Saturday, October 8, 2011


There was never more time
than when I was 23,
bold, brash and free.
I called out to any, to all…
you will never make me fall
as I pushed back

up from the pavement.

It is faster now, time.
Being no longer 23,
with a near carbon-copy me
I chase after and hold
for a moment, to keep
her from falling.
She will, I know.
Just as she tumbles head over heels in the grass, a summersault.
She will tumble a life.
Over and over, the days
I can salve and bandage her knee,
treat the sting of a bee,
turn her ear to my voice
singing on or off key.
She will stop crying,
only momentarily

before she will be
pushing off of 23.


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Anonymous said...

Potatoes in your face

Anonymous said...

What about pie in the face?

Anonymous said...

I was wrong. I don't think meds alone will help the obsessive repetitive anon. I'm not sure if intensive psycho therapy will help either.

Anonymous said...

We should spam them back.

Anonymous said...

They're doing nothing over there but taking shots at Elena because they found her MCR fanfictions. I say we go over there as a group and get them shut down.

Anonymous said...

Elena writes fanfic?

links or it didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

"Like this" she looked into his eyes as she lowered herself onto his rock hard erection. "This is what I want inside me"
She began to raise and lower herself on him.
"That's it sugar, ride me" he crushed his mouth to hers and uttered the raw language she loved 'Fuck me baby."
The water that surrounded them had cooled but their passion burned. Soon the fire was out of control. They climaxed together and she fell to this chest, his arms encircled her. "I love you, Monica," he whispered.
"I love you, Gee," she answered still trying to catch her breath.

From VV's

Ew. Did Elena really write that?

Anonymous said...

Elena, do your daughters know you write Mary Sues about Gerard?

Does your husband?

Anonymous said...

Gerard led Willow into his bedroom. “Go start the shower. I’ll join you in a minute.” His voice shook with desire.
Willow nodded and headed towards his bathroom. She turned on the tap and adjusted the water temperature. Quickly she stepped in and stood under the spray of hot water only a few moments before Gerard joined her. His smile was sheepish.
“Sugar, let me wash off before you touch me. He picked up the sponge and made a move to grab the body wash but Willow was faster. She held the bottle in one hand and extended the other.
Gerard was surprised by the action.
“Hand me the sponge, Gee.” She said softly.
It was the first time she’d called him Gee and he realized he liked the way the name rolled off her tongue. Slowly he handed it to her and she smiled.
“Now close you eyes and relax.” She said with a smile.
In his mind he was thinking, how the fuck am I supposed to relax standing this close to her nude body but he kept silent. His eyes fluttered shut.

Anonymous said...

They had reached the room and Frank stood back and let Willow enter first. She spotted Mikey sitting on a sofa. Following his gaze she pulled up short. Across the room stood a very young blond headed girl who was smiling at Mikey.
“Willow, I want to understand what’s she wants.” Mikey said realizing they had arrived. “Tell me how to do this.”
Slowly Willow walked over and sat down next to him. The girl looked away from Mikey to Willow and waved. Willow smiled in return.
“She’s so friendly.” Mikey said in awe. “But I feel bad cause I don’t know what she wants. Does she want something?”
Willow took a deep breath to clear her mind. After a moment she understood. Taking Mikey’s hand in hers she said softly. “Yes, she wants to tell you something. Take a deep breath and try to clear your mind. Concentrate only on her and let it come to you.”
Mikey did as she said but after a moment he frowned. “I can’t do it.”
“You’re getting upset. That won’t help. You have to stay calm.” Willow urged. “Just concentrate, it will come to you.”
Mikey tried again. Holding on tightly to Willow’s hand he focused all his attention on the girl. The room as silent as everyone waited.
“Oh” Mikey said suddenly. “Pictures. I see pictures.”
Willow nodded, “Yeah, she’s showing you things so you’ll understand.”
Mikey continued to concentrate. “Why is she showing me a grave?” He whispered.
“Many times because they want you to understand they know they have passed. The dead know that there are many of their kind who don’t understand that fact.”

Mikey sees dead people.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

*shakes head*

I wonder if we can get a group rate on lobotomies? Cut the obsession and hate right out of them. I think that'll be the only thing that works.

Anonymous said...

Oh God! I haven't laughed this hard in weeks!

Anonymous said...

┈┈┃╯╯╯╯╯╯╰╰╰┃┈┈ ╭━╋┳━━┳━┳━━┳╋━╮ ┃╭┃┃▕▉┃┃┃▕▉┃┃╮┃ ┃╰╮╰━━╯╰╮━━╯╭╯┃ ╰━╮╰╭━╯╰╯━╮╯╭━╯ ┈┈┃▕┣┳┳┳┳┳┫▏┃┈┈ ┈┈┃▕╰┻┻┻┻┻╯▏┃┈┈ ┈┈╰┳━╰━━━╯━┳╯┈┈

Anonymous said...

No wonder Mikey said this stuff was vile.

Anonymous said...

Gerard heard something in his brother’s voice that worried him. “What's wrong?"
Looking over Mikey saw Alicia nod to him in an encouraging way. They had discussed this and Mikey had finally decided to tell Gerard about their grandma's appearance. "Gee, before we left London I saw Grandma.”
Gerard sat up straighter, "What? Why didn't you tell me before now? When did you see her?"
Mikey explained, "When I ran back to the bus to get my book.”
"Well what happened?" Gerard asked quickly.
"She showed me some images but I didn't understand them."
"What images? What did she show you Mikey?" Gerard asked suddenly feeling unexplainably frightened. Now he was sure by the sound of Mikey’s voice that something was wrong.
"She showed me Willow." Mikey whispered.
Gerard reached for a cigarette out of a nervous habit. "Willow? What did she show you?"
"Gee, just listen. I’m not sure what any of it means, okay?"
"Man, tell me. What did grandma show you?"
"I saw Willow crying. She was alone and sobbing.” Mikey said softly.
"Where was she? Did you see what was happening?"
"No, all I could see was Willow lying in a bed crying. And I knew something was very wrong. Grandma also showed me an image of you."
"Me?" Gerard repeated, "What about me?"
"You were alone in a dark room." He hadn't shared the rest of this with Alicia but he knew he had to tell his brother, "You were sitting at a table with a half empty whiskey bottle.”

