Sunday, April 6, 2008

Subliminal Message.

Relative Aperture

A smashed glass cracked
in my last careless act
catching sight off guard.
Points sparkle a dappled dance
across the hardwood floor
spreading as the day grows
and peaking at midday
then rising full in the sky
for the time I hide away.

Until evening’s effulgence
slips through severed slats
catching sight by chance
announcing a worthy time
while bringing rust to rhyme.
From lyric baring branches
pick the last pack of matches
and set alight this balefire
for grieving my darkest desire.

(As we depart, we arrive.)

p.s. thoughtfully holding the line.


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Anonymous said...

Man, you all know what my problem with Gerard is: how he treats his audience, and that he took MSI on the road after years of preaching against degrading lyrics. Druggie or not, I have no say.

Hate Jimmy Urine though, and sorry, nothing's going to change that.

Smoke said...

God, I am so freakin' slow. I was like, wtf is she talking about?

Just shoot me now. Damn.

Anonymous said...

Solly FTW!

MissT, I had blue hair for a while, it was cool! ^_^

Smoke said...

Yeah, now I get to read 'cocksucker' every single time I make a comment.

Thanks, Solly!

gnothi seauton said...

I much prefer fresh water ~ funny that

Now why ever would that be?!

Anonymous said...

Hey, whats up Blogbelieve?

Anonymous said...

I also partied with MSI at their last CD release which was only a couple weeks ago

You mean a label actually took pity on them and is going to put out their shit?

sdock10 said...

What, Smoke?

Original Punk J said...

Hey, BC. Thank you, I'll be fine, just feeling a bit rough today. Hope everyone is doing ok.

Smoke, we don't have our S//C stuff yet, either. I did check the sight and it said the order was pending. We also saw that they now have regular cut t-shirts instead of the girl-cut, so we e-mailed to see if we could get them exchanged if the order hadn't shipped yet. We got an e-mail back that said all orders were listed as pending, and they needed the order number to see if it shipped. We sent it, but haven't heard back yet.


Anonymous said...

Hello anon. How are you?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon at 6:21 you must not have read to much about us over at Bn or over looked the fact that according to Bn we are an MCR hate group.

But good for you that you partied it up hard with a band you like. But don't cry when all that parting comes back to haunt you in the form of liver disease or HIV.

As for Gw go back and read older post and you will see what we think.

Smoke said...

I had pink hair one time by accident.

Then I dyed it dark brown to cover it up and it was black.

So I washed and washed until it turned gray.

Then my mama made me go to school like that. >_<

Princess was not pleased.

ergoproxy said...

I absolutely think that if you can't dye your hair there is no fun in having it!

I have been so many colours, it's cool as it either grows out or you recolour, so you can change, though my hair did start breaking once form over bleaching and perming, not a good feeling

sdock10 said...

Hi Anon,

I have a filthy mouth and am drawing pretend tattoos on myself and listening to cds.

What are you doing?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:30

Lol, it seems like it.

MissTottenham said...

lol - we don't get on,

I like how you laugh about it ergo. Made me chuckle.

K, I wanna do my hair blue. I've had it purple and pink but I think I should wait till I find a job cos it doesn't go well at interviews.

Solly, I hope you are not using permanent markers on yourself.

Smoke said...


Yeah, I'm sure they are just backed up because of Bamboozle. Bless their little hearts, they don't know how impatient I can be!


I'm just hoping my shirts fit!

Smoke said...


Draw the Rock of Love logo on yourself!


sdock10 said...


You know what? I didn't check. I think they might be....

Hmmm....Oh well..too late to worry about it now. I will just have to scrub extra hard.

gnothi seauton said...

Hello to all those who have arrived.

Smoke said...

Hey GS!

sdock10 said...

smoke&venom20 said...

Draw the Rock of Love logo on yourself!


Is that some sort of mocking tone you are taking with me?

MissTottenham said...

Hi L, how are you today?

LOL princess.

Smoke said...

I am about to pinch the head off of a little boy. >_<

ergoproxy said...

hello anon @ 6:30

Anonymous said...

Hi Ergoproxy, things are moving fast in here today!

Anonymous said...

I wanna draw on myself.

I'll paint a mural.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello l how are you?

Blogger gnothi seauton said...

Oh by the way Martha, John Barrowman is at the local sci-fi convention in May.


April 9, 2008 6:26 PM
You lucky duck

sdock10 said...


