Thursday, November 6, 2008


I Hate Swimming

I am barefoot
and the pavement burns
my pale soles.
I begin to shuffle
first to the left
then, right.
Holding each
until I can no longer stand
without wobble.
I would seek shelter
but, that would find
me leaving you
alone, again.
And, I can’t.
Your willful eyes
and your exuberance
stand with me.
I am here
to brave the burn.

p.s. all that stuff about going blind is a lie.


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Anonymous said...

I would laugh so hard if it was hip hop

Anonymous said...

is it pop music or emo?

Anonymous said...

She can't sing very well imho

Anonymous said...


she doesn't bring him up on her show at all.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

All she ever wanted was the money and fame. She couldn't get it from Gerard or other famous guys so she thought she would earn it herself rather than trying to get it from a guy. Gotta give her some credit for that.

Anonymous said...

She sure does in her lyrics.

Anonymous said...

no but she invites questions...ANY questions

Anonymous said...

The Trouble. LOL. How very appropriate.

Anonymous said...

i went to her bands myspace but there is no music player on there.

Anonymous said...

Go here

Anonymous said...

On her own myspaz she made a point of saying she was going to ditch one of the songs cos it was too personal but then decided it was good to take herself out of her comfort zone and shit like that (no doubt she is coining phrases she heard Gerard say about his own songs)but we all know the real reason she said it was to create interest in the song. She knows people love gossip, her livelihood depends on it.

Anonymous said...

The Trouble. LOL. How very appropriate.

November 7, 2008 4:28 PM

She got the name right!

Anonymous said...

I don't think she has a comfort zone.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is how when she was with Gerard everyone hated her, apart from some suck ups who were pretty much in a minority (the only other band member who liked her was Mikey)so you would think she would fade into obscurity once he dumped her. The people that hated her still hated her and the sucks up had no reason to like her as she was no longer associated with the band. But for some reason that I can't figure out, she has a kind of cult following.

Anonymous said...

Where is your prescious SS now? Are you all dissapointed? LOL, keep pretending to not care

Anonymous said...



Mayo told the trouble makers to go FUCK themselves.

Anonymous said...

The girl is clinging onto her 15 minutes of fame by her fingernails. Although it's not so much fame as notoriety.

farawaysoclose said...

gotta go guys.

seeya mayo and SS!

seeya everyone.

elena said...

Anonymous said...
This is even more amusing than buzznet! And I thought the blind idolatry couldn't get worse! I think I stay for a while!

- Siobhan
November 7, 2007 1:17 PM

You call me blind and stupid and yet it is people like you who think that Gerard Way is writing this blog or is at least interested in your thoughts!
I'm shocked by your naivete!...and amused, of course!

- Siobhan
November 7, 2007 1:29 PM

Elena said...
Siobhan perhaps you could go pull the wings of some flies for a moment. You know honey go find something else to get your kicks from and leave these wonderful, supportive people alone.

As for Frank's interview - There never has been anything Frank wouldn't do for Gerard. Nuff said!

Please all keep the faith. It can't be taken away by you. It can only be lost by your own doing.
November 7, 2007 1:51 PM
This for the anon who posted my comment from this day one year ago. Just thought it needed to be put in context.

farawaysoclose said...

Where is your prescious SS now? Are you all dissapointed? LOL, keep pretending to not care

sorry to be a bitch, but.....



farawaysoclose said...

hi elena!!

wow i can't believe that was all a year ago!

even though there were fall outs, i miss those days!

right really am gone!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Quaeso nolite me iudicare - quantum in me fuit. De duobus malis, minus est semper. Ignosce mihi.

Please do not judge me - I tried my best. Of two evils, the lesser must always be chosen. Forgive me.

November 7, 2007 2:12 PM


Anonymous said...

You are right about there not being anything Frank wouldn't do for Gerard. If Gerard was involved in MSI inviting Leathermouth on tour as a way of extending the olive branch or a gesture of goodwill then Frank had to decide whether to snub the gesture or accept it.

