Friday, August 28, 2009


I am certain that when I die I will become dirt. It would be nice to consider that upon my death golden open arms will greet me, enfolding me into them like a lost child finally returned home, but that’s not how I think. Never has been. It is completely incomprehensible for me to consider that once my life is over I will hang out watching the goings on down at earth while white silk draped, halo wearing, beings circle my head before diving down to intervene in someone or another’s life.

But, I can see the appeal.

And I am relatively certain I won’t burn in eternal damnation, either. Although that option is better suited to my personality and preferential if in fact my theory fails.

What motivates me is here and what I intend as a reciprocal exchange.

This reminds me to ask myself “why am I even here?” I suppose one purpose is to procreate, to replenish human stock while in turn passing on my unique, somewhat maladaptive, genetic map to ensure the future of our type. But, at our current population rate, I do not see human extinction as a concern (that is not to say we won’t run out of natural resources thereby resulting in human extinction through overpopulation). So, as many population experts suggest, I will only replace myself. Although, it was never something I gave much thought.

So, why then? I have no other and a million ideas.

And, I do have considerations beyond the here and now; I get a kick out of the prospect that my progeny might proffer our future world. That, and who will take care of me when I can no longer find my ass?

I hope that I am doing a good job, that all my experience, everything that I have to give, and all that I create proves worthy beyond my own value. I want there to be some “take-away” meaning from how I live. And when I die the only “place” I want to spend eternity is ardently recalled in the generous conversation of my family and friends.

p.s. prosperous just like him.


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toujours said...

it's always different when you see it on tv. a little better, somehow.

ergoproxy said...

it does feel more special, like it's a treat to ahve it on

It's finished now, how has your day been TJ?

toujours said...

it was a long day, actually. the shop was pretty busy, and then went over to the mall to take advantage of the labor day sales. didn't get back home until almost 9pm.

it was a good day though. this young clerk in radio shack called me "miss", lol! :)

toujours said...

gotta go to bed now...i don't think i could stay up any longer if i tried.

good night ergo! hope you're having a nice day!

sweet dreams. :)

toujours said...


so last night i went out and paid my respects to the moon, and she was so lovely, golden and brightly glowing, rising up from behind a cloud gilt-edged by her light. it was wonderful to be able to do that again. (even though while i was feasting on her, the mosquitos were feasting on me!)

this morning i got up as usual (too damn early and less-than-gracefully), looked out the window, and was a bit confused by the way the lawn looked striped grey and black. odd.

washed my face, got some coffee, looked again...still stripey. what the...?

then i looked out the opposite side of the house and there she was, still rather high in the sky, hanging there white and undaunted over the tops of the trees.

i don't think i have ever seen the moon at 5 am.

i know that the moon and sun share the sky when she is full, but this morning i beat the sun awake, and was granted a morning greeting by lady moon.

my dawn was silver.

it was a good start to the day.

take care mayo, and have a good night, and a restful, dreamful one. i'll be going into my own dreams with one of those roxy songs stuck in my head; who knows what effect that's going to have.


ergoproxy said...

sounds like a good but tiring day TJ, hope you have sweet dreams

Anonymous said...

I'd rather spend one minute holding you... than a lifetime knowing I never could.

anima said...

Elena, I have had many dreams of my father; I do not recall dreaming about him before his death, but since his passing I'm dreaming about him just as you have described. It's so intense and I find myself waking up totally pissed off that I just went through it and it was all a dream. He is always alive in my dreams, I am aware he is gone but somehow he is back in our lives.

I talked to my mom about it... she has the same thing. Funny though...her dreams revolve around him coming back and now she has to call all the insurance companies to let them know that he is back...alive! Fucked up, eh?

I am so happy to see him in my dreams. However...I am so disappointed when I awake realizing it was only a dream. Doesn't seem quite fair.

Do our loved ones talk to us in our dreams or do we just make it all up in our mind? Oh well. It is so awesome to see him...and sometimes I touch him, talk to him... and it brings me comfort. I miss him so much. I understand that you feel the same. (And many others here who have lost those they love.)

anima said...

Goodnight everyone.

Wishing you all so much happiness. That's all. :)

anima said...

Nite M. Naise. Take care my friend.

Anonymous said...

The hardest part of dreaming about someone you love is having to wake up.

elena said...


I'm on my way to bed but just saw your comment. I'm sorry that you understand me so well about this..if you hadn't lost your dad you wouldn't. But thank you for sharing with me. It makes me feel better knowing you understand. I didn't say it this morning but when I admitted he was dead and was gone from the dream..I cried. I fuckin' woke up crying. Sometimes I think I'm just losing it, you know? But then I realize that for those brief moments he was with me in the dream the crying was so worth it. Take care. I love ya. Hope to talk to you soon.

anima said...

3:21 Great quote. Thank you.

elena said...


Tonight all I have for you is a hug and a wish. Both come from my heart. The hug I don't need to explain, it's pure emotion. The wish is that your life is full of love and happiness.

Take care

Night Mayo


anima said...

Elena, I hate that I know what its like. Sweetie, I'm with you. Always thinkig about you. *hugs so tight* After mid October I am free...I will come visit. I just wait and see!
(Dr. Seuss rhymes not intentional)

ergoproxy said...

anima, elena don't know what I could say, but love to you both

be sure to always be thankful fro everything you've had, grateful for all you have, and welcoming to all you are yet to recieve
much love EP xx

the needs of the world can seem overwhelming sometimes, but if everyone cares for their own little piece, together we can create a beautiful future
lotsa love EP xx

goodnight blogbelieve, see you in my morning

Anonymous said...

toujours said...
it was a long day, actually. the shop was pretty busy, and then went over to the mall to take advantage of the labor day sales. didn't get back home until almost 9pm.

it was a good day though. this young clerk in radio shack called me "miss", lol! :)

When do people generally stop using miss and start using ma'am?

