I Hate Swimming
I am barefoot
and the pavement burns
my pale soles.
I begin to shuffle
first to the left
then, right.
Holding each
until I can no longer stand
without wobble.
I would seek shelter
but, that would find
me leaving you
alone, again.
And, I can’t.
Your willful eyes
and your exuberance
stand with me.
I am here
to brave the burn.
p.s. all that stuff about going blind is a lie.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 3282 Newer› Newest»Misty, if you watch the movie Zeitgeist or do any research on the basis of most religions, you find that that's exactly what most religions do worship! It's amazing!
The transcript, which says, in part:
This is the sun. As far back as 10 thousand B.C.E., history is abundant with carvings [M] and writings reflecting people's respect and adoration for this object [S1]. And it is simple to understand why as every morning the sun would rise, bringing vision, warmth, and security, saving man from the cold, blind, predator-filled darkness of night. Without it, the cultures understood, the crops would not grow, and life on the planet would not survive. These realities made the sun the most adored object of all time....
This is the cross of the Zodiac, one of the oldest conceptual images in human history. [M] It reflects the sun as it figuratively passes through the 12 major constellations over the course of a year. It also reflects the 12 months of the year, the 4 seasons, and the solstices and equinoxes [S3] . The term Zodiac relates to the fact that constellations were anthropomorphized, or personified, as figures, or animals....
Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows: Horus was born on December 25th [S14] [S15] of the virgin Isis-Meri.[S16] [S17] [S18] [D] [M] His birth was accompanied by a star in the east [S19], which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born savior [M] [S20] [S21] At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30 [S22] [S23] he was baptized by a figure known as Anup [M] and thus began his ministry[S24] [M]. Horus had 12 disciples[S25] he traveled about with, performing miracles[S26] [S27]such as healing the sick[S28] and walking on water[S29]. Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God's Annointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others[S30] [S31]. After being betrayed by Typhon[S32], Horus was crucified[S33] [S34], buried for 3 days[S35], and thus, resurrected.[S36] [S37] [M]."
(It goes on to list the exact same things of Attis, Krishna, Dionysis, Mithra, etc. And obviously Jesus.)
"First of all, the birth sequence is completely astrological. The star in the east is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, which, on December 24th, aligns with the 3 brightest stars in Orion's Belt. [S60] [M] These 3 bright stars are called today what they were called in ancient times: The Three Kings.[S61] [S62] The Three Kings and the brightest star, Sirius, all point to the place of the sunrise on December 25th.[S63] [M] This is why the Three Kings "follow" the star in the east, in order to locate the sunrise -- the birth of the sun.[S64] [M]
The Virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo, [S65] also known as Virgo the Virgin. Virgo in Latin means virgin....
Virgo is also referred to as the House of Bread [S69] [S70], and the representation of Virgo is a virgin holding a sheaf of wheat. This House of Bread and its symbol of wheat represents August and September, the time of harvest. [D] In turn, Bethlehem, in fact, literally translates to "house of bread". [M] [S71] Bethlehem is thus a reference to the constellation Virgo , a place in the sky, not on Earth....
There is another very interesting phenomenon that occurs around December 25th, or the winter solstice. From the summer solstice to the winter solstice, the days become shorter and colder. From the perspective of the northern hemisphere, the sun appears to move south and get smaller and more scarce. The shortening of the days and the expiration of the crops when approaching the winter solstice symbolized the process of death to the ancients. It was the death of the Sun. [S73] By December 22nd, the Sun's demise was fully realized, for the Sun, having moved south continually for 6 months, makes it to it's lowest point in the sky. Here a curious thing occurs: the Sun stops moving south, at least perceivably, for 3 days.[S74] [M] During this 3 day pause, the Sun resides in the vicinity of the Southern Cross, or Crux, constellation.[S75] [S76] [M] And after this time on December 25th, the Sun moves 1 degree, this time north, foreshadowing longer days, warmth, and Spring.[S77] And thus it was said: the Sun died on the cross, [D] was dead for 3 days, only to be resurrected or born again.
So neat!
Hahahah K, I know you are forever extolling the virtues of Zeitgeist.
I swear, I will get round to watching it.
I promise so don't hit me OK ^_^
I should have taken out all the reference links in there, as they are not clickable in my copy pastey thingie. That just makes it look ugly and unreadable. Sorry. >_<
Misty, you will be in your glory during the first part of it. :)
have you seen the theory on how stonhenge was built to try and rekindle that?
The thing with ancient man is that they had this land and no way to explain it
So they looked up to the heavens. You can imagine why.
Shooting stars, rainbows, rain showers, lightening, thunder (the voice of the gods).
All the exciting stuff seemed to be going on up there.
interesting to read how people who have lived long periods in caves with no day/night reference actually develop their own version of the circadian rhythm. However extreme prolonged periods in that situation can be very detrimental to mental health.
