Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What would you have me say?

Ah, the extraordinary from which I glean substance.


In two months time, they had already taken half of your leg. And, your decision to give your eyes had been made, all the arrangements confirmed.

Your veins carried the bits and pieces of your death. Broken off from the center of your gut and pumped through your body by your two-timing heart. The debris collected in the narrows to strangle your extremities. Passageways filled and clogged. Backing up, they would finally find their way to your heart which, by that time, would be too exhausted to push any further.

You were one minute shivering with cold, the next ripping with heat. The cold hand towel placed on your forehead and the morphine on demand were your only physical relief. But the tricks that chemical played on your mind, bringing ghosts to your bedside, became your greatest emotional comfort. You claimed “She’s standing right there.” Obviously, no one else could see her she had been dead for ten years. But eavesdropping on your conversations provided insight into your fear.

"I just want to know why."

"I know, but I'm just not ready yet and I don’t want to be afraid."

"Because I don't want it to end."

While in reality, he stood tirelessly by your side. Always ready for whatever you needed, and there was never a hint of frustration, never a moment that could have been construed as forced. He was in no way put out as he took over some of the nurse’s duties relieving you of any more embarrassment. All for the things he already knew. It was his most selfless act, but at the same time provided him relief from deadful thoughts. Without question or consideration, he cared for you, cleaned you, changed your clothes, your catheter, the colostomy.

Because it was all he could do.

Along with that came the visitors, myself included, each lost in their attempts to find meaning in what seemed incomprehensible. They stumbled to find the right words to reply to your pleas of "I don't want to die." Wanting to ease your pain and take your mind off of death, they attempted small talk. When all you really wanted was someone to agree with you, take your hand and say "I know and I don't want you to die, either."

The swift destruction was overwhelming. All the poison they pumped into you, and the painful, awkward experimental treatments, failed. You had been through enough.

Then finally, “Let me bring her home.”

They delivered your hospital bed the day before you died. I know because I was there, for both. It remained by the large bedroom window, unmade and unused, for several weeks. It sat to reinforce the loss.

p.s. there is a time and a place for everything and that is neither.


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Anonymous said...

Hey you guys, take this test! I want to know which characters you all are.

Lucky me, I was Cloud!

You Scored as Cloud

You are Cloud Strife. You have a very hazy past that often shrouds the real you, but you don't let that stop you from being the best that you can be at everything you do. Usually the first thing people notice about you are your eyes, which doesn't matter to you 'cause you want people to notice you.

Which one are you? I'm the only one here that will get what the results mean, but hey. ^_^

ergoproxy said...

bear grylls is a bit of a hottie

Smoke said...

It wouldn't let me, Jules! :(

elena said...

I can't take the quiz

Anonymous said...

DAMN! My bad.


Smoke said...

You Scored as Yuffie

You are Yuffie Kisaragi. You love to sneak in the shadows and you find it's easier to just take what you want when you want it. You have a tough attitude and a tough ego, but your biggest weak point is your stomach when you're traveling.


sdock10 said...

You Scored as Aeris
You are Aeris Gainsborough. You know for a fact you are a one-of-a-kind person. You usually pray for the safety of those you care about, and you can sometimes hear a response. You have a knack for dating men who are the best in their military ranks and you absolutely love flowers.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Princess! I just about wanted to kill you at one point in the game, you little thieving beeotch! But then you really helped me out a lot at the end. :)

Solly, you made every single gamer in the world cry like a bitch.

elena said...

I scored as Cloud

ergoproxy said...

You Scored as Aeris

You are Aeris Gainsborough. You know for a fact you are a one-of-a-kind person. You usually pray for the safety of those you care about, and you can sometimes hear a response. You have a knack for dating men who are the best in their military ranks and you absolutely love flowers.

Smoke said...

Hahaha! I iz sneaky.

ergoproxy said...

hey *snap* sdock!

sdock10 said...


*high five*

We're gonna die and all but still....

Anonymous said...

Elena, you were Cloud too, huh? So was I. We were tortured through our formative years and now we are completely insane, and the fate of the entire world is in our unstable hands. But in the end we pull through!