THIS ONE'S FOR YOU GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What? Links please. Otherwise I don't believe that's Elena.

Anonymous said...

the excerpts are from "So Shut Your Eyes" chapters 33 and 64

Anonymous said...

These are definitely Elena. No denying it. Mary Sue at its worst.


elena said...


How was your day? Mine was good. Mr E was feeling better so we went out for lunch. Yummy Mexican food.

We did some work around the house the rest of the day then stopped to watch Survivor.

Now we are sitting outside just enjoying this unusual Oct weather and loving the full moon.

I like days like today. Not exciting but nice.

Hope you have days like that too.

Take care
Nite Mayo

Anonymous said...

Donna waved the thought away. "I won't hear of it. You are welcome here" She took a sip of coffee then spoke "So tell me how long have you been a fan of My Chemical Romance?"
Thinking a moment Monica decided to tell the truth. "Not long after Kyle died I was looking at the TiVo the girls had recorded. One of the shows was all videos by My Chemical Romance. I had been pretty depressed that day and as I was watching I realized I was suddenly crying. The video was "Helena".
Donna nodded "The boys were so close to their grandma".
"Yes, it is a beautiful tribute" She paused a moment "The music touched me. It made me realize I had given up on life and was hurting my daughters and myself. It made me want to live again."
Neither woman said anything for a few moments. Donna broke the silence "It is so important to my boys that their music makes a difference to people. Things will get better for you I promise. " She smiled. "Now let me show you to the basement bedroom you and the girls can use. I have cots for the girls for right now and you can have the bed."
They walked downstairs and into the bedroom. Monica had seen this room before in an early video the group had made. She looked over at the bed. In the video Gerard had been laying in that bed. Damn if her heart didn't skip a beat.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Elena! Say hello to Donna for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:22! Say hello to VV and crew for me.

Anonymous said...

9:20 can say hello to VV and crew too.☝

Anonymous said...

Mr E was feeling better so we went out for lunch. Yummy Mexican food.

And then did you talk to the ghost of Gerard's grandma, and tell her all about all the sex you are having with him?

Anonymous said...

Lol. Bert and Gerard had a falling out over Elena's Mary Sue Monica! Who knew?

Anonymous said...

That does go a long way to explaining why Gerard and Bert had a fight. I understand it totally now. They were fighting over the love of a woman. A woman named Monica. Well really Elena, but we can't be too obvious of course, so we change the name to Mary Sue. I mean Monica. I mean Willow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^Yeah, that's how the Ways feel about fanfic.

Anonymous said...

They must get that alot IRL.

Anonymous said...

I would guess once or twice an hour.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think you immature, thinly veiled anons actually believe that your mocking affects Elena or any one else who posts here. Huh.

You forget that Mayo actually liked the fanfic. >:) Elena has no reason to be embrassed by you posting some of her work here. He posted some of his own in reply once, did you forget that anon(s)?

All you have proved in searching out her writing, posting and mocking it here -is that you are in dire need of some fresh air and maybe some tips on more grown up pastimes. If you want to convey how wrong, inappropriate or childish someone else is -probably refraining from being petty, spiteful and just plain stupid might help. :/

Anonymous said...

I see, so the logic is, "Mayo is okay with it, and since Mayo is Gerard, he must be okay with it."

and maybe some tips on more grown up pastimes.

Really? So a 57 year old woman writing a few hundred entire chapters of herself boning a rock star half her age, Mary Sue-ing herself in a story to make her life seem special.... That's all perfectly normal. Healthy. Etc.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a healthy, normal, and married grown up thing to do. Right.

Anonymous said...

Pinkie Pie


Rainbow Dash

Anonymous said...

I'm merely saying that this is Mayo's blog. And your efforts to embarrass Elena really aren't going to amount to much here. I don't see the point in taking so much time to fail at something.

Is it normal to search out someone's hobby and post it somewhere you figure it will humiliate them? Why this obsessive desire to spite Elena? Do you really dislike how a stranger spends their time that would go this far? Posting on two seperate blogs? It seems only like a cry for attention.

Anonymous said...

I think Ozzy is getting a bit too big for his britches on Survivor. I still don't have a favorite this season.

Anonymous said...

I think Ozzy is getting a bit too big for his britches on Survivor. I still don't have a favorite this season.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the point in taking so much time to fail at something.

How about all the time taken to fail at writing?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't mean to post twice, don't want to get confused with repeaty anon.

Anonymous said...

^That *you would go this far. I'm sure there are other things you could enjoy more, anon. And you aren't getting to anyone with this method. All I'm trying to say.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually a fan of Elena's writing. She can go to some very dark and intriging places. Everyone has their own thing they're into, anon. If you don't like RPF, you don't need to read it. It's not that hard to avoid.

Unless someone is spitefully spamming it at various places.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to ignore you, Ozzy anon. But I'm not here for conversation. I just wanted to say my piece about Elena. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually a fan of Elena's writing. She can go to some very dark and intriging places.

Yeah, me too. I'm also a fan of eating razor blades and washing them down with rubbing alcohol.

She's just... not only bad at subject matter (you don't even have to get into that) but the writing itself is such piss-poor quality that I just can't. I can't even.

Anonymous said...

I could actually go for a few more Elena/Gerard porn quotes. Just for laughs.

