Thursday, March 27, 2008


or, my life…spent.

That last revolution left me dazed. The same scenery flashed and repeated in an orbital rhythm. My environment moved too quickly for me to identify solid form and everything around me slurred into a meander. Each day turned from brief respite into swift departure. I felt my gut at my feet and my head in a fog.

Towards the end, I heeled my words into the ground in a desperate attempt to persuade the fucking thing to stop. I hung on. My knees were raw from fighting the spin and the tops of my shoes were caked with the filth that surrounded my craft. Finally, I let go.

I was spun out, stopped; a playground massacre.

What a sight, covered in dust and dirt, sweat and blood. But, I was not alone. I managed to attract quite a malignant clutch. And while I lay there, words were unwound and lifted from their purpose by nasty little hands and then, repeatedly passed along, shoved into pockets, and spent on cheap ice cream concessions.

Now, after a few months in circulation, it is impossible to determine that they are counterfeit. They all spend the same, right?

I wrote that a while ago. It feels different to me now. Different, but still...relevant. Well, I am off.

p.s. I am at a distance; you are in proximity…but here, we maintain satellite and If you sspirit through here, “Thank you.”


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Anonymous said...

Or until I get bored and fuck off. Whichever comes first.

BUwhahahaha! Oh, this shit is better than day time television.

resurrected wreck said...

Bye, Solly, queen of the new page! :)

Original Punk J said...

You know, if Mayo really wanted to freak everybody out for April Fool's he should post at midnight tonight with just:

"I AM Gerard-Fucking-Way and SS IS Frank-Fucking-Iero.

Check the time and goodnight!"


Anonymous said...

Solly FTMFW!

Sorry RW, err, what I mean is, of course the number one spot shoudl have gone to you, because you are my number one! And I don't mean that in the "urination" kind of way.

Goodnight Solly!

sally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
resurrected wreck said...

Sorry RW, err, what I mean is, of course the number one spot shoudl have gone to you, because you are my number one! And I don't mean that in the "urination" kind of way.

Thank you, K. I am overwhelmed by the love.

Fimble Star said...

*turns off light*

*sits in darkness and see's something*

*looks a the green glowing in the dark light*

*turns light back on*

now who the fuck is that?

resurrected wreck said...

L: 0_0

Anonymous said...

RW, uhh, huh huh. That was a funny joke about you getting bored. *sweatdrops* You're so cute. Heh. I married you in part for your wicked sense of humor. Because I like things like that, you know, humor. And people who have a sense of it.

What I'm saying to you RW is that you're really sooooo funny.

You, uhh, like working in this business right? Yeah, you do. Just remember that.

ergoproxy said...

goodnight sdock

your t shit could have a unicorn with a "s-fucking''dock" t shit on

resurrected wreck said...

I don't know what you're talking about.

*crosses legs*

elena said...

Original Punks said...
You know, if Mayo really wanted to freak everybody out for April Fool's he should post at midnight tonight with just:

"I AM Gerard-Fucking-Way and SS IS Frank-Fucking-Iero.

Check the time and goodnight!"



ergoproxy said...

RW this glowstick thing made me snort laugh!

sally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fimble Star said...

rw, i was totally going to remark on that but heck, i will leave it be. not the time or place for it hahahahahahahaha

resurrected wreck said...

Did I tell you that I love you, K? 'Cause I, like, do. Um... really.

*nervous smile*

resurrected wreck said...

I admire your restraint, Fimmy!

Original Punk J said...

Or what we were talking about Elena. Letting Texas write the next post...


Anonymous said...


I hope you're off having fun or chillaxing or listening to Muse.

Hey guess what? I stopped for gas on my way back from KF tonight and I had the song, "Time Is Running Out" playing (that's my new favorite one tonight,) and I rolled down the window before shutting off my car, right? Well the gas station attendant came over and heard it and, I kid you not, he started getting down with his bad self. I was like, "Wow, look at you! Good song, right?" He didn't speak too much English but he laughed and kept on dancing until I shut the car off. Then before I left when I turned it on again, he danced all the way back into the gas station store.

It was really cute.

sally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

KD, I think I will write a song about it. I think I'll call it, "You're My Number One, But Not In The Urination Sort Of Way."

Then I'll write one called "Glow Stick Shot" or something.