There could have been more at stake than just a touring opportunity.

Anonymous said...

sdock10 said...

You guys are forgetting everything he has done. You are so quick to turn your backs over a stupid interview in a stupid magazine.

ss has shown more love for us than he ever had to.

November 7, 2007 2:17 PM

proof that you all think SS is frank. Why woukd you mention SS when talking about a frank intervieW? Can you answer that?

Anonymous said...

Go back to buzznet, troll.

Anonymous said...

even kapu did it the other day. some anons were talking about frank and she responded with something about ss. i do believe ss is frank and i believe a few people here have somehow obtained proof directly from frank so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually 4:50, I didn't. You just chose to take it that way because you obviously have some kind of weird obsession with this place.

Anonymous said...

Pretty Purple Unicorn said...

"ppu. - and you do. wat makes you so great to come here and state that to us. we know we dont know him but we have some sort of feelings for ss and moayo and or each other."

Yet, you all will jump quickly and say you do NOT think Mayo is Gerard or SS is Frank, you're merely here to have fun.


November 7, 2007 3:45 PM

Anonymous said...

Hey FASC, I am cooking my tea. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Kap do you think SS is Frank?

Anonymous said...

It's only shy of five PM and it's getting that eerie blue darkness outside.

I love it.

Anonymous said...

anon, why are you trying to bait people?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, but the servant waits, while the master baits.

Man, sometimes it's so easy. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Kap answer my question do you think SS is Frank? By ignoring your only making yourself look like your hiding something.

Anonymous said...

Even if she knew for a fact that SS was Frank, she would not tell you.

Anonymous said...

I have an pimportant ceremony to go to tomorrow and I've been told today that I will probably be doing a Kung Fu form or drill and I should come dressed in my KF clothes with something nice to change into afterwards as we are all going out after.

And now today my throat is achy and my eyes burn and my one lymph node is all palpable, wtf.

sdock10 said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 4:55, of course she does but she will just lie. Why do you think they all posted their Leathermouth reviews here? For Frank to see.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


November 7, 2008 4:52 PM

Anonymous said...

O_o Pimportant.

Anonymous said...

When something is pimportant you get really sexcited!

Anonymous said...

Even more telling was the 'pome' about the toast and nutella. The Porkies were desperate for SS to see that pome. They kept posting it over and over and over until he saw it.

sdock10 said...

Sometimes a swamp of Nutella is just a swamp of Nutella.

Anonymous said...

you obviously have already decided what she believes so why not drop it already?

Anonymous said...

That's because it was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I have failed all of you.

My intention was to guide you, not to destroy your faith in a band I love and still believe in with all my heart.

How can I ask you to forgive me, when I am unable to forgive myself?

November 7, 2007 6:47 PM

Anonymous said...

No SDock, it is more likely that it somehow held significance to Frank.

sdock10 said...

The pome was very pimportant.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

sdock10 said...

You guys are forgetting everything he has done. You are so quick to turn your backs over a stupid interview in a stupid magazine.

ss has shown more love for us than he ever had to.

November 7, 2007 2:17 PM

proof that you all think SS is frank. Why woukd you mention SS when talking about a frank intervieW? Can you answer that?

November 7, 2008 4:47 PM

Can you answer that?

elena said...

I can only speak from my own experience. There have been times in my life when I've done things that in a perfect world I would not have done. Sometimes it was done for others, sometimes it was done because it was the lesser of two evils. I wish with all my heart I could only do the things in life that would be my choice but really can anyone?

I don't know why Frank is doing shows with MSI. I would lean to the belief that he is doing what the record company wants. Is this the case? Hell if I know. Maybe it is, maybe not. But does playing with that group somehow make Frank the anti-christ? Uh, really. I judge him by what I've seen with my own eyes. He is a man who no matter how tired or sick plays for his fans. I saw him sign autographs for MCR fans looking dead tired, alone, when no other memebers of the group showed up. He's just a guy for God's sake. I wish people would remember that.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, nobody here is under any obligation to answer your questions. Go and be antagonistic somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha suddenly sdock10 goes quiet.