Let LHM come over and see me...I will draw pretend tattoos on him too!! He will think I am the coolest Auntie like evah!

*Solly can't make this shit up. This really is her life!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anon!


Smoke said...


Me? Mock you?

Umm, yeah. Kind of.


sdock10 said...


How are you?

Anonymous said...

Smoke? Are you playing with LHM in his fort?

I used to do that. Pretty sure all kids do, right? Times, how they change.

Original Punk J said...

Hi Miss T., fairly well, how are you?


sdock10 said...


Wanna borrow my markers...I only have brown, black, and green.

Do not ask why.....

You would never believe me anyways.

Smoke said...

You know he totally would. I'd be scrubbing him down 'til next week.


Anonymous said...

Sure, Sdock.

I'll draw a meffin' tree. >.<

You don't have a yellow or orange or sumthin'? Like, I need to draw a sun so the tree will grow, obvs.

elena said...

Hello Anon

How life?

Original Punk J said...

And hello, 6:30 anon.

Friend or Foe? :)

How are you?


sdock10 said...

My tattoos look all cool until they start to bleed a bit...dang magic markers!!

Smoke said...


He told me to get in so I told him he had to give me a hug. So we were kind of at a standoff. So I told him to do his homework. When went back and forth and well this is how it's going down....

Homework, me in the fort, then I get a hug.

It's all about compromise with this child. He learned from the best!

sdock10 said...


NOOOOO, I only have camo colors. We can totally color ourselves and disappear.

How meffin cool would that be? HUH????? I know...

Anonymous said...

haddup various homes: slices, boys, girls etc.

MissT, I've never had my hair pink, but green, blue and purple. Also tried very hard to have dreads for a few months and came kinda close, but it started to hurt too much.

Anonymous said...

Bah! Smoke, you're such an awesome mom. Tell him I'm hollering at him. ;)

sdock10 said...

Yeah, he learned it all from me, Mustard.

The best..

Anonymous said...

Life is good, my friends. I hope you are all happy and healthy also.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys would be stealth!

Anonymous said...

How meffin cool would that be? HUH????? I know...

Just so long as you know. :)

But, I could make like a tree and be all breezy and shit.

I could be like the ENT in LOTR! An ent! And I'd have a really deep voice.

gnothi seauton said...

You lucky duck

And to put the icing on the cake:

So is James Marsters!!

* hyperventilation is setting in *

MissTottenham said...

I'm good thanks L.

Heard you got a new steamy blog.

It's all about compromise with this child. He learned from the best!

You should be proud.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Anonymous! Always good to hear!

Smoke said...

Life is pretty damn good, right?

Yep. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it, anon! :)

sdock10 said...

Yeah, Mustard we are totally in stealth mode. What ya think? What should we do first? Wanna spy?


I think we're all pretty damn good here. Life is beautiful!!

But my mouth is filthy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he learned it all from me, Mustard.

The best..

I have a feeling these are only half truths.


Original Punk J said...

Ah, friend then, anon!
Glad to hear you are doing well.

Miss T. yes, we started a new one for the more "risque" poems, stories, etc. You can get to it from our profile.


Smoke said...


Your mouth needs washing out with soap.

Like twice.

elena said...


Life is good. You sound quite chipper!

sdock10 said...

Mustard, I swear every freakin time someone writes LOTR..I think LOTMS and I get the two confused and I couldn't remember that part at all...I was like huh?

Smoke said...

Oh my God, Solly.

My son just told me out of the blue now, that he wants tattoos across his knuckles.

He has no idea what we've been talking about. How weird is that?


Anonymous said...

Three times.

You know, once more for good measure.

With the antibacterial, high-priced junk, too.

Fimble Star said...

helloooooo everybody, how are you all.

i am sorry i disappeared before, my connextion went and then i was trying not to do my work.

anyone want to do it for me?

Anonymous said...

That's good to hear anon. I'm doing pretty great today.

ergoproxy said...

I'm great thanks anon, glad you are too

I had to take my daughter shopping once with milti marker coloured arms and legs.
One of those "yes.... she did it while I wasn't looking!" days, NEVER trust a quiet child!!

Anonymous said...

Hi fimmy

Anonymous said...

I think LOTMS and I get the two confused and I couldn't remember that part at all...I was like huh?

Oh, damn! I do it, too! I have a habit of writing "LOTMS," so I have to be conscious of what I'm writing or else, as you said, confusion would ensue.

Ray as a tree. Playing a guitar.


sdock10 said...


that does not surprise me at all. He's very intuitive. He's kin to me right?


