Thursday, November 6, 2008


I Hate Swimming

I am barefoot
and the pavement burns
my pale soles.
I begin to shuffle
first to the left
then, right.
Holding each
until I can no longer stand
without wobble.
I would seek shelter
but, that would find
me leaving you
alone, again.
And, I can’t.
Your willful eyes
and your exuberance
stand with me.
I am here
to brave the burn.

p.s. all that stuff about going blind is a lie.


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Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello lewis.

I hope that maybe it is some sick joke. You know someone hacking the site.

Because we all know if there is some other (good) reason we will never find out about.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Tj

And goodnight carrie and have fun

Carrie said...

Ha, TJ! I totally thought of you then! I was all jealous, and thinking as I walked along spreading my fingers out in the wind, "this is what TJ feels like all the time."

elena said...


I'm right, trust me


Carrie said...

Oh man, saw the time, gotta scoot. Night gals.

toujours said...

oh man, carrie, you gave me the biggest smile with that! :D

good night to you, and sweet dreams!

toujours said...

hey there martha. :)

good night elena. be well. like, literally.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

How are you tj

Martha Smith-Jones said...

See anon I was talking to from the last post I am the one that kills the blog. It was me not you.

toujours said...

martha you didn't kill the blog! you gotta stop saying that. :)

i was catching up, sorry about disappearing. i'm doing okay. how are things for you?

Original Punk J said...

Earlier tonight, I said I wasn't going to come here for a few more days, but for some reason came over before going to bed, and found the new topic of conversation.

Leathermouth opening for MSI.

Now, granted, my mouth dropped open a few feet (easier said than done), and I said to myself, Uh, what? But then I saw the few tour dates listed.

I haven't actually gone to Leathermouth's website, will do so tomorrow. But here's some thoughts about the announcement.

One: tours are business agreements primarily. It's an opportunity for bands who're just starting out to get some exposure and build a fanbase. With LM's CD coming out in early '09, I'd think they'd want to be out there as much and as often as possible.

Two: just because you open for a band doesn't necessarily mean you like the band or the music. Again, it's business, people. It's an opportunity to play, which is what Frank has always loved to do.

Three: maybe, just maybe, this is Frank and Gerard's way of getting their friendship back in order. There's been some bad times between them, no one can deny that. Frank and Gerard are best friends and have been for years. That's not an easy thing to throw away, no matter the cause for a rift.

Four: Frank may be bored off his gourd NOT touring. He loves it; before the first time LM went on the road, he said in an interview (not verbatim but basically): "I've traveled in shitty vans before, I can do it again, just so I could play music." This "job" is all he knows, all he's done since he was a teenager. Can't just quit for a year or two and not have something else to fill the gap.

There's going to be lots more Frank bashing to come, I know there is. Not from me. Like Elena said, he's a good man. He has his reasons for this decision. The man we've come to know is still there, still the same person. He hasn't stopped believing in his causes, his charities. He hasn't become a racist or a bigot or a pedophile overnight. He hasn't changed.

Doubting people, you can say what you want to say. You've been saying it about Gerard and MCR for a long time now. I don't expect you guys to change your minds.

But. If you've started doubting Frank, then you've never understood him at all. LM IS Frank. He would never compromise himself for anything, or anyone. Would I go see LM again, even with them opening for MSI?

YES. I would go for LM, and leave before MSI came on. Just cause they were playing later doesn't mean I'd have to watch them.

But I WILL go to support Leathermouth, and Frank. Every chance I get.


Anonymous said...

You never kill the blog Martha. People are just thinking about what to write.

Anonymous said...

Hi J. Please don't run off.

Primarily, as with everything, when you are in a business, you must promote that business. And in this business, maximum exposure is everything initially.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No it doesn't mean that the opening act likes the main band. But I am sure that Frank knows what opening for msi would mean to a lot of people.
I wouldn't go to the show because part of my money would still be going to msi.

I didn't get into LM because it was still to close to MCR.

I hope it is like I said earlier a prank. Because when I went to the LM site they said no tour date.

Thank you anon but I am sure because I am so vocal about what I think and believe in people run from the blog.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

But there are people out there who still make sure to stick to their ethics even when it comes to business.

Frank is a part of MCR no they are not the biggest band in the world but I would think that he would be able to pick the bands they tour with.

Anonymous said...

Martha, you keep on being vocal and voicing your beliefs.

You are not being mean to anyone in having a diametrically opposing view. Having an alternate view makes people think.

Original Punk J said...

Well, ok, I'll hang here for a few, Anon.

Martha said...
"I didn't get into LM because it was still to close to MCR."

Are you talking about the music, or the fact that Frank's in the band?

Have you listened to any LM songs?

Not being confrontational, just curious.

And to my thinking, MSI's only gonna get about $6 of my money with tix being $20 and three bands on the ticket. I've given $6 for a bad meal, it kind of evens out.

Anon, it IS a business. People have to remember that being a musician, an actor, a comic book writer, whatever, is just another job, albeit one in the spotlight. You produce a product (that sounds oddly redundant, doesn't it?), people tell you whether they think it's good or bad, and you modify it as you see fit. You get paid for a day's work. If you do well, you stick with it. If you don't, you either quit or get fired.

toujours said...

martha, for my part, i'm quiet right now because i don't have anything to contribute to the topic at hand.

but i was peeking back at the comments from the last post and oh man! that obama song? amazing. :)

History is a dream-painted maple swell?

i love that! it's crazy, but makes me strangely happy. :)

Anonymous said...

Martha, do you think they stick to their ethics or could it be an image they seek to cultivate? Or both?

And do you think sometimes you can get pigeonholed in that image?

Anonymous said...

And I'm also under the belief that MSI are quite aware of their own image and what they seek to represent.

toujours said...

oops. and hi there j, and hi anon. :)

hopping back and forth, i'm missing stuff, i think.

Original Punk J said...

Just because Frank's in MCR doesn't mean he has final approval of who they tour with and who they don't. Leathermouth only just now has a label, even though they've been around for 3 years. Technically, in terms of seniority, they have less "say" than MSI.

When LM was out with Reggie, MC Chris, and Warship, that was a superbly eclectic bunch of bands out on the road together. Warship was not so pleased about touring with these other bands by the time they reached Pittsburgh (lead singer basically said so on stage). They had only been TOGETHER for four months! But they took this gig for the EXPOSURE.

Besides, you never know which fans of another band's will end up liking YOUR band. Building a fan base, like I mentioned before.

Original Punk J said...

