Thursday, November 6, 2008


I Hate Swimming

I am barefoot
and the pavement burns
my pale soles.
I begin to shuffle
first to the left
then, right.
Holding each
until I can no longer stand
without wobble.
I would seek shelter
but, that would find
me leaving you
alone, again.
And, I can’t.
Your willful eyes
and your exuberance
stand with me.
I am here
to brave the burn.

p.s. all that stuff about going blind is a lie.


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Anonymous said...

Lovin' your humor 12:18. :D

Amyranth said...

12:16, you are welcome!

Ergo, sorry for stealing your topper. :(

toujours said...

i know, 12:18, that's why i fel like i had to clarify!!

ergo has it right. he wanted to see all the things the australian post office put on the padded envelope.

timing really is everything though. sheesh.



Anonymous said...

Lovin' your timing Toujours. :D

Another :D for Amy.

ergoproxy said...

ah no problem amy, I wasn't paying attention
*happy dance for amy*

Anonymous said...

Lil Kim and Tommy Lee. Methods of mayhem. Best line..
"Ride the cock till you hit the spot"

an excerpt from that song. my personal favorite part.

Lil Kim:
Queen bitch red lipstick
The all black harlot call me black Barbie
Fuck a blow job it's a motherfuckin' hobbie
Under 7 inches uhh sorry

Minute men I can't fuck wit them
I like to ride the cock till you hit the spot

Uhh come on baby make it hot
Got a convertable drop the top

Before we do a thing I want the diamonds and the rings
The furs the minks the jewels the links
You know I'm freaky so ya got to eat me and uh
I know you hate it but uh

Lil Kim & Tommy Lee:
You ain't lickin' this
You ain't stickin' this we don't want the dick

ergoproxy said...

well that is a song that leaves no need for interpretation

Anonymous said...

haha ergo. Sweet dreams. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovin' Lil Kim and Tommy Lee.

Lovin' the phone ringin'.

Gotsa go. Night! :D

Anonymous said...

Yep, whatever...

Oh well ergo, you have to take it in turns. Sometimes your on the top, other times, on the bottom.

ergoproxy said...

goodnight anons sweet dreams

Anonymous said...


ergoproxy said...

very true

Amyranth said...

12:36, or the middle.


ergoproxy said...


Anonymous said...

Not sure about the middle, it's like being neither here or there.

Amyranth said...

That's true.

Okay, bottom.

At least you know you're wanted. XD

ergoproxy said...

arthur or martha?

toujours said...

i'm back -- and good night anon(s)!

random semi-topical factoid:
in trucker lingo, when in a convoy, occupying the middle spot is called "being in the rocking chair."


Anonymous said...

a term used to dismiss a previous statement and express indifference

Good thing I'm leaving.
I'll join you in the middle Amy. ;)

Anonymous said...

Goodnight anon. Hi there TJ

ergoproxy said...

amy plus you can lie down, you don't get sore arms and such

Anonymous said...

Who is arthur or martha?

ergoproxy said...

I'll be back just going to have a turn on the backhoe... that sounds like a euphemism too!

ergoproxy said...

12:49 from the "being neither here nor there" = don't know whether you're arthur or martha

you don't use that phrase?

Anonymous said...

Thought you left a lonnnnnnnnnng time ago.

Amyranth said...

*is getting soused*

Anonymous said...

Me? Nope. Never left. Mayhaps you're confused. Leaving now

just for the night.
I'll be back tomorrow. See you then. :D

Night BC. :D

Anonymous said...

night anon

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna go, GO, dammit!

Amy if you mean you're drinking, I'll join you. I've got some viognier.

Amyranth said...

Goodnight 1:01!

*salutes with her mead glass*

Amyranth said...

*sloshes mead everywhere*

Well. Fuck.

ergoproxy said...


like a giant tonka toy!!

Amyranth said...


Ergo, lemme at it! I've olny had a mead.

A glass.

Okay a bottle poured into a glass.

Carrie said...

Hey there mead head! My boobs were named Wendy and Lisa back in the day. Sorry, I was skimming a lot. And Peter Pan, was actually of the awesome.

Amyranth said...


Sister midnight comes blaspheming
Screaming in the keys of faith and fear
Unentwining our spines twists me to kneeling...
Spilling like the moonlight on her glistening rear

Defiled at heart
In this perfect hell
Under red leaves bleeding
Over scaled chateau we fell
To demonocracy
Where neither Adam or Eve
Conceived of such iniquities
From pleasure or pain
Or the razor's edge inbetween
Thou art my seventh heaven burning
Going down as with the sun...

Within like a river fluids moves a torrent
Bound to please
On denierred knees
In any wicked way
That her whims may warrant

I hang on every verb
Every dirty word
In her pornoglossa...