Want to wash my mouth out?

MissTottenham said...

Cool L, I shall check it out.

Dunno if I'll be posting any steamy stuff myself. I'd die laughing trying to write it. I'm not good at that kind of thing.

Also tried very hard to have dreads for a few months and came kinda close, but it started to hurt too much.

Doesn't it smell a little too until the hair gets to the self cleaning stage or is that a myth?

ergoproxy said...

struth fimble!

I was wondering where you'd gotten to girl!

Smoke said...

I don't know how many times I read LOTR as LOTMS.

I've never watched LOTR so I was so confoooooozed.

It doesn't take much though.

Anonymous said...

Also tried very hard to have dreads for a few months and came kinda close, but it started to hurt too much.

Doesn't it smell a little too until the hair gets to the self cleaning stage or is that a myth?

Well I washed it every night, so it didn't. But maybe that's why it didn't lock so well? I dunno, it started to pull too much so I took them out. It was a long time ago.

Welp! Time to rinse! :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Blogger gnothi seauton said...

You lucky duck

And to put the icing on the cake:

So is James Marsters!!

* hyperventilation is setting in *

April 9, 2008 6:43 PM

My heart just skipped a beat. If they kiss you must take a picture of it.

elena said...

Hello again everyone. Eveytime I have to leave here some more people show up.


ergoproxy said...

that is "Multi marker coloured" not milti.

Anonymous said...

Bleeding Chaos said...

That's good to hear anon. I'm doing pretty great today.

Because you are writing porn about Gerard Way like a demented fan in heat?

Original Punk J said...

Miss T. This would be the place to practice. There are two posts up now.

Anon, you are welcome to contribute if you would like.


Smoke said...

I can't imagine not washing my hair. Like just no. I mean it's my hair. O_O

gnothi seauton said...

One of those "yes.... she did it while I wasn't looking!" days, NEVER trust a quiet child!!

Also, never trust a 3 year old to put her knickers back on when she's been to the toilet. That was a shock to the neighbours when she bent over.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello FS how are you?

Fimble Star said...

oh ergo, y7ou notcied. well, that means you love me. and that mean that you want to marry me ;)

i promise i will do the email for you, i was going to do it yesterday but you may have read about the crack whore prostitute who is a murderer. i will get onto it tho missy

solly, you need your mouth washiing out again? tuh tuh tuh, i am sure a certain ppu would help you out there

Original Punk J said...

Demented Fan in Heat...I like that. Good band name.


MissTottenham said...

Hello again Elena.

Hello again fimmy.

I'd love to do your homework fimmy. Oh look, is that the time? Must dash.

*looks away whistling*

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:51

It's not based on him, or anyone else. Dumbass.

resurrected wreck said...

*peeks in*

Hullo :)

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine not washing my hair. Like just no. I mean it's my hair. O_O

I wouldn't hear of it!

I mean, whatever will your tiara sit upon? *gasp* ;)

Me either. Every day, these locks get washed.

Fimble Star said...

i am very well thank you martha, how are you doing?

hey, i heard that peopel with dread locks, because they cant wash their hair, have really healthy hair.

is that true?

ergoproxy said...

John Barrowman AND James Masters!!


*fans self*

Oh my!!

reckon they'd kiss???

Anonymous said...

*set, right?

Set upon? I freakin' get those mixed up all the time. Lay and lie, too. >_<

Fimble Star said...

apologies for my spelling, my computer is breaking as i speak. it will not charge up and it is killing me.

sdock10 said...

Fimble Venoms Sock Star,

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi RW *squeeze* How are you today?

Anonymous said...

*hollers like the Princess*



gnothi seauton said...

My heart just skipped a beat. If they kiss you must take a picture of it.

Hell yes! I shall be your eyes and ears Martha.

Anonymous said...

FIMBLE! I almost missed you! Hey!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello RW how are you?

You should take another look at that picture from early. it has been improved.

MissTottenham said...

Also, never trust a 3 year old to put her knickers back on when she's been to the toilet. That was a shock to the neighbours when she bent over.


ergoproxy said...

crack whore prostitute who is a murderer

I did fim
Interesting world you life in!

We had a drug dealing bikie counterfeiter woman living up the road a few years ago, she wasn't very good at it though, got caught.

missT my daughter was a rudie nudie! She'd get her gear off in the blink of an eye,
I am really hoping she's grown out of it :)

Anonymous said...