Hi TJ! (And hi everybody, I just kind of dropped in.) I didn't intend to stay, but here I am. How's your article coming along, TJ?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

J yes I have listen to LM. But Frank is a part of MCR and I am very disappoint in the way things have turned out. So I just can't support him and his other band because it will remind me to much of MCR.

Thank you anon.

Anonymous said...

Martha, do you think they stick to their ethics or could it be an image they seek to cultivate? Or both?

I have to think about this one a bit more.

And do you think sometimes you can get pigeonholed in that image?

Yes you can get pigeoholed into an image but in this case they are the ones who said it was what they believed

Original Punk J said...

Anonymous said...
And I'm also under the belief that MSI are quite aware of their own image and what they seek to represent.

November 7, 2008 2:11 AM

Yes, I agree with you. Jimmy may not be the classiest, most genteel person, but he's not stupid either.

Original Punk J said...

Martha, I hate to say I don't follow, but...I don't follow. And I want to understand what you're saying.

Because Frank is part of MCR, you can't support his success with another band, b/c it reminds you of what's happened to MCR. Is that the gist of it?

But what if Bob was in another band? How would you feel about that? Would you feel the same way?

Anonymous said...

Yes you can get pigeonholed into an image but in this case they are the ones who said it was what they believed

I'm not condoning any behavior, just expressing my views.

Do you think if you live a fairly sheltered life and get exposed to an extreme lifestyle which is not really grounded in "reality", whilst quite young and still emotionally maturing, do you think that maybe there is a possibility that the way you see the world and how you would like to project yourself and your ideals may change, after a period of time?

toujours said...

it's basically done, j. i'm just waiting to hear back from my last proof-reader before sending it in. i'm so relieved i finished it. :)

how are things for you and l.?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

J does Warship go around saying the n word or saying the gay f word? Because that is the biggest problem I have with msi and the idea of LM going out on tour with them. I know that bands don't especially newer ones don't have a lot of say on who they go out with. But i would have liked to believe that Lm would just have said no. Even if it cost them some exposure.

I Remember the black crows wouldn't go out with ZZ top because of a sponsor. So why can't Lm just say hey this band says somethings we don't like and we don't want to have anything to do with them.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Yes you can get pigeonholed into an image but in this case they are the ones who said it was what they believed

I'm not condoning any behavior, just expressing my views.

Do you think if you live a fairly sheltered life and get exposed to an extreme lifestyle which is not really grounded in "reality", whilst quite young and still emotionally maturing, do you think that maybe there is a possibility that the way you see the world and how you would like to project yourself and your ideals may change, after a period of time?

November 7, 2008 2:22 AM
Yes. I used to just give people chance after chance when they let me down. But people just kept using me. So now if you do something that causes me disappoint you have to earn a second chance.

Original Punk J said...

2.22, you're saying exactly what Elena, Amy, L and I (and probably quite a few others) have said:

These are 5 young men from a small town (except Bob, from Chicago) who grew up basically poor or lower middle class. They didn't see too much of anywhere, not even New Jersey, I'd bet. Now they have some money, lots of fame and attention, fans screaming at them, awards, they've traveled the world, offered things they would never have been given before, etc etc. That's going to be completely overwhelming. And they probably don't have a lot of guidance, either, just kind of left to their own devices. Hard to know what to do.

lewishasfallensloppydead said...

Elena, I know. I'm trying.(In case you come here before you pop 'home.')

J, I left a comment to Elena at her place. I would really love for you to read it -to understand me better. I'd really appreciate the effort J. I do not want to misrepresent myself, to you or anyone.

I do not Doubt Frankie. I am just freaked. (It is more to do with someone else, than Frank, LM or MSIck.) And I show it crappy. Alrighty. I just don't want to talk about it here. Or now. I'm sorry.

Sorry for the snark at Mayo, too. I am in a piss mood right now. Mj, I hear you. (And I am gonna snake you for a gig in S.F. sometime soon. At the moment I am so bored and insane, that I will try to make it to any gig I can manage. You pick!) ;p And anon in regards to MSIck - nail, head. You are so right. I would never blaim Management with That Band... Never. But a new band starting out, hell -even Metallica, they don't always have a say. I know this. I'm just not happy about this. Anyway, later guys.


toujours said...

good night lewis, take care of yourself, ok? sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Martha, I do appreciate where you are coming from in expressing your views.

I do understand that some have placed so much of their trust and respect into this band, not because of their music but because of the ideals it represented to them.

And to go against it all would be like "pulling the rug from under your feet" and make feel unheard again.

Original Punk J said...

Hi Lewis! I would be honored to give you my opinion on your comment. You know you can email me anytime you like, if you want to talk. :)

Martha, I couldn't tell you one thing about Warship. For all I know, they kill puppies and eat the heads for breakfasts (I doubt that very much, just an exaggeration for emphasis. ;) ) I understand exactly what you're talking about with MSI. I don't condone anything about them. But maybe Frank's also trying to "go along to get along" with Gerard. I don't know his reasoning. I personally would think that for him, it IS just a business decision. But who knows. He's been in bands for a looooong time, for someone his age. He probably knows a thing or two about the music business. So I have to say that whatever decisions he's made, they are sound ones, at least for him and his band. And that's what counts, is that he's doing what he wants to do.

My guess about why he didn't just say no? (nod of sorts to N. Reagan) I have a feeling that if you turn down ANY touring or recording offers when you're first starting out, you get branded "trouble" and fewer people want to back you.

As for MSI's questionable use of language, they do it for--you got it--exposure. Even BAD publicity is GOOD publicity. At least people will be talking about you! :P

TJ, that's great! Is there a chance they'll ask you to write more for them?

toujours said...

tbh, i don't know, j.! the editor is very easy to talk to, though. we had a couple of good emails discussing the article, so maybe if he likes what i wrote, he'll remember me the next time they need a writer.

*fingers crossed*

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I live in CA so it isn't hard for me to be heard. I just hate it when someone tells you that they stand for something and than turn around and just drop those beliefs. For no reason.

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

J if he wants to get exposure from a band that uses language like msi does than he will not have my respect or money.

Anonymous said...

Martha, no ones likes to feel unheard, or feel invisible.

We all want to be connected to someone or something.

toujours said...

past time for me to go bed.

good night everyone.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes that is true anon.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight tj

Anonymous said...

And in saying that Martha, I would say MSI fans are connected to their band for their own particular reasons.

Original Punk J said...

Martha, I respect your opinion, but I just can't agree with it. I feel very strongly that Frank is the same passionate, upstanding, steadfast man that he was two days ago, before we knew about the tour. I don't see him changing his morals or beliefs just to go on tour with MSI.