Pickled Possum said...

When do people generally stop using miss and start using ma'am?

When she’s the one holding the whip and the keys to the furry handcuffs. ;)

Pickled Possum said...

Morning Mayo, SS and blogreaders.=)

Don't worry about the world ending today...
It's already tomorrow in New Zealand.

Everyone can relax because that bugger otherwise known as Monday turned up 40 minutes ago.

unless you're in New Zealand -then start worrying

There was one day we actually did worry! Jan 1 2000. With the world expecting the Y2k bug to hit, all the big countries were waiting to see if the three light bulbs down here failed. Talk about performance anxiety lol

Lovely to read Soul Connector, Cupcake (congratulations!) and Far again.

Thanks for the links KOL anon. Always appreciated. =)

MissT, I bet you pin that beep tests butt to the wall this time!

Happy belated birthday to all the Virgos. =)

Love and hugs to those needing them.

Happy Sunday all (or what remains of it for Ergo and Cupcake).
Catch you around. =)

toujours said...

good morning!

i have the house to myself, so naturally, i'm on the computer. :)

7:40, until i moved to the south i wasn't addressed by either term, but now i get both. it's more an indication of their age than mine. i was wearing pigtails yesterday though, and i think that confused him. *heehee*

pickled possum! i liked your answer better though! wicked, wicked creature. ;)

there was a lady that came in the shop a couple of days ago who had a noticeable accent. when i asked here she was from she said new zealand! so i told her that i knew a few people from there.

are you and cupcake good representatives of your country? because she really wasn't as cute or funny as i was expecting her to be.


toujours said...

thunderstorm heading my way, and i should probably be getting off the computer anyway! got a nice little bit of work done, though, and got caught up with my online reading list.

see you all later!

have a good day blogbelieve!

hope you're having one too, mayo. :)

Amyranth said...

Everyone can relax because that bugger otherwise known as Monday turned up 40 minutes ago.

Oh bloody hell! I'm moving to New Zealand. I hate not being on top of things.


Also, somebody ma'amed me the other day, and then he turned profusely red when I glared at him like death personified.

It was not a good day.

I'm floating around, seems there's a bit of an issue over at Seven's what with things being moved and placement of Sand, elephants and other bloggers.

So, I'll see y'all around somewhere today!

ergoproxy said...

good morning!!

you know we rarely get called miss and ma'am. Unless it's a formal place like a restaurant. Good ones though are Darl and Love.
I had to get used to being called Miss as a teacher though, and it doesn't matter if you're married or not, it's always Miss (though occasionally Mum, which from a senior boy always brings the chuckles and blushes)
I will tell you, the easiest way to find all the female teachers in a crowd is to yell out "Miss!" and they'll all turn around lol

hiya PP!
Monday turned up here too, didn't get lost on it's way across the ditch

hey TJ, hope you are having a good day, but have to tell you Cupcake is an Aussie, she's in tasmania, our southernmost island state

Mornin' Amy it is kinda hard to find your way about now

Anonymous said...

Dead in here...needs a vampyre...Let me see you make decisions, without your telivision!!

Anon616 said...

Hello and Happy almost Labor Day Mayo, SS, Ergo, Amy, Possum, TJ, Sweetcheeks, Elena, Anima, J and L, KOL anon, Wish, FASC, assorted anons and mixed lurkers!

How are you all today? Did you all have a fun weekend and/or a nice, relaxing Sunday/Monday? I hope so!

We had a very nice (and fun) night celebrating my mother's birthday. Bre's new college friends are wonderful (and they have very healthy appetites)! Taylor had never had "fried shrimp" before (he's from the very healthy Colorado) and he cleaned his plate in under 5 minutes. Most impressive!

None of them had ever tried ~ or even heard of ~ beignets before; so, we went to Cafe DuMonde for dessert. Well, THAT experience was priceless!!!!

I, seriously, thought Taylor was going to cry when he took his first bite. He just closed his eyes and savored it.... t'was a beautiful 'dining' moment!

Billy (he's from Chicago) forgot about the "don't inhale" advice! After he recovered from the choking, he quite enjoyed the beignets too! As did Bre #2 (who is from Arkansas).

The night ended with Billy and Taylor being covered in powdered sugar (yes, I'm not very good at guarding plates filled with the stuff and there was a powdered sugar blowing incident ~ or two ~ and my nephew shouting FOOD FIGHT).

What college student could resist, right? Well, we all thought it was funny and so did everyone else at Cafe DuMonde... including the staff! What a great group of young men and ladies! I think my Bre has chosen well!

Elena and Anima: *huge hugs*

Sweetcheeks: How was the wedding? Did you wear that black and white dress or did you go with something else? Whatever you chose to wear, I hope you had a great time!!!

You and "Mork" win!!! I've had a 'change of heart'. AC/DC it is!!!! Ya'll convinced me!

Wish: I'm glad to hear you've been okay! I'm okay, too. (Tired; but, okay.) Thanks for asking!

*snatches Possum's whip and handcuffs to use on 'no one' next door*

Ummm, hmmmm....

*hopes I can find the door, next door*

Hugs and Love,

Hi PJ!

Anon616 said...


*sings along*

"Let me see you
Let me see you

I love it!

ergoproxy said...

hi wendy

sounds like a fun night, Happy Birthday to your Mum

Anonymous said...

Simple but to the point

ergoproxy said...

lunch time!

the wind is does dry clothes a lot faster,
hanging clothes up in the wind is like grappling with fabric octopi

ergoproxy said...

ignore the "is"

toujours said...

hey TJ, hope you are having a good day, but have to tell you Cupcake is an Aussie, she's in tasmania, our southernmost island state

oh my gosh! i was just thinking "island south of australia" and totally forgot the details.

my apologies to cupcake for relocating her!

and thanks for the correction ergo. man oh man.


ergoproxy said...

hello TJ

I'm sure cupcake wouldn't mind a trip to NZ!

how are you?

toujours said...

lol i hope not!

i'm doing okay, glad the socialization part of the day is over.

how are things for you?

anon616 with cookie troubles said...