RW! I almost missed you as well! Hello there!

Smoke said...


Watch and learn....



Where'd you go? ^_^

resurrected wreck said...

I think I could probably even manage to eat pizza while in the middle of childbirth.

This is the best thing I've read all day.

Fimble Star said...

omg slash, if you almost missed me then i am not succeeding in being an AG

*lies on the floor*

*bangs arms and legs*

look at me slash

fuck10 i ♥ you too

and keyboard is slowy leaving me. dont go keyboard, plasay

Anonymous said...


Okay, I'll give it a go.

*clears throat*

ANNNNNNOOOON *hack* *hackhack*

I can't do it. :(

Anonymous said...

Dudes, ask me what I'm listening to.

Go ahead and ask.

sdock10 said...

Well, we have 3rd graders who plotted to kill their teacher.

Georgia says...TOP THAT!!!

Smoke said...

Why do I feel like I'm on friggin' speed this afternoon. I'm like speed-reading and typing....


resurrected wreck said...

Hullo, everyone! :D

*tackles Fimmy*

Martha Smith-Jones said...

FS I am right now a Demented Fan in Heat at the though of john and James AKA Jack and John kissing.

Anonymous said...

Hey fimmy, what happened to that lady you were working with?

Fimble Star said...

lol ergo, you make me chuckle. did you get any good tips off her though? hahahaha

*runs and jumps on rw*

*licks rw eye*

sdock10 said...


Are you listening to Venom, Muse, or Taking Back Sunday?

I never would have guessed it.

MissTottenham said...

Hi RW, how's you's today?

I am really hoping she's grown out of it :)

For your sake, I hope so too ha ha ha!

Smoke said...

What you listening to, Mustard?

Original Punk J said...

And hello to anyone I missed.


Smoke said...


I listened to it like ten times today and I don't know why.

It was a Venom kind of day.

Anonymous said...

Nope, incorrect, Sdock.


Beat it, just beat it.

Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it.

*trys and fails at the moonwalk*

Anonymous said...

*squeezes RW while kicking Fim out of the way* :)

I forgot to say: Hi smokie

Original Punk J said...

We listened to Franz Fernanad and Placebo last night. Good stuff.


Fimble Star said...

martha,who they? jack and james?

bc, she is coming back oin tuesday and we will decide then. oh i saw amy asked as well.

we are going to talk to the detective on friday and then assess the situation. she is a good and hard worker but you have to think about the other employee's as well.

Smoke said...

Hey BC!

Beat It?

Beat it!

That dude was so badass back in the day. Why'd he have to go all crazy and stuff.

Anonymous said...

It was a Venom kind of day.

Every day is a Venom day. At least in my head.

Constant rotation.

Constant. Rotation.

Anonymous said...

Excuse my sudden departure, I was interrupted.

sdock10 said...

Uhhuh, but what were you listening to before......cuz I bet Beat it just came on and that's cheating.

gnothi seauton said...

Hi BC, Fim and RW.

Ergo - at least they can get away with it at those ages.

So what with Amy's stabber, Fim's murderer and Ergo's fraudster I have come to the conclusion I lead a very sheltered life

Fimble Star said...

game on

*runs over to bc*

*barges into her and knocks her on the floor*

*stands over her*

*places a wooden spoon in her mouth*

*runs off to rw to claim place back*

*sticks tongue out at bc*

Smoke said...

So what you doin', Anon? O_O

ergoproxy said...

hello RW and L

Rw you were sewing on the ballgown of doom today weren't you? still going well?

L how are you and J today?

resurrected wreck said...

Sorry, I'm kinda distracted. I've been trying to keep up with the conversation while at the same time read through all the comments I missed during the day.

Uh... it's not working.

So... did I miss anything earlier?

Anonymous said...

Trying to get some privacy!

resurrected wreck said...


*flails at FS*

Anonymous said...

You're excused! We didn't talk about you behind your back, promise. ;)

Um, before "Beat It" was "Liar."

sdock10 said...

Everyday is a Venom day...listening to Venom allows me to face others with a smile and a kind word.

The world breathes a huge sigh of relief and says Thank you for the Venom, for Sdock10.

WTF is up with me today? I sound like a crazy person.

Anonymous said...

Trying to get some privacy!

Oh, damn!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

GS naked children scare me.

resurrected wreck said...

Placebo rocks, L :) My friend and I met Brian Molko at PR last year.

elena said...

Hello again interrupted anon

Glad you made it back.