I hope someone saves those before she takes them down and tries to pretend it wasn't her, they are so epically bad it's entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's okay, I was just trying to change the subject, I don't care what Elena does in her free time. I think she's a nice person, and I don't get the witch hunt, or the dot dot dot anon, or any of the assorted crap.

Anonymous said...

I love how calling someone out on their really valid display of creepsterness is a "witch hunt". Oh, the persecution.

Anonymous said...

Oh man. Back in the old days on fuckyou_mcr we would have had a field day with Elena's "writing". Only it never would have made it onto any lj communities because most of them had standards for grammar, spelling and formatting. I'm surprised nobody ever sporked it though. Although I was never aware that "ficwad" existed. We got most of our sporking material from

I was 15 back then, and used to write MCR slash. It was a phase I was going through, and I would actually be embarrassed as hell if anyone ever found my old fic and posted it, although even at 15, I would never have posted a Mary Sue.

Anonymous said...

You forget that Mayo actually liked the fanfic. >:)

Um no. As I recall, he was not impressed by the people who posted actual MCR fanfic here. He deleted a whole post of it in fact.

And if Mayo wants to convince anyone he's Gerard, he'd certainly never say he liked fanfic about him. Just last week, he and Mikey did an interview where they called fanfic "vile" and complained about how it always had to have an erotic element.

So no. I think your argument is rubbish and fails quite miserably. Probably the only thing you said that was correct is that Elena isn't embarrassed. Anyone who would post such horrid crap as that fic we read tonight has no shame.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wrote fanfic too, though not real person stories. And even as a little kid I would never have Mary Sued. How is it that a, what did someone say, 57 year old woman with children, would do something like that?

Anonymous said...

"Witch hunt" really? Umm no. This is actually the first I have ever heard of Elena's "writing" and of "ficwad" (WHAT?)

So this is hardly a witch hunt. This is just people being grossed out by legitimately creeptastic behavior and godawful attempts at writing.

Anonymous said...

I love how calling someone out on their really valid display of creepsterness is a "witch hunt".

Agreed. That Monica fic was about as creepy as it gets.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Elena is 57. I think she's actually in her mid to late 40's. Still, though. *shudder* Creepy.

Anonymous said...

Probably the only thing you said that was correct is that Elena isn't embarrassed. Anyone who would post such horrid crap as that fic we read tonight has no shame.

Lol, this. I need a few gallons of brain bleach after reading that shit.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I think maybe Elena is the one who needs to search out grown-up pastimes. Mary Sue fanfic is the realm of very young teenagers. Or at least, it should be.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Mayo deleted the post with the fanfic excerpts in the comments for plagiarism issues.

He posted a rather saucy blog in reply to the bulk of people that enjoyed those excerpts so much. Why the need to twist the facts? And Mayo is just Mayo. Simple. If people want to believe otherwise that is their prerogative. You are the only one at the moment who seems adamant on obsessing over things that false.

And why resort to being so rude? Aside from Dot anon, you are the one insulting people and behaving like a child. Your opinion holds little worth when you stop being respectful of others.

Thank you for understanding, 12:52.

Goodnight to everyone. Wether you are using your night well or not.

Anonymous said...

Please excuse the typo's. I have no desire to linger here. Which is no doubt the aim.

But there are better things to do with one's time, anon.

Anonymous said...

He posted a rather saucy blog in reply to the bulk of people that enjoyed those excerpts so much.

Mayo's "saucy blog" as you put it was not a fanfiction, and it did not mention anyone by name.

And also, as I recall, there was a general outcry among the regulars here when "vulture anons" were posting fanfic here. Yes, plagiarism issues did figure into it, but the regulars here were all up in arms about how they did not want the fic posted.

I also find it hilarious how you keep reiterating that no one is bothered by the posting of Elena's "writing", yet you seem to be quite bothered. Otherwise you wouldn't keep going on about it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe 1:37 needs to contact the Ways and tell them how they are being immature about thinking fanfic is vile. She can school them about what a mature pastime it is to write Mary Sue fic about fucking them.

ergoproxy said...

hi ho!

had a great day today at the opening of a new department store and extension to a shopping centre, so many fabulous new stores, beautiful clothes, awesome shoes, electrical goods, nice.
Got a beautiful pair of nude satin heels and a few other bits and pieces.
So good to have the variety quality here.
And now to tutor!

Anonymous said...

LynZ is a big fan of fanfiction. At least that is what her friendship with some fic writers implies.

Anonymous said...

A response is 'keeping on'? It's a blog. People respond. Like, that's the whole point. O_o

Anonymous said...

Lindsey is a dim bulb. I doubt she knows what's even going on half the time.

Look, you can't deny that Mikey and Gerard just did an interview where they called MCR fanfic vile. VILE. Do you need a link?

Anonymous said...

Lindsey is friends on twitter with some girl who published a book that was originally a Frerard fanfic. It was AU, and the names were changed before the book was published. Frankly, I doubt Lindsey even knows it was ever a My Chem fic. Besides, twitter friends who kiss your ass and show up at your art opening aren't exactly bosom buddies. Lindsey probably patted this girl on the head and then sent her on her way.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if M/G think fic is vile? Are they reading Elena's? What does that have to do with anything. Wouldn't it be more insulting or offensive to deliberately send or link them something they so recently labeled as "vile"? Elena wrote that years ago. As far as I recall she didn't write it for either of them. She wrote it for herself. And she didn't throw it in front of them with rude intentions. Unlike the anon's who keep posting pieces of it here and at VV's.

Now who's not letting it go.

My comment about LynZ was a joke, anon. ;~) Go to bed.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gerard and Mikey Way. Most fanfic is vile. I wouldn't want to read erotic or slash fic about myself or anyone that I cared about.

