i think i'm going to vomit. Leathermouth is opening for MSI in December.

Anonymous said...


you rule!

Anonymous said...

I don't like what I saw here tonight from Mayo and I don't like what I saw the last time. Always the same group. He obviously can't see what they are like or maybe he doesn't WANT to see. The question is WHY.

Anonymous said...

Mayo admitted that he was Rock-Star but wasn't going to give mean anons the attention they wanted from him.

Carrie said...

Thank you anon, I appreciate support from any corner.

Anonymous said...

hey everyone. Hallo Amy! How are you?

Anonymous said...

I thought he said he WASN'T a rock star.

Anonymous said...

There's no way Leathermouth would open up for a no class racist band like MSI. I don't want to believe it.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are 11:37.

What many of you seem to ignore is that they are all friends.

Yep, Frank and Jimmy Piss are friends.

Pssst, he's friends with Lyndsey too.

Anonymous said...

That sucks. I thought Frank had more class than that. Thought he stood up for minorities.

Anonymous said...

There really is nothing good left to MCR. Frank was my last reason for holding onto that band, for holding hope. No more.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon where did you get the story LM was opening for MSI. I am trying to find it but all I can find is LM has no tour dates.

Anonymous said...

Go to MSI's tour page, you'll find it there.

Anonymous said...

Frank is giving me the douche chills. I never thought I would see that day.

Anonymous said...

It's all over, but the cryin'.

Anonymous said...

Well I believe it. Always believe the worst and you will never be let down.

I believed that Gerard was a good man and he wouldn't let his fans down.

It was wrong to believe in any of them.

Anonymous said...

MSI and Gerard are going to be so smug now. Frank was the only thing left that made sense.

Anonymous said...

Frank sold out. :(

Anonymous said...


He's been fucking the bass player for well over a year.

I'd say he's pretty tight with them.

Anonymous said...


The Station


Also appearing: Leathermouth
and Tub Ring

address: 272 St. John Street
tix: $20.00

times: 7:00 PM

ages: All

Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel


Also appearing: Leathermouth
and Tub Ring

address: 70 Washington Street
tix: $20.00

times: 7:30 PM

ages: All

Starland Ballroom


Also appearing: Leathermouth
and Tub Ring

address: 570 Jernee Mill Road
tix: $22.50

times: 7:00 PM

ages: All

Toad's Place

New Haven,

Also appearing: Leathermouth
and Tub Ring

address: 300 Yorke Street #1
tix: $20.00

Anonymous said...

Frank's gone over to the darkside. so sad

Carrie said...

I'm sorry you guys feel that way. I had a way more eloquent comment that got ate by blogger, but the gist was, don't take MSI so seriously, which I'm sure has been said forty leven a thousand times before. It's just mostly bad music, don't give it some power it doesn't deserve.

Anonymous said...

Frank sold out. *is sad*

Amyranth said...

How sad. I don't see any Canadian dates.

Hallo BC and Carrie!

Anonymous said...

5 Year Old Pantyshot
I Can See Between Her Legs
5 Year Old Pantyshot

5 Year Old Mother Fuckin Pantyshot Cant Complain
I Didnt Even Touch Her So I Cant Be Blamed
5 Year Old
Pantyshot In My Brain
My Life Has Meaning When She Spreads Her Legs

Carrie said...

Hey Amy, how my wig balls comin?

Anonymous said...

Nigger for all the stolen goods
As I rock that niggers and get freaky-deaky
With a front row ticket for all of my bitches
'Cause my mamma said to pick the very best one

Two hookers and an eight ball

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I'll just thank God I never got into Leathermouth than.

elena said...

I still have faith in Frank. He is a good man. I will never believe anything else.

I don't understand but I still keep the faith

Carrie said...

Still, and I know I'm in the minority, satirical comment on society.

Anonymous said...

well, they'll all be one big happy band family. and Gerard will be with the wife he loves with all his heart.

Anonymous said...

he loves her so much that he'd go swimming.

now that says alot.

Carrie said...

And I heartily say yayness for him.

Amyranth said...

Carrie, my hairy balls are done, and put on the wig. It looks goood.