Anonymous said...

Well, you guys die, but your ghost comes around to see how the rest of us are doing. Especially Elena and I. You kind of haunt us, actually.

Well, we did stand there like a loser while you got killed. And we've never stopped blaming ourself.

elena said...

I am completely insane. No doubt about that!

Smoke said...

I die, too? Well, that's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no Princess, you don't die!

But you do briefly get kidnapped and tied up by a huge fat pimp.

Smoke said...

Oh! Cool!


ergoproxy said...

oooh I get to be a ghost!


Smoke said...

What's it feel like to be a ghost?

sdock10 said...

Louder now, louder now!

Anonymous said...


elena said...

Louder now Louder now

Anonymous said...


sdock10 said...

I am gonna haunt the piss out of you motherfuckers!

Smoke said...


Smoke said...


LHM saw your bad word and he said he was gonna getchoo!

Anonymous said...

*waves to Mayo*

*says 'Wassup?' to SS*

sdock10 said...

Ooooh, I'm so scared, LHM!

Anonymous said...

On the upside, we are all really hot! Especially us Clouds. :)

ergoproxy said...

I have to go, xmas lunch to go to...yay!

see you all next time and I'll be back to haunt your asses later


Smoke said...


Nighty-night, Mayo! Hope you are doing okay tonight! See you tomorrow!


Miss you like whoah! ^_^

Later peeps!

Anonymous said...

Good night you guys!

Holy crap it is raining a bitch! Wow.

elena said...

Night Smoke

See ya later Ergo

I'm watching "The Bells of Saint Mary's"

sdock10 said...


I'm haunting you right now. You can't see me, but can you feel my presence? I'm all around, in blog speak, I mean. I'm so not a creepy ghost.

Truth be told, I would probably suck at being a ghost. Nah, I guess it all depends on what one thinks the job of a ghost really is. Would I want to be one of those "fuck you, I will make sure you never forget me" kind of ghosts or would I be the ghost that is constantly fucking with someone just for pure entertainment or would I be the kind of ghost that is hanging around and longing to be back in the land of the living again? One of those helpful, friendly kind of ghosts?

Ahhh, here's the thing, I guess it all depends on who I would be haunting. I'd like to think that I manage to haunt some people even though I'm very much alive.

I am still alive, aren't I? Please tell me this is not some Sixth Sense, M. Knight Shyamalan shit.

Wow, now, I just don't know.

I'm going to go move some shit around and see what happens.

How bout you, Mayo?

What kind of ghost would you be?

Love to YOU Always,

elena said...

Now I'm watching some movie on Lifetime. Not sure what's going on yet. These two met on the Internet but I'm betting one of them is gonna be a killer.

anima said...

Hi Elena!

Swooping in to say hi to everyone. I am supposed to be working.

How's the Lifetime movie progressing? And of course one of them will be a killer!

elena said...

Hey Anima

Well the woman is sending him porn now. This is a weird movie

Amyranth said...

Elena, what the flaming blue hell are you watching?

elena said...

It's called Fatal Desire

Anonymous said...

Elena, remember what we were talking about yesterday, technology that would visually represent what another person was thinking?


Oh, Anima, hey! :D So nice to read you!

anima said...

Hey Amy!

Elena, I'm not sure you should be watching this movie young lady!

anima said...

Kapunua!!!! Hi there. Good to see you too. I loved the fan art link of Elena. It suits her perfectly!

elena said...

K I really don't want anyone in my head. LOL

Anima I'm sure I shouldn't be watching this. She has a little daughter but she keeps running off to Atlantic city to meet this guy. That is when she's not sending him porn movies of herself.

elena said...

Oh holy crap now she just told him she preggers...

oh and she's married to someone else.

Amyranth said...

Hallo Anima!!

Elena, I think I agree. What would your mother think?

elena said...

Oh I bet I know where this is going....

She's gonna convience him to kill her husband.

Anonymous said...

*eats popcorn*

elena said...

Oh yeah she is totally playing this guy.

She's playing the "I'm damaged" card and he's buying it.

