Friday, May 16, 2008

An obscene waste.

Honorable Mention.

I am the clown.
Because you asked me to
and I am colorful enough, so
I quickly make the change.
It’s an easy switch in contrast.
Then, you are off and running.
Up and down the row
I am chasing you and I am out of breath.
You are elusive, but you see
I am the clown.
And I will use a trick to catch you.
I must catch you, because I have to tell you
I am not a fool. But, I have failed.

The pulsing lights drawing on
Death and destruction flash above
And beyond you. The images are mostly grave
Punched in and out in perfect time.
They were too many and too long, but
I had to remain until the end.
I knew they would tell the story.
Then, the images stop.
I achieve execution in a flash of bright white
Then perception returns to me, the clown,
Looking at you down the row.
I can’t move but to say the end.
But, I forgot the most important part.

Then, you are gone.
For a moment, I am frantic to find you.
But, I also don’t want to lose my character.
It is of every color and
Can give me up a reckless fool.
While I pretend to know the rest,
I search for my friend.
His name is random, and
He was sitting next to me.
Before you came along…
And as I am just about to take my leave
You appear again, but now
You are the clown.

And you want to tell me that
I am just a fool.

p.s. strung out on pointless prevarication and cardboard collusion.

(...fucking nightmare)


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Anonymous said...

Before you start assuming things anons, maybe Mayo needs to be direct instead of letting his little hench people do the talking.

Vivienne said...

So raccoons are little terrors?... they look so cute though!
I guess looks can be deceiving.

resurrected wreck said...

And killer spiders!


I'd rather have raccoons!

Anonymous said...

It was probably this,

Anonymous said...

Kapunua I know you had a hard time here lately and I am not one of those anons who is here to give you a hard time. I'm sorry if it looks that way but I swear and promise I'm not. I think what happened was god fucking awful. I'm here to tell you that I am glad you're not doing your good night anymore. Please don't take that the wrong way. After what happened on here and after all the months you stuck by Mayo and gave him good wishes...... when it came time where all he had to do was say what someone asked him to say, that he didn't HATE you, that he didn't APPROVE of what happened to you.....he didn't. Four words. "I don't hate her". Then they would stop saying it. Six words. "That shouldn't have happened to you". That's all it would take.

But instead he took the pussy way out and said some stupid shit like "I don't like hateful speech and the anons were alarming". He didn't even have the balls to say your fucking name, not once.

I lurked for a long time here and I watched you and the rest of the ladies here offer your friendship. I see from the outside how he fixates on one of you at a time and then shoves you to the side and never talks to you again. Bleeding Chaos. You. Elena. I read Elena's good nights and I see her begging him for contact too. "I know you don't listen to me anymore Mayo". "I'm just babbling so just ignore me like I know you're going to".

Mayo said the bullshit that he doesn't have time to spend with you. Who needs to spend time. A few precious words that you all hang on is all he had to do.

What went on here in the last few weeks has been a huge pile of shit and Mayo never had the balls to say "that was wrong", why, probably because he knows that it would piss off other people if he stood up for Kapunua. He is a coward and a pussy, too scared to say what he really feels. That's why he wrote it about EVERYbody. He said he would fight for each of you. BUT HE DOESN'T.

Kapuna you used to say a sweet and loving good night to Mayo every night. Your wishes for him to have good dreams fell on deaf ears. When it came his turn to give something back to you which he EASILY could have, just a few simple words like "anons, leave her alone, I don't want her to leave like you all say I do" he couldn't even spare A FEW WORDS FOR YOU. After all of the words you gave him. All he has for you is "I know you all can take care of yourselves". Bullshit, FRIENDS lend a helping hand. Even if there is nothing they can do, they can talk to you. But Mayo can't even do that. SS does. Mayo doesn't bother.

I am personally sorry that you lost your job over this. I am personally sorry that people called you ugly names over and over and over..... and over again. It has nothing to do with me BUT I AM STILL SORRY. Because I am a human. I don't think you deserved it at all. That's all Mayo had to say. I know my words probably don't hold as much weight as his but I still want you to hear them..... All of you.

K I do agree with the nasty evil anons about one thing. Mayo does not like you. You don't mean tha tmuch to him. But I hope someday you mean something to someone who deserves your good nights.

May 15, 2008 11:26 PM

Anonymous said...

Anons, please stop talking about this.

Anonymous said...

, maybe Mayo needs to be direct


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anons, please stop talking about this.

I agree. Leave her alone. She lost a lot this week. I know she liked and respected Mayo so just leave her alone at least for now.

Anonymous said...

lol Hi Kapu @ 12:42!!

Original Punk J said...

They can be, Cupcake. Don't let the sweet looks fool you!


Anonymous said...

12:44 you have good sense. I would like to see how any of these other anons would cope with this much animosity.

And seeing that they are anons, shows they couldn't.

Anonymous said...

One more thing. What SUCKS about this is that now he really can't talk to her, because of all of this it will look forced. That's all I have to say.

ergoproxy said...

nope no raccoons but just about every other fucking kill the fuck out of you animal!

Vivienne said...

I'll keep it in mind L.

Now I must fulfill one of my mothers life long wishes and ask:

Has anyone here ever smelt a skunk?

And if so, what was it like? are they really that bad?

Anonymous said...