Feeling that way isn't the problem here. Opinions on fanfic aren't the problem with repetitive anon, c&p and her cohorts. Their behavior is a problem. Their hatred and bitterness is problem.

The fact is that Elena did not post her fanfic on this blog. You posted her fanfic here in an effort to embarrass her. So you could sit here for hours and talk about either the subject matter or her piss poor writing skills.

Your intentions are clear. They always are.

What else do you do to try and embarrass and humiliate people? Have you ever taken a video of a roomie having sex with his boyfriend and posted it online? Forwarded nude photos of a girl not on your friends list to everyone on your friends list?

I've heard about young, cruel, immature people doing things like that. Their oh so innocent fun ended with the victims of their fun killing themselves.

I find the intent of your c&p fun and your commentary that followed much more vile, creeepy and disgusting than Elena's fanfic. Your actions are filled with hateful and harmful intent.



Anonymous said...

Now who's not letting it go.

Says the person who is still arguing. Lulz.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so wait. You've gone from "no one is bothered by what you do" to "people kill themselves over this kind of thing"?

Puh-leeze. Save your overly dramatic bullshit. It might have more of an impact if you weren't completely contradicting yourself.

Besides, if you think things that were said about Elena's fic here were bad, you should have been on fuckyou_mcr back in the day. Those people were merciless, and about fics that were far less flawed than Elena's.

You see, that's what happens when people put this type of thing out on the internet. They leave themselves open to (sometimes very harsh) criticism. If they can't take it, they should probably refrain from posting fic. And once something is out there on the net, you can't really take it back. More than likely, it's going to come back and haunt you.

But who cares anyway, right? After all, according to you, Elena isn't bothered.

Anonymous said...

Different anons Einstein.

3:00/:39 said...

In the past some have called me cute smilie anon. I'm sure no one will ever make the mistake of calling you that.


Welshie said...

our accent's bloody mad. love it though.

Bless her, I wanna give her a hug.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dashie!


Okie dokie.

Pinkie Pie

Anonymous said...

If you don't want your Mary Sue RPF porn discussed on the internet, here's a hint for you. Don't post it on the internet. Crappy writing done anywhere in public is always fair game.

Anonymous said...

If you don't want your Mary Sue RPF porn discussed on the internet, here's a hint for you. Don't post it on the internet. Crappy writing done anywhere in public is always fair game.


You people act like you've never heard of sporking communities or communities like fuckyou_mcr or fuckyou_fandom. Bad fanfic gets ripped all to pieces, all of the time. It doesn't matter whether you like the person writing it or not. Bad writing is just bad writing.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a TA in English, middle and high school and I want to add something to this. We actually had a conversation about "author insertion" and it was something that even the kids understood was considered bad writing.

But even aside from that. I had a chance last night to look over those specific fics between last night and this morning. Apart from using the really amateur "sin" of author insertion/avatar/Mary Sue, the writing itself is just plain bad from someone of that age. It is at about an 8th grade level. I saw creative writing assignments turned in that had a better grasp on pacing, tension, and just plain SPAG in general.

So I say this. If you put your work in public, you should expect criticism. And if you are an adult still writing like that, you should expect the even more criticism. If I had found out that those fics had been written by, say, a 14 year old who was just playing around with writing something sexual, I would think "Okay, all kids go through that phase or at least most of them do." But when you're in your 50s or 40s or however old Elena/MCArmyWife is, it goes beyond bad writing and enters the realm of, like someone else said... creepy.

elena said...

Good Morning

Wow…I’ve been sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee of the day and trying to decide if I should bother to respond to what happened last night. It was, of course, not a surprise at all. I just find it sorta funny that after all this time my writing has suddenly been “discovered”. LOL
Come on...links to my stories have been posted here before. Hell, back in the day one of the original blues even talked about my writing on the blog when she recognized my name. So why now is this some big deal?
Yeah, well pretty sure I know that answer.
So…I guess the big question is do I care? Nope, not at all. I’ve said over and over I love to write. And let’s be honest writing for MCR fans gives you a pretty captive audience.
I know this was done to embarrass me…sorry it doesn’t.
Does my family know I write Fanfic? ….yep they do.
Do my friends know?...yep they do.
I did get a good laugh out of some of the anon comments. Damn, I just keep getting older and older…57? No, still hanging in my 40’s.
The simple fact is I love to write, might not be all that good, but a lot of people do like it. So I guess I write for me and those people.
Anons you can keep poking a stick at me if that makes you happy. But it’s really sorta a waste of time. But then, you do seem to have a lot of time on your hands.

Anyway, I’ve got a lot of work to do and I best be getting busy. Have a great day everyone!

Anonymous said...

Lol, you need a "captive audience" if you're going to actually have anyone reading the shit you write, Elena.

I don't really understand how it is that you own a bookstore and absolutely zero writing technique has managed to rub off on you. Oh well.

Anyway, just my opinion (and I know you don't care -- like someone else said, you have no shame), but you should probably find yourself another hobby. Something you might actually be good at.

Anonymous said...

But then, you do seem to have a lot of time on your hands.

LMAO! 100+ chapters of that godawful Monica fic alone (btw, what was wrong with Mikey's bed? Was there another homeless Mary Sue sleeping in it too?), and she says other people have too much time on their hands!

Anonymous said...

A lot of people "love to write" but that doesn't mean they'll ever be any good. Ask yourself, does it even bother you that the men you write about boning hate that kind of shit?

Your family knows you write fanfic, but do they know you write Mary Sue porn?

I realize you're not embarrassed, but I'm feeling a lot of second hand embarrassment for you, damn.

Anonymous said...

But then, you do seem to have a lot of time on your hands.

Most hilarious reply ever.

Anonymous said...

Elena's erotic genius.

"Why would I touch you?" I asked quietly.

"So I will cum," he answered as if I was simple to even ask the question.

"And why would I want you to cum?" I challenged.

