There was never more time
than when I was 23,
bold, brash and free.
I called out to any, to all…
you will never make me fall
as I pushed back
up from the pavement.
It is faster now, time.
Being no longer 23,
with a near carbon-copy me
I chase after and hold
for a moment, to keep
her from falling.
She will, I know.
Just as she tumbles head over heels in the grass, a summersault.
She will tumble a life.
Over and over, the days
I can salve and bandage her knee,
treat the sting of a bee,
turn her ear to my voice
singing on or off key.
She will stop crying,
only momentarily
before she will be
pushing off of 23.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
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«Oldest ‹Older 2201 – 2400 of 5001 Newer› Newest»Ugh, Elena fapping to Gerard with thoughts of his dead grandmother, and her hatred for LynZ, really killed this blog.
Good morning!
Had the best weekend, travelled to see my beautiful cousin marry her lovely fiancée. Flew down Thurs night met his family & friends who'd travelled from Cornwall on Friday for a lunch afternoon BBQ, then the wedding Saturday, weather was lovely, slightly overcast which kept it from being too hot, restaurant did a brilliant job on the reception, wine flowing and delicious food.
Bride and groom looked beautiful, Baby girl was flower girl and looked gorgeous. Then flew back yesterday afternoon. Phew it was a huge weekend but had such a great time.
Reports of the death of Mayonaise the blog have been greatly exaggerated
Reports of the cray-cray, however, have not. :D
When the cray-cray dies, the world dies with it. Fact.
If we weren't all crazy, we would go insane.
Jimmy Buffett
All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusions is called a philosopher.
Ambrose Bierce
Pinkamena Diane Pie
It's a TRAP!
Rainbow Dash
Nite Mayo
Hope you had a nice day.
Maybe one of these days Mayo will watch a movie with you Elena.
sweet dreams elena xx
I personally believe that is more possible than not, 11:40. Elena is an incredible and generous person. She does nothing but endear people to her, if they are lucky enough to know her truly.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend, Ergo! Reading about that, two people promising themselves to each other, so many people there to witness and share it. It brings nothing but smiles and hope! What a lovely way to spend a weekend!
Nightmare Moon, you came back. :) Thanks.
I personally believe that is more possible than not, 11:40. Elena is an incredible and generous person. She does nothing but endear people to her, if they are lucky enough to know her truly.
Unless they marry her favorite rock star. Or she just doesn't like them. But that doesn't count.
I can't wait for the day when Mayo does "Movie Nights" with Elena. LMAO
(bitter, bitter, bitter)
Congratulations Possum! I raised a glass in honour of your success:)
Sounds as if you had a wonderful weekend Ergo. Aww, bless little Baby Girl, bet she looked gorgeous:)
I'd like some advice if that's ok. Does anyone know of a cure for morning sickness? My sister's suffering badly, really badly. Doctor says if she doesn't improve in the next few days she'll have to be hospitalized and put on an intravenous drip. She's already had an anti sickness injection which hasn't worked. She panicked cos it was the same anti sickness drug that my other sister had when she was going through chemotherapy. She's worried there might be risks in taking any more.
Morning Sickness Helpful do's and don'ts.
Thanks for the warning! I could have gotten my tail stuck in a sticky situation there!
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no! Look out, Dashie!
I wants some! ;)
Okie dokie.
Pinkie Pie
and a refill
Good Morning
Welshie I honestly didn't suffer from morning sickness often but the few times I did it was wicked. For me the only thing I found that helped was drinking a Coke and having saltine crackers. It sounds strange but I think the syrup in the Coke helped to settle my stomach. That was really the only time I could drink Coke in the morning. I hope she finds something that will help.
Well another full day in store for me and I need to get moving.
Take care everyone and have a great day.
Ok, Nightmare Moon. Seriously, the slow build up in the movie theatre was some hella creepy creeps. The Free Love hints and totally unavoidable other things that dated this movie severely, this was probably was of the best B-Movies I've ever seen. That was some awesome right there! So thank you for searching that out and sharing it! Can I ask, did you think the would-be boyfriend just may have been the Dark Stranger? Even for a second? Only seemed fitting to me!
Hope you can share more soon!
Welshie, I don't know much about babies and such. But I do know that staying positive is one of the most important things. Stress is not good for pregnant women. I know it will be hard for her, but she needs to really force herself to try and be calm and as relaxed as possible. I'm sure that sounds a bit nutty, but you can force yourself to breathe slowly and think positively. And if it comes to her having to go into the hospital she needs to remember that this would be the best and safest place for her and her baby. I think most pregnant women at some point would feel better at the idea, don't you? Those are the people that best know what to do, how to keep them both safe and comfortable. And it could very well just be a precation. They do always jump to the furthest option, so as to help avoid it from coming to that. You guys need to remember that too. Just stay positive. Fingers crossed for them, Welshie. :)
Elena, I know she’s tried eating plain biscuits and crackers, didn’t help unfortunately. I’ll tell her about the coke but at the mo she can’t even keep a sip of water down.
10:16, Thank you kind anon for the advice. I think she’s quite prepared to go to hospital now. She’s had enough. I think what’s worrying her and her partner is the fact the doctors want to give her more anti sickness drugs. He’s adamant that she shouldn’t take any, but she’s so ill. She’s lost over a stone in weight in the last three weeks and her body aches all over. I feel so sorry for her. We’re trying to focus on the fact that this won’t last forever and hopefully, fingers crossed, she’ll have a beautiful bundle of joy at the end of it:)
I’ve bought her some anti sickness wristbands. They’re supposed to prevent nausea and vomiting by applying pressure to your Nei Kuan acupressure point. No harm in trying is there.
Hope everyone here is having a good day.
Ginger ale and saltines worked for me when I was pregnant, Welshie. I kept both near at all times. I found that the ginger ale worked best if it was room temperature and if I only took small sips at a time, sometimes with saltines, sometimes without (although I always nibbled on saltines before I got out of bed in the morning). The trick is to keep something on your stomach nearly all of the time.
