Saturday, October 8, 2011


There was never more time
than when I was 23,
bold, brash and free.
I called out to any, to all…
you will never make me fall
as I pushed back

up from the pavement.

It is faster now, time.
Being no longer 23,
with a near carbon-copy me
I chase after and hold
for a moment, to keep
her from falling.
She will, I know.
Just as she tumbles head over heels in the grass, a summersault.
She will tumble a life.
Over and over, the days
I can salve and bandage her knee,
treat the sting of a bee,
turn her ear to my voice
singing on or off key.
She will stop crying,
only momentarily

before she will be
pushing off of 23.


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Anonymous said...

Of course, in Lindsey's (you know, the pig, bitch, ho) case, they're one and the same.

Anonymous said...

Thousand and three, thousand and four.....on and on and on.....

Anonymous said...

one million and ten, one million and eleven...

Anonymous said...

Seriously, all-knowing Anon, does unrequited love last forever? How about adulterous love? Obsessive love? How about sicko love? Say, the kind that Humbert Humbert had for Lolita?

Anonymous said...

The heart. The symbol of human love. That is what must be pierced to destroy the earthly existence of vampire. Once you do that, their soul is free and all that they felt as a human is restored. All love is restored to them. Got it? Is that understood?

I prefer the Buffy version. Where the nasty vamps just turn to dust.

Anonymous said...

Dead things do not change much.

Well, actually...

Bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death. Although no two organisms decompose in the same way, they all undergo the same sequential stages of decomposition.

Five general stages are used to describe the process of decomposition: Fresh, Bloat, Active and Advanced Decay, and Dry/Remains.[3] The general stages of decomposition are coupled with two stages of chemical decomposition: autolysis and putrefaction.[4] These two stages contribute to the chemical process of decomposition, which breaks down the main components of the body.

The more you know...


Welshie said...

Whoopee! New books out for Xmas. Jeremy Clarkson, Peter Kay, Rob Brydon, Alan Sugar, Frozen Planet, Downton Abbey, Official Doctor Who Annual 2012...

Anonymous said...

I love Jeremy Clarkson's books. :)

Welshie said...

Hi there anon. I'm busy cooking my tea; fish fingers:)

Jeremy Clarkson is so bloody funny. I must admit I have a bit of a crush on him. Don't tell anyone. Our secret ok.
There's been a bit of a hoo-ha in the British press lately. Apparently his ex wife is writing a book about her life with him.

Must go now. I can smell burning! Burnt fish fingers are my speciality.
Maybe I should buy a cookery book instead:)

Anonymous said...

11:43 have you ever heard the term psychic vampire.
You can be sure, none of those "movie" rules will apply.
You have a better chance of running across zombies partying it up on a Saturday night, then to run across the kind of vamp your talking about.

Anonymous said...

Vampires do not come at you with fangs bared, and the strength of six men.

They come at you with sweet smiles , handshakes and hugs.

Those are the weapons of a true vampire.

Vampires rarely if ever pursue their prey, their prey generally gladly comes back to pursue them.

Get it.


ergoproxy said...

Good morning!

Hi welshie, hope you enjoyed your dinner. We have a few Jeremy Clarkson books, he's so funny, got one of Richard Hammond's as well which was a good read too.
I do love Rob Brydon, I'll have to see if I can find his book here

Anonymous said...

Love like the love someone has for their husband and father of their children, or the love they have for a rockstar? Which one is real?

Which love is real? The love someone has for their husband is the real one. It should be the real one. So should love for your children, parents, siblings, friends and pets.

Elena didn't write an autobiography. She wrote fanfiction. Fiction isn't real. Vampires aren't real. Love is real.

Anonymous said...

You have a better chance of running across zombies partying it up on a Saturday night,

Check! Such some of them this past weekend. Also saw a a human twister game. Guess where the spinner was? O_o

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) -- Ilya Zhitomirskiy, a co-founder of the startup social networking site Diaspora that put an emphasis on privacy and user-control, has died, a company spokesman said Monday. He was 22.
The cause of Zhitomirskiy's death in San Francisco wasn't immediately known, and neither the company nor the San Francisco Medical Examiner's office would release details.

:( Dead at 22.

RIP Ilya Zhitomirskiy. You were a visionary.

Anonymous said...

Come on! You mooove me.

Anonymous said...

That guitar got it and got it good. So good that I felt the repercussions here. Now. ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah
Some call me the gangster of love
Some people call me Maurice
Cause I speak of the pompitous of love

Anonymous said...

People keep talkin' about me, baby
Say I'm doin' you wrong, doin' you wrong
Well, don't you worry baby
Don't worry
Cause I'm right here, right here, right here, right here at home

Anonymous said...

Cause I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
I play my music in the sun

I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I get my lovin' on the run
Wooo Wooooo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No wonder the women in these commericials look so happy. They are hammered!
Even boys are inserting the tampons and literally getting drunk off their asses!

Anonymous said...

and for God's sake if you soak your tampon in tequila, don't salt the rim!

rofl !

Welshie said...

I'm knackered. Put on my hiking boots and ended up here

Anonymous said...


PP said...

Hi there, Blog-owner and everybody. =)

That's quite a hill to hike up! Do you know how old the stone circle is?
And your poor sister! At least they're keeping a close eye on her. I keep hoping she'll be well enough soon to go home and enjoy making things ready.

Good grief, lol. I'm not supposed to be laughing or talking but that report... Thanks for sharing. =)

Just cruising by. See you later. =)

Anonymous said...

We interrupt your scheduled arguments for some real music

Anonymous said...

