Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Eyes stitched shut for years without warning.

A faucet of truth springs forth where you least expect it. I have found the necessary tools to cease the flow…or perhaps, encourage the release. An abstract combination of malevolence and transgression has enabled the hand forward, the torque profitable. The leak expired. Please, allow my waves the privilege to crash upon your waders. I have dug in, rooted in the perversity, entrenched in the limitations, and bruised by the morality.

Truth be told, and if it were, doubt would still slither its' way into your supposition. Torch carrying is a responsibility undertaken with determination. The challenge is to remain steadfast and true. This is not always an achievable task. Perceptions often refute validation, but a ripened integrity allows balance. Disclosure is promising, beautiful; I will not take it back, and neither will you.

Allies and underlings, consider both hostages to mutual enforcement. The brigade advanced, and all fell in as agreed. Should I follow...or jump ship and purchase my validity with wadded up paper airplanes?

p.s. the ghost that floats by here now again find a way.


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Anonymous said...

A faucet of truth springs forth where you least expect it.

They have medication for that. Or, like, Poise and stuff.

I'm playing with you. You gonna delete that comment of mine or what?

Anonymous said...

Moving forward is always the desired path, and your honor is the guide. Do you have faith in your sense of honor?
There are many here who do, torchbearers all.

ergoproxy said...

Nice...very nice.

Anonymous said...

Tch! Okay, you obviously thought this out, I shouldn't tease. I'll go along with you pretnding to be Gerard Way because I'm feeling feisty, If you've found this "faucet of truth", O Enlightened One, you might want to share, yanno? Why would you want to stop it? That would kind of suck, don't you think?

I have dug in, rooted in the perversity, entrenched in the limitations, and bruised by the morality.

Your own morality. Your own. Not ours.

Truth be told, and if it were, doubt would still slither its' way into your supposition.

Why shouldn't doubt slither in? Everyone lies. If you want the truth to be told, tell it. Actions speak louder than words and all that.

The challenge is to remain steadfast and true. This is not always an achievable task.

Bollocks, yes it is. ANd if it isn't, then don't bother carrying the torch in the first place. No one shoved it into your hands. If you're gonna talk the talk, then walk the walk of STFU and GTFO.

Disclosure is promising, beautiful; I will not take it back, and neither will you.

So we're all buggered then. No surprise there.

Allies and underlings, consider both hostages to mutual enforcement.

Hon, your supplies of both allies and underlings are dwindling.

The brigade advanced, and all fell in as agreed. Should I follow...or jump ship and purchase my validity with wadded up paper airplanes?

"You can't fire me because I quit."

Magic Pie said...

Mayo, I wish you would just be more blunt with your words. Let us know exactly what is going on. If you have any respect for the people here who care about you, you'd stop leading us on this wild goose chase.

Anonymous said...

I actually did chase a wild goose today. How crazy is that?

Anonymous said...

I like it here. Someone evil is trying to shut it down.

You wouldn't believe the truth. Leadership is an honor. People read things differently. Letting people in on deep dark secrets is cool, I won't delete.

Everyone willingly agrees.

p.s. i know who lurks.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

^yeah, what he said!

seriously, people -- it'd be like with ss all over again even if mayo did write plainly. most people here wouldn't believe mayo if he wrote that the sky was blue. :/

resurrected wreck said...

A faucet of truth springs forth where you least expect it.

They have medication for that. Or, like, Poise and stuff.

I nearly choked on a mouthful of lemonade when I read that, Kapunua. I shall return after I have blotted the front of my shirt with some paper towel...

ergoproxy said...

So you like it here? anon

so do I.

Deep dark secrets have a place, letting them out is often a great release.
Lead well and lead strongly.

Anonymous said...

I like you, anon @ 8:05. I'll kill you last.

I mean, uhh... Sharpie?

Anonymous said...

^yeah, what he said!

anon@8:05, i mean.

Anonymous said...

I nearly choked on a mouthful of lemonade when I read that, Kapunua. I shall return after I have blotted the front of my shirt with some paper towel...

Then my work here is done.

Hey, did you get that TBS post I put up for you yesterday? If not, I can copy and paste it here too. I'm sure Mayo won't mind. We are all TBS fans here, aren't we? :) If we're not, we should be.

Anonymous said...

the ghost that floats by here now again find a way.

Come back, Bert. Find A Way.

resurrected wreck said...

Hey, did you get that TBS post I put up for you yesterday? If not, I can copy and paste it here too. I'm sure Mayo won't mind. We are all TBS fans here, aren't we? :) If we're not, we should be.

The one with the links to the songs? Yep, got it, thanks :) Haven't had time to listen to it yey. That'll be a weekend thing, right now I'm living in the land of overtime.

Anonymous said...

Well look who decided to pay another visit. It's really nice to know you're still around good Mayo. Doubt lives in me, just so you know. But I've risen to the challenge you've set out before the "troops" and I will remain steadfast in my my own personal life and for this band.

To everyone else:
Did the anon @ 8:05 remind anyone of some sandwich spread? The good kind as always. It did me...the postscript and all?