Hope that helps. :)
Hello, Mayo!!!! Hello, everyone!!!! How are you all doing today? Did you all have a nice weekend? I hope you did!
I, thoroughly, enjoyed (and just loved) the P!ATD/Patrick Stump/Foxy Shazam (even though I misses FS due to my perpetual tardiness) show on Thursday night. I also enjoyed Grandparents' day, with my nephew, at his school ~ Friday; watching LSU's victory over Auburn on Saturday; and the Saints record breaking victory over the Colts yesterday!!!!
And, I just had to come in today and share this one with you all. It's so, so bad; it's great!!!!
~~William Shatner's cover of Bohemian Rhapsody!!!~~
^The OFFICIAL video
Holy Shh~Shatner is right! LOL!!!!
I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no babies, Miss Welshie. (said in best Gone With The Wind "Sissy" accent.) Sorry! But, as others have said; Salty crackers and cola do, usually, seem easier to keep down than other food stuffs when one is experiencing nausea.
That is all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! Stay safe out there!!!!
Hugs and Love,
PS: Sister Midnight!!!!! Did my eyes deceive me or was that you and Lewis too?!! Hi ya'll!
good morning!
Hi elena, wendy
Welshie, I haven't ever had morning sickness but I had friends swear by ginger, be it as ginger beer, ginger ale, ginger biscuits, just sipping and nibbling when she can.
Sincer she's losing weight etc it is probably best a hospiatl take over her care until it's settled, they have to remember anti-nausea drugs are well tested and have come a long way since their inception. Many women suffer like she does and the treatments are very effective and usually very short term, beginning with the lowest doses possible. Though there is always a small risk with anything that is outweighed by the risk to the baby of the mother being so ill she can't supply nutrition and is having her own body weakened by the constant nausea. I've had friends end up in hospital early on and all have healthy happy kids now.
I hope she is over it soon and back to enjoying her pregnancy.
Hmmm what did Elena do in the fic where she was pregnant with Gerard's Baby? Oh wait I remember, Gerard's dead grandmother told her she had to sacrifice herself to carry his child, right?
Elena!! Got my parcel just now, thank you so much for the candy, and the Star Wars quote pens are awesome!!!
Hello mayo and everyone. =)
Enjoy the movie. Good nightmares!
Nightmare Moon,
That is pure catchphrase genius! So perfect for Bloggervision. =)
Thank you for sharing "Knock". Where do you find such cool stuff like that?! =)
Aunty Welshie,
Congratulations to you all! Sorry your sister isn't doing so well at the moment, though. She sounds really bad. I hope she's been stabilised with her hydration problems by now? Poor, Love. =(
Nothing worked for me with morning sickness - other than my constant companions of a towel on the bus, or a bucket in the car. I was an awesome passenger to be sitting next to lol! But it did stop eventually. Hopefully it will stop for your sister soon too.
As for the rugby, cheers. I have to admit though, that we were outplayed by the French, and the Ref seemed to be blind to AB infringements. I gave up any hope of a good match after 20 minutes.
Welcome back to absent posters Amy, 616, Sister Midnight and Carrie. =)
And just for gossipy music sake, one of the K-pop bands I linked to here ages ago, Big Bang, won the MTV EMA Asia-Pacific Category and will be now competing in the new Worldwide Act Category in Belfast next month. With Korean, Chinese, Thai, Philippino, Japanese, and Indonesian fans behind them, these guys are looking likely contenders. =)
Hope you are all having a lovely day. =)
Bit early for a lovely day for the USA, but the Brits should be alright.
Goodnight, Ergo. =)
Hi PP, well done the All Blacks!, we did watch the game but I was a bit sleepy, they were very lucky to hold off France, by the skin of their teeth!
And well done Big bang, I don't remember them but it's always nice to hear of a success
Nightmare Moon,
That is pure catchphrase genius! So perfect for Bloggervision. =)
*blushes moonlight shades of raven red and crimson black*
Thank you, PP.
That was some awesome right there! So thank you for searching that out and sharing it! Can I ask, did you think the would-be boyfriend just may have been the Dark Stranger?
You're welcome!
You may ask and the answer is yes. I did and do think that he was the dark stranger. Why else would he have been drawn to that town? He even rose from the sea at the end.
An unexpected detour this morning took me down a road seldom used.
Sometimes in life detours, thought to slow us down, can give us a much needed reminder of the beauty all around us.
Is it Gerard's cock?
Good morning!
PP, forgot to say , I found the Knock through facebook.
Elena that is so beautiful, wish we got the colours like that over here
Wishful thinking, 5:02. ;)
Watch as four hapless women and a clueless man all fall under the spell of an evil doctor in an old sanatorium. Tonight's tale is one of blood, lust, bloodlust, whips, licks, bites and breasts. All things necessary in the search for
Good nightmares.
That Ariel! There's always one in the group who'll be complaining when she has nothing to complain about. ;)
I've just fallen in love with Ozzy on Survivor all over again. Wow.
But will he beat Christine?
Can't wait until next week.
A pissed off possessed cat, beautiful cinematography, an arousing atmosphere and the quiet but commanding charm of Vincent Price make this one of my top two favorites of the eight Roger Corman and Vincent Price Poe inspired collaborations.
There's no B is this one for me. It's grade A all the way! Too bad the grade A video uploads only go to part three.
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9 THE END?
The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? -
Premature Burial
Enjoy the movie! Good nightmares.
I was rooting for Christine on redemption island until now. Ozzy is such a fine specimen of manhood, bravery, loyalty and chivalry. I hope he whoops Christine's ass next week.
Nightmare Moon, it's hard to keep up with you! Tomb of Ligeia sounds very intriguing!