RW, you daaamn right you love me. BELT BUCKLE! GET TO IT.

ergoproxy said...

ooh K I love that song too!

I always get looks when I pull up as I don't quite realise how loud I have the music!

resurrected wreck said...

*uncrosses legs*

*admires the glow*

You know, it's like looking at the lights of New York from across the harbour.

Anonymous said...

Fim, I heard a rumor on this blog that someone admired your restraints. I didn't know you were into that kind of thing.

sally said...

"Glow Stick Shot"

That will be in the top ten!

Original Punk J said...

BC, are you still around? Are you feeling better?


resurrected wreck said...

KD, I think I will write a song about it. I think I'll call it, "You're My Number One, But Not In The Urination Sort Of Way."

Oh honey, is that our song??

*blows nose with great emotion*

Fimble Star said...

jules, stfu :p

rw, i cant believe you just gave me that visual. you are totally a dirty naughty bird. get over there with slash. you both are dirty hahahahaha

elena said...

Texas write the next post?

Okay, sounds good to me. I'm all for Texas making an appearance.

ergoproxy said...

they're coming to take me away, hoo hoo hee hee haa haa
to the funny farm
where life is beautiful all the time
and I'll be glad to see those men in their nice white coats
and they're coming to take me away!!!

Anonymous said...

Never mind blowing your nose RW.


resurrected wreck said...

Fimmy: ;P

Anonymous said...

Ergo, I love that song! I made a video to that one, with all the people from my job. O_O

Fimble Star said...

ergo, hows the hair?

resurrected wreck said...

K: 0_0

JocelynHolly said...


Original Punk J said...

Elena, It's too bad the icons are disabled for that one! Can you imagine the one for Texas?

And what would be the topic for the post?


Fimble Star said...


paper fucking heartxx

resurrected wreck said...


*pounces on PH*

Anonymous said...

Yop, BTW, Taking Back Sunday and Muse are both down to play Reading this year. O_O

PLEASE TBS! Please do another NY date! ILUUUUUUU

ergoproxy said...

You know, it's like looking at the lights of New York from across the harbour.

*chokes on smoothie*

good thanks fim, all even colour again, though I got a bit more than I thought on the floor

hello PH!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi PH! How is your little self tonight?

elena said...

Original Punks said...
Elena, It's too bad the icons are disabled for that one! Can you imagine the one for Texas?

The icon box is way too small.


Oh hell, I'm totally not gonna touch that one. (wait that sounds wrong)

JocelynHolly said...

Hey FS! =]

*attacks RW with hugs!*

Hello to you too Ergoproxy!!!

Fimble Star said...

i hate it when that happens ergo. i had white walls in my bathroom one time and i had dark dye splattered all over the walls. i nearly died.

Anonymous said...


It's nearing two years, and I'm becoming impatient!

Fimble Star said...

how is the laptop, have you sorted it all out.

we are making t shits. you have to make yours!!!!!!

JocelynHolly said...

Hey K! My 'little' self is just dandy, eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream after a long ass 8 hour shift at work. =] How're you?

Hey Elena!

Anonymous said...

A universal hello to everyone!

Lots 'o you, you know? ;)

JocelynHolly said...

t shits? 0_0

FS, the laptop is pretty good right now, it's getting used lots, and I finally have proper music on itunes!

Original Punk J said...

Hey, Bubbles! Good to see you. I really liked the goodnight you left last night. You are definitly wise beyond your years.


Anonymous said...

Hi OP L. Yeah, I'm here. Still sick though :(

Hi fimmy, Elena. Goodnight Sd10

JocelynHolly said...



Anonymous said...

Hi grasshopper, mustard

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo, BC! :D

Fimble Star said...

hey 007, everytime i hear 'boyslikegirls' i think of you. everytime, like when i am in the car or basically anywhere. do you feel special now, hey, do you?

Original Punk J said...

Elena said...

Oh hell, I'm totally not gonna touch that one. (wait that sounds wrong)

To quote Mikey, Elena:

"Nobody likes a fibber!"


ergoproxy said...

poor BC hope you feel better soon!

JocelynHolly said...

Hey Opal!! Haha, you liked that? I was tired beyond my brains is more like it!! =] I'm glad someone liked it though! How are you dearie? <3


Anonymous said...

PH, lucky you! ^_^

mustardisbetter said...