Glad to see you all alive and kicking.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 8:05 just translated. That's all. I'd like to think that if it was Mayo he'd have the cajones to sign in to do it. But I guess that would spoil the fun.

ergoproxy said...

Don't let the evil shut it down !!

thanks for the new blog..
Kickball tomorrow and we need room.

Got my pompoms,
got yours?

Anonymous said...

when I read these blogs I need a dictionary, serious!

Anonymous said...

Annon at October 11, 2007 8:05 PM:

You have that right - right smack on the of the nail. Now do tell who is lurking. please?

Anonymous said...

if the band is going to end, then please let it be with all your friendships intact.
one of the things i have always envied and admired was the closeness, the undeniable sense of brotherhood. if you're done making music together, it's okay --
just don't be done with each other, okay?

Anonymous said...

Oh Kapunua,

I have something for you.

Anonymous said...

Annon at October 11, 2007 8:35 PM

"when I read these blogs I need a dictionary, serious!"

Here here! Good vocabulary lessons well learned here as well as the Art of Writing 202 or maybe 300.

Anonymous said...

Now do tell who is lurking. please?


Anonymous said...

Oh Kapunua,

I have something for you.

OMG PORN. Tinypic it! Or maybe.... NOT SO TINY. ^___~

Anonymous said...


October 11, 2007 8:45 PM

How about a few bread crumbs to lead the WAY!

Anonymous said...

Well now! Don't get so feisty. It was just a question ;)

Did anon @ 8:05 translate Mayo's actual blog, because yet again, he used big words that only a Harvard scholar would know and so many adjectives, he's got adjectives describing an adjective's adjective?

*I am such a tease*

Anonymous said...

Are you "the ghost that floats by here now again?"

Anonymous said...

Do you and Voltaire have a thing? I think you two would look cute together.

Anonymous said...

Anon@ 8:52:

Who are you referring to?

Claudia V said...

and you were free flowing...
who is your tool now, mayo?
no matter how shitty my day gets
i always come to this place.

it gives me a better purpose, though i know little of what im doing.

is that your challenge?
its too hard to hold a difficult pose..
stay true to who you are,
and if this is it,
then so be it.
i am at peace
and so are you.

Disclosure is promising, beautiful; I will not take it back, and neither will you.

That is something to ponder.. shall I dream again of one of your many 'disclosures'?
who says that you have to take the torch?
you could always pas it on
or, again, drop it and run
and a tail between your legs

ho hum
i do go on,
dont i?

find a way.
i have to go.


Anonymous said...

Did anon @ 8:05 translate Mayo's actual blog, because yet again, he used big words that only a Harvard scholar would know and so many adjectives, he's got adjectives describing an adjective's adjective?

He did. And Mayo doesn't use big words, s/he just writes effusively, overdramatizes, and tips from purple prose, hell, right on over into urple. Verdant greenery much? It's easy to understand if you spent four years around any kind of liberal arts majors.*

(*I was one.)

elena said...

The brigade advanced, and all fell in as agreed. Should I follow...or jump ship and purchase my validity with wadded up paper airplanes?

Since when did you follow? You lead the damn parade. As for jumping out for the sharks. No wadded up paper airplane will ward them off.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what purple prose is. Using some knowledge that I have, I would venture to guess that it is poetry recited or learned by those with blue blood, by royalty [purple=color of royalty, but you probably already knew that;)]. But that's just a guess.

I'm all for people writing eloquently and using flowery language. I can handle it at times. But cut through the bullshit and just tell me what you want me to know. And the times we are facing now, that's what I want.
But beggars can't be choosers.

Mayo's PS made me think of a song. Guess.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody! Guess who's back? ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm all for people writing eloquently and using flowery language. I can handle it at times. But cut through the bullshit and just tell me what you want me to know.

Amen to that, annon2007!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Purple prose" is just a writer's or critic's term for overly florid writing. Redundant use of adjectives or dramatic phrases. "Verdant greenery." I'm all for eloquence, but a lot of amateurs mistake florid writing for "eloquence" when in fact they are opposites. Those people are usually Anne Rice fans.

Anyway, but I do sort of understand the need for the oh-so-mysterious use of language in this context. Either it is Gerard Way trying to pretend that he's not (doubtful,) or someone else trying to pretend that he is Gerard Way* (more likely.) Either way s/he's got to hide behind the language, so I guess I can let it slide. ^_~

*Which, it really blows if you're someone else letting people think you're someone they care about, because you obviously know that's what people think. If that's the case, I disapprove, and you can suck my wang that I don't even have.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...Welcome back BC!

This proves to me that your court date went well and they didn't haul you to jail.

resurrected wreck said...

Hi BC! :D

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hi Dr. Nick. How was court?

Andrea said...

I said I wouldn't comment here again, but Kapunua is just cracking me up too damn much!

Mayonaise, the bread crumbs are killing me. I know you like to keep everyone dangling, but enough is enough already.

At any rate, I hope this blog doesn't get shut down. As annoying as it is when the comments jump over 800 (or 200, for that matter), I appreciate that good discussions happen here.

So you think you know who lurks here? Prove it.

resurrected wreck said...