Christlike, whipped and weak
Painted nails driven through the meek
Yet in obituary
My dreams still weep
Of dark blood and f**king thee

Thou art seventh heaven burning
Going down as with the day
Baring lunar curvature
Like canvas for a lick of pain

Writhing like a viper
Deep inside her Eden
Forbidden to eat
I kiss leylines to her feet
Then baiting wrath
I steal a path
Back to the fruits of her womb

Back to the crack of her tomb...

Her roseate sliver
Quivers with snuff appeal
The torque of her hips
Lip-sync me in for the kill
Tongue-tied, tightrope and spread like disease
I drain the cup of this Miss Sire
Her water into wine for me

Thou art my seventh angel squirming
'Neath the forked tongue of the beast
Arching toward the fabled
Like a sculptured nymph seeking base relief...

Whilst the world outside
(A wood of suicide)
Would die for this release
Our slow orgasmic fuses greet...

By night and by candle
At each other's throat
In a slick drift of red
Setting god's teeth on edge
We were as wolves preying inside the fold
Of a slaughtered lamb throw
On a four poster bed...

Succulent, Succubus

Laid without rest
In the dead of the night
Succulent, Succubus

In thy arms
And thy wetness
On glossed lips I taste
Conspiracies, secrecies, sorceries laced
With thick unguent rum
Black-rayed suns and Autumn
Always in season for our nightfall from grace

Gorge upon my seed
Starved Persephone
Succulent, Succubus
Succour me.
That I might keep
Thee with me in Hades
Succulent, Succubus
Succour me


Anonymous said...

hey carrie

ergoproxy said...

haha you do need a bit of coordination amy, just sayin', maybe another time? lol

it is a bit disconcerting though when the whole machine moves as you've dug in too far,
but I was getting good scoops of dirt
you have to use both hands on two levers that go all 4 ways like a computer game toggle thing
sort of..

right is:

down = whole boom out/down
up = whole boom in/up
left = scoop out
right = scoop in

left is:

down = boom end out/down
up= boom end in/up
left = swing boom left
right= swing boom right

and hubby laughed as I had my tongue out to concentrate

Amyranth said...

Hallo Carrie.

Meadhead is riht.

Carrie said...

Hey BC, and Ergo, sad about old wallaby death. :(

Carrie said...

Mead is da bomb, has gotten me through many a Ren Faire. See, I hates people all up in my space, so I need a sense deadening cushion. Although I wish the sense deadening would have worked a leetle better in the area of Ye Olde Porta Potties.

ergoproxy said...

hiya carrie!

well they have to die sometime I suppose, but honestly glad we found it today before it became more obvious by smell

Amyranth said...

Carrie, the porta potties they have at Warped aren't much better, but when you gotta piss so bad your eyeballs are floating, you dont care what it smells like.

Carrie said...

True Amy of the floating orbs, and also Ergo of the rotting carcass. :) I know, circle of life, but it still made me frowny, having seen your wallaby pics and such.

Amyranth said...

Poor Wally B.

He will be missed.

ergoproxy said...

well there is a live one in the yard at the moment so be happy again :]

Carrie said...

Yayness! Live Wallaby!

Amyranth said...

Way to go Live Wally B!


Carrie said...

A Haiku:

Solly, wear orange my friend
rednecks want to shoot
Your brains are too precious, dear

Ha, no idea why I was suddenly possessed to write a haiku, but it is my favorite poem form.

Carrie said...

Amy! Hammered Haikus. Always fun.

Anonymous said...

I am off for the night. Goodnight guys.

Sugarplum: I never got your email. I tried to resend mines earlier. *blows kisses*

Miranth: I never got your email either :/

Carrie said...

Night BC!

Amyranth said...

BC, I will try to email you tonight, just because!


Under a cold winter moon
Warming drink
A pinkish delight.

Bad Haiku, Bad!


ergoproxy said...

goodnight BC sweet dreams

I meant to ask how the interview went, sorry I remembered too late

Carrie said...

I thought it was 5-7-5! Have I been living a lie?

toujours said...

*gives bc a good night hug at the door*

i swear, i'm really back now. sometimes, when mom comes in to say good night, it takes a little while.

no wondering where my rambliness comes from. :)

ergoproxy said...

your mum must be lovely too then TJ!

Amyranth said...

Rambling my ass.

I've posted drunk, and song lyrics.

Now THAT'S a rambling ass.


toujours said...

aaww, ergo. :)

amyranth, are you challenging me to a ramble-off?


toujours said...

hey, um...i don't know if this is getting old yet or not, but would you guys like to see a few pics that i took this afternoon?

i spent the whole afternoon exploring my folks' woods, so it's more trees and stuff.

yes? no?

Amyranth said...

Go for it Teej!


ergoproxy said...

yes please TJ

I'm just going to sit outside in teh cool and have a beer but I'll be checking back

Amyranth said...