Maybe he's trying to understand them and to accept them as part of Gerard's life. We do a lot of things for the people we love.

I really need to go to bed, I've been here a lot longer than I originally intended!

Goodnight Martha, Anon, TJ, sleep well.

Goodnight Mayo, wear some flip-flops until you get to the water.

Goodnight SS, you...know. ;)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight J

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

And in saying that Martha, I would say MSI fans are connected to their band for their own particular reasons.

November 7, 2008 3:04 AM

People can connect to what they want. Is the fans in Msi see something worthy of connecting to good for them. I see nothing of worth in that band. And I really wish they had never been linked to mcr.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

See blog killer I tell ya

Anonymous said...

No Martha, it's just late and most have gone to sleep :)

It was lovely to talk to you.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight anon.

Besides my opinion killing the blog is the only thing I have.

So I am proud to be a blog killer. ;]

toujours said...


went to bed with the sunrise this morning. it was beautiful, more beautiful than i will even attempt to describe, and what was odd to me was that even though i felt very bad, it was the perfect morning. the soft sunrise somehow complimented my emotions perfectly. i truly don't understand it. how come beauty and pain go hand-in-hand sometimes?

well, anyway, i'm very much ready for sleep tonight, but i just wanted to tell you that i really do like your poem. i like it a little more each time i read it (you know i've been re-reading it all night, that's a given).

it's such a gentle poem, and yet by the time i get to the end of it the words have a great strength to them. it makes me happy to read it, almost as if it's personal.

naturally, i haven't got a clue who this poem is written for, or if it was written for anyone in particular at all, or what inspired it. but i think none of that actually matters. posting it here shares the loyalty and support in it with us. it's like a gift.

and maybe part of it is just that sometimes it's enough to know those feelings are out there in the world, that someone feels like that for someone even if it isn't me -- it's like a contact high, i guess. i am receiving a buzz of support from your poem. (that amuses me, actually. *grin*)

thank you for sharing your poem. thank you for all the poems you have posted here, to be truthful. it's amazing when i think about it, and i feel a little bit of pride to be a part of this.

sleep now, and no dreams, and no sunrise. it can do its thing without me this coming morning, thank you very much.

good night, mayo-sama.

toujours said...

and now to return the favor of many ectoplasmic good nights:

ergo's good night, via text.

Hey mayo & ss can't b there out socialising & storm coming. Sending u lovely friday thinking of u
luv ergo xxx

miranth said...

Hi TJ and MJ!

TJ - What archive, if you don't mind my curiosity?

MJ - I applaud your answers to the conservative anons. Many people have no understanding of the hardships most americans face - and that's the only reason that I could see people sympathizing with Hampton-dwellers.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello Miranth and thank you

Anonymous said...

stay might go blind soon :)

miranth said...

Everything you said is true MJ and sometimes I think anons just wish to rile people, so they write the most nonsensical tripe.

PS - I am happy about Obama :) I think he has great ideas - and with effort and cooperation, he can realize them.

miranth said...

To whom are you speaking anon?

I believe you are the one likely to go blind, if that's the way your thoughts run, though mayo promised you wouldn't.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Before I go I think I should leave a somewhat happy note.

There was an anon that asked what anime I am watching. I have started to watch a few new ones. Here are there names Kuroshitsuji, Toradora!, Tales of the Abyss, To Aru Majutsu no Index and soul eater.

I really like Toradora! the best so far.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Miranth said...

Everything you said is true MJ and sometimes I think anons just wish to rile people, so they write the most nonsensical tripe.

PS - I am happy about Obama :) I think he has great ideas - and with effort and cooperation, he can realize them.

November 7, 2008 3:54 AM

But I doubt he will get the cooperation. Not everyone wants to do what is best for the country or the world. They just want to make their own party look good.

Anonymous said...

Oyasumi nasai Martha

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Oyasumi nasai anon

Anonymous said...

arigatou ^_^

Martha Smith-Jones said...

your welcome. You think I would know the Japanese word for thank you. but I don't. I might but just can't remember

miranth said...

MJ - Dems need 60 senate seats for a filibuster proof majority. I don't know if the results from Tuesday's election helped them attain that goal or not yet. Dems did gain even more seats in the house, but I don't think the majority is filibuster proof, so you are right.

Obama will need cooperation, and its unclear whether or not he will get it. Independents and liberals may be ripe for change at this moment though, so I'm still hoping!

PS - Thank you for your support the other night - I had responded on my blog.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Not thank you you are welcome. I meant the words you are welcome. FUCK!!!!!!!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Like I said Miranth I am glad you are alright.

miranth said...

Goodnight Japanese-speaking anon :)

miranth said...

I am too, Martha. And I was unsure at the time, which is unlike me, but I made it. I won't trust the acquaintance who left me stranded in future, so at least I am warned.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I hope that person who left you feels bad about what they did.

Fimble Star said...

whoa, new post.

Thank you mayo and thank you for hanging out, confusing but hey thats me :)

oh and you said pavements

*cheers for mayo*
whoop whoop

have a lovely day guys, i will see you all later

miranth said...

The person who left me initially lied (blatantly) when I spoke to her about what she said that night. She denied me a ride back to my car, but she insists that I just took off. (She actually told me to go with this other acquaintance as she would not take me.)

It was like she was trying to brainwash me by repeating what she wanted me to believe had happened.

She must think I am stupid.

So I don't feel at all bad about dropping her.

Martha Smith-Jones said...


miranth said...

That's what I thought when I listened to her!

I know a guy she likes was listening to her speak to me - and she's prob. afraid of what I could tell him.

He's my friend too.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't know hat to say. i think i already said a lot of what I feel about shit like that with the whole LM and msi thing.

i really hate stuff like that,

miranth said...

Yeah, I don't know what to say either.

I read that MSI lyrics are meant to be interpreted as sarcasm, or some such, to point out societal problems, however, MSI is singularly unsuccessful at making those points, if such IS their meaning. If people don't understand what you are trying to say, you must have failed at communicating your ideas. I think the words that they use (deliberately controversial) may get in their way - as well as the fact that they are arrogant enough to refuse to address the misunderstanding (again, if such it is), as far as I have read, which is very, very little mind you!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hat should be what.

the only people I have heard saying that msi lyrics are a form of sarcasm pointing societal problems are their fans and gw. All I have heard that band say is that they want your money.

They have also said that they are not here to save lives. They try to say that it is because you should help your self.

