Thursday, March 27, 2008


or, my life…spent.

That last revolution left me dazed. The same scenery flashed and repeated in an orbital rhythm. My environment moved too quickly for me to identify solid form and everything around me slurred into a meander. Each day turned from brief respite into swift departure. I felt my gut at my feet and my head in a fog.

Towards the end, I heeled my words into the ground in a desperate attempt to persuade the fucking thing to stop. I hung on. My knees were raw from fighting the spin and the tops of my shoes were caked with the filth that surrounded my craft. Finally, I let go.

I was spun out, stopped; a playground massacre.

What a sight, covered in dust and dirt, sweat and blood. But, I was not alone. I managed to attract quite a malignant clutch. And while I lay there, words were unwound and lifted from their purpose by nasty little hands and then, repeatedly passed along, shoved into pockets, and spent on cheap ice cream concessions.

Now, after a few months in circulation, it is impossible to determine that they are counterfeit. They all spend the same, right?

I wrote that a while ago. It feels different to me now. Different, but still...relevant. Well, I am off.

p.s. I am at a distance; you are in proximity…but here, we maintain satellite and If you sspirit through here, “Thank you.”


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Anon616 said...

Good afternoon/evening Mayo, SS, BC, Amy (and Lear), Bella, Smoke, Solly, Mustard, Martha (it's about time you came back), K, various anons and lurkers!

How are you all? Better than I am, I hope. I still have an upset tummy :/
I'm never eating that much CAKE again! ;)

Anonymous said...
"If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with"
Umm...well...NO! I mean, doing that may result in some satisfaction; but it's NEVER truly fulfilling. Most often, it only reminds you of the LOVE you lack and/or yearn for....

Hugs and Love,

PS: Bella, pass the green fairy to me. It might help my tummy :D

sdock10 said...

Damn, I'm a loser...

Anonymous said...

Oh man.

See? That's why I never say an "Eat it, Buster!" comment when I think I have a chance at getting the first comment on the page.


Anonymous said...

BC are you learning disabled? I'm not being a bastard I really want to know.

sdock10 said...

Hey Everyone on the new page! Anyone that I have missed and anyone that lurks or is watching!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sugarplum *Smothers with kisses and hugs* I'm alright, just really tired.

Anonymous said...

That was a good conversation. We hadn't done that in a long time, you know?

And look! We all still have our heads! ;)

Hey everyone over here!

Anonymous said...

Hi Solly

resurrected wreck said...

That was a good conversation. We hadn't done that in a long time, you know?

And look! We all still have our heads! ;)

My feelings exactly, Mustard!

Anon616 said...

Bleeding Chaos said...
Hi Sugarplum *Smothers with kisses and hugs* I'm alright, just really tired.

Hi sweetcheeks!!! Sorry to hear you're tired. You might want to do a little less partying on your birthday next year.

*hugs and kisses right back at ya*

sdock10 said...

Mustard, I was thinking the same thing!

Hey BC!

Anon616 said...

Hi RW! I didn't see you there.

How's that ballgown of doom coming along?

Smoke said...

Oh! He's playin' over here now! ^_^

Hello everyone. RW, you are sneaky.

Anonymous said...


farawaysoclose said...

sorry guys i was just catching up on stuff!!

lovely to be back although i've barely been here!! i know i am rubbish.

got to go get organised for the morning now.

have a fun evening everyone.

mayo and SS take care Ok.

love to all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks sugarplum. I'll hang in there. :)

How was your day?

Bellatrix said...

*takes a glass and pours the green fairy for Wendy*

Here,my friend. There's nothing better for you tummy, trust me! ;)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha you are not understanding and neither is BC. BC said that what the anon was SEARCHING FOR was not enough. If they were searching it means they were SEARCHING. Now who are either of you to judge what that person desires and say that it is "not enough"??

March 30, 2008 5:17 PM

Where are you getting this shit that I am judging this person. The anon seems unhappy with what they have and what they are searching for. Which means they haven't found what they need. So maybe they need to search for something else.

And who the hell are you to say that what this person has makes them happy. You are the one judging. I am only saying that if you are unhappy with what you have in life you need to find the thing that makes you happy.

Anon616 said...

FASC!!!!! Can't you stay for a few minutes? We rarely 'catch' each other 'in real time' these days.....

Anonymous said...

Bye, FASC! See you tomorrow!

Smoke said...


I bet you're not half as confused as I am most of the time.

resurrected wreck said...