I never said anything bad about Kapu! I was against that! Just because I don't have a name here, don't label me along with the people who did this!! All I said was that I felt bad!

Anonymous said...

The worst was when she made a movie for him and he ignored it. If it was me I would have given up on his pussy ass long ago.

Anonymous said...


Original Punk J said...

Ergo, I would be scared witless to walk out in the forest there. 2,745 different animals to take you out!



Hideous. Rotten eggs.



Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:49, what do you care?

resurrected wreck said...

Has anyone here ever smelt a skunk?

Oh, absolutely. They smell like really strong, really acidic weed. The smell has on occasion been so strong outside my bedroom window that it's actually woken me up.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 12;49, unless you are K.

Anonymous said...

Stop calling Mayo out. Please.

Carrie said...

Skunk smell is pretty bad, for real. We've had a real problem around here with them infiltrating the suburbs and such. I wish I could adequately explain the stench. Bad cabbage, maybe? At least for a beginning.

Anonymous said...

Oh your'e not K, you're just a Mayo fangirl then. Probably Elena.

Vivienne said...

Thank you L, now my family and I can die happily. lol

resurrected wreck said...

Anon's got a point, other anons. It is Mayo's blog after all.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes I have. More than I would like to have. Dear god. I never want to smell that again. But the skunks out her fight with each other.

CC raccoons are cute on tv because they use the small trained ones.

ergoproxy said...

oh cool CC I've always wondered that as well!

so they are really bad...does tomato juice work?
wonder if it's a bit like tree snake smell, they exude this stuff if you annoy them, which is pretty foul but I imagine skunk is heaps stronger

Vivienne said...

RW, Carrie, thanks. :)
It must have been a strange question, but my Mother and I have this list of things we're curious about.... skunks is one of them. :)

Anonymous said...

RW weren't you the one calling Mayo out back before?

ergoproxy said...

12:52 that was rude

Entropy said...

I like skunks, though.

Vivienne said...

And MJ! thanks guys! wow, I really should have asked sooner! :P

Carrie said...

I am curious about wombats and wallabies, so we're in the same boat!

resurrected wreck said...

Tomato juise is supposed to be the only thing that can cut the smell of skunk, eP, so I've heard. Luckily, I've never been in a position to have to find out, though I did very nearly walk straight into a skunk coming home one evening. It's why I now jangle my keys when I get to my alleyway.

Original Punk J said...

Cupcake, if you ever get sprayed by a skunk, the only things that will take the smell off is a bath in either tomato juice or put lemon juice in the bath water.

J. just said it's like you broke a rotten egg onto a rotted cabbage adn then shoved it into an old sneaker.


ergoproxy said...

L I would protoct you!

Anonymous said...

It was Resurrected Wreck who asked Mayo to say that he didn't have a problem with Kapu staying, when all the anons were ganging up on her. Resurected Wreck, why are you saying NOW not to call him out when you wre the one who did it?

Carrie said...

Oh wait, Cuppie, do they have Heineken beer over there? Open one, and the first smell you get, that's what a skunk smells like!

Vivienne said...

Well I have a buttload of both of those animals at my house Carrie, so ask away!

ergoproxy said...

so anyone want to know anything about wallabies wonmbats or other aussie wildlife?

Original Punk J said...

Thanks, Ergo! With you, Monty and Phil, I will be in good hands!


resurrected wreck said...

RW weren't you the one calling Mayo out back before?

Do you mean the time I recently asked him to address the problem of vicious anon attacks? That was a question to him, not a demand. Other people have other opinions, but I think he has a responsibility over the content in his blogs. But in the end it is his blog and he can do what he likes, and if I have a problem with that I can leave.

Original Punk J said...

Ergo, what about Koala Bears? Are they friendly? Does anyone there keep them as pets, or are they wild animals only?


resurrected wreck said...

It was Resurrected Wreck who asked Mayo to say that he didn't have a problem with Kapu staying,

That was somebody else. I asked Mayo to address the issue of anon attacks.

Anonymous said...

THen how can you tell others not to call him out?? And pretty much no one here did anyway!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Tomato juice or beer works BRb

Entropy said...

Yes, Ergo and Cup. Yes!

Anonymous said...

He did address the anon attacks. He said "you can take care of yourself"..

resurrected wreck said...

Resurected Wreck, why are you saying NOW not to call him out when you wre the one who did it?

I'm not doing that at all. Hell, say whatever you like! Everybody else does. I just said that I could see where that anon was coming from.

resurrected wreck said...

He did address the anon attacks. He said "you can take care of yourself"..

Indeed he did. And if you scroll down a ways after his comment you'll see my comment thanking him for addressing that. And I haven't asked him about it since.

Anonymous said...

I agree REsurrected Wreck. Do you agree with how Mayo handled it by saying "you can take care of yourselves"?

resurrected wreck said...

It's possibly not how I would have handled it. But then again, it's not my blog.

Original Punk J said...

I'll be back in a minute, guys.


Anonymous said...

OK, that's all I wanted to ask, thanks for the answer.

resurrected wreck said...

No worries :)

ergoproxy said...