"Purple prose" is just a writer's or critic's term for overly florid writing. Redundant use of adjectives or dramatic phrases. "Verdant greenery." I'm all for eloquence, but a lot of amateurs mistake florid writing for "eloquence" when in fact they are opposites. Those people are usually Anne Rice fans.

Amen, sister!!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Gee has a Myspace for The Umbrella Academy. Its

Spaceboy runs it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You reminded me of something Kapunua...

If you all are still interested and this hasn't already been posted, kyeotr has a new phrase thingamajig. Read on:

Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery

I'm a good listener and I'm not gathering anything from this whole ordeal. So to whomever may be listening, I hope you're flattered!!!

Anonymous said...

^___^ I know. Anne Rice blows so much, doesn't she?

resurrected wreck said...

^___^ I know. Anne Rice blows so much, doesn't she?

Lol. I used to be a big fan, but she lost me several books ago.

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys. Ha ha no they did not haul me in jail ;). I only had to go to small claims court but it only took about 10 minutes.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anne Rice lost myself and a friend of mine as fans too.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of the bullshit, Gerard. On stage and in these blogs. I think this shit is all about you and someone really, really close to you, and as I tried to say a while back, Handle it! Take care of it! But you haven't yet! You're both chicken-shits!
As for your big forthfuckingcoming disclosure - what the hell... what is it? you're gay? the band is breaking up? you gonna go solo? you were sexually abused as a child by a family member or someone in the clergy? or perhaps you sexually abused someone? Or that Lyn-Z is pregnant or had a miscarriage? Or Lyn-Z is really Lynard? Or you're adopted? Mikey's adopted? Or the shoe fits? Or you're your own mother?
I don't give a shit anymore, OK?
How the fuck did someone like you get to where you are? You knew somebody, didn't you? Or you fucked somebody! That first album was a pile of shit except for the MUSICIANS. If it weren't for your contacts and your pretty David fucking Cassidy face, you wouldn't be sitting where you are now, dude! Don't you realize how you're winning all these awards? They are voted on by pre-pubescent starry-eyed, pimply-faced CHILDREN who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Don't believe me? Go the that shit-hole, INO - they are telling these kids how to vote for you for the AMAs. Yes, how to LIE about their age to cast their vote for you. And what do you see in that sea of faces before you every night?
You are just the lastest teen heart-throb. Musically inept, vocally weak, and... hell, you ain't even got rhythm.
Your Dying Patient farce told me all I needed to know about you. I've got your number, dude

Anonymous said...

I am not going to bother commenting on Mayo's new blog. I have nothing to say about that. I am, however, looking forward to tomorrow's kickball game.
Kapunua, did you literally had to chase a wild goose? ;D

Anonymous said...

Glad it worked out, Chaos. ^_^ RW, I read her back when I was pretentious in high school and my first year of college. Fortunately I outgrew her within a few months. I realized that her books were not to be tossed aside lightly. They were to be thrown with great force.

So, okay, hands up: Who here loves Frank Iero and thinks that he is awesome and the total bizzomb?

Anonymous said...

Kapunua, did you literally had to chase a wild goose? ;D

I did, and to add to the already ridiculous aura of, well, ridiculousness, it is a blind goose. He just managed to get away from me and, blind or not, those bastards are pretty fast.

resurrected wreck said...

Anne Rice lost myself and a friend of mine as fans too.

Memnoch The Devil was the last novel of hers I was able to read all the way through. Tale Of The Body Thief was the last one I enjoyed.

I will, however, always consider Cry To Heaven one of the best historical fiction books I have ever read.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Frank is the best.

Anonymous said...

As for your big forthfuckingcoming disclosure - what the hell... what is it? you're gay?

SInce when is that a secret?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The only thing that could make the books look good were those God awful movies.

Jennicula said...

Kapunua, was that a little Dorothy Parker in there?

resurrected wreck said...

RW, I read her back when I was pretentious in high school and my first year of college. Fortunately I outgrew her within a few months. I realized that her books were not to be tossed aside lightly. They were to be thrown with great force.

Oh! I love the imagery of that! :P

Anonymous said...

Whoo Anon. First of all you made me giggle. And secondly, I always (seriously, this isn't meant to be sarcastic) enjoy when new people come in and share their opinions and shed new light on a dulling subject. I appreciate that. How much truth there is to it...I don't know. But how much truth is there to these blogs? I really have nothing to base anything on.

resurrected wreck said...

So, okay, hands up: Who here loves Frank Iero and thinks that he is awesome and the total bizzomb?

*grabs at the ceiling with both hands*

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
resurrected wreck said...

Kapunua, did you literally had to chase a wild goose? ;D

I did, and to add to the already ridiculous aura of, well, ridiculousness, it is a blind goose. He just managed to get away from me and, blind or not, those bastards are pretty fast.

Did you get pictures??

Anonymous said...

That first album was a pile of shit except for the MUSICIANS. If it weren't for your contacts and your pretty David fucking Cassidy face, you wouldn't be sitting where you are now, dude! ... Musically inept, vocally weak, and... hell, you ain't even got rhythm.

