Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Let me tell you what it was like. Lying on a rack of a bed, the sweat from all of a sudden and a half minutes of sex still clinging to my naked body, I am no longer relieved. Instead, I am shaking (but it’s not cold). The blankets have fallen away and I don’t dare get up to retrieve them. I know that if I do I will not return to the bed. And it is all gone anyway, finished off an hour ago amidst impetuous greed and loud music. The others, the music, all of it was irrelevant to relentless want. The pattern repeated, ten minutes of synthetically induced exaltation followed by the entirety of my consciousness engulfed by its insufferable demands. Fake rapture.

And in that bed, everything I had poured down my throat to even me out is trying to make its way back up. Another reason to stay put, but I can’t sleep with my head twitching and an arm around my neck. So, I will pace. I sort of know the neighborhood, and because I do it will occur to me much later how fucking stupid I was. Not just because some desperate fuck could have put a gun to my head, or because it was way too much, or because I am not entirely familiar with the body in the bed, but because I will have to live with it.

Nevertheless, I am not thinking of that when I pull on my clothes and walk out the door. Swallowing hard and still grinding my teeth, my jaw is tired and my lips are chapped. My feet step ahead of me slightly, but I am keeping up. In order to slow my quick heart my breathing becomes forced, gasps long and slow. Think. Breathe. Walk. Walk. Walk. Think. Breathe. If I just keep walking it will go away, all of it…even the body in the bed.

p.s. yep that was the last and forgive me the past and present tension.


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Anonymous said...

sausage stuffing in the dark, hmm, sounds a bit dicey. :)

toujours said...

oh great! ugh. a typo at the beginning of the page. i'm going to see that every time i make a comment.


anyway, i think i need to get something to eat. i've had tons of coffee today, but nothing for the tummy. which is angry atm.

i'm sorry to cut the conversation about family short -- it's been very interesting! -- but i'm starting to get shaky. better eat before i pass out. *heh*


*spots the green plaid blanket still wadded on the floor*

i should put that back before i go.

*picks it up, gives it a shake, folds it in half, and drapes it across the back of the couch again*

i'll be back tonight, you can be sure!


(it's me, really: thank you for the conversation. *hug*)

Anonymous said...

toujours, if we can find someone who we can feel emotionally and spiritually connected to, be it family, friend or love, then, we are truly blessed

maybe for you, your journey started here

ergoproxy said...

and there were plenty of sausage stuffing jokes too, seeing as it was about 7 men doing it!

see you TJ! have a good day?afternoon?

I'm going to turn the meat if I'm not back I have fallen into the freezer and can't get out!

Anonymous said...

It's Me

toujours -- Thank you for the means more than you know:)

Talk with you later....

Anonymous said...

TJ, I love your art! You are so fantastic and I am so envious.

Splash, you broke my heart, as you often do on that subject. I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how difficult that situation must be.

Princess and Solly, I'm glad you loved the movie! OMG, the ending, right? And the Nakie Time? The Nakie Time was pretty cool too. ^_^

*whispers* "Bruuuuuuuce"

Like a drinking game. Everytime she whispers "Bruuuuuuuce" in the movie you take another.

My cousin dropped by (the whole twenty steps she takes to get to my house ^_^ ) with Boychild for a few hours and we all had pizza and chilled out; it was pretty cool. Now I'm sitting here dying my hair and listening to my neighbors do something or other and trying to catch up. :)

ergoproxy said...


That is so cold!!!
and I couldn't find my gloves :(
and I still hvae more frozen stuff to move, I'll warm up first

Anonymous said...

Could you at least use a potholder or something if you can't find your gloves?

ergoproxy said...

anon it's a bit awkward that's all, but....pot holder could work, one of those long ones you stick a hand in each end...hadn't thought of that!

Anonymous said...

It's Me

Well, I must go for now. I am sure you understand...MAN NEEDS DINNER :)

He is a great guy, but he is a guy.

Toujours -- I really would like to be able to talk with you again....seems we might have the same outlook on "family".

Everyone take care! I love being around all of you.

Amyranth said...

i've always had to rely more on the families i create for myself.

like this one. ♥

I'm not super close with any of my family either. Most of my life, we lived far from anyone related by blood, so like you I have a lot of "Family". My mother's closest friends became Aunts and Grandmas, Dad's friend became Uncles.

Best friends, as always became like sisters and (to their dismay) brothers.

(While writing this post, I got the urge to call my mom, so this is off topic now)


Anonymous said...

Bye It's Me!

Amyranth said...

See ya later It's Me


ergoproxy said...

anon that worked pretty good, it's done for now, I'm trying to seperate the meat types in shopping bags so it's not a huge hunt to find it when it's full. It's a big chest freezer so it's a bit of a hassle to dig through.

is elena still around?

ergoproxy said...

bye it's me, have a lovely evening

amy I am going to try your lavender cookies when I get my new oven, and the ones the anon posted too

ergoproxy said...

*pokes blog*

Smoke said...

OMG, Jules, The ending rocked. ^_^

And I totally forgot the coolest thing. I got props for my TBS shirt by a little boy that I go to church with. Well, he's not little anymore. He's all grown up now. I'm getting old. But he told me it was cool so YAY!

I'm watching Intervention. This stuff is so frustrating and sad.

Amyranth said...

Hiya Ergo!

I think you'll like them. Are you going to drizzle them with chocolate too?


Amyranth said...

I'll be back in a bit girls. I'm gonna go start my chicken stew.


ergoproxy said...