He took another drag of his cigarette and smiled into the darkness. "Because you want to cum."

Really? CUM? Are you fourteen?

Anonymous said...

"I will touch you" The words left my mouth surprising me.

He dropped the glowing cigarette and turned towards me. "Touch me" he demanded.

I took a step closer to him. My hand suddenly had a mind of it's own. I gripped the top of his jeans and undid the button. His eyes were focused on something just over my shoulder. My fingers unzipped the jeans and freed him. "Touch me and I will cum" he repeated once more. I pushed aside the material of his boxers and freed his penis. He stood here quietly looking fully dressed had it not been for his hardening member jutting out from his pants.

No punctuation inside quotes, "it's" instead of "its" and generally bad, bad sex.

I'm amazed that this is the work of an adult. I've seen teens write better fiction than this. And have better SPAG as well. So as much of an embarrassment it is that she wrote Mary Sue porn in the first place, what's just as bad is that the writing itself is a joke.

How do you get this far in life not knowing basic SPAG? It's unthinkable.

Anonymous said...

He leaned over and once more spoke to me, "If you touch me I will cum."


Anonymous said...

What's too funny also is how these were written when Gerard first started going out with LynZ. The author / narrator keeps talking about "Gerard's real girlfriend" and commenting on how miserable he looks with her.

Anonymous said...

"You didn't cum" he said. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me. I shook my head no. He sat on the bed next to me and ran his fingers thru his cum that was on my chest.

Cum. Thru.

Sorry, but no adult writes like this.

Anonymous said...

Anon, please tell me you're not going to do all 127 chapters.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO at Field of Reams.

Anonymous said...

There was no way around that one.

ergoproxy said...

good morning!

Anonymous said...

I realize you're not embarrassed, but I'm feeling a lot of second hand embarrassment for you, damn.

Me too. Damn.

ergoproxy said...

PP those salvage operators are brave men, hope it works!

Anonymous said...

That is WELL shameful.

Anonymous said...

Elena, I am so legitimately sketched the hell out rn. Jesus.

BTW, "don't like, don't read" is the oldest, most pathetically lame and overused whine of every badfic fangirl "writer," ever, since the history of badfic.

The sporker's reply to that has always been "don't like, read twice, mock the hell out of."

Jesus christ, take the shame. That is some awful stuff there.

Welshie said...

I don’t think anybody liked me today so piss off Today and never come back...Oh, you've gone. Well...good!

Anonymous said...

They are relentless. It's a shame they didn't outgrow their bullying like they say they outgrew writing real person fan fiction.

Anonymous said...

It's not bullying. It's called criticism, and every fanfic writer gets it.

I've been a beta on various fic comms in lj, and I've seen a lot of bad Mary Sue, and even some Gary Stu fanfic, but Elena's really takes the cake. I've read sexier stories about Jeremy Clarkson bonking James May.

If you really "love writing" like you say, Elena, you should do something to try to improve. Get a beta. Look into some creative writing courses, or hell, even buy a creative writing book. It would go a long way if you'd just try to improve your spelling and grammar.

But most of all, learn how to write better sex scenes that aren't ridden with every bad!porn cliche that ever existed. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

1 or 2 comments is criticism. What you're doing is bullying.

Posting critiques on the site where the author posts their story is criticism. Copying an author's work and pasting it on another site to be mocked is bullying.

Stop making excuses and trying to justify your own vile, immature behavior.

Anonymous said...

"Um no. As I recall, he was not impressed by the people who posted actual MCR fanfic here. He deleted a whole post of it in fact."

As I recall, the "fanfic" post was about Kapunua and Sdock. They whined--excuse me, YOU whined--about it until Mayo gave in and deleted the whole post just to shut you up. Tell the truth, not what you PERCEIVE is the truth.

Elena's fanfic, as well as all her writing, is excellent in both style and content. Much, much better than anything YOU'VE written, K.

57? *pfft* Not anywhere near it. Personally I think she looks great to be the mother of 3 grown women, a successful businesswoman, and a wife. She's a busy person, but the stress never shows.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Elena's fanfic, as well as all her writing, is excellent in both style and content.

Are you drunk, on drugs, or merely insane?


8:08/2nd 8:10 said...


7:56 said...

Lol, thanks for the compliment, but I'm not Kapunua.

Anonymous said...

57? *pfft* Not anywhere near it. Personally I think she looks great to be the mother of 3 grown women, a successful businesswoman, and a wife. She's a busy person, but the stress never shows.

Elena, stop writing about yourself, honey. Besides, you look like hell, and we've all seen the pics that prove it.

Anonymous said...

"Sorry, but no adult writes like this."

But K writes fanfic. Final Fantasy, I believe. She also wrote a most dreadful story for this blog. Anyone remember?

7:56 said...

From what I read, somebody did try to give Elena criticism on the site where she posted her fic, and she responded with her typical kindergarten teacher-esque, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all," bullshit.

I actually come from the MCR slash fandom, and I don't have a problem with RPF. What I do have a problem with is really, really bad!fic, and people who continue to post it without trying to better themselves.

I offered helpful suggestions, but if Elena chooses to get all defensive and butthurt instead of taking them, well so be it. She'll continue to be made fun of and her fic will probably turn up on some spork communities. Nobody's fault but her own.

8:08/2nd 8:10 said...

Relentless cruelty. Shakespeare could have written a few real life based on fact plays about them. They make Shylock, Iago and Tamora look like angels.

Anonymous said...

7:56, forgive me for saying this, but I don't believe a word you say.

Throw all the insults you want. Elena does not care what you say. She's not affected by juvenile "criticism" such as yours.

Lastly, I am not Elena.

But thanks for the compliment. ;)

ergoproxy said...

You ok Welshie?

Anonymous said...

Relentless cruelty? I beg to differ.