On the flipside, I'm going to have a hot chocolate and Grand Marnier.

Be back in a sec.

ergoproxy said...

mead + mead + mead + mead + hot chocolate and grand marnier?

Amyranth said...

Just a splash Ergo!

And it was only one bottle of mead!

anima said...

Rolling off shift ended early!

Hiya Amyranth, Carrie, TJ, BC.

Can't stay...just wanted to wish you all a peaceful goodnight. :)

toujours said...

ok! thank you! :)

they have a really lovely six acres, and it was a great afternoon. i took a lot of pictures, but these were the ones that when i took them i did so because they were things i wanted to show you guys here.

woods. there are deer that live here. just as i was getting my camera out to take this pic, there was a crashing through the trees ahead of me. apparently one of the deer was not happy to share the woods today! i only caught a glimpse of it as it dashed away, or i would've taken a pic of it, as well.

creekbed. it only has water in it during very wet times in winter. all the rest of the time it's this wonderful twisty trail, tangled at intervals with branches and vines. it was great to explore along it. i kept stopping to look at all the rocks. :)

tricolor tree. the colors in the woods are so beautiful now. i thought this was a lovely example.


toujours said...

hi anima! *hugs*

good to see you. i've not been here all the other times when you stop by.

ergoproxy said...

thanks anima wishing you a peaceful, restful night also

Amyranth said...

Hallo and Goodnight Anima!

Teej, my favorite is the riverbed one!

Ergo, you'll be happy to know I went for a plain chocolate milk, instead of a Hot Chocolate with booze.


ergoproxy said...

beautiful TJ!

the creekbed is now my desktop

toujours said...

i'm glad you liked them, you guys. :)

and, really, ergo? your desktop? gosh! thank you! :D

Amyranth said...

Goin to ed. Goodnight Lovelies, Mayo and SS!


toujours said...

say good night to ed for me, amyranth. ;)

and sweet dreams to you!

ergoproxy said...

hope you enjoy ed amy sweet dreams!

it is Tj the leaves are really pretty, we don't get that shape often

toujours said...

they have a lot of maples here, ergo. the leaf i really like in the pic is the one on the stone, with its ribs exposed.

it makes me happy to think that you'll be looking at my picture on your computer. :)

ergoproxy said...

maples are only if people specially grow them we have a similar sort of native but not exactly, and I love the leaf skeletons, I always look when we walk to see if you can find a prefect one

I must take a creekbed pic for you so you can see the difference

ergoproxy said...

*perfect one even

toujours said...

i'd like to see that, ergo!

i just figured out today that i'm going to buy a little zip drive to cart back all the stuff i've put on my mom's computer, so i'll be able to take your pic with me and maybe make it my desktop too. (that is, once i get my computer fixed. *sigh*)

but for right now, i need to get some sleep, i think.

thanks again for the fun package today, ergo. the koala has pride of place in the guest room atop the bedside lamp. :)

good night to you, and to any lurkers, etc. sweet dreams all.

Anonymous said...


have i got a headache.

ergoproxy said...

well there is certainly a storm coming tonight! lightning and thunder in the distance

TJ I am so glad you like it a little bot of Oz!
sweet dreams TJ

gosh anon are you ok?

ergoproxy said...

bot = bit

I am watching Curse of the Wererabbit so not paying total attention

Anonymous said...

i'll be fine once this curiously strong, invisible menance stops stabbing my in the left eye & ear with an icepick.
how are you?

Anonymous said...

i made an inaccurate assumption.
(not an unusual thing to happen when assuming.)
i'm going to be sick now.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon if I still knew where my pain medication was I would give you some.

toujours said...


it was funny -- as i headed out into the woods this afternoon i really did have a feeling that i was bringing you all along. *grin*

i don't know if you've ever had the opportunity to just ramble through woodland, but once you're out there -- no matter if it's wandering around a few acres or hiking through national parkland -- once you're surrounded by the trees, you become aware that there's life there, beyond the that of the creatures that make the place their home.

today, i was walking down one portion of the dry creek, and i grabbed a tree there to balance myself as i came down the embankment. it's my habit to thank the trees i use that way with a pat of my hand, or a light kiss laid on the bark with my fingertips. today was no different, i transferred a kiss to the tree with my fingers, but then something happened.

this is going to sound silly or weird, but the tree felt responsive. i was surprised by a definite sense of invitation. whether it came from me or the tree, i don't know, but i gave in to it, and leaned in to kiss the tree. it was a young one, no bigger round than a telephone pole, and with smooth bark, here and there decorated with moss.

kissing trees isn't unusual for me, right, but then i just impulsively wrapped my arms around the tree and it felt like receiving a real hug. it was so comforting. i stood there for quite a while, just clinging to this tree.