I hope I didn't insult your taste by referring to Messiah of Evil as a B Movie. It really was one of the best movies I've seen, but the surface facts of how dated it obviously looks and the slower pace probably push people away. It was really impressive, imo! They could have run with the gore and the sex (like current trends seem only to focus on) and they didn't. Instead it's more of a 'slow, think it out and be creeped by it all' process. Which really, making you imagine things more yourself is always more frightening and difficult to pull off. The vomit was pretty clever too, if that doesn't gag people for me to say! And, you have a good point about the rising out of the sea bit at the end. That was obvious in the flick, and I didn't grasp it. Haha!
It's very cool of you to take the time to share these fascinating cinema specimens with us, Nightmare Moon. Goodnigtmares to you too! :)
And good evening to the ladies, Mayo and anons as well! :D And Welshie, please keep us posted when you can on how your sister is doing. I forgot completely to mention that I have a cousin (whom I don't see often, unfortunately) that is constantly -and I do mean constantly- in and out of hosp every time she is expecting. Literally it seems being pregnant just hurts her. It always very scary at first, but in reality our bodies are capable of much more than our minds will accept and embrace easily. So don't feel your sister is alone in this. Sometimes it is just more difficult for some people than for others. But that doesn't mean this isn't meant to be for her. She just needs to stay strong, positive and do as the docs tell her. And I think the bracelets you found are certainly worth a shot! That was so good of you to search them out. I hope they do help her. Again, fingers crossed Welshie. Good night to you. :)
A huge thank you to everyone for thinking about my sister. She's been very poorly the last few days and has just been admitted to hospital. I think it’s the best thing for her right now.
I hope I didn't insult your taste by referring to Messiah of Evil as a B Movie.
You didn't insult my taste t'all. They've all been what's considered to be B movies and I've loved those B horror movies since my childhood. Dracula's Great Love is more of D movie for the dubbing alone. ;)
It's just that I could never bring myself to call The Tomb of Ligeia a B movie. It'll always be an A to me.
Welshie.. keeping your sister in my thoughts and prayers.
Nightmare Moon...I've taken your advice and ordered a copy of Messiah of Evil. Hope it arrives before Halloween. However another movie I ordered did arrive..."Suck" with Alice Cooper. Gonna watch it today.
Oh and here is something I wanted to share.... Very cool.
Have a great day everyone.
Love this one too...
Oh no, is it MOVIE NIGHT??
Not for you 2:02! You're grounded. You're going to miss all the sweet Halloween treats. You won't even get to wear your Sour Puss in Boots costume. Such a shame. It suits you purrfectly.
Yes indeed
It's the accent! No. It's the shoes. No No! it's the eyes. ;)
The horror tail to end all other horror tales. My own dark, frightful, nightfull history.
From this moment forth, the night will last forever!
In the end, even the darkest nightmares can be restored to dreams of moonlight! Right ponies? ;)
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
You are so clueless, you're color blind in the worst possible way 4:19. You don't even know your proper regional insults. If you're going to be a bigot, at least get the lingo right.
Elena is from the midwest. Midwesterners are not called rednecks. Try again.
For future reference
your bitter, sorry ass better credit me when you copy and paste my shitz 2.
I'm getting a little fuckin tired of being copied and ripped off!
Just remember, an original is always worth the most. No copy could ever compare. ;p
Hi there anon. You sound pissed off. Hey, I sympathise. Just found out they've left out my favourite galaxy truffle out of the new Celebrations chocolate boxes. Replaced it with a miniature Twix! Bastards!
good morning!
Hey elena, sounds like an interesting movie!
Welshie glad your sis is under hospital care, it's too risky to let it go on, I hope she recovers soon.
Hi anon who said hello
Horror buffs, you need to watch this one, it's got 10 parts on youtube, this is part 1
Dead of Night
It is my all time favourite
Love knows no age.
That is so true.
A few months ago I had the pleasure of attending the nuptials of an 85 year old man. He married a much younger woman. She was only 70.
I ran into them last week and they were both still glowing with love and gratitude.
Love for each other and all who celebrated their love with them and gratitude for finding that love and companionship so late in life and so early in eternity.
That, my friends, is what life is all about.
I think the term you're looking for regarding people in the Midwest is "white trash".
Not copy/paste anon, but once you put your "shiz" out there on the internet for free, it's pretty much anybody's to use as they see fit, unless you have a copyright.
You need to look into into copyright law anon.
If you create it, it's yours. If you can prove you created it and your creation is being used without your consent, you can file a lawsuit for copyright infringement.
I repeat, don't use my shitz, my creations, without my permission. Consider yourself warned.
Come up with your own fuckin' shitz you other talentless anons. :P
I think the term you're looking for regarding people in the Midwest is "white trash".
No. That's not an accurate, regional insult either. White trash covers any light skinned person of European decent anywhere in the world that someone of darker skin or a greatly exaggerated sense of class importance is trying to insult.
Try again.
That Dorothy was such a white trash ho! And Auntie Em. Yeah. We all heard about her. She's the reason the Scarecrow was scared out of his brain. She broke the Tinman's heart and she sucked all the courage out of that poor lion.
And don't even get me started on Toto. What a bitch she was!
And to top it all off, that old white trash ho was an addict!. She never met a poppy whose aroma she didn't want to inhale!
Seeds anyone?
Elena is from the midwest. Midwesterners are not called rednecks. Try again.
You're wrong there. I live in ME and we have rednecks here too. Redneck is a state of mind and a way of life.
"You are so clueless, you're color blind in the worst possible way 4:19."
LMAO at your fail. "Color blind" is a good thing to be, moron.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
A middle aged redneck can totally bag a rock star. That's because his dead grandmother said so, and his wife is a pig, whore, and bitch.
Credit to anonymous.
5:09 that's lovely, I hope they are very happy
Thanks Ergo. You're right, it was too risky to let things go on.
Thank you Mayo. I still ♥ this place. It's like the opium den of the new century! The gateway to a fantastical bridge that leads us to another world.
Mr. M'Naise,
You are a long, leisurely, scenic route to inspiration. I just felt that you should be told.