OMG Fim was right. You are so dirty!

elena said...

Oh L

Leave Mikey out of this. He's too innocent.

Fimble Star said...

i told you jules, she is beyond dirty now and it isnt even sunday.

Original Punk J said...

BC, I'm sorry you still feel bad. Do you have some cold medicine?


Anonymous said...

You can't do that!!!

I didn't say those words, you chopped half the damn sentence off!

Casting me in a negative light like that. You should be ashamed.

JocelynHolly said...

FS, I do feel really special! I mean, they're an awesome band!! My favorite BLG song must definitely be Thunder;

Faber Drive concert tomorrow!! =] =] =]

Except, my sister broke her ankle, so I have to find someone else to go with me.

ergoproxy said...

don't let the look fool you elena - it's often the quiet ones you need to look out for

Fimble Star said...

what is faber drive 007. are they a band?

Anonymous said...

Shame? Me? Surely you jest. ;)

Original Punk J said...

Doing good, Bubbles. Yeah, I really did like your comment. Tired or not, it was insightful.

True, true. Or at least we think...


ergoproxy said...

she's broken her ankle?! Oh PH the poor thing!
How long will she be in plaster? and with a little baby!It's reat she has you to help her out

JocelynHolly said...

FS, yes they are a band. lol. They're the main act, then Hello Operator is opening for them. I'm totally pumped, yet pissed that my sister can't go.

Good song by Faber Drive.

resurrected wreck said...

Leave Mikey out of this. He's too innocent.


Fimble Star said...

and with that i am off to beddy byes.

nighty night everybody, sweet dreams.

mayo - i will miss you tonight if you pop by, never see you anymore but take care and stay away from fire. just leave it to the side for me to come and play with it :)

ss - nighty night and be safe. dont let the bed bugs bite. sweet dreams.

nighty night guys.

Anonymous said...

Hullo RW *squeeze*
Thanks Ergo :)

L, thanks, yeah, I took some medicine already. Biggest problem I have is just a stuffy nose, it's making my voice sound a bit off, should be okay in a couple of days.

How are you doing grsshopper?

Anonymous said...

Goodnight, Fimble! Sleep well!

I'll be back in a few, you guys. :)

Original Punk J said...

Goodnight, Fim. Don't set anything on fire!

I, mean, sweet dreams!


Anonymous said...

Nighty night fim.

JocelynHolly said...

Ergo, I know it's supposed to be in a cast for a while. She's walking around with crutches, so she can really only hold her baby if she's sitting. =[

Anonymous said...

Good night Your FimbleJazzness!

I liked this:

mayo - i will miss you tonight if you pop by, never see you anymore but take care and stay away from fire.

Mayo, what Fim said! Will probably miss you tonight, do miss you, take care and all that.

Oh, but you don't have to stay away from fire though. ^_^

I'll be heading in in about 20 minutes or so I expect. Just importing Muse onto the computer now.

Original Punk J said...

Ergo, you may be right. It is the quiet ones you have to look out for.

I was a quiet one...


resurrected wreck said...

Nighty night, Fimmy! :)

BC: *squeeze!*

elena said...

Hey Paper

Sorry to hear about your sister. I've never had a broken bone but I know it must be painful.


Yeah, it is always the quiet ones!

resurrected wreck said...

Same, L.

JocelynHolly said...

Sweet Dreams Fimble!<3 *tucks FS in*

*turns on nightlight*

*kisses FS's forehead*

Nighty night.


BC, I'm good, how're you? =]

Anonymous said...

This is what I'm listening to right now, and Ergo likes it too, so here are the lyrics:

I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
That you've created

You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

You will be the death of me
You will be the death of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out

I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted

Now that you know I'm trapped sense of elation
You'd never dream of
Breaking this fixation

You will squeeze the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

You will suck the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

ergoproxy said...

goodnight fimble! sweet dreams!

JocelynHolly said...


Anonymous said...

How'd she break it, PH?

Original Punk J said...

Sorry to hear about your sister, Bubbles. Hopefully she will be off the crutches soon. Can she wear one of the boots?

You too, RW? I know about Elena, and probably Ergo...

J. always says she thinks Mikey is not as innocent as he looks.


resurrected wreck said...

Mikey, I'd be willing to bet, is a little hellion.