Well now, the latest teen heart throb he may be, and it's true that the musicians involved are brill (OH HAI DID SUM1 SAY RAY TORO?!!) and even though I fully own that G-Way is cracking up bad and is totally selling out, you'll never hear me say that the dude couldn't sing. Bullets was fabulous and I loved his voice on that. It was powerful and unique and fun and interesting.

I also pretty much adored Revenge and TBP, and although I could tell definitely in those albums that Gerard's voice was layered and that the production was really smooth and kind of ingenious, it still wouldn't have happened if he couldn't actually sing the parts. His voice has character, and what he does with it in Revenge, in some parts it's a downright beautiful voice. I don't deny.

Anonymous said...

To a few of the anonymous people, why are you recycling the same old and tired theories that all of us have discussed before? It is getting old already.

Anonymous said...

No pics unfortunately of the literal goose chase, and YES to Jennicula who got the Dorothy Parker quote. I want to be her when I grow up. Or at least be as snarky. ^_^

FRANK IERO FTW. Let's have some Frank loving in here.

resurrected wreck said...

The only thing that could make the books look good were those God awful movies.

I liked Interview with the Vampire but Queen of the Damned, as they say, sucked donkey balls.

Anonymous said...

Kapunua, you sure do crack us up ;D

Anonymous said...

We really couldnt get enough of that Frank Iero, he really is the best.

Anonymous said...

Bullets was fabulous and I loved his voice on that. It was powerful and unique and fun and interesting.

When my grandma listened to Bullets for the first time she said, "Wow, he really gets into the songs, doesn't he? Such passion."

Jennicula said...

Dorothy is a strong woman to look up to. And, she could hang with the best of 'em.

Andrea said...

So, okay, hands up: Who here loves Frank Iero and thinks that he is awesome and the total bizzomb?

*raises hand*

I do!

Anonymous said...

I will never deny the fact that Gerard Way can sing. I still replay over and over again the taped television episode of them warming the fans up to TBP. It was awesome. His vocals were awesome. Gerard Way can sing, and I'd be willing to bet they don't use autotune. It's just a hunch. The vocals on Bullets and Three Cheers aren't perfectly spot-on, but they are still so good. TBP may have had a little more fixing done to it, but he can still carry it off live (sometimes). For that, I have total respect.

resurrected wreck said...

We really couldnt get enough of that Frank Iero, he really is the best.

Talented, caring, sincere, and a gentleman in the purest sense of the word.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't like Tom Curse. I hated how he made the character into a cry baby. I will give you the choice I never had. Stop crying about it you bitch, your a vampire they don't cry. But QD did make me like that movie a lot more.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:25 P.M:

That is not what I'm hearing....

Anonymous said...

Frank Iero for the effing win.

Frank love for the night.

Tomorrow will be Ray love...during the kickball game. He will make a surprise visit wearing pink leggings and whatever else you want. You won't be able to miss him.

Anonymous said...

Why are some of these posts getting deleted. Are the posters deleting them or is Mayo?

resurrected wreck said...

I don't like Tom Curse. I hated how he made the character into a cry baby. I will give you the choice I never had. Stop crying about it you bitch, your a vampire they don't cry. But QD did make me like that movie a lot more.

I didn't mind Tom Cruise in the role, though he wasn't a quintessential Lestat to me. Brad Pitt, however, was spot on as Louis. I'm not a Brad Pitt fan, actually. Though I admit he's a talented actor, Interview with the Vampire was the only movie I saw him in that made me gasp at his performance.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree with you more. Last year when I saw MCR for the first time, I managed to walk through the side of the House of Blues and snuck inside the gift shop where it was close to the stage and concert area. I was looking around at the shirts and cups and such, and I could clearly hear Gerard's voice practicing. His voice was booming all over the place, and many of the fans, including myself overheard it. A couple of times I couldn't help but laugh.

Anonymous said...

Frank is such beautiful person, inside and out. I hope he always stays that way.

ergoproxy said...

....ahhhhh Ray.
The guitar virtuoso of such amazing talent...

he can come cheer with me !

As for your big forthfuckingcoming disclosure - what the hell... what is it? you're gay? the band is breaking up? you gonna go solo? you were sexually abused as a child by a family member or someone in the clergy? or perhaps you sexually abused someone? Or that Lyn-Z is pregnant or had a miscarriage? Or Lyn-Z is really Lynard? Or you're adopted? Mikey's adopted? Or the shoe fits? Or you're your own mother?

Darth Vader : " Gerard...I am your father"

Gerard : "Nooooooooooo!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I erase my comments when I mess up writing something or if I have to add more of what I have to say. Anyone can't miss Ray. Not with that soft fro of his :)

Andrea said...

LOL, ergoproxy!

Anonymous said...

Funny ergoproxy. We should start having Mayo vote on funniest poster. I'd pay good money to see what the spread thinks!

And I meant to tell you before when you posted Andrea, "Welcome Back!" There's a lot of people that I think have left and you were one of them. I missed seeing you around here.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

For me you want to make IWV good git rid of Tom. I like everyone else. I just find Tom Curse to be to arrogant.

Is it just me or does Gerard remind you of Louis

Anonymous said...

Ray Toro's finger skills make me go ga-ga. I could sit and watch the man shred days on end.

Fimble Star said...