L koalas are not friendly in the wild, especially the males but you have to try and pull them out of a tree or something to get them annoyed, they don't drop on you (regardless of "drop bear" stories we tell backpackers) noone has them as pets except wildlife parks where they can be trained to let people pat them , they are really soft and furry but have sharp claws and tend to smell.
They do get down and walk around too, but you have to be lucky to see them.

ergoproxy said...

they also grunt and make really scary noises at night, like loud barky grunty growly noises, so do possums.

Entropy said...

Aw, koalas!

Vivienne said...

As far as I know L, koala bears are just wild animals, you can't legally have them as pets, though some people take care of them when they're sick, I think you need a license. I should ask my Mother, she used to take care of injured wild animals.
As for friendly.... for the most part they're very placid.

Vivienne said...

Ergo's explanation tops mine, L.
They do have very long claws, and can be grumpy. But if you ever encounter any I doubt it would be in the wild.
The ones at zoos and wildlife parks are pretty good usually.

resurrected wreck said...

First time I saw a possum, EP, I had no idea what it was.

Vivienne said...

You guys should google flying foxes. They're lovely looking little creatures, but they make this screeching, cackling noise... it sounds like the blair witch has been unleashed whenever you hear them.

toujours said...

hello all. i am eating an orange.

Entropy said...

Your zoo is famous in the TBS camp. And their koalas.

Carrie said...

Aw, man! I refuse to accept that koalas are smelly!! I take the same stance on Gerard Way! Although I hold out more hope for the bears than him.

ergoproxy said...

oh yes cupcake flying foxes make the most amazing noises! Plus they look awesome flying about as they are big and look like movie bats

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo, TJ :D

I like oranges... and cats!

Vivienne said...

Hello TJ, you delightfully eccentric creature! :)
How are you?

resurrected wreck said...

Lol, Carrie!

toujours said...

hello resurrected wreck, hello cupcake. :)

am i eccentric? hmmm...

but the orange is for my throat. it hurt. otherwise, i'm alright.

Entropy said...

Hey, Teej.
I was going to eat an orange today, but thought better of it 'cause I hates my hands sticky.
Are your hands sticky?

resurrected wreck said...

Are you feeling poorly, TJ? :(

Carrie said...

Yeah, rw, where there's smoke there's fire and all that. :)

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that Mayo was Kapunua's favorite, "Calaf". It makes sense. When Mayo started obviously not liking Kapunua, Calaf disappeared.

Carrie said...

See, I still never got the obvious dislike?

toujours said...

they're a little sticky, entropy. that's why i'm licking my fingers. :)

i got sick, after all, resurrected wreck. i thought i had escaped the inevitable conclucsion to ten hours in the driving rain, but nooooooooo.



toujours said...

i hate typos.

*burdened sigh*

resurrected wreck said...

Get lots of rest, TJ, and stay warm. Are you still at your folks' place?

ergoproxy said...

hello TJ!

E yeah lots of bands like going to teh zoo here, I think that was Taronga Park in Sydney

patting a koala in Nov last year, note thick glove

Adult koala with claws showing

Amyranth said...

You know it's going to be a great day when your boyfriend calls your workplace in a panic about "wasps trying to find a way in" and he's not talking about the White Anglo Saxon Protestants from 3 houses away.

-A has had a LONG day.

Vivienne said...

Blogger keeps eating my comments!

Damn it!

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, A :D

Sucks about the wasps :/

Vivienne said...

Hi Amy!, and also awww, your boyfriend was being attacked by wasps?

resurrected wreck said...

Blogger's been doing that a lot lately, Cupcake. No idea why.

ergoproxy said...

hi amy!

we have an ad here for Toyota and the guy tells another the engine is 2000 kilo watts or whatever and the other guy goes "2000 killer wasps!!!" and runs off panicking and yelling making other people panic and yell. It's really funny

Carrie said...

Amy, you are cracking me up with the wittiness of you.

Original Punk J said...

Thank you, Ergo, Cupcake. I always wondered about them. So, they are kinda like raccoons, huh? Cute and furry, but don't piss them off!

Panthers make the weirdest sounds. They can sound exactly like a woman or baby screaming. It will raise the hair on the back of your neck!

Hello, TJ. Are you feeling any better?


Anonymous said...

Goddammit, leave Kapunua alone!

It doesn't matter who Mayo likes or not. This maybe his blog but it doesn't make him superior to anyone else here.

toujours said...

thanks, resurrected wreck. i will and i am crashing at my folks, for a few weeks anyway, until i can get enough money to go to kansas.

hi ergo, how are you?

Vivienne said...

Blogger's been doing that a lot lately, Cupcake. No idea why.

I think it's because it's a little bitch.

Amyranth said...

Hello Youtube!

Hiya Ergo, RW and Cuppy!

No, he didn't get attacked, but he's terrified of the idea of wasps being in the house. I'm not happy with it either, so I have to get up tomorrow morning and make sure that I build some "nests" to scare them away.


resurrected wreck said...

I didn't believe it the first time someone told me there are panthers wild in the southern states, L. Turned out to be true!

toujours said...

hello, l. i'm doing alright. falling asleep alot, though.

resurrected wreck said...

Indeed, Cupcake!

Carrie said...

I think peacocks are creepier, they sound like they are yelling "Help!"

Entropy said...

Yeah, Ergo, they look like they can just shank you hard with those. Cute pics none the less!

resurrected wreck said...