Now Jesus is the figure who ushers in the age following Aries, the Age of Pisces the Two Fish.
Fish symbolism is very abundant in the New Testament. Jesus feeds 5000 people with bread and "2 fish." When he begins his ministry walking along Galilei, he befriends 2 fisherman, who follow him. And I think we've all seen the Jesus-fish on the backs of people's cars. Little do they know what it actually means. It is a Pagan astrological symbolism for the Sun's Kingdom during the Age of Pisces.
Also, Jesus' assumed birth date is essentially the start of this age.
At Luke 22:10 when Jesus is asked by his disciples where the next passover will be, Jesus replied: "Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water... follow him into the house where he entereth in."
This scripture is by far one of the most revealing of all the astrological references. The man bearing a pitcher of water is Aquarius, the water-bearer, who is always pictured as a man pouring out a pitcher of water. He represents the age after Pisces, and when the Sun (God's Sun) leaves the Age of Pisces (Jesus), it will go into the House of Aquarius, as Aquarius follows Pisces in the precession of the equinoxes.
Also Jesus is saying is that after the Age of Pisces will come the Age of Aquarius.
Now, we have all heard about the end times and the end of the world. Apart from the cartoonish depictions in the Book of Revelation, the main source of this idea comes from Matthew 28:20, where Jesus says "I will be with you even to the end of the world."
However, in King James Version, "world" is a mistranslation, among many mistranslations. The actual word being used is "aeon", which means "age." "I will be with you even to the end of the age." Which is true, as Jesus' Solar Piscean personification will end when the Sun enters the Age of Aquarius.
This is true, Ergo! And you can ask anyone who has played Everquest! ;D (I never have, myself.)
Misty, that is so true.
But the thing I love about it is that knowing that those things are based in science is no less wondrous to me.
In fact it's even cooler. I agree with Feynman on that.
I love the science aspect too.
I also love to learn about the religious stories.
But I hate when people link spirituallity with religion.
Yes; I can separate the two. There can be spirituality with science. The two are not mutually exclusive and when you take "religion" out of it and look at it in a broader, gentler sense, you can see spirituality--or at least philosophy and the question of consciousness--mixed in with quantum physics. In fact it's hard to avoid philosophy and consciousness when you get really into quantum.
Yeah K, I seperate the two.
I am not religious but have respect forthe history in the stories.
But I also like to think about life after death.
I think science and electricity will be the link to learning how that works.
Electricity has taught us so much. It has been the key to amazing discoveries. It has totally changed the way we live and I don't think it has finsihed yet.
I think it holds the key to so much more.
I think religion requires some elemant of organisation, and as soon as you have organisation you begin to have a separation of power, then you get hierarchies etc and the actual original spirituality can become lost
Hear hear on the heirarchy thing Ergo.
Hear hear indeed, Ergo.
Misty, I remember the conversation we had about that last year and I still think about it. You're right: consciousness and electricity are linked.
It's when people want to be in charge of the gang that trouble occurs.
I have often thought about the religions as gangs. They fight cos they sound like rappers.
You is dissrespecting my gang. Bang bang, one of your side dead.
Gang warefare.
Did you see those Greek priests fighting with the Armenian ones on the news?
Religions will always behave like gamgs whilever there are men in charge.
Hahaha thanks K.
I like that theory too.
All this trouble in the middle east and the world wouldn't happen if women were in charge.
We would divide all the countries up like cake (all equal amounts cos no one wants to be the fattie), then we would celebrate afterwards by all going shopping for shoes.
and if there were problems at least the wars would consist of starting rumours behind each others backs and refusing to speak
none of that messy fighting ...I mean we KNOW who'd have to clean it all up!
I hear ya sista!
well I'm off to work
so have a good night and tomorrow
great to chat
*leaves singing*
teenagers scare the living shit outta me...
See you later Ergo.
Have a great day.
Our need to never end
has turned the race perverse,
frantic for the answer,
the body electric is cursed
From the darkest heart of space
has come the carbon spawn
and life cannot begin without
the valence electron
In the chasm of oceans
thrive the beautifully bizarre
yet still the same as you are:
made up of the dust of stars
From the sun upon the cross,
throughout parable and fable
there is nothing you can't find
on the periodic table
The up, the down, the truth:
these, my beacons in the dark
the strange beauty and the charm
that I see within the quark
Persecution has not dulled
the bright blade of defiance:
though beaten, burned and buried,
still truth will live through science.
There is poetry in quantum
art in nature's ebb and flow
Truth is beauty, beauty, truth;
and that's all I need to know
And though I count biology
and physics as my friends,
I still hope there's something after.
I still hope it never ends.
From the sun upon the cross,
throughout parable and fable
there is nothing you can't find
on the periodic table
This one and the last verse are my faves.
That was great WG.
Man, that last verse is amazing, what an ending.
Weaver Girl,
That was amazingly fabulously fantastic.