Anonymous said...

The truth is that I went backstage at the Leathermouth show and I had smuggled in a jar of Nutella and a couple of pieces if toast in my bag. Well backstage we just slathered the Nutella all over the toast and then we ate it. I was like "Frank I'm gonna see you somewhere on the internet because you are a Damage Control Secret Service Agent and even though we are on opposite sides of the fence I will send you a pome about our time here as a gesture of peace. Will you please reconsider opening up for MSI? Because it will break some of our hearts."

And he spat out the nutella and he was like "No, bitch, my band will open for whoever we damn well please and you will like it."

So it didn't go exactly as I had planned and the pome represented his drowning in the mire of MSI's hate, only I used Nutella as a symbol of it. The "toast" was symbolic of us trying to get him not to do it. Toast is actually a very ancient and meaningful symbol.

It's not my fault if you guys aren't all literate like.

Anonymous said...

He, E. I'm not sure anyone referred to him as the Anti-Christ. I know you weren't talking to me but I gave my reasons for not supporting Leathermouth. I think Frank is a good dude but this is really crappy and I can't give my money to the support of hate speech, and the N word and the F word are hate speech.

Anonymous said...

The only time K jokes around is when she can't be truthful.

Anonymous said...

I am for sure coming down with a cold or the flu or something. I'm all achy and my eyes burn.

It is so pimportant that I show up tomorrow. Then after that I will chill out.

I just hope I don't look all sickly and cruddy.

Anonymous said...

we are getting a bit too close to the truth and it's making her uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Anon, I joke around like 22/7. You're just not around for it. I also joke around when people are being irritating little gnats and I want to poke them for their trouble.

Anonymous said...

Why did you ignore that anon, K?

elena said...

Hey K

I totally understand your way of thinking. I am not a fan in any way of MSI. I do wonder though what the lyrics are like on their new cd. I keep meaning to see if they have been "toned down" or if they are still deplorable.

Anonymous said...

what do you do for the other 2 hours? write shitty poetry about toast and nutella?

sdock10 said...


Fight off the funk! Don't get sick!

Anonymous said...

You know, apropos of nothing, I was just reading Bush's 2004 acceptance speech and noting the differences between his one and Obama's one. Bush's speech is all like "terror, war, power, enemy, a new kind of war, terror, faith." And he promised to "continue economic progress."

El oh el.

Anonymous said...

sdock10 why didn't you answer the question?? A little suspicious...

Anonymous said...

anon, please stop harassing these good people.

Anonymous said...

E, I hear they have been toned down for the sake of being more mainstream. But they are still irredeemable of you ask me and they take a huge steamer on ideas like equality etc. Solly, I am fighting it so hard! I think I'm going to try to sleep it off tonight. I'm so mad. >_<

5:17, pretty much. Or train, or draw, or go out with my (admittedly few) close friends or hang out with my family or watch X Files.

Anonymous said...

Why? Why do they keep denying believing SS is Frank if they really believe he is? I am tired of the lies.

Anonymous said...

You know what to do if you don't like it here...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Today was proof that they all still believe SS is Frank. There are no loopholes for them to lie, this is the real deal right here.

Anonymous said...

What, 5:22? Go masturbate?

Anonymous said...

I would kill for a kool aid right about now...

Anonymous said...

O_O What happened today? I missed it. But then I guess I don't have my secret Blogspiracy Vision glasses on. Actually I think I left them in the bathroom. O_O

Anonymous said...

Bwahaha! I miss being Kool Aid. Maybe I will do that again sometime. I used to just fall about laughing at myself while I did that. Quite sad really!

Anonymous said...

Kap and her friends are many things but they aren't stupid or gullible. They know for sure that SS is Frank. There is no way they would talk with SS the way they do if there was any doubt in their minds who he really is.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have seen them share 'inside jokes.' She knows.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is "Kap?"

Anonymous said...