and the thing is, while standing there with my cheek to the bark, i realised that the tree was truly alive. that sounds like a "duh" moment, but you know how when you lean against a lamp pole or something similar, it's just a support, just a thing. but the tree today had a resilience to it, a livingness. it made me realize all over again how special trees are. maybe feeling like it hugged me back wasn't so odd after all.

i don't know. it was wonderful though. what a nice tree. *grin*

do you remember earlier today i told you to keep an eye out for a leaf from kentucky? well, at one point today i was standing looking up at the tops of the trees above me, and at just that moment, a leaf fell. i watched it spiral down through the air over my head, and land at my feet.

i could only grin. here's your leaf, mayo.

and so, good night, mayo-sama. sleep well, and have a lovely day tomorrow.

ergoproxy said...

well the lightning is flickering closer by the minute and the thunder is getting louder so I shall be brief. Must say though this is what means summer is just about here I find them exciting but I can't help being scared too. Though as I didn't want my daughter to be scared like me I actually became braver by just acting braver, I did the same with needles, still don't like it, but it doesn't worry me nearly as much. Would you do that for someone Mayo? Put aside your fear so they don't learn the same reaction, when you know it isn't a positive, pretend you're brave and find it actually starts to be real?
Try it if you haven't, you'll be amazed/
Wishing you all the good things you dream of for the weekend
much love EP xx

hope all is well, haven't seen you for a while but I know you're always about. Do you like storms? or do you hide? Though I feel braver that fear is always there, as the thunder rolls I can still feel it, but it doesn't worry me so badly now, unless I don't feel safe then , all bets are off!
sending you the wonders of teh natural world and the freedom you need for a fabulous weekend
lotsa love EP xx

time for dinner, then storm watching

goodnight blogbelieve, see you in my morning

do take care of yourself anon
hope you feel better soon

Anonymous said...

thank you marthajones.

i feel better now.

lost a little blood
but i believe i still have a good 5 & 1/2 quarts left.

goodnight to you.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

O_o blood loss!?

I hope you are all right and goodnight.

And I started another new anime skip beat. I am also watching when they cry. that is the english name for it's release.

ergoproxy said...

anon glad it's better, you want to watch that blood loss though

hey MJ is the anime good?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

skip is about a girl who moves to the city with a male childhood friend He wants to become a star and he does. But he was just using the girl till he could get to the top. She finds out and is now out for revenge.

when they cry is blood. it is about a small village that was going to be destroyed so a dame could be put up. But there was a gruesome murder. and now every year around the same time a person dies and another disappears.

ergoproxy said...

oooh when they cry sounds good, you download them don't you? we don't get many on TV

Martha Smith-Jones said...

When they cry is licensed and has been released in the us. skip beat hasn't.

But from what I have heard you don't get stuff like when they cry. Because of sex or violence

Martha Smith-Jones said...

ep you might also like Ga rei zero it is a supernatural show. But if I tell you anymore than that I will be giving to much away.

Shikabane Hime is also another supernatural one but I only saw 3 episode and than it was licensed.

ergoproxy said...

depends on the channel, a lot is shown on pay but really late and I don't tend to remember to record it

seeing the whole of Ergo Proxy was probably the only one I've done
but I have watched movies, that's usually easier

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I have a lot of anime I need to catch up on but there is so much I don't know what to watch

ergoproxy said...

there is an awful lot!

storms still aren't here yet but getting closer radar

Martha Smith-Jones said...

We could use about ten storms like that in a row here in ca. But i think we still wouldn't have enough water

ergoproxy said...

a lot of australia is like that still, we've had terrible drought, where I am is ok but out west and south isn't. In the state capital the dams have only 40% now, and that is highest they've been in about 3 years and they've had years of water restrictions, there are high hopes this wet season may be a good one

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's only been two years for us and our dams are at 25%

ergoproxy said...

ours only came up from that this last 6 months or so, there are some towns with none, they truck water in, it's funny as we had major floods and all, but some areas have had no rain for so long, farmers waking off farms, lots of suicides, it's probably similar over there in some places, no one realises how much you take water for granted until it's gone, I hope you get some good rain soon

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I do as well

ergoproxy said...

well I am off to bed, see you tomorrow (well mine) MJ

*bows to Snickerdoodle Queen*

could you bless my snickerdoodle making for tomorrow?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

goodnight are ep

*takes some cinnamon and sprinkles it on ep*

may you snickerdoodles come out perfect every time

*throws cream of tarter over ep*

ergoproxy said...



miranth said...

Hi Martha!

I am just passing by. :)

miranth said...

ergo - How did your lessons go?


I hope well!

I will be back - I have to go retrieve Outer Limits DVDs from the car. My friend loaned them.

Its a long distance, but I will hurry back. :D

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello Miranth

I was off doing other thinks how are you?

miranth said...