Fimble Star said...

gs, you wuld love to change life with me? come on down to crazy town then missy. get on a flight and i will see you in 9 hours.

anon, you were interrupted? well i wonder what you were doing to be interrupted ;)

sorry, solly and slash are starting to get a grasp of fimble venoms sock star.

sdock10 said...


Tell em to go away!!! That you are clipping your toenails.*

*Ask Mustard

Original Punk J said...

Hey, Ergo, doing alright. How are you?

Anon, J. on the couch says "Hi!"


Smoke said...

Snap. You must be in the same mood I was about twelve hours ago.

Kind of like this: >_<

Anonymous said...

Fimmy, I see. I wonder if they'll fire her...

*runs back up to push Fim out of the way, then pulls her hair* ^______^

*Sticks tongue out*

Anonymous said...

The world breathes a huge sigh of relief and says Thank you for the Venom, for Sdock10.

Like, a voice over from the heavens?

Bah! That'd be sweet as hell. Just to have this voice following you around all day, saying cool shit and whatnot.

Gotta be able to rent one of those somewhere, right?

Fimble Star said...

ghhhhhhh rw, yo saucy minx. have you a pic of your black lacy number?

resurrected wreck said...

Yep, EP, more BAllgown of Doomness was going on at work today. The dress is essentially finished. I just have to hand-sew all the floral trim on the skirt and collar. There's a lot, so it's taking a while. But that's okay. I love to hand-sew!

ergoproxy said...

hey again anon

GS we were amazed considering we are a very small rural area, but there is a big bikie gang about next town up and it was all through them. Actually we had dinner at a restaurant with the gang (not WITH them , they were there) the night before they had a big shootout on a bridge in mackay.

elena said...

Trying to get some privacy!

Okay then, shall we give you a minute?

Anonymous said...


Tell em to go away!!! That you are clipping your toenails.*

*Ask Mustard

Don't ask unless you want to commit your life to this event.

It will be totally worth your while though. Srsly. ;)

resurrected wreck said...

Not yet, Fimmy. Sorry!

gnothi seauton said...

GS naked children scare me.

You wouldn't have wanted to be in my shoes today at school. Suffice to say, it wasn't pretty.

Fimble Star said...

*runs to bc and sharpies her forehead*

*fimblelina woz ere*

runs off laughing*

ask rw what you should do

*looks at rw and see's she still has her mark of love*

Anonymous said...

Poor anon. Fimmy, why would you put a wooden spoon in my mouth? O_o

Lol *flings spoon at Fim*

Original Punk J said...

RW, yes, Placebo does rock. We saw them at PR and they were great. The first we heard of them was on the Velvet Goldmine Soundtrack.


Smoke said...

Placebo scared me just a little.

Just a smidge.

MissTottenham said...

GS naked children scare me.

You wouldn't have wanted to be in my shoes today at school. Suffice to say, it wasn't pretty.

I'm not even gonna ask.

Anonymous said...

*runs to bc and sharpies her forehead*

*fimblelina woz ere*


*Gasps* That's it missy! You are totally done for ^___^

*Grabs various sharpies and writes BC's bitch on Fim's bum*

Anonymous said...

Anyone else getting mental images of Anony running around trying to find an outlet in a bathroom stall?

It's way funny in the noodle.

Fimble Star said...

hey anon, if your not interrupted again, i have a question.

in the blog famouse condiment wars, who do you think is the best.

pickled relish
ketchup (red sauce)
steak sauce (brown sauce)

Smoke said...


Do you need a hairbrush to fling at someone? Cuz I got like tons. I'm sure I could find a really heavy one that one hurt bad.

Original Punk J said...

Scared you, Smoke?!


ergoproxy said...

it was in 1997 and the biggest thing to have happened here, honestly we are a very nice little coastal area

Smoke said...


Anonymous said...

Fimmy, I would go with mustard. Mustard is better. Ha ha.

Anonymous said...


resurrected wreck said...

ask rw what you should do

Just pretend it didn't happen, BC. If you acknowledge it, you'll only encourage her!

Smoke said...

Yeah, I had never heard them before and at PR when they sang the one about taking your meds...

I was like O_O.

ergoproxy said...

pickled relish
ketchup (red sauce)
steak sauce (brown sauce)

and worcestershire sauce!!!

resurrected wreck said...

Did you miss our toenail song, anon?

Fimble Star said...

oh damn i forgot hot sauce.

Original Punk J said...