Magically bored
On a quiet street corner
Free frustration
In our minds and our toes
Quiet stormwater
M-m-my generation
Uppers and downers
Either way blood flows

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. =)

You're welcome!

Anonymous said...

I see your The Who, 9:50 and raise The Band.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

♡┳┳╮╮╭╭╮┳╭╮╱┳╭╮♡ ♡┃┃┃┃┃╰╮┃┃╱╱┃╰╮♡ ♡┛┛┛╰╯╰╯┻╰╯╱┻╰╯♡ ♡╱┳╱╱╭━╮┓╱┓┳━┓╱♡ ♡╱┃╱╱┃╱┃┃╱┃┣┫╱╱♡ ♡╱┻━┛╰━╯╰━╯┻━┛╱♡

ergoproxy said...

Hey di ho everybody!! Looking through stuff I got in town today & I just found a bracelet I bought, along with 3 necklaces, all reduced to 1/2 price, actually rang up for $0.00! Bargain!

hiya PP!
We're still getting updates on that ship and though it did some environmental damage already it's so good they could pump a lot of the fuel oil off ad they are starting to remove containers, hope they can get them all. I saw a family who moved after the quake to Oz and all their belongings and their whole house of furniture etc was all in a container. I really hope they, and anyone else like them , can get theirs back.

Hope you're having a good week

Welshie said...

Ergo, Queen of Bargains! How do you do it? Have you ever considered going on those Bargain Hunt shows? I'm sure you'd win:)

Hi PP. I've been trying to find out how old the stone circle is, but truth be told, no one knows! There's something quite magical about sitting in the middle of a stone circle. You feel as if you're in another world somehow, or maybe that's just me daydreaming again:)
I was awfully peckish once I got up there but resisted the urge to tackle me sarnies until I stepped outside the circle. It seemed the decent thing to do.

No good new about my sister. She's pretty bad at the mo. Back to vomiting every half hour, day and night. Doctors are deeply concerned about her health. My excitement has turned to sorrow that maybe things are not meant to be you know:/

Welshie said...


PP said...

Oh, Welshie. Your poor sister. I can't even imagine what you are all going through watching her like this. Keep strong sweetie. She needs you.

PP said...

Hi Ergo,
Yep, things are looking up with the ship! Taking a while though isn't it? We sure don't rush things down here. O_o

PP said...

Hope you are all having a lovely day.

See you later. =)

ergoproxy said...

Good morning!

Slow and steady wins the race PP!

Welshis I'd love to see a stone circle, I've been to Aboriginal ceremonial areas and the feeling would be similar I'm sure, like you can feel the spirits moving about still.

Your poor sister, I hope everything goes ok with the baby, unfortunately some women are terribly ill the whole time, and seeing she is under treatment she's getting the best care.
If things don't work out remember to be there for her, it's a terribly difficult time for a woman and all those around her, but chances are everything will be ok in the end, i really pray so.

Anonymous said...

Give me a word
Give me a sign
Show me where to look
Tell me what will I find
Lay me on the ground
Fly me in the sky
Show me where to look
Tell me what will I find
Oh, heaven let your light shine down

Anonymous said...


Love is in the water
Love is in the air
Show me where to look
Tell me will love be there
Teach me how to speak
Teach me how to share
Teach me where to go
Tell me will love be there
will love be there

Oh, heaven let your light shine down
Oh o o, heaven let your light shine down
Oh o o, heaven let your light shine down
Oh o o, heaven let your light shine down

(I'm gonna let it shine
I'm gonna let it shine)

Welshie said...

Ok sleep, if you insist on avoiding me while my brain jumps hither and thither, I have no choice but to visit the land of blogs.

Welshie said...

Nice lyrics anon, thanks for sharing them with us.

like you can feel the spirits moving about still.
Ergo,those are exactly the words I was looking for. They just got lost somewhere in my brain so they did:)

PP, Ergo, I just hope that things will settle this next week. They are a lovely, caring couple and would make perfect parents. Thanks for keeping them in your thoughts. Means a lot.

Welshie said...

Sooo tired.
OK, I'm gonna have another bash at this thing they call Sleep!

Nighty night everyone:)

ergoproxy said...

Hope you get some sleep Welshie

Anonymous said...

The votes are in! 2011's sexiest man alive is

*drum roll*

Bradley Cooper!

Yeah, he sexy with those piercing blue eyes, that killer smile, the 10 o'clock shadow, that mussed hair... OK. He sexy but he ain't got nothing on you, babe. ;)

Anonymous said...

I got you babe


Fickle Pickled Possum said...

Ah, I'm just not feeling Mr Cooper. Or any of the other might-have-beens. Or any top 10 of any men, that ever get chosen in any magazine, ever. Call me Fickle. =)

Goodnight, Welshie. Sweet dreams. =)

5:42, I know that one! I've heard that song before! Woohoo! =)

OMG it's attack of the smileys. =)

*baaacking away from the computer*

ergoproxy said...

PP I'm fickle with you, I've never seen the draw of winners of the "Sexiest Men" votes either. Even the Sexiest Alive's, like Brad Pitt & George Clooney, do nothing for me. Most of the time they are whoever the media has been calling "sexy" for that particular year because they are in a heavily promoted tv show or movie. Always very conventional 'good looks' too, I think sexy is far more than that.

Anonymous said...

Sexy is in the eye of the beholder.

No. That's beauty.

Sexy is in the eyes of the people wanting your sex. In the eyes of the ones who want to be holdin' you.

Anonymous said...