Thank you 5:49. Although you are forgetting a few things like the time I originally posted the LOVE.
I'm sure my lawyers won't have a problem finding that.
Nothing is really anonymous on the internet and my trail is clearly marked if not copyrighted clear enough for your shaded eyes.
Proper credit should go to
October 27, 2011 2:33 PM Anonymous
It was nice doing business with you. Thank you and good day.
Mayo, you'll have to delete all the comments again, because some anon is yelling copyright infringement!
Not in your case 5:47. Hence the in the worst way. Moron.
What? You only see in North and South? East and West? Poor little moronic thing.
Mayo has nothing to fear from me, 6:25. He can use the works I post here however he chooses. You can not.
Ridiculouser and ridiculouser!
To be absolutely clear about this
You may use my
however, wherever, whenever you choose.
Anyone and everyone else must ask for my personal, written, permission to ever use my
┈╰╯╰━╯┈┗╯┈╰━╯┈┈ in any way.
Clear enough?
That's what makes it such a hot mess 6:33!
"Thank you 5:49. Although you are forgetting a few things like the time I originally posted the LOVE.
I'm sure my lawyers won't have a problem finding that.
Nothing is really anonymous on the internet and my trail is clearly marked if not copyrighted clear enough for your shaded eyes."
You're a moron.
I think it's the same idiot who tried to say she coined the phrase "revisionist history".
Satanists, a werewolf, a mad woman, a very hungry vampire and two innocent students who run out of gas near an old castle. Tonight's creature feature is a French classic. La Noche de Walpurgis
Watch it with someone you hate.
Good nightmares.
Hiya guys, how are you all?
Thank you Elena sweetie for your lovely words about Dot.
Miss T, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so happy for you that you got to know such a wonderful person, even if it was for a short time. The service and gathering sound really lovely. It's very important for people to get to come together, share their memories and to positively remember their loved ones at this tome. I hope you are doing well, as and when you can. ♥
Goodnight everyone.
Thank you so much Lewis sweetie, beautiful words and I am very grateful. Long time no see, it's great to see your name here again. I hope you are well and happy. Don't be a stranger.
I just want to say that I don't feel attacked here, I feel very lucky on that score. I don't want to start any arguments. Please people don't feel lilke you have to fight over what happens to me.
Oh dear welshiesweetie, I'm so sorry for your sister, being sick is never fun. I hope she finds something that helps. But I have heard doctors say that orange juice is good for feeling sick and when I am sick my body craves it. I hope she's not in hospital too long.
I LOVE VINCENT PRICE! Thanks for the links Nightmare Moon presents sweetie, his voice is just chilling.
Welshie said...
Hi there anon. You sound pissed off. Hey, I sympathise. Just found out they've left out my favourite galaxy truffle out of the new Celebrations chocolate boxes. Replaced it with a miniature Twix! Bastards!
Bastards indeed Welshie. What is this world coming to when you can't enjoy a mini galaxy truffle.
Thanks for the link Ergo sweetie, Ealing studios, classic.
Have a great Halloween weekend everyone.
good morning!
Hi MissT, glad you liked it, I still get the creeps from that movie, they just can't do suspense and psychological fear like the old movies did
Tonight's presentation features one bad mother!
Goodnight and good nightmares.
LMFAO,people still post on this bitch
good morning!
The trusty scout is hired unseen on everyone’s recommendation that he can track, and even predict, with extraordinary accuracy. The General of the cavalry at Fort D.A. Russell goes out to meet him and finds him lying very still in the middle of faint wagon tracks with his ear to the ground. As they approach the scout slowly raises a hand and starts speaking, low and carefully, very quietly. “Four wagons. -- Two horses each. – Two men on each wagon. – Third wagon with a woman and child. – First wagon full of cantaloupes. Second, munitions. –Fourth, uniforms. --- Blue uniforms. “Holy cow”, says the general.” You can tell all that by just putting your ear to the ground!?” The scout continues weakly – barely audible – “ --- just ran over me”.
DO people actually spank one out to fics like Elena's? I mean aside from Elena.
people still post on this bitch
Yup. What's it to ya?
Did anybody see the vid of the little meerkats with their heads stuck in the pumpkins? CUTEST SHIT EVER. I'm totally putting one of those on my Xmas list this year! :)
Ӊ ᗋ₱₱ү Ӊ ᗋしし◎₩ЄЄท
The All Hallow's Eve monster movie marathon!
Today's 1st creature feature presentation is a classic British folk horror tale. Deformed skulls, claws, patchy fur, demonic possession, self mutilation, black arts, witchcraft and a bunch of really scary badass village children.
Babies all in a row like jars of apricot jam.
Our 2nd creature feature includes another really scary badass child, who doesn't play nice with others. It's the movie that gave playing doctor a sharp new meaning.
Take two pain killers and enjoy!
The 3rd offering in our monster movie marathon is a tale of anthropology, defrosting and trans siberian train travel.
This movie stars Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Telly Salalas, with a countess, a poodle, a monster and an army of zombies.
Bundle up, take your motion sickness pills, get comfy and enjoy!
OK, time to own up. I do not like Horror films. Not one bit. They kinda scare me so they do!! Still, it was very kind of you to leave your links Nightmare Moon. Tell me, are they really scary or what cos if they're not I might just take a peek:)
Bear in mind I live alone in an old cottage with creaking floorboards and dark and shadowy corners! I need to sleep tonight ok:/
Now this is the type of horror film I enjoy:)
Halloween isn't really big over here. Bonfire night is a much bigger event. Having said that I had a bunch of 5 yr olds in my kitchen earlier on scoffing my sweeties. I had the telly on the music channel, halloween rock chart or something, and on came MCR and that awful Nanananana song. Alfie the cutest little skeleton put his hands over his ears and started crying!! I gave him an extra lollipop:)
good morning!
Happy Halloween to my US pals
Hi welshie
ooh hello Ergo. Just missed you there. I got distracted. was there much trick or treating going on in Oz?