The OPs also know SS's identity, they have known far longer than K and her pals. They are much more discreet.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I try to cook something amazing and I utterly fail.

Anonymous said...

Today was proof that they all still believe SS is Frank. There are no loopholes for them to lie, this is the real deal right here.

November 7, 2008 5:24 PM

I think, you think ss is frank.

Anonymous said...

That dinner sucked. I won't be cooking that again in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

I went to MSI myspace and leather mouth is in their top 10 friends.I guess it is true. :(

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm going for a shower. Later all.

resurrected wreck said...

resurrected wreck said...
I don't support Leathermouth's business decision.

Epitaph's business decision.

Whatever. I still don't support it.

ergoproxy said...

good morning!

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, EP! :)

Sorry I missed you this morning.

ergoproxy said...

that's ok I was out at a farewell the n it looked like a big storm was coming- it didn't :[ then I was off to bed

how are you? haven't caught up for ages! Working sure interferes with my blogsocialising!

anima said...

Hi lovely ladies!

Kapunua, take care of yourself. No time to get sick!

And I miss Kool-Aid so much!

So I just caught up and well, I don't know what to say. I is confused. I don't know why LM is touring with MSI. Seems like a sticky situation to me. If Epitaph makes the decision, what would Frank say? If he said no, then would it completely ruin his relationship with Gerard? Or at least cause more unwanted issues to discuss? I just don't know. Only they know.

I wanted to talk to Mayo about his post, but know my thoughts are all was mostly nonsense anyway. ;) Sorry Mayo, I'll have to get back to you. ♥

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, Anima! :)

resurrected wreck said...

I'm good, thanks, EP :) Though today felt like the longest day ever! How are you?

By the way, this is my last night as a red-head. Tomorrow, I go dark brown!

anima said...

^but "now" my thoughts...


Goodmorning Ergo! Hi RW!

anima said...

RW, I want to change my hair so bad! Just can't decide.

Have fun!

resurrected wreck said...

What does your hair look like now, Anima?

ergoproxy said...

hey Anima!!!
good to see you
how are you?

RW you know we will fully expect a pic of the new do! Just colour or a cut as well?

anima said...

Of course Ergo, a picture is a must!

RW, my hair is long and black. Some layers. I really want to add some color, but it is brutal on black hair...stripping, bleaching then coloring. I just can't decide if I should put my hair through that again. ^_^

anima said...

Good to see you too Ergo! I'm good. Gotta go to work soon. Not sure if I feel like being social. I kind of just want to hang with my own thoughts tonight. Oh well, guess it will have to wait for another day.

ergoproxy said...

anima would you just add some highlights around your face, so it's not so much hair being affected?
using a deep violet or such doesn't require as much lightening

resurrected wreck said...

It's just going to be a colour, EP. I've been trying to grow it back some.

Go with some blue streaks, Anima!

ergoproxy said...

blue would be very dramatic

anima said...

blue and deep violet together! That would be pretty.

resurrected wreck said...

Oooo!! Lovely! ^_^

ergoproxy said...

I think you should do it anima!

anima said...

I think I will!

Thanks you guys. :)

anima said...

I am such a blogkiller.

Okay, quick Anima, think of something compelling, something witty....!

ergoproxy said...

one of the wallabies from our mob has died, hubby is clearing some long grass and it was in there.
I think it was just old, unless a snake bit it, it was a big one, might have just had a lie down and slipped away.

resurrected wreck said...

Make sure you get & post a pic, Anima!

resurrected wreck said...

Aw :( What are you going to do with the wallaby, EP?

ergoproxy said...

lol anima I certainly wasn't witty or compelling!

please you have a go!

anima said...

Ergo, I hope it was just old. Just time to go. Awww.

ergoproxy said...

RW it will end up buried as we move the grass and soil, it has been there at least a couple of days, if you catch my drift.
lucky we have a backhoe

resurrected wreck said...

Oh dear :S

By the way, they still haven't found the wallaby that is on the lose in Ontario.

resurrected wreck said...


anima said...

I got nuthin' Ergo.