It's natural
It's chemical (let's do it)
It's logical
Habitual (can we do it?)
It's sensual
But most of all.....
Sex is something that we should do
Sex is something for me and you

I want your sex.

Anonymous said...

Black lace lingerie is sexy.
Satin sheets are sexy.
Silk stockings are sexy.
Water is sexy.
Monogamy is sexy.

Anonymous said...

Bradley Cooper???


I thought they were talking about a car.

Anonymous said...

No, no, no! The sexiest car of 2011 is that Mercedes Ruehl.

Anonymous said...

The Porche De rossi came in a close second.

Anonymous said...

Baby, have you got enough gas?

Little red corvette!

Amyranth said...


(Not only a month after my last post, but late? I know better.)

Welshie, I can't imagine why they wouldn't want to go home to Wales. Manitoba is rather cold and buggy, especially in the winter months. Maybe it's my recently developed penchant for travel that's caused me to think this way, but I'd rather go off to Europe. Also, going to Japan next year to climb Mt Fuji. Why? Because I fucking can, that's why.

Allo Ergo and Elena! Hopefully the impending holiday season finds you well, sane and rolling in lovely gifts from people who care about you.

Winkies to Anon on 10/23/2011 @ 8:23. 'Sup, yo?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

old wom

Anonymous said...

old wom

Anonymous said...

old wom

Anonymous said...

old wom

Anonymous said...

old wom

Anonymous said...

old wom

ergoproxy said...

good morning!

Hi Amy, sheesh don't remind me Christmas is here soon, it's snuck up this year!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Strange days indeed -- strange days indeed

Anonymous said...

so peculiar momma.

Anon616 said...

Hello Mayo! Hello Amy, Ergo, everyone!!!

How are you all doing? Well and good, I hope!

Have ya'll seen the new Steel Panther video yet? It's hilarious (as most Steel Panther songs and videos are)! I just wuv them!!!!

They just don't write 'em like this anymore!



~~If You Really, Really Love Me by Steel Panther~~

If you really really really really love me
Then you really really really gotta show me
Don't whine when I put it in your booty
Or if I'm up all night playing Call of Duty
Never hassle me because I'm unemployed
If I sleep all day don't get annoyed
Then I'll know that you really really really really really really really love me
If you really really love me

If you really truly want to make me feel nice
Make it so I don't ever have to ask twice
Let me have the keys to your Mercedes
Don't get mad when I bring home some ladies
If I get fat and look like an egg
Lie to me, tell me I'm in great shape
Then I'll know that you really really really
Really really really love me

If you wonder what I did with the rent
Just consider it money well spent
I bought trunks and a new surfboard
So just go tell your dumb landlord
That you love me
You really really love me

If I have sex with your friend Melanie
Don't act like it's some kind of felony
It's not uncommon for this kind of infidelity
It happens to a lot of guys like Tiger Woods and me
Just be happy that I'm hung like a horse
And you get to ride the pony of course
'Cause I'm really really really really really really
Really really fond of you too

When you think it's really suckie girl
All your friends will say 'you lucky girl'
You got a man who's hot you say
All the girls wanna be with me
'Cause they love me
They really really love me
Yes they do

If you really really really really love me
You'd never make me hang out with your family
Your mum sucks and your dad really hates me
When I try to borrow money he berates me
So Molly thinks that I'm too old for you
'Cause you're 19 and I'm 52
He can't see that you really really really really really really love me
You really really really really really really really really love me
If you really really love me



So romantic!

I feel all warm, fuzzy and quite fond of now!


"They don't write 'em like that anymore!
They just don't.
No they don't!"


Rock on, Steel Panther. Rock on!

Have a great night, everyone!!!! Stay safe out there!

Hugs and Love,

Anonymous said...

Everybody's smoking and no one's getting high

Everybody's flying and never touch the sky

There's ufo's over New York and I ain't too surprised.

Strange days indeed.

Anonymous said...

Ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ah-ah aaah

Welshie said...

Black lace lingerie is sexy.
Satin sheets are sexy.
Silk stockings are sexy.

I beg to differ anon.

I love red lingerie. No lace, flippin itchy stuff, and definetly no thongs! Can't abide the bloody things. Tried them once and they gave me a headache!!!

No satin sheets for me. Love my brushed cotton flannelette sheets. So warm, so cosy, like sleeping inside a fluffy cloud. Sexy they ain't but, hey baby it's cold outside.

Silk stockings? Nah I'll stick to my stripey knee high slipper socks thanks.

Crikey no wonder I can't get a fella. hahaha.

Welshie said...

Amy, yeah they prefer Manitoba to Wales. They're insane man, insane I tell you! You're gonna climb Mt Fuji? Whoa, how fantastic.

Just been 'avin a look through my knicker drawer. I'm slightly embarrassed, grey pants with no elastic is not a good look! I think this calls for a shopping spree at La Senza. Why? 'cos I'm worth it:)

OK. No one mention the word Xmas. It's only November folks!

Anon616 said...

Good morning to Mayo, Welshie, anyone and everyone else who may be lurking and lingering!

Brrrrr! It IS cold outside, Welshie. Winter has decided to pay this wolf (and her pack) a visit! It's a good thing my new "coat" is coming in! So is Sandy Ann's! And, she's shedding that old coat all over the place! Thank the powers that be for EUREKA! Pet Smart vacuum!!!! God knows I LOVE MINE! I'd be lost (in shedded doggie fur) without it.