When I lived in Victoria, Carrie, there were three peacocks - two regular plumed ones & one albino - who used to go walkabout from the local park. I called them the neighbourhood toughs. They would strut around like they owned the sidewalks, and you should have seen the looks on the faces of the cats they came across!

Then the park got a few peahens, and the boys decided to stay put.

Amyranth said...

Anonymous said...

Goddammit, leave Kapunua alone!

It doesn't matter who Mayo likes or not. This maybe his blog but it doesn't make him superior to anyone else here.

Ah! Be careful, I tried to agree with that idea last night.


Amyranth said...


Sounds like my whole week. I had to fight with myself to go to work today.

Unfortunately, I lost.


Original Punk J said...

Hey, Amy, you wasp fighter you! How's it going?

Ergo, those claws look...scary! I think I will just look at pretty pictures of them.

TJ, get some rest, lots of liquids, and B-12.

RW, yes, there are panthers here. I came up on one while I was walking one day and I was about 1/2 mile from any house. It was up on an enbankment looking at me. My cousin was with me, and I told her to turn and WALK toward the house, which we did. If you run, they see you as prey, and chase you.


toujours said...

back in the seattle area, we had cougars. the housing developments are encroaching upon their territories and so every year there are the occasional news stories about "corgis gone missing".


Vivienne said...

I'll be back soon guys, I need a shower.

resurrected wreck said...

We have cougars where I grew up too, TJ.

Amyranth said...

L, not bad! Overheated, but welcome to Alberta.


resurrected wreck said...

Geez, L, that would have scared the hell out of me!

Original Punk J said...

Amy, is it like it is here? 80 degrees one day and 20 the next?

How is the promotion, by the way?


toujours said...

try to make friends with yourself, amyranth, or at least learn your own bribery points. :)

l., i'm on an orange juice heavy diet.

if it gets worse, i'm pulling out the big guns: kimchee ramen.

ergoproxy said...

CC peacocks are horrid birds that noise! But curlews are eerie.

Actually believe it or not cows make some really weird noises, they don't go moo, sometimes they sound really creepy!

I'm good TJ sorry to hear you're sick, you get well soon,i've just gotten over mine pretty much though am now 1 1/2 weeks with no sense of smell and it's really annoying!
How is Kentucky?

resurrected wreck said...

Well, no prolonged goodnights from me tonight. I'm meeting up with friends tomorrow so I've got to get some sleep!

Have a great night, everyone :)

toujours said...

they're so beautiful, it's hard not to cheer them on, don't you think, resurrected wreck?

Original Punk J said...

I was pretty scared, RW, but my Dad taught me how to deal with them. He once walked two miles with one walking right behind him, step for step. He made it home, and the panther stopped in the road and left.


ergoproxy said...

sorry carrie not CC, my cat pounced on a peahens tail - they both got a hell of a fright!

Carrie said...

Night rw!

toujours said...

kentucky is okay, ergo. i keep getting seduced by my mom's mock orange, however.

i was embracing it again today, with the same results. i emerged thoroughly pollinated. *grin*

toujours said...

ah, good night, resurrected wreck. have fun tomorrow. :)

Original Punk J said...

Goodnight RW, Sweet Dreams. I think I will follow your example and head that way myself.

Goodnight, Family, hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow. Love to you all.

Mayo, SS, goodnight to you both. Please take care of each other. Both of you. Because you never know.

Its all about the love,


Entropy said...

Night, RW and L!
Sleep well.

Original Punk J said...


This is from Elena.



Yeah this goodnight is being sent to you via my friends cause I know I won’t be able to post it myself. Long story there but let’s just say that once again I’m just going along with what someone else wants cause it’s easier then the drama that would occur if I didn’t. Do you ever do that Mayo? Just go along doing something that goes against what you want just to make someone else happy? It’s not a good thing. I know this but well, today I’m just too tired to deal with it. Cope out. Yep, to be sure.

Wait, maybe it’s not really. Maybe I’ve just decided to pick and choose my battles. Let’s face it you can’t fight all the damn time. So it’s not really giving in it’s just lying in wait until I really want to do something then I’ll come out with guns blazing. Holy hell, this sound really cryptic and it’s not. Well, if anyone can get it you can I’m sure. You’re the original Cryptic Man. Hey, that would be a great Super Hero name for you.

“And now for the further adventures of Cryptic Man…He’ll tell you what he’s thinking but will you understand?”

Sorry got distracted there for a minute with the whole Super Hero theme. But just for a minute let’s go with this thought. What kind of a costume would Cryptic Man wear? (say tights, say tights) Uh, sorry. Would you have a cape? Oh and what super power other than causing confusion with words? Oh, oh, I know. Not only would you leave cryptic notes to the unsuspecting you would use words they would have to look up in the dictionary. (Honestly time, yeah I’ve had to look up a few of your words these past seven months). I know you could have a sidekick, Dictionary Boy.

Okay I’ll quit now. Hey, I like Super Heroes I’m not gonna lie. (Has nothing to do with tights) (Now I am lying).

Mayo, hope you have a great Saturday. Get out in the sunshine, laugh with some friends and drink coffee. Hey, coffee is important, trust me.

Night Mayo

Elena (tights or no?)

Amyranth said...

L, this week so far 80+ every day.

And no air conditioning. :P

Teej, I tried, but then when I realized what I was trying to do I stopped talking to myself, and now I haven't spoken to myself in well over a month.