Now they just need to get rid of her husband who stands in the way of their happiness.

elena said...

Hi anon

Commercial break...

Anonymous said...

*drink refilled & peed*

elena said...

But wait...see he's a pit boss at a casino and he has this not as pretty friend who is gonna see this woman for what she really is...

Amyranth said...

*snacks on her poutine*

It sucks when TV becomes so predictable.

elena said...

Oh yeah...

She just told him that her husband beats her..

and the poor guy believes her

Amyranth said...

Elena, is that one of those true life stories?

elena said...

Yeah she just said it...

"I just wish he'd die."

Anonymous said...


elena said...

Don't know if this is a true story or not.

Oh now he just got an e-mail from the woman's husband telling him he knows about the affair and that she's preggers.

Amyranth said...

*sneaks some Anon popcorn*

Amyranth said...

So, I think the hubby is going to try to kill him first.


Anonymous said...

brought own popcorn


Boi she knows how to play that victim card. She has suffered in silence for so long. He & he alone can save her.

Somebody smack some sense into that boy before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

*shares popcorn*
*hides candy*

Anonymous said...

*shakes head*
He'll kill her instead.

Anonymous said...

doesn't want other anon's candy

has a big pickle with the popcorn ;)

elena said...

Oh I want milk duds

His real friend is trying to talk sense into him

Anonymous said...

*keeps popcorn away from pickle*
Maybe the husband will kill them both.

Anonymous said...

takes a bite of big pickle

what's the little boy at the airport got to do with it?

maybe he'll kill somebody

elena said...

Now she's telling him that her husband beat her up and she's sending pics. Oh poor Joe is going into a frenzy.

elena said...

Oh yeah he's going to "take care" of her husband.

Oh poor Joe...

She's telling him "don't talk to him, just do it."

Hey Joe, think that sounds a bit strange?

Anonymous said...

hey everyone

Amyranth said...

Poor Joe. Oh so average. Until now.

*sneaks someone's popcorn*

Anonymous said...

He writes her and says

I'm still and forever will be
your fool for life.


At least he admits he's a fool.

takes another bite of big pickle

elena said...

Joe just blew the husband away...

Hey BC

Anonymous said...

About Fatal Desire:
When a divorced ex-cop meets a sexy, young, married woman in an online chat room, they begin a torrid love affair. As his new girlfriend convinces him that she is trapped in a dangerous and physically abusive marriage, he goes to great lengths to protect her from her violent husband. After he commits murder, he is shocked to learn that the woman of his dreams is not at all who she seems to be.

Anonymous said...

she lied about being raped to get joe to kill her husband

somebody needs to kick her ass

takes last bite of pickle

poor poor joe

elena said...

Thanks anon

I was pretty sure that was where this whole movie was going.

anima said...

"poutine." Yum. I was just telling someone about this the other day.

So I started watching 'Fatal Desire'...thanks Elena!

I just switched to the Aileen Wuornos story. Fucked up shit. 'Monster' is coming on after wow.

I'm trying to occupy my mind...
Not to be a downer, but I have been following the Caylee Anthony case since the beginning (ask Elena, I enjoy solving crimes...or at least I try), and remains of a child were found this morning near their home. My heart is breaking. I knew she was gone; now it is fact. :(

Amyranth said...

Hey BC.

Want some popcorn?

Anonymous said...


You should have mentioned Eric Roberts was in it!

elena said...

Oh she is doing such a good job crying when the police tell her that her husband has been shot.

Wait she is overacting

Amyranth said...

Anima, TV is predictable, and the world is getting even more so.

A child goes missing, and Mom and Dad have no idea? It was one of them.

A woman goes missing and is found dead? It was her husband or her lover.

A child's parents murdered, and the child is gone? It was her, or her significant other that they weren't allowed to see.

Sadly enough, when it comes to crime, very little shocks me anymore.

anima said...

Hey BC!

Anon, I love pickles. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

needs more popcorn and another pickle

eric roberts is in it other anon. he's sexy.

hi bc amy and anima


joe shot himself!

elena said...