I am good. I got to see my friend who is leaving the state and we saw other friends, so we had a great time.

I can't ask for more.

How are you?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am alright

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am glad to hear you say your friend and had a good time

miranth said...

Yes, it was fun! :)

I met a lot of cool people too.

I am surprised so many weighed in on the MSI/LM thing!

I am trying to read back, but I am tired.

miranth said...

To respond to this:

So, let me get this straight - when you are given a poem with metaphorical meaning, you instead decide to discuss the shallow meaning at the surface?


(I'm not trying to be rude, I'm truly just curious)

November 7, 2008 10:38 PM

Not that you were speaking to me, but I already said, I am too tired to cogitate at this time, and I respect others' feelings on the matter too.

I do believe the poem may also refer to the blog, if that helps, but perhaps I am guilty of being arrogant.

I do know that if I were mayo, I couldn't abandon this group lightly.

Hell, I'm just 'miranth' and I can't abandon these 'lovelies' lightly .

And I mean 'lovelies' in this sense - with no derogatory meaning intended.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That's what this place is for.

miranth said...

OK no one is here. I am tired anyway. Past my nap time :)

Wendy!! I hope you got my message!

FASC - good to see you! I am sorry I missed you. I hope everything is well with the family.

Everybody - I can't be sad that LM is 'touring' with MSI if it brought out so many much missed friends. :)*

*though I didn't entirely catch up as I had a busy day.

ergo - I hope you are enjoying the new job(s)! :)

Mayo - I hope everything is good with you and those you love. And I left my response to your poem above.

I am glad you do not abandon us.

PS - Sorry for the (seeming) banality of my remarks, but I do mean them, nonetheless.

Take care, Everybody!

And have a good weekend!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

goodnight Miranth

miranth said...

You are right, Martha, and I did want to say that MCR did so well, so quickly, because they put a positive message out there.

-- Whether they believed in it or not. (It could have been Brian S.'s brainchild.)

[Its not just the quality of the music.]

The point is that karma works that way, regardless the intent.

And I sincerely believe that was what was at play here, record company influence notwithstanding.

They would disagree, I am sure, but they would be fools.

And, yes, I don't care if anyone does read my opinion.


miranth said...

Goodnight now, Martha,

- I'll stop now!


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Miranth I keep having trouble getting onto blogger but you don't have to stop talking.

Smoke said...

Good morning everyone!

Yank my Doodle (It's a Dandy)???



Have a nice Saturday Mayo, SS and errbody! I have a headache and I'm supposed to go see Madagascar! Whoop! Whoop! ^_^


sdock10 said...


A haiku of my very own! Thank you, it was lovely! I never did make it out for that walk yesterday. It was too freakin' hawwht! Maybe today.


Have a great Saturday! Chew lots of gum and blow bubbles!

Catch ya'll later!

elena said...

Good morning all

I still feel terrible but I did sleep a few hours last night. At lease I'm not as sick as some people here.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Mayo - uh...nevermind. I'll talk to you later.

SS - miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Mayo's post is a metaphor...

about doing something you really don't want to do, in order to please someone you care about.

Anonymous said...

Even if it is morally wrong and makes you feel sick. Swimming isn't considered that bad, just uncomfortable for some.

Anonymous said...

Mayo's post is a metaphor...

about doing something you really don't want to do, in order to please someone you care about.

Hmmmm. Then the timing of this post is interesting.

Anon616 said...

Good 'whatever it is, wherever you are' Mayo, SS, Ergo, Amy, Miranth, Sweetcheeks, Martha, Elena, TJ, Sdock, Smoke; the often thought of Kass and DL; various anons, watchers and lurkers; all master (or mastur) carpenters, chefs and fishermen/women (careful with that 'bait') in the land o'blogbelieve!

How are you all today? Happy, well or soon to be well, I hope!

*checks possum trap for signs of escapage*


Awww.....the reposted comments from Siobhan made me sad. I miss her! Pixie too!

Ergo: I did receive my parcel, yesterday! Thank you so much!!!! I love my new Australian goodies. My cigarettes are resting comfortably in their pouch!!!

Elena: I'm sorry to hear you're sick again. I hope you (and the other people around there) get well soon!!! Don't kiss Jake. They can catch the 'people germs'!

Amy: CRADLE OF FILTH!!! CoF!!!Cradle!!! Filth!!! Whatever you choose to call them/it, I absolutely positively adore your spam!!!!!! Thank you!!
*apologies for shouting ~ it's the excitement*
PS: I also love it when you're tipsy! ;)

Sweetcheeks: I'm going to try resending the e~mail ~ to your other other e~address. I hope it goes through this time! Have a great Saturday!!!!!