I did go to the Kings of Leon show at the Pageant on Monday. The last time I was there was with Elena, TJ, J & L....felt very nostalgic.

It was an amazing show. I was impressed.

resurrected wreck said...

Weldell the wallaby spotted near Lombardy

Anonymous said...

Elena is right about Lm and the exposure and the friend issue is prevalant as well.Record compamy says Get all the exposure you can, so he is certainly not stupid and will do what he has to and what he loves to do. Perform!
Frank is very humble and has alot of love and respect for his fans. I know this to be true.

ergoproxy said...

I told hubby about that RW it was really funny, especially the "pushing over the elderly"

poor think would have been trying to get away not going up to people, unless it was really really tame.

It's probably out in the bush somewhere by now

anima said...

RW, I will definitely let you know when I get my hair done. Pictures? Well, I'll come up with something. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your wallaby Ergo. One day I want to see one in person!

resurrected wreck said...

Come to Ontario, 7:22pm. You might be able to catch one!

Anonymous said...

I told hubby about that RW it was really funny, especially the "pushing over the elderly"

Ergoproxy! You are not old people tippin are you? For shame! lol
Sounded so funny reading that.

resurrected wreck said...

I look forward to it, Anima ^_^

anima said...

"Frank is very humble and has alot of love and respect for his fans. I know this to be true."

I know it too.

And I do agree with Elena's post. 100%. Others have stated their points, and I completely understand where they are coming from as well.

resurrected wreck said...

I told hubby about that RW it was really funny, especially the "pushing over the elderly"

Lol! My mother's a funny duck.

ergoproxy said...



wonder if that is because we ahve a guy Wendell Sailor who played Rugby Union for the Aussie team the Wallabies?
(I actually taught him at school)

sounds like it is possibly quite tame, they really can't hurt you, and tame ones will come up and reach up and put their front paws on you.

Anonymous said...

One day I will go to Australia Ergo and we shall go elderly people tipping, and wallaby gazing and see Silverchair!
Sounds like the trip of a lifetime!

anima said...

RW, I was hoping to see a photo of Wendall. Awww.

resurrected wreck said...

and tame ones will come up and reach up and put their front paws on you.

That would scare the hell out of an Ontarioan, EP. They're not used to hoppy things getting cozy with them.

Anonymous said...

I know Anima, it's hard to digest.
Anima! How are you sweetie?

anima said...

Ergo, you were pushing over the elderly?!

resurrected wreck said...

No pic, I'm afraid, Anima. Maybe they should put up a wanted poster.

sdock10 said...

Hi Guys,

How are ya'll?

Def Leppard is playing on CMT's Crossroads tonight with Taylor Swift. I don't think she was even born when Hysteria was released. This should be interesting.


anima said...

Hi 7:27! I'm doing good. Just a lot going on...

& you?

Anonymous said...

RW? What is elderly people tipping?

ergoproxy said...

thanks anon I have grown quite fond of our little yard mob, they barely move when we come outside (they aren't tame though)

if you get a chance to see one, do they are really soft and tame ones are friendly, we love patting them, in camping areas and picnic spots they are often very used to people and will come up for food, but don't feed them bread

resurrected wreck said...

Knocking them over, 7:30pm. Like cow-tipping. Most just my mother's odd imagination.

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, Solly! :D

Whatchoo up to?

anima said...


*licks your face* & I just put on mango flavored gloss. ;)

RW, let us know if they post a pic. I will pass around the 'wanted' poster. LOL!

resurrected wreck said...

Why no bread, EP?

sdock10 said...


Are you feeling better today? Hungover?

ergoproxy said...

hey sdock!

I love Def Leppard! Hope you enjoy it

Anima said...

Ergo, you were pushing over the elderly?!

damn! you have discovered my secret vice!!!!

anon sounds like a perfect time!

resurrected wreck said...

Will do, Anima ^_^

sdock10 said...


You taste good! I have missed you. We haven't talked in like 3 forevers.

resurrected wreck said...