Hiya Elena!

Anonymous said...

MSi themselves said it wasn't a satire or even for shock value.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Blogger Carrie said...

Still, and I know I'm in the minority, satirical comment on society.

November 6, 2008 11:58 PM

Carrie South Park is satirical comments on society. msi are a bunch of people who want be assholes and get paid for it.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people were hoping that one day Frank would get Gerard to see the light about the company he keeps.

With Frank joining in keeping the company it doesn't look good anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hey there carrie, elena, mj.

What choo guys doing?

Carrie said...

Yay for hairy balls! And MJ, ok, but I still can't make my knickers twist about it, it's just music.

Anonymous said...

what are you trying to say 11:59?

it's quite obvious you don't need to continually repeat it. we all know by now Lindsey is the love of his life.

he has said it enough times, and i now believe him.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, my hairy balls are done


What?! O_o


Anonymous said...

What choo guys doing?"

Hi Kapu.

Anonymous said...

Gerard got Frank to see MSI's light.

Amyranth said...

Indeed Carrie.

Hallo BC, I'm not bad tonight. How's it going with you?

Anonymous said...

Gerard won the whole thing. I agree that I always thought that Frank would be the stable force to bring the old Gerard back.

And I liked Leathermouth.

Carrie said...

Hee, I have totally been following Amy's hairy balls on the web, they could have had their own webisodes!

Anonymous said...

Hi 12:04. That's good Amy. Me? I'm reading up on sleep deprivation.

Anonymous said...

jimmy is an attention whore. he says its not satire or shock in order to shock.

his attempts at satirical social commentary are cheap and pedestrian.

personally, i don't listen.

Amyranth said...

At 12:08 am BC? You've got conviction! Did you hear back on the job and the school?

Carrie, I love it when you follow my hairy balls!

Carrie said...

I gotta say, Leathermouth, not my cuppa, although a couple songs aren't so bad, Wait, OMG, think that's what I said the first time Al made me listen to MCR so perhaps, high horse? I am crawling off of you...

Anonymous said...

BC copies everything she does and says and then answers to Kapu's name. Scary, Run Kap Run!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but as soon as I hear the words nigger and faggot from a band then they are as bad as a band can be. Axl Rose pulled that shit in the 80s and even then he didn't get away with it.

Anyone who supports them is not OK in my book.

Sadly that includes Leathermouth now.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Carrie said...

Yay for hairy balls! And MJ, ok, but I still can't make my knickers twist about it, it's just music.

November 7, 2008 12:03 AM

Carrie it isn't just music. Music has a way of making people feel, believe things and inspire people.

Anyway their are a lot of bands out there that make satirical comments on society with out using derogatory language.

But if you also take into account that msi have said they have no message and our just in it for money.

elena said...

Sorry guys but I can't stay. I'm taking care of sick people right now and just trying to keep up.

Hey Mayo - good to see a new post

About Frank - I stand by what I said before - he's a good man. I believe in him, always have and always will.

Anonymous said...

A good man who sold out. But why?

Anonymous said...


Have you been sniffing a bottle of Elmer's glue?

Amy, the counselor had a meeting, so my appointment has been moved to monday. I don't think I had such luck with the job, but I guess I'll wait for that call tomorrow.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight Elena

Amyranth said...

Goodnight Elena.

Ah BC, don't worry. The meeting will go well, and if you miss out of the job you'll find another.

We just keep going, one day at a time.

Anonymous said...


elmer's glue is non-toxic. you could sniff that shit all day and it wouldn't harm you.

it's made for kids and they eat everything, including elmer's glue.

Carrie said...

I had a total bliss moment earlier today, and of course thought of you guys, cuz, I'm lame. Spontaneously decided to go for a walk because hello, MI? 70 degrees in November? At any rate, I set out, kept punching at my IPod. got Desert Song, I was crunching through leaves, slight breeze, blue skies overhead. If the peoples who be could have looked in my brain right at that moment, perfect anti depressant.

elena said...

anon at 12:15

In my heart I believe there is a reason.

What can't be easily seen still exists.

I will never give up the faith

Carrie said...