I must try and get to the movies again one day!
It's an hours drive so not the easiest to fit in.

I ma eating nigellas donut french toast v. yummy!

Anonymous said...

I think I am coming down with a summer cold. This development displeases me greatly.

sdock10 said...


******ALERT, ALERT********


Must watch!

Smoke said...

Ooooh, The Outsiders is coming on tv! Niiiice.

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

Sorry, Anon! I hope you feel better. :(

Smoke said...

Oh! Solly! I think Jack White trumps Ponyboy.

ergoproxy said...

oh anon that's no good

have heaps of orange juice and you could try echinacea

rest up a little and keep hydrated,eat well ad if you're body is healthy it may not last too long

resurrected wreck said...

Oh! Solly! I think Jack White trumps Ponyboy.

Oh, I think not, S&V!

Anonymous said...

Princess, that's so cool! They have some awesome t shirts, and so comfy too.

Ooooh, there is a storm rolling in. That damp ocean breeze and thunder in the distance. I've got all the windows open. Niiiiice!

Anonymous said...

I've got a summer cold too, just a teeny one, or maybe it's allergies because my eyes itch, too. Although when I sneeze, green stuff comes flying out. Nice visual, eh? Everyone is sneezing and the Boychild is making fun of everyone. When someone sneezes he laughs and says, "a-chooooooo!"

sdock10 said...

Summer colds suck fucking ass shit.

Just sayin....

But Jack White rocks my fucking world. I would so drink his sweat.

Bask in the awesomeness that is JW.

Smoke said...


Ewwwwww. O_O


I ♥ Ponyboy. I do. Dallas was always my favorite character though. I've seen that movie like a gazillion times. ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

But Jack White rocks my fucking world. I would so drink his sweat.


resurrected wreck said...

HI, S&V ^_^

I gotchoo a pretty lilac-coloured summer sundress.

ergoproxy said...

sdock ewwwwwww

K if it's green thats an infection as well as a virus, keep an eye on it

Smoke said...

OOOHHHH! Niiiiice, RW! Yay! I ♥ you!

resurrected wreck said...

Although when I sneeze, green stuff comes flying out.


resurrected wreck said...

Ectoplasm, K?

resurrected wreck said...

S&V: ♥

Amyranth said...

resurrected wreck said...

But Jack White rocks my fucking world. I would so drink his sweat.




ergoproxy said...

ectoplasm! hahaha nice one RW

Smoke said...

Bwahahaha! That dude is funny on stage. There are some people that are just born to do that and you can just tell. He is one of those people.

sdock10 said...

I so would. I would so drink it. I bet it tastes kind of sweet and spicy maybe a touch bitter and sour.

But it would be worth it, I know.

I swear it can't be right to get this excited about music. It just can't be. Must explain most of my fuckedupness.

or all of it.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD. I've been reading the book Spook and I just finished the chapter about ectoplasm. Did you guys know that "ectoplasm" was really just cheesecloth that mediums would swallow before the sceance, and then regurgitate during? Oxford University keeps a box of the stuff in their library. How cool/nasty is that?

No, Ergo nailed it, it's an infection. Eww.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, it's storming a bitch out there. It's making me want to tell my favorite Hawaiian legend about lightning. Does anyone want to read it?

sdock10 said...

Actually, if I couldn't drink his sweat, I could like to catch it in a bucket and throw it on myself later. Maybe just bathe in the essence that is Jack.

*smiles at the thought*

Anonymous said...

^ I just regurgitated a little ectoplasm, thanks Solly. ;)

resurrected wreck said...

Go for it, K!

Smoke said...

Bwahaha. OMG. That is so meffin' gross.

Sure, K. I'd like to read it. :)

resurrected wreck said...

Er... the story, I mean. Not go for the ectoplasm :S

Anonymous said...

I swear it can't be right to get this excited about music. It just can't be.

I think around here it's totally a-okay. Out there, it's possible to get funny looks. :)

Hey, Jules, Sdock, Smoke, Ergo, Amy, and RW!

I'd like to hear the lightening story.

sdock10 said...

Anything I can do to help, Jules!

They only gave us 2 fucking songs! What kind of fucked up shit is that? You can't show Jack White for 2 fucking songs!! GAAAAAH!!

*whispers* Bruuuuuuuuuce

Anonymous said...

LOL, got any hair dye? Tell me the story about you "lightening" your hair, please!!!

Dude, it has to be one of those nights, right?

Smoke said...

Hello Mustard! ^_^

sdock10 said...


OH MY GOD!! The things that dude can do with a guitar should be fucking illegal...and I think it is in some states. His fingers and the way he just feels the music.

*knows Mustard knows exactly what I mean*

Smoke said...

This episode of Intervention is pissing me off. >_<

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, Mustard! :D

Sorry for the delayed greeting, I was off potty-ing.

ergoproxy said...

hiya mustard.

I love lightning, I think we once actually saw the ligtning that comes from cloud tops up to the ionosphere, the storm was way out to the west and therefore lower than us curvature of the earth wise,it def didn't look like normal lightning

sdock10 said...

I iz watching Metallica right now and OH MY GOD, they are so throwing down!


Anonymous said...

Okay, awesome!

Right, this is the story. If I stop suddenly it's because I lost power or have been zapped by lightning. Hang on while I write a bit up. I'll do it in pieces. It's fantastic.

Smoke said...

I keep reading that as lighting. I dunno why.


resurrected wreck said...

*does not know that "throwing down" means*

sdock10 said...


"throwing down"????

Rocking my socks off!

Tearing it up!

Ripping it to shreds!!