I am of the belief that it is quite often cruel to be kind. When your loved ones and friends tell you, "Oh, you're a good writer!" simply because they don't want to hurt you, they're probably doing you more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

Throw all the insults you want. Elena does not care what you say. She's not affected by juvenile "criticism" such as yours.

Lol. But you sure as hell are.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'm confused.

Is Field of Reams really a fic Elena wrote? Was it crackfic? Anybody got a link?

Anonymous said...

That is WELL shameful.

Elena aint bovvered.

Anonymous said...

"Lol. But you sure as hell are."

No, I'm just sick of hearing you blather on and on about something else you think will humiliate someone. You brought it here to shove down Elena's throat like you've done with so many others from here. If you're from an MCR site, how'd you know to come here? How'd you know this place even existed? Why bother with insults NOW, when you know Elena posted that years ago? Nobody "new" comes here anymore. Thin disguise.

Anonymous said...

We also know that K used to belong to a group whose sole purpose was to "critique" (read: insult) authors just to get some kicks. Pretty juvenile, extremely cruel.

Anonymous said...

If you're from an MCR site, how'd you know to come here? How'd you know this place even existed?

Are you serious with this shit? How else would anybody find out about this place if they weren't somehow connected to the MCR fandom at some point? Are you daft?

I don't write MCR fic anymore, but I used to be a beta at mychemicalslash and bert_and_gerard and various other MCR comms. I used to post at mychemicalspork, and I belonged to mychroma. Most of those comms went to shit after Gerard got married.

I still keep up with things that go on in the community. I don't care whether you believe me or not, but it sounds to me like you don't know a damn thing about the MCR fandom, so how the hell did you know about this place?

Anonymous said...

No, I'm just sick of hearing you blather on and on about something else you think will humiliate someone. You brought it here to shove down Elena's throat like you've done with so many others from here. If you're from an MCR site, how'd you know to come here? How'd you know this place even existed? Why bother with insults NOW, when you know Elena posted that years ago? Nobody "new" comes here anymore. Thin disguise.


U mad?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love you, 8:53. :)

Anonymous said...

You're so aggro, 8:47. Why are you letting this get to you so much? If you don't care, and this isn't personal to you -why are you here?

Anonymous said...

Lol. I'm ~~aggro~~?

You're the one who's mad, 8:39.

But y u mad, tho?

Anonymous said...

Um, I'm 8:55. Not 8:39. There is more than one anon here who cares about Elena. I'm not mad at you. I'm just wondering why you are here if you dislike Elena and the others who post here so much. It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't see how this could be so fun to you. Usually if I dislike someone, I avoid them. I don't do my best to get their attention. :/

Anonymous said...

Aw, Elena has lots of anon fans who like to read about Gerard and his CUM! Who knew bad fic was so popular?

Anonymous said...

Clearly you were ignorant.

Anonymous said...

I get all turned on when I read about Gerard's hard member being shoved up Elena's, uh, I mean Monica's ass! And I want to lick his cum! Elena's beautifully descriptive prose allows me to indulge in those fantasies!

Anonymous said...

Clearly you were ignorant.

Clearly. And thankfully.

Anonymous said...

9:05 is a wise anon! :)

8:08/2nd 8:10 said...

Nice graffiti 8:53. Did my work inspire you? I'm glad if it did.


Anonymous said...

Elena's fanfic inspires me.

When I read Elena's sex scenes, I feel like it's me that Gerard is fucking. I feel like it's me he's begging to "ride" him and that it's me he's calling "Sugar." I can feel the heat rising from within the "core of my womanhood" and I long to feel him deep inside me, to feel the release of his passion. I want him to run his fingers up and down my "hot slit" and make me "CUM!"

Y'know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

Daft. Such a British term.

I must say that I do think it sounds much classier than dumbass, idiot or aggro.

Anonymous said...

They have Top Gear slash?


Anonymous said...

I do understand what you mean, 11;01. It's perfectly clear to me. I'm not inspired by it at all.

Anonymous said...

Actually, you wrote that much better than Elena, 11:01. You used proper punctuation. ;P

Anonymous said...

From mychemicalspork:

In my opinion, the most basic problem with Mary Sue characters is this: Writing fiction requires a high degree of self-awareness, and if you are not aware enough to realize you are writing yourself into the story, then it can’t be a very good story in any respect. The chances are that if you are writing a Mary Sue story without knowing it, it will be a simple wish-fulfillment story, and you’re pretty much just emptying out your psychic underwear drawer and inviting everyone to rummage through it.

8:08/2nd 8:10/11:07 said...

I'm not inspired by 11:08 either.

Don't quit your day jobs you two. You'll never find work as inspirational speakers, writers or muses.

Anonymous said...

11:08, don't pretend to be someone you are not. It's embarrassing, for you.

I will not partake in the name dropping or remark on other blogs and past issues. But I feel inclinded to ask why you anon(s) are making this out to be some kind of personal vendetta? Is it your goal to make people believe certain others are behind this? How could that make you feel good? Or smug? You gain nothing but further hatred from and for others. You are relentlessly mocking and attacking a regular here. Why does it confuse you so much that so many people have come out to defend her from your efforts to hurt her? -There has definitely been more than one anon here over the last few days of this. It doesn't look to me like the general opinion here is going to change. People like Elena. They don't seem too bothered by her hobbies, whether they care for those hobbies or not. We are replying to you, because you haven't stopped complaining or attacking her yet. Don't you have friends you care enough about to get into a long and futile argument with people who behave poorly, don't listen to a word you say, sink to childish levels and seem to be unrelenting in their cruel desires, too? Are you aware that you may be framing those friends of yours with your behavior here? What kind of friends do that to each other?