Hello Ergo and TJ!!! How are you ladies, tonight?

Sorry about my abrupt departure. I had a litter box emergency! (As in, I forgot I had all three litter boxes soaking and the kitties had no place to do their business ~ for hours.) Ooops!

All is taken care of now. Poor Patches, Boots and Noel couldn't wait (much longer) to hit that nice, clean, fresh litter!

Ergo: Thank you!!! I shall pass along your birthday wishes to mom! Her birthday is actually Tuesday; but, we went out to eat and celebrate last night since Bre was home.

How are those baby chicks? Is the little one doing okay?

Did someone mention Tasmania? Hearing that always reminds me of Taz!!!! I love that lil' devil! He's so cute and silly (and slighty naughty)!

Goodnight Ergo, TJ, Sweetcheeks, Amy, Martha, Elena, MissT, Possum, J and L, Wish, PJ, KOL anon, WMIM anon... everyone!

Sweet dreams to one and all!

Hugs and Love,

Original Punk L said...

Hey, everyone! Finally back in.

Wendy! Are you still here?

toujours said...

good night wendy!

helllllllooooo l.! how are tonight? :)

ergoproxy said...

hello L!!
nice to see you

Wendy, chicks are all good, chicking about their pen

TJ it's a nice day, very hot though
Tom and I are lazing about, and I am actually reading a book! You gave me the impetus, one Elena gave me called "A Small Dark Place'

toujours said...

i fail so hard at proof-reading. :/

i meant to say "how are you tonight?"

toujours said...

yay, ergo! is that the ghost story book you were talking about awhile ago?

ergoproxy said...

goodnight Wendy sweet dreams, shame actual Tassie Devils aren't so sweet. They used to get under peoples houses and fight and are really vicious.
but the poor things are endangered now, they were hunted early on, but got protected, but now there is a disease killing them, they are trying to save the species

ergoproxy said...

no, that one is next, this one is about a down and out couple who devise a plan for their son to fall in an old well and be rescued, getting money and publicity but their younger daughter who is afraid of the dark falls in by mistake
there is something spooky in it, it hasn't been properly revealed yet though.

toujours said...

ooh, that sounds interesting! elena always finds such good books. :)

Original Punk L said...

Trying to catch back up on everything, even missed BlogBelieve Anniversary!

So Happy Anniversery to Mayo, S.S., all the Lovelies and the rest of BlogBelieve. What do you get for 2 years? :)

Wendy, Happy Birthday late to your Mum. It sounds like you had a great time celebrating. I have some of the coffee from Cafe DuMonde and it is wonderful. I would love to try the little powdered pastries of joy from there!

For the Ma'am or Miss part, I can go with either. I was always "Miss" when I was a nanny, and I get Ma'am a lot now. Course, in the south, that sorta comes with the territory! We also get "Honey", "Sweetheart" and "Darlin'".

Ergo, the baby chicks are so cute! They are really growing. The new pics or "Relaxing Ray and Zombie Ray" are very interesting too. J. said maybe the sun will do something for that green skin on Z.R.

Possum, that answer to the "Ma'am" or "Miss" question was the absolute one! I like how you think. Good to see you!

Amy, Sand, elephants and other bloggers?!

Elena and Anima, I hate that you have to know how the other feels as well about your Dads. Love and hugs to both of you.

Wish, how are you doing? I haven't caught up all the way, but I'll get a note to you soon. Hope you are feeling better.

Lewis! Miss you, babe.

TJ, How's it going? Rain loved his Tweet. He's snoozing right now. Did you check out Dumplin's pic?

Miss T., hope you are doing well, and taking care of yourself. Good luck with the tests!

Hey also to Cupcake, Paperheart, Martha, Jade, m., anons, lurkers and anyone else I missed!


toujours said...

i did, l., and oh man did it make me smile! i thought, his body might be relaxed, but his eyes were alert! lol

does he sit like often?

toujours said...



does he sit like that often.


ergoproxy said...

wow L that was an extensive recap!

ergoproxy said...

Did you know space smells?

"From the [spacewalks] there really is a distinct smell of space when they come back in," Ford said from the station in a Friday night news conference. "It's like... something I haven't ever smelled before, but I'll never forget it. You know how those things stick with you."

Original Punk L said...

Ouch, TJ, you're going to get a headache! :)

Yes, he loves to lean against stuff and try to look oh, so suave. He also has the "look at me streched out in the floor being cute".

ergoproxy said...

let him know he is very debonair!!

Original Punk L said...

LOL Ergo, I'm still not caught up, and probably won't be for awhile. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon to stay at my parents for a week. My Dad has to have more shots put into his back, and I drive him and Mum and help with him and around the house for a few days afterwards. He does ok after about three days, but it's hard for him to walk to begin with.

I never thought about the smell of space...maybe it's all that Tang the early astronauts drank?

I will tell Dumplin, Ergo. He will probably just bat his eyes and think "yes, of course I am."

toujours said...

he really did look like he was trying to be suave. *hee*

i was watching a documentary today about the science of music and they demonstrated the harmonics the universe makes, as well as the sound of a black hole, so i suppose it can smell as well!

Original Punk L said...

It does make you wonder what all is out there, doesn't it. What kind of noise did they decide a black hole makes? And how did they find out?

ergoproxy said...

everything is just pretty damn amazing isn't it

Original Punk L said...