To read or not to read today
(pondering ~ also ~ optional):
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
Milton Berle

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." Winston Churchill

"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint." Mark Twain

"If everybody's thinking the same thing, then nobody's thinking." George S. Patton

"There are two kinds of people in the world: those who divide the world into two kinds of people, and those who don't."
Robert Benchley

"I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall'."
Eleanor Roosevelt

That Eleanor Roosevelt was a hoot, wasn't she?

I hope you all get to spend some extra time in bed (or against a wall, if you prefer), this weekend.
Rest, relax, recover, rejuvenate, reinvigorate, reinvent, rediscover ~ and enjoy!

Hugs and Love,

Hi PJ, PPU, SC, Magic Pie, P anon and MissT!!!

Anonymous said...

if the person Mayo is talking about in this post really cared about him, they wouldn't make him do things he didn't want to do just to please them.

Anon616 said...

Please excuse the interuption anons. I have to do this!

*an ode to Amy*

Cradle Of Filth

Laid to the river
Midsummer, I waved
A "V" of black swans
On with hope to the grave
And though Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones

Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain....
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above onto me?
For once upon a time
On the binds of your loneliness
I could always find the slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discoulours all with tunnel vision


Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampyric addiction
To Her alone in full submission

None better...

Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
Nymphetamine girl.

Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
My Nymphetamine girl.

Wicked with your charm
I'm circled like prey
Back in the forest
Were whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt...
(keeping Sodom at at bay)

Fold to my arms
Hold their message away
And dance out to the moon
As we did in those golden days

Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above onto me?
For once upon a time
On the binds of your loneliness
I could always find the right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discoulours all with tunnel vision


Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampyric addiction
To Her alone in full submission

None better...

Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
Nymphetamine girl.

Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
My Nymphetamine girl.

*blows kisses to blog believe*

elena said...


Maybe that person doesn't really get that whatever it is makes him unhappy. Maybe he's good at hiding his true feelings. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he wants to do it. It could be that he isn't put out by it at all.

sdock10 said...

Sometimes we have to break out of our comfort zones for the ones we love. Maybe he sees how much "swimming" means to them and he wants to make his loved one happy. They want to share with him why they love "swimming" so much.

In my relationship, it was very one-sided and I should have known that it was never going to work that way. I always wanted him to share in the things I liked, to come along with me to the places I liked to go, not because I was trying to force those things down his throat but just because I wanted him to see this other side of me, but he never did. And in that way he never truly got to know me, he just wasn't interested.

It's a shame really because he just might have ended up enjoying himself.

You have to make an effort for the one you love. Now, this does not mean run out and smoke crack or jump off a building just to see if you can fly. Get me?

Jesus, I can't even form a complete thought this morning, but I hope you guys can get what I am trying to say.

elena said...

I get you sdock

You are a wonderful person, it was his loss.

sdock10 said...

Thanks, Elena.

I think you're wonderful too and I can't even imagine the sacrifices that a wife and mother have to make on an minute by minute basis.

Anonymous said...

Mayo's post is a metaphor...

about doing something you really don't want to do, in order to please someone you care about.

Hmmmm. Then the timing of this post is interesting.

people will do all sorts of things they would never usually do to avoid hurting/losing the people they care about.

Anonymous said...

....and sometimes there is nothing you can do.

toujours said...

that's why i said i found so much loyalty in this poem -- sometimes your feelings for the individual are stronger than your dislike of whatever the activity is. tis poem is such a lovely expression of that.

and good morning everyone.

toujours said...


i always seem to come in on the end of discussions.

oh well.

anyway, i slept in today, only just woke up. it's good to crash every once in awhile, even though here when it happens it's considered a topic worth discussing for a day. or two. (retired folks. they don't get out a lot.)

so i'm going to go catch up on all the internets that i let slide while i was working on my article.


Anonymous said...

If You Love Someone
Put Their Name In A Circle
Not A Heart, A Heart Can Break
But A Circle Goes On Forever

Anonymous said...

A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.

resurrected wreck said...

Toxic friends are best parted with.

toujours said...

i'd rather have a heart that can heal than one that is afraid to be broken.

but i do like the quote at 1:05. it's a nice image, brings to mind the circle of one's arms.

Anonymous said...

Body: Our good friends M.S.I. asked us to do four East Coast tour dates with them and how could we say no. We couldn't. We are very excited to be able to play a handful more shows before the new year and with some good people as well. So, we hope to see you all out there .

08 Thursday @ The Station
Portland, ME

I and Tub Ring

272 St.
John Street
tix: $20.

times: 7:00 PM


08 Friday @ Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel
Providence, RI

I and Tub Ring

70 Washington Street
tix: $20.

times: 7:30 PM


08 Saturday @ Starland Ballroom
Sayreville, NJ

I and Tub Ring

address: 570 Jernee Mill Road
tix: $22.

times: 7:00 PM


08 Sunday @ Toad's Place

New Haven, CT

I and Tub Ring

address: 300 Yorke Street #1
tix: $20.

times: 7:30 PM


toujours said...

annnnnd, now i'm done.

all caught up. :)

i like the quotes about friendship, too, btw. i's had limited luck with friends before, but that's changed since the blog. this is a good place.


see you all later!