How is your sister? I hope she's doing better and not getting discouraged. My mom lost 15 or so pounds when she was pregnant with me and I was a born a happy, head full of thick hair, healthy (except for that whole blood transfusion thing), 6+ pounds bouncing baby! Sure, I had to stay in the hospital for awhile (due to that whole blood transfusion thing); but, I was "home" soon enough... wrecking great havoc on my brother's, sister's and (of course) mom and dad's worlds!

Ahhh... the good old days!


Amy: I forgot to mention your planned "why, because I can" mountain climbing expedition. You GO girl!!!! Climb that mountain. Hell, climb every mountain... ford every stream... follow every rainbow...

Umm, I'm sure you (all) know the rest!


Moving along (and anyway too), I'm so HAPPY about seeing RJA (The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, in case anyone did not know who or what an RJA was) and Burn Halo tonight!!!!

It's been a couple of years, at least, since I've seen RJA and this will be my very first time seeing Burn Halo LIVE!!!

I'm, very much, looking forward to tonight! It shall be the first night, this season, that I have to break out the leather/pleather! That has me (extra strangely) excited for some reason.


Time for me to shoot out of here like a bat out of hell! Much to do this a.m.

I leave you all with a "Guardian Angel". That one is still one of my favorite songs ~ ever!

~~RJA Your Guardian Angel"~~

For those who prefer less 'angelic' (but still heavenly) creatures:

~~BURN HALO Dirty Little Girl~~


Okay, I'm off!!!! Wait... NO, I think I'm forgetting something...

Oh well! I'm sure I'll remember, what it was that I forgot, later!

Until then, have a great day everyone!!!! Stay warm and stay safe out there!!!!

Hugs and Love,

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna hit the highway like a battering ram
On a silver black phantom bike
When the metal is hot and the engine is hungry
And were all about to see the light
Nothing ever grows in this rotten old hole
And everything is stunted and lost
And nothing really rocks
And nothing really rolls
And nothings ever worth the cost
And I know that I'm damned if I never get out
And maybe Im damned if I do
But with any other beat I got left in my heart
You know Id rather be damned with you

MissTottenham said...

Hiya guys, how are you?


*glomps you back*

Oh but WAIT! There was this pesky thing called Boston Tea Party,

What's that you say anon, a tea party? Everyone knows Americans don't know the first thing about making a decent cup of tea LOL. Only joking.

Being English, I say going to the cinema or going to the pictures, we've never called it movies, pictures yeah but not movies. Strange that.

Anonymous said...
Also, let's not forget the role the Soviets played in defeating Hitler.

I don't know why Hitler gets such a bad name, after all, he did kill Hitler hee hee!

Hiya welshie, I'm glad the hangover didn't hang around for long.

Anon and Welshie, my mum is still watching I'm a celebrity. I gave up on it a few series ago when they started having big boobed women in there, I think it was the Jordan, Kerry Katona series, put me off for life. Though, I have been in Shane Richies dressing room and that claim to fame qualifies me to be on the next series of celebrity, cool eh?

Welshie, next time you go hiking take me with you. That picture was lovely. I love hiking in the British countryside, though you do have to dodge the sheep poo.

I do hope your sister starts to feel better soon. being sick so much really drains the strength out of you

Have a great weekend everyone.

ergoproxy said...

Good morning!

Hello wendy

hiya MissT

"I don't know why Hitler gets such a bad name, after all, he did kill Hitler hee hee!"

haha! I got a giggle out of that!

Hope you have a good weekend

Anonymous said...


Welshie said...

'Ow do Miss T? y'alright pet?
Just come back from a bit of a 'do' to raise money for Children in Need. Had to dress up. Wore these mahoosive fake boobies. 'Twas a fun night:)

Watched the first hour of I'm a Celebrity then switched off. What a load o rubbish. God that 'Poo lady' last year got on my piggin nerves!

So kind of you all to think about my sister. She just burst out crying yesterday. She sobbed and sobbed. It was awful to see her like that.

I better go now. Got an early start in the morning.

Ta ra

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Communication Breakdown It's always the same,
I'm having a nervous breakdown, Drive me insane
Ohhh baby, I got somethin' I think you oughta know

posted by an anon who is
-not Mayo
-not SS

I is an anon who likes Led Zeppelin. :)

Anonymous said...

and should we meet again

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

out of reach

Anonymous said...

on the other side of time

Anonymous said...

barriers broken

Anonymous said...

thoughts entwine

Anonymous said...

never words spoken

Anonymous said...

and who can draw the line?

Anonymous said...

a strand from me to you

Anonymous said...

a world apart

Anonymous said...

a smile

Anonymous said...

loving is easy

Anonymous said...

hard to end

Anonymous said...

love letters tearing

Anonymous said...

and when you find the time

Anonymous said...

lets share a silk caress

Anonymous said...

somewhere for a while

Anonymous said...

mirror to mirror

Anonymous said...

frame to frame

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

without you

Anonymous said...

10:14 to 10:20 - ditto, not m or ss, just someone who likes music from the 70's/80's

Anonymous said...

Throwing down some Bryan Ferry. Niiice, 10:14 to 10:20.

How 'bout this one from Manfred Mann?

Some silicone sister with a manager mister told me I got what it takes
She said "I'll turn you on sonny to something strong,
play the song with the funky break"
And go-cart Mozart was checkin' out the weather chart to see if it was safe outside
And little Early-Pearly came by in his curly-wurly and
Asked me if I needed a ride

That one has to be the only Springsteen song that was outshone by the cover version.

-likes Led Zeppelin

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mayo, SS, Bueller,

You think Axl Rose will sue me if I form a band called Lose Your Delusion? How about Lose Your II DelusionS ?

Get back to me on that when time permits. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're a wanker 5:08.