Oh poor Joe. He just got busted being passed out at a stoplight.

Yeah, he's falling apart.

Oh and his son is leaving him to go live with his mom.

Crap now all we need is to have his dog get run over. That would make it complete

Anonymous said...

thinks i'm ahead of elena in watching this movie

elena said...

What Joe shoots himself?

Crap anon you're ahead of me in the movie.

Anonymous said...

don't read the 11:55 comment elena.
you're not there yet.

Amyranth said...

*snags more popcorn*

But how's the dog?

anima said...

It's not that it shocks me. But it does make me want to investigate the psychological/physical aspects of those who commit these types of crimes...I do not understand it, therefore I am curious and want to find a reason. It's something I do...

I have my conclusions. Empathy (or lack there of) plays a huge role.

Anonymous said...

her excuse to the police after being busted lying.

online is a game. sometimes you say stuff.


it is based on a true story amy. her ass in jail now.

elena said...

Poor stupid Joe is finding out he got taken for a ride.

He goes to her house and she's with another guy

Don't worry about it Anon I was pretty sure there wasn't gonna be a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

sorry elena!

runs out of theatre with half of a big pickle

throws bag of popcorn to bc

Amyranth said...

Anima, lack of empathy, an a self-centered upbringing doesn't seem to help much either.

I think when a person doesn't get that their little world stops with them, and it's not everyone else's problem if they're not happy, or loved, or getting what they want... narcissism sets in and some people get angry enough to erase the problem completely.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I ran off to watch Family Guy and then I kinda fell asleep!

Anima, yeah it was pretty cute, right? I went fanart crazy tonight and just started right clicking everything I thought was cool. :D

Welp, I am so effing tired, so I'm off to bed.

Wow! I just got MAD excited about college all of a sudden. I saw all my books stacked up on my counter. Almost $700 worth of medical books. It gave me a tingle! ^_^

Good night!

elena said...

Yea the police have arrived.

She's going down.....(and not in the way Joe would have liked)

Amyranth said...

Yuk. Winter Storm watch for my city.

Elena, you still didn't say how the dog is.

anima said...

Upbringing has a lot to do with it. Life experiences do too.

I am very intrigued by the brain, specically the area that creates 'empathy.' Even with a defincency, it does not mean the person will commit a crime, but I find those who are lack empathy are more susceptible to hurting others.

elena said...

Oh I totally made up the dog part. I just thought it would add something to Joe's suffering.

Now another moive with the Little House on the Prarie chick.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the popcorn anon, amy :)

Hey there amy, elena, anima.

elena said...

anon you still there?

I could look but I just thought maybe you knew what I'm watching now.

Anonymous said...

Amyranth said...
Anima, lack of empathy, an a self-centered upbringing doesn't seem to help much either.

I think when a person doesn't get that their little world stops with them, and it's not everyone else's problem if they're not happy, or loved, or getting what they want... narcissism sets in and some people get angry enough to erase the problem completely.

December 12, 2008 12:02 AM

I think you hit one of the nails on the head.

anima said...

Elena, I saw that clip. Melissa something. Gilbert?

Btw, Little House on the Prarie, was one of my favorite shows growing up.

elena said...

Yeah it's Half Pint

I watched it too, Anima

I liked Nelly. She was so evil

anima said...

I always wanted to punch Nelly, but I still felt bad for her. Her mom was such a bitch.

elena said...

Oh yeah her mom was a bitch and her dad was a wimp

anima said...

What was Nelly's family name? I forget.

And because I don't want to seem like a total book dumbass, those episodes were based on Laura's books. :) Never read them, but I always knew this fact.

elena said...


anima said...

The dad was such a wimp.

The most devistating episode is when Willy's (is that right?) girlfriend (rather a girl he met that he fell in love with) was a victim of rape. I will never forget it. The barn, the doc. She was pregnant. :(

anima said...


Thank you. :)

elena said...

I can't figure out this movie. Two brothers, now a dead wife...

I think a dead wife. Yep, dead wife.

Amyranth said...

Alright, I'm going to snuggle into bed before the snowstorm.