If you want to feel like a pin point in the universe, go outside on a clear night and just look all around. It is just breathtaking.

toujours said...

too damn straight, ergo!

the sounds are based on the vibrations they make. the frequencies are normally extremely low, deeper than humans can hear, but when they bring them up several octaves, they are recordable.

the black hole has a single long note, it sounds like a several low tubas in close harmony. it's solemn, and kinda spooky.

the universe, however, almost sounds like static, except there are more things goign on in the sound than the pure white noise of static.

it was so cool! the documentary is called "the music instinct", it's playing on pbs stations now.

the really neat thing was just this morning i was wondering about music and if it was one of the things that sets us apart from other animals. (i wonder about that sometimes, what is it that makes us different, why did we become the animal with cities and books and religion and war?)

this doc actually had some answers! very interesting, too.

ergoproxy said...

I'll have to see if it's ever on here TJ, sounds fascinating

have you ever heard the infrasound elephants make? It's too low for us to hear but they raise it, they are really very noisy and it travels for miles!

Original Punk L said...

That documentary sounds really interesting, TJ. I can imagine the black hole humming as it pulled everything into it, the sound the vacuum noise. I watched a show about S.E.T.I., which operates the largest antenna in the world for listening to sounds from space. There have been occasions where they have picked up signals that they couldn't explain. I really don't believe we are alone in the universe. It's too vast, and it would be pretty arrogant for us to think we are the only intelligent lifeforms.

toujours said...

i agree, l. -- i don't know hw much stock i put in current ufology, but i think there's no way we are the only intelligent life in the universe. i think the real question is what form does the other intelligent life take, and is it intelligence as we measure such?

ergo, i remember seeing a show a few years ago where they were talking about that, it amazed me! and i loved finding that out because it shows that humans don't know as much as we think we do, that all along the elephants have been communicating in this fashion and did we know? nope. just thought they were big trumpeting creatures.

Original Punk L said...

True, what forms do they take? Since the universe is constantly expanding, there are planets far older than ours, and if they contain life, have been able to advance beyond our ability to even comprehend. Anyone who scoffs at the idea of "flying saucers" should think of this...

What would the stone age people have thought about a plane, or a computer, or a car passing them in the field going 200 mph?

ergoproxy said...

One of the ladies that runs SETI was a guest at the radio show done by my fave scientist here that I podcast and listen to when I walk

she was so interesting, and you can do SETI at home, where you use the extra computer power you don't use everyday to crunch numbers for them, I was going to look into it, and they ahve a new scheme too to get help in designing new investigations and things and you can be anybody and join in

I ahve to go, got to nick to the post office and then get BG and my student to tutor, I'll be back about later but will most likely see you tomorrow
have a good trip L, hope your Dad goes ok and recovers well


toujours said...

exactly, and they could be beings that have developed along completely different lines than we have. i'm sure there must be more than one way to achieve a culture with a level of technology that allows space travel.

and then i start to wonder, what are the universal constants? like, in that documentary, one guys said that one way to look at string theory is that because the "string" at the heart of all matter vibrates much like a violin string, you could say that music is at the heart of everything in the that an undeniable, universal fact, or just the way our brains interpret the data?

i mean, it's possible that we wouldn't even recognize aliens if they visited.

toujours said...

see ya later, ergo!

that would be so cool to be a part of seti.

Original Punk L said...

Sorry I disappeared for a bit, my computer froze and when I rebooted, it froze again!

I think it's a conspiracy...

I get what you're saying TJ. I read a book about time travel that worked with the string theory as well. With the vibrations, we could be seeing what we think we should, and not as it is. It brought up the idea of dropping into a different time point from a constant physical point. So if you are standing in the middle a shopping mall and it was farmland in 1765, you could "drop into" that frame as it was. The theory is that parallel uninverses or dimensions or times are there all the time, we just don't see them. How do we see things compared to dogs or cats or other life forms?

See you later, Ergo! Good to talk to you.

Original Punk L said...

And I want to work with SETI too. That would be a great experience.

toujours said...

i always liked that idea of time travel, l. because it can be an explanation for why sometimes some people can feel as though they are suddenly in a different time, though they haven't changed locations. it could be simply that they touched on that time briefly.

and i'm sorry it's taking me a little while to respond! i'm doing a survey for a pagan scholar and some questions require more thought than others. lol

Original Punk L said...

It would explain deja vu. I have had a "memory" of a cottage since I was very young, with lots of flowers around, and a cobble path from the gate to the door. It looks English, or possibly Welsh, since that is my ancestry. I always wondered why I have such a clear memory of that house, even though I've never been there.

I wondered if we could have not only genes passed down to us, but memories and emotions. Have we really been there before in another time, or is it someone else's memories we have inherited?

We've gotten deep tonight, haven't we? LOL

toujours said...



it dropped me just as i was submitting the survey.


toujours said...

*calms down*

i don't know if individual memories can be passed down, if they can become encoded in our genetic makeup, but i do believe that it's possible to have past-life memories. i think maybe there are memories and skills that we acquire in each life and carry with us into the next, but can't consciously access. after all, we only use about 10% of our brain! what else is in there? :)

maybe that is a home that was very special to you in a past life...wouldn't it be something if you stumbled across it again someday?

Original Punk L said...

Oh, man, TJ, I'm sorry about the survey. Don't you hate when you get to that last button and...whoosh! Drives you nuts.

My computer is giving me fits tonight, keeps freezing, so I think I'm going to head out for the night. I have wondered the same thing about what if I stumbled across that cottage. I looked around a little when I was in Wales, but I only saw Cardiff and some of the countryside on the train. Who knows, maybe one day, I'll go "That's it!"

For now, Good Night and Sweet Dreams to all, and hopefully I'll get a chance to check in tomorrow before I leave.


elena said...


toujours said...

good night l., it was good to ponder the mysteries of the universe with you for awhile. :)

hey there elena, how are you doing?

elena said...