*big squeezy blog-wide hug*

toujours said...

that should read: "i've had limited luck"


ciao. :)

elena said...

"...and how could we say no? We couldn't."

Interesting wording.

ergoproxy said...


ergoproxy said...

haha I come in and have to go. see you in a couple of hours

Anonymous said...

...and thats the point, Elena.

Anonymous said...

Frank's a sell out

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he's been called worse, anon.

Anonymous said...

Gerard must have something on Frank for him to talk that way about MSI.

Anonymous said...

I think he is just trying to be diplomatic.

Anonymous said...

I think people are assuming GW has way too much sway over FI or anyone else, if frank was doing it to please gerard then really he is a much weaker willed individual than I ever had the impression he was, and so are the other members of leathermouth. I cannot believe that G is so controlling that all these other people capitulate just to please him, or that he is a person that would expect it.

Anonymous said...

He did well to get away with just four dates.

elena said...


you been reading these quotes about friendship?

Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the fallout, both personally and professionally, if he had said no?

Anonymous said...

Gerard wasn't being a good friend to Frank when he didn't go to any of the Leathermouth shows.

Anonymous said...

J made a very good point about Frank and Gerard's relationship, and without context, its all too easy to make assumptions about the motives of either party.

If you feel that Frank has somehow disappointed you or let you down, if you feel he is no longer the same person with the same values and beliefs as he was before he agreed to share a stage with MSI, then there is probably very little he could do to convince you otherwise.

Just because you don't get to hear about his reasons, doesn't make them any less valid.

Anonymous said...

yes 6:49 having a backbone is far more detrimental than conceding for a business decision or the blatant career promotion, of the love of someones life.

elena said...

Are you sure he didn't go to any LM shows, anon?

Do you really know the reasons that are behind what is going on?

I don't.

But I do believe there is a reason and I believe Frank is a good person. Oh hell, I believe Gerard is a good person too.

Yep, just my belief. A belief I hold on to tightly.

Gotta go.

resurrected wreck said...

Just because you don't get to hear about his reasons, doesn't make them any less valid.

Well, that's true. But if we don't know what they are then we can't really be blamed for coming to our ouwn conclusions based upon the little info we've been given, can we?

Anonymous said...

Not only would it have damaged their already fragile relationship; it would have been the kiss of death for My Chemical Romance.

Anonymous said...

elena I agree with you

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Gerard wasn't being a good friend to Frank when he didn't go to any of the Leathermouth shows.

I seriously doubt either party felt that way.

Anonymous said...

...and that would be the end of life as you know it. how could you exist without mcr?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Gerard wasn't being a good friend to Frank when he didn't go to any of the Leathermouth shows.

anon lack of evidence does not logically indicate a lack of the event, just remember to be balanced

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I just don't know.
Guess I would have to find other false idols to worship.

Anonymous said...

It's okay 7:26. I'm sure there is some other management out there just waiting to groom someone into the next messiah.

So...the moral of this story is
a) never put your trust in a musician
b) same goes for politicians

Best to reserve that energy and trust in yourself to follow your conscience and make the right choices for you.

p.s. it helps to have good friends and family

Anonymous said...

I have to say personally I have never considered any entertainer as a basis for my moral or ethical decisions, I just see them as entertainers, I may listen to their opinions but they have never been the base

Anonymous said...

I have found my new false idol. It is you. Should I bow down and kiss your ring before I start worshipping the ground the walk on.
I'm going to save some of the dirt you walked upon. Will you spit on it for me?

Anonymous said...

We are on the same page EP.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Obviously a lot of you don't seem to understand why some of us are upset.
It is not about using people in the entertainment world to make my moral or ethic decisions in my life. Nor was it about some sort of idol worship.

It was about showing support for a group of people who shared the same moral and ethical standards that I did. I don't go out and see a lot of movies because I disagree with something an entertainer has done or supports.

Anonymous said...

Today was awesome in so many ways, and just plain emotional in so many other ways.

Gotta go shower. Later!

Anonymous said...

It was about showing support for a group of people who shared the same moral and ethical standards that I did.

I do respect your position MJ.
But do you really think that particular group of people has changed their moral and ethical standards. Or is it the packaging that's changed?

I think the active ingredients are the same as they've always been.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I do respect your position MJ.
But do you really think that particular group of people has changed their moral and ethical standards. Or is it the packaging that's changed?

I think the active ingredients are the same as they've always been.