But you know sometime people do need a helping hand. sometime you fall so deep that you can't see away out. that is why we have therapist and doctors.

miranth said...

Goodnight MJ :)

As I said, I haven't read much about them, but what you say speaks of their arrogance (and selfishness). Truly. Also, I have not listened to much of their music - and I have no wish to. Everything I read here is quite enough! :(((

Maybe they will wake up some day and see the needs of others - and Care. Though that hope is probably pointless.

I think that Frank is a very good person (human, mind you) who does go out of his way for others (strangers, really) so I am not so bothered by this association with msi. Also, Frank is not as arrogant (and I suspect couldn't be) as arrogant as msi in similar circumstances. His lyrics are clear, very much so, and not derogatory (except to bush and war mongers, but they deserve it :)

I am tired. I just made a major error on a file I was working on. :( I'll get back to it later.

PP - I left you a note at my place! But its really next month that I will be commenting at odd times as I will be between permanent places. Or so I have planned, but hell my plans could change unexpectedly! I hope you are doing well - and you are a sweetie! I miss you.

BC - Did you get my email? I hope your plans are working out this week! *keeping fingers crossed for luck* and *hugs*

Wendy - Looking forward to it!

Mayo - Thank you for the post. I am glad you were just busy. :) Maybe you will come to enjoy swimming more, watching your loved one enjoy it so. (Though there may be more than one meaning to the post, I have little mental wherewithal left to interpret it. Sorry.) I also see how you can indicate that you are the anon speaking. This time it was crystal clear :)

Take care everyone!

And *hugs*

miranth said...

PS - That's what is so astounding! If I were misinterpreted (if that is the case) I would speak up! So I really don't get them.

They are probably speaking the truth when they say all they want is money. They have been touring a long time with little success, as they sought riches.

You have to give something positive to get something positive.

Karma. :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I have heard and seen some of msi music and performances. Not a group that O would listen to ever.

But what is upsetting is that these good men would bring a band like that to the mainstream.

Goodnight Miranth

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Very true Miranth

Anon616 said...

Good morning/afternoon/night Mayo, SS, Miranth, Martha, Ergo, Sweetcheeks, J (and L), Amy, Lewis, Elena, Carrie, TJ, Fimble Star; the possibly soon to arrive Possum and/or FASC; various anons, watchers and lurkers; all swimmers (whether you like it or not), skiers, surfers and life guards in the land o'blogbelieve!

How are you all this morning/evening? Happy, well and not sun burnt or water logged, I hope!

Mayo: Thank you for the new poem/painting/piece! It's beautiful. I don't go much for swimming, these years, either. I'm more of a floater than a swimmer. I recommend investing in a big, comfy pool lounger! If your pale soles get too hot, you can always hang them over the side to cool them in that refreshing water! It's good to see you!

Miranth: I'm still working on that e~mail. It's going to be another long one! I hope you have time to read it! Did you get your car fixed?

J: Great to see you back!!! I missed you (and L too)!

Here Possum, Possum, Possum!!!!
*grunt snort grunt*

Come CLOSER. I have some tasty treats for you

Enjoy!!! Don't worry. It's a safe, cozy, humane trap! I'm sure someone will come along and release you soon!

Ergo: *smooooooooooooch*

Lewis (and Dave): *licks*

Sweetcheeks: I hope you received that last e~mail I sent (yesterday). I miss you!!!!!

MissT and FASC: I hope you're both feeling much, much better!!!
*snogs for the both of you*

So, Leathermouth will be the supporting band for MSI next month? Well, good for them! Touring bands should tour. From the videos I've seen of MSI's last show at the HOB NOLA, they put on one heck of show. It looked as though everyone was having a great time. I hope they have a safe and successful tour! I also hope MSI finds a way to not offend too many people along the way!

Today's submission for pondering consideration:
"I do actually believe in love. I can't say that I'm 100 percent successful in that department, but I think it's one of the few worthwhile human experiences. It's cooler than anything I can think of right now."

"And when the day arrives I'll become the sky and I'll become the sea and the sea will come to kiss me for I am going home. Nothing can stop me now."

and, last but certainly not least:

"Sometimes we pee on each other before we go on stage."

*all from:
Trent Reznor*

Ummm.... personally, I wouldn't try that last one; but if it works for you, I won't try to stop you!

Have a great day, everyone!

Hugs and Love,

Hi PJ, Persephone, Bikey, SisMidnite, Entropy, Mel and DA!!!

*It's Possum's fault. She asked for the pictures!

Anon616 said...

Goodnight Martha and Miranth! I would love to stay and chat awhile with ya'll; but, I'm tired!

I hope you both get (or did get) some sleep!

Sweet dreams (or a good day)to you both!
Sweet dreams (or a good day) to one and and all!

*blows kisses to blogbelieve*

Martha Smith-Jones said...

goodnight 6

miranth said...

Goodnight Martha! :)

Wendy - I will make time! :) I hope you are well? and yes, I am getting my car fixed, but the whole fuel system needs to be replaced. I am trying to just get the leak stopped for Fri. night so I can take my friend out (who's leaving) Her car needs the tranmission replaced and they are still working on it, so she's stuck here.

And really frustrated :(

I am looking forward to the email - take care and *hugs* :)

farawaysoclose said...


aaaah this is a lovely post!

you sweetie you!

great imagery! do you still have your smoothie gut??! haha sorry mayo i am mean!!

and nice to see you stopping for a chat also. not in blue but beggers can't be choosers!!

ha and LOL at the masturbation bit on the last post! oh god!

hope you have a lovely day mayo! friday again!!

hey SS! have a lovely day also!

night to martha, miranth and wendy!

good morning to anyone arriving soon.

Leathermouth is opening for MSI then....

maybe i just missed something along the way, or maybe i didn't?? either way i'll just keep my trap shut.

seeya guys!

Anonymous said...

Blogger lewishasfallensloppydead said...

I just came in here to say one thing.

Not gods, preachers, teachers or your parents.

November 7, 2008 12:31 AM

No they are not. Certainly they are all just human, like the rest of us. You are right, 12:31AM

Howfuckinever, all of the people in those positions Especially Including Rock Stars and Actors have been more powerfully influencial amongst the younger people of this world than religious figures EVER were or probably ever will be. It may be Quite Sad, but it's the damn truth. And it is purely ignorant and irresponsible to deny that influence. OR use it for your own fucking amusement(MSI).

I was holding out hope that the few icons of this world that Appeared to be AWARE of this great power they have, FRANK, were still going to try, at the very LEAST to behave a touch more tastefully than some of the others do. Opening for MSI? WTF is THAT.