Elena isn't going anywhere. Nor are the people that care about and defend her. Honestly, I think we're just wondering how long you are going to keep spending your time in such a low and wasteful manner. Eventually you will stop getting the attention you want from this.

◠‿◠ said...

╱╱ ╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╭╮╱╱
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╱ ▄▄┗┛┗┛╱╱╱┗┛┗┛╱╱╱

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think those fics should be archived for future hilarity and posterity. I almost want to say post them all here chapter by chapter, since obviously Mayo isn't going anywhere. But JFC, does anyone have the actual time to post them all? I can't imagine how long it took Elena to even write them (obviously one handed.) Maybe if a bunch of us took it on, we could get them all archived here.

Anonymous said...

If anyone was wondering,

This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out!

What's so unusual about that paragraph is the letter E is not used once.

E is the most frequently-used vowel in the English language.

Anonymous said...

Rainbow Dash! You're the most awesomest pony ever!

Want some popcorn? Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!

I need something to wash that down! Can you make more rain? Chocolate rain!

Okie dokie.

Pinkie Pie

Anonymous said...

Maybe if a bunch of us took it on, we could get them all archived here

A bunch of what? Nuts? Sociopaths? Sorry, I don't know that many bored, probably certifiably dysfunctional, obsessive compulsive, sociopaths. Thank God.

since obviously Mayo isn't going anywhere

That kills you doesn't it? The fact that Mayo is still here. That this blog still exists.

It claws and gnaws at your inside. It rips through and shreds your muscles. Slices your heart into a million bloodless pieces not even a hound of hell would want. Destroys your soul.

Ignore that last line. For obvious reasons.

Anonymous said...

Hell Hath No Fury Like the Watchers Scorned

They'll be a novel out of this blog yet.

Anonymous said...


They called themselves The Watchers. They were born in a dimly lit den of internet outcasts. The self absorbed. The closed minded. The ones who sought to manipulate. The ones who thought they knew it all. The ones who sought to twist and tangle the words of their own host. To weave those words into a silken suit to their clothe their own agenda. They gathered and spun in secret. As most secret societies and spinsters do.

They pushed and pulled and stretched and when they could no longer pull the wool suit over their host's eyes, when they could no longer dress down the other guests, when some of their own left the secret society of The Watchers; the remaining went stalk raving mad.

The tale you are about to read is one of unpalatable bitterness. A tale of unspeakable horror and vindictiveness. A tale of horrid taste, worse style and no fashion sense whatsoever.

Buckle up readers. Put on your Gucci safety goggles and press the emergency brake. This is true story and it all begins with one man. A mystery man who called himself Mayonaise.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that could be a best seller! ;)

Anonymous said...

What say you, Mayo? Want to share co-writing credit? ;p

Anonymous said...

Chapter 1

The Alcoholic, The Princess and the Toad

Chapter 2

The Girlfriend, The Wives, The Loverman and The Lies

Chapter 3

Kickball, Performance Enhancing Drugs and other Sports

Chapter 4

Here Come the Cheerleaders!

Chapter 5

But Toads, Girlfriends, Wives and Liars don't like Cheerleaders

Chapter 6

The Elephant in the Room

Chapter 7

Alcoholics like Elephants / Toad Threatens Viral Outbreak of Warts

That's all I got so far. I'll work on the Chapter outline tonight.

Anonymous said...

One more.

Chapter 8

The Watchers Rear their Heads and Unveil their Veiled Eyes

Chapter 9

(Anyone have any ideas for the title of this one?)

Welshie said...

Aye, I'm fine Ergo thanks. Just had a really bad day. Oh well, new day, chin up, big smile:)

Welshie said...

Okay if I could just have your attention for a second please...Shhhh..Ta..(Ahem)...

PP said...

Hi everyone. Nice to see Toujours and Jennicula's names again. =)

Welshie, What a good natured reporter! And less than 24hrs to go until you know what!!! Excited?!! lol =)

PP those salvage operators are brave men, hope it works!

Ergo, They are, and we sure do, too! It was a charted reef, for goodness sake!
We spent many a family summer holiday at Papamoa, so it's been awful seeing what's happening there. Poor little blue penguins and sea-birds, coated in oil, are washing up in the 100s on to the shore. The NZ furseals are even harder to clean. Goodness knows how many have been lost out at sea.
It sure is a mess that's going to take years to recover from. =(

Hope you all have a lovely day. =)

PP said...


Is Wales really going to be able to sleep lol.
Good luck for the big one!! =)

ergoproxy said...

Oh poor you Welshie, hope you fair better over the next days, and good luck in the game!

PP that's like the ship that crashed the reef over here,just ridiculous when it's all charted for them! They're brave blokes on that ship, really hope they can at least drain the tanks. I've seen the state of the beach and all those poor animals, brilliant effort by all those volunteering to help clean them, at least it gives them a chance.
And so....we meet on Hope it's a good game whoever wins!

Welshie said...

Excited? Moi? Well, just a wee bit:)

Listen PP, I want to say this, and I think I'm probably talking on behalf of the whole Welsh nation here. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, even if we suffer a mighty defeat, it's been a hell'va tournament. Congrats to NZ on staging a terrific Rugby World Cup. Just brilliant.
Good luck to all four teams in the semi finals.

The whole of Wales is turning red today. Workers are encouraged to wear their rugby shirts to work:) Yhus!

Just read about the oil spill PP. Terrible, just terrible.

I'm ok ergo. Bad day at work is all. Just one thing after another. Today will be better right?

Anonymous said...

It claws and gnaws at your inside. It rips through and shreds your muscles. Slices your heart into a million bloodless pieces not even a hound of hell would want. Destroys your soul.

LMAO. Someone has a penchant for the overly dramatic.

Lighten up, foo'. This is the internet.

Anonymous said...