Let me tell you something, last few days I've been rearranging my bedroom furniture and the stupid thing is, I cannot for the life of me get off to sleep! See I've moved the bed to the opposite side of the room but somehow, I know this sounds daft right, but somehow I feel as if I'm sleeping upside down, and then I start to feel nauseous! I'm really annoyed cos my bedroom works much better the way things are now, but, flippin heck, I can't bloody sleep!
I bet you're laughing now, thinking I'm a bat or somefink:/
One, two, Freddy's coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door. Five, six, grab your crucifix. Seven, eight, gonna stay up late. Nine, ten, never sleep again.
oh no welshie, moving your bed is a really hard thing to adjust to, I even feel odd if we go away and I'm sleeping by a wall, or DH and I are on opposite sides of the bed to normal, just feels wrong.
There is some trick or treating over here, it's just getting started, more I think because shops are pushing it. It sort of depends on the area, how many families have kids in each street I think. I know a lot of people who have no interest at all. For me particularly we are rural so it doesn't happen at all.
I do know some areas sent out fliers saying if you wanted trick or treaters to leave an outside light on so they knew which houses welcomed visitors.
There is a big feeling that it's an American thing and not needed over here.
you trying to scare me anon?:/
Just been googling feng shui tips for the bedroom.
Ergo, the shops are full of halloween costumes and pumpkins etc, but very few kids take part here. Like I said earlier, a few of my friends kids came round trick or treating but that's all.
I'm really excited about bonfire night though. Remember remember the fifth of November. Fireworks, toffee apples, hot soup. Love it.
Hmm, apparently my bed's too close to the bedroom door. Shit.Bugger.Bollocks.Arse.
What to do? What to do?
Late last night and the night before,
Tommyknockers, Tommyknockers, knocking at the door.
feng Shui has cures like placing a little mirror on the floor by the bed facing the door, have a look into things like that if you'd like to try Feng Shui
Our 4th creature feature is a cinematic serialization of satanic rituals, black magic, the occult, evil, innocence, sacrifice, soul saving and restoration.
A nearly forgotten Christopher Lee / Hammer film classic from 1968.
Only they who love without desire shall have power granted them in their darkest hour.
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10 FINALE
Grab your pillows, chalk and candelabras. Find a comfy spot on the floor, draw a protective circle and settle in for another treat of terror!
Hope you had a very happy Halloween.
Our 5th and final All Hallow's Eve offering is based on my favorite short story from one of my favorite authors.
It's a tale of mirror images, madness, desolation, disease, decay, disrepair, death, destruction and ultimately freedom.
This is not the version with the master of horror, Vincent Price but it is an excellent TV adaptation from 1979.
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7 THE END of the line / THE FALL of THE HOUSE OF USHER
Happy Halloween and good nightmares!
Goodnight Nightmare Moon
Hope even though Halloween is over you continue to share your horror movie knowledge. I've enjoyed several of your suggestions.
So Tuesday, what you got for me? Please don't be Monday dressed as Tuesday! Thanks.
monday i have friday on my mind
Nightmare Moon, you better stop with the movie titles before Elena starts writing porn about her and Gerard having sex to those movies. We wouldn't want another "Movie Night" would we.
Monday morning feels so bad,
Ev'rybody seems to nag me
Coming tuesday I feel better,
Even my old man looks good,
Wednesday just don't go,
Thursday goes too slow,
I've got Friday on my mind
Written in graffiti on a bridge in a park
'Do you ever get the feeling that you're missing the mark?'
It's so cold, it's so cold
-not Mayo
-not SS
So on a concrete canvas under cover of dark
Concrete canvas I go making my mark
Armed with the spray can soul
I'll be armed with the spray can soul
good morning!
Hi elena
Hope Tuesday kept it's side of the bargain for you Welshie!
Hello Nightmare Moon.
Pinkie Pie! CUPCAKES!
Rainbow Dash
Hello Ergo, Elena, Wendy, Miss T, Welshie, PP, Anons, and everybody else!
AND HELLO, MAYO! Sorry I missed you but loved reading this entry!
Reminded me of seeing Mama Mia with my daughter and when Meryl Streep sang Slipping Through My Fingers. I actually shed a few tears. My baby just turned 20, yet it feels like just a few years ago she was just a little tadpole.
Slipping Through My Fingers
Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
I watch her go with a surge of that well known sadness and I have to sit down for a while
the feeling that I'm losing her forever and without really entering her world
I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter
that funny little girl
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
the feeling in it slipping through my fingers all the time
do I really see what's in her mind
each time I think I'm close to knowing she keeps on growing
slipping through my fingers all the time
Sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table
barely awake I let precious time go by then when she's gone, there's that odd melancholyc feeling and a sense of guilt I can't deny
what happened to the wonderful adventures
the places I had planned for us to go
well, some of that we did, but most we didn't
and why, I just don't know
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
the feeling in it slipping through my fingers all the time
do I really see what's in her mind
each time I think I'm close to knowing
she keeps on growing slipping through my fingers all the time
sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
and save it from the funny tricks of time(slipping through my fingers)
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
You shouldn't fap on Movie Night. Remote controls are hard to clean.
You know people don't bother to get up and go wash their hand(s) before they reach for the remote. ;)
At least repetitive anon takes holidays off.
We need more holidays!
good morning!
Well winter seems to have arrived. Chance of snow tonight. It was 65 today....yep that's Kansas.
Hope your day was good.
Take care
keep your electric eye
on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Good thing you had your fantasies of screwing Gerard's brains out to keep you warm, Elena.
Have you ever heard enough is enough, 11:21? I'll bet you have.
"Have you ever heard enough is enough, 11:21? I'll bet you have."
Has Elena? 127 chapters of her and Gerard having hot monkey sex, and that was just ONE story out of the what, ten of them that she wrote, all just as long?
Elena doesn't come here every day and post comments about her having hot monkey sex with Gerard Way. You're the one doing that. It sounds to me like you're jealous of Elena's fanfic fantasies in addition to being a bully.