MJ, music can't influence me to change my beliefs. I only choose to give a few things power.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Elena. Haha true anon, and there's also Crayola crayons ^_^

Whatever I'm doing in my life has nothing to do with K. It's just stuff I've been talking about doing for a while.

elena said...

Holy shit I'm in a house of puke. Seriously, this is some badass shit.

I wish I could stay and discuss all of this. I wish I could speak my mind completely but not now.

Goodnight to all of you.

Take care and catch you all tomorrow. (I hope)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Carrie said...

MJ, music can't influence me to change my beliefs. I only choose to give a few things power.

November 7, 2008 12:22 AM

But music can inspire people who think it is alright to hate. You know reinforce their belief that it is okay.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Elena. Thanks Amy. With that aside, since tomorrow is Friday, I'll be spending my day gathering info on yoga classes, and to get my sleep deprivation in check.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i think i'm going to vomit. Leathermouth is opening for MSI in December.

November 6, 2008 11:37 PM


Leathermouth the support act for MSI?

Has anybody told Kapu about this?


There goes her undying love and support of Frank Iero and everything he does. That just flew out the proverbial window!

Carrie said...

this came up on my I pod today, and made me think of you guys

The time I like is the rush hour, cos I like the rush
The pushing of the people - I like it all so much
Such a mass of motion - do not know where it goes
I move with the movement and ... I have the touch

Im waiting for ignition, Im looking for a spark
Any chance collision and I light up in the dark
There you stand before me, all that fur and all that hair
Oh, do I dare ... I have the touch

Wanting contact
Im wanting contact
Im wanting contact with you
Shake those hands, shake those hands
Give me the thing I understand
Shake those hands, shake those hands
Shake those hands, shake those hands

Any social occasion, its hello, how do you do
All those introductions, I never miss my cue
So before a question, so before a doubt
My hand moves out and ... I have the touch

Wanting contact
Im wanting contact
Im wanting contact with you
Shake those hands, shake those hands
Give me the thing I understand
Shake those hands, shake those hands

Pull my chin, stroke my hair, scratch my nose, hug my knees
Try drink, food, cigarette, tension will not ease
I tap my fingers, fold my arms, breathe in deep, cross my legs
Shrug my shoulders, stretch my back - but nothing seems
To please

I need contact
I need contact
Nothing seems to please
I need contact

Amyranth said...


*waves her hanky*

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Frank sold out. *is sad*

November 6, 2008 11:55 PM

O come on. It's music. It's rock n roll. They're rock musicians. Not gods, preachers, teachers or your parents.

Carrie said...

And MJ, only people who choose not to think for themselves

Anonymous said...


I bet GW forced Frank to open up for them.

I was reading a recent issue of Metal Hammer(It rocks)and MSI were being interviewed in the Spanish Inquisition.

What really put a smile on my face was how pissed off the band sounded when they were answering questions from the readers, especially Lyn-Z and Jimmy.

It was the highlight of my day.

Carrie said...

Yay anon, I think you and I are on the same page. I don't ascribe musicians power.

Anonymous said...

^^I thought the band reaction was funny, so that's what I mean by highlight of my day.

Anonymous said...

Mikey wears MSI shirts so i'm just waiting for Bob and Ray to sell out to MSI to make it a sweep.

Carrie said...

No wait, take that back.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

12.31 I would like to believe that but look what happen when GW got with lynz all of a sudden to all these fans lynz was now the greatest bass player that ever lived.

Carrie even people who think for themselves will let people who they respect influence them. We have all done it.

But I do find it a bit interesting that i went to the LM sites and it has nothing listed.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

By the way hello everyone.

Anonymous said...

We are on the same page Carrie.

This is how I feel about it ---

I know I've never looked to any musician or any type of famous
or semi-famous person
to teach me anything about the way to live my life.

I certainly don't need them to preach a moral code, ethics or values to me. That I did get from my parents, teachers, preachers and my God.

Anonymous said...

I'm really tired, so I am off to bed. Goodnight guys.

Anonymous said...

Hello MJ
Bleeding C
Carrie and Elena.