November 8, 2008 8:06 PM

Yes, I do think they have changed their standards and ethics.

Everyone will falter on what they believe in from time to time. But when that person goes as far as to promote and give support to a person or group that doesn't share their standards something has changed.

Anonymous said...

I don't go for ring kissing and the like.

I am just your average person, and I'm quite happy with that.


You don't understand, it's the packaging that helps sells the product.

Anonymous said...

Mj I really understand you view in this situation
My point was more generally toward the anon stating the need for the finding of another "false idol" as they seem to imply everyone views entertainers as some kind of icon.

Anonymous said...

I do understand about the packaging. When it comes to entertainers, that pretty package can seem more like a prison cell. Sometimes they have to break out.
Are you sure I can't kiss your ring?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

ergo proxy nsi said...

Mj I really understand you view in this situation
My point was more generally toward the anon stating the need for the finding of another "false idol" as they seem to imply everyone views entertainers as some kind of icon.

November 8, 2008 8:28 PM

Ep I wasn't just addressing you but some of the anons as well. No matter what blog i go to there are always people who think that I worship this band as some kind of false god.

Or thinking it is funny that I am disappointed in Frank's choice to open for msi.

I just want to set the record straight.

Anonymous said...

No 8:34. I don't believe in idolatry of any sort.

Save your worship for people who are really inspirational. And they are most likely your every day joe.

Smoke said...

Hello Ergo, MJ and Anon(s)!

How is everyone?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello smoke i am well how are you?

Smoke said...

I'm good! I'm debating on whether or not to buy a Ludo t-shirt or a hoodie.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I would go with the hoodie.

Smoke said...

I could always do both. O_o

Gah! I want them all! They have such cute stuff. And I really want the Broken Bride EP because it's got live footage and stuffs.


Anonymous said...

Martha, I'm quite sure no one is suggesting that you idolized GW and the like. Far from it.

Most of the idolatry is coming from teenagers, and some adults, who are highly suggestive.

Oh well, if he thinks that being legally tethered to a heavily tattooed women her band and their style, changes their image, then it's a cases of wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't accusing you of idol worship MJ. I think you are one who truly believes in ideals not idols. I was initially responding to the comment at 7:08.

Anonymous said...
...and that would be the end of life as you know it. how could you exist without mcr?
November 8, 2008 7:08 PM

I'm sorry if my response offended you.

I know your life would be fine withouth MCR, Leathermouth or any other band.

Amyranth said...

No matter what blog i go to there are always people who think that I worship this band as some kind of false god.

Yep. I hear that.

*cough* *sneeze*

*swills from the bottle of Buckley's*

sdock10 said...

Order it all, Smoke! Go crazy!

Hi Everyone!

How are ya'll?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello amy, anons ep. I didn't say that earlier.

I wasn't offended by what either of you said. I just want to get that out.

Smoke said...

Well, I can honestly say that Leathermouth touring with MSI doesn't really bother me that much. Do I like it? No. Do I understand it? No. Would it stop me from seeing Leathermouth? No. So, I guess I just don't have much to say about it.

I would like to tell Jimmy Urine to have a listen at Lords of Acid. Cuz, OMG, he owes them some money for the way he's ripped them off.
I could easily mistake MSI for Lords of Acid.

Just statin'.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am sorry if it seemed as if I was upset. a lot of times I just say what is on my mind. I go straight to the point.

I lack a lot of social graces when it comes to conversation.

ergoproxy said...

no problem MJ :)

I too really dislike that veiled (or not so veiled) insinuation from anons at any blog.
and thanks anon who qualified also
Just another example of how it becomes difficult to know who is addressing who, but it all got clarified in the end

hi smoke, amy, sdock


*places offering at throne*

Anonymous said...

Martha you don't need to apologize.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello sd I am well and you?

sdock10 said...


I'm in!

ergoproxy said...


sdock10 said...


I'm sleepy for some reason but otherwise pretty good, thanks for asking.

The SNL Presidential Special thing is on again and Tina Fey still makes me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Body: Our good friends M.S.I. asked us to do four East Coast tour dates with them and how could we say no. We couldn't. We are very excited to be able to play a handful more shows before the new year and with some good people as well. So, we hope to see you all out there .

08 Thursday @ The Station
Portland, ME

I and Tub Ring

272 St.
John Street
tix: $20.

times: 7:00 PM


08 Friday @ Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel
Providence, RI

I and Tub Ring

70 Washington Street
tix: $20.

times: 7:30 PM


08 Saturday @ Starland Ballroom
Sayreville, NJ

I and Tub Ring

address: 570 Jernee Mill Road
tix: $22.

times: 7:00 PM


08 Sunday @ Toad's Place

New Haven, CT

I and Tub Ring

address: 300 Yorke Street #1
tix: $20.

times: 7:30 PM


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