Goodnight Lovelies and Mayo and SS!!

elena said...

Oh how about the episode where they had another baby, a boy but it died and Half Pint blamed herself because she had said she didn't want another baby.So then she ran away from home.

elena said...

Night Amy

It was nice watching a movie with you. LOL

Take care. Talk to you tomorrow.

anima said...

Milia is sitting on my lap. She hates it when I am on the computer. I should probably go. *just got stinky licks on the face.*

Elena, let us know what happens!

Happy dreams everyone!
Nite Mayo! Take care okay. ♥

elena said...

Give Milia a kiss for me.

Nice spending time with you Anima. Take care.

elena said...


Well some of us sat around here tonight and watched a movie together. It was kind of a strange way to watch a movie but the important part is we were together just chatting. You know I realized during the movie that I really wished you would pop in and watch it with us too. No, not because it was a good movie. (it wasn’t) but just because it would have been nice to have you around with us.

I don’t know why you aren’t interested in a fucking thing and I’m sure I never will know. But Mayo, if you ever just feel like being with people, you know where we are. We’ve been here for you for a long time. That hasn’t changed. Sometimes people just need to be with others just to feel human. I know that sounds weird because this is the Internet we’re talking about but think about it. Just because you can’t see the other people doesn’t mean their not there. They are there, we are here and you are…..? I dunno, Mayo. Just where are you? Is it a good place or a bad place? If you find you need to feel a part of something, here we are. And yeah, this is probably not making much sense cause I just took more cough medicine but Mayo, it’s said from my heart. Take care.

Night Mayo

Elena (You like popcorn?)

ergoproxy said...

wow I almost feel like I watched that whole movie!


Anonymous said...

Goodnight elena, hi there ergo.

Going back and forth here, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight amy and anima sweet dreams

ergoproxy said...

hi BC

wow, just found out a girl I taught died, brain aneurysm, only in her early 30's too, how sad
you just never know

elena said...

I'm still here kind of. Pretty loopy because of the cough medicine. How are you guys?

anima said...

Real quick...

Elena, I love your post. "I don’t know why you aren’t interested in a fucking thing and I’m sure I never will know." I feel the same way. I saw this update and it made me sad; makes me worry. I've been skipping over it all night.

♥ to all of you.

Take good care; you are all so important.

ergoproxy said...

hi anima!

hi elena :]

anima said...

Hi Ergo! ♥ you.

G'nite everyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that ergo :(

I hope you get better quickly elena

elena said...

Thanks Anima. We'll worry about him together, okay? Take care.

Ergo I'm sorry to hear your news. You are right you just never know.

ergoproxy said...

yeah I hadn't seen her since school but I remember her well
so sad for her family

but apart from that news, I had a very nice day, lunch was good and I am hearing whispers I may be offered a part time position next year

elena said...

Oh a part time job would be great, wouldn't it? But not full time cause it's already too hard to be on at the same time and I miss how much we used to get to talk.

ergoproxy said...

definitely, my blogging hours can't be too compromised
that is one of the factors I ma taking into strong consideration

ergoproxy said...

If you are planning on a sleepless night I'll be available late tonight (for me) hubby is home for dinner then going down to help cut up a friends steer, it's too hot to do it in the daytime

elena said...

Very true...Mayo time is important. LOL

ergoproxy said...

oh we have on a dvd of the ballet of Cinderella my dad designed and I said how some costumes were really pretty and my daughter said "yes, but they've only had Round 1 and Round 2 yet"
never knew Cinderella involved boxing!

ergoproxy said...

am I all alone?

elena said...

Night Ergo

Night again, Mayo

ergoproxy said...

oh it got quiet

are you feeling any better today elena?

ergoproxy said...

goodnight elena, sweet dreams

sdock10 said...

I watched these people fall
the dragon shrieks, and burns it all
I flip the circuits on,
I've got dragons of my own
The portal glows and my machine's destroyed

That is all.

