Friday, December 28, 2007

The smoking gun.


I battle with my image. It is difficult to see myself in the context of life. To see myself as others do, with a watchful eye. I am often too busy living to be constantly aware...aware of my actions and my thoughts as they occur, to be always on. That is a poor excuse, and so I will continue learning.

There amongst the rubble, the rubbish, the reality, and the reverie…is a life lived. I have opened it up for my inspection, my dissection. My life spilled open before me, I am able to pick it apart. What is worth keeping and what shall be cast aside? Some of it will be misplaced or forgotten without intent. Some will be thrown full force out the fucking window.

The entirety of it, my life, has been examined, admired, and accepted as a lesson in time…without regret. But still I ask myself, how can I be a better person?

Considering the past, I must live forward.

I will continue to challenge myself to sustain thoughtfulness. I will attempt to close each day with a question…was I good?

I will allow the answer to that question to lead me forward. Daily, I will take the hand of my mistakes and my misgivings and allow them to guide me to craft a life. My triumphs and successes enhanced by greater insight. I do not want to come to the close of another year bombarded with resolution.

I will also try to keep fear at bay. I will pause, even if it is just for a moment, to reflect. I intend to live, and live well. Each day I will do my best to be good.

My lovelies, I wish each of you the best of life in the new year. I hope that you are all happy and healthy, and that you find joy in each day. I hope you live, and live well.


p.s. my clichéd resolve will be found in the calm exhale of purity.


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Amyranth said...

I've been meaning to change my profile pic anyway.


gnothi seauton said...

Last comment was to FS, by the way.

Hello Martha.

Anonymous said...

Fimble Star, try cupping your hand over your mouth and nose, breath in and out, i do it for migraines, do it just for a few minutes, then take your hand off and breath in deep.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Gs Okay I now know what is going on with PJ. I hope your computer come soon.

Fimble Star said...

lol gs.

i have not been up to much. i went to a bar last night for new year thats all. so whats new at home. anything happen

Anonymous said...

Hi elena, mj. How are you guys? PJ, I think of you as a great member of this wonderful family Is that enough? Lots of hugs and kisses to you :)

Fuck fest 2008 sounds great!

ergoproxy said...

you know I love it here as I'm geographicly isolated and people I know don't like the music and stuff I like so it's great to chat here.
I sort of think of everyone as instant pen pals.
It's nice to be able to talk with like minds as in real life we wouldn't meet or if we did may never have a chance to discover we like the same stuff

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello bc

Fimble Star said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Martha,

I sold my computer, now I'm waiting for mine to show up.

I could never stay away from ya'll,

I hope it wont be long, wish i could talk the guy into getting this one, when mine gets here, but he needs it tomorrow.

MissTottenham said...

I did the lottery the other day and I thought to myself " If I win a large amount of money, I'm going to hire out a country house and fly everyone over for a long weekend "

I've had that dream too.

Anonymous said...

Fimble, i had no idea, I'm so sorry you feel bad.

Reaches outtttttttttt....big HUG!!!

Anonymous said...

Ergo, exactly.
I also think it's great to meet others from all different places, all with different opinions, tastes, etc. Variety is the spice of life.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Pj and happy new year.

Well I hope your new computer come soon. And that you don't miss much .

Anonymous said...

pj, so your name is now pjj? :D
fimble, i'm sorry to hear that. Here's some hugs for you *hugs*

Fimble Star said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martha Smith-Jones said...

Fs can anything be done about it. What have Doctors said.

Original Punk J said...

Hello everyone!

PJ, before I do anything else, L wanted me to ask you what part of TN you're from.


gnothi seauton said...

Fimble, oh, that's awful, I'm sorry.

Miss T - then any left over cash, you and I can have that house we talked about, by the sea, with the library and the secret passages, and we'll scare the local kids! Remember?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello J&L. No idea on the movies.

Anonymous said...