I agree with MissT that last part is awesome, well, the whole thing is awesome but especially the last part.
Yo solly dude!
Thank you, guys, thank you both very much. :)
I have an angrier one in my head that's less with the rhymey.
I like the rhymey.
I bob my head in time.
Actually I don't have one; I'm just making it up in my head. ;)
And though I count biology
and physics as my friends,
I still hope there's something after.
I still hope it never ends.
fuck me that is so great!
cos i am one of those dirty non believers that just hopes but doesn't believe, but does hope....
sorry guys i have been lurking but not in the right frame of mind to join in. which is a fucking shame cos there were actually people around in my fucking timezone!!
well that sums my life up. actually i shouldn't say that, my life is fine it's me that is fucked.
just not feeling the love today bunnies and i wouldn't want to pollute you all!!
night night from a rather rainy Blighty!
mayo and SS...*hugs* i guess, that's pretty much my thing!
Yo MissT!
Is you germ free?
I'm being rhymey
that's far better than being slimey
Fuck me! We love ya, honey! I hope you feel better tomorrow!
FASC, what a brilliant description, a dirty non-believer with hope! ;)
I hear ya on the not feeling it; I get like that sometimes. Hope you feel better, and thanks!
LOL solly, I lovbe your rhyme, weaver girl watch out.
Yup, I iz germ free now. Took it's time but i got there.
FASC, you dirty lurker. You take care and feel better soon.
Through history:
trying to burn
through the storm of superstition
a flicker (in the last eight years
sputtering and dying)
swept out to a sea
whose tide is willful ignorance
clinging to telescopes
then microscopes
then colliders
from the circle of earth
a heliocentric affront to power
to evolution bowing its head
under the whip of Genesis
and the preservation of life
striving against
the argument of "morality"
and unformed "theories"
of a soul within two cells
treading hard through mud and mire
of domination
sweating and swearing
under the yoke of theocracy
but digging in its heels
lifting its head
and speaking defiance
in a million voices of reason:
E pur si muove!
On the cross of doctrine
the true martyr is truth.
On that note I am off to have a shower. I'll catch you guys in a bit! ^_^
See you later K.
Another great poem though I found it harder to nod my head at that one ^_^
Goodnight mayos blog.
Sleep tight.
This year we are have a Stress-Free
I'm stuffing the turkey with Prozac
you know you smiled on that one :)
i smiled too.
10:01 are you here again?
You got me!
Yeah. :)
What a coincidence! What are you up to now?
hi to all anons.
This year we are have a Stress-Free
I'm stuffing the turkey with Prozac
Well, I'm here now. Actually it's been a pretty quiet day for me. How about you?
hello rw.
Hi 8:35.
Hi, 8:35pm :)
How's things?
Hi, all other anons :)
A quiet day is better than a long one. Do you know who this is 10:01?
hello 10:01 fln.
how's everybody doing tonight?
I just popped in to say boo. Am off now to read, then head to bed.
Have a lovely night, all :)
things are interesting rw.
how's things with you?
Not bad, thanks :)
Gonna head to bed shortly though, so I shall have to sign off. Hope to chat another time!
'night rw. rest well.
Hey Everyone
I'm guessing you are 9:56 from last night. :)
You remembered! I was not expecting to see you on again right now. I thought maybe somebody was pretending to be you
hello elena.
Hello 8:35
How are you?
Of course I remembered. You were very nice. The times I visit here are varied, sometimes early, sometimes late.
You were very nice too. You made me not lonely. =) but I am sorry for not saying goodbye yesterday I had to leave.
i'm fine elena.
how are you?
Still not feelin my best but better.
Now I'm trying to catch up on all the work I've put off.
'night elena and anons.
rest well.
Five tips for a woman....
1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to You.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.
I really hope Gerard, Gerard's friends and family is watching Dr. Drew's special on celebrity addiction.
I need to get going right now..10:01 thanks for the chat and for being so nice again, I hope we talk soon
That's okay. I'm glad I spoke up last night. It was nice to chat with someone, even for a few minutes.
Foot Note:
One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:
'If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts.'
hahaha..twas funny
I walked in on the wrong time, I see.
Bye 9:56. Have a good night!
Live, Love, Laugh
Hello 9:28. Why is it the wrong time?
Naww, you didnt walk in at the wrong time 9:28
Wokka Wokka!
Amy! wokka wokka.
What's up?
Umm, nuttin just the sky.
How are you?
Listening to the song I Touch Myself
sings..I honestly do...
and with that thought I am off to bed with (Happy Thoughts)running thru my head
Sleep tight 9:54.
okay let's change tunes then
ai wa sensou/love is war
for amy
Hey, cool! Thank you 9:59!
Sorry, I'm just buzzing around, trying to figure out how to get to work on the holiday. :P
Hey there anons, everyone. Hallo Amy!
Hay BC!
What's up?
Nothing much Amy. I just got back from the hospital.