Elena's Anon(?) defender(s) is cracking my shit up. Nearly the whole MCR fandom rails about bad!fic, yet she will defend Elena to the death(!) on a blog where very few people visit, and most just for a laugh.

Don Quixote Complex? But whatever it is, she's totally making this worse. I made a few comments about how bad the fic was, and I'd probably have gone away by now, but this is becoming just too much fun. I'll be interested to see just who Donna Quixote thinks I am this time. :D

Anonymous said...

It claws and gnaws at your inside. It rips through and shreds your muscles. Slices your heart into a million bloodless pieces not even a hound of hell would want. Destroys your soul.

I think this person is trolling. Nobody gets this dramatic over anything...well, except maybe in a bad fanfic. LOL!

Anonymous said...

They'll be a novel out of this blog yet.

Why, I 'low they shore will be. You cin bet yore ass on in, Clem!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They'll be a novel out of this blog yet.

or a movie?

Anonymous said...

Maybe a really bad, overly dramatic tv movie of the week: the kind of crap they show on Lifetime. All about middle aged housewives and the sad, pathetic things they do to try and give meaning to their lives.

Anonymous said...

any ideas on who should play Mayonaise or the lovelies?

Anonymous said...

Mayo should be somebody really fucking creepy. Crispin Glover maybe?

Anonymous said...

Mads Mikkelsen?

Anonymous said...

Steve Buscemi would be my choice for Mayo. He's perfect.

Anonymous said...

That kills you doesn't it? The fact that Mayo is still here. That this blog still exists.

It claws and gnaws at your inside. It rips through and shreds your muscles. Slices your heart into a million bloodless pieces not even a hound of hell would want. Destroys your soul.

Oh my God! I read this at work and I laughed so loud I created a bit of a disturbance.

You aren't really serious with this hooey are you?

Anonymous said...

✖ ✘ ✖

Anonymous said...

Crispin is too sexy for this shit.

Anonymous said...

Crispin is too sexy for this shit.

Agreed. It's Buscemi all the way.

Anonymous said...

But who would play Elena Monica Willow Laura SanDee Way?

Anonymous said...

Holy... I just realized that all Elena needs is a crossover with Harry Potter, and her "epic fanfic" becomes...


MissTottenham said...

Hiya Mayo, how have you been old chap?

Hiya guys, how are you all?

Wow, new post. It's nice to see some familiar names here. I hope everyone is well and happy.

But as always, the same old bullying occurs *yawn* so boring now.

As for the anons that post the sme thing over and over, I just scroll at speed past it all and it sends my eyes blurry but I thoroughly enjoy the spaced out feeling it gives me.

I'm not good at the moment so no joining in of arguments or jokes from me.

We have recently lost a loved one. She wasn't my actual Grandma but we treated her as such. She was the last of that generation that we had and I'm feeling a huge loss right now. I used to love to hear her talk about the old days and now I have no-one to do that with. She was so generous and lady-like and such a good soul. I just hope that she's someplace happy with her husband who passed away 9 years ago, that day after my dad.

It's her funeral next Thursday and I know I'll cry loads. I just miss her so much.

Please people be nice to each other cos no-one knows how long they have on this big piece of rock we call earth.

Take care Mayo and everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Susan Sarandon. Because we need someone who is a cougar.

Anonymous said...

No, Susan Sarandon is way too sexy. I'm thinking more along the lines of Melinda Dillon, only Melinda's too old...

Maybe Ann Cusack? Although I like her too much. But I think she has the right amount of kooky to play the role.

Anonymous said...

Amy Madigan did a really good performance on Criminal Minds as a mentally unbalanced woman who hooked up with a serial killer. I think she'd be perfect as Elena.

Anonymous said...

WHo does "old, desperate, sad sack, anonymous bully?" That's who you could get to play Elena.

Anonymous said...

Well, they always do make the actress more attractive than the real life person.

Anonymous said...

Katy Bates would make a good OPJ. She does crazy really well.

elena said...

Sorry to hear of your loss, MissT.
But what a lovely thought that she is now with her husband. That is what I like to believe happens when we pass. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Sissy Spacek.

Katy Bates would make a good OPJ. She does crazy really well.

LOL! She is Frank's "biggest fan"

Anonymous said...

Sissy Spacek is perfect!

Anonymous said...

Tara Reid could play Wendy.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, "don't like, don't read" is the oldest, most pathetically lame and overused whine of every badfic fangirl "writer," ever, since the history of badfic."

I quote to you: "If you don't like it, SCROLL PAST."

The oldest, most pathetically lame and overused whine of every Porchie since the history of bullies.

Shut the fuck up already.

Anonymous said...

Holy God. Elena is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way!

Anonymous said...

Please don't compare Elena drooling on her keyboard and typing one-handed with My Immortal. My Immortal was a ridiculous and awesome piece of satire. The writer was being funny. Elena.... was dead serious. That's what makes it so sad.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss, Miss T. But I truly believe she is in a better place now. No pain. No fear. Surrounded by the people that went before her. My prayers are with you, and all of her family and friends.

I'm sorry other people could not be more respectful of what you are going through. But know that you have people that care about you, Miss T. Our thoughts are with you, always.

ergoproxy said...

Good morning

MissT so sorry to hear of your loss, you must have been so close to think of her as a Grandma, but what a wonderful experience for both of you. As much as you enjoyed hearing her stories, I know she loved having someone to tell them to and share her life with.
It is one of life's blessings to connect with another in a way that enriches both your lives and that flows on through us to others long after they'd gone.
I hope Thursday's service, though sad will be a beautiful tribute and a celebration of the life of a woman who obviously touched many.

Welshie said...

Miss T, I'm not good with words at times like these but just know that I'm thinking about you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Nightmare Moon presents said...

Pop the corn, grab the blankets and settle in for the most terrifyingly bad movie about grave robbers from out space ever made!


Anonymous said...


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