"It sounds to me like you're jealous of Elena's fanfic fantasies in addition to being a bully."
I do sort of wish I had the kind of leisure time it would take to write hundreds and hundreds upon hundreds of chapters of really bad stuff. HOWEVER, if I did have that sort of time, I would not spend it writing that kind of drivel. I would do something productive with it, something more creative perhaps than writing stories about a rock star's dead grandmother trying to hook me up with said rock star.
BUT, I also find it endlessly amusing (if very sad) that someone actually did that.
Yet you spend hours and hours reading her stories. Why don't you leave your criticism and comments at the site where the stories are posted? Or e-mail her with your opinion?
The only reason you come here to voice your opinion is because you must believe it's Gerard reading your words. There's no one here who's left that cares about your childish comments. Certainly not Elena.
If you don't think this is Gerard or someone who knows him you should be leaving your comments on the fanfic site.
You will never admit it, but you know it's true. There is no other reason for you to keep coming here and going on and on and on about this.
It's become
Regular poster "I saw such an unusual bird today in the garden"
You "I bet there was a bird who looked like his grandmother flying around while you had monkey sex with Gerard"
Regular poster "I love the cold weather. It's great to curl up with a hot drink"
You "I bet you imagine you're curled up with Gerard licking his neck and having monkey sex"
I doubt Mayo could give two cents for your opinion. That is who you're writing all these opinions for, right?
Can't be for the regulars. Can't be you have nowhere else to leave your opinion.
Must be for who you think Mayo really is behind the screen.
Deny it if you want but you and everyone else here knows it's true.
Not the same anon, but who would spend hours and hours reading Elena's godawful fics? Jeez, it was bad enough just reading the excerpts that got posted here.
Yes, I did go to the fansite and read bits and pieces for the lols. At first, I didn't really think it was her. I thought someone was just trying to embarrass her with it. Turns out, not only was it her, but it was some of the worst tripe I've ever had the misfortune of reading. It also turns out that the bitch has no shame and, apparently, cannot be embarrassed (cuz if having to own up to that shiz don't embarrass you, nothing will).
I agree, btw, about wishing I had the kind of time it takes to write hundreds of chapters of mindless fic. I've been participating in NaNoWriMo (not fanfic) this month, and I've hardly had time to write two chapters. :(
Oh, and LOL! Nobody believes this Mayo fool is Gerard except for the people who continue to post here in blue every day for years.
good morning!
Wow elena, can't believe you are getting snow already and I was out yesterday buying some new sundresses
some of the worst tripe I've ever had the misfortune of reading.
I would rather read it than eat it. Seriously. Who eats tripe? It's stomach lining. Yuk!
If any of you do enjoy eating stomach lining this sounds like a good recipe. I think I'll try this with chicken.
Ingredients for 4 people, 6 as an entree.
1 kg tripe
2 cloves
A few whole peppercorns
1 walnut sized piece of butter
2 tablespoons of oil
1 carrot
1 onion
1 stick of celery
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons of chopped herbs, parsley, basil or marjoram
600ml tomato passata
Salt and pepper
Half cup of grated parmesan cheese
Cover the tripe in water and add the cloves and peppercorns. Simmer for a hour or so until the tripe is tender. Drain.
Meanwhile in another saucepan sauté the chopped vegetables and garlic in the butter and oil until the onion is translucent. Add the tomato passata and simmer for a few minutes. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.
Cut the tripe into 2cm strips and put into oven-proof dish. Cover with the herbs and tomato sauce.
Cover and bake in a slow oven for an hour and a half. Serve with noodles accompanied by the cheese in a separate bowl.
For a main course you could add a garden salad and some rustic Italian bread.
Wine Suggestion
This dish could be served with a Sangiovese red wine for a classic Italian wine food combination.
Use honeycomb beef tripe for this classic Italian dish. You should buy it cleaned and parboiled from the butcher.
Simmering the tripe again will ensure that it is tender before you bake it slowly in the tomato sauce to integrate the flavors.
I'd rather read shit that eat it too. Although I prefer not to do either.
Got any good shit recipes? :)
A glass of red. That's what's happening!
Rayguns should never be aimed anywhere near flesh/areas open to harm, unless that is the intention. They spark.
Got any good shit recipes? :)
As a matter of fact, I do! Shit makes great fertilizer. Makes things grow good, strong and pretty. :)
Manure Tea Recipe
Recipe 1:
Fill an old pillowcase or fabric sack with well-aged horse manure.
Place the sack in a large bucket or barrel of water for one to 21 days in a well-ventilated area.
Use 1/2 to 1 quart to water vegetable garden plants.
Recipe 2:
3-4 gallons of composted manure in cloth bag
Soak in a large garbage can or barrel of water
Stir regularly to aerate the mixture
Remove the bag of composted manure
Add to the solution1/2 cup of liquid dish soap
Add 1 quart of Epsom Salts
Apply 1 pint to small sized vegetable plants, and 2 pints to medium sized plants.
They spark.
Only when the flash is on.
"Yet you spend hours and hours reading her stories. "
No, dumbass. All it takes is a quick skim to get the gist of it. It's not hard to find those cringe-worthy lines, because every line Elena's ever put forth is embarrassing.
I'm sure you only did a quick read 11:27. I'm sure you only came across it completely by accident. I'm sure you just want to express your opinion about the writing itself and have no other motive for leaving so many comments here instead of at the fic site.
It doesn't matter how you try to justify what you are doing. It's obvious you did not just run across her writing. It's obvious why you are bringing it here to leave nasty comments about. You had the fanfic site, her blog and e-mail, yet you chose here to attack her.
Any other name you wish to call me in your forthcoming response? Dumbass is so last year.
Morning all:)
Anyone else wake up singing loudly? Yes? No? Today I woke up singing Total Eclipse of the Heart!!