How are you?
Not bad, getting better.
How was your trip to the hospital?
That's good Amy.
My trip was okay. I spent four hours having to get x-rays done on my back and spine.
Nothing serious to report, thank goodness, but I got a sprain upper back, so I have medication for it.
Jesus BC, I'm not sure I wanna ask how you sprained your upper back!
You were doing dirty things again, weren't you? ;D
you were right. just wanted to let you know.
i'm sorry.
Amy, nah ^_^
They did ask me if I was pregnant. My facial expression read like this: What the fuck?! Do I look preggers to you?
Because women frequently sprain their backs when they get pregnant.
Augh, I gotta be up at 4:30 to catch the damned bus for work!
*mutters under her breath*
Oh no, this chickie has no kids, nor wants to have any anytime soon X_x
That sucks Amy. do you have to sign off then?
You may change your mind one day BC.
I did.
Yeah, I think I gotta take off here pretty quick.
But, the consolation is that I'll be done earlier tomorrow. More time with Mister. Asleep. On the couch.
Amy that sounds good.
I hope he holds you tightly. And you, him.
Probably I will anon. Who knows?
Aw that's good Amy.
11:10, I have been for 5 years now. I don't think it's stopping anytime soon..
Okay, bed. Really. I gotta get some sleep.
*eyes blogger*
Goodnight BC and Anon!
Here's another thing. One of the medical assistants had told me earlier that she once had a patient who came in while on her period, complaining with abdominal pain.
She told me the patient didn't know she was pregnant until she went into labor the other day X_x
That's lovely amy. Keep on holding him.
And be kind and not too critical. I know we girls have that tendency.
A good relationship is worth it. Just adds so much dimension to your life. Sleep well.
Goodnight Amy, sweet dreams.
Hi there anon, how are you tonight?
I'm surviving. And you BC?
That's good I hope.I'm alright anon, listening to a bit of Sarah McLachlan at the moment.
Oh, which one BC?
That poor woman with the baby. It must have been a shock for her!
When I do fall pregnant I want to prepare for the baby and enjoy watching my belly grow.
I was listening to Angel, then Fallen. I was kinda in a inspirational mood at the moment.
The poor woman indeed. I was a bit surprised what the assistant told me, but hell, she says those things happen. And they do.
As for kids, I don't know, I don't think I have the patience to raise one.
Maybe you have a lot more living to do before children BC :)
I understand about the patience. However patience is important in all our relationships, so it's a good thing to develop. That and kindness. When you know someone close with these qualities, it makes you feel like you have soft pillow to land on.
I'm not one for fairy tales endings BC. I've been deeply hurt too. I still believe in the goodness of people.
Hey ergo.
How was your day?
I still do have a lot of living to do anon. You're right about that :)
There's a lot of good things out there no matter how bad the world gets, but I also don't believe in the "fairy tale happy ever ending" syndrom
It's not realistic. I'm glad you still believe in the goodness. I think at times you have to, because giving up on life is something I don't consider myself to ever do, no matter how bad it gets.
But that's just me.
Hallo Ergo! As anon said, how was your day? :)
really good thanks anon, the yr 10s were amazed by my knowledge of blood and death
(we are doing forensics) and then we did a mock crime that we're completing tomorrow, it's a reading scenario but their assessment is a mock murder in a week
and the rest of the day was actually pretty cruisy :]
how are you?
and Hi BC glad your back isn't serious
Thanks Ergo
nobody around then?
just you and me BC?
and you'll decide whether or not to have kids when the time comes, some people do, some don't but you've got to have them for the right reasons
(that is not to "fix" a relationship etc)
The words spoken in anger came quick and hard. They still echo in the air, still echo in my heart. I know the words. I’ve heard them so often. They should be familiar. They should be expected. Still they never fail to wound. I am a failure. I am a failure. I am a failure. Over and over the same lyrics, the same tune. I want the music to stop. I long for silence.
Tonight I find I can’t speak to you in my normal way. When I tried the words above came pouring out. I made myself stop. I know where this will lead. I’ve been on this path before. So I’ll close my eyes and sleep. Tomorrow I will deal with things but not now.
Take care, my friend.
Night Mayo
What do you mean by "fix" ergo?
you aren't a failure in my eyes elena
anon you know, the relationship is having problems so the woman decides that if they have a baby it will bring them together and it'll all be great, or they think it'll trap the man into staying
I tell you the pressure a child puts on your relationship means it has to be strong to begin with.
I'll be back
Ergo, it sounds like elena's been hurt. And I think the person who hurt her, knows her vulnerability to those words.
I can relate to that feeling.
Elena, they don't know how to deal with their hurt/anger so they hurt you to make you feel in some warped way, the way they do. And it does hurt.
You must believe you are not a failure. Not in any sense of the word.
I was lurking at some other sites so sorry to leave you guys hanging.
Thanks Ergo, enjoy titoring. Goodnight Elena.