I miss me.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello everybody.

Okay so I went out to get something to eat. And we saw a baby possum running around.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

night l

toujours said...

amyranth, you've got to sit down with yourself and hash things out. if not for you and yourself, then for for the sake of your inner child.

i implore you.

Vivienne said...

I'm back, goodnight RW, L, Elena, take care, all of you. *hugs*

ergoproxy said...

goodnight RW sweet dreams

goodnight L sweet dreams (plus a panther is scary! sheesh at least our animals don't stalk you!)

TJ our mock orange has been pruned back so no flowers this year (It was as high as the house) but our grapefruit smells nearly as sweet

oh MJ how sweet!

Amyranth said...

Teej, don't even get me started on that inner child. She's a spoiled brat, and it's all MY fault!

God, there are days... Why do I even get out of bed?



ergoproxy said...

goodnight elena sweet dreams

sometimes picking your battles is the most strategic thing to do until different opportunities arise

take care

(tights are cool)

Amyranth said...

Okay so I went out to get something to eat. And we saw a baby possum running around.

You must have eyes like lasers, anytime I go out to get something to eat, I'm lucky I can see one foot in front of the other.

Where'd Carrie go?


Vivienne said...

Aww Amy *hugs*

Carrie said...

Dude, I am still around, and Cuppie, you smells good!

toujours said...

ah, amyranth, you have my sympathies. i worked out my problems with myself long ago -- i laugh to think of the fights we used to get in over the toothpaste cap, of all things -- so all i can say to you is persevere.


ergo, i swear it's not my fault. the mock orange just begs to be kissed, and i have no willpower against it.

Amyranth said...

Carrie said...

Dude, I am still around, and Cuppie, you smells good!




*taps the wall she's been talking to for the last five minutes*

.. Oh...


Vivienne said...

Why thank you Carrie. :D

Carrie said...

Hee! I've been in and out policing the teens. Right now they are all asleep with the exception of Al, who called the rest of them little baby children. They have obviously not been training staying up with their mom until 3 or 4 in the morn.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am off to bed


Carrie said...

Night MJ, sleep well!

Vivienne said...

Goodnight MJ, sleep well. <3

Amyranth said...

Goodnight MJ!

AAAAaahh.. I should go out and water that tree...


Vivienne said...

Nice fading scream Amy. :P

ergoproxy said...

goodnight MJ sweet dreams

Anonymous said...


toujours said...

time for me to go to bed, guys. talk to you tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

tickety tickety tickety, MUNCH

Vivienne said...

Argh! blogger insists on eating my comments. Damn it!

Vivienne said...

Goodnight TJ, sleep well.

Hello Clover, parasites.

Amyranth said...

Clover = Blogger?


Amyranth said...

Jeeze Cuppy, ain't nobody around now but you and me and... Clovers.


Anonymous said...

If you'd just let him in, if you would just touch him
He would love, he would grow, he could rest his old soul
Maybe he's difficult but he's beautiful
Wild at heart, troubled mind, torn apart, seeking his kind

Why don't you tell her that? Isn't that what a wife is supposed to do?

Vivienne said...

I know Amy.. it's quiet.

TOO quiet....


ergoproxy said...

goodnight TJ sweet dreams

it's another quiet night on the blog tonight

hi clover!

Vivienne said...

Ergo! yay! you're still here. :)

Amyranth said...

Indeed Anon. In fact, I personally feel that if you're not going into a relationship with someone, looking to be a safe harbour, there's no relationship.


Carrie said...

Sorry, Clover is me, I was all revisting my fave monster flick in my mind. Cloverfield, it's really really good.

Vivienne said...

Amy, I agree.

Carrie, I heard it was good, i can't wait to see it. :)

Amyranth said...

I never DID see that movie Carrie.

I don't watch many monster flicks though.


Carrie said...

It's definitely worth a look, Cuppie. Okay, must take myself to bed. Have a nice rest of the night/day guys.

Vivienne said...

You don't Amy? I love monster flicks. :)

Amyranth said...

I think I need to tuck in too. I gotta do dishes in the morning, and craft some nests.

Goodnight Lovelies!

Mayo, that anxiety is still there. Even at the end of the day I still felt like a fool. Perseverance is hard.


SS, ever heard of the Vandals? The only thing that put a smile on my face today was:

"I've got an Ape Drape, Yes I do!
They're giving them to anyone, and that means you!
You can go to Riverside and get one too!
And then you'll have an Ape Drape like I do!"

They're playing Calgary this year on Warped. I'm kind of excited to see them.

Goodnight SS.


Vivienne said...

Goodnight Carrie, sleep well. :)

Amyranth said...

Cuppy, I prefer a good mystery, or a suspense. Gross things.. gross me out. :S

Goodnight Cuppy! See you tomorrow, I hope!


Vivienne said...

Goodnight Amy, take care.

ergoproxy said...

well I'm saying goodnight too, pretty early today. Just packed my girl off for a sleep over and we are going to get chinese takeaway and pig out on the floor of the lounge and watch tv then see what we feel like!