The Bleeding Chaos said...
Hi everybody! Guess who's back? ;)

hi bc. glad to see your back. hope court went ok!

ergoproxy said...

Interview with a Vampire was ok, QD was awful....but give me Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye..
or of course Max Schreck, Nosferatu scared the crap out of me..those fingers *shivers*

ergoproxy said...

Ray Toro's finger skills make me go ga-ga.


Anonymous said...

Is anyone else waiting for a smart...ass comment from Kapunua regarding my last post? I am, and when it comes...I bet you all a million dollars it will be the funniest thing you've read all night. Aside from Ergoproxy's StarWars snippet and Kapunua's blind goose chase.

Jennicula said...

I liked Interview and hated QD movies. I'm just glad they're not making any more of them. I like the books much better.

JocelynHolly said...

Haha Ergoproxy, you crack me up!
I was totally watching that scene, but with Darth Vader and Gerard Way in my head when I read that!:P

Sorry it took me a while to comment though. I went shopping at Wal-Mart and guess what I finally bought? THE BLACK PARADE album! Yep that's right, I never had it before (due to me downloading the songs, I know shame on me!) But, the point is, now I do, it was on sale for a whole $11.72 plus tax!

Now Mayo Darling;

Was the other blog getting too full for you?
You are showing more and more of who you really are. I applaud you for that. Please, keep your tap running, let the faucet of truth flow.
We all care for you. I shall take those tools that you say you found to cease your flow, and throw them in the fucking river if I have to.
Believe me, I will:P

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hey I almost made a comment about his "finger skills" But I think Kapunua would be better.

Jennicula said...

I think I'm having a blonde moment - did Mayo say tools as in a person?

Anonymous said...

question .. if this is Gerard does anyone see any similarties in writing/wording of these blogs to the lyrics?

not sure i said that right

resurrected wreck said...

Is it just me or does Gerard remind you of Louis

I'd never thought about that before. You mean how he's so melancholy and lost?

By the way, as much as I like Antonio Banderas, I didn't think he was at all right to be cast as Armand. A 35 year old Spaniard playing the role of a 17 year old red-headed Russian? WTF??

Anonymous said...

You should have though.
I should probably learn that on the computer, things don't always come off the way you intend them to (i.e. they read A LOT differently). Oh well. I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it.

Glad to hear you got the album. I never got Three Cheers and I'm dying for the cd insert. I'm gonna have to go break down and buy it. I miss not having the album version of "Ghost Of You". I just have the LOTMS version.

resurrected wreck said...

I liked Interview and hated QD movies. I'm just glad they're not making any more of them. I like the books much better.

Same. I waited 8 years after IWTV for a sequel, and what do I get? QOTbloodyD! It's enough to put you off vampires for life.

JocelynHolly said...

^^ I catch your drift anonymous. I'm not quite sure I see any similarities. Do you?

I think I'm having a blonde moment - did Mayo say tools as in a person?

I don't get what you are saying jennicula, I think I am having a blonde moment:P

JocelynHolly said...

Oooh anon2007, I was quite happy! My sister has the Three Cheers CD. I think, by far, that that is my favorite MCR album.

resurrected wreck said...

Hey I almost made a comment about his "finger skills" But I think Kapunua would be better.

I'm waiting for Kapunua to post something saucy too!

Anonymous said...

I mean Gerard writes the Lyrics for MCR & if HE is writing these blogs wouldn't there be some sort of similarity? not so much cryptic mumbojumbo

Jennicula said...

I found a new series of vamipire books by Charlaine Harris (I call it brain candy). It's light and funny. She has a telepath, vampire, werewolves, and shapeshifters. She mixes them all together and makes a mystery of sorts.

resurrected wreck said...

I mean Gerard writes the Lyrics for MCR & if HE is writing these blogs wouldn't there be some sort of similarity? not so much cryptic mumbojumbo

That's a good point.

Those of you who have copies of The Umbrella Academy, how do these blog posts compare to the way that story's written? Any similarities in style?

JocelynHolly said...

Anon, there would be some similarities I guess. But the way I write songs (even though they are all lame) and the way that I write naturally, in stories & blogs and such, don't really have any similarities. It could just be me though.

resurrected wreck said...

jennicula, I may have to check her out.

Have you ever heard of Poppy Z. Brite? She wrote a vampire book called Lost Souls. Very different in style from Anne Rice.

JocelynHolly said...

^^ I hope my last post made any sense:S

Anonymous said...

If we're talking about favorites, it's so hard for me to decide. Depending on the mood I'm in depends on what I listen to. If I want to disect a song, literally note for note, I listen to TBP. I usually do this while sitting in the middle of my floor in a dark room. Much better that way. They have so much stuff layered on top of other stuff, it's like finding treasure when you finally hear that bass part or guitar part you've been listening for. But if I'm in a downer mood and a hating mood, Bullets it is. I love that album. The angst. The agression. It's all there. And Three Cheers comes in when I'm in a downer mood. It just has that certain charming quality to it that kind of picks me up, then gently sets me back down again and again. It's too hard to decide. Let's say I love them as equals.

But Ray Toro shreds like no other mother does (on all of them.)

resurrected wreck said...