Hey TJ

I'm feeling a bit better. Just relaxing and drinking a Pumpkin Spice Ale.

toujours said...

ooh, those are good!

and glad to hear you're doing a little better. :)

how's your bookstore been doing? we've gone all slow at the quilt shop.

elena said...

The store is doing okay. They are about to open the Walgreens in the parking lot so that should help.

toujours said...

oh definitely! and now you guys won't have to send people over to walmart to get quick supplies...



elena said...

Actually the Wal-Mart closed and moved across town. Naturally leaving a nice empty building.

toujours said...

oh wow! lots of changes there, huh?

toujours said...

oooooh, man. my energy just ran out, pfft.

good night elena. take care of yourself, keep getting better.

sweet dreams.

ergoproxy said...


elena said...


Just the other day the Subway next door got robbed. Turns out it was one of the employees and his friend. Seriously they tried to make it look like he was being held up. Then when the police arrived the friend who was also the robber showed up again and parked outside. The police wondered why the guy was just sitting there in his car so they went over to talk to him and there on the backseat was the mask and paint ball gun he'd used. Those two should make it on that show "World's Dumbest Criminals"

elena said...

Night TJ

Nice pic anon, very pretty

Hey Ergo

ergoproxy said...

goodnight TJ sweet dreams

and have you heard of cases where transplant recipients appear to have memories, likes/dislikes and even talents of the donor?
perhaps memory is able to be passed on, it's an interesting thought

ergoproxy said...

hey elena!

those guys are real Einsteins of Crime

toujours said...


i was going to tell you about my thoughts on the role of art in our development, how i think it might be the thing that sets us apart from the other animals...but seriously, i am just too tired tonight. i'm not usually up this late anymore, and i'm pretty sure i'll barely be able to keep my eyes open long enough to proof-read this (as tired as i am? you bet your bippy i'm proof-reading this!)

so no ramble tonight, my friend, just heartfelt wishes for a good night and a fulfilling day tomorrow.

sweet dreams, mayo.

ergoproxy said...

beautiful anon, goodnight

elena said...

Oh yes Ergo they really were something. I just can't imagine them thinking it would work. I mean at one point a customer came in so the employee went ahead and took care of the order while the "robber" hid in back. Then he said that the robber told him to stand at the door and not let anyone else in. He stood outside the door and didn't make a break for it. I mean my store is right next door. He could have run in there and said the place was being robbed. It was so obvious on the tapes what was going on

toujours said...

oh, i stayed to look at the pic real quick (the dial-up definition of "real quick" of course).

anon, i saved the pic, it's truly beautiful, reminds me so much of how the city looks like a fairy tale city in the evening. i miss that place. this photo will be a nice momento...

thank you.

hello again and good night, ergo!

elena said...

Think I'm gonna order some Tru Blood.

ergoproxy said...


that is so dumb

we had a case like that here a while back too

and once I was in the city and saw these people who just looked wrong somehow, in business suits but sort of off, turned out they were trying to "stage" a robbery and if they were obviously out of place to me, it was no big surprise they got caught

Anonymous said...

best movie ever made

elena said...

LOL Anon

Yep Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is pretty funny.

I like Killer Clowns From Outer Space

ergoproxy said...

Oh I loved Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!!

I have not seen the Killer Clown one though

though hard to beat any movie with "IT" in the title

Anonymous said...

why here? why now? why


elena said...


Thanks Anon. A really wonderful bad movie.

How about Monster Dog with Alice Cooper? Have you seen that one?

elena said...

Oh or Hospital Massacre with Barbi Benton. That one was so very very bad it is great.

Anonymous said...

i missed those elena but they're on my list now thanks to you.


ergoproxy said...

elena I'd really love to watch movies with you one day!

goodnight anon sweet dreams

elena said...

Nite Anon - if you get a chance let me know what you think of them.

I gotta be going too.

Night Ergo, sweet dreams

ergoproxy said...

I love all the old 50's sci fi
like Tarantula, Earth vs The Flying Saucers, Cat Women of the Moon...

the movie trailers are the best

ergoproxy said...

goodnight elena, sweet dreams

elena said...


Today was a good one. Nothing spectacular happened but then again nothing terrible happened. I totally feel like spouting some Stewie right now “Victory was mine”. Sorry but believe me after the high drama alert that my house has been on lately that is really a very good sign. At no time today did I just want to crawl back into bed, pull the covers up, and go to sleep. Hell, Mom even found her cereal as soon as she reached the correct aisle. I do have to admit though that about half way through the day I found myself nervously waiting for something to happen. I was just waiting for a phone call alerting me to some dire emergency but it didn’t happen. They day passed very peacefully. So should I take this as a sign? See the thing is now I’m sorta spooked about the whole thing. I’m afraid that if I let my guard down something bad is gonna happen. It’s almost like I’ve convinced myself that if I stop expecting something bad to happen will. Shit, this is not a good way to think. And what if by talking about this I jinx things? Crap I’m totally stressing now. I should just relax and be happy. My family is all okay. Most of our vehicles are working again and I think I’ve figured out ways to fix all the things that have gone wrong lately. Yep, I need to chill. (I just took a deep calming breath).

So getting past all that I’ll think about something else to chat about. I know, have you ever watched My Antonio? I’m totally not recommending it as a great show but more like a fun train wreck to watch. Between Antonio tossing off a girl because he didn’t like her toes, to his over bearing mother it’s just fun. No brain cells needed to watch it. I do have to admit though I’m rooting for his ex-wife. She’s older then all the other girls and I like her. Hell, she’s 10 years older than him. I like that. I’ve always been pissed off by the notion that it’s okay for guys to be older than the women but if a woman is older…somehow that’s viewed as wrong. Ha!

Oh well, I should go. I’ve really got nothing informative or interesting to say – Sorry.

Take care

Night Mayo

Elena (I’m really trying but it’s hard)

ergoproxy said...