Happy Finally Fucking Friday, Mayo, SS, BlogBelieve!

ergoproxy said...

continuing my suggestion from last night, try this snail games
you can also navigate the site for some very simplified snail info. However if you really want something fun to do try sling shot santa I DEFY you not to get hooked!! Anyway hoping you are feeling a little more positive about things today
wishing you a smile, maybe a giggle, pleasant thoughts and giving you a big virtual warm hug
much love EP xx

hope you had a great thursday, and that friday is going to be positive for you as well. Are you busily getting ready for christmas? Have you had time or are you going to be in a mad panic a few days before? I always try to be organised, but it always degenerates the closer the day gets. Luckily I don't stress too badly, until I have to brave the stores AAAAGH!!
sending you time management skills, perfect gift ideas, and awesome wrapping skillz
lotsa love EP xx

goodnight blogbelieve, see you in my morning

Smoke said...

The Lamb and the Dragon

My absolute favorite part, Solly!

Anonymous said...

No, I see. The monkey's out of the bottle now!

Anonymous said...

What? That's not even... a figure of speech.

Anonymous said...

Pandora can't go back into the box - he only comes out.

farawaysoclose said...

good morning mayo!

found any new interests lately?!

hey it's friday again! two weeks time now and it'll be Boxing Day already! my god!

have a great friday mayo! hope you are doing OK? you know we worry!

hey SS! hope you are doing great! whatever you are doing and wherever you are?! take it easy!

hello everyone!

night ergo!

morning sisters! thanks for the Ludo!

i have so many different favourite parts!

thanks to all involved for the movie watching convo last night, very funny!

right i am away this weekend so i'll catch you guys when i get back!

hope everyone has great weekends!

love to you all!

Anonymous said...

I thought hurricane season was over!

Anonymous said...

frank's new shoe for Macbeth

Anonymous said...

Lol. How many of you are going to run out and buy Frank's white shoes?

Oh, and Elena. Don't forget to buy an extra pair for TJ.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be better to just give money to cancer research? All of the money would go directly to the charity and you wouldn't have to be saddled with those ugly-ass shoes.

Anonymous said...

the dotted lines makes sense now

Anonymous said...

i like the shoes, they raise awareness which might prompt more people to make a donation.

Anonymous said...

I like the shoes. I think they represent Frank's style quite well and it's for a good cause.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, like Frank is the only person on the planet who knew about the Fuck Cancer thing.

There are tons of people behind the scenes, even low-level employees of record companies, distributors, etc. who know things months in advance.

People here are delusional.

Smoke said...

Morning Mayo! Morning SS! Morning errbody!

Hope you all are having a fantabulous Friday so far!

Anonymous said...

I used to think that way too but there have been too many coincidences now. The things that SS has hinted at or known in advance span not just MCR predictions but also s//c and Leathermouth. SS has said things here that have then later appeared on Frank's own bulletins on s//c and the MCR blogs, he has predicted things about Leathermouth, MCR and even LoveCat shows before they happened. The one thing they all have in common is Frank.

Anonymous said...

Then Frank is one fucked up motherfucker if he has to write secret blogs to get attention for himself.

Anonymous said...

No, Frank is just in love... with the OPs.

Fimble Star said...

they are not secret though, nothing is secret.

Good morning everyone, hope you are all well and happy.

*waves to semaj*

just for you sol.

Have fun everyone.

Anonymous said...

I know a secret.

Anonymous said...

secret blogs? his blog is no more secret than this blog. i don't think he looks for attention, he even comments as anon so he doesn't draw attention to himself. if he was looking for attention surely he would open his blog up for comments.

Anonymous said...

He does it for Mayo.

Anonymous said...

Lol. You people are so sad.

Anonymous said...

LOL frank is such a loser for actually having a blog wow. "fuck cancer" wow this loser needs a life. i'm telling everyone about frank's blog by the way.

Anonymous said...

this is frank iero's blog. tell everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hes not even trying to keep it secret, he says "FUCK CANCER" on his page and its been there for so long before it was announced that frank has a shoe called fuck cancer. like come on. shouldn't he be reported or something already

Anonymous said...

The shoe project was announced long before the blog said it. SS does better research than you.

elena said...

By the way....