Hello, Anon 616 :) The ballgown of doom is... progressing. We have another fitting with the singer wo we have to have it at least fitting-ready by Wednesday, along with another gown for her. It's going to be tight, but I think we can do it. May mean overtime hours this week, but hey! that just means more money come payday :)

Anonymous said...

Goodnight faraway.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello 6 how are you?

Anonymous said...

If you are searching for something then maybe you are unhappy with what you have. But why would anyone be unhappy with what they were SEARCHING for?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodbye FASC

resurrected wreck said...

Hello everyone. RW, you are sneaky.


*tries on FS's innocent look*

Anonymous said...

Give up Anon, they do not appear to understand your point, valid as it may be.

He is unhappy with what he has, so he is searching for something better. You were missing the point that was being made, BC told him there was something better than what he was searching for. That is judging.

Anon616 said...

martha jones said...

"I am only saying that if you are unhappy with what you have in life you need to find the thing that makes you happy."

I think that is very good advice, Martha. I think it's also important to remember to search for that happiness "within" ourselves......

If we're not happy with ourselves, no other person, no other thing, no amount of money or success will MAKE us happy.

resurrected wreck said...

Have a lovely evening, FASC :)

Bellatrix said...

Bye faraway, take care!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Because they are looking in the wrong place. It is the difference between what you think will make you happy and what really will make you happy.

Anonymous said...

Don't even try to pretend to be innocent RW. We can see right through you, missy ;p

Anonymous said...

anon616 said...

If we're not happy with ourselves, no other person, no other thing, no amount of money or success will MAKE us happy.

Even if you imagine it will.

Anon616 said...

Martha: I have a tummy ache; but, other than that; I'm good!

How are you? Did you get the results from your cat scan yet?

RW: I'm glad to hear the ballgown situation is a little less doomy!
How have you been?

resurrected wreck said...

BC: 0_0


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give up Anon, they do not appear to understand your point, valid as it may be.

He is unhappy with what he has, so he is searching for something better. You were missing the point that was being made, BC told him there was something better than what he was searching for. That is judging.

March 30, 2008 5:30 PM
I understand what you are saying. I don't agree with it.

Anonymous said...

Martha Jones said...
Because they are looking in the wrong place. It is the difference between what you think will make you happy and what really will make you happy.

a) do you know what they are looking for?

b) then how can you say they are looking in the wrong place?

c) how do you know what they think will make them happy (the thing they are searching for) WON'T make them happy?

Anonymous said...

That was a good conversation. And although it's not likely that The Big Issues will get resolved over a conversation on a blog, it still feels good to shake that stuff out once in a while. For me anyway. And I hope for all you others.

I've made another smoothie, anyone want one? ^_^ This one is kiwi, mango, pear, acai.

resurrected wreck said...

RW: I'm glad to hear the ballgown situation is a little less doomy!
How have you been?

Very busy at work and looking forward to a break! But otherwise fine :) How are you?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

6 my cat scan came back normal.

Anon616 said...

Anonymous said...
anon616 said...

If we're not happy with ourselves, no other person, no other thing, no amount of money or success will MAKE us happy.

Even if you imagine it will.


Anonymous said...

Care to explain why you don't agree with it?

Anonymous said...

5:35, agreed. No one said what they were searching for, and one can only assume that if it is something they wanted, it must be something they find worth searching for.

Anonymous said...

*Pretends to gasp at RW* ;p

resurrected wreck said...

That smoothie sounds scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

I mean, 5:34, agreed.

MJ, that's great news; I'm so glad for you. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Without even KNOWING what he was searching for, how could BC dare to presume there is something BETTER than what he is searching for.

sdock10 said...


Yes, please!

Anonymous said...

do more searching

Amyranth said...

"We must like what we have when we don't have what we like"

Not when it comes to people.

When you can't afford anything better, you make do with what you've got.


Anonymous said...

RW: It tastes like acai, actually.

Well no, to be honest, it is actually quite tastier than the other this-that-this-and that / acai smoothies I've been making. I think the kiwi adds a lot of yumminess!

Anon616 said...

Martha: That's great news!!!!
I bet you're relieved!

Having said that; does your doctor have any idea what's causing you to be so tired and feel like crap?

Method Actress said...

Long time.

Anonymous said...

Of course that could also be the pieces of chocolate bar I threw in there.

Solly, I will make one for you but all my smoothies have acai in them. So's ya know.

Anonymous said...

Mayo/GV was around so it only makes sense that MA shows up too

sdock10 said...