Anonymous said...

You're just jealous of 5:08's flowers and their ability to wink with their left eye.

Anonymous said...

How come 5:08 is a wanker and 4:59 isn't? That's what I want to know.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

<a href=">WHY WHY OH WHY</a>

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Like Andrew Dice Clay on MTV...banned for life

Damn thats harsh

Anonymous said...

Dumb trannie

Welshie said...

Hullo? Has everyone gone off to pastures new? Am I the last one standing?

Anonymous said...

When you were young
and on your own
How did it feel
to be alone?
I was always thinking
of games that I was playing.
Trying to make
the best of my time.

But only love
can break your heart
Try to be sure
right from the start
Yes only love
can break your heart
What if your world
should fall apart?

Anonymous said...

I have a friend
I've never seen
He hides his head
inside a dream
Someone should call him
and see if he can come out.
Try to lose
the down that he's found.

But only love
can break your heart
Try to be sure
right from the start
Yes only love
can break your heart
What if your world
should fall apart?

ergoproxy said...

Good morning :]

Hi welshie!

We spent the weekend camping and it was lovely.

Out beside a big waterhole on a friends property. We just took swags and slept under a tarp in the mozzie domes. never sleep real well, esp when some massive number of kookaburras greet the dawn at about 4am with raucous laughter, but it is great to hear. had a huge swim Sat and sunday, kids and the guys swinging off a rope tied up in a tree, went for a big walk exploring. There were emus walking about. Cooked steaks over the campfire, I made salads to save hassle before we left, baked some bread for sandwiches and had bacon & eggs Sunday morning in the quiet with just the birds calling and butterflies flitting about.
Can't beat it!
Was fantastic to get away for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

banned for life

Looks like Kayak Frank should have been a nicer teen. ;)

Anonymous said...

The week in review

ergoproxy said...

RIP Mark Hall - creator of Danger Mouse, and half of Cosgrove Hall, 1936-2011, Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You miss 100% of the shots you never take.
Wayne Gretzky

Anonymous said...

Living on a lighted stage
Approaches the unreal
For those who think and feel
In touch with some reality
Beyond the gilded cage.

Cast in this unlikely role,
Ill-equipped to act,
With insufficient tact,
One must put up barriers
To keep oneself intact.

Living in the Limelight,
The universal dream
For those who wish to seem.
Those who wish to be
Must put aside the alienation,
Get on with the fascination,
The real relation,
The underlying theme.

-likes Led Zeppelin and Rush

Anonymous said...

And if you feel that you can't go on. And your will's sinkin' low
Just believe and you can't go wrong.
In the light you will find the road. You will find the road

-likes Led Zeppelin
and Rush

Welshie said...

Ooh no. No, no. Not that, anything but that. Please, please. Ooh eck, ooh fiddle, ooh crumbs.

Penfold, Shush!


Welshie said...

Sounds as if you had a terrific weekend Ergo. I was really jealous until I read the Emu bit. *shudders*:/

ergoproxy said...

Good morning!

Welshie the emus weren't anywhere close to us, we just saw them as we drove in and out.

Anonymous said...

1, 2, 3, 4
I've been walking these streets at night
Just trying to get it right (Need some patience, yeah)

It's hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like being stuck in a crowd (Could use some patience, yeah)
And the streets don't change but maybe the name
I ain't got time for the game
'Cause I need you (Patience, yeah)
Yeah, yeah well I need you
Oh, I need you (Take some patience)
Whoa, I need you (Just a little patience is all we need)
Ooh, this ti- me

-likes Led Zeppelin

Anon616 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VILLE VALO!!!!!!!!! The single most amazingly, incredibly talented singer/songwriter out there (in my opinion... and tied for first with the other single most amazingly talented singer/songwriter out there)!!!!!


Many, many, many, many (times 666) HAPPY (if slightly melancholic) returns to Mr. Valo!

Hmmm... what songs to post in honor of the occasion? I've, honestly, never heard a HIM song that I didn't absolutely LOVE (or at least LIKE, The hardest way)!!!!

How about something from the first cd (Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666) and something from the most recent (Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice) ? I think those are good starting points!

~~It's All Tears (Drown In This Love)~~


~~In Venere Veritas~~

In Venere Veritas
by HIM

Let's fall apart together now

Zipping Cupid in a body bag well-worn
Next to the mausoleum he was born in
Picking up the pieces of this gory glory of it all
From eve to morn
For Eve to mourn

Have no fear
There are wounds that are not meant to heal
And they sing, in venere veritas

Come inside
Let the fire burn you alive
And sing, baby sing
There are wounds that are not meant to heal at all
In venere veritas

Let's fall apart together now

There's a method to our sadness
as we drag the mirror ball and chain
Through the twilight again
Dressed up in shame

Have no fear
There are wounds that are not meant to heal
And they sing, in venere veritas
Come inside
Let the fire burn you alive
And sing, baby sing
There are wounds that are not meant to heal at all
In venere veritas

Begging for a reflection from an unshuttered heart
To Blind and chase us over the edge

Have no fear
There are wounds that are not meant to heal
And they sing, in venere veritas
Come inside
Let the fire burn you alive.
And sing, baby sing
There are wounds that are not meant to heal at all
In venere veritas
These are the wounds that are not meant to heal at all

Let's fall apart together now
Let's fall apart together now


LOVE! Absolute LOVE (metal)!