Someone sounds like they could use a hug. Lots of negative energy coming off you anon. Maybe you should try to channel some of it for a good cause. You know, do something other than make fun of people?

Anonymous said...

so one minute you rip SS apart because you think he is just a lowly Warner employee, then when all the evidence points to SS being Frank, you still rip him apart for...well, I'm not actually sure why you are ripping him apart...for having a blog?

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to contact Warner Bros at the moment. I think this needs to be brought to their attention.

Anonymous said...

Is that you Mya?

Anonymous said...

Everybody who is comig in rite now this is franks blog.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The shoe project was announced long before the blog said it. SS does better research than you.

WRONG. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT. That was the old Macbeth Frank Iero signature shoe, the cancer one is brand new, check with Macbeth. It's just been unveiled and will be on sale Spring 2009. He must have only recently approved the prototype and agreed to sign the contract if it's not being produced and released for sale until next Spring

Anonymous said...

I know the difference between the old and new shoes. I also know when it was announced and saw the prototype. Other sites spoke of rumors a long time ago. Stop your tantrum and look around.

Smoke said...

Jesus. This is just stupid. The way I see it, SS is just SS. Why can't that just be enough? Leave him alone.

Hi Elena! Hi Fimmy!


I was thinking about James the other day. I wanna go back to Orlando speak with my Australian accent for you! ^_^

Anonymous said...

11:25, that's not how it works.

Anonymous said...

Smoke, other people see it differently. Why so bossy?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm trying to contact Warner Bros at the moment. I think this needs to be brought to their attention.

LOL! Are you 12? Like a giant record company would really care about an anonymous blog which mostly consists of links to some great bands and thoughtful words towards the bloggers here. It's hardly a scandal, there's no breach of contract involved. What do you expect them to do? Warner have a business to run, they don't have time to investigate anonymous blogs! I can imagine it now;

Lowly Warner Employee: 'Hello, Mr Iero, I'm sorry to bother you but rumor has it you are writing a blog under the pseudonym SS. Is there any truth to this rumor, sir?'

Frank: 'No.'

Lowly Warner Employee: 'Oh. OK then. I'm sorry to have troubled you sir.'

Frank: 'No worries. Have a great day.'

elena said...

Hi Smoke

Good to see you. Sorry but I'm kinda giggling about some of this shit.

"Hello Warner?...I've got big important earth-shattering news..."

Yeah, that would be a funny call.

Smoke said...

Oh, I ain't got bossy yet. Muwahaha.

No, it's just stupid. What has SS or Frank done to you? Nothing. Regardless of who SS is it just makes no sense to be picking on him or Frank like that. That's all.

Smoke said...

Damn! I just bit my tongue! Grrrr!!!

Stupid meffin' pretzels! >.<

Smoke said...

That would be a funny call, Elena!

Anonymous said...

Anon, why are you being a douche? SS, no matter who he is, has the right to his privacy and the right to just come here and talk to people. Why won't you let him have that?

You say you've been here for a while so you must know that we've had some drama here and it's never a pleasant thing. Why on earth would you come here just to bring more? Why would you go to a place for the sole purpose of bringing negativity? No matter who SS is, or who you believe him to be?

I mean, you have your anonymity and I guess that gives you a certain amount of cover to be the biggest tool you could be. But it's not like SS has done something nasty to you, right?

So, why would you do that?

Could you possibly answer that one question for me?

Anonymous said...

Anyways, good morning guys!

I was going to stay at home today and make some t shirts, because you know, I like to make t shirts for people, with designs on them that I think they might like etc. They make for nice "extras" at the holidays and all.

But now, my cousin SB is coming over on his way back from college, and then Mummy K and I are taking Granny K out holiday shopping.

And tomorrow I have a party to go to, yay! :D

How about you guys? Any plans for the weekend?

Smoke said...

Hi Jules!

Smoke said...

Is it snow and icy up there yet, Jules? O_O

I wanna go shopping with you and Mummy K! Can I?

Anonymous said...

There are groups of people with various connections who get together and share the info they know about the band on more than one site - zomgmcrrumors, for one. People there knew about the pink hair, the pregnancy, even Frank's grandmother's death long before it hit the news. Any one of these people or one of their friends could be SS.

elena said...