Smoke said...

RW! You've never seen anyone 'throw down'?????


Frank ---> throws down.

Ray ---> throws down.

Jack ---> throws down.

Ummm, and a bunch more people but basically they rock their asses off.

*throws some metal up*

Whoop! Whoop!

resurrected wreck said...

So "thrown down" is good, yes?

ergoproxy said...

*knows Mustard knows exactly what I mean*

*so does ergoproxy*


sdock10 said...

Kid Rock totally throws down as well.

Ya know?

resurrected wreck said...

Gerard = throws down Frank


But that's different, I guess, & not a good thing.

ergoproxy said...

RW I was with you, had not heard "throwing down" so wasn't sure if it was good or bad

sdock10 said...


If I can't be the song Jack White is singing, then I will settle for being his guitar. Ya know? I will suffer through somehow.

Smoke said...

Yes, RW, that would be a bad thing. O_O

No throwing down of people. No.

Has anyone seen the previews for The Two Corey's?

Those dudes is cezy. @_@

resurrected wreck said...

It doesn't sound like it should be good, does it, EP?

resurrected wreck said...

I remembere them two dudes from the '80s, S&V. I do not need to see them again!

sdock10 said...

I saw those previews, Smoke and I can't decide which one of the Coreys that I want to win. Ya know?

resurrected wreck said...

Throwing down people is not good, yes?

So, really, Gerard should not have thrown down Frank.

But he did anyway.

Not cool.

ergoproxy said...

sdock I hear you

resurrected wreck said...

*is obviously still bothered by this incident 10 months later*

sdock10 said...

I've always been a Corey Haim gal but part of me wants to see Teddy kick his fucking ass. Just pop him and give him a fat fucking lip!

But then again....

Anonymous said...

It's Me

This is just something to think about...not that it is about feminane revolution...I saw a lot more in it.

For Us

Smoke said...

They are making it all dramatic! A big showdown between the two. Scary stuff.

Ummm, ya know, I think I'm pulling for Feldman. I ♥'d Haim back in the day but he's a little wacky now. Like in a sad kind of way.



Gotta go shower. I'll be back in about fifteen.

Anonymous said...

Yes, completely uncool.

Hey, RW!

resurrected wreck said...

Hey, Mustard! ^_^

Hi, It's Me :) I love that song!

resurrected wreck said...

Have fun, S&V! :)Don't use up all the soap!

Smoke said...

I've always been a Corey Haim gal but part of me wants to see Teddy kick his fucking ass. Just pop him and give him a fat fucking lip!

Have gun will travel reads the card of a man!

Bwahaha! Okay, back in a few.

Anonymous said...

It's Me

resurrected wreck -- I had almost forgoten about that song. There is a big message in it.

ergoproxy said...

great song it's me!

sdock10 said...

Hi It's Me!

Have you been poked lately??

Bwahahahahhaha! That sounded so nasty!


You gots to say it all lippy and teary eyed....


Anonymous said...

It's Me

sdock10 -- Not by you ;)

sdock10 said...

*pokes It's Me with pointy stick*

There, now, you've been poked by me.


I do it with love and affection!

resurrected wreck said...

There, now, you've been poked by me.


I do it with love and affection!

That's what they all say, Solly!

Anonymous said...

It's Me

sdock10 -- Some how I have come to think of it as a token of affection....I miss it when you are are not poking me...

It is just something that has connected us....maybe small....maybe not.

sdock10 said...

I will even kiss you afterwards.

Smoke said...

Hi again, It's Me. :)

Did Jules get zapped by the lighting?

resurrected wreck said...

I think she might be drowning in ectoplasm, S&V.

resurrected wreck said...

Solly: 0_0

ergoproxy said...

woo hoo my phone wallpaper is now a purple tinted Ray Toro "thowing down"

Anonymous said...

It's Me

sdock10 said...
I will even kiss you afterwards.

Sure, something along the lines as I will respect you in the morning :)

Smoke said...

National Lampoon's Family Vacation is on! YAY!

I've only watched about three minutes of everything tonight. My husband has ADHD and it's on full blast tonight. Jeez.

Anonymous said...

woo hoo my phone wallpaper is now a purple tinted Ray Toro "thowing down"


Hey, I dunno if you guys know this or not, but Ray Toro ownz a little bit of my soul.

Just thought I'd let you all know.

sdock10 said...



Smoke said...

LHM is running around the house singing the Hot Pockets song.

Amyranth said...

Haloooo Lovelies!

Has anyone seen The First Wives Club before?


ergoproxy said...

smoke I watched that the other night!

"we're going to have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgery to get the fucking smiles off our faces!"

Smoke said...

I have, Amy! I love Goldie Hawn. ^_^

Anonymous said...

It's Me

smoke&venom20 said...
National Lampoon's Family Vacation is on! YAY!

I've only watched about three minutes of everything tonight. My husband has ADHD and it's on full blast tonight. Jeez.

June 14, 2008 10:20 PM

Only thing that has saved us is seperate spaces....He has the "man cave" downstairs and I have my space include internet access and cable TV!

Smoke said...

Hee-hee, Ergo! :) They just realized Aunt Edna is dead.

Anonymous said...

In Kung Fu "throwing down" means you are about to start a fight.

Sorry guys, I bailed to write out that story, because I did lose my effing internet connection for a while!

BRB with the story.

Smoke said...

It's Me,

I swear. My computer is in the living room so he's constantly telling me to "Watch this! Hey, watch this! Hey, look at this! What did they say?"