The Avenger said...
pj, so your name is now pjj? :D

I know i rushed my post!

Fimble Star said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gnothi seauton said...

Hi OP's.

Fimble - er, I still haven't seen I am Legend, or 30 Days and Nights.

I want to see Enchanted as well. I know it's a kiddie film but I didn't see a panto this year so I need something cheesy to watch!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

At times like this I wish house was a real Doctor. He could help you FS.
Yeah I know that sounds stupid but I don't give a rats ass.

Fimble Star said...

i want to watch i am legend, sweeny todd, and there is one coming out i think its called missed call. i like scry movies

Anonymous said...

Pj, I hope you don't mind that I find the error kinda funny ^_^
Hi there J
Fimble, as for movies, well, I know that the new Resident Evil movie is out on DVD today so I might rent that this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I also want to go see 30 days and night and maybe sweeney todd. That looks like a good movie.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

30 days of night I want to see that and the Orphanage. Maybe One missed call but I want to see the original first. Thought I may have already seen it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

sweeney todd how could I forget that

ergoproxy said...

I don't get to many movies.

But Alien vs Predator looks cool.

Anonymous said...

I also want to rent dawn of the dead. I heard that was good.

Fimble Star said...

lol martha do you know you make me laugh every single time.

Fimble Star said...

martha is there an orignial of 1 missed call. i didnt know that

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, it seems the new alien vs. predator movie is the sequel to the first movie. I also heard that there's gonna be another alien movie coming out, but seriously, they need to end the series already and quit making lame ass sequels.

My opinion is that the first two alien movies are the only good ones

Anonymous said...

MJ, is there really an original to one missed call? I didn't know that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes there is and of course it is j horror.

MissTottenham said...

GS, I'm dreaming of our house.

Amyranth said...

Dawn of the Dead gave me nightmares.

For weeks, I'd watch people's faces melt into zombie faces.


Original Punk J said...

Hi Gnothi, BC, MJ!

Fimble, do you have meningitis? That's the first thing I thought of when you said fluid on the brain.

I had a spinal tap (what they called a lumbar punch in the '70s) when I was little because the drs thought I had polio. But I didn't.


Fimble Star said...

hat is j horror?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

here is a link to it

ergoproxy said...

I just saw Ratatoille, the kids one.
very cute

Original Punk J said...

Hi also to Ergo and Amyranth!

I'm not much of a horror movie fan. I like mysteries, psych thrillers, and comedies. Oh, and some action thingies, like Bond films.


Anonymous said...

Ok! Here i go, i have to do this or i will be here all night.

Time for me to leave, i have to get a bath and unhook this computer.

If you do not hear from me, please! Please! along the way, when you post, say hi! or just add a PJ to something, like a code,
So i will know you thought about me while i was gone.

And as soon as my computer gets here i will go back and catch up on the post i missed.

Hugs to all of you,

This kind of scary, i have at least read the post, even if i did not post anything, I have been here, everyday.

Now i am just going to hit the little x, and that will be that!

Watch the anons, save some for me, let everyone know i will miss them, and i will be back, soon.

Damn! I can do this, PJ, just hit the x,

OK, I will just say Good night and see you soon.

love all of you.

and Mayo....Please!!! do not go anywhere, or get pissed and delete this blog.

...waves.....blows kiss!


Martha Smith-Jones said...

FS J horror is horror movies that come from Japan. I really love their horror movies. Even if they aren't so go they ARE STILL INTRESTING.

Fimble Star said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Amy, that's creepy. Was the movie that bad? MJ, thanks for the link. I haven't had nightmares since I started watching horror when I was a kid, which was definitely a bad idea, but I do get them once in a while. Sometimes they feel so real

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Later TJ I hope to see you again soon.

gnothi seauton said...

Deep breaths PJ, deep breaths.

See you soon honey, we'll be thinking of you :)

Miss T - one day, one day :)

Original Punk J said...