I am sure the person knew their words would hurt
sometimes people can't appreciate what is before them, and it is a great shame when that happens
I know I haven't known elena as long as many in her life, but in the time I have I would never consider her any less than a strong capable woman with a beautiful who I admire greatly
*with a beautiful heart
I'm off for the night. Goodnight Ergo and anon.
Hello Mayo, SS, Sweetcheeks, Ergo, Elena, Amy, anons!
How are you all tonight? Good, I hope!
Elena: Ergo, BC and 1:06 are correct. You are not a failure. "They" don't know how to deal with "their" own insecurities, "their" own fear failure. So, they take it all out on you. Instead of asking you to 'share' THEIR pain and lessen their load; they seem to get some perverse sense of relief from forcing that pain on you and trying to make you carry the full load ~ alone.
I'm so sorry, Elena. You deserve so much better.
I, actually, came on tonight to tell you how thoughtful and wonderful I think you are. How lucky I am to have you as a friend.
I received the book today and I love it! The fact that you thought of me, when you saw THAT book, means more to me than you can know.
You go out of your way for people. You listen and you hear. You are far from being a failure. You're not even on the same planet as failure!
Thank you, Elena! *huge hug*
Goodnight Mayo, SS, Sweetcheeks, Ergo *smooooooooooch*, Elena, anons and lurkers.
Sweet dreams to one and all!
Hugs and Love,
Sweetcheeks: How are you tonight? I want to stay and chat with you; but, I'm feeling all mushy now. Darn hormones! Try not to start working on those babies while I'm gone! ;)
PPS: I also came on to say something about, my friend, Mya.
For the anon, who left the lovely (not) comment at 1:17 yesterday afternoon:
There is nothing bitter or moronic about Mya. You see, I know her. I know what a truly wonderful and beautiful person she is.
Have you bothered getting to know anything about her? Have you heard her sing? Have you read the lyrics to songs she's written? Have you read her daughter's poetry? Do you know anything about her family, her struggles, her battles, her losses, her victories?
Walk a mile or two in her shoes, then come back and call her a few names ~ if you think you have the right to do so.
Ergo and Sweetcheeks: I think you are both beautiful and wonderful too!!!!
Yes, I am in a very mushy mood tonight. Sorry if I am embarrassing anyone!
*blows night night kisses*
hey Wendy! *smoooooooch*
thanks I think you're lovely too, and I have yet to wear my t shirt but I have mard gras beads in my car so I think of you every day!
have a lovely tomorrow
goodnight Bc sweet dreams
When the world ends
Collect your things
You’re coming with me
When the world ends
You tuckle up yourself with me
Watch it as the stars disappear to nothing
The day the world is over
We’ll be lying in bed
I’m gonna rock you like a baby when the cities fall
We will rise as the building’s crumble
Float there and watch it all
Amidst the burning, we’ll be churning
You know, love will be our wings
The passion rises up from the ashes
When the world ends
When the world ends
You’re gonna come with me
We’re going to be crazy
Like a river bends
We’re going to float
Through the criss cross of the mountains
Watch them fade to nothing
When the world ends
You know that’s what’s happening now
I’m going to be there with you somehow, oh...
I’m going to tie you up like a baby in a carriage car
Your legs won’t work cause you want me so
You just lie spread to the wall
The love you got is surely
All the love that I would ever need
I’m going to take you by my side
And love you tall, ‘til the world ends
Oh, but don’t you worry about a thing
No, 'cause I got you here with me
Don’t you worry about a
Just you and me
Floating through the empty, empty
Just you and me
Oh, graces
Oh, grace
Oh, when the world ends
We’ll be burning one
When the world ends
We’ll be sweet makin love
Oh, you know when the world ends
I’m going to take you aside and say
Let’s watch it fade away, fade away
And the world’s done
Ours just begun
It's done
Ours just begun
We’re gonna dive into the emptiness
We'll be swimming
I’m going to walk you through the pathless roads
I’m going to take you to the top of the mountain that’s no longer there
I’m going to take you to bed and love you, I swear
Like the end is here
I’m going to take you up to
I’m going to take you down on you
I’m going to hold you like an angel, angel
I’m going to love you
I’m going to love you
When the world ends
I’m going to hold you
When the world is over
We’ll just be beginning...
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Surely you can take some comfort
Knowing that you're mine
Just hold me tight, lay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time
I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
Let me be the one who never leaves
You all alone
I hold my breath and lose the feeling
That I'm on my own
Hold me too tight stay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time
I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
When I'm alone time goes so slow
I need you here with me
and how my mistakes have made
Your heart break
Still I need you here with me
Baby I'm here
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere, somewhere
I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere you can hear my voice
I know I'll find you somehow
Somehow, somehow
I know I'll find you somehow
And somehow I'll return again to you
I still love you
I still want you
Now more than ever
Do you?