And I curse the evil person that created DVR's and TiVo. O_O

We have to watch everything five mothereffin' times before it's over.

Anonymous said...

The story has many people in it, but the three important ones are Pele, her sister Hi'iaka, and the dancer/chief/hottie Lohi'au.

Pele, as most people know, is Hawai'i's awesome, powerful, impetuous, jealous, intelligent, beautiful goddess of the volcano and of fire. To this day there are stories of people (mostly men) meeting her on the Big Island's Saddle Road, where she appears as a young woman in need of a ride, with a small white dog. Men report that the beautiful young girl gets in the car (always in the back seat,) and after a few minutes her appearance begins to change and she starts to look older. (Pele, like most goddesses, has three forms: the young woman, the fire-mother, and the crone.) The men report seeing her in the backseat through the rearview mirror, and when they begin to notice the change in her, she asks them if they have a cigarette. The stories vary from there but in general the idea is that she gets her cigarette, and when asked if she needs a light, she snaps her fingers to produce fire, and then she disappears, leaving the men terrified and confused and really excited to pass this tale to everyone else.

You do not want to piss this goddess off because although she has a lively sense of humor and sport, she is quick to react when she's insulted, and, well, she lives in a volcano. She is the granddaughter of Haumea and Wakea, the supreme mother and father, the creators of the universe. That's Pele.

Less known on the mainland are her many sisters, and the best known of them is Hi'iakaikapoleopele or Hi'iaka I Ka Pole O Pele if you break it down: "Hi'iaka, in Pele's heart." She was so named because she was hatched out of an egg that Pele kept warm on the trip from Tahiti to Hawai'i by holding it against her chest (and the metaphor that she is Pele's favorite and most beloved sister.)

(Pele has brothers too, and one of them is Kane Hekili, the Thunder Man.)

Anonymous said...

With me so far? Okay, let's move on. ^_^

Anonymous said...

One night, Pele decided to take a long sleep, like for a few weeks, so that her spirit could roam the islands. As she was wandering in spirit form, she began to hear the pahu drums of a Hula performance, and she followed them to the island of Kaua'i. There she encountered the beautiful chief Lohi'au dancing. Pele, along with her sisters Hi'iaka and Laka, were the patronnesses of the Hula, and Pele was mesmerized by Lohi'au's dancing and his beauty. She materialized to him in the form of a desirable young woman, and she spent a few passionate days with him. (One legend says that in order to prove to him that she was real and not a dream, she bit him, also insuring that when she was gone, he would have a token by which to remember her.)

Eventually she had to return to her physical body, but she left with a promise to return to Lohi'au.

Upon awakening, Pele called all of her sisters forward and asked which one of them would be brave and faithful enough to go to Kaua'i and bring her human lover back to her. All of them stepped back except for Hi'iaka.

Pele and Hi'iaka made a vow to each other. Hi'iaka's vow was that she would return no later than forty days with Lohi'au, and that she would not seduce him. Forty days and no longer. Pele's vow to Hi'iaka was that she would protect Hi'iaka's beloved lehua groves, and her best friend, the dancer and poet Hopoe. Hopoe was Hi'iaka's most beloved friend, a gentle mortal woman who had taught Hi'iaka different Hulas and sang her beautiful poems.

Vows exchanged, Hi'iaka set out to retrieve Lohi'au. She was only a demi-goddess at the time though, and wasn't entirely prepared for the cadre of demons and dragons she encountered along the way. The only magic she had was a red pa'u, a skirt, with magical powers. Still, she was a woman not to be taken lightly and she defeated every enemy that beset her, and she mocked them with chants and jokes once she was done. The battles were making her even more powerful. On the way, Hi'iaka met a guide to help her, a mortal woman named Wahineoma'oma'o ("The Green Woman," probably based on the color of her pa'u.)

Anonymous said...

Dove Dark Chocolate (DDC)

You guys are cracking me up :-)

Hope you dont mind my dropping by to lurk, read and smile.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile on Kaua'i, Lohi'au hadn't fared quite so well. Not hearing back from Pele, he had died of grief once already, and his sister brought him back to life with herbs. Still he kept pining for Pele, and he became weaker and weaker and had no will to live, and he died for a second time. Finally his sister was like, "'Kay. What." And he told her of his affair with the beautiful young woman. Lohi'au's sister, being slightly better versed in these things than he was, recognized that he had fallen in with a goddess who was known for her tempestuous love life, and warned him to try his best to forget her. But Lohi'au could not, and when he died for a third time, even sis couldn't bring him back. Instead she sealed him in cave.

About this time, Hi'iaka, battle-worn, finally showed up. She found Lohi'au's sister and told her who she was. His sister, knowing better than to toy with this demi-goddess who had become extremely powerful, led her to his cave but told her that he'd been dead for a few days and probably wasn't coming back this time.

Fortunately though, Lohi'au's spirit had been hanging around in a bay, where a fisherman had caught it on a hook and brought it back to his town. Hi'iaka met the fisherman and took the soul from him, keeping it safe in her red pa'u, her skirt.

However, it didn't look too good for getting him back into his body, and time was running out; the forty days were nearly up. Hi'iaka had her helpers gather the magical herbs that she would need, then she summoned her brothers Kanehekili (The Man of Thunder,) and Kauilanui (Great Lightning.) She covered Lohi'au's body with her red pa'u, and waited for the storm. The herbs combined with the lightning striking him, and the magic of the red pa'u, finally brought him back. (Hi'iaka helped speed the process by shoving his soul back in through his feet.)