Miss T, I got your email. :)

How's the neighbor? I suggested to L that you sneak in to his flat while he's out and smash his stereo with a hammer. That would at least stop the onslaught of bad pop music. Or maybe just smash his CD collection...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

FS House would have just looked at you and told you what was wrong with. Oh why can't House be real or rael. Thank you for that anon.

gnothi seauton said...


I have offered Miss T the services of my ex ( oo er Missus ) who is not too far away from her. He is handy with his fists, he'll sort her neighbour out!

Anonymous said...

PJ, your memory shall live on while you are temporarily gone. Don't worry. Take care, sweet dreams, and goodnight. I'll miss you. Come back soon!

ergoproxy said...

bye PJ see you again soon

Goodness Fimble that must've been scary while it happened.
So the tablets control it?
Does it have a name - ok sorry I am a biologiist, and insanely curious about medicl stuff

Amyranth said...

Avenger - Maybe I'm just a weenie, but zombies terrify me. One mutated virus away...

I liked Casino Royale. Daniel Craig is very easy on the eyes.


Original Punk J said...

Oh Fimble, that's rough, honey. But you know, I understand what you mean when you say "no biggie". I've been diabetic for 35 years, and when people say "Oh that's so bad" I just say, "Well, what am I gonna do about it? No big deal anymore." It's like once you get used to the idea, you kind of push it to the back of your mind.


MissTottenham said...

Me and you GS, that house, perfect.

J, would you believe that a policeman told me how to do that to him so that they couldn't catch me out. Don't think I'm not tempted.

Anonymous said...

Fimble, but what exactly is it you have?

Oh heck, that's a personal question.

I'm going on AIM if you wanna chat. ^_^

Anonymous said...

That's okay Amy. Everyone is scared of something. Newer movies sometimes make the zombies look so lame and dull though.

Fimble Star said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Punk J said...

My favorites were Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. I still haven't seen Casino Royale yet, believe it or not. Daniel Craig just isn't quite Bond to me. Like Timothy Dalton, he wasn't Bond either.


gnothi seauton said...

Miss T - 'Twould be cool :)

J, would you believe that a policeman told me how to do that to him so that they couldn't catch me out. Don't think I'm not tempted.

Why doesn't that surprise me? Coppers, dodgiest of the them all!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Last time we talked about Zombies we ended up have zombies that put spiders in your hair.

Anonymous said...

^^Creepy O_0
I thought zombies were too stupid to do something like that.

gnothi seauton said...

I'm off to bed, good people.

Good night everyone.
Good night Mayo.


ergoproxy said...

thanks fimble

I find medicine and the body fascinating

MissTottenham said...

I still value that offer GS.

Fimble, you take care of yourself sweetie. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my little manc babe.

Thanks for the lovely email J.

Original Punk J said...

Miss T, if the police told you how to do it, it must be alright.


Ergo, I didn't know you were a biologist! That's great. I was a speech pathologist for 15 years. And DG is a radiologist. All these medical people, wow.


Anonymous said...

Goodnight GS. Sweet dreams

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight GS sweet dreams

ergoproxy said...

ok I'm off for a bit
bye all

MissTottenham said...

Goodnight GS, sweet dreams.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Later EP

Anonymous said...

Take care ergo

MissTottenham said...

Goodnight everybody, it has been a pleasure talking with you all.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams Miss T. Take care

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight Miss t and sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

The inciteness of a Riot brings about sharp of the wit. Reflections not the serving of the masses. The observing of the observer at the end of the elliptical orbit.

Winding ever towards your own dichotomy, keepers of my vague diatribe ascending. In the past you have been called to question. Temptation. Rising to know. Despite of myself I lie in wonder.

You are the unknowing of the correlation.

Do not become of my weakness. Ashes circle to skylines not mentioned. Often.

Not so gentle uterus.

Anonymous said...

Hi there "love man"

Original Punk J said...