Anyone else getting mental images of Anony running around trying to find an outlet in a bathroom stall?

That just seems wrong in so many ways, Mustard. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh hell.

You asked.

>.< Two seconds and I'll get your itinerary.

Anonymous said...

I think that sweet and spicy guy is best.

ergoproxy said...

oh anonymous you really don't want to go into toenails!

Fimble Star said...


did you know rw has a crop of severed toes? she will chase anyone with them.

rw, i have to protoct myself :)

resurrected wreck said...

RW, yes, Placebo does rock. We saw them at PR and they were great. The first we heard of them was on the Velvet Goldmine Soundtrack.


Original Punk J said...

Have you heard "Twentieth Century Boy" from the Velvet Goldmine CD. It's Placebo and not as scary!


Smoke said...

I just hate feet. They are yucky.

ergoproxy said...

lol anon so do we!

gnothi seauton said...

Fim - America sounds scary! I fly out for you though :)

Ergo - a shoot out?! Good grief.

Miss T - you really don't want to know.

resurrected wreck said...

How silly, FS! Everyone knows that crops of toes simply do not exist!

*hides her crop of toes*

Anonymous said...

Anonymous interruptus!

I hide in the bathroom at work when I'm posting to Mayo's. Try hiding in the bathroom, Anon. :)

MissTottenham said...

Hey, who was it that I came up with the sweet and spicy name for a certain anon?

My memmory isn't what it is in old age.

Smoke said...

No, I haven't, L.

I'll have to try them again. Maybe it's just that one song!

elena said...


Found that privacy yet?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else getting mental images of Anony running around trying to find an outlet in a bathroom stall?

Its all good now, I won't be disturbed here.

Fimble Star said...

ergo, thats what i was going to ask you.

have you heard of M@D lately?

ergoproxy said...

I like Placebo I have a great pic of Brian Molko as an B&W smoking angel, I use it as a phone pic sometimes (I change the pic to match my ringtones , which at present is Muse

Anonymous said...


Um, so, we kinda have this thing for you to do, but you don't know about it yet.

Well, the whole lighting thing at your humble abode was a problem, lots of hurt toes because of the darkness. So, needless to say, you inspired a BlogBelieve tour.


This all started with the song about toenails we wrote. So, combining that with our plan to embarass you in the best possible way, we'll be having you sing this song BlogBelieve-wide.

You'll be equipped with a guitar (easy portablity) in the shape of a nail file, okay? And our plan is to have stations set up offering pedicures.

You'll be doing them 'cause this is your baby now.

And our t-shits will say:

Toenails: Rocking Your Socks Off

We'll throw in a free one for you. It's the very least we can do.

So, you're game, right?

elena said...

Its all good now, I won't be disturbed here.

Oh Lord where are you?

Anonymous said...

RW, do those toes ever sprout flowers?

Okay, now honestly, I'm grossed out. I also hate feet and the word "toes" squicks me too. I mean I know that feet have their uses and stuff but just, eww. Hands are ever so much better.

I guess I'm a little bit extremityist.

Original Punk J said...

Its all good now, I won't be disturbed here.

So, where did you wind up at, anon?


Fimble Star said...

an see yu there rw, you cant fool me hehehehe

gs, arghhh you can come over, meet me and the sisters can cme down and we canhave a party on the beach.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Blogger gnothi seauton said...

GS naked children scare me.

You wouldn't have wanted to be in my shoes today at school. Suffice to say, it wasn't pretty.

April 9, 2008 7:09 PM


Smoke said...

Good Anon!

Anonymous said...

Sure, why not?

But Im not signing anything!

Original Punk J said...

Cool, Ergo. I have a double dragon pic on my phone.

Elena, yet again, we are in each others minds...


Anonymous said...

Its all good now, I won't be disturbed here.

Not even gonna ask.

MissTottenham said...

Anon, if you want privacy, you should close your eyes.

If you can't see anyone else, then they can't see you.

I'm sure that's how it works.

Maybe not.

ergoproxy said...

no I haven't fim, I've been meaning to message and ask how their tour has gone.
but I've been slack at myspace.

have you?

ok anon now I'm picturing you huddled in a stationery cupboard with a bare lightbulb

Fimble Star said...

slash, can i wear my t-sirt

fimble fucking star

Anonymous said...

And our t-shits will say....

Uhh, take note of this. You will not be wearing a t shirt. ^_^

resurrected wreck said...


Word of advice: don't ask about the merch.

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