I hope they hear you anon
why is it so difficult to ignore the cruel voice? i have one that rips at me in my weak moments. "you're nothing." it's repeated again and again, and i have heard it so many times it has almost become my first law of being. i have no defenses against it.
elena has to contend with an external and internal echo of the same message, and i know it tears at her. i'm as helpless to comfort her as i am for myself. the hateful message is always more believable.
i don't know why that is.
no matter how much i struggle, it wins, because it always feels like the truth. nothing.
and i should be here every chance i can get, talking to all my friends, because soon, so very soon, i won't be able to, but the hateful truth kept me away. kept me silent.
and all i have left are these sad, dreary words, when i should only ever give you my best ones.
it's not a fair exchange for all i have received from this place, from your blog, from your words.
i will always be in debt to you, but it's alright. it's the one debt i don't mind carrying.
good night.
goodnight TJ I missed catching you
you go take that koala bear , cuddle it and remember though she might be really far away, there is a friend who loves you and who believes in you
The truth is rarely spoken, you will find it concealed within their interactions with you
September 12, 2008 5:42 PM
Second 5:42, you do speak the truth. It is there is you pay attention. The truth will cut your guts out.
September 12, 2008 5:45 PM
seems september is popular for quoting
hope you're well anon
tonight I feel unsettled, partly it's me, but mostly it's knowing others are hurting and I can't do anything. You realise , at times like this, how limited a relationship can be when its only virtual. All I can do is offer support, listen try to help all I can but you never know how much help you actually are. I hope, that I can help another like they've helped me, that just knowing there is someone, can be comforting. Knowing that somewhere, someone can understand and can feel, can listen and can really hear.
It's not perfect, but it can be as close as it can.
I hope you have those who you can open up to, share your feelings with , knowing you'll be heard and not judged, someone who listens with empathy and can give you advice, even maybe when you don't want to hear it, but who you know only has your best interests at heart.
We all deserve someone like that
much love EP xx
are you well? fighting fit? hope so. have you been out a'wandering amongst the chill air and fallen leaves?
Sending you rugs, mittens, and a warm hand to hold
lotsa love EP xx
goodnight blogbelieve see you in my morning
looks like I missed EP
Just stopping by. I have a cold and can't stop sneezing.
Really gross. :(
Hi ergo! I never got a response to my looong email. I don't know if you received it and have been busy? I am glad to read that the new job is going well. I hope it continues! And the forensics lesson/murder mystery idea sounds really cool. I hope the students enjoy it Keep us posted on how it goes. :)
Elena - When others try to knock you down, please don't take them seriously. They are probably having a bad time and using you as an outlet. You are an intelligent, unique, hard-working, kind and just person. Even when others are not, remember to be fair to yourself as well. *hugs*
BC - I never got a response? I hope the things you had going on last week went well? I am glad you got x-rays! The pain sounded horrible. :( *HUGS* :)
Wendy - I never received a response? Did you send one or get too busy? :) Take care of yourself. And *hugs* :)
J - I hope you got my message? Take care!
Amy - I watched The Illusionist while sick, Great Movie! I should check out everyone's favorites.
Mayo - Thanks for the space. And I hope you are well. (I think I am supposed to be concealing something here, so...) *message concealed within*
Anons - To what are you referring? Very oblique statements.
Take care everyone! ♥
PS - Martha - it was good to 'chat' with you and I enjoy your company! Take care.
hi MJ popping back quickly I wondered where you were, :)
hi miranth sorry just haven't had time to reply
please forgive me!
I will probably be able to tomorrow, don't have time for a lot at the moment I but I did read it!
That's ok ergo! I know you are busy :)
PPS - I realize I didn't catch up properly, and I wanted to add:
TJ - *hugs* I read what you wrote and I understand, but I hope you feel better about things in your life as you move forward. I do understand the frustration in not being able to communicate as well using this medium, as ergo said, but know that we are thinking of you and sending our support.
I hope this comforts you. Though words may be inadequate at times like these.
Hi, Happy Tuesday! I hope you're well and still enjoying the slow down. It's back to work for me and that's cool. I suck at being idle for too long.
Must work on that.
The sunrise was hella pink and purple this morning and now it's a bright fiery peachy orange. Visualize it, dude. Do you have it in your head? Now, splash it with blue and purple and color it spectacular and you'll almost have it.
"Human" is on repeat in my brain this morning. Sing along with me, Mayo....
pay my respects to grace and virtue
send my condolences to good
give my regards to soul and romance
they always did the best they could
and so long to devotion, you taught me everything I know
wave good bye, wish me well
you gotta let me go
Sunsrise and song, Mayo.
Love to YOU Always,
p.s. followed by, sunset and song.
Have a happy Tuesday and do the best you can!
Tomorrow, hell even an hour from now, all this will be just a memory. Might as well make it one worth remembering!
Mwah! Mwah!