My headache's gone now, Solly. My supervisor at work had one yesterday too. She also gets air pressure migraines.

Anonymous said...

I'm good Anima. Busy but good.

RW you have to watch those teacher types. You never know wht they are truly thinking and doing in their spare time!

Sdock Def Leopard should not be playing on CMT. Something is definately wrong with the universe these days.

sdock10 said...


I'm gonna watch it and see how it goes. She's a 17 year old country artist, with a little bit of crossover pop appeal. Should be an interesting mix. They sorta sing each other's songs and duet and stuff.

ergoproxy said...

it isn't good for them RW they can't digest it properly. You should use
fruit or really the best is mixed grains, like a chicken feed mix

sdock10 said...


Def Leppard recorded and song and video with Tim McGraw.

Not one of their better moments.


Glad to hear it. I'm tempted to try the Gin rememdy myself. My head woke me up this morning at 7 freaking thirty.

ergoproxy said...

It is always a risk but I heard a woman sing "photograph" on a rock show adn it was different by good, wonder if it's on youtube...

*wanders off for a sec*

anima said...

RW, did you try your boss's recommendation? (I may have missed it!)

Solly, I know! I miss your face!

Ergo, oh no! Hips will break! [Feels ashamed that I am actually joking about this! Sorry 'old' people!]

anima said...

Anon, sounds like we are doing the same...busy but good. Not a bad place to be. :)

resurrected wreck said...

I didn't, Anima. I have no gin!

resurrected wreck said...


Glad to hear it. I'm tempted to try the Gin rememdy myself. My head woke me up this morning at 7 freaking thirty.


Anonymous said...

Solly, like I said CMT? They can stand on their own. I hope you have fun watching them. Let me know how it turns out. I'm not a country fan thats all.

anima said...

RW, That's right! I did read that!

Was that Mayo that didn't condone mixing bills and booze? Didn't I read something about paint thinner?

Anonymous said...

Do tell Anima! Paint thinner and bills?

anima said...

Country. Oh man. Some is good, but most is not my taste. I cringe when someone wants us to play country at the bar. I really do cringe. Sorry country fans. That's just me.

resurrected wreck said...

Not sure who that was, but I hope to high heaven they never succumbed to drinking paint thinner!

Smoke said...

Def Leppard? Taylor Swift?


Ohhh-kayyy! If you say so!


What's errbody up to tonight? I just got through eating a cereal straw and it tasted like a giant Froot Loop. :)

ergoproxy said...

kaki King from singing Photograph

bit of trivia, we share a birthday
you'd know of her wouldn't you sdock?

sdock10 said...


I guess Def Lepp are trying to go the way of Bon Jovi. I dunno, I've got my doubts about how it's all gonna turn out, but maybe it will rock my socks off. I will most def let you guys know.

Smoke said...

Tequila smells like paint thinner. I shit you not.


anima said...

Haha! Oh 'bills' and 'booze' ... never a good mixer!!!

Actually, I do have to have a cocktail whilst paying bills!

ergoproxy said...

that should have said "
"Kaki King from the show Spicks and Specks ...."

oh she also was explaining the Turduckin thing earlier in the show

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, S&V! :)

Smoke said...

Hi! ♥

anima said...

I think it was alluded that this person may have thought of resorting to paint thinner...that fucked up!

I can't drink Tequilla. Nope. Can't do it.

I did work at a rehab center and we had to take away shampoo/conditioner from the residents. They would drink products that had alcohol in them. That's fucked.

ergoproxy said...

oh tequila straight is awful, well to me, it was so strong
But I don't like vodka straight either

resurrected wreck said...

S&V: ♥

sdock10 said...


That was interesting. I don't think I had seen that before. Seems like I do remember some chick re-doing one of their songs but I can't remember which one or who it was, so I'm useless.

sdock10 said...

Hi Smoke!

I hate tequila but I will drink it if there is nothing else around and I'm feeling the urge, but it does smell just like paint thinner.

ergoproxy said...

hey hi smoke!

Smoke said...