Hugs and Love,

PS: Hi Mayo, MissT, Ergo, Welshie, Axl, Slash, Jimmy, Robert, Alex, Neil, Geddy, the other Neil and so on and so forth...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Easy to maintain, just feed and water every 3-5 hours,

reads an ad on Craiglist's "Free Stuff" section. But this isn't your typical "for sale" post -- this Logan, Utah woman is offering up her video-game-playing husband. "He enjoys eating and playing video games all day," she writes.

Alyse Bradley posted the ad as a joke, offering her 22-year-old husband, Kyle Bradley, to the highest bidder, The Salt Lake Tribune reported. After the video game Modern Warfare 3 was released on November 8th, Kyle had a hard time tearing himself away.

Anonymous said...

You must have internet and space for gaming. Got tired of waiting so free to good home. If acceptable replacement is offered will trade :))

Anonymous said...

For the sake of everybody in the band actlike you got some sense.
(He don't do nothin' but get out there and shake his ass.)

I ain't flew all the way overseas in the middle seat for us to get over here and f#ck up. Act like you got some sense and you might get a little of this here. Not dope money. This is hope money. I hope you get out there and do yo thang.
Hey Ya!

Anonymous said...

When all hope is gone
You know sad songs say so much
When all the little bit of hope is gone
Sad songs say so much

Anonymous said...

Yep. They say that you're sad. Sing a happy song instead. Cheer yourself up. Whistle or hum one if you have to. Turn that frown :( upside down :)

Welshie said...

Seriously pissed off today. Lost one of my favourite dingly dangly earrings. Wot a bummer:(

ergoproxy said...

Good morning!

hi welshie, I feel your pain, I lost one of my fave pair a couple of months ago, I think when I was trying on clothes, rang the stores but no luck

Anonymous said...







░░╚╣║║║║░░╠╩╗║║║░╠╩╗░░ ░░╚╝╚╝╚╝░░╩░╩╚╝╚╣╩░╚╗░

Anonymous said...

Congrats to DWTS champs JR Martinez and his partner Karina! :D :D :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

JR Martinez is a true inspiration, hero and champ. I'm so happy he won!

Anonymous said...

Can't you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that's that super bass
Got that super bass boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that's that super bass
Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass
Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass

Anonymous said...

oh what'll you do now, my blue eyed son? what'll you do now, my darling young one?

Anonymous said...

i'm goin´ back out ´fore the rain starts a-fallin´

Anonymous said...

walk through the depths of the deepest black forest

Anonymous said...

where the people are many and their hands are all empty

Anonymous said...

where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters

Anonymous said...

where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison

Anonymous said...

where the executioners face is always well hidden

Anonymous said...

where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten

Anonymous said...

where black is the color, and none is the number

Anonymous said...

and i´ll tell it and think it and

Anonymous said...

speak it and breathe it

Anonymous said...

and reflect it from the mountains so all souls can see it

Anonymous said...

ten i´ll stand in the ocean until I start sinking

Anonymous said...

but i´ll know my song well before I start singing

Anonymous said...

and it's a hard

Anonymous said...

and it's a hard

Anonymous said...

and it's so hard so oh hard

Anonymous said...

and it's a

Anonymous said...

hard rain

Anonymous said...

a gonna fall

Anonymous said...

We get it. It's hard.


Welshie said...

Ergo, I found my dingly dangly earring! 'twas in the kitchen sink, under the washing up bowl. How the hell it got there is a mystery.

Hope you have luck finding yours.

It's bedtime.


ergoproxy said...

hi welshie! Glad you found your earring, unfortunately I've given mine up for gone. But I have decided to make the other one into a pendant instead, it's sort of an antique gold circle with tiny dusty pink enamel flowers and pearl bead drops, so it'll still look pretty as a necklace.

ergoproxy said...

yay me!

*happy dance*

Anonymous said...

This review is from: Waggin Train Chicken Jerky Tenders 40oz (Misc.)
For those skeptics out there, I urge you to check your facts before responding to this review.

My dog became violently ill after eating these. Vomitting, diarrhea, fatigue, lost appetite and thirst.

I called the FDA and they have had numerous complaints about these treats. Call them yourself if you do not believe it. All lots beginning with 94 seem to be contaminated. Dogs have died....please don't buy these.

The media and news is not clear on Albuquerque these treats have been pulled off the shelves of Wal-Mart, Petsmart, and PetCo. Check for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Naughty Things You Can Only Say On Thanksgiving

1. Talk about a huge breast!
2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.
3. It's Cool Whip time!
4. If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst!
5. That's one terrific spread!
6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.
7. Are you ready for seconds yet?
8. Its a little dry, do you still want to eat it?
9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!
10. Don't play with your meat.
11. Just spread the legs open & stuff it in.
12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?
13. I didn't expect everyone to come at once!
14. You still have a little bit on your chin.
15. How long will it take after you stick it in?
16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up!

Happy turkey day to all....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol 8:12!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Turkey tacos on Friday! ;)

ergoproxy said...

In memory of a great performer and musical innovator, lead singer of one of the best rock bands ever...

Freddy Mercury
5 September 1946 – 24 November 1991
and thanks

Anonymous said...

Ain't choppin my head to floor! I will survive!

Anonymous said...

I tell you just be satisfied, stay right where you are

Anon616 said...

Hello and Happy (almost) Thanksgiving, everyone!!!!

Yes, it's that time of year again. A special day to gather round the table, with family and other assorted loved ones, and give thanks (show some gratitude) for all that you have, stuff your face full of food, have an extra slice of pumpkin AND pecan pie and go into a food coma on the sofa while watching some FOOTBALL!!!!

It's also a perfect time to remember (and maybe do something) for those less fortunate. There is no better way to show gratitude/give THANKS than GIVING back. Sharing.