I PRAY Elena is right, and there is a REALLY GOOD FUCKING REASON for that fall from grace and purpose, Frankieboy. Cuz, fuck this if there isn't.

I surrender. I'm sick of this bullshit. All of it. I hope everyone is well.

Oh, and hey mayo. Nice to see you.

November 7, 2008 1:22 AM


Now what was all this bullshit last year about "False smiles to seal his fate? after Frank sat there and took Steve Righ's shit about ex fans just being jealous of Gerard and Lynz?

Looks like the "false smiles" were PASTED ON for YOU guys.

Anonymous said...

They had only been TOGETHER for four months! But they took this gig for the EXPOSURE.

Otherwise known as "selling out"/

Anonymous said...

LM is not just made up of one person, there are other members of the band besides Frank. Before they were signed to a label they could pretty much pick and choose their gigs. Epitaph wants to maximise the return on their investment and will be keen to capitalize on the MCR link shared by both LM and MSI; it's called effective business strategy, people.

Anonymous said...

Just like TUA did with Gerard 'from My Chemical Romance.'

Oh but that's right, they only did that at first, to set the ball in motion. Then when business was booming he could say how he wanted to keep the comic and the band separate.

ergoproxy said...

hi mayo I am jumping on quickly

thanks to TJ for goodnighting earlier

mayo how can you not like swimming? But then is it actually you that you are talking about? Ah anyway I love swimming, but not the ocean, mainly as it's salty and sandy and waves and just is generally annoying, give me a calm quiet lake or creek, where the water surface is so smooth that as you bring your hands and slide them out and around they cut the reflections and guide the ripples out around you, the coolness embracing your body, the sounds of nature the only things breaking the serenity. You'll have to come swimming with me some day Mayo, I promise you'd love it,and there is not burning your feet in the shade.

and the ps...well seeing as the world isn't full of partially sighted men I never thought that was true
much love EP xx

SS hope you're well and everything is groovy. By the way, salt and pepper squid is soooooooooo nice. Just sayin' if you ever want to try it, if you haven't.
lotsa love EP xx

hi MJ and miranth, PP and anyone arriving

leathermouth opening for MSI? well I'd say it's a business decision, support bands often have little to do with the headliner, but you never know, might be the record company, it may be the only band touring in convenient locations and dates, they may be nice people, they may be moving from their past lyrical style, or may see it as less important than the exposure they'll get.
It's only 4 dates anyway

resurrected wreck said...

I don't support Leathermouth's business decision.

ergoproxy said...

hi RW

Bellatrix said...

Hello Mayo,SS and Lovelies!

Mayo,thank you for the new post,it’s really sweet.
And thanks for hanging out with us too. ^_^

Take care.Hope to see you again soon.

SS,hope to see you around soon as well!

First of all,congrats on your new President,America!

Second...I really don’t know if you’ve heard but I,as Italian, feel the need to apologize for what Berlusconi has said about Obama.He’s stupid and really doesn’t think before he speaks,trust me.
So,I’m sorry if his thoughtless statement offended somebody.

J,Elena and Ergo,I just hope you’re right about LM...


Have a great day,guys!
I’ll see you soon.
Love you all!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

LM is not just made up of one person, there are other members of the band besides Frank. Before they were signed to a label they could pretty much pick and choose their gigs. Epitaph wants to maximise the return on their investment and will be keen to capitalize on the MCR link shared by both LM and MSI; it's called effective business strategy, people.

November 7, 2008 6:43 AM

Well , than no one who is in Lm will be getting my support or money.

ergoproxy said...

hi bella nice to see you! take care

I'm off to bed, goodnight MJ RW anons bella

see you in my morning

ps reading back ELENA! hope everyone gets well soon!

ergoproxy said...



Anonymous said...

Eliza Cut's band sight.

Anonymous said...

At least leathermouth is not opening for her band! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

resurrected wreck said...
I don't support Leathermouth's business decision.

Epitaph's business decision. They want a return on their investment. MSI will gain massive exposure when they headline the UK Kerrang tour, and from a commercial perspective, putting a fledgling band in the spotlight with them will maximise their exposure. Newly signed bands play where they are told to play, and with whom.

Anonymous said...


sdock10 said...


Morning! I'm got caught up from last night and let me say a few things and holla back at some folks.

First...ketchup and eggs. Ewwww. Just ewwww. Mustard yes. Hot Sauce yes. Ketchup, no no no! I know a lady who puts ketchup and mayonaise on her eggs. Nasty. But that's just my opinion and I'm probably missing out by not trying, so who am I to say.

Second...Carrie, I just want to hug you and squeeze you tight. I love the way you are opening up and just putting yourself out there. I loved your swimming story and your walk story. I can't go swimming today, but I might just go for a walk. You've inspired me and I will do my best to dodge the deer hunters in the woods!

Third...Leathermouth opening for MSI doesn't bother me much if at all. I can't say that I am an MSI fan because I've never really listened to them. Tried once for a few minutes and I didn't get it, but that's just me. Honestly, if they were making their way down south again, I would most likely go to see Leathermouth and I'd hang around to see what MSI was all about. If I liked it, I would stay. If not, I would leave. Simple as...

It would be the same if The Raconteurs were touring with MSI or Ludo or any other band that I like.

Anonymous said...

MSI need Leathermouth to sell these shows out. i don't see it as MSI helping Leathermouth out at all. it's the other way around.

Anonymous said...

Gee, maybe now Gerard will finally go see Leathermouth play.

Anonymous said...

First MSI got Gerard to promote them and now they have Frank. Pretty Smart.

Anonymous said...

good morning

Carrie said...

Solly, wear orange! I think rifle season doesn't start until next week, or is it different for every state? I'm not a hunter, and Terry can't even kill a mouse without screeching like a girl, so we're not too savvy with the seasons.

fun thing that I sucked at

I will be shocked, stunned and amazed if I managed to make a link right.

Carrie said...

Ha, no need for me to be stunned, I see!

Caveman version:

sdock10 said...


Rifle season has been in here for about 2 or 3 weeks.

Love the game and I'm not even the least bit shocked at how bad I suck at it. But it's addicting!

Anonymous said...

Uhhh, wow. Okay, that blows. If, in fact, it is true. I hope to yet find out that it isn't true.

If it is true, then the good thing for Frank and Leathermouth is that most people won't walk away. His fan base is secure enough that he's not going to lose a lot of dough over it. He's got nothing to lose except a few measly fans who would walk away for their own reasons.