(How interesting is it that in this ridiculously early legend, they knew to use electricity to bring him back?)

Anonymous said...

Lohi'au was little worse for the wear, and they set off back towards Hawai'i. They got onto a ship, although now it was well past forty days time and Hi'iaka was worried that Pele would suspect something had happened between them. In fact, all was not well" Lohi'au was also very capricious, and he fell in love with Hi'iaka along the way. Hi'iaka rebuffed all of his advances, although she, too, had fallen in love with him. She would not break her vow to her sister.

To add to the trouble, an old lover of Lohi'au's was traveling on the ship, too. She began to woo him, and Hi'iaka stepped in and said that he was taken. The woman would not listen, and she challenged Hi'iaka to a game of Kilu, which is something sort of like bowling. Whoever won the game of Kilu got to keep Lohi'au. Of course Hi'iaka won, but she still would not claim her prize. Although she found him hard to resist, he was her sister's man.

As they approached the island of Hawai'i, Hi'iaka used her newfound goddess powers to look into the distance and see how her lehua groves had fared, and to try to see her best friend Hopoe.

Anonymous said...

Pele, though, shortly after the forty day time limit, had already suspected the worst.

Hi'iaka looked towards Hawai'i and saw her lehua groves in ashes, not a single tree left. Then, to her further horror, she saw her beautiful friend Hopoe turned into a statue of lava.

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, A! :D

Anonymous said...

Kai ko`o o Kilauea kai ko`o o Puna
Popo`i i ke `ä a Pele
`O ke kai `ula `o ke kai `ölena
Ke ala kai o Pele

Haki kü ka `ino haki kakala
Kao kü i o`u Lehua
Uwe Höpoe holo i kai Hä`ena
`A`ohe ala e ola

Wela `o Kilauea, wela `o Puna
Ua `ä i ke ahi a Pele
Mälama ke kanaka mälama ka lehua
Mälama ke kaunu moe ipo

Ha`uha`u uwe, ha`uha`u uwe
Ha`uhau uwe

The strong force of Kilauea and Puna
Forms a burning wave of Pele
The red and yellow (lava) flows combine
To form a fiery path of Pele

Sob, sob, sob

The fire (Pele) breaks everything to pieces
Which is overwhelming to my Lehua
Hopoe cries and runs seaward to Ha`ena
But, there's nowhere to find refuge

Kilauea and Puna are hot
As the fires of Pele burn
Cherish the people, cherish the lehua
Cherish the place where we make love

Sob, sob, sob

Anonymous said...

It's Me

S&V -- We have been there...I am like did you not see that show....and he says....yes. WTF!!! Why do guys like reruns so much???

I am lucky...I can have my own space...does not stop him from coming up and saying....What?, are you on the blog again. :)

He is a good guy :)

Anonymous said...

So, Hi'iaka, still on the ship and not yet home, mourned. And she mourned a little more.

And then she got really pissed off.

Knowing that Pele had the same goddess vision that she now possessed, and that Pele was watching her, she decided that if she had already lost her beloved groves and her best friend for something she didn't do, but wanted to do, she might as well do so. So, with Pele watching, she placed a lei around Lohi'au's neck and "embraced" him or, in some other variation of the language, "claimed" him within Pele's sight.

This, of course, did not go over well with Pele, who then Called Her Court.

It's really no good when Pele Calls Her Court. Kilauea erupted, the surrounding areas were ruined. By the time Hi'iaka arrived home, fire raged through the island, and lava flowed everywhere. The two sisters prepared to battle each other, but before they did, Pele killed Lohi'au again.

The sisters' battle raged for days. Then it raged for weeks, and then months. Pele hadn't realized that her little sister, once a minor demi-goddess, had become a goddess just like her. They both grew tired. Hawai'i, the island they both loved, had been destroyed by their hatred for each other. But neither one of them could be destroyed.

Eventually, they both gave up, exhausted.

Meanwhile, one of Pele and Hi'iaka's forward-thinking brothers, seeing what was going on, happened to catch the spirit of the hapless Lohi'au going by, and thought, "Hmm, they might need that," and he grabbed it. While the sisters were battling, he put Lohi'au's spirit back into his body.

resurrected wreck said...

So, Hi'iaka, still on the ship and not yet home, mourned. And she mourned a little more.

And then she got really pissed off.

I know how she feels!

Anonymous said...

The sisters could not keep fighting, and although they had called a truce, they could not live together. They parted ways, with Hi'iaka going back to Kaua'i to live the rest of her immortal days with Lohi'au for as long as he would live.

As in most family disputes, the two sisters eventually became less frosty with each other, and family relations were restored. After all, it wasn't long before then that Pele and her sisters had to flee Tahiti because their eldest sister kept killing Pele and flooding all of her homes. (Her oldest sister is Namakaokaha'i, the goddess of the sea.)

This is Hawai'i's most famous and most enduring legend, this love triangle. There are countless songs and Hulas and entire books written about this beautiful story. It is also the subject of the PBS special Holo Mai Pele which was chorographed, chanted and sung by the Kanaka'ole family and their dancers.

Isn't that fascinating?

Anonymous said...

resurrected wreck said...

So, Hi'iaka, still on the ship and not yet home, mourned. And she mourned a little more.

And then she got really pissed off.

I know how she feels!

I think we've all been down that road of betrayal before. Most of us anyway, I guess, huh?

resurrected wreck said...

Wow, K! That's a soap opera to top them all, and no mistake!

resurrected wreck said...

That was fascinating, thank you for sharing ^_^

ergoproxy said...