What the fuck is acai?

Amyranth said...

Oh Bella~

If you want, feel free! I'd like to see what a traditional family meal is like from Rome, and pasta is always a plus!


Anonymous said...

great, that's all we need.

Anonymous said...

Um, can I have a strawberry one?

I mean, if it isn't too much trouble.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha Jones said...
Because they are looking in the wrong place. It is the difference between what you think will make you happy and what really will make you happy.

a) do you know what they are looking for?

b) then how can you say they are looking in the wrong place?

c) how do you know what they think will make them happy (the thing they are searching for) WON'T make them happy?

March 30, 2008 5:34 PM

I don't know and neither do you. I am going by the fact that person said that they are still searching.

If you haven't found what you want yet than you either need to keep searching or look some place else.

Because people settle. It is easier to settle than it is to work at (search) for what makes you happy.

Amyranth said...

Hello Method Actress!

How are you?


resurrected wreck said...

RW: It tastes like acai, actually.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

*has no idea what acai is*

Anonymous said...

MJ, that's great news. Are you feeling okay now?

ergoproxy said...

Good morning!

How is everyone?

Looks like i have to read back a page as there is obviously somthing I've missed as I don't understand any of the conversations here!

Method Actress said...

:: raises eyebrow ::
Whichever floats your boat.

resurrected wreck said...

Of course that could also be the pieces of chocolate bar I threw in there.

I totally approve.

Method Actress said...

Thanks for the acknowledgment. I've been better, yet it's too quick to tell.

And you?

Anonymous said...

you're such a diva

Anonymous said...


Anon616 said...

Amy: I missed you last night! How are you?

Bellatrix said...
Amy,there are a lot of great Italian recipes

I would like some of those recipes, Bella. Italian is my favorite!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello again Method Actress.

Amyranth said...

Hallo Ergo!

Just discussing settling for better or searching for less.

I think.

I just got back from doing the dishes myself.


resurrected wreck said...

Hullo, EP! :D

Anon616 said...

Hello Ergo and MA!

How are ya'll doing today?

Method Actress said...


Anonymous said...


Basically it's a berry from the Amazon which has more antioxidants in it than either blueberries or (*gasp!*) pomegranate. O_O

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:42

And if I have, I will apologize to the anon at hand, but not to someone who can't behave like yourself.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you 6 and Kapu.

As far as what was causing them no idea. But I did cut out caffeine and started going to sleep earlier. I still get the headaches but not as often and no where near as bad

Anonymous said...

Good morning Ergo

Amyranth said...


Hungry :)

I'm asking around for recipes, we've far too many things we keep eating over and over. I need something new.

Do you cook?


sdock10 said...

Acai sounds yummy!

Smoke said...

I want a strawberry-banana one.

Please. ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

The acai juice in that Wiki piccie looked like a cup of chocolate mousse!

Anonymous said...

Okay, lemme whip some up.

Actually acai is only yummy (to me) with other stuff mixed in. Otherwise it tastes like licking a wet stick. Well, with a slight chocolatey flavor.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jules?

With this stuff being a powerful antioxidant, it would, logically, help to decrease the frequency of headaches, would it not?

Anon616 said...

I'm glad the headaches are better, Martha. I'm also happy your insomnia has not returned!

BC: Did you get any more birthday presents? Something misty, perhaps.


Amyranth said...


Yeah, my guy came home last night from his trip, earlier than I expected so I had to ditch out on BC's party.

Did you guys have a good time last night?


Method Actress said...

I bid farewell. I'm off.

sdock10 said...

Hey MA, Hey Ergo, Hey Bella, and anyone else I have missed!

I am eating Triscuits and got kind of sidetracked.

Smoke said...


Have you licked a wet stick? O_o

Just playin'!

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand the need for some anons to constantly repeat their arguments as if everyone here is too dense to get their point. It is childish and annoying.

sdock10 said...

Licking a wet stick?

For real?


Anonymous said...

I am eating Triscuits and got kind of sidetracked.

They'll make you do that!

And choke you!

resurrected wreck said...

Is there something wrong with licking a wet stick??

Smoke said...


Anonymous said...

not everyone. just 2 people.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

RW I think it would depend on what kind of stick and what it is wet with.

resurrected wreck said...

Are you going to feed us acai smoothies when we all gather at your place on our way to see a Leathermouth show, K? :)

Anonymous said...

Method Actress said...
I bid farewell. I'm off.

*cue GV's entrance*

Smoke said...

Ok, ewwww.

sdock10 said...