I don't "have faith" in him or hope that their is some sort of inexplicable reason unseen to my eyes because he moves in mysterious ways. They are rock stars. Their "mysterious ways" are to make money.

I admire and respect the charitable work that Frank has done, and that can't be undone. What can happen, though, is that the things he said look cheap. Talk ischeap.

And kinda, so is giving away money and telling others to give away money. Sure, definitely, that is a huge part of charity and making a positive change. Change takes money, and change takes awareness. For him to give of his money, and of his time, and for him to make others aware, those are good things and not everyone does them.

However, for me, bringing about change and being an advocate aren't just about talking and giving money.

It is about what you don't say, what you don't support, and where your money doesn't go. It's easy to talk. It's easy to give money and time if you have them. What is a little harder, is to deny certain things because you think they are wrong. You pay more money for something more expensive because it's fair trade. You go the hell out of your way to avoid certain huge companies because you think their policies are cruel. You settle for something second rate or second hand because the first rate or first hand version stinks of injustice. Or, you don't support something you enjoyed because it is associated with something you find deplorable.

And for that, you sacrifice comfort, convenience, and popularity.

Yeah, hi.

Hate speech is deplorable. I know some people in my life who still use it or who think that it's funny. I don't cut them out of my life because they are close to me, but I don't suport their hate speech and I don't share in their jokes. I don't share in their "we have such good fortune and we can laugh about the n word or the f word or getting women on their knees." I also speak out against it; or, if it is at some family deal, I just leave.

I am responsible for where my money goes, for where my consideration goes and for what I will and won't stand for.

The huge bummer for me personally is that I was one of the folks who was gung ho Leathermouth. I was into them; I dug the music and I found it a good way to stay connected to something I used to love. "Bring on Leathermouth!!!" That's how I felt. But if this rumor is true, then I can't support them anymore.

I'm glad I got to see Leathermouth play because it was a fun night and they were a great live band. I'm glad to have met Frank the two times that I did. He is super sweet and considerate; he is generous and was gracious to me; he's got a cool dog and a really nice, pretty wife. But Leathermouth supporting MSI would mean for sure I couldn't in good faith to myself support them.

We just elected a president who can change some of the things that have gone wrong, as well as it was a huge hurdle past racism. Yet the N word is still getitng tossed around like it's the most hilarious and edgy thing ever. On the same day, California banned gays from getting married and we still have bands who think that calling people the F word is the most hilarious and edgy thing ever.

It doesn't seem to matter if those words hurt a whole group of people.

If my disdain for hate speech makes me unpopular, well that sucks, but there it is. If my own use of my money and support--or the withdrawal of such--make me seem silly or make me unpopular, there's nothing I can do about that.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and one more thing. I'm also not for the censoring of hate speech. I think people should be allowed to say whatever the hell they want.

I also think that hate speech is an important part of society. For me, it's a red flag. Once I meet someone who uses those words or who thinks they're funny or edgy, it immediately tells me what I need to know about that person and that I should disassociate and not waste my time.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, that is all, of course, IF that is even true. It might not be, and until it goes up on LM's site, then I won't believe it.

Buy, I miss Splash really hard, but if this was true I would be glad she wasn't seeing it. O_O

But for now, in my mind, it's just some dumb joke or mistake and all my ranting up there is hypothetical. ^_^

elena said...


Thanks for the new post. Reading your words has left me with this thought – It’s crazy the things we do for love…or what we think is love.

Please remember to be careful of the “burn”. Long after the bright light has faded the lingering effects can be a bitch.

Anonymous said...

The tour dates from MSI's website.

The IF Tour

Anonymous said...

♥Good Morning...with Fangs♥

Anonymous said...

we made you

Anonymous said...

Too right, E.

I'm back for a bit, but my cousin--no, a different one--is coming by for a visit.

Hope you're all having a great day. :)

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


November 7, 2008 1:01 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Frank, Why?

November 7, 2008 1:03 AM
Anonymous k xx said...

They're probably the only act they knew currently touring that wanted to give them a support slot and I expect just getting your music out there is more important than who you happen to share a bill with when you're starting out. It would be very amusing if half the audience walked out after the Leathermouth set though!

Interestingly, MSI's support in the UK is a band most famous for their lead singer being arrested for urinating on a female fan. There's definitely a theme going on there...

November 7, 2008 3:45 AM
Anonymous safe said...

Urgh! Maybe all of MCR are shits who are good at hiding it. No one with a good conscience could support that "band"

November 7, 2008 3:45 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it was the only way Frank could get Gerard to come see him play?

Poor Frank to have to stoop so low!

I am kidding. Business decision or not, it still stinks!

November 7, 2008 4:21 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leathermouth could have their own tour. They don't need the support of MSI.

November 7, 2008 4:36 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i completely agree. Frank is the most famous person out of both of the bands. MSI needs him just like they need Gerard and Lindsey to stay together. all MSI care about is keeping MCR's fans coming to their shows so they can sell them out.

November 7, 2008 6:20 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^Exactly. They've already done their own tour with Reggie. Why wouldn't they just do another one without thoses pieces of shit.

There's nothing about thins on the Leathermouth site though.Do you think it's a joke/a way to sell tickets or am I being too optimistic?

November 7, 2008 6:52 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


November 7, 2008 6:52 AM
Blogger Martha Jones said...

I am sure the msi fans will love this. Now there will be even more Mcr fangirls there.

November 7, 2008 8:55 AM
Anonymous cupcake said...

But that doesn't make any fucking sense.

Frank seemed to want to keep Leathermouth under the radar (comparatively). But this decision would just put them right back into the MCR fanbase, which I had always thought he was deliberately trying to avoid with Leathermouth.

What the fuck, Frank?

November 7, 2008 9:18 AM

Andrea said...