^^ I hope my last post made any sense:S

Don't worry, it did :)

Jennicula said...

RW, I haven't but thanks for the tip. I'm heading over to Borders tomorrow. I think I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...

'Find a way' Okay, if you really are Gerard Way as the rumors say, then is that just like an amazing pun on your last name?? i mean come on. . . is that really the first thought into my head when i finished reading that?? oh god. but seriously am i the only one that heard their last name and immideately thought of all the puns you could use their name for! its a noun/adverb.

Okay, if you have found the faucet of truth share boy! i mean come on. yeah often the truth sucks but its better than ignorance. that's all for now. tired

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Louis and Gerard both have dark hair.
While Louis has green eyes and Gerard has hazel. Almost green.

resurrected wreck said...

RW, I haven't but thanks for the tip. I'm heading over to Borders tomorrow. I think I'll check it out.


Her stuff's a lot grittier than Anne Rice, much less of the flowery

resurrected wreck said...

^And the character of Ghost reminds me of Gerard.

Anonymous said...

I think he thought of that, and hides behind an over the top literary style.

Jennicula said...

Louis and Gerard both have dark hair.
While Louis has green eyes and Gerard has hazel. Almost green.

...and I wouldn't kick either of them out of my bed in the morning ; )

resurrected wreck said...

Louis and Gerard both have dark hair.
While Louis has green eyes and Gerard has hazel. Almost green.

And the pale, pale skin.

Anonymous said...


Jennicula said...

I'm sorry. It's late. I'm a dirty bird.

Anonymous said...

With ruffled feathers I presume?

JocelynHolly said...

Whenever I listen to TBP it puts me in a happier mood. Bullets also helps pick me up when I am down. I love the lyrics on that album; I personally think that Bullets was lyrically the best. Three Cheers though, there is just something about the songs that catches my eye. I can't explain the way I feel when I listen to Three Cheers! Definitely all three albums are different, and they all have really amazing aspects to them=]

&&I'm glad that made sense to you RW, because it sure didn't to me after I read it!

Anonymous said...

anon@9:58 --
writing lyrics and writing prose can be very different things, but even so, there's a certain rhythm here that reminds me of the mcr style.
tbh, though? i think alot of those lyrics are pretty cryptic, too! it's part of the fun of listening to them --
trying to figure out just what the heck is being said!

Jennicula said...


Apparently not ruffled enough (hehe)

JocelynHolly said...

tbh, though? i think alot of those lyrics are pretty cryptic, too! it's part of the fun of listening to them --
trying to figure out just what the heck is being said!

I'm not the only one who finds the songs cryptic! I can sit there for hours trying to figure some of the songs out, and never be able to!

resurrected wreck said...

&&I'm glad that made sense to you RW, because it sure didn't to me after I read it!


And now I am off to bed. Happy blogging, everyone, catch you tomorrow!

Fimble Star said...

good night rw

JocelynHolly said...

Goodnight Resurrected Wreck! Sweet Dreams! =]

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Good night RW

Anonymous said...

See ya RW!

Don't feel bad. You guys aren't the only ones that spends hours trying to figure them out. Smart cookie that Gerard Way. Using metaphors to describe the simplest things. That's why we've never figure him out for sure. He's always talking metaphors.

Anonymous said...

paperheartxx said...
I can sit there for hours trying to figure some of the songs out, and never be able to!

i know, isn't it great? :D

Anonymous said...

Apparently not ruffled enough (hehe)

You are so bad.

Jennicula said...

Good night gang. I'll drop in tomorrow.

Same bat time. Same bat channel

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Jennicula!

See ya tomorrow.

Claudia V said...


there's sooo many new people on this good ol' blog.
i miss the days when we were few.
then, it was allll good. [:

Fimble Star said...

good night jen

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Good night Jennicula

Anonymous said...

anon2007 said...
Smart cookie that Gerard Way. Using metaphors to describe the simplest things. That's why we've never figure him out for sure. He's always talking metaphors.

i read that when we hear metaphors and poetry, it bypasses the critical part of our brain and goes straight to the emotional, creative part.
so we understand that stuff on a visceral level, which is why it's always more potent.
so smart cookie, indeed!

Anonymous said...

Well this is odd.

I went to see Mayo's complete profile for shits and giggles. His location is "8:05". What...the hell?

Claudia V said...

its kind of amazing
that the very day a friend of mine dies
i find myself here.
not that i have any less tears
to shed.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Silence.
I am so sorry. We're all here for you if you would like to talk.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

What anon2007 said.

JocelynHolly said...

Anon2007 and anontoujours,
I think that's why MCR has such a huuuuuuuuuuge amount of fans! It is fun trying to figure out the crazy cryptic stuff, yet quite annoying too. But I could seriously never get sick of them!

Well, I am off to bed, I still have school tomorrow=[

Talk to you all tomorrow! &&I can't wait for the kickball game!=]
GOODNIGHT SS<3 (i am convinced he is still watching=])

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Good night PH

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I like it here. Someone evil is trying to shut it down.

You wouldn't believe the truth. Leadership is an honor. People read things differently. Letting people in on deep dark secrets is cool, I won't delete.