Hello. =)
Happy Late Halloween everyone! Everyone have a good night? It was a bit of a strangely quiet one down here, this year. Only two groups knocked! What the heck?
How is your sister doing? Improving any?
And scary movies freak me out, too. Even in the most predictable moments, even if by some miracle it's been seen before, do you do the whole scream outloud thing and scare the nightlights out of everyone? The Sixth Sense. The tent?
*raises hand guiltily*
I found the Knock through facebook.
Ah. Everything seems to be on Facebook. =( And despite this I still resist opening an account!
This is Big Bang - they're up against Britney now, in the MTV EMA Worldwide Act category. K-pop is an acquired taste so I hope people at the ceremony will be nice to them. =(
Two of their members have been trained by their entertainment agency since they were 13. And they really do work them. It's frightening, really. They lived full-time in hostels away from their families. Ten years of slog to get to this stage.
And I wish they wouldn't autotune stuff. These guys can sing well without it. Kanye's fault. Sth K is a few years behind musically.
Sorry. Going on a bit as usual. In a music frame of mind this week!
Happy Friday, everyone!! =)
Lol, why so bovvered, 4:15?
The fics were posted here. Everyone who comes here got to read them. It's not like we had to go looking for them.
Btw, there's more than one anon commenting on the fics here. Badfic is considered a pretty bad no-no in the MCR fandom, and Lindsey hate is not tolerated.
Besides, it's so obvious that we're getting under your skin. You really are just too hard to resist.
Besides, it's so obvious that we're getting under your skin. You really are just too hard to resist
No. At least you are finally honest about why you are here.
Apparently hate and bullying and thinking you get under someone elses skin is what makes your day.
I'm so glad I'm not you anon.
I'm sure you're glad you're not me.
I wanted to know why you are doing this and now I know. No further explanation needed.
Firstly stop shouting you infant. Secondly Elena is not an actual character in any of those stories. Lynz is never mentioned either, the genius anons on here put that together. Why not just cut the Elena bashing and let it be? The level of bullying on this site is horrendous.
Elena's characters are Mary Sue's. They each share her age, and life circumstances, and her very obvious fantasies. Each of her characters are an author stand in therefore YES, they represent "Elena" with a simple name change. "Elena" isn't even her real name, so we know she's writing about herself here.
Secondly, changing Lyn-Z's name also doesn't mean that's not exactly who she was talking about. Look at the dates on those fics. Elena is pissed off as hell that Gerard is with another woman, and therefore that other woman must be a pig, a bitch, and a whore.
Not to mention the fact that "Elena" has taken on Gerard's dead grandmother's name here. I've always found that somewhat disturbing. It boggles the mind that you people just accept and even encourage her extremely UNHEALTHY fixation on an untouchable, married, and much younger man. Not to mention this thing she has about his Grandma. For fuck's sake, just because the man wrote a song about his grandmother, it doesn't make her public property.
Firstly stop shouting you infant
Lol. Obviously, this person has never heard of Chris Crocker. ;P
So Elena is a woman who killed her husband, a person who can talk to ghosts and a vampire? Ok then that's interesting.
You're wrong Elena is not pissed of that Gerard is with Lynz. Its the opposite in fact. I don't expect you to believe that and I don't care if you don't that's the truth I'm afraid.
No, I have heard of chris croaker he's a strange dude. If he is still a dude, I last heard he wanted to become a woman? Good luck to him.
So Elena is a woman who killed her husband, a person who can talk to ghosts and a vampire? Ok then that's interesting.
No, and in real life, she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of making Gerard "cum" either. That's why it's called a fantasy.
However it is a fantasy that she made public, and which involves her pathological fixation on Gerard, her resentment of his wife (really, "pig bitch and whore"? come on, those are disgusting things to call a woman just because she got the man you wanted) AND the creepiness she shows about his grandmother.
She put her fantasies out there for the world to read. SHe should have been ready for people to tell her for one thing, she can't write worth shit, and two, that her fixation is beyond creepy.
Hello Mayo!!!! Hello Mya, Possum, Elena, Ergo, Welshie, Ponies (and stallions ~ *winks at Mya*), everyone!!!!
How are you all? Well and good, I hope!
I did have a wonderful Halloween (VOODOO!!!!!) weekend, Possum! Thank you!!!! I hope you all had an equally wonderful one (minus the bruises due to been bitten ~ three times ~ at Voodoo ~ by a mere human!) Crazy arse people, I'm telling you! Me arm still hurts!
Anyway, here are some of videos from VOODOO... what you've all (I'm sure) been waiting for:
Okay, maybe that's not what some of you were waiting for; but, I WAS waiting for them!!!! I loves me some MASTODON!!! It was almost a spiritual experience watching them as the golden rays of sun rained down upon them. Like Vodoun/Voodoo, himself, was anointing them!
Here's something else I was, very much, waiting for:
~~Ivan Neville's DUMPSTAPHUNK with Walter "WOLFMAN" Washington!!!~~
It don't get much better than that!!!!
Oh, and how about a little:
~~SOUNDGARDEN plus a golden God/Pepper Keenan!!!!!~~
What else can I say other than <3 and LOVED IT!!!!!
I also <3 and loved:
~~My Chemical Romance NA NA NA~~
And, the Legends:
~~SOCIAL DISTORTION Story of My Life~~
Band of Horses was phenomenal; but, unfortunately, I lost my first memory card. OOOPS! And, come Sunday, I was cameraless (by choice).
Feel free to browse my channel, for additional video, at your own discretion!
Well, that is all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!! Stay safe out there!
I'm off to Baton Rouge tonight to do some GEAUX TIGERS rallying!!!!! Tomorrow's game may not be in "Death Valley"; but, that Tide is still TIGER BAIT!!! Hence the "crimson" color!
Take care, everyone!!!!
Hugs and Love,
Hiya guys, how are you all?
Nightmare Moon presents, thanks for all the links sweetie. I love horror films.