Afterall, that is what the very first Thanksgiving was all about. Coming together in a celebration of friendship, community, humanity and giving thanks.

I wish you all a very HAPPY DAY and I hope that each and every one of you have much to be thankful for this year! I know I do and I am very grateful.

It's also another time of year! The time for all those LISTS we love!!!! I'll be back with a few of those. I have a few bones to pick with Rolling Stone and their greatest 100 guitarists list. Buddy Guy, people. Buddy Guy!!!!! That man should, definitely be in the top ten!

Hugs and Love,

PS: At least the readers of REVOLVER got it right. The "hottest" man in Hard Rock and Metal IS:

~~Over 100 musician names were written onto the ballot by the fans (on top of the 16 we had nominated to kick things off), and more than 400,000 votes have been cast. Perhaps most impressive, though, some 150,000 of those votes went to Ville Valo, the frontman of Finnish “love metal” outfit HIM.~~

Revolver readers have EXCELLENT taste!


Anon616 said...

PPS: "If there's a Rock N Roll Heaven... Well you know they've got a hell of a band!"

Okay, back to those lists!

I'm kinda loving this one:

~~Loudwire's TOP ROCK SONGS of 2011~~

Number 1

'This Is Gonna Hurt'
Sixx: A.M.

Bassist, entrepreneur and writer Nikki Sixx and his band Sixx: A.M. released their second album, ‘This Is Gonna Hurt,’ in 2011, and the disc's title track is our No. 1 tune of the year. The song is fast paced, with a speedy hi-hat beat and some serious shredding by guitarist DJ Ashba. And its “devil in the church” chorus, as delivered by singer James Michael, is perhaps the catchiest one of the year, lyrically and musically.


Hell Yeah! I, personally, might replace a couple of the songs on that list with others; but, I do love them all and I think they were all great tunes!

Now, to that Rolling Stone list:

~~100 Greatest Guitar Players of all time~~

Here’s the Top 10:

1. Jimi Hendrix

2. Eric Clapton

3. Jimmi Page

4. Keith Richards

5. Jeff Beck

6. B.B. King

7. Chuck Berry

8. Eddie Van Halen

9. Duane Allman

10. Pete Townshend

Now, I love me some Eddie Van Halen; but... there are so many others (like Buddy Guy or Howlin' Wolf or Muddy Waters, Randy Rhodes, Steve Vai, Yngwie) who deserve that spot more, in my opinion.

What do ya'll think? Who would be your top 10?

Okay, I gots to run! Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!!!!

Hugs and Love,

PPP(however many P's)S: Goodnight and sweet dreams! Stay safe out there!!!!

Anonymous said...

The traffic's backed up on the 405,
And the smog's so thick you can cut it with a knife,
But it gives me time,
To think about my life,
I take the 10 to the 5 to the 101,
I got a song sitting here on the tip of my tongue,
And the more I drive,
The more I feel alive.

Well I don't know what you're doing to me,
But it sure feels right,
Well I don't know what you're doing to me,
But let's do it all night,
When the sunlight breaks through the LA sky,
For some damn reason it makes me smile,
And I don't know what you're doing to me,
But it sure feels right.

Anonymous said...

I'm driving down Sunset Boulevard,
Sex Pistols on the radio in my car,
And I must be high,
I just saw Jesus walk by.
I make a hard left as the sun comes up,
Over Hollywood vampires ditching their luck,
Baby lock your door,
Yeah we've seen this before.

And I don't know what you're doing to me,
But it sure feels right,
And I don't know what you're doing to me,
But let's do it all night,
When the sunlight breaks through the LA sky,
For some damn reason it makes me smile,
And I don't know what you're doing to me,
But it sure feels right.

Anonymous said...

Splintered piece of glass falls, in the seat, gets caught
These broken windows, open locks, reminders of the youth we lost
In trying so hard to look away from you
we followed white lines to the sunset
I crash my car everyday the same way

Time to let this pass
(the time it takes, the time it takes to let go)
Time runs through our veins.
(it starts and stops and starts and stops again)
We don't stand a chance in this threadbare time
(the time it takes, the time it takes to let go)
Time to let this pass
(the time it takes, the time it takes to let go)

Staring at the setting sun
No reason to come back again
The twilight world in blue and white
The needle and the damage done

I don't want to feel this way forever
A dead letter marked return to sender

The broken watch you gave me turns into a compass
It's two hands still point to the same time 12:03, our last goodbye

So push the seats back a little further
I can see the headlights coming
So push the seats back a little further
Roll the windows down and take a breath
I can see the headlights coming
They paint the world in red and broken glass

Time to let this pass
(the time it takes, the time it takes to let go)
Time runs through our veins.
(it starts and stops and starts and stops again)
We don't stand a chance in this threadbare time
(the time it takes, the time it takes to let go)
Time to let this pass
(the time it takes, the time it takes to let go)

Staring at the setting sun
No reason to come back again
The twilight world in blue and white
The needle and the damage done

I don't want to feel this way forever
A dead letter marked return to sender

The spinning hubcaps set the tempo, for the music of the broken window
The Cameras on and the cameras click
We open up the lens and can't stop

Staring at the setting sun
No reason to come back again
The twilight world in blue and white
The needle and the damage done

I don't want to feel this way forever

The lights are on and the cameras click
We open up the lens (to broken glass!)

Staring at the setting sun (And it's over!)
No reason to come back again (In a flash!)
The twilight world in blue and white (and I'll never!)
The needle and the damage done (ever understand!)