Now, I am eating celery. Feels like I need a Bloody Mary or something.

Anonymous said...

That depends very much on the cause of the headaches, Splash. Acai is a really powerful anti inflammatory, and some headaches do come from inflamed nerves--sometimes even entrapped nerves, sore muscles, blood pressure, dilated blood vessels. As far as vasodilation goes I'm not certain that fits in with inflammation but maybe? If so, and if the headaches are caused by like extreme vasodilation then it could help.

But like I tell everyone: Doctors will never tell you because they rarely know. Most headaches and illnesses are caused by subluxations in your spine. Your spinal nerves are connected to everything in your body, every organ everywhere. When those nerves get trapped they don't function at 100%. It's like dimming the light switch and wondering why it's so dark in one room. Get rid of the subluxations and the body starts to take care of itself.

Anonymous said...

Martha Jones said...
RW I think it would depend on what kind of stick and what it is wet with.

now THAT was funny.

Anon616 said...

Amy: That's right! I did read that your guy was pulling you away from the keyboard.

Hmmm.....I WONDER WHY he was doing that????

*thinks he missed his lady very, very much*


I arrived very late last night. I did manage to catch BC and capture a couple of...ummm.....metal things!

Smoke said...


Smoothies and Leathermouth!



Bellatrix said...

Martha, great news!

Amy and Wendy, no problem! I'll do it tomorrow as soon as I'm back home!

Hi ergo and nice to meet you method actress!

Well guys, I'm off to bed.
It was truly interesting chatting with you all.I had a really nice time. ;)
See you tomorrow.
Love you all!

PS: Fimble, I took those pictures but my computer doesn't allow me to upload them. Hope to send them to you as soon as possible!

PSS: Mayo, it was nice to see you.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I want a mango smoothie. Or I should say I would like a mango smoothie please.

Anonymous said...

RW I think it would depend on what kind of stick and what it is wet with.

Oh. My. God.

*is not a dirty bird*

Anonymous said...

I have licked many a wet stick! See if I don't go and lick some more!

Amyranth said...

Thank you Oyamton.

I agree.


resurrected wreck said...

Good point, MJ.

resurrected wreck said...

I have licked many a wet stick! See if I don't go and lick some more!

I knew I married you for a reason, K!

ergoproxy said...

ok I've read over and "Hello Mayo" chucking shodows about still? Again? Hope it's working for you!

yeah I think you have to be realistic in what you wish for, that you are going to legitimately persue but having a dream or a goal isn't wrong.
Sometimes you have to adjust yourself as new information or experience comes to light, but always assuming there is something better can be just as harmful as assuming what you have is all there is.

It's a difficult to know the difference, but I think, you need to really know yourself to understand what you need. If you try and replace that with external things it'll never feel like it's right.
And for many understanding yourself is the hardest and scariest thing.
Plus it changes as you grow and experience things

Smoke said...

Headaches suck major ass.


I have one right now. The only thing I can do is wait it out.

Anonymous said...

Wendy, no misting last night, but I'm holding him to his promise, you better believe it ;)

Amy, there was only about three of us celebrating because I got home late, but Ergo brought some strippers ^_^

Hello oyamton. Nice name.

Anonymous said...

All right, MJ, I will whip one up for you as well!

RW, you bet that's what I'll serve.

Honestly though, and like all for real? When Leathermouth does play again, you guys are seriously invited to stay with me, or we could meet somewhere up here even, and all go to the show together. How cool would that be?

Anon616 said...

Martha Jones said...
RW I think it would depend on what kind of stick and what it is wet with.


And what body (of water) it's been dipped in too!

Anonymous said...

RW, STFU and get to work on this belt buckle.


resurrected wreck said...

Have a good night, Bellatrix :)

Smoke said...

Denny Hamlin won! Whoop! Whoop!

Jr Anon,

Again, don't even think about it.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams bella.

sdock10 said...

I'd much rather lick a wet stick than a dry one.

...just sayin

In case ya know, I ever have to choose.

Jules, that would be so cool to meet up for Leathermouth or TBS.

Anonymous said...

Oh hey check it out:

The vernacular name is also sometimes spelled Assai Palm in English.


resurrected wreck said...

K: ;P

Anonymous said...

TBS, Solly, I would so meet you guys in the middle. Because while LM might do a few shows locally, you know that TBS is going to go everywhere next fall and I surely would not be averse to seeing them more than once. ^_^

Smoke said...