Great story K

for the volcano


Somewhere on a South Pacific island
Sits a young man staring at the surf.
His native girlfriend died a death quite violent
A tribal sacrifice made to the earth.

She was brown, her hair was black, her eyes were blue.
A chief's daughter, Leilani was her name.
She and her young man made a handsome two
But lava tore them both apart again.

Leilani, don't go to the volcano (he'd say).

They were saving for a little hut,
She collected sea-shells every day.
Everynight they'd share a cigarette
But The ancient, angry gods got in the way.

Leilani, don't go to the volcano (he'd plead).

Katoomba, Hey! Macumbah, Ho!
Umgawah! Hey! Ho! Hey-eh! Ah...
Leilani - crula-bula-ulladulla-wok-a-tai
Aba-laba-laba, Hut!

Aba-laba-laba Hut!

Still the young man sits upon the beach,
He's staring misty-eyed out into space.
He's thinking about his girlfriend (of late, deceased),
At least her death had purpose; now his life is a waste!
Leilani, don't go to the volcano (he'd beg her)

Smoke said...


I love that! That was awesome.

Anonymous said...


Sob, sob, sob

Adds such feeling to the narrative!

Entertainment and learning combined. What a place!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you liked it! It's an incredible story, huh?

Ergo, that song sounds super familiar, I think I might have heard that as a child. The band name, now that I know I've heard.

ergoproxy said...

hi DDC anon hows it going?

Anonymous said...

10:43, if you listen to the song, the refrain "ha'u ha'u 'ue" is like the sound of sobbing. The song itself is such a tearjerker. That's the Makaa Sons.

ergoproxy said...

yeah K I love the Hoodoo Gurus, but seeing it as 1982 makes me feel really old!

Stone Age Romeos was a brilliant album

Amyranth said...

Hallloooo RW!

Smoke, it's on right now. Man, I want a divorce so I can pull some of this shit!


ergoproxy said...

I have just been eating my big torronut bar and my jaw really hurts and I've chipped a tooth!!!!!


how the hell do you chip a tooth on nougat!????

Anonymous said...

My crow is named Lohi'au. Here (and among other friends) I call him Havoc because, well, he brings it. He eats my books, flies into things, knocks stuff over, caws to wake the dead at 7 AM every frigging morning, etc.

But his real name is Lohi'au because last June 26th or so, he leaped out of a cage at the animal hospital and into my arms, maggots falling off of him, avian pox already apparent. I kept him and fed him for that day, and then that night he started to die. He just lay there on his side, agonal. I was so angry; I had asked the universe if I could have a companion crow and I thought he was it. I sat with him that night and told him, "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to stay with me a while, so you'd better try to live!"

That night there was a lightning storm like this one and I thought, "Maybe this would be like the legend of Lohi'au, where the lightning brings him back to life. Then, that settles it: this is Lohi'au."

I sat up with him till around 2 AM watching him almost die, then live, then almost die, then live. Eventually I had to go to bed and I put him in his carrier, fully expecting a dead crow the next morning.

To my surprise, he leaped out of the carrier screaming at me for food.

So, that's why his real name is Lohi'au.

Ironically though, he is absolutely terrified of lightning, and tonight is driving him batty.

resurrected wreck said...

EP, my mother has chipped teeth on gum.

Smoke said...

Amy, that movie is hilarious. :)


I loved reading that about Havoc. That is so cool.

resurrected wreck said...

I have just been eating my big torronut bar

Your teeth aren't man enough for the Torronut bar, EP! What were you thinking??

Anonymous said...

Dove Dark Chocolate (DDC)

It is going great. Thanks for asking. I really enjoyed reading the legend.

Just running thru cyber space and stopped when this blogged caught my eye.. almost 3000 comments.. how could i not stop and read a bit.

resurrected wreck said...

Hi, Dove Dark Chocolate anon :D

Anonymous said...

It's Me

I sat up with him till around 2 AM watching him almost die, then live, then almost die, then live. Eventually I had to go to bed and I put him in his carrier, fully expecting a dead crow the next morning.

Kapunua -- that is the way is goes. You pulled him though...we all need that.

Smoke said...


I think I'm gonna head off to bed. I hope you all have a lovely night and sweet dreams!

That includes Mayo and SS, too!

Nite-nite! ^_^

ergoproxy said...

I know I just don't have the skillz!!!

damn it's a have to go to the dentist one too :(
just what I need.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your toothie Ergo, I once chipped a tooth on a popsicle. You should have know the Toro would shred ya!!

resurrected wreck said...

Night, S&V :)

ergoproxy said...

goodnight smoke sweet dreams

K that is so cool about Havok, must have been destiny

ergoproxy said...

anon he's just too much for a mortal woman to handle!

resurrected wreck said...

Ah, Ray - his ears must be burning!

Anonymous said...

It's Me

I need to say farewell..have to get up early and have breakfast with the daughter and grandkids :) I really look forward to that.

Talk with you all later!

resurrected wreck said...

Night, It's Me :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Man, do not fear the darkness. While it may seem to consume you at times, remember you thrive in the light. The light is your true home, it is where you belong. It is where you are surrounded by those who will not let you stumble. You are loved.

ergoproxy said...

goodnight it's me enjoy the family!