Why did I even start watching Rock of Love Bus? Because it was mentioned here, nothing else was on, I was curious.....*sobs* and now I can't turn it off!!!!! lol It's just...and the girls are just.... and it's...
plus it'd be nice if Bret found out a few more words to describe the women apart from "hot" and adding "smokin" in front doesn't make it a different word. Have a great Monday
much love EP xx

It is so windy here, it almost sounds like the ocean. It'll be interesting to fall asleep to. Did you have a nice weekend? Hope you have a wonderful Monday, I heard it is a holiday over there, hope you are able to enjoy it with those you hold dear
lotsa love EP xx

goodnight blogbelieve, see you in my morning

Anonymous said...

" Every so often, a painter has to destroy painting. Cezanne did it, Picasso did it with Cubism. Then Pollock did it. He busted our idea of a picture all to hell. Then there could be new paintings again." - Willem de Kooning

Anonymous said...

"When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. It is only after a sort of 'get acquainted' period that I see what I have been about. I have no fear of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the painting comes out well."

- Jackson Pollock

MissTottenham said...

Hiya guys, how are you all?

I hope you have all had a great weekend.

Well, I'm back from London with the news that on my third and final try at the fitness test........................

I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah PP, I pinned it to the wall hahaha!

I actually found the beep test running OK and they had to call be back after I'd done it cos I kept on running. I found the pulling of the weights easy and pulled more than I needed to, but I have more difficulty with the pushing of the weights. But I got it on the nose of the criteria needed so I passed. What a relief.

Now I just have to wait while they check references and see if I get offered a start date.

Thanks to everyone who wished me luck. You guys have kept me going with all your good wishes and I can't thank you enough.

I've managed to crook my knee afterwards though but I don't care cos I passed. I'm off to put leg up and rest. It feels a little better today but was bad over the weekend.

Catch you later guys. xxxx

elena said...

CONGRATS MissT !!!!!!

elena said...

Happy Labor Day everyone

Labor Day, then official end of summer. What memories. The final trip to the lake found everyone piling into the car smushed between the picnic baskets, coolers and beach bags. The trip was long but the laughter and anticipation made the miles bearable. Once there the car was parked under a stand of trees then hastily unpacked. Soon the air was filled with the sound of splashing water and the aroma of charcoal. The sun, now just a bit less warm and bright was welcomed. Worrying about sunscreen was a thing of the past. This one last chance to soak up the rays, to store the warmth in your body for the coming winter months was an unspoken priority. The summer had almost slipped away, it was fading. The day was spent celebrating all that it had been. Late afternoon the aroma of hot dogs and hamburgers was heavy. Sadly the sun’s warmth began to lessen and the water soon lost its appeal. Sweatshirts and pants were donned. Stomachs now full slowed down the pace of the ending day. By the time the campfire was lit the flames called to us. Time to unwind, store the memories, and realize it was time to let Summer go. Time to dream about next summer.

Nope, none of this happened to me. I just kinda think that’s what Labor Day should be like. Take care everyone and have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Painting is a blind man's profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.
Pablo Picasso

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Misst !!

ergoproxy said...

good morning!!

elena, what a lovely picture you painted, the vegetation and landscape my be different over here, but the feeling is just the same. :]

enjoy Labour Day everyone


That is so fantastic! Just wonderful! :]
Well done *hug*♥

Anonymous said...

summers kitchen

Anonymous said...

Actually Elena, the OFFICIAL end of summer is Fall equinox. Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer.

Anonymous said...


5:55 is for you. Your beautiful words reminded me of those paintings. Thank you.

ergoproxy said...

there are 3 wedge tailed eagles soaring around above our house (wingspan of over 8 ft) looking like this so magnificent...
and one is being hassled by a very pissed off crow (wingspan less than 2 ft)
you gotta admire his tenacity!

elena said...

Thank you anon. What wonderful paintings. I love them. I just got home and seeing those was a lovely welcome.

Hey Ergo

ergoproxy said...

hello elena

how are you?

elena said...

Okay but not quite sure why the Net is so slow. I can understand the home computer being slow - I have Hughes Net and they suck so I'm on the laptop with the Sprint 3G card and it's being very slow too.

Anonymous said...

On this day of your life, we believe God wants you to know...
... that when people tell you nice things, stop shrugging them off as if they are nothing.

The sincere compliments you receive are your jewels, - collect them in your heart, - they highlight the beauty of your being and empower you during challenging times. Never say 'oh, it's nothing' or shrug your shoulders when you hear a sincere compliment. Pause, breath it in, and really feel its meaning.

Anonymous said...

Wow, correct someone on a simple thing and get ignored. What a nice place.

ergoproxy said...

Maybe there is some server issue?
I don't know how it all works, but seems there are a lot of points at which problems can occur

I got a parcel with some nifty containers I bought off the shopping channel, I'm busy putting things into them, lol

Anonymous said...

Christ is the Light. Follow only His way or suffer the consequences.

elena said...

I'm sorry anon. I see that you did correct me and I do stand corrected.

How are you today?

elena said...

What are you putting in the new containers Ergo??

ergoproxy said...

some crackers and coconut and stuff, they are really great containers, better than tupperware, seal air and watertight and keep food well, and are heaps cheaper
I'm using them all the time now, esp in the fridge and I got 2 egg holder ones to take camping, as the cardboard cartons don't' do well in an esky when the ice starts melting

Anonymous said...

Walking in the Lord's Light Elena, how about you.

elena said...

Well Anon I hope I am too. I'm very blessed.

ergoproxy said...

hi anon you having a good day?

ergoproxy said...

wow they have one of the guys from Bros on our morning show, Matt Goss, he's doing a Vegas show he's been performing a lot since they broke up, one of the other guys Luke is an actor

so I suppose they found out when they would. they would be famous

elena said...