I just got through reading the darling Anonymous at 3.11 today. My lands, what atrocious manners!

Now, I don't know this child, so why does she think I'm "withered and dried up"? How could you possibly tell from THOSE picturese? We didn't put any pornography on our Photobucket. I noticed that you didn't say L and I were ugly, though. So: THANK YOU!

Oh, and BTW, why don't you ask the 24 year old man that's coming over Friday night how withered and dried up he thinks we are. :)

L and I were thinking today how this little vulture probably ran back to Buzznet and yelled, "I GOT THSE BITHES GUD!! I tol them that Gerad Way bought a Christmas tree with his fucking beutifull wife, and he's HAPPPEEEE!!!"

Oh yeah, scavenger. You told us. But gud.


P.S. And has anyone noticed that the only words they DO spell right are the curse words?

Anonymous said...

OP, Lol. It is funny though that they only manage to get the curse words spell right, but not regular four letter words such as rael or gud lol XD XD

And to think this chick thinks I'm a shitty speller XD

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello J I am sorry but I have to correct you it's jappy not happe. Because Gerard id jappy and covering hie beautiful wife in marks of love.

Original Punk J said...

Yeah, BC, amayzing, hunh? ;)

The ones with the worst spelling are sent to dis the older women who have some education, a dictionary, and a thesaurus. Ah, sweet irony.

We should all start asking these particular kinds of anons, "Honey, is your mommy home? Can you put her on the computer for a minute? That's a good girl."


JocelynHolly said...

Hey guys! I can only stay a few minutes. How are you doing tonight?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I still want that anon to come back I was having fun. God you have to love how they know that Mayo is playing with us. But can't figure out how to use spell check.

Jennicula said...

Loveman: Your inconsequential blather. Amuses. Me.

To your uterus, feel. Better soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there J.
I didn't know id and hie were actual words. ^_^

JocelynHolly said...

We should all start asking these particular kinds of anons, "Honey, is your mommy home? Can you put her on the computer for a minute? That's a good girl."

HAHA. OPJ that was a good one! Why can't those girls learn to type better?

Anonymous said...

Hi there teddy bear how are you? *hugs*
Hi there Jen. MJ, I have to agree. That anon was alot of fun :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Jen and PH

Jennicula said...

Hi guys. Just popped in for a minuto.

Heading off to bed. Pleasant dreams.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight Jen

Anonymous said...

OP, ha ha. We should ask them that question. It's really funny when kids younger than us tell us how to spell, but yet, look at the way they write their sentences. They replace you with a u and a your with a ur and so on.

You can't take kids like that seriously if they can't spell.

Original Punk J said...

Whoops, Martha, I'm sorry. What WAS I thinking.

Gerad is ful of jappyness becuz he and lYnzy hav bought a Christmas tree togethurr. Tht meens thay wil bee the jappyest cuppal evr.

Is that better? :)


Anonymous said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams jen. Teddy bear how are you?

JocelynHolly said...

Hey BC and Martha!
Bye Jenn!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes but you forgot the fucking. Everytime that anon comes their fucking. They just fuck all day and night

JocelynHolly said...

BC, I am good. I felt a little sick earlier, so I took a nap.
How are you? ^_^

Original Punk J said...

Hey Bubbles! Thank Heaven you're not like those poor, sad creatures. You should teach a class on how to be a cool teenager. :) Are you feeling better tonight? I saw your comments last night, but didn't get a chance to speak to you.

BC, you can't take those poor children seriously AT ALL.

Jen, hello and goodbye! Lovely reply to, uh, Loveman.

BTW, "Loveman", you really need to get that uterus checked out, honey. It's been bothering you for too long now.

Martha: you made me laugh out loud. :)


sally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Are you feeling okay teddy bear? I hope so. I'm doing good. I'm checking the grammar errors the anon from earlier made, and while doing that, I am laughing at their ridiculous post.
Op, definitely.
Hi there Katherine. How are you?