*Ray Toro feels fingers tingling*

*looks up from whatever he's doing*

*shakes head and smiles*

toujours said...

hi everyone!

i'm back -- couldn't stay away for very long. it was awful, i started to get close to the three-hour mark and all of a sudden it was like my throat just closed up and i couldn't breathe and i was gasping for air and holding my throat and waving my other hand wildly in the air and my mom was staring at me and then she pointed down the hall to the office and started shouting "hurry! hurry! go log on! quick! you're running out of blog reserves! hurry!" and i scrambled down the hall and slipped on the carpet but caught myself and fortunately she switched isp's recently and so it only took but a moment for the computer to come on and get connected to the internet.


if she was still with aol i'd be dead now. i wouldn't have made it through the fifteen minutes it took that to load.

thank the gods.

resurrected wreck said...

Hiya, TJ :D Blog withdrawl, not good!

ergoproxy said...

alicia I hope whoever you're speaking to gets your message

Amyranth said...

I chipped a tooth on a phone reciever once.

I was trying to ANSWER the phone, and when I picked it up, it slid out of my hands and into my mouth.


resurrected wreck said...



toujours said...

and when I picked it up, it slid out of my hands and into my mouth.





*slides to the floor*

ergoproxy said...

hi TJ!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys! I'm glad you don't mind my rambling about stuff. Nights like tonight make me want to tell stories. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you another one, and this one is humorous in some places. I LOLed the first time I heard one part of it, and I still do, to this day.

Anonymous said...

Pele was never at a loss for suitors, even after Lohi'au. One of her most passionate, tempestuous and violent affairs was with the demigod Kamapua'a, literally Pig Child. He was the son of Hina and Olopana. However Hina had been in love with Olopana's younger brother, and Olopana knew this and refused to accept Kamapua'a as his son. He's the one who gave him the name "Pig Child," and treated him cruelly.

Kamapua'a grew in beauty and talent. He was naturally handsome, but he could change his appearance at will. The only thing that gave him away as "Pig Child" were the bristly hog-like hairs on his back. But he could dance, cultivate the earth, and was generally a good demigod.

However, Olopana's hatred of him eventually wore him down. Kamapua'a wanted his father's love and acceptance, and he never achieved it. Eventually Olopana threw him out on his own, and Kamapua'a roamed Hawai'i alone. By and by he forgot about his talents. He forgot about his family and his heroic exploits. He even forgot what he looked like, and over the years he became more and more piglike. He eventually started a gang of criminals, and together they ravaged the land.

Anonymous said...

Eventually he came to meet up again with his mother, and with Olopana now dead, she was engaged to the man she had loved: Olopana's younger brother. Kamapua'a appealed to them to accept him as their son. Seeing what he had become, they refused.

Kamapua'a's transformation was complete and he was now a demon.

One day Pele was walking along with one of her sisters, when Kamapua'a and his gang of demons accosted them. He saw Pele and immediately desired her. Somewhere in his heart he began thinking about love again, but he denied this and he came on to her, typically, vulgarly and with insults.

Pele was not amused. Also with her goddes-vision, she could see his ancestry and that he was indeed the Boar God and she taunted him, "You are a pig, and the son of a pig."

Kamapua'a became angry and he and his gang started chasing Pele and her sister. Pele taunted him and laughed as she ran, but his gang of demons was catching up.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, Pele's sister had A DETACHABLE VAGINA, which she removed and THREW FAR AWAY. Kamapua'a and his gang, unable to resist A FLYING VAGINA, chased it to the bay. It landed on the shore and created a huge crater, to this day called Kohelepelepe, or in English, VAGINA LIPS.

Anonymous said...

But Kamapua'a wasn't fooled for long, and eventually he came back for Pele and found her alone.

This time he appealed to her. "I love you. Please love me back?"

And again she scorned him. So Kamapua'a decided he would take her by force--he did not realize that he was dealing with Pele.

Again, Pele called her court.

(Some of you have seen that Hula that I performed last year, the one that made its embarrassing way around the internet on different stations. That Hula is about Kamapua'a's reaction as he witnesses the destruction of Pele's wrath; as he stands there basically going, "OH MY GOD, EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE, THE LAVA IS EVERYWHERE! BIRDS ARE CRYING AND EVERYONE IS DEAD, PUNA IS FINISHED AND THE CLIFFS THEMSELVES HAVE FALLEN! WTF!!!"

Yet even then he did not give up. (He was a demi-god, remember.) He called the rain to douse her fires. He had the power to turn lava into fertile land. Everything she destroyed, he remade.

As they fought, Pele found herself respecting his power. She found herself sort of even liking him. As the battle went on, she found herself sort of feeling a little hot for him.

Anonymous said...

They battled so long and so hard that the greater gods eventually had to step in, because their battle was destroying the earth and was reaching the heavens. The greater gods told them both to quit it, to just bang and get it the hell over with, which they did.

As Kamapua'a lay in Pele's arms afterwards, he felt love return to him, and he transformed back into his beautiful, handsome, intelligent former self.

Pele, however, misunderstood this. She had fallen in love with the beast, after all, and again she turned him away. She told him to go away from her, to go live in Kohala, where his power over the rain and the land would make Kohala fertile.

Kamapua'a was heartbroken again, but he had discovered the person he was supposed to be, and he retained his beauty and his intelligence.

Years later Pele gave birth to their child, and eventually she came to realize that he had not tried to trick her, that he had merely been transformed. She chanted across the lands to him, and here the legend branches off. In one, Kamapua'a had by then become the local god, and he had to rule his beloved Kohala, and he never went back to her. In the other version, he did go back to Pele and they stayed together for many years afterwards.

Anonymous said...

It's Me

toujours -- I have already said my byes to everyone, but maybe you could go back through the posts you have missed. I believe we have some things in common....