Well, I've got "Old Enough" stuck in my head. Damn you, Jack White!
Have a lovely day errbody!
The truth will set them free.
i hope you're right 7:27
what truth are you talking about?
Good morning/afternoon/night Mayo, SS, Ergo, Miranth, Elena, TJ, Sdock, SmokeandVenom; the "once upon a time usually next to arrive" FASC, Possum, Kass, DL, Yoda or Lewis; friends and dear ones ~ near or far ~ in the land of blog (or the real world)!
How are you all this morning (for me)? Safe, happy and feeling loved and appreciated, I hope!
Ergo: I can't speak for everyone; but, I know you listen and hear too!!! You are correct. It can be difficult to give as much support, as you would like, through a computer screen. You have always been one of the first to offer an ear/eye and a (virtual) shoulder to a friend in need. Thank you, honeybunch! You are appreciated!
Miranth: I am so sorry! I have been busy. I've also been distracted, stressed and my tummy hurts. That is no excuse, I know. I promise I shall finish that e~mail today and get it out to you no later than tonight.
Sweetcheeks: Have a great Tuesday! Give that precious bunny a kiss and nuzzle for me. I will spend this morning sweeping up the fertilizer my Miss Bingles, naturally, produces. YAY me! ;)
Amy: How are you feeling? Are you all over that cold yet? I hope so!
Elena: I hope you're feeling much, much better this morning!
TJ: I hope you manage to block out the voice of self doubt, today! It's wrong. Don't listen.
Submitted for pondering consideration today:
"Cherish your visions; cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. For out of these will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built."
James Allen
Don't forget to paint that world all the colors your heart desires!
There is a lot of cerulean, hot pink, black, red, yellow, green and deep purple in mine!
Hugs and Love,
Hi PJ, J, L, Carrie, Entropy, CTV, Pants of Peace and Oranges anon!
If anyone here is buying Victoria's Secret Angel's Secret Embrace bras, DON'T. A lot of women are getting sick from them and the bras are testing positive for formaldehyde. O_O
Just do Kung Fu and they'll stay up on their own for years. ;D
smile with
I likes to eat you with my little mouth, too.
Oh now y'all get back up inside me, Little Mouth!
The other day I posted a link to pics and videos of the Si Bai ceremony with the best real Kung Fu would see in this region, all done by my best friends.
There was so much I had to leave out of that account because I know how some people like to mess with my life and stuff, gosh, I wish I could tell it to you guys though. ^_^
Pointless self promotion again.
believe me.... she has nothing exciting to tell. If she did she would just say it. Nothing special happened. how sad is it that she goes to one party and its the biggest night of her life.
I also saw many anti-God and anti-Christian things being said by her and many pro science things yesterday. That tells me all I need to know about the kind of person she is.
I don't get it. Why all the hate?
Where's the hate?
I only read observations on written words?
Why infer something that is not there, trying to create drama and stir up actual hate that has been demonstrated here recently?
Nothing more interesting or original to contribute?
What do you care if she posts a link? Was it necessary to point out your opinion of her or were you just being a nasty anon? Yes it demonstrates hate. Before you post something about somenone you should ask yourself three questions. Is it kind, is it true and is it necessary.
I am not Mayo or SS but I see one person gets singled out for putting up poetry and pictures. Mayo said over and over again that he welcomes it. I also liked yesterdays discussion and poetry.
The last two times Mayo came on he had strong words for people who were picking on Kapu and Sdock10. Every time he comes on he defends their poetry and says he wants them there. Looks to me like as far as Mayo is concerned it's "paws off the porchies".
I think he doesn't want anyone to get picked on but he made himself clear when it comes to them.
Your opinion isn't worth more than mine. "Is it kind, is it true and is it necessary." I could ask the same about 99% of what she posts.
Hate to break it to you but Mayo isn't God. Mayo also said everyone was welcome to speak here.
I haven't really seen her say anything mean unless people were mean to her first to be honest, and I saw other people saying much much worse things than she ever said and not get called on it.
And even if what you said was true does that mean you have to do it too?
You might not think her posts are necessary but it is MAYO'S blog and he seems to like her posts.
Are ANYBODY'S posts here NECESSARY? No but you singled hers out.
And what is this 99%? I thought it was 75%. What 99% of the stuff she posts isn't true?
Think about it.
Who said Mayo was God?
Mayo is not God. GOD is God. And you can tell Kapu's thoughts on GOD if you scroll up. Are her thoughts on GOD kind? I don't think so.
"Beautiful boy" is not really beautiful. Oh well take what you can get Kapu.
I would worry about people here if I had no life.
Life is for living.
The truth is that alot of people are relying on the whole "hate" shit because without it they have really nothing of substance to say.
In my opinion the most interesting stuff I read here is when people talk about their daily happenings, joys and sadnesses.
I am not interested in the "filler" poetry and repetitious ramblings however I totally believe that people should be able to post whatever.