No the cardboard cartons do not do well in ice. When we went camping we had a plastic container just for eggs. It looks like an egg carton but was great at keeping the eggs safe.

ergoproxy said...

that's what these are like, I have always intended to get one, but never gotten around to it
We have got the big camping esky pretty organised now, separate containers and I found a little box that fits up one end for all the stuff you use together, like lunch meats, spreads, butter and little things so you aren't searching through freezing ice water and they don't get waterlogged.
All our camping stuff is in big plastic boxes now so it's so easy to grab it all

Amyranth said...


Pretty soon you'll be kicking arse and taking names for a living, huh?

elena said...

Hey Amy

How are you?

Amyranth said...

Hey Elena!

Not bad, felt like the first day of fall here in my little ball of earth. How about you?

ergoproxy said...

Hello Amy :]

Amyranth said...

Hallo Ergo!

You guys are just warming up there, aren't you? Lucky, lucky. The only reason why I wasn't jealous of the people who did get Labour Day off, is because it wasn't a very nice day.

But it was busy at the store, so pooh on me too apparently.

ergoproxy said...

we are warming up fast Amy, feels like we are not having a mild spring at all
I have 3 deciduous trees in my yard and they are all starting to get their new leaves

elena said...

Nice day here. The temp was about 75 and it was sunny.

Amyranth said...

Only 15 here today. The poplar trees all panicked and dropped most of their leaves overnight I think. It's a good thing we mulch.

ergoproxy said...

It's 26 here now, nearly midday, which is quite pleasant, we've been over 30 some days
bit overcast as well

did you know today in Samoa they are changing the side of the road they drive on, to the left, like we, NZ and other nearby nations do
they are expecting problems, the churches were full sunday with people praying for safety, there is a 2 day holiday and a 3 day ban on alcohol.
So far it seems to be going smoothly

Amyranth said...

I heard a brief blurb on the news about that Ergo. So, you don't drive like the people from the UK then?

ergoproxy said...

we drive on the left hand side of the road, and our cars have the steering wheel on the right side (As you sit in the car)

actually just heard on our news that the biggest problem in Samoa is that the buses now have the doors on the wrong side, out of 500 apparently only 20 can be on the road

Amyranth said...

Holy, sounds like they didn't completely think this through, huh?

I'm glad someone noticed the bus thing before school started. O_o

ergoproxy said...

lucky it isn't a huge place!

Amyranth said...

Samoan guys are very handsome though. I worked with a guy who's dad was Samoan, and his son picked up most of the good qualities.

Except the asshole behavior, but hey, nature versus nurture.

ergoproxy said...

they are, we have a lot of islanders in our area, some are very goodlooking

ergoproxy said...

be back - lunch time

Original Punk J said...

MISS T!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!!

I knew you would. :D Congratulations!

What good news to come back to. Hey everybody, what's happening?

ergoproxy said...

hello J good to see you

I just had some lunch, what have you been up to?

elena said...

Hey J

Good to see ya!

Ergo just had lunch and now I'm off to make dinner. LOL

Back later

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Tell a Friend! New Muse song released

ergoproxy said...

thanks MJ!! I got an email about that this morning

I can't wait the album is out in a few days!!!

Original Punk J said...

Hey Ergo, hey Elena, so good to talk to you both! We've been really busy around here the past week, two weeks. Plus I had some personal issues to deal with, and I just...couldn't talk to anybody. But I'm better now than I was, I'm aware of more than I was before, and am hoping to clear up any cloudy spots there may still be.

I feel like I've missed out on so much. Catch me up, ladies?

ergoproxy said...

not much new going on with me, just hot weather
I have pics of my chicks and a Ray adventure on my blog which I don't know if you've seen

Original Punk J said...

L and I looked at them all last night--the chicks are so cute, and growing so fast! L said that white one still looks adopted. :D

Zombie Ray sure could use some more sunshine, that green pallor isn't very healthy-looking. That, or he needs more makeup. ;)

You're heading into summer soon, right?

Hey Martha! *waves madly*

ergoproxy said...

yep heading into summer and I noticed my 3 deciduous trees are starting to get their new leaves, can't wait for them to be full and shady again

I'll take Zombie Ray out for some more sun soon

Martha Smith-Jones said...

*Waves Back Madly*

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
toujours said...

hello everyone.

hi there j., it's good to see you again. :)

Anonymous said...

Damn, keep posting on wrong account.

J is that you? Where have you and L been? O_o

Hey guys, how's everyone? To my fellown U.S. peeps I hope you had a great Labor Day.

Original Punk J said...

You too, TJ! Doing alright?

Hopefully you won't have any cold snaps, Ergo, so the trees won't be shocked. We're starting to have some cooler temps here, thank goodness. It's getting harder for me to stand the heat as I get older.

Original Punk J said...

Yep, it's me, BC! We've been busy busy busy, I've been in a funk, and the eBay has kept us on our toes...especially when you're trying to load items and the damn computer keeps freezing!!! What's up with you? And Happy Labor Day back atcha!

toujours said...

same ol' same ol' here, j.

did you guys do anything interesting for labor day?

ergoproxy said...

hiya TJ

hiya BC

Original Punk J said...

We grilled some hot dogs and drank some Corona, that was our nod to the holiday.

Found out something interesting: flies like beer. We each had about four flies hangin' out in our empties. One of them apparently had too much to drink cause he was fighting the other flies, wobbling around the lip of the bottle, lurching down the was hilarious.

How sad that we've been reduced to watching inebriated insects for our amusement. O_o

Anonymous said...

Hiya ergo, how's the baby chicks coming along?

Hiya tj, how's work?

J, good to see you here. I've spent the day having a cookout at my place, then I went to go visit my brother's for a bit. I just got back home :)

How is L? I heard she's going to be out of town again?

toujours said...

hi there ergo, hi bc.

we did hot dogs, too, j. but just here at the house. we were supposed to go out and have a picnic, but my folks are rain-phobic. i think they watched that mythbusters episode about lightning strikes. :/

Original Punk J said...