Mayo, just don't drop your phone in the pool.

toujours said...

hi, mayo.
hi, blogbelieve.

i thought i'd stop by on my way offline. it's kinda nice to be on the computer without researching or writing. :)

pretty soon i won't have a computer at all, except for excursions to the library, and i'm not sure how often i'll be able to squeeze those in. scary thought: me not having time to go to the library. yikes. unprecedented.

but i don't know what my schedule will be like -- my financial status tells me once i get back to seattle i might have to work more than i eat, sleep, or read. i just won't know until i get there and see what kind of job i can scrounge up.


but i've been musing about the shape of my free time, what it's going to look like without me having much more than what i have with me now, what i packed to bring along on the road all those months ago. the funny thing is i'm kind of...excited? i'm not sure that's the right word. maybe excited in a non-jumping-up-and-down sort of way.

but whatever the word is to describe it, it's definitely got curiosity in it, because this winter feels like it might be one like my mythological one -- sitting close to the hearth, telling stories, making and mending through the silent months.

i've been thinking about what i might do when i'm not working -- how will i pass the time if my usual toys are still in storage? i've been making a mental inventory of my pastimes, and labelling them "passive" or "active". the assignment is purely intuitive. sitting and reading is passive, sitting and writing is not.

it also makes me wonder who i will be this spring.

but even if i'm not here, you know i'll always consider myself one of the lovelies. just a lovely in exile. :)

oh! well, more info than you all want, i'm sure. :)

time to eat. see you later tonight, blogbelieve.

bye mayo. hope it's a beautiful autumn day for you. i'll share mine with you if you like -- the next red leaf that twists down to the ground in front of you is a special delivery from kentucky. :)


Anonymous said...

Teej you are almost as self absorbed as Mayo.

Rasputins Revenge said...

One Magical nite in New Orleans

Everyone have a great day, or night!!

Anonymous said...

You keep coming up. That's the new song by eliza. I think she needs to let it go already.

Anonymous said...

How many of you here are upset cause you think Frank sold out, and how many of you just feel betrayed by this SS person who made it seem like Frank was on your side? You are the laughingstock of the MCR fandom. But you held onto the words of this one person because he said he heard you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

False words and smiles to seal his fate...

Ever think this might have been a way of pre-warning you that what is said in an impending interview would not represent the way he really feels?

He is probably painfully aware he has sealed his own fate. The damage is done. Im sure no-one could say anything to him that would make him feel worse than he already does. But feel free to give it a go if it will make you feel better.

Don't think for one second that he has not wrestled with his conscience. He is fully aware how many people his 'false words and smiles' will crush. Please know this must be tearing him apart. It is fucking killing him.

Perhaps that is why his messages of late have been urging you to stay strong and believe, letting you know you are loved. He has been waiting for, and dreading, this backlash.

Everyone has a reason for the things they say and do. He has his reasons. Please believe that.


November 7, 2007 1:26 PM

How ironic that it was one year ago Today that he assured you. But now it looks like this person tricked you.

Do you think SS was Frank and Frank lied? Or is SS not Frank and he was just someone trying to do damage control.

Either way you all got used and lied to and the last laugh is on you. Is it MSI that upsets you, or is it the promises to "keep the faith"?

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any of those "messages of love" this time around, did you?

Anonymous said...

SS has been off the radar since fuckfest 2008.

Anonymous said...

He has been waiting for , and dreading, this backlash.

This is like history repeating itself. Is that why he has been MIA for the last 2 weeks?

Anonymous said...

It's crazy to read what it was like back then. Siobhan calling you all stupid. Elena telling Siobhan to pull the wings off of flies. The OPS telling Siobhan that she probably loved to watch orphanages burn down. The OPS crucifying SS. Sdock and Kapu almost fighting but making up. Kapu's keyboard being broken. Kapu telling PPU To hell with you and all your friends.

Anonymous said...

But now it looks like this person tricked you.

Some of us have no doubt who SS is. We just don't understand why he agreed to those 4 dates.

Anonymous said...

History repeating itself ON THE SAME DAY A YEAR LATER except this time there are no words of "faith" and he can't really turn around and say "Oh I didn't mean it" this time. This is HIS band now and he has no obligation to do it this time.

Face it. SS pwned you all. Maybe that's why he hasn't been around.

Anonymous said...

Whether he is Frank or not, he still tricked you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kapunua said...

Are you being straight with me? I don't believe in faith and I also don't quite believe in the honesty of strangers, but for once--for once--I will hear out a stranger. So are you? Are you being straight with me?


I always have been - with all of you.

I wanted you to know that.

I don't expect you to believe me.

By my own admission I am liar.

Please allow me to tip my hat to you, one last time.

P.S. Please, finish what you started. I meant what I said.

I have never seen anyone get played so hard by one trickster.

November 7, 2007 5:37 PM

Anonymous said...

People already go see MSI to see if Gerard is there....Now that Frank is playing....they will go to see if Gerard will be there to support his bandmate. GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Let's be really clear on this. The band do not say who they support, Epitaph does.

Anonymous said...

A band can say no to opening up for another band. Bands do it all the time. It is in their power. Frank is the guy from MCR. He has enough pull to put his foot down and say no.

A year ago today this person came in here as damage control after Frank damning all of the worried fans in his interview. Saying MSI were great and letting Steve sit there and say that YOU were all just jealous of LynZ.

"SS" is damage control.

Anonymous said...

And why do you think Epitaph chose MSI?

Anonymous said...

3:12 how can you say he has no obligation to do it? Do you know how the music industry works? I'm not thrilled about it but I know newly signed bands don't get to pick and choose who they support.

Anonymous said...

But why did they pick MSI?

Anonymous said...

Epitaph chose MSI and Leathermouth to exploit the MCR connection of both bands.

Anonymous said...

Frank could say no. EVERYONE is entitled to say no.

And where is your SS now?

Anonymous said...

Epitaph chose MSI and Leathermouth to exploit the MCR connection of both bands.

November 7, 2008 3:28 PM

And Frank let them. He's not a puppet.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people? He is under contract.

sdock10 said...

Just a band opening for another band.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, it just sounded funny.

I hardly think that one little blog of a few people is enough to warrant a rock and roll conspiracy with secret agents and whatnot.

No "damage control" is really needed. People aren't walking away. They don't stand to lose any money. Only a few people here feel that MSI is hate speech and that we can't support Leathermouth for supporting them. I think like three of us. We're no big deal. Trust me, huge rock bands and labels and such won't miss the likes of us, when they will gain all the 14 year old "zOMGzzz GerZ!!!11" fans.

There the ones who spend the real money.

Anonymous said...

Don't start the 'where is your precious SS now' shit. He's been MIA for the last 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Solly.

I disagree. Hate speech is a huge deal for me.

Anonymous said...

He's been MIA probably because he knew this was in the works. And under contract or not you CAN say no to touring with a band. Frank is not a puppet.

sdock10 said...

Hi Jules!

Anonymous said...

November 7th, that is weird though. O_O It sure doesn't seem like a whole year.

Time sucks.

Anonymous said...

It's 4 dates, not a tour.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Frank would do it if they chose Marilyn manson? I don't think so.

sdock10 said...

Yeah, I can't believe 2008 is almost over.


Anonymous said...