JocelynHolly said...

OPJ, I really should! They actually piss me off! I went on buzznet to see VV's thread, and wow. I went to another thread, and this one girl added soo many "z's" and numbers at
"!!@?". What are they thinking when they type?

I am better than last night, thanks:). Talking to everyone helped tons. How're you J?

Anonymous said...

MJ, what animals they are. Aren't you supposed to fuck just once a night or every two days or so? :D

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hey KD I don't think that anon will be back for a while. Ph I hope you are alright.

sally said...

Good BC,

Just listening to some great music at the moment.

JocelynHolly said...

Hey Katherine! Thanks for the concern sweetie. I am much better. Things are better. =]

How're you? *HUG*

BC, I just felt like I was going to throw up. So I napped while watching Harry Potter. I am much better now!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

J I'm glad I made you laugh. My god these kids they think all people do in a relationship is fuck. They need to stop watching All My Children or what every soap they watch.

Original Punk J said...

Martha, you're right about the fucking.

As much fucking as these kids say is going on, there must be some chafing involved.

Bubbles, I'm ok. We may get some snow tonight or tomorrow, and it's verrrrrrrrrrrry cold here (supposed to be 17 degrees tonight). Glad you're on an upswing, precious.

KD, what say you this New Year's night?


JocelynHolly said...

Blogger paperheartxx said...

OPJ, I really should! They actually piss me off! I went on buzznet to see VV's thread, and wow. I went to another thread, and this one girl added soo many "z's" and numbers at
"!!@?". What are they thinking when they type?

I am better than last night, thanks:). Talking to everyone helped tons. How're you J?

January 1, 2008 11:36 PM

It should be and "!!@?".

sally said...


What those kids don't understand is mutual respect and compatibility is the essence of a good relationship. Sex is very important, but it's also fun, like icing on the cake.

Paper *big hug*

JocelynHolly said...

J, that's in fahrenheit right? Because it's -30C here and it's freezing!

I hope you don't get too much snow!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Aww glad you're feeling teddy bear *hugs* That's good to hear Katherine.
I'm not a sexpert of anything, but It's not the most important part of any relationship. But what the hell would I know?

Original Punk J said...

Well, when you're 13 and the biggest concern you have is whether you'll have zits for school pictures or whether you have better clothes than the other girls, "meaningful relationships" are completely foreign to them.

I'm talking about a certain type of pre-teenager, mind you. Present ones excluded. :)

All they know is that when you're married, you fuck, and that's why you're happy.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mya. Goodnight and sweet dreams Mya

Original Punk J said...

Oh, to go along with my last comment, I saw a comment on the Frank Iero forum at BN the other day that said, "I want Frankie to be happy becuz he's so cute and adorable!!!!!!"


Like that's the main reason he should be happy.


sally said...

I plead the fifth J :D

J, I know you like the Cure, I am addicted the four of their songs at the moment.

JocelynHolly said...

Mya, hello, and email read!

Sweetie, I never thought any different of you. I love the way you question everything, and try to get to the bottom of things. Don't ever change.

Goodnight hun!<3
Love you*HUG*

Anonymous said...

How is being cute and adorable going to make that person happy? That is superficial at best. What a lame comment.

Original Punk J said...

Yeah, PH, that's Fahrenheit.

So...I'm guessing you're saying, "BIG DEAL!!! We have polar bears frozen in midstep up here! *blows raspberry*"

Not really, but...I see that my poor pitiful 17 deg. F pales in comparison.

We hardly ever get snow, so it would be nice to have a good dumper for once this winter. People here, if you even THINK about mentioning snow, go crazy and run to the grocery for bread, milk, toilet paper, and pet food.


JocelynHolly said...

Whenever my friends and I go out, or whatever, they take HOURS to get ready. Why? Who is there to impress?

"I want Frankie to be happy becuz he's so cute and adorable!!!!!!"