We will just agree to disagree MJ. I really don't think we should elevate any musician to the level of some sort of spiritual leader or ethics professor. If we do
we'll be disappointed




Carrie said...

yeah, I really don't look at popular culture for my values.

Anonymous said...

12:26 and :31,

i think it's about losing respect for someone. it's like when you meet someone you admire and they turn out to be an asshole. you lose a little respect for that person.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

12.26 it isn't about someone teaching you a moral code. It is about them saying that they had one particular moral code but giving it up for fame, money and sex.

It is also about people going around and saying words that are used to put people down and acting like it is some joke or no big deal because those words have no effect on them.

That is what msi is doing. It is all one big joke because they aren't the ones who are effected. They are not the ones who are spit on or treated like second class citizens.

People who are famous shouldn't have that much an effect on people but they do. Even if you aren't one of the people who looks up and respect that person there are a lot of people who do.

Paris Hilton did a sex tape and her name got even bigger. Now most people who want to get noticed make sex tapes.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight BC.

12.26 hello. Not every time. Look at people like Bono. You just have to be willing to stay true to your beliefs and not sway because people don't think you are cool. Or just keep your mouth shut and never say anything about your beliefs.

Carrie said...

People get the power you give them, bottom line.

Anonymous said...

I just don't see how Leathermouth making a business decision makes any of them assholes.

I wouldn't think they were satanists if they choose to open for some Black Metal band.

If you like Leathermouth's music
you should still like their music. If you like and respect the charity work Frank Iero does
you should still like and respect him for that work. No matter what band they choose to tour with.

That's the way I feel.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

True carrie and look at who young people today are giving their power to.

Carrie said...

Did you miss Bono with the underage chicks at the hotel? Everhyone is just waiting to jump on someone with anything approaching ideals.

Anonymous said...

Well said Carrie. I agree.

'Nite everybody.

Carrie said...

The only young people I am truly worried about are my kids, to be honest. And I have a tangential knowledge of other kids through Al, and I think you are making a Mountain out of a mole hill. Kids these days? They question a lot more than you would think, as much as it pains me to admit that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

12:26 and :31 said...

I just don't see how Leathermouth making a business decision makes any of them assholes.

I wouldn't think they were satanists if they choose to open for some Black Metal band.

If you like Leathermouth's music
you should still like their music. If you like and respect the charity work Frank Iero does
you should still like and respect him for that work. No matter what band they choose to tour with.

That's the way I feel.

November 7, 2008 1:01 AM

Not if the band they go out on tour with stand for the opposite of what he claimed to stand for.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes I missed that carrie So now I have no respect for Bono anymore.

I am worried about all the kids because those are the people that will be running the country and voting at some point.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight 12.26

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Carrie are you still here.

Carrie said...

Yep, I'm still lurking about.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

just wondering

lewishasfallensloppydead said...

I just came in here to say one thing.

Not gods, preachers, teachers or your parents.

November 7, 2008 12:31 AM

No they are not. Certainly they are all just human, like the rest of us. You are right, 12:31AM

Howfuckinever, all of the people in those positions Especially Including Rock Stars and Actors have been more powerfully influencial amongst the younger people of this world than religious figures EVER were or probably ever will be. It may be Quite Sad, but it's the damn truth. And it is purely ignorant and irresponsible to deny that influence. OR use it for your own fucking amusement(MSI).

I was holding out hope that the few icons of this world that Appeared to be AWARE of this great power they have, FRANK, were still going to try, at the very LEAST to behave a touch more tastefully than some of the others do. Opening for MSI? WTF is THAT.

I PRAY Elena is right, and there is a REALLY GOOD FUCKING REASON for that fall from grace and purpose, Frankieboy. Cuz, fuck this if there isn't.

I surrender. I'm sick of this bullshit. All of it. I hope everyone is well.

Oh, and hey mayo. Nice to see you.

Carrie said...

I am about ready to call it a night though, I'm three hours ahead of you and all. I probably won't be around tomorrow, going to a high school production of Peter Pan.

toujours said...

hi you guys.

carrie, i loved your description of walking through the leaves listening to "desert song". that was so beautiful. i wanted to be walking along with you.


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