Don't worry Welshie the monster won't get you, I've put my cockatiel on guard, he's been nibbling on potato and got it all round his mush, he's sooooooooooo scary LOL.
I hope everyone had a great halloween. I have already managed to scoff all the leftover sweets. Gotta be done.
Welshie, me and my sis were talking about bonfire night earlier (the fireworks have started already). Do you know if we burn the guy to celebrate that the plot failed or to celebrate that he tried hahaha!
Have a great weekend guys, play nice.
A big wave and hug to everyone, just cos xx
Between Elena and OPJ, the obsessions with guys in this band on this particular blog... are really kind of scary.
I have to ask this. What is lacking in your life that you have to fixate on your fantasies about guys in a band?
What is lacking in your life, 6:02, that you feel the need to fixate on other people's 'supposed' fantasies? Did you know, there are other people who write fanfiction and chat on blogs? Where does your obssessive need to harass Elena about her admirations, opinions or pastimes come from? Are you unhappy in life? Do you have no partner to share your days with? Do you feel better about yourself tearing down other people for generally ordinary hobbies? Fanfiction is common in band fandoms. Talking on forums or blogs are also generally partaken in via fandoms. Elena has done nothing different. And as another anon said, she never posted her fiction here. Not for attention, not for people to read, not for anything. She simply didn't post a word of it here. Other, relentless, people did that.
The only conclusion to come too, is the one accidentally stated by, 7:59PM:
"Besides, it's so obvious that we're getting under your skin. You really are just too hard to resist."
Ask yourself the same question, what is lacking in your life that you feel the need to continue with this harassment still? Elena is a fan. Some fans write fanfiction. It's not as torrid or disrespectful as following a person to the unrelated websites they frequent and insulting them, their hobbies, their friends and even their family over such a long period of time that one has to wonder if all the people involved have anything more in their lives than this cruel behavior against another person.
Nightmare Moon, I apologize for not replying sooner to all of your awesome movie treats! I have been sick. :( It will take me a while to get through all of those, but I just wanted to say thank you for sharing them! I hope everyone had a wonderful Hallow's! (I'm planning on wearing my costume out tomorrow just because I didn't get to on the proper eve!) I am with you Welshie, some horror movies make me pee my pants. No denial there! But so far Nightmare's have been more mentally creepy than make you wee, haha. If that helps you venture on those links! ;)
I hope everyone is well and enjoying their coming weekend!
10:36, it's only wiser to keep the flash on at all times. An offending space creature or opposing clan member could be lurking at any turn. Best then, not to aim it at anything you don't want burned... Of course it all depends on what you're into. Good day!
rest your space-age clothes ohhh
Possum, she's not doing too good at the mo. Still in hospital. Doctors have prescribed various anti sickness drugs but they don't seem to work. We're just hoping that things will settle down in the next few days otherwise I'm not sure what the doctors will decide to do with her.
Oh PP you're a wimp when it comes to horror movies as well? I usually peek from behind a cushion. It's the creepy music that gets to me every bloody time. As soon as the music gets more intense you just know there's something horrendous about to happen. That's my cue; deep breath, stuff face into cushion.
Miss T you've put your cockatiel on guard? But I'm bloody petrified of birds Miss T. They're evil. Evil I tell you!
Guy Fawkes night is to celebrate the fact that King James I survived the attempt on his life, so therefore it’s a thanksgiving of the plot’s failure.
Just come back from a local firework display. It was brill. Going to another bigger event tomorrow night. Whoopee!
Anon 7:00. Aww you’ve been ill? Hope you’re better now petal. So you think I’ll be able to cope with Nightmare Moon’s links without losing control of all bodily functions? Hmm, I might just take a peek at them, but not tonight, it’s late here see.
I’m off to bed.
Nos da. Nighty night.
good afternoon!
hey welshie, wine sounds lovely *cheers* I watched a really good doco once on Guy Fawkes it was really interesting, they showed what would have happened if he'd succeeded as well as his story of the whole plot.
Hope your sis does get better soon or they find something to work, awful that some women have such a rotten time with something that should be a joy.
Hey MissT good ol potato mush cockatiel! Protector of the not brave lol
Big hug back to you too
Hiya PP, I wasn't going to do facebook but since getting it I have reconnected with so many friends I'd lost touch with around the country and overseas it's been great. It is amazing how you can slip so easily back into to friendship that faded just because of distance. There is a lot of crap on it, but I have learnt the art of blocking apps and such so you don't see who'd farm is doing what and other things you don't care about and keep track of weather updates, police updates and things that are important. it has come in very handy seeing as we are more isolated.
I'll have a look at that band tomorrow morning, I don't watch a lot of vids because on satellite it uses up download so fast and I have a peak time limit. Good that they're doing so well though, it's a very dedicated life in a lot of fields in the asian countries, it becomes your whole life from a young age.
Hi wendy, sounds like you had a great time, glad you enjoyed it
Nightmare Moon,I do love the Fall of the House of Usher, thought the older one is my favourite.
Writing porn about real people, calling their wives disgusting names, and invoking their dead relatives is ten times worse than anything said to Elena here.
99.9% of books on shelves are based on real people and real events. Fanfiction states clearly in it's tittle that any piece is about real subjects. If you don't like it, don't post it here.
No argument you can come up with will justify the treatment of Elena on this blog. You've already stated that you are doing this to hurt and aggrivate people. That's not calling for justice or respect for the subjects of fanfic, that is just pure and simple cruelty to Elena. Don't try to imply it is anything more.
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Okaaayyyyyyyyy............ Wow... Just popped in to say Hello and see what was up... All this talk about fanfic stuff and then the exagerrations... especially about the talking to vampires and ghostsesses... Damn! Almost sounds like my new favorite TV show, AMERICAN HORROR STORY! Maybe I oughta read some of this fanfic stuff!
Oh, and... HELLO!
Oops! That name is wrong! This one is right!
And that is pronounced "My Alias", but I prefer to be referred to Mya, and pronounced Mia. But most of you know my real name is Lisa
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