Hi K

Got no plans for this weekend. Probably should shop for Christmas but don't feel like it.

Anonymous said...

Lowly Warner Employee: 'Hello, Mr Iero, I'm sorry to bother you but rumor has it you are writing a blog under the pseudonym SS. Is there any truth to this rumor, sir?'

Frank: 'No.'

Lowly Warner Employee: 'Oh. OK then. I'm sorry to have troubled you sir.'

Frank: 'No worries. Have a great day.'

LOL! Then SS's profile would be updated with 'Interests... Anonymous tips'

Anonymous said...

No snow yet, Princess, unfortunately. It's a little chilly but not like it was two weeks ago. I wish we'd get some snow!

Elena, maybe you could just bundle up and go out and about anyway? you know what I call it? Going parading. I got that from Hard Day's Night when I was a kid. so when I feel blue and sometimes don't feel like doing anything, I make myself do something anyway, and I go out parading. :) Sometimes I buy myself a houseplant.

I'm a simple creature. ;D

Smoke said...

You guys have a great afternoon! I'll see you all a little later!

Smoke said...


Anonymous said...

Oooooh, could it be...

Smoke said...

Okay, really gone now! Byeee!

Anonymous said...

Oh, damn!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sunday I'll go see The Day The Earth Stood Still.

E, there's another suggestion for fun! just up and go to the movies. I like to go by myself. It's like having an intimate date with the movie. Just you, some smuggled in candy or ice cream, and the big screen.


Anonymous said...

There are groups of people with various connections who get together and share the info they know about the band on more than one site - zomgmcrrumors, for one. People there knew about the pink hair, the pregnancy, even Frank's grandmother's death long before it hit the news. Any one of these people or one of their friends could be SS.

Hmmm would they also know that SS had an interest in architects before Frank did? Or that SS had an interest in bowling alleys before the Love Cats show was announced. Or that Frank would do something off the wall at the Philly show. Or that SS knew Frank would be wearing a Transformers t-shirt. Or that SS knew exactly which bands would play at the Leathermouth show even though they were unsigned bands and were not listed anywhere (believe me we all looked). Or that Frank had been reading Gandhi's autobiography. Or that SS knew the day before that Frank would not be at the Aberdeen show in the UK. I don't care how hxc elite some fans think they are, there is no way they would have known that Frank had gone home until they saw Matt Cortez on stage in his place in Aberdeen. There is no way anyone but Frank could possibly know some of these things. You only have to read Frank's bulletins to see that he is SS. Or maybe you think Frank doesn't write those bulletins, maybe it's the hxc fans on zomgmcrrumors or the other elite locked communities.

elena said...

Maybe a movie isn't such a bad idea.

Might just pep me up some.

Anonymous said...

SS-obsessed anons, again I repeat my question:

Anon, why are you being a douche? SS, no matter who he is, has the right to his privacy and the right to just come here and talk to people. Why won't you let him have that?

You say you've been here for a while so you must know that we've had some drama here and it's never a pleasant thing. Why on earth would you come here just to bring more? Why would you go to a place for the sole purpose of bringing negativity? No matter who SS is, or who you believe him to be?

I mean, you have your anonymity and I guess that gives you a certain amount of cover to be the biggest tool you could be. But it's not like SS has done something nasty to you, right?

So, why would you do that?

Could you possibly answer that one question for me?

Anonymous said...

frank writes his blogs on the mcr website the way ss writes on his own blog. with the dotted lines after the title...

Anonymous said...

Elena, going to see a movie is such a terrific idea if I do say so myself. You just go there and get lost in it. Snuggle down into the seat with a big coat or sweater around you and let it take you away.

I'm picking TDTESS because I have a soft spot for Keanu Reeves. I know he sometimes falls flat, but once in a while he does manage to shine (I loved him as Neo,) and I hope that movie will be one of them. :)

Anonymous said...

Kapy you never answer the questions about what REALLY happen when you met Frank. Why should anyone answer your's.

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