Everyone willingly agrees.

p.s. i know who lurks.

October 11, 2007 8:05 PM

anon2007 -- i believe you said one smart cookie??

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Paperheart.
See you at the game! I'll be in the stands. I suck at kickball.

Anonymous said...

Silence, are you okay?

Claudia V said...

thanks guys
i don't know what my problem is.
well, i do.
but it wont leave me
like obviously.
just sometimes
life deserves a serious
kick in the balls.

Anonymous said...

but give me Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye..

Just popping in before bed to say that the original Dracula is one of the best movies ever made, and that Dwight Frye was brilliant in everything he ever did.

JocelynHolly said...

Oh my gosh, I didn't read that silence. I'm soo sorry to hear that!

*runs and gives silence an extra BIIG hug then runs back to warm comfy bed*

Anonymous said...

Ohh anon!!!

Kapunua said that that anon was summing up Mayo's blog. What are we saying? That anon was Mayo?

Anonymous said...

Don't go just yet Kapunua. What's with the 8:05 anon and Mayo's location being at "8:05"?

Anonymous said...

I think that's some pretty crazy stuff right there

Anonymous said...

just sometimes
life deserves a serious
kick in the balls.

Right on. If you would like to talk, feel free. We're here when you're ready if you aren't right now. I know it must be difficult what you've experienced. I really have no comforting words, just that if you want to discuss your situation, we'll all listen intently and with open minds and hearts.

JocelynHolly said...

anontoujours said...

Anonymous said...
I like it here. Someone evil is trying to shut it down.

You wouldn't believe the truth. Leadership is an honor. People read things differently. Letting people in on deep dark secrets is cool, I won't delete.

Everyone willingly agrees.

p.s. i know who lurks.

October 11, 2007 8:05 PM

anon2007 -- i believe you said one smart cookie??

October 11, 2007 10:22 PM

Sorry I'm back, I'm addicted...
this blog mentioned the faucet of truth, did it not? And the part about not deleting.. one of the first comments accused Mayo of deleting some comments...

Anonymous said...

silence --
the excitement of discovery got to me there, but i wanted to let you know that i'm sorry to read that you lost someone.

you have my condolences. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Just did one more quick read-through.

Mayo's location is 8:05 probably just means that he was the anon at 8:05. Mayo, some dark secrets really aren't that cool or beautiful; I understand you not deleting, because it's your blog, but still. Not beautiful. The direct opposite, some of those secrets.

Re: Ray Toro and his shredding fingers, well, I'd love to think of something saucy to say, but whatwith Halloween just around the corner and this talk of horror films and such, the only things I'm putting together in my head when it comes to "fingers" and "shredding" is like, Night Of The Living Dead kind of thing. O_O Umm, eww? I mean zombies FTW and all but still. They're coming to get you, Barbara.

Let's all dream good things tonight, yeah?

ILUguys. Don't post any, like, stick figure tentacle porn while I'm at work or anything.

Malama pono kou kino, IHEKOA. Even though I still don't think it's you.

Anonymous said...

Letting people in on deep dark secrets is cool, I won't delete.

I thought this "Anon" was somehow referring to the post Kapunua had last night that she asked Mayo to delete a couple of times. That's why I thought the Anon @ 8:05 was Mayo saying he wouldn't delete them because it's okay to share dark secrets. I'm really confused right now.

Anonymous said...

Kapunua said that that anon was summing up Mayo's blog. What are we saying? That anon was Mayo?

Oh, yes, that is what I'm saying. Surmising, more like. ^_^

Aloha 'ahi'ahi kakou!

Anonymous said...

Don't post any, like, stick figure tentacle porn while I'm at work or anything.

You know you'll secretly look at it ;)

Anonymous said...

^Crap Kapunua. When I asked the first time, you made it seem like this Anon was just that, that Mayo would have had enough "cojones" to post logged in. I should have re-read it.

Mayo!!! Stop toying with us you effin' puppetmaster. You seriously get a kick out of this don't you?

Anonymous said...

here is where I don't believe that is Gerard Way, because if kapunau is right by saying that 8:05 means that anon was Gerard translating this and then someone said the PS was about Bert, then why would Gerard tell him to come back. He woudln't. At least I don't think so.

Also why would Gerard single out Kapunua i mean, that's not to say your not really nice!! But why you. ANd not anyone else? We have all had things to say to him.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you getting into this a little more. ;)

JocelynHolly said...

I'm beginning to convince myself that Mayonaise isn't truly who I always thought he was; obviously Gerard Way. Sorry Mayo, this game has gone on for far too long and it's beginning to bore me=]
That doesn't mean that I won't comment or read your blogs, I still will. I'm trying to figure this out, and my brain hurts from thinking too much.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Kapunua asked him to delete a post she made.

JocelynHolly said...

Glad to see you getting into this a little more. ;)

I am too, but that just makes me think that this is just some crazy fan trying to convince us that this is Gerard. You'd think that Mr. Way would be too busy getting ready for shows and thinking about the new video to comment and blog.

Anonymous said...

I don't think its him either. Except for that time thing with Mexico the other night and the "last time" Black Parade thing. That made me think so for a while.

Anonymous said...