Hey Mayo how are you today? I'm good been busy housework never seems to end. You do any of it? I hope you do, there is nothing nicer than a man helping out with the mundane everyday stuff. Flowers etc are nice and all but wash up for me and I'll appreciate it a lot more!
So that's one of the hidden truths of womankind - keep it under your hat and use it wisely...
Wishing love, peace, companionship and health to you and yours much love EP xx

SS how are you? I hope you're well.
What you been up to? Working hard or hardly working? I'm good, still no sense of smell but it'll come back sooner or later. Don't have much else to say tonight, not much going on really.Which in some ways is good. Anyhoo sending you happy thoughts of love and peace and fair favourable winds in your life, lotsa love EP xx

goodnight blogbelieve, I may lurk for a while but I'll see everyone tomorrow . have a great saturday everyone and sunday for PP and CC
and PP "but I love fush and chups!"

bye all!

toujours said...


before i launch into some ramble that might eventually make sense (and just as equally might not), i have to tell you something.

just now, i had a weird little experience.

i typed your name, as i do every time i'm able to say good night to you, and it just...

gah. this is ridiculous.

but it felt, nice. secure, almost. i get to say good night to you.

oh boy. do i go over the top with it or what? but what can i say, this is who i am. i blurt.

anyway, a little while ago i was off looking at pics from the madison square garden show. it was only a week ago, and already it is beginning to seem a little unreal, a little dreamlike. was i truly there? on the barrier?

did i really wave back at chris as he was bouncing in excitement, his band unbelieveably about to play madison square garden? did i really let tbs's music pull a spell out of me, cast out loud in the silence of their energetic playing? did i really hang there on the barrier next to gerard's mom, my enjoyment of the music matching her own?

it's not just a story my imagination is telling me, is it?

it felt like an ending, i cried for the ending of it, but maybe it was really the start of something. maybe the whole world turned over that night and i'm walking in a new land.

maybe anything truly is possible, and every path is available. i only have to choose. i only have to step out onto the road i desire.

do you feel this, mayo? or is it just me?

but, you see, it can be new.
always, and every day.

we choose our own starting points. we write our own stories. we are the heroes of our own fairy tales, walking through the dark wood, talking to animals and sharing our bread with old women.

we are all capable of doing the noble thing, of saving ourselves and the kingdom and the maiden on the high glass hill. i believe this utterly. i believe it of myself, and i believe it of you.

last friday, i was in new york, i was on the barrier and there was no time, there was only that band of brothers on stage. today i'm sleeping and dreaming and kissing white petals.

i will not let go of any of it.

i will take each and tuck them away in my pockets, wrapped in red flannel, talismans all. i will step out, and i will walk toward the dark wood, and i will find my story.

will you, mayo? will you give up the bitterness that surfaces occasionally in your posts and finally stride out, as i know you can, will you finally be your own hero?

you can.

and now i must sleep (again). my dreams tonight are all probably going to look like arthur rackham drew them. *grin*

mayo-sama, may your dreams carry great meanings, and may you be revitalized by them.

good night, my friend.

Vivienne said...

That sounds loverly Ergo, have fun.

Vivienne said...

Goodnight TJ :)

Vivienne said...

Well, with everything quiet, I think it's time for me to go.

Mayo, I haven't addressed you yet on this post, and though I doubt you'd notice, I'm sorry.
head in the clouds, as usual.

This was a very interesting post, one that I think will continue to run through my head for the rest of the night.
I hope you're well, I really do.
For all the times I don't address you, you're still in my thoughts.

SS, that goes for you too.

Goodnight Blog land.

xoxo cupcake

Anonymous said...

Toujours, that was lovely.

Don't worry about Mayo. He is living his dream life, the one he created.

Best of luck for the future Toujours.

Anonymous said...



farawaysoclose said...

morning mayo!
ok so limited time today! well kind of minus limited time but i wanted to say hello to the land of blogbelieve!
hope you are good mayo. hope you have a lovely saturday! take care!

SS how are you?? nothings changed so i take you haven't been around? have a good one SS and hope to see you soon!

family! it's saturday! (OK nearly sunday for those down under!!)

make it a good one!!

love to you all!

miranth said...

A *HUG* for anyone feeling sad.

Have a good day, everyone.

Anon616 said...

Good *insert time of day here* Mayo, SS, Miranth, FASC, Ergo, Cupcake, Possum, Kass, RW, anons, lurkers, watchers, ape (drapes) and baby possums of blogbelieve!

How are you this morning? Did you all have a wonderful night filled with sweet dreams? I hope so!

Carrie: I hope your daughter had a fabulous sweet sixteen and I hope the house is still standing!

J and L: I just can't seem to catch up to you ladies these days/nights :/ I hope you're both well!

BC: I miss you, sweetcheeks!

Miranth: *hugs back* Even if you're not sad. I hope you aren't! ;)

FASC: You make it a good one, too! And, YES. That's an order!

To ponder (or whatever) today:
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” Thoreau


So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about their religion;
respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.

Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,
even a stranger, when in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.

Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools
and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled
with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep
and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way.
Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.

Chief Tecumseh (Crouching Tiger)


Have an enchanting Saturday/Sunday, everyone!!!

Hugs and Love,

PS: To the anon who mentioned Saosin: I would like to say that
I heart Cove Reber too!!!

*note to self: learn to make pretty blogger hearts*

Anon616 said...


Wait just a minute.....
Jimmy Urine made fun of whom????