I will spend all my life savings (not a whole helluva lot) to go see Leathermouth.

Oh. My. Gaawwwd. ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

Honestly though, and like all for real? When Leathermouth does play again, you guys are seriously invited to stay with me, or we could meet somewhere up here even, and all go to the show together. How cool would that be?

Totally cool!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight Bella.

Thank you Kapu.

I was going to say something else but I forgot what it was.

Amyranth said...

Wendy, did he ever!

Bella! See you later, have a nice sleep!


sdock10 said...

Okay, Jules, then it's a date...we pick a middle spot and meet up. OH MY FREAKIN GAWWWWWHD!! How fun would that be? Pretty damn, right?

Smoke said...

Every single time I watch the videos of Leathermouth at The Knitting Factory, I can't help but get excited. HEE-HEE-HEE!

Anonymous said...

Then we are totally going to do this.

Mayo, are you still lurking? Do you read this? A bunch of us are going to meet up sometime in the future.

This is because of you. Thank you for these friends.

Anon616 said...

Thank you Bella and goodnight to you!

BC: We should always keep HOPE alive

Ergo: As always, wonderful advice from you

Well, I must be off for awhile. Things to do, people to see, Mylanta to take....

Have a great evening everyone!

Hugs and Love,

I hope your headache goes away soon Smoke!

Enjoy ya'll wet sticks!!!!!

ergoproxy said...

goodnight Bella

What's brown and sticky?


'spose a wet stick would be easier on the tongue than a dry one

Anonymous said...

Mayo was 3:30 only.

Anonymous said...

Dude, all of us, front-row at a Leathermouth show, drinking some fucking smoothies?

We'd be the most kickass group there.

Anonymous said...

at least Tubby Stewart didn't crash this week.

jr rules

Anon616 said...

Amyranth said...
Wendy, did he ever!

Bella! See you later, have a nice sleep!


*runs back in to say:



Anonymous said...

Ha ha, thanks Wendy. Take care sugarplum. Hugs and kisses! Despite how tired I am, I have to go finish cleaning up.

Take care guys

Anonymous said...


Smoke said...


You know it! God, that would be soooo much fun.

Jr Anon,

I told you to STFU! ^_~

ergoproxy said...

See you Wendy, hope you feel better soon

is blogger eating anyone elses comments every second flipping time!!!!!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Oh there you are ep. I saw people saying your name but I didn't see you. I think I maybe a little high off the all the cold medicine I have been taking.

resurrected wreck said...

Dude, all of us, front-row at a Leathermouth show, drinking some fucking smoothies?



Amyranth said...


I know I'm a lucky girl!

Well, unless I trip over his dirty boxers. Then, I'm not so lucky.


resurrected wreck said...

Have a good night, BC :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, that would rock so meffing hard.

Ergo, you should write your long comments in notepad or something first! This way when Blogger eats them you still have them.

Smoke said...

Cold medicine highs can be fun. ^_^

Thanks, Wendy.

Okay, so like who's ready for June?



I hope it for real comes out. O_o

Anonymous said...

Method Actress said...

Open your eyes.

March 30, 2008 5:37 PM

Posted on GVs blog.

Some of us eyes are already open and we know that Mayo is GV. The rest can't see it

resurrected wreck said...

I hope we get more advanced warning of any future Leathermouth shows. I would have loved to have gone to the last one, but I need more than two days notice if I'm going to up and cross the border in the middle of a work week, unfortunately.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodbye 6

you know what high wasn't fun. the Oxycontin one I had. I wanted to die. Rally I did. I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I would rather feel that pain than every take Oxycontin again.

ergoproxy said...

mustard you'd need a special roped off area or I'd say you'd all be wearing the smoothies :)

hey MJ

K I copy them first it just tells me it can't find page than I have to go back then I have to paste it in then by the time it's there there are 10 more comments and I missed the moment!

I must away to the gym to do sdocks exercise then I'll be back (after a quick trip for some groceries)

Smoke said...

Oh, well, Tylenol Cold is not as potent as Oxycontin! ^_^

Pain meds don't work on my like they do most people. They make me hyper. And I talk non-stop. Like I'm on speed or something.


Anonymous said...

mustard you'd need a special roped off area or I'd say you'd all be wearing the smoothies :)

So true!

We'll call ourselves VISPs.

Very Important Smoothie People...that need you to get the fuck out of our way while we headbang. ;)

Anonymous said...

I do that sometimes too< ergo!