He would single her out because she told something big and asked him to delete it. Whether it is Gerard or not, she's a smart cookie and Mayo seems to like when people are smart.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It doesn't matter. This is a place for us together and talk that is way more important than who's blog this is.

Anonymous said...

Leaving? Goodnight then, sugar. And remember to spin, spin, sugar.

Anonymous said...

Looks like your plan worked, and doubt has set in once again. I know how much you enjoy the speculation. But I still know who you are, precious.

Anonymous said...

Completely agree MarthaJones. I enjoy all of your company. Mayo's just messing with our minds now. This has turned into one big game for him and I'm tiring quickly...

If you're still around, you're in my thoughts as well as your friend and their family.

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams, girl.

Anonymous said...

Well, we were wishing that he would join in more. Seems like he's testing the waters. Come play kickball with us tomorrow, Mayo. It'll be fun.

Anonymous said...

Gerard has a thing with regret. Could be why he has a problem with deleting.


Anonymous said...

WHy do you keep saying its Gerard????

Anonymous said...

((Sweet dreams, girl.))

Who are you saying that to?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you guys did want Mayo to make an appearance. Seems like Mayo gave you what you wanted. Seem rather odd? And I was under the assumption that Mayo isn't allowed to play kickball with the rest of the players. Something to do with a mirror, possibly a tiara (Again, Happy Birthday Sdock!!!), and Mayo refusing to play nice.

But, go ask the girls who made up that team. They have the say-so Mayo, not anyone else. You'll probably have to bring goodies. You can bake right?

Anonymous said...

Hello VM! Glad to see you back even if it's just for a little while.

Anonymous said...

"Whether it is Gerard or not, she's a smart cookie and Mayo seems to like when people are smart."

If he likes smart cookies then it's not Gerard. He was engaged to Eliza Cuts and married Lyn Z, uhmmm you do the math.

Anonymous said...

Is'nt mayo suppose to be a cheerleader?

ergoproxy said...

Mayo - if you are here please join me in cheering tomorrow's kickball,
I'm sure your skill with words would elicit some magnificent cheers !

I too must depart, but not for dreamland, far too much of the day left !
A BBQ to celebrate a friend leaving one job, to start afresh in another.
I am quite the social buterfly this week!!

silence - thoughts are with you et al

Anonymous said...

Wait. So if anon at 8:05 was Mayo and Mayo is Gerard and he's saying "everyone willingly agrees" does that mean he's saying that the rest of the band agrees to take MSI on the road with them? Cause then you're right, I DON"T believe that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Later EP

Anonymous said...

See ya Ergoproxy. Eat lots and save room for dessert!

That's right! Mayo is the cheerleader. He wasn't good enough to play kickball, am I right? And he always wanted to look into S&V20's mirror correct? I knew he was cut out for cheerleading.

Anonymous said...

Hello anon2007 and everyone!

Maybe he comes here for his intellectual stimulation, since he isn't getting that at home.


Anonymous said...

Bye Ergo!
see you tomorrow.

Fimble Star said...

just i thought i had, mayo said in hisn PS that he knows who lurks. could that be reference to our comments on the other post saying that ss lurks on this blog?

Anonymous said...

To anon @ 11:02

Yea, I get the impression that he (if he=g) is pretty much deluded himself into believing the others have willingly agreed.

He probably does believe that.


Anonymous said...

Not SS, Bert. Find A Way is a song by the Used. Kapuna said (in a joking way)??? in the last blog she thought it was about Gerard Way

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Could be. Maybe that's the reason SS deleted his title. PPU could have been Mayo. I doubt this is the first time s/he has posted. Just a little more obvious this time.

Anonymous said...

^It could be,or it could be certain member of another band or the someone evil that is big brother.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

So many possibility, so many possible headaches.

Anonymous said...

Fimble Star said...
just i thought i had, mayo said in hisn PS that he knows who lurks. could that be reference to our comments on the other post saying that ss lurks on this blog?

October 11, 2007 11:07 PM

that's the way i read it. i'm convinced that "ghost" = ss.

Anonymous said...

I think Mayonaise has a crush on Kapunua.


Claudia V said...

Anonymous said...
I like it here. Someone evil is trying to shut it down.

You wouldn't believe the truth. Leadership is an honor. People read things differently. Letting people in on deep dark secrets is cool, I won't delete.

Everyone willingly agrees.

p.s. i know who lurks.

October 11, 2007 8:05 PM


Anonymous said...
"the ghost that floats by here now again find a way."

Come back, Bert. Find A Way.

October 11, 2007 8:15 PM


Anonymous said...
"Now do tell who is lurking. please?"


October 11, 2007 8:45 PM


And then anon2007 pointed out that Mayo's location was at 8:05.
Ever so clever, Mayo.
Thanks for joining us. At least for a while.
You help to fan the flames.
Goodnight everyone.

Fimble Star said...

i am tired. i should go to bed but i dont want to becuase i know that in the morning i will come back on here and there will be like 300 more posts lol

Anonymous said...

So,silence(and i'm really sorry what happened,my thoughts are with you and your friends family) are you saying that all of those anons were mayo? good catch if so cause i see a 5 in all of those times.

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