I'm seeing red now!
And to think, I was actually regretting not going see them play. (Umm....even though I could probably put together a band of more talented MUSICIANS in under 5 hours) The videos I saw DID look like fun! Everyone seemed to be having a good time....

Well, I am NOT regretting not attending that show now...pffft!

And he's from FINLAND not SWEDEN!

*takes deep relaxing breath*
*regains inner peace*

That's much better!

Twisted Sister said...

Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
Oscar Wilde
well,im off to work! Can anyone tell me why last night, i dreamt of evil clowns wearing stripper heels??

Anonymous said...

comfortable heels

Twisted Sister said...

Nice shoes! I would like a pair,but not very practical for work!!LOL!

Anonymous said...

One more thing. What SUCKS about this is that now he really can't talk to her, because of all of this it will look forced. That's all I have to say.

May 17, 2008 12:46 AM


Anonymous said...

how do i look for work

Anonymous said...



Twisted Sister said...

Now i could wear those! The other ones i would fall and bust my ass!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

iawtc means:

I agree with this comment

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I firmly believe that Mayo was Kapunua's favorite, "Calaf". It makes sense. When Mayo started obviously not liking Kapunua, Calaf disappeared.

Actually, no.

Calaf was here very recently asking for Kapu but she wasn't around at the time. Anons have been saying for months now that Mayo only tolerates her. Calaf is not Mayo.

Bellatrix said...

‘Morning Mayo,SS and Family!

Mayo,I won’t even pretend I have understood the meaning behind this one,but I have to tell you:it agitated me.First of all,because I hate clowns intensely(you can’t see the real man behind all that make-up),and second because you sound somehow resigned.

Hope I’m wrong and you’re better than ever.

Take care of yourself.


Okay,I’m kidding dude,but you’re really missed.Your wise words could be really helpful right now,you know...

Stay safe,and SMILE!

Hello Family!
I want you all to have a wonderful and relaxing Saturday,okay?

“the 'black parade' is a place where all emos believe they will go when they die”


Take care guys,I’ll see you later.
Love you all!

PS:My little albatross,I received your email.I’ll answer later today.

PSS:Jules,I’ll send an email to you too.

Anonymous said...

You know what? You can forever maintain your creative endeavors well into bliss.

I will never again enunciate feelings here. I will not squander precious words for the undeserving. They will be reserved for another.

Anonymous said...

I am still so sleepy.

My eyes are heavy.

Like the heaviness they feel after they've been leaking for hours.

Don't worry. I called the plumber a few weeks back. Everything's in ship shape.

The glue they use is amazing.

It was me and two others. One I lost. The other, someone found.

Now, it's me. And I think this is any different, because...?

It isn't any different. It is as it has always been.

Later guys. Have a wonderful, relaxing Saturday! This, as always, includes Mayo and SS as well! You two be good and don't get into trouble.

How'd everything go last night?

Anonymous said...

A head full of tragic schemes
what keeps me alive is dreams
I dream that someday
I'll find the key that sets my mind free
You may think I've lost control
The man with the broken soul
I'm not here to try and make excuses
Just believe me

But I'm still alive
I don't have any plans to go anywhere
You know I'm alive
I know I'm crazy but I still like it here
But I'm still alive
I don't have any plans to go anywhere
You know I'm alive
I know I'm crazy but I still like it here
But I'm still alive
I don't have any plans to go anywhere
You know I'm alive
I know I'm crazy but I still like it here
I don't want to die
You know I'm alive
You know I'm alive

Anonymous said...

9.07 why are copying words that were part of an anonymous discussion with miranth? just askin'.

sdock10 said...


'Morning, to ya. Wow, I slept unusually late for me. I feel kind of hungover. Interesting, how that happens when nothing happened. Maybe I was mind drunk? What does that mean? Not sure, but I think it has something to do with thinking too much. So much, that you head spins constantly and then boom, you body finally just shuts the fuck down and says no more.

Or maybe I made that shit up and don't have a fucking clue what I am talking about.

It sounded cool though, right.

Blog Drama again. I'm puzzled how and why this shit keeps happening on a blog. A blog, people. A fucking blog. I never thought people would cross the BlogBelieve line into reality, but they did when Kapunua lost her job, but for what? How can someone have that much hatred in their heart? How can people on here anonymously or not continue to be so mean, spiteful and hateful on a blog?

I have tried to never lose sight of the fact that this is your space. Every morning and every night, I do my best to speak directly to you. It's not to put you up on a pedastal. It's not because of who people think you could or could not be. It's not because my words are golden and gold is bringing a lot of money these days. It's out of repsect. It's because through your words, and words are all that I have, I relate to you. Now whether the comparisons and similarities that I have created in my head are actually true or not, doesn't really matter. I write to you to let you know that I listen, I hear you, and in my own twisted fucked up way, I get it. I hope you can still see that.

I found friends here. Real friends. And I have been sickened and disheartened to watch as folks come in and try to pick, pick, pick at every lose thread. We do our best to tie a knot and hang on but I wonder now, are we getting close to running out?

Damn, I am babbling hardcore this morning. Not sure if this makes any kind of good sense to anyone but me.

Mayo, go out and make something happen today. Do something so completely out of character that it makes people question whether or not they know you at all. And then, look them in the eye and say "no, you don't. You don't know me at all. You only know what you thought you knew."