Dude, he should be happy because he deserves it, not because he's cute and adorable!

sally said...

Unfortunately BC, people connect positive personality traits with appearance. It is an innate human characteristic. Even babies are attracted to beautiful faces.

JocelynHolly said...

Oh dear, I'm guess that 17F is cold. I honestly have no clue how to convert from fahrenheit to celsius!

We hardly ever get snow, so it would be nice to have a good dumper for once this winter. People here, if you even THINK about mentioning snow, go crazy and run to the grocery for bread, milk, toilet paper, and pet food.

Living in Winterpeg, you should be used to the snow right? But that's still my father, freaking out before the first snow fall!

I hope you get some snow, so you can go outside and make a snowman, because snowmen are amazing.

Anonymous said...

That's true Katherine. For me, looks are not everything. Looks don't define a person's personality.

Original Punk J said...

KD, I love the Cure. What four songs are you groovin' on?

PH, BC, really. If he weren't cute and adorable, then would he deserve to be miserable and alone? Why YES! According to those kids, apparently.

Just makes me want to whap the little darlings upside the head.

Maybe with Paris Hilton. ;)


JocelynHolly said...

Guys, I am off for the night. I am tired, and must work an 8.5 hour shift tomorrow! Yay!

Everyone, have a good night!

Sweet Dreams!
- 007

Original Punk J said...

PH, I remember years ago that the US toyed with the idea of converting to the Metric system. I think I was in middle school, or early years of high school. The teachers had to try to teach us all how to convert things to Metric, but it was a futile effort. Never did happen, either.

We'll just go with the idea that it's cold for both of us! BRRR.

I think I might need a bedwarmer. A shortish, tattooed guitar player would just fit the bill...oh wait, I'm fangirling again! Sorry, can't help myself. ;)


Original Punk J said...

Night Bubbles, love you! Have a good day at work tomorrow.


sally said...

Present for you J,

I have my speaker system hooked up to my PC, so I play while chatting.

the original guys in guyliner. And check out the guitarist, reminds me of Ray.

I just discovered TBS and AFI did a cover of this as well.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams teddy bear *hugs*

Op, paris needs more than a smack in the head. I think she needs a foot up her ass ^__^

Shame in me said...

Anyone here? Happy New Year :)

Anonymous said...


Thank you.

I did, however, make the mistake of forwarding the original email without permission from the owner.

I sent the email with only honorable intentions in mind.

Anonymous said...

Shame in me, my lovely daughter. How are you? Happy new year! *hugs*

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello and goodnight Mya. Goodnight Ph.

So I went to see VV"S post on BN and there was this one person who really didn't seem to understand why people were upset. She was all.

But it's true we will be fucking all our lives.

I must be getting old I want to smack those kids upside their heads.

Anonymous said...

my scally 5000 has not arrived yet shame in me. i was hopeing to show the usa what us scallies can do.

did you throw the white lightening in as well

Original Punk J said...

KD, your linkie no workie.

Hey SIM, Mya! Mya, I haven't been to my email yet but I will after I log off for the night. I'll get back to you tomorrow, is that ok?


sally said...

Sorry J,

That link should have worked. It was Just Like Heaven.

try again, crossing fingers

Anonymous said...

i like big butts that i cant deny.

big ones, little one, round ones but not flat ones. i dont like pancakes

sally said...

Sorry J. It must be youtube.

It was Just Like Heaven, and I love Primary, The Forest and Lullaby.

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourselves beautiful girls. Take care of each other.

Original Punk J said...

Give yourself 10 more years, Martha, the urge just gets stronger. :)

BC, what I meant was, I want to BEAT the kids WITH Paris Hilton. Although she could use a beating as well! :)

(It's a joke L and I have, saying "Beat one with the other." Long story. Sorry!)


Anonymous said...

Hi butts, burnley rocks my socks.