I make great use of the scroll key.
Mayo is not God but it is his blog. And he made himself clear.
"In my opinion the most interesting stuff I read here is when people talk about their daily happenings, joys and sadnesses. "
Which seems like what she posted.
I see people come on here being repititious all the time. Some people say the same things to Mayo every night and every morning. You singled one person out.
You may think the poetry is filler but at least you admit you scroll past it. Mayo himself seems to approve of it.
I still want exmples of the 99% of stuff that ONLY Kapunua posted that wasn't kind true and necessary.
I have not singled anyone out. I am 1:52 (when I joined the conversation) and 2:13.
I think you need to relax a little bit. Head out and chill out.
I don't understand how you thought I wasn't "chilled out' with what I wrote. I'm just writing observations too. Should you chill out? Go for a walk maybe.
kapunua's thoughts on god are her own, and have nothing to do with whether or not she is a good person. which she is, btw.
one's religion or spiritual inclinations do not indicate whether or not that person is kind, or generous, or worthwhile, nor have they ever done so. i've met awful, self-centered people from almost every religion, and likewise open-hearted and gentle people from every religion.
basing one's opinion of someone else on their religious views is narrow-minded and out-dated.
as far as her kung fu night, i've read about it and i think it must have been a very exciting evening, seeing her friends' achievements and the ceremonies of her school and her martial art's tradition. coming from someone who is still going on and on about her own experiences from six months ago, i'd say kapunua's got quite a lot of leeway before her mentioning of the evening becomes redundant.
and now, off to do the revisions my editor requested.
bye blogbelieve.
bye god...er...mayo. ;)
Well spoken Toujour.
No thanks. I am more chilled than I have been in many months. I have walked for miles over the last 5 days, more in fact than I thought I was able for. I have been out in the sun with 2 of my closest friends eating, drinking, laughing and, on one occassion, crying.
Life is great!
What have you been up to?
I spent last weekend with my boyfriend. I still don't know why you thought I needed to chill out when I was just stating my opinion the same as you were.
Well my opinion is that the boy she calls beautiful isn't.
Well, that's because you haven't seen his Kung Fu and you don't know him. That's your problem, not mine.
Toujours, thank you so much. :)
Nice anons, thank you so much, too.
I'm trying to fix my damn ultrasonic mist maker thingie by soaking it in vinegar but it's not working so I bought a new one. Meh.
The house is clean, plants fed and watered, and now I'm going to sit down to play video games for a while.
how exciting.
We all know his name is Chris anyway.
This has nothing to do with anything, but Robert Plant is beautiful. He always has been. And now he looks like some kind of aging, noble, golden Celtic king.
good morning!
hi K anons TJ
TJ I am ready and available for proof reading, hope he like it
wow I hate that I have no reference for blog time and find I' like an hour after the last post!
Is it just me or do all the girls currently having "music careers" launched by Disney Channel all sound the same?
(I mean Hayden from heroes, the friend from Hannah Montana and the one from Zac and Cody)
or is this only of interest to me as I hear them every day while my daughter watches Disney Channel?
lol obviously it is just me!
or is this only of interest to me as I hear them every day while my daughter watches Disney Channel?
it's all utter shite ergo isn't it??!!
i try to play my kids an assortment of good music to make up for the utter shitty crap stuff!
i see it as educating them in a way. they have to know why something means more than something else in my book. i don't mind that they like that but i want them to appreciate the people that write their own lyrics and music and why that is a difference.
anyway hello mr mayonaise!!
you good?
i am so fucking tired!
hope you are having a good day?
SS missing you!! or if i have missed you then i am sorry but i am still missing you!!
hey rememberence day today! man this lovely guy is 112yrs old!! on the telly now. one of the last 4 survivers or WW1. god i don't even want to think what they went through, but 112!! haha! that's good. my dad died at 40yrs old, poor guy. wrong time wrong place.
funny old world!
that is different
fucking cool!!!!
well after a delightful conversation with nobody I must be off to work
bye y'all
holy cow where did you come from fasc???
hee hee sorry ergo!!
i was quick wasn't i?!!
gotta go too. glad your teaching went well yesterday.
have a good day!!
seeya everyone.
mayo and SS.
fortunately my daughter has music tastes including what gets played in my car
she can sing along to MCR MUSE the Used ....and Hannah Montana lol
gotta be balanced I suppose
we lost our last WW1 vet last year, but they are all still remembered
have a great day !!
It better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.
she can sing along to MCR MUSE the Used ....and Hannah Montana lol
sounds very similar in my car ergo!
seeya x
anon 5.21 i agree i really do.
really gone now.
I am not entirely sure I agree. Just a purely personal perspective cos it feels like shit.
However I am certain others have differing opinions on this.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.
November 11, 2008 5:21 PM
Try it.
Hi FASC, hi Ergo.
I'm just heading in for a shower and then finish my video game. Catch you guys later.
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