JocelynHolly said...

I'm sure she'll be fine.

The weather has been wacky lately, rain and snow in one day, so you can imagine the slipperyness outside. She was walking inside from the car and she fell really badly.

Anonymous said...

Grasshopper, I hope you're sister makes a speedy recovery. I'm okay, but sick at the moment :(

ergoproxy said...

Kapunua I was playing it really loud yesterday!

In the concert they had words on the screens and drum riser in green on black, looked hella fabulous!

elena said...


You know about Elena? What?

I'm as innocent as they come. I swear how do these rumors get started?

Original Punk J said...

You may be right, RW. But he just looks so sweet and innocent.

Could be a disguise...


JocelynHolly said...

I hope you feel much better BC! Don't strain yourself, just take it easy so you can get better quickly. =]

resurrected wreck said...

It's a mask, L. He buys them at joke shops.

ergoproxy said...

L I was and still can be very quiet

Anonymous said...

Oh man PH, that's really shocking!

Ergo, you are so lucky to have witnessed that.

Dude right now I am listening to "Hysteria." And when he's singing, "I want it now, give me your heart and your soul" I have to say, if I heard that live I'd be like, "Here ya go, take it!" ^_^

Anonymous said...

And I have Splash to thank because she's the one who said, "Dude, listen to this song by Muse."

ILU forever for this Splash! ^_^

Original Punk J said...

I'm not sure, Elena, how these kinds of rumors get started.

But, I've HEARD things, oh, yes, missy, I have...


resurrected wreck said...

It's my beddy-bye time. Must get my beauty sleep!

Have a good night, everyone :)

Anonymous said...

Good night RW! Thank you for saving me from being in my thirties and single. For this I owe you my existence. ILY!!!

Original Punk J said...

I see, RW. The truth comes out...

Ergo, I can too, if I have to be, but I'm usually pretty loud.


JocelynHolly said...

I've heard that Muse was amazing, but I haven't heard them yet. What's the best song to first listen to?

Original Punk J said...

Goodnight, RW. Sweet dreams.


Anonymous said...

Okay, sorry I missed everyone who left, but a good goodnight to you!

elena said...

But, I've HEARD things, oh, yes, missy, I have...

L - I am not even gonna ask what you've heard but I'm sure it's all untrue. Now the stuff I've heard about you.....

JocelynHolly said...

*tucks RW in*
*puts an extra blanket on her*

*kisses forehead*

Sweet dreams RW!<3

resurrected wreck said...

That's what I'm here for, K! (If not for that, then what else?)

If you see a green hazy glow tonight, think fondly of me...

ergoproxy said...

goodnight RW!
sweet dreams and good luck with the BG of D tomorrow.

kapunua I would see them again in a heartbeat, plus when Matt sings "Ooh baby don't you know I suffer, ooh baby can you hear me moan"
*shiver me timbers!*

Original Punk J said...

Well, Elena, I'm sure everything you've heard is...wait, was it good or bad?

As for you, well, we keep getting these phone calls that tell us oh, so many things.


Anonymous said...

RW, honey you are good for A LOT of things. Don't limit yourself! You are also a fantastic billboard!

paperheartxx said...

I've heard that Muse was amazing, but I haven't heard them yet. What's the best song to first listen to?

Well the first one I heard was "Blackout" played live, which Mustard posted. Then after that I heard "Stockholm Syndrome" which I loved even more, and it rocked my face off. I mean honestly, it does, literally. Literally. Like when I listen to it, I have absolutely no face.

The one whose lyrics I just posted too, "Time Is Running Out" is also an eargasm.

You won't be disappointed! ^_^

ergoproxy said...

PH it would be very hard to choose. I really love the songs on "Black Holes and Revelations" perhaps "Starlight" or Invincible? as a first song, but anything you can't really go wrong
my next album would be Showbiz esp Fillip then Absolution then Origin of Symmetry

Anonymous said...

kapunua I would see them again in a heartbeat, plus when Matt sings "Ooh baby don't you know I suffer, ooh baby can you hear me moan"

WAIT, WHAT? What song is this?


Anonymous said...

Oh PH, of course! Just go hit up S(S)S's blog! ^____^

JocelynHolly said...

I don't think that I will be disappointed. When it comes to music K, I don't get too picky with what I hear. I'll be sure to check them out

Anonymous said...