Fimble Star said...

hm please dont go. if you feel you need to go well i will miss you.

i hope you have a wonderful life,and remember some of the words that you tell us because you deserve nice words just like those you gave us


sally said...

Heavenly Mother,

Please stay.

Anonymous said...

op, oops. Sorry about that. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that happened to you, HM. I will miss your kindness. Thank you for every lovely word. Please keep in touch if you feel you have to not be here.

Original Punk J said...

Sorry KD, no luck. But it's all right. I remember that video, it's great!

Some of my favorites are JLH, Love Song, Friday I'm In Love, Why Can't I Be You?, there's so many great songs.

They were emo before emo was emo!

Do you like Adam and the Ants? I miss them. THAT was makeup, baby, for sure! If they were around today, I betcha Adam could give GWay a run for his money!


Anonymous said...

Sorry for the caps too. My last comment looks ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I like big butts and i cannot lie! You other brothers can't deny!
when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung!

Anonymous said...

Hi butts 2. lol

Anonymous said...

From Mustardisbetter

Heavenly Mother, Thank you for all of your kind words. We don't see them everyday, and they're always so pleasant when we do.

I'm sorry you've chosen to leave, but remember that we will never forget what you've taught us. Love. Mustard

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Mya I sent you an email.

Original Punk J said...

No biggie, BC. It's just a silly thing. :D I forget sometimes that the other people I talk to don't know all our inside jokes.


sally said...

Heavenly Mother.

Thank you for the generosity of your spirit. Your kind words have been uplifting.

Anonymous said...

Fellas, YEAH!, Fellas, YEAH!, Has your girlfriend got the butt?! HELL YEAH! So shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake that healthy butt.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Sim

Heavenly Mother there is no need for you to leave. You were just speaking your mind as both Kapu and Mya do and all of us here. There is no reason for you to leave.

Anonymous said...

How many butts do we have in here?

Original Punk J said...

Did I miss something from the HM? What's this about leaving?


Shame in me said...

Haha Fimble maybe the scally 5000 broke out of the gift wrap and drank the white lightning and went on a rampage before it got to you haha it will probably be on CNN haha keep your eyes peeled :)

BC my beautiful Mum did you have a good new years eve? Mine was mental :) i danced for 6 hours straight and went to a party afterwards didntget home till 4pm new years day haha just slept for 12 hours haha. Its lke 5.30am here haha.
I got a job interview today im nervous :/

Hey Kapunua, OpJ :)

Whos heavenly mother?

Whys this post under the last one? How long had it been here befor anyone noticed it?

sally said...

What's with all the Shrek references?

J, I'm not familiar with Adam and the Ants, but I think Duran Duran were pretty cool in their day as well.

I like the dark bass chord sounds produced in the early to mid eighties, even though it was before my time.

Shame in me said...

Hey Martha Jones :)

and hello to Sir Mix a Lot nice of you too join us haha

Original Punk J said...

The Avenger said...
How many butts do we have in here?

...I just...oh honey...this is SUCH a loaded question.

Leave it, leeeeeeeave it...


sally said...


You make me laugh :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

J there is a small post from Hm saying goodbye.

Sim this post is new. He made it so that it would show up under the last one.

Anonymous said...

shame in my. i am sorry i do not know this fimble you talk about. maybe she stole the scally 5000 and made a new friend.

did you know burnley rocks my socks off

Original Punk J said...

Ah KD, you need to find Adam and the Ants. Double drums. Killer bass. Wild vocals. And a TON of makeup, tight leather pants, and just, sexiness. They were fab-you-luss.

Duran? Oh yeah, baby! They're still the bomb, too. L and I have seen them 3 times in concert since they reformed. I haven't bought their new CD yet, but it's next on my list.

I forgot you're younger than I am. :)


Anonymous said...

J, lmao! We have at least three butt anons here. Lol XD
Hello hello Shame in my. I am doing great. All that dancing and partying, I bet you are tired. Good luck with the job interview! *hugs*

sally said...