Sdock and Kapu, you fought over this last year.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Frank would do it if they chose Marilyn manson? I don't think so.

November 7, 2008 3:33 PM

LOL, too right. I gotta say, I don't think you could make him do anything he didn't want to do. With you on that one. Not really feeling the "SS is a secret agent" thing. Like I said. There's like three of us who feel obligated to withdraw support. We're not that huge of a deal. In the world of huge bands and money and junk, we're not any kind of deal.

Anonymous said...

People were really nasty to each other this time last year. People were really evil to Siobhan. Siobhan was really evil to you all.

Miss Tottenham said to castrate Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Frank is a good guy.I don't like my job, but sometimes you just got to do it.I don't have to like it, but i don't have to pay his bills.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Elena said...

Siobhan perhaps you could go pull the wings of some flies for a moment.

Anonymous said...

I don't deny that he's a good guy, I just can't support the hate speech, and he is. You can not like your job, but once your "job" makes you do things you find morally objectionable then you need to say something.

Or, he's fine with it.

That doesn't mean I have to give Leathermouth my money.

sdock10 said...

Like I've said before, it's just not a big deal to me and even less of a deal because they don't seem to be playing anywhere near where I am. I haven't listened to MSI but once. I've read their lyrics on here and that's about it. But I like Leathermouth, so I'd go.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Original Punks said...

First off, I'm not leaving until someone makes me.

Second, Siobhan, you can go fuck yourself. You're probably someone who watches an orphanage burn down and laughs. Glad you're enjoying our torment.

Anonymous said...

Everyone fights time to time, but as you can see, friends get past it.

sdock10 said...

Jules and I just kind of disagree on this one. I admire her for her strong beliefs. If Jules says it, then you can bet she means it.

Anonymous said...

I like Leathermouth, too. I also liked steak. I liked leather. I liked WalMart. I liked Colgate and Pantene and having the heat turned up way high in the winter and I love huge, old, gas-guzzling cars.

But for me--for me, not anyone else--if something goes against the things that I hold dear, I can't spend my money or my time on it.

(Fortunately I never liked fur or diamonds, and regular milk chocolate is crappy. ;D )

Anonymous said...

Everyone can read that now and laugh. It's been one hell of a year! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha sometimes, Solly. Sometimes I just talk crap though. But, not usually about things that mean a lot to me. ^_^

Anonymous said...

It was funny when K's computer broke and she could only talk in song lyrics.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with WalMart and chocolate?

Anonymous said...

That was funny!

sdock10 said...

Well, you know what I mean Jules. I admire you for being not just a person of words but a person of action.

sdock10 said...

Makes me miss PPU looking on this time last year.

Anonymous said...

They stopped their layaway! That pissed me off! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Walmart: pays women significantly less than men for the same jobs. Worse, they use sweat shops in Bangladesh to make their crappy shirts.

When you purchase a shirt in Walmart, do you ever imagine young women in Bangladesh forced to work from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days a week, paid just 9 cents to 20 cents an hour, who are denied health care and maternity leave; screamed at to work faster; with monitored bathroom visits; and who will be fired for daring to complain or ask for their rights?

At the Beximco factory in the Dhaka Export Processing Zone in Bangladesh, there are 1,000 workers, at least 80 percent of them young women, sewing shirts and pants for Walmart and other retailers. Beximco is a sweatshop, where human rights are systematically violated.

As for chocolate, much of the cocoa for chocolate us bought from people who use kidnapped child slaves to harvest it.

Slave-free chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Solly. ♥ Sometimes I really do wish that I could be more laid back about things and be like a more normal consumer.

Anonymous said...

Must be hard to give up things you enjoy. I never thought about it like that.... sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

has anyone heard eliza's EP?

Anonymous said...

I don't know that it's hard. It's not really sacrifice so much as just having to go a little out of your way to find things that you need that make you feel good instead of bad. Like, the chocolate I buy is much tastier than the other chocolate. I find some neat soaps and shampoos. Fair trade companies make really good products. Fur looks ugly to me and I find diamonds very common and not that pretty.

As far as music, there is still awesome music for me to listen to. I've got hundreds of CDs and I love music immoderately. :D

I think I want a koto for Crimbo. O_O

Anonymous said...

what's a koto?

Anonymous said...

The Koto.

I need to look for a cheap one. O_O

Anonymous said...

can you play it?

Anonymous said...

Hells no! ^_^ But I can learn. :)

farawaysoclose said...

hello mayonettes!

Anonymous said...

has anyone heard eliza's EP?

November 7, 2008 3:53 PM

Yes,at the end she says, You were a complete waste of time. O_O

farawaysoclose said...

actually that's such a wank name!

he he!

Anonymous said...

OMG what was wrong with me at 3:30> Obviously I meant they're the ones who spend money.


farawaysoclose said...

anon i have not heard eliza's EP.

Anonymous said...

Hi FASC! Mayonettes is funny actually, sounds like a weapon. I've always maintained that when we understand his post, we're speakign Mayonese. ;)

One of my neighbors is puking outside in quite a Wagnerian manner.

farawaysoclose said...

you got over excited K and typoed!

totally normal!

Anonymous said...

Your not missing much. That sounded kind of mean, but i don't like it.

farawaysoclose said...

One of my neighbors is puking outside in quite a Wagnerian manner.


i like the Mayonese thing, Mayonettes sounds like Marionettes!

are we his puppets??


farawaysoclose said...

4.09 i did listen to her on that show, was it Jefree star?? i am english, i have no clue. it wasn't great, but that could have been how it was filmed? i think she has a pretty good voice. in a way, good on her but no i won't be purchasing any of it! might take a squiz at the lyrics though cos i am a nosey fucker!

Anonymous said...

Wahhh I have the perfect quote to go with that and I can't remember it word for word!

Anonymous said...


'faking orgasms and putting up with your pungent personal bits, man boobs and stretch marks was a complete waste of time cos I still never got my hands on your millions'

Anonymous said...

Stop acting as if you were sad. There's no need to act as though you're angry either.

Because, Cloud, you are...

Anonymous said...

...a puppet.

Anonymous said...

LOL the whole 'you were a complete waste of time' doesn't sound like something an ambassador for the white flag movement should be saying, does it?

Anonymous said...

LOL 4:15 So true!

Anonymous said...

She told us to forgive the people that wronged us.

Anonymous said...

Eliza's music isn't that bad. i like the first two songs.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear the one...You keep coming up? It's because YOU keep bringing him up!

Anonymous said...

where can you hear it? do you have a link?

Anonymous said...

what kind of style is it?

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