Yep, her dad's been getting cortisone shots in his back, and she goes home for a few days to help her mom around the house while he's "down". Plus next Saturday is his birthday, so she'll stay for that, then come back home.

ergoproxy said...

a drunk fly!!
what a classic, he just can't hold hi liquor

I just saw a thing on TV about a guy who wanted to surprise propose, so took his girl to a Wendy's brought 2 shakes and stuck the ring in hers for her to find...

I think you may know where this is going...

yep! she finished the shake without finding it and didn't believe him until they got an x-ray. So he proposed with the x-ray of the ring instead.
and 2 days later they got it back

talk about memorable!!

ergoproxy said...

BC the chicks are great, just took them up some food, all getting their wing feathers and it looks like 5 have little tail feathers starting
someone told me hens get tails first so I will have to see if that's the case

Original Punk J said...

Being out in a light rain is nice, but a lightning storm? Yeek!

toujours said...

lightning is fun, j. -- totally dangerous, but very very cool. :)

ergo, that's pretty gross. ew.

Anonymous said...

Ergo, oh my. At least the girlfriend is okay X_x
And awww about the chickies. They're so cute ^_^

J, about your dad, is it anything serious, or is the shots routine?

Original Punk J said...

"and 2 days later they got it back"


Please DO NOT ever hide my ring in food. Thank you.

ergoproxy said...

I wonder how long they disinfected it for before she'd wear it

Original Punk J said...

BC, L's dad has had back pain for years. He used to be a catcher for their local baseball team; almost went pro, if he could've hit the ball. Anyway, he's got lower back pain, and he's not eligible for surgery b/c of his age, so they're injecting him with cortisone every 2 weeks. It reduces the swelling and the pain. He has two more rounds to go, and is doing fine so far. Nothing dangerous, thankfully.

Anonymous said...

That's good to hear J. And how's your fur babies?

Original Punk J said...

Fur babies are doing well. They all need a nail trimming, though: Pinkle has toenails that are longer than his toes! And the cats keep getting hung on everything. It takes two of us to do the trimming, though, so we'll have to wait until L gets back.

How're your guys?

Anonymous said...

Lol, awwwww.

My babies are doing pretty much okay, although Bugsy is now starting to enjoy a game of catch me if you can, and the funny part is, he knows when you'll try to catch him, lol.

ergoproxy said...

Tom and I are watching tv, he spends the afternoon lazing on my bed
my purry paramour as TJ dubbed him

elena said...

Hello again everyone

Thanks for the pic goodnight anon

that is very pretty.

elena said...


Tom is so cute. He really does look like Sweater Boy. I'd take a pic and show you but he just went out. I'll try to remember tomorrow.

ergoproxy said...

wow that's gorgeous anon, goodnight

Original Punk J said...

Beautiful picture, Anon, I'm not too far from Nashville. Only about 3 hours.

I'm trying to find a nightscape of Knoxville, but my computer's acting up. May have to do that later.

Original Punk J said...

Hi Elena, how was dinner?

What a cute baby, Ergo! He looks like he's living the high life for sure. :)

toujours said...

aaww, he really is a lover boy, isn't he, ergo? what an adorable pic -- i love his little curled up back feets. :3

gotta trundle off to bed now, i'm a worker bee tomorrow.

good night everyone.

sweet dreams.

ergoproxy said...

Sweater Boy must be a good looking fellow then!
I'd love to see a pic

I think we may get some showers shortly, the air has changed

ergoproxy said...

goodnight TJ, I must admit the way cats curl their feet and especially when they pull their front paws down over their face after a stretch just makes me melt with cute overload!

sweet dreams

ergoproxy said...


ergoproxy said...


ergoproxy said...


ergoproxy said...


*happy dance*

gosh I'm such a child , lol

Anonymous said...

Goodnight tj, sweet dreams. Hey there elena. Goodnight anon.

toujours said...


the day was alright (i even made something), but it turned into one of those nights. i think i just used up everything dealing with a square-peg kind of weekend.

it helped, a little, to sit here with friends.

this is what i wish for you tomorrow: to be doing any ordinary thing, something you do everyday and never think about, and to suddenly stop in the midst of it because something, some detail has struck you as sheerly beautiful (the water in the sink or the sun on the kitchen counter or the neighbor's tree or that laugh you have heard a hundred hundred times), and you pause, and look up, and realize it isn't just that one thing, it's everything and for a long moment you are encapsulated in a beautiful world, you breathe beauty in and you breathe beauty out.

that's my wish.

have a good night, mayo. sweet dreams.

Original Punk J said...

Goodnight TJ, have a good day tomorrow!

Shoot, I'm not having any luck with night-skyline pictures. I'll have to do that some other time.

I love the kitty toe-curl too! And the drawing-up-front-paws thing, too darling. Dumplin likes to lie on the floor like Tom in that picture, and writhe around, striking "cute" poses.

Original Punk J said...

Ok, this is the best I could find, for now:

Knoxville skyline

ergoproxy said...

some cats just have that "look at me, I am so cute" thing going on

ergoproxy said...

oh that's pretty J, lights over water always look so wonderful

if I took a night pic here it'd just be black lol

elena said...

Night TJ sweet dreams

Hey BC, how are you?

elena said...

Pretty pic J

I'd post a pic of my town at night but it would pretty much just be a black square. LOL

Original Punk J said...

Oh man, TWO black squares! Y'all are out in the boonies, bless your hearts. That pic is of our downtown area; it's about 15 miles from where we actually live.

It's about time for me to go to bed. I've had a good time being back with y'all tonight. Ergo, Elena, BC, goodnight to you all.

xo jen

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