Princess, pain meds and I get along in much the same way! Let's not even talk about Midol, which is like freaking crack when I take it. It gives me panic attacks and I can't think of what I'm trying to say.

Anonymous said...

Good evening, rare parrot-teacher.

It has been too long since our paths have crossed.

resurrected wreck said...

Have fun at the gym, EP :)

Anonymous said...

Is a bird of my tongue better than a beast of yours? I'm not so sure. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Would you still rather hear your dog bark at a crow?

ergoproxy said...

you know I can actually tolerate high doses of pain medication. I never use it regularly but my body seems to use it really well.

Stuff that puts people to sleep doesn't worry me. But I'd rather not use it unless I really have to.

It's funny how things affect people. I know I couldn't use that alcoholics drug, that makes them sick, as it's an antibiotic I had to take once and it didn't do anything re alcohol.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No panic attacks here. Just the feeling that I am spinning around and I need to violently vomit.

resurrected wreck said...

Is a bird of my tongue better than a beast of yours?


Anonymous said...

Thank hear a man swear he loves me? Oh for certain! ^_^

This is for you, please scroll down to the bottom!

Anonymous said...

RW, I can't help it, those lines get me going. ^_^

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Ep NyQuil doesn't put me to sleep. I can drink half a bottle.

Anonymous said...

Of course back in November or so I thought perhaps it might be a hot january, but I'm still leading apes into hell. ^_^

sdock10 said...

I'm back....wassup now? What did I miss? Huh? Huh?

Denny Hamlin is cute!

...just sayin

Anonymous said...

Then it's true, you will never run mad, Kapunua.

Anonymous said...

GV. Like we predicted. Right on time. First Mayo then MA then this anon who is GV. Obviously Mayo is GV too

ergoproxy said...

MJ I know what you mean

ok I'm off

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

I leave you now, not with a jade's trick, but with a fond farewell.

Until next time.

Anonymous said...

Well that's all right anon, because St. Peter will lead me to the bachelors, and there we will be as merry as the day is long. :)

resurrected wreck said...

Well, obviously!

And Mayo is God too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for popping in and I hope you liked it, my friend. ^_^

Anonymous said...

And please try to ignore the mean anons.

Anonymous said...

resurrected wreck said...

Well, obviously!

And Mayo is God too.

If that's the case, then Mayo, we need to discuss that little matter of the lottery ticket last week. Goddamnit, I thought I meant something to you.


resurrected wreck said...

Well, time for my nightly soak. I shall try to be back on a bit later.

Have fun & play nice! :D

resurrected wreck said...

Did Mayo not come through for you, K? That sucks ;)

Smoke said...

See ya, RW! Don't you even be waiting on the next page. >_<

gnothi seauton said...

Good evening Mayo.
Good evening All.

Pop the champagne ladies and gents, drum roll ......

.... T.I.P is up and running. HUZZAH!!

Smoke said...


Denny is kind of cute. Not as cute as Tony, though. ^_^

Big ol'grizzly bear.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'll have to make a few more sacrifices at his altar then. But what? I don't want to get PETA on my case.

Oh Calaf, you really left in a hurry this time. I hope you come back again soon.

Nor will you not tell me who you are?

Anonymous said...

Did Mayo not come through for you, K?

I don't even have to say how I read this.

Have fun, RW!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, does it go to RW again?

Smoke said...


Anonymous said...

Splash, you are the dirtiest of all the dirty birds. Fim was so right about you.

I love it, of course.

Smoke said...

ummmm, yeah?

Smoke said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Later RW. Hello and how are you GS

Anonymous said...

C'est possible?

Smoke said...


Anonymous said...

OH DAMN. I tried.

Smoke said...


Smoke said...


Just damn.

Anonymous said...

*splashes around in the mud and the muck*

Oh, hell no I am not.

Only on Sundays. ;)

sdock10 said...

I didn't even try this time.

I am just a slow ass loser with a capital slow ass.

Smoke said...

Here's to the losers!

gnothi seauton said...

Hi Martha :)

Good news about the scan.

MissTottenham said...

Hello everyone, how are you?

I hope you have all been well while I was gone.

I have had cold and have rubbed my nose so much that my nostrils have all gone flaky but I guess you didn't really need to know that.

Hi Mayo, how are you? Did you miss me? I'll bet you never even noticed I was gone eh? Oh well.

I am a lazy bitch who cannot be arsed to scroll back through what I have missed or I'll be at it for days.

I have no idea what you are all talking about so I shall just jump in and hope for the best.

*hands out sticks of rock to everyone*

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