Goodnight RW. Thanks grasshopper *hugs*

ergoproxy said...

kapunua you MUST seek out Crying Shame, it's one of my favourites

Anonymous said...

Right now it's still "Blackout" for me.

The peaks and the valleys and the crying. It's an amazing piece.

But there will always be a soft spot for "Soldier's Poem" because it's so, what's the word, mournful.

JocelynHolly said...

Guys, slow down! lol. I must find them all!!

ergoproxy said...


it's the start of Supermassive Black Hole! A damn sexy song

Ooooooooh oh you set my soul alight

Original Punk J said...

How are the guitar lessons going, Bubbles?

Have any of you guys heard Hard-Fi? I loved their first album, Stars of CCTV.


JocelynHolly said...

Opal, they're alright. They'd be better if I got my fucking guitar back already.


Anonymous said...

Googled, Supermassive Black Hole. Oh man, I will so have to download that bitch tomorrow.

So okay, all I have right now is Absolution, but you guys are saying "Crying Shame" and "Soldier's Poem."

Okay, I will write those down and seek them out tomorrow.

Mayo? You got a song to recommend to us? Or maybe you're not into this band, that's cool too! :D ANyway I miss you!

Original Punk J said...

By the way, has anyone heard from CTV, DG, or Safe on the Waves?


Anonymous said...

L, not sure what happened with CTV or Safe, but CTV left a comment on my blog the other day, as for DG, she's not coming back to the blogs anymore.

JocelynHolly said...

Nope, I have not Opal, for both questions. I get worried when I don't see someones name in blue for a while.

I'm missing Sister Midnite. Where is she? =(

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello all.

I have heard from CTV she seemed alright.

I saw safe earlier today. I don't know about DG.

Original Punk J said...

Well, Bubbles, that would help! :)

I really want to start my drum lessons back. I really can't keep a drum kit in an apartment, too much noise, but I would love to get back to it. I still do the movements in the car to the music. Both feet and hands.

Works best on the interstate. Not a lot of breaking involved!


ergoproxy said...

K crying shame was a b side so it may be harder to find.
Black Holes and Revelations is a great album.

You should get Showbiz too, damn these guys have too many great songs!

Anon616 said...

Hello everybody!!!!

Well, The Mississippi has NOT popped her cork.....yet *whew*

How are you all tonight?

OP L!!! How's J and Sparkle?

Paperheartxx: I believe I read you liked BLG!

Here's a little LIVE Boys Like Girls for ya:

BLG New Orleans

*pounce tackle hugs and smooches for all*

Original Punk J said...

I wish DG would come back, I miss seeing her name in blue too.

Sister Midnite! I remember seeing her on a few times lately but not much. I was looking back over some of the old blogs and seeing old friends. Gel, Andibomb, FreddyCharles, AIP, etc.


ergoproxy said...

hello MJ how are you?

Anonymous said...

Hi MJ. How are you?

Anonymous said...

Well guys, I should get to bed about now. Thank you for the fun conversation tonight and for the other song recommendations. This is so exciting for me, you have no idea. Getting into a whole new world of music, I mean I can’t explain it and it would probably sound so dumb to most people, but this really can make my entire week, month even. It makes me giddy, you know? That’s how I felt over MCR last year, only I immediately had an emotional attachment to them; they woke up something in my music loving self that I though was gone. Well anyway, no need to get into that.


Mayo yeah, miss you. Hope you are having a swell time and tonight will have sweet dreams of candy and starshine and letters on parchment written with feather quills. I don’t know dude, I can’t even figure out where this nonsense comes from half the time. Be well. ^_^

S(S)S, take care of your lovely self and honestly,if it gets tiring being you, with all your joy and the responsibility I think you must feel to spread said joy, take some time to recharge yourself everyday, okay? Let yourself get pissed or peevish or whatever. I sometimes wonder if you don’t take an awful lot on yourself, so once in a while take the world off your shoulders and set it aside. ^_^ You’re a really, really good person.

Good night guys!

Anon616 said...

Ergo: did you get that address(es)

Hi Martha! How are feeling tonight?

HI Mayo and SS, if they lurk!

Anonymous said...

Hi sugarplum *hugs and kisses*

elena said...

Hey MJ

Hey Wendy

Original Punk J said...