Wanna know what's really bad? OMG.

Lord Calvert and Coke.

Talk about some nasty ass shit! That's nasty.

And I hate Crown Royal with a passion. Bleh.

Anonymous said...

eww...I don't drink Tequila or paint thinner which is a good thing.
No elderly tipping (unless its money) :)
Gotta go. See you guys!

sdock10 said...

OFC....oh now that's bad.

Down here we say it stands for:

Old Fucker's Choice

Smoke said...

Gimme a Midori Sour and I'm happy.
Or a Cosmo.

I haven't had one in a few years though. :(

Not since my friend moved to Germany. She's coming home in a month or so though! YAY! I can't wait!

sdock10 said...

Smoke, you're a lightweight.

anima said...

Ergo, the beginning was distrubing...O_O

When she started, I thought, hey not too bad...then it just went sour! Ouch!

I'm not a fan of straight liquor. Not pleasant at all.

Smoke said...

STFU, Solly. ^_~

Booze and Smoke do not mix.

It's a damn brawl or a 911 call just waiting to happen.

resurrected wreck said...

Gonna head over to the mall for a bit. Have a good evening, all :)

Smoke said...

Buy me sumfin!!!! ^_^

anima said...

Bye Anon. Have a good night!

Smoke you are a lightweight! But that's okay, I still love ya! Oh and I love bourbon/whisky/scotch whisky, but definitely with diet coke. Don't diss on the Crown! hehe!

ergoproxy said...

she did it specially for that show, it was last weeks episode, it's a music quiz show, very funny, and depending who is the guests they may sing at the end, usually something you wouldn't expect they'd sing.

Smoke said...

Last night I was trying to tell Mr. Man here about the time I drank 3 cosmos and a six pack of Coors Light. Blogger ate my effin' comment. >_<

I think I melted into the booth that night. I kept sliding down and my husband had to prop me up.

I don't remember much else. O_o

ergoproxy said...

see you RW!

I don't drink a lot of liquor, I like scotch, or schothch, lol, gin, but I prefer dry to coke
and I don't mind vodka mixed drinks but really if I'm hot I like beer and I generally prefer wine

sdock10 said...

*bows down at Smoke's feet*

You drank a 6 pack of beer? I can't compete with that. Nope.

I could probably hold my own with a pint of Jack though.

ergoproxy said...

bye anon, have a good evening !

anima said...

Smoke you should have stopped at the 3 cosmos!!

Ergo, the show looks interesting for sure! Are the guest usually musicians by trade?

ergoproxy said...

sdock I find it depends on how fast and over what time period I drink as to how much beer I can drink

Smoke said...

I did, Solly. A long ass time ago. O_O I was very close to alcohol poisoning, too. I have never felt so bad in all my life. Icky.

Hey, Lord/Lady Mayofeetz is on my front porch. Heh-heh.

sdock10 said...

The smell of beer makes me want to gag.

Oh and here's Solly tip of the night!

Mayo, you listening?

Beer and hot dogs do NOT mix! I and hot dogs do NOT mix!

I almost typed "bears"...I miss Fimmy and Mustard.

anima said...

Solly, you and me both! Someday, you, Elena, and I need to get a cocktail together. Sorry Elena, I'm not implying anything, but you sure know how to drink with me! ♥ ya!

sdock10 said...

*waves to Lady/Lord Mayofeetz*

Where is SS Phantom Kitty?

Smoke said...


sdock10 said...

I'm up for it, Anima. Maybe Smoke and I will make a drive up to your club this summer and hang out!


Smoke said...

Haven't seen the Phantom yet.

ergoproxy said...

usually musicians or in the industry, but anything from rock to classical, even the top aussie symphony conductor, and comedians, locals or those touring, one of each on each side.

they've had guys from Status Quo to the wiggles

anima said...

I used to drink beer, just a couple, mostly heavier ones. But it always made me sleepy. I still like a Stag when I'm doing yard work now and again.

A Stag is a beer. I promise!

sdock10 said...

The Wiggles?


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