It is times like this that you realize what a small world we really do live in.

resurrected wreck said...





ergoproxy said...

ow amy!

My daughter chipped one of mine when she put her head up and hit the cup I was just about to drink from

and she gave me a black eye by throwing a little kids thick cardboard book at me saying "mummy catch", the day before my grandfathers funeral! Not a good look I can tell you!

resurrected wreck said...

Just how does one detach a vagina?

Anonymous said...

I kind of like both versions actually.

Kamapua'a also rules over the Hawai'i state fish, the humuhumunukunukuapua'a (pua'a means "pig,") and he also represents the pig in all of humanity, the sexual adventurer, the player, the social shapeshifter.

Anonymous said...

resurrected wreck said...

Just how does one detach a vagina?

Very carefully, and with goddess powers.

resurrected wreck said...

and she gave me a black eye by throwing a little kids thick cardboard book at me saying "mummy catch"


Er.. maybe I should laugh at that.

ergoproxy said...

a flying detachable vagina? The mind boggles with the possibilities!

Anonymous said...

I know, can you just imagine? YOu could take it out when you didn't want it around at certain times.

Then you'd misplace it and you'd be like, "Has anyone seen my vagina?" and "I could swear I left it by the sink."

resurrected wreck said...

Reminds me of a part in the new Michael Palin travel video I just bought, K. He's visiting a tribe in the Sahara and they have a creation legend where the first man mates with a goddess who had an ant hill for a vagina.

Just made me wonder who in their right mind would think to stick their bits in an ant hill, but there you go.

resurrected wreck said...

Then you'd misplace it and you'd be like, "Has anyone seen my vagina?"

LOLZ so hard!!

Anonymous said...

You could hand it to your husband and be like, "Here, have fun" and then you could go hang out with your friends, or soak in a bath or something.

resurrected wreck said...

Er.. maybe I should laugh at that

Um... I meant "shouldn't".

Anonymous said...

. He's visiting a tribe in the Sahara and they have a creation legend where the first man mates with a goddess who had an ant hill for a vagina.


Wait, wait. Are they sure they were ants?

ergoproxy said...

you could easily avoid vunches by leaving it in your bag if it appeared the situation may be heading that way

toujours said...

toujours, if we can find someone who we can feel emotionally and spiritually connected to, be it family, friend or love, then, we are truly blessed

maybe for you, your journey started here

anon 7:58, i agree with you, connections like that are a gift no matter where we find them. and i do feel like i am starting over, with nothing but bright hopes for my future. i do feel very blessed to be a part of this blog. in fact, it's what i ws thinking of today when i was writing my lj.

having this blog be a part of my life gives me the encouragement i need to go out and build a life for myself on my own terms.

it's corny maybe, but it's wholly true, as well.

it's me, i'm just now getting caught up. i have to say, it's good to know that other families are like that -- because i have always assumed that the failing was my own, that i'm too cold and unable to make the necessary connections.

i'd love to compare stories with you -- would you like to email me?

resurrected wreck said...

a flying detachable vagina? The mind boggles with the possibilities!

Can you imagine being hit in the face with something like that? What a social faux pas!

Anonymous said...

That's also true, Ergo! SOmeone would attempt a vunch and you'd be like, "HAHA! That's my lower intestine, fool!"

Oh, wait.

resurrected wreck said...

Either ants or termites, K.

Both sound kinda icky to me.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine being hit in the face with something like that?

Unless you did it on purpose! "Say that to me again and I will slap you with my vagina! See if I don't."

resurrected wreck said...


Anonymous said...

It's Me

I know, can you just imagine? YOu could take it out when you didn't want it around at certain times.

Then you'd misplace it and you'd be like, "Has anyone seen my vagina?" and "I could swear I left it by the sink."

June 14, 2008 11:29 PM would be like this...may I check my vagina in? I will back for it in a few days....maybe:)

resurrected wreck said...

I want to use that line on someone the next time they piss me off.

Anonymous said...

BWAHA! Yeah, you could check your vagina!

Also you know, if it were detachable then airport security would be all over it. You'd have to put it in a little plastic box to go through the x ray machine. It'd be the box box.


ergoproxy said...

makes a whole new thing from "ants in your pants"

You MUST watch this ad!

sdock10 said...


G'nite and sweet dreams!

Thanks, you guys, for always making me smile.

Amyranth said...


Just made me wonder who in their right mind would think to stick their bits in an ant hill, but there you go.

You clearly don't know what it is guys will stick their dicks into nowadays, do you?


Anonymous said...

Good night, Solly! Have good dreams. I hope they will be interesting. ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

Night, Solly! :)

Anonymous said...

ergoproxy said...

makes a whole new thing from "ants in your pants"

You MUST watch this ad!


I'm deeply disturbed.

resurrected wreck said...

You clearly don't know what it is guys will stick their dicks into nowadays, do you?

Unfortunately, I do.

I try not to think about it.

sdock10 said...


'Nite, dude. I hope your Saturday was a nice one.

Don't even ask me about the doors and the hallways and the falling off the face of the earth stuff that I was talking about earlier.

I barely even made it outside today and when I did, I went right into a movie theater and hid for 2 hours. HULK SMASH!

Good times!

I'll work on the other stuff tomorrow.


Love to YOU Always,

p.s. "Bruuuuuuuuce."

resurrected wreck said...

Detachable vaginas!

resurrected wreck said...


Anonymous said...

LMAO Solly.



Anonymous said...

Well played, RW!

resurrected wreck said...

Thank you, K :D

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