Hello, Martha! How are you feeling tonight?

Hey, Wendy! J. and Sparkle are doing fine. J. says "HI!" and Sparkle says "BAAA!" (Also HI!)

Did you get the pic of Sparkle in her pink beads?


Anonymous said...

Goodnight K.

ergoproxy said...

SisM when she called in last said she'd been really busy, I miss a lot of people being around.

Rose for emily was here the other day though :)

Anon616 said...

Bleeding Chaos said...
Hi sugarplum *hugs and kisses*

*big hugs and kisses back to my sweetcheeks*

How are you, BC? And Elena (if she's still around)?

Night-night to anyone going in search of the sandman!

JocelynHolly said...

Thanks Six!! *pounce*

How're you? =]

Sweet Dreams K!!<3
*tucks in*

*kiss on forhead*

Original Punk J said...


I see you have "conveniently" not answered my last accusation...


JocelynHolly said...

Hey Martha!!! =]

Yeah, I'm really missing SM. *hangs head*

Original Punk J said...

I saw Rose for Emily was in earlier, Ergo. That was good to see.


elena said...

Night K

See you tomorrow

Anon616 said...

Original Punks said...

Did you get the pic of Sparkle in her pink beads?


I did not L! Well, I know it's there; but my inbox won't let me IN again. I need to do so more spring cleaning....
Hopefully, I'll be able to view the precious Sparkle, showing off her pink beads, tomorrow!

Give her and J a great big hug for me!!!

Here's one for you:

*great big hug*

Elena: Did you have fun at the casino last night?

JocelynHolly said...

Six, I actually loved watching those videos. Memories came flooding back from when I saw them live in November.

I feel like a hero, and you are my heroine

Anonymous said...

I'm okay Wendy, but my nose is starting to stuff up again :(

elena said...

Sure did Wendy. I won money then I turned around and lost it. That's how it always goes.

Anon616 said...

*picks self off floor and dusts self off (again)*

Thanks Bubbles/Paper!!!!

I'm good, thanks for asking. Did you learn those HIM songs yet? ;)

I was wondering what happened to CTV and Safe. I'm glad you've heard from them Martha and happy to hear they're both okay!

I hope DG decides to come back...

JocelynHolly said...

LOL how could I Six! I still don't have my guitar!! =[ =[ =[

I miss DG tons, I want her back, this instant!!! =[


ergoproxy said...

HI Wendy i did! thank you!!

Original Punk J said...

I will Wendy! Sparkle is so cute in her beads.

I need to go, Logan is sneezing his little bunny head off, and I got him out to wipe off his nose, but I think I need to break out the aspirator and give him another CC of Benadryl.

A bunny who is allergic to himself. Who would have thought?

Goodnight, my sisters, and brothers, sweet dreams.

Love. Hope. Peace.


Anon616 said...

Elena said...
Sure did Wendy. I won money then I turned around and lost it. That's how it always goes.
Yep, those casino's know how to 'getcha', don't they?

Which I why I don't visit them....
often ;)

Well, as long as you had FUN losing your money!

Paper: They are a really GREAT live band, aren't they ? !
I'm glad you enjoyed the videos, love!

*passes box of Puffs to BC*

Anonymous said...

goodnight L

Anonymous said...

*Grabs box of Puffs from Wendy*

Thanks sugarplum :D

JocelynHolly said...

Sweet Dreams Opal!!! *hug*

Six, they really are amazing live! I didn't get to meet them after, becasue the security dude kicked us out! But I love them tons!!

Original Punk J said...


Quick goodnight tonight, bunny mommy duties call!

Have a wonderful night, and I leave you with a quote from the temple of Apollo.

"Know Thyself"

You may find someone you admire and love.

Goodnight, Sweetheart.


elena said...

Goodnight L

Sweet donut dreams

Anon616 said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams L!!!!

I hope Logan feels better soon.
Poor little bunny wabbit :(
Allergic to HIMSELF????


Give him an extra big cuddle and nuzzle for me, L!

Ergo: do you have any of that scothch handy?

ergoproxy said...

goodnight L look after bunnykins

Anonymous said...