Mind drunk or mind fuck? Who the hell can tell anymore?

Love to YOU Always,

p.s. Headaches, light sensitivity, and dry mouth.

Anonymous said...

Sociopaths are very egocentric individuals that lack a sense of personal responsibility and
morality. They may be impulsive, manipulative, reckless, quarrelsome, and consistent liars.

Sociopaths are usually unable to sustain relationships and have a total lack of remorse for their
actions AND may also be very prone to aggressive, hostile, and sometimes violent behavior.

There are three main categories of psychopaths:
•Primary psychopaths/sociopaths are considered to be the true sociopath. This is
the sociopath who appears to be very normal, calm, and educated on the exterior, but
on the interior, they are incapable of experiencing any form of emotional content.

They rarely come in contact with the law, but when they do, they are often able to talk
themselves out of trouble using their verbal skills. Despite this verbal eloquence,
the words often have no real emotional meaning for the sociopath. When the
primary sociopath does commit crimes, they are usually petty, meaningless, and
without logic, such as daredevil acts and disturbing the peace.

It is believed that a constant state of boredom and the lack of ability to truly feel deep emotion
are what lead to this random misbehavior or thrill seeking. This form of psychopaths "can
basically be thought of as emotional shells;the surface is all there, but there is no substance".

The sociopath is that truly self-absorbed individual with no conscience or feeling for
others and for whom social rules have no meaning. most all of us know or have come in contact with sociopathic individuals without even knowing it.

Factors: Aggressive narcissism

1. Glibness / superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Pathological lying
4. Cunning / manipulative
5. Lack of remorse or guilt in hurting others
6. Shallow
7. Callous / lack of empathy
8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
9. A sense of extreme entitlement
10.Inability to make or keep friends

Personality Disorders Center
Personality disorders involve a pattern of behavior that differs significantly from what is normal in a particular society and an inability to adapt to general life changes. They include paranoid personality disorder, borderline personality disorder (BPD), and various dissociative disorders. Passive aggressive behavior is closely associated with personality disorders.

sdock10 said...


Nothing happened except that we avoided the whole thing. We did our best to make things seem like they used to be, and we went to sleep. We will see if today we are still dreaming or back to fucking reality.

My head hurts....

Time to go out and soak up Saturday!

Love ya!


If you can read this, I miss YOU!

Pickled Possum said...

Morning all!

How is everyone this splendid weekend?

*hugs Socky*

RW said,
I can't imagine any place without racoons

We have NOTHING here!
No raccoons, no snakes, no ferocious creatures, nothing! There's a teeny biting coastal spider, but it is rare, and I do not know of anyone who has ever seen it.
We just run wild and free in the outdoors without fear of anything. (Unless you're scared of small flightless birds.)
We're very fortunate ^_^

It was lucky I just did a phrase search!! I had no idea it was connected to skittles, let alone 'lipstick' O_O

*PP sitting all innocent at the bottom of the world, getting bigger eyes by the day*

And while clowns are a topic around here, this is a rather scary one of the fast food variety

Have a great day everyone!

sdock10 said...

*catches PP on the way out and gives her a swift licking*

Fimble Star said...

PP, you are naughty hehehehe. oh well, you hve to be ;)

goodmorning everyone. hope you had pleasent sleeps and fun exciting dreams

it is saturday so have fun and enjoy it, booya.

jules, i finlly read it this morning, i will shoot you an email on what i think. its pretty hardcore. cheers for letting me see it.

fasc, bring on wednesday whoop whoop.

smok, dont get blown away, have fun at the wedding.

DOLPHIN - i am glad you recieved it. i hope it made you laugh hehe.

SS - if you have to so one thing today, you have to LOOK UP. you never know when a bird may fly over and decided to go to the toilet. you have to dodge that flying crapn at all costs. :)
have a fab day, smile.


Anonymous said...


Thank you!

A very nice way to start the day!!

*licks Socky back and pinches her on the butt*


toujours said...

Don't worry about Mayo. He is living his dream life, the one he created.

anon @ 3:13, i'm afraid i'll probably always worry about mayo. through the months here on this blog, he's become a friend and someone i care about. i want him to do well and be at his best, always.

and he may very well be living his "dream life", but all i have to respond to is what he writes here, and this post did not read like someone living out a dream.

i have confidence in his abilities, i truly do, but i'm still going to worry. i'm a ditherer, what can i say? *grin*

thank you as well for the kind words and well-wishes. i'm going to do my best!

and good morning, blogbelieve. ready to have a good week-end? i was told last night that today is saturday, so that's the week-end, right? *grin*

resurrected wreck said...

*tackles Fimmy*

resurrected wreck said...


Damn :(

elena said...

Top of the morning to all.

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy day.

I'm off to battle Sprint. For some weird reason they sent me 4 cell phones. Why? I am confused. I tried to call them but well lets just say the person I spoke to does not have a good grasp of the English language. So I'm going to talk to someone in person. Try to make sense of this. Yeah, good luck to me.

After the Sprint battle I'm going to work on my water garden. It's a beautiful day so I'm gonna take advantage of it. Hope eveyone else does the same.

Take care people, hang tough.

That goes for you too Mayo and SS



farawaysoclose said...


resurrected wreck said...

Hi, Elena and FASC! :D

FASC, were you lurking??

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