Tight leather pants?...we better not go there :D

Original Punk J said...

Thanks, MJ.

SIM, I believe you partied for ALL of us! :)

BC: butts abound in BlogBelieve. :)


Anonymous said...

*Knocks politely*

*Comes in through the front door*

Oh yeah.

*Is just not feeling it tonight*

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Punk J said...

katherine dreier said...
Tight leather pants?...we better not go there :D

Give me one good reason why not. :D


Anonymous said...

i am dipped into you.

i dissolve i your sweet liquid

i run down your tight throats.

i am one of two colors.

i am so sweet untill i attack you untill you are no longer able to fight against me

sally said...

Well...they tend to get a bit sweaty...don't they?

Original Punk J said...

Umm...well, yeah...but "sweaty" can be good sometimes.

It's all in how you approach it.



Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Kool aid Guy and sugar.

J you need to go there I think we need to have some fun in here. It's been to up tight in here.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Sugar. Kool Aid Pitcher. What happened to busting through the wall like the other night?

Anonymous said...

why dont i wear leather chaps

sally said...

Yeah, I suppose...then they just need to come off.

You can have a pants off day!

Original Punk J said...

Yeah, Martha, I getcha.

I like sweaty rock stars. Well, sweaty MALE rock stars. Always did like Bono all sweaty, with the long hair and no shirt and leather pants.

Now THAT was good stuff.


sally said...


Please come and join us

Anonymous said...

Mayonaise, maybe because you may not fit into them. You are a condiment jar after all ^_^

Original Punk J said...

mayonaise said...
why dont i wear leather chaps

I don't know, why don't you? L would enjoy THAT, I tell ya.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I have a vision of a jar of Mayo in leather chaps now.

Shame in me said...

Haha opJ i think you are right. Im all partied out :)
Might go back to bed for a bit before my interview haha

"Burnley rocks my socks" i am sorry i keep getting you confused with fimble haha, your right maybe she stole the scally 5000 :) she is a scally after all :P hahahaha

BC thanks for the good luck :) glad you had a good new years eve :)

was there a big party here im too sleepy too catch up yet :) did mayo make any comments?

Original Punk J said...


I like the way you think! :D


Anonymous said...

Katherine, that's not really him. That Mayonaise anon was here the other night as well

Shame in me said...

Martha Jones said...
I have a vision of a jar of Mayo in leather chaps now.

January 2, 2008 12:58 AM

oh dear lord that woke me up!! HELLO hahaha

Anonymous said...

Shame in me, Mayo did not post any comments I'm afraid

sally said...

You know J,

Bono is not conventionally attractive but he has so much charisma and intelligence he is smokin'.

I loved the way he looked as "the fly" Leather and black yeah!

Shame in me said...

Leather pants make me feel sick :/ they repulse me.
Even if Gerard Way was in leather pants i would have to say NO!!! Ewwwww hahahaha

Shame in me said...

PVC well i may reconsider haha :)

Anonymous said...

I never want to see that man in leather pants. :/

Martha Smith-Jones said...

GW in leather pants. I don't know what to think about that.

Original Punk J said...

Condiment jars in S&M/bondage apparel.

What's next, ketchup in a teddy? Mustard in chains? (Reminds me of Alice in Chains)

KD, Bono is a small, compact bundle of sex. Just like Frank. At least to me they are.

Now, let's take Frank from this summer. The long hair, the sleeveless T's, sweaty, rubbing all over Gerard...

*long whistle*



Shame in me said...

ahahahaha (((hugs))) Bc its ok dont be scared :)

Anonymous said...

i love big butts.

i hate flat butts

Anonymous said...

Seeing GW in leather pants does indeed scare me shame in me ^_^

sally said...

The problem with leather pants is that they exaggerate things.

Sorta like a skin tight dress on gal.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I want Frank to have that long hair again. I loved that hair of his.

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