I don't want to feel this way forever (Understanding!)
(In a Car Crash!) A dead letter marked return to sender (In a Car Crash!)
(In a Crash!) In a Crash!

elena said...


Hope you throw on that apron tomorrow, get in the kitchen and help make a great Thanksgiving dinner. Then sit around the table with your loved ones and make some great memories. Happy Thanksgiving dude.


Anonymous said...

this is what you see when you look in my direction:
incandescent corsets draw eyes tight like wires.
this is how it feels,
calling out but no one even hears

the signals that we send over the air
over the air
over the air
over the air.

when you say my name,
i want to split it from your lips
and hide like whispers in the rain.
when you say (when you say) my name (when you say it)
i want to stop it in your lungs
and collect all of your blood to put in the radio.

is this how it feels
when you dont even fit into your own skin?
and its getting tighter,
every day i'm getting smaller
if i keep holding my breath i'm going to disappear.

when you say my name,
i want to split it from your lips
and hide like whispers in the rain.
when you say (when you say) my name (when you say it)
i want to stop it in your lungs
and collect all of your blood to put in the radio.

there's no where to hide.
they stole the love from our lives to put the sex on the radio.
there's no where to hide.
they stole the love from our lives to put the sex on.

if i keep holding my breath, all of this will fade away.
if you keep driving we'll be lying in the wreck.
changing the shape,
folding like an envelope to keep each other in.
shattered glass, broken looks, and mascara gets
washed away by windshield wiper blades
safe, safe

when you say (when you say) my name (when you say my name),
i want to split it from your lips
and hide like whispers in the rain.
when you say (when you say) my name (my name)
i want to stop it in your lungs
and collect all of your blood to put in the radio.

there's no where to hide.
they stole the love from our lives to put the sex on the radio.
there's no where to hide.
they stole the love from our lives to put the sex on the radio.
that's where we hide
the love and lies and sex, on the radio.

Anonymous said...

RIP Thursday. :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

Spend it doing things you love. If that means having a great dinner with your family, then go for it. But if you'd rather go out to a restaurant and to the movies, why not? As long as you're being true to yourself, you can't go wrong. :)

elena said...

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

ergoproxy said...

good morning!

Hope everyone who celebrates it has a lovely Thanksgiving :]

Anonymous said...

He's got eyes of the bluest skies
And if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
His hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine

Welshie said...

Ooh you're back Elena, how do?
Hi Ergo, Wendy, Anons, and a big hello to Mayo. How ya doing mate?

Tomorrow night my friends are going to a new nightclub in Chester, where will I be? I'll be taking my 82 yr old Auntie Doris to listen to her favourite folk singer! Haa! She likes nothing better than a good old sing-song and a twirl around the dance floor. Rock'n'roll:D

Anonymous said...

oh you silly thing, don't you see what's happening? you're better without it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Black Friday!

Anonymous said...

whom are you addressing 7:04, Mr 'Naise, Welshie, the Lovelies?

Anon616 said...

Hello Mayo, Welshie, Elena!!!, Ergo, MissT, everyone!!!!

Did you all have a nice Thanksgiving (or plain old Thursday)? I hope you all did!!! Me? I'm still stuffed (much like all those poor turkeys were before everyone gobbled them up)!

I think I officially need to start doing some official exercise. You know, aside from the usual just running, jumping and dancing around. I hear forward lunges and stomach crunches are still "in". Perhaps I'll try some of those! Or not. We shall see!


Ohhhh... I know! Maybe I can be the first female member of the New Orleans 610 Stompers!!!! Did ya'll see them at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade? I think they are hilarious and WONDERFUL! Absolutely wonderful!!!! As is the reason they do what they do. LOVE of music, parading, humor and (especially) charity! STOMP on, 610 Stompers!!!

And, I remember what it was that i forgot the other day. RED JUMPSUIT!!!!!! (I just love them~ even with and despite all the changes they've been through in the last year or so. I just do!) I'll never forget how impressed I was by them the first time I saw them... years ago. How they were so nice to all of their fans and stuck around outside the HOB for hours until each and every fan got pictures and autographs. My niece and her friends were so thrilled that night!!!! And I, impressed! As impressed with them, personally, as I was with their lyrics and music.

So, here are a couple of videos from Friday, November 18 in Baton Rouge.

~~RJA FACE DOWN live at Varsity Theatre~~

Shucks, It was my favorite show of your tour too!!!!


Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down,


And, one from their new cd "Am I The Enemy":


And, and... here's some BURN HALO! Loved them too!

~~THREW IT ALL AWAY by Burn Halo~~



Well, I think that is all for now... except for:

GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great "Black Friday", everyone!!!! Stay safe out there!

Hugs and Love,

Anon616 said...

Oh heck! I have to finish the song. Ya'll know I do! Besides, the lyrics are just too damn amazing (and important) to NOT be posted!


by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Hey, girl, you know you drive me crazy
one look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.

Cover up with makeup in the mirror
tell yourself, it's never gonna happen again
You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever, you will surely drown
I see what's going down.

I see the way you go and say you're right again,
say you're right again
Heed my lecture.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has...

One day she will tell you that she has had enough
It's coming round again.

It's coming round again.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has...

Face down in the dirt, she said,
"This doesn't hurt", she said,
"I finally had enough."

"I finally had enough."


"Your Guardian Angel" (one of my all time favorites ~ ever) was played; but, I was too busy being mesmerized to get video. I love those blue lights and that acoustic guitar!

Okay, that's it ~ for now (I think)! Have a great day, everyone!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty pretty boy......

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