Now that I've gotten a little bit of peace and quiet for the idiots next door! (Scratch that. The idiots are still idiots after having written this. >_<)

You know what? You're a good dude. And I'm proud of the progress that it looks like you've made. Maybe you don't need me to say that, or maybe you did because no one has in your real life, or maybe you look in the mirror and tell yourself that every day.

But, any way you look at it, it's always nice to be told just one more time.

If it's working, whatever it is you're doing, keep on doing it. If you're having to turn your insides out and pick away the cancerous parts, do it and never look back.

If you aren't where you want to be, stop and look around. Make sure. Then if it isn't what you wanted, work on changing it. And don't tell me that it's impossible, because you've got a whole room full of ladies trying their very best to do just that.

Become better than what we are.

I have faith in you, dude. You'll come out on top. Goodnight to you.


A good evening to you as well! Seems we've started some sort of crazy transformation in someone O_O. I don't know about you, but I'm not complaining! ;)

Later, buddy. Have a good night.

Original Punk J said...


Goodnight to you as well. Take care of yourself, my friend. You will never know how much you mean to so many people.

And if you haven't been told in a while, you really do.

Its all about the love,


Anonymous said...

Wow, that didn't sound the best written down.

What I mean is I'm not complaining that someone else has taken up with an amazing band with amazing musicianship.


Anonymous said...

goodnight mustard

ergoproxy said...

*hands over scothch*

Anon616 said...

paperheartxx said...
Sweet Dreams Opal!!! *hug*

Six, they really are amazing live! I didn't get to meet them after, becasue the security dude kicked us out! But I love them tons!!


Mean old security people!

Here you go Paper (it's my niece but you have permission to fib and say it's you) ;)

Boys Like Girls - House Of Blues


elena said...

night mustard

ergoproxy said...

Goodnoght Mustard sweet dreams!

back in a bit peeps!

Anon616 said...

ergoproxy said...
*hands over scothch*

*takes scothch and pours shot on the rocks*

Thanks Ergo!

BC: I think I need a couple of Puffs for myself.....
You're giving me your sniffles!

Anon616 said...

Hi Mustard! Goodnight Mustard!

Anonymous said...

Wendy, say it isn't so :(

Anon616 said...

pssst....if you can't see the pictures Paper, I'll e-mail them to you (once I get my e-mail fixed - again)


Anon616 said...

I do believe t'is so, BC!

Just my luck. I hope these sniffles won't last long - for either one of us!

sally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JocelynHolly said...

sweet dreams Mustard! <3

Six, I can't see the pictures unfortunately =[

JocelynHolly said...

Hey Katherine!!!


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello once again and goodnight to everyone who is asleep.

Sorry I disappeared I had to take care of lucy the family dog

sally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i hope so sugarplum. Hi katherine, mj

JocelynHolly said...

Welcome back MJ =]

sally said...

Hey MJ & BC!

Anon616 said...

HI KD!!! And HI again Martha!

How are the kids doing? Are they still sick? Is Lucy sick now too?

Paperheart: I'll try uploading them to TinyPic for you.

JocelynHolly said...

I'm assuming that I am the young aunt you are referring to, =] lol i'm good, How are you? My baby is growing fastly, she smiles lots. Which I love

JocelynHolly said...

Awwh you don't have to six! I can wait. =]

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello bc, ph, kd and 6.

Lucy is being a bitch that is all

JocelynHolly said...

YEEEEEEE first comment!! =] =] =]

That's the first time for me!!!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Are people still lost on the last page.

sally said...

MJ, I'm assuming your scan went well. How are the headaches these days?

Wendy, I hope you are keeping your safety in mind, in light of what's going on over there.

JocelynHolly said...

lol Martha it appears so! :P

Martha Smith-Jones said...

KD the scan came back normal. The headaches have become better. They aren't as bad, as long or come as often

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Has anyone sen those lifelock ads. the guy puts out his real ss number betting a million dollars that you can steal his identity Well someone stole his identity

JocelynHolly said...

MJ I haven't seen that, that's pretty funny actually.

sally said...

That's good to read MJ.

I'm heading off now, just wanted to drop in. Goodnight all, sweet dreams!

Anonymous said...

Hello new page people

Anon616 said...






Okay, uploading those 5 wore me out!

I bet ya'll thought I got lost, huh? ;)

JocelynHolly said...

Sweet Dreams Katherine!! <3

Welcome BC